Collaboritive Grid
Collaboritive Grid
Collaboritive Grid
By the end of this project, each student will have contributed a portion
(at least one square) to an enlarged, collaborative grid drawing
emphasizing the effective use of value.
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Guidelines
I can work productively and independently during the studio work time
on the value scale, and the value half portrait.
I can assess my completed work with the teacher to reflect upon what I
did well and how I might improve my work.
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Guidelines
Performance Task: The students will work as a class to contribute a square of the collaborative
grid drawing. They will use what they learned about value and collaborative grid drawing to
complete their square of the project.
Informal Assessments: After the student completes the project they will fill out a self-assessment
rubric and grade themselves based on how they think they did. They will also fill out a response
part reflecting on the project and if they successfully used the proper element intended in the
project (meeting the objective). They will then show us the rubric and their project and we will
have a conversation about if the graded they gave them selves and if we agree.
Action/Instructional Procedures
Anticipatory Set
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Guidelines
over all I think it came out pretty well for being a
collaborative grid drawing.
7. Learning objective: By the end of this project, each student
will have contributed a portion (at least two squares) to an
enlarged, collaborative grid drawing emphasizing the effective
use of value.
8. Real example of Diner:
9. Drawing example of diner
a. Heres another example of this project created by
students from WSHS, this gives you an good sense of
how big they are.
10. Up close Diner example.
a. Again you can get the over all sense of what the image is
and hw everyone addend in their own style.
11. Real Example School Boys:
12. Drawing example of school boys:
a. This is a good example of how important of how you
really need to try and accurately draw proportions
correctly and refer back to the main image to match
things up with in your own square, other then that you
can still get the overall idea and sense of what the image
is, and again it adds a cool style to the image with
everyones style added.
13. Example Bus
14. Drawing Bus:
a. Same points that Ive gone over, I think this one does
work pretty well though because a lot of the different
values throughout it is consistent. If everyone had just
aligned their drawings to the appropriate proportions
then it would have came together perfectly.
16 -22: Examples of pictures:
a. I think we can be really successful at creating our
collaborative grid drawings with these images because if
you think about it they are pretty similar to our portrait
images, these are just animals, and your only creating
one section.
I will bring the class around on table to discuss the steps when
starting their square.
They will flip over their big piece of paper and write their names
and the code that corresponds to the code on their little square.
They will divide their little square and big square into 4 sections
just by eyeballing it.
They can then start drawing out their big square, making sure
that everything lines up to how it does on their little square.
If they finish their first square they will be assigned another
Springfield College
Lesson Plan Guidelines
square that will be a lot easier.
Class Work:
Students at this time will be able to finish working on the last
project or start the new one we just went over.
I will be going around and assigning each student a specific
piece of the grid.
This process may take sometime but it needs to be done in an
organized fashion where I mark who has what piece.
The Lesson Plan
The Students