Close Quarters Combat Techniques

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A large portion of combat in built-up areas takes place at very close
quarters, often between small groups of combatants within the confines
of a single room. Because of this, individual combat actions can flare
up quickly and be over in a matter of seconds. Success or failure is
open determined by life or death decisions made and actions taken
almost instinctively by individual soldiers and small teams as they
encounter differing complex situations in each new room. One of the
complexities often encountered particularly during OOTW, is the
intermixing of combatants with noncombatants in the same building,
often in the same rooms. Employing close quarters combat techniques
is open the most effective means of achieving victory w bile minimizing
friendly losses, avoiding unnecessary noncombatant casualties, and
conserving ammunition and demolitions for subsequent operations.
Close quarters combat techniques do not replace battle drills. They are
techniques to be used when the tactical situation calls for room-by-room
clearing of a relatively intact building in which enemy combatants and
noncombatants may be intermixed. These techniques involve increased risk in
order to clear a building methodically, rather than using overwhelming
firepower to neutralize all its inhabitants. Certain close quarters combat
techniques, such as methods of movement, firing stances, weapon positioning,
and reflexive shooting, are useful for all combat in confined areas. Other
techniques, such as entering a room without first neutralizing known enemy
occupants, are appropriate in only some tactical situations. Generally, if a
room or building is occupied by an alerted enemy force that is determined to
resist, and if most or all noncombatants are clear, overwhelming firepower
should be employed to avoid friendly casualties. In such a situation,
supporting fires, demolitions, and fragmentation grenades should be used to
neutralize a space before friendly troops enter. In some combat situations,
however, the use of heavy supporting fires and demolitions would cause
unacceptable collateral damage. In other situations, often during OOTW,
enemy combatants are so intermixed with noncombatants that US forces
cannot in good conscience use all their available supporting fires, and
room-by-room clearing may be necessary. At such times, close quarters
combat techniques are most appropriate.
As in all other military operations, battles that occur at close quarters, such as
within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. Units must


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train, practice, and rehearse close quarters combat techniques until each fire
team and squad operates smoothly as a team. Each member of the unit must
understand the principles of close quarters combat and the part his actions play
in their successful execution. The principles of close quarters combat are
surprise, speed, and controlled violent action.
a. Surprise is the key to a successful assault at close quarters. The fire team
or squad c1earing the room must achieve surprise, if only for seconds, by
deceiving, distracting, or startling the enemy. Sometimes stun or flash
grenades may be used to achieve surprise. These are more effective against a
nonalert, poorly trained enemy than against alert, well-trained soldiers.
b. Speed provides a measure of security to the clearing unit. Speed lets
soldiers use the first few vital seconds provided by surprise to their maximum
advantage. In close quarters combat, speed does not mean incautious haste. It
can best be described as carefull hurry.
c. Controlled violent action eliminates or neutralizes the enemy while
giving him the least chance of inflicting friendly casualties. Controlled violent
action is not limited to the application of firepower only. It also involves a
soldier mind-set of complete domination.
Each of the principles of close quarters combat has a synergistic relationship
to the others. Controlled violence coupled with speed increases surprise.
Hence, successful surprise allows increased speed.
The ten fundamentals of close quarters combat address actions soldiers take
while moving along confined corridors to the room to be cleared, while
preparing to enter the room, during room entry and target engagement, and
after contact. Team members must
a. Move tactically and silently while securing the corridors to the room to
be cleared. Carry only the minimum amount of equipment. Rucksacks and
loose items carried by soldiers tire them and slow their pace, and cause noise.
b. Arrive undetected at the entry to the room in the correct order of
entrance, prepared to enter on a single command.
c. Enter quickly and dominate the room. Move immediately to positions
that allow complete control of the room and provide unobstructed fields of
d. Eliminate all enemy within the room by the use of fast, accurate, and
discriminating fires.
e. Gain and maintain immediate control of the situation and all personnel
in the room.
f. Confirm whether enemy casualties are wounded or dead. Disarm and
segregate the wounded. Search all enemy casualties.
g. Immediately perform a cursory search of the room. Determine if a
detailed search is required.
h. Evacuate all wounded and any friendly dead.


