Dec K Newsletter
Dec K Newsletter
Dec K Newsletter
December will find us continuing our
literacy work in Unit 4 as we take a look
Around the Neighborhood. We are
learning what people use to do their jobs.
We will practice the high frequency words
to, and, go, you, do, & my. We will study
the letters and sounds for Dd and Hh in
initial and final position. We will also work
on i, n, o, k. We will practice how to write
the letters correctly using top-down
End of the Quarter Literacy Assessment will
be here before we know it. Take some time
to review letters and sounds with your child.
Practice high frequency words. Students
will be asked to read and write those high
frequency words.
We are continuing Unit 3 in Math. The
students will continue exploring number
partners and illustrating and writing number
sentences. We will be building teens with
a ten strip and more. Math talk is
becoming a more integral aspect of our
math lessons. Children need to listen so
they can understand each other, ask a
question, explain the concept themselves,
or help the explainer.
Library Time
Kindergartners are doing a fabulous job of
learning the library procedures! They have
been able to check out books from the
shelves using the check-out system Mrs.
Cassel, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Karas, and the
volunteers have been teaching them this
month. Your child will continue to be able to
check out books from the Kindergarten
bins on the other days. Thank you for
helping your child return their books and
their library cards on time. However do not
feel pressured to return a book everyday.
Keep the book long enough for your family
to read or even re-read and enjoy!
Winter Blues
Cold winter days can drag on forever Use
this time inside to try a new game with your
child. Kindergartners are at the perfect age
to begin to learn simple board games. Plus
many of these games reinforce skills used
in the classroom. Some of our favorites
include: Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, HiHo Cherry O, Yahtzee, UNO, and
Winter Wear
Please remember that we will try to go
outside on the days weather permits. Thank
you for sending appropriate coats, hats,
mittens, etc. all labeled with your childs
name. If your child is unable to zip
their coat independently, please
practice at home. We also appreciate
your patience as occasionally those
mittens, gloves and hats do get left behind.
Please check the lost and found near the
front entrance for any missing items. We
know snow will be here soon and we will be
going outside, however we always stay on
the hard surfaces, which means snow boots
are not necessary.
As you are working on your next family art
project help your child plan their
presentation to the class. Students are
expected to be able to present their family
art and explain who they worked with in
their family and what materials were used.
Focus on fine motor skills to complete
quality work. Remember it is not how fast
you complete the project rather the quality
time you spend to complete the project
together as a family. Make it unique and
special so your child has exciting things to
tell their class about. Your child is expected
to speak clearly, to enunciate their words,
to stand straight and tall, and make eye
contact with the audience. When they are
done they will say, Thank you. Help your
child practice holding their family art with
both hands just below their chin and
presenting it to you. It is their family art.
They are the expert.
Calendar Dates
December 1 PTO Meeting at 7:00
December 15 -- Early Dismissal for PLC
December 23 - January 4 -- Winter Break
January 5 - School Back in Session