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i. Mark the room as cleared, using a simple, clearly identifiable marking in

accordance with the unit SOP.
j. Maintain security at all times and be prepared to react to more enemy
contact at any moment. Do not neglect rear security.
The initial actions to clear a building are no different during close quarters
combat than during any other MOUT.
a. The unit isolates the building using direct or indirect fires before the
lead element moves to the breach point. The unit
(1) Covers mounted avenues of approach with anti armor weapons.
(2) Covers dismounted avenues of approach with automatic weapons.
b. The unit suppresses enemy fires and neutralizes suspected and likely
enemy positions as the breach and clearing teams move into position. The unit
obscures the movement of the breach and clearing teams to the building by
using smoke.
c. Breach and clearing teams secure a foothold in the building. Teams
move along covered and concealed routes and enter at the highest possible
level of the building. The unit shifts fires to other floors or buildings as the
clearing teams enter. If possible, clearing teams clear hallways and rooms
from the top of the building down.
Close quarters combat clearing techniques are designed to be executed by the
standard four-man fire team. Because of the confined spaces typical of
building- and room-clearing operations, units larger than squads quickly
become unwieldy. When shortages of personnel demand it, room-clearing
operations can be conducted by two- and three-man teams, but four-man teams
are optimum. Using fewer personnel greatly increases the combat strain and
the risks to the participants.
An integral part of close quarters combat is the ability to gain access quickly
to the room to be cleared. Breaching techniques vary widely based on the type
of construction encountered and the types of munitions available to the
breaching force. Techniques range from simple mechanical breaching to
complex, specialized demolitions.
a. A simple method of breaching is the shotgun ballistic breach for forced
entry of standard doors. A 12-gauge shotgun loaded with buckshot or slugs
can be used to breach most standard doors quickly. When done properly, the
shotgun breach requires only a few seconds. The two standard shotgun
breaching techniques are the doorknob breach and the hinge breach. When
attempting either technique, the gunner approaches the door from an angle,
avoiding standing in the area directly in front of the door. While holding the


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stock of the shotgun in the pocket of his shoulder, the gunner places the
muzzle tightly against the door, aiming down at a 45-degree angle.
(1) For the doorknob breach, the aim point is a spot halfway between the
doorknob and the frame, not at the doorknob itself. The gunner fires two
quick shots in the same location, ensuring that the second shot is aimed as
carefully as the first. Weak locks may fly apart with the first shot, but the
gunner should always fire twice. Some locks that appear to be blown apart
have parts still connected that will delay entry. If the lock is not defeated by
the second shot, the gunner repeats the procedure.
(2) The hinge breach technique is performed much the same as the
doorknob breach, except the gunner aims at the hinges. He fires three shots per
hingethe first at the middle, then at the top and bottom (Figure K-1). He
fires all shots from less than an inch away from the hinge. Because the hinges
are often hidden from view, the hinge breach is more difficult.

Regardless of which technique the gunner uses, immediately after he fires, he

kicks the door in or pulls it out. He then pulls the shotgun barrel sharply
upward and quickly turns away from the doorway to signal that the breach
point has been cleared. This rapid clearing of the doorway allows the
following man in the fire team a clear shot at any enemy who may be blocking
the immediate breach site.


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b. Demolitions are often needed to defeat more elaborate barriers or to

produce a desired effect to aid the initial entry. See Appendix L for a
discussion of expedient demolitions for breaching common urban barriers.
c. Mechanical breaching is not addressed here, but it is an assumed
capability within all units. Whether or not to take the time to defeat weak
barriers, such as doors or windows, by means of crowbars, saws,
sledgehammers, or axes is a decision that must be made based on the
conditions of METT-T. Mechanical breaching should always be planned as a
backup to a ballistic or explosive breach.
Clearing team members must approach the breach point quickly, quietly, and
in standard order. This approach preserves the element of surprise and allows
for quick entry and domination of the room.
a. The order of movement to the breach point is determined by the method
of breach and the intended actions at the breach point. The members of the fire
team are assigned numbers 1 through 4, with the team leader always
designated number 3. If one member of the clearing team is armed with the
SAW rather than an M16 rifle or carbine, he should be designated number 4.
(1) The order of movement for a shotgun breach has the shotgunner up
front, followed by the number 1 man, number 2 man, and then the number 3
man (team leader). After the door is breached, the shotgunner falls to the rear
of the lineup and acts as the number 4 man.
(2) The order of movement for a demolition breach is number 3 (team
leader), number 2, number 1, and then number 4. The team leader provides
security at the doorway. The number 2 man carries the demolition charge and
places it. Number 1 carries a fabricated blast shield. Number 4 provides rear
security. After the demolition charge is placed, number 2 falls in behind
number 1 (with the blast shield), and number 3 (team leader) falls in behind
number 2, re-forming the standard 1, 2, 3, 4 configuration.
(3) If neither a shotgun nor a demolitions breach is required, the order of
movement is the standard 1, 2, 3, 4 configuration.
b. The clearing team must always be alert. Team members provide security
at the breach point and to the rear, laterally down corridors, and upward if near
stairs or landings. The two basic techniques for moving down hallways are
shown in Figure K-2. Hallway intersections are dangerous areas and should be
approached cautiously as shown in Figures K-3 and K-4.
(1) The serpentine technique is used in narrow hallways. The number 1
man provides security to the front. His sector of fire includes any enemy
soldiers who appear at the far end of the hall or from any doorways near the
end. The number 2 and number 3 men cover the left and right sides of the
number 1 man. Their sectors of fire include any soldiers who appear suddenly
from nearby doorways on either side of the hall. They cover the number 1
mans flanks. The number 4 man, normally carrying the SAW, provides rear
protection against any enemy soldiers suddenly appearing behind the clearing


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(2) The rolling-T technique is used in wide hallways. The number 1 and
number 2 men move abreast, covering the opposite side of the hallway from
the one they are walking on. The number 3 man covers the far end of the
hallway from a position behind the number 1 and number 2 men, firing
between them. Once again, the number 4 man provides rear security.


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As in all combat situations, the clearing team must move tactically and safely.
Individuals who are part of a clearing team must move in a standard manner,
using practiced techniques known to all.


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a. When moving, team members hold their weapons with the muzzle
pointed in the direction of travel. They keep the butt of the rifle in the pocket
of their shoulder, with the muzzle slightly down to allow for unobstructed
vision. Soldiers keep both eyes open and swing the muzzle with their head so
that the rifle is always aimed where the soldier is looking.
b. Team members avoid flagging, or leading, with the weapon when
working around windows, doors, comers, or areas where obstacles must be
negotiated. Flagging the weapon gives advance warning to anyone looking in
the soldiers direction, making it easier for an enemy to grab the weapon.
Soldiers must keep their weapons under control at all times.
c. Team members should keep weapons safe (selector switch on SAFE and
index finger outside of trigger guard) until a hostile target is identified and
engaged. After a team member clears his sector of all targets, he returns his
weapon to the SAFE position.
d. If a soldier has a malfunction with his weapon during close quarters
combat, he should immediately drop to one knee and conduct immediate
action to reduce the malfunction. Once the weapon is operational, there is no
need to return to the standing position to engage targets unless the soldier must
move to another firing position. Valuable time is saved by resuming target
engagement from the kneeling position. When other members of the team see
a soldier drop to one knee, they know immediately that he has a malfunction
and that they should engage targets in his sector.
Actions outside the point of entry must be quick and well rehearsed. The
doorway or breach point is a dangerous position. The clearing team is focused
on entry and could be surprised by an enemy appearing unexpectedly in the
a. Clearing team members positions relative to the door are important as
are their weapons carry positions. Team members stand as close to the entry
point as possible, staying in a crouched position. They hold their weapons
either in the high-carry or the low-carry position. They ensure the muzzle is
not pointed at another team member.
b. All team members must signal one another that they are prepared before
the team enters the room. The last man taps or squeezes the arm of the man in
front of him, and each one passes this signal along. Team members avoid the
use of a verbal signal, which may alert the enemy and destroy the element of
c. All individual equipment that is carried must be selected carefully and
prepared properly to ensure that it is quiet and not cumbersome. Essential
items only should be carried during close quarters combat. Protective vests
and helmets should be worn by all team members. Additional protective
equipment, such as gloves, kneepads, or goggles, may be worn, depending on
the situation and the units level of training.


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The entire team should enter
the room as quickly and as
smoothly as possible and clear
the doorway immediately.
a. The door is the focal
point of anyone in the room. It
is known as the fatal funnel,
because it focuses attention at
the precise point where the
individual team members are
the most vulnerable. Moving
into the room quickly reduces
the chance that anyone will be
hit by enemy fire directed at
the doorway. The sequence of
movements described below is
shown in Figures K-5 through
b. On the signal to go, the
clearing team moves through
the door quickly and takes up
positions inside the room that
allow it to completely dominate
the room and eliminate the
threat. Team members stop
movement only after they have
cleared the door and reached
their designated point of
(1) The first man to enter
moves in as straight a line as
possible toward the comer for
which he is responsible. He
may then turn and move deep
into the far corner of the room.
The depth of his movement is
determined by the size of the
robin, any obstacles in the
room such as furniture, and by
the number and location of
enemy and noncombatants in
the room (Figure K-5).
(2) The second man enters
and moves toward the corner


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in the opposite direction, following the wall, but not directly against it (Figure


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(3) The number 3 man (team leader) buttonhooks inside the room at least
1 meter from the door, but between the number 1 man and the door (Figure

(4) The squad leader can either use the number 4 man (normally the SAW
gunner) as rear security at the breach site, or he can have him enter with the
remainder of the team. If he enters, the number 4 man moves in the direction
of the number 2 man and buttonhooks in the same way between the number 2
man and the door (Figure K-8).


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c. To make close quarters combat techniques work, each member of the

team must know his sector of fire and how his sector overlaps and links with
the sectors of the other team members. Team members do not move to the
point of domination and then engage their targets. They engage targets as they
move to their designated point. However, engagements must not slow
movement to their points of domination. Team members may shoot from as
short a range as 1 to 2 inches. They engage the most immediate enemy threats
first. Examples of immediate threats are enemy personnel who
Are armed and prepared to return fire immediately.
Block movement to the position of domination.
Are within arms reach of a clearing team member.
Are within 3 to 5 feet of the breach point.


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d. Each clearing team

member has a designated sector
of fire that is unique to him
initially but expands to overlap
sectors of the other team
(1) The number 1 and
number 2 men are initially
concerned with the area along
the wall on either side of the
door or entry point. This area is
in their path of movement, and it
is their primary sector of fire.
Their alternate sector of fire is
the wall that they are moving
toward, sweeping back to the far
(2) The number 3 and
number 4 men start at the center
of the wall opposite their point
of entry and sweep to the left if
moving toward the left, or to the
right if moving toward the right.
They stop short of their
respective team member (either
the number 1 man or the number
2 man).
e. While the team members
move toward their points of
domination, they engage all
targets in their sector. Team
members must exercise fire
control and discriminate
between hostile and non combatant occupants of the room.
Shooting is done without
stopping, using reflexive
shooting techniques. Because
the soldiers are moving and
shooting at the same time, they
must move using careful hurry.
They do not rush with total
disregard for any obstacles.
Figure K-9 shows all four team
members at their points of domination and their overlapping
sectors of fire.


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f. When full four-man

teams are not available for
room clearing, three-man
and two-man teams can be
used. Figures K-10 and
K-11 show the paths, points
of domination, and sectors
of fire for a three-man
clearing team. Figures K-12
and K-13 show the same
thing for a two-man team.


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During close quarters combat, there is little or no margin for error. Too slow a
shot at an enemy, too fast a shot at a noncombatant or inaccurate shots can all
be disastrous for the clearing team. Proper weapon carry technique, stance,
aiming, shot placement, and trigger manipulation constitute the act of reflexive
shooting. This method of shooting is the only way for the clearing team
members to consistently succeed without excessive casualties.
a. Weapon Ready Positions. The two weapon ready positions are low
ready and high ready.
(1) Low ready position. The butt of the weapon is placed firmly in the
pocket of the shoulder with the barrel pointed down at a 45-degree angle. This
is the safest carry position. It should be used by the clearing team while inside
the room, except when actually entering and clearing.
(2) High ready position. The butt of the weapon is held under the armpit,
with the barrel pointed slightly up, keeping the front sight assembly under the
line of sight but within the gunners peripheral vision. To engage a target, the
gunner pushes the weapon out as if to bayonet the target. When the weapon
leaves the armpit, he slides it up into the firing shoulder. This technique is best
suited for the lineup outside the door.

b. Stance. The feet are kept about shoulder-width apart. Toes are pointed
straight to the front (direction of movement). The firing side foot is slightly


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staggered to the rear of the non-firing side foot. Knees are slightly bent and the
upper body is leaned slightly forward. Shoulders are square and pulled back,
not rolled over or slouched. The head is up and both eyes are open. When
engaging targets, the gunner holds the weapon with the butt in the pocket of
his shoulder.
c. Aim. The four aiming techniques all have their place during combat in
built-up areas, but the aimed quick-kill technique is the one most often used in
close quarters combat.
(1) Slow aimed fire. This technique is the most accurate. It consists of
taking up a steady, properly aligned sight picture and squeezing off rounds. It
is normally used for engagements beyond 25 meters or when the need for
accuracy overrides speed.
(2) Rapid aimed fire. This technique features an imperfect sight picture in
which windage is critical but elevation is of lesser importance. When the front
sight post is in line with the target, the gunner squeezes the trigger. This
technique is used against targets out to 15 meters and is fairly accurate and
very fast.
(3) Aimed quick kill. This technique consists of using a good spot weld
and placing the front sight post flush on top of the rear peep sight. It is used
for very quick shots out to 12 meters. Windage is important, but elevation is
not critical with relation to the target. This technique is the fastest and most
accurate. With practice, soldiers can become deadly shots at close range.
(4) Instinctive fire. This technique is the least desirable. The gunner
focuses on the target and points the weapon in the targets general direction,
using muscle memory to compensate for lack of aim. This technique should be
used only in emergencies.
d. Shot Placement In close quarters combat, enemy soldiers must be
incapacitated immediately. Shots that merely wound or that are mortal but do
not incapacitate the target instantaneously are only slightly better than clean
misses. Members of clearing teams should concentrate on achieving solid,
well-placed head shots. This shot placement is difficult for some soldiers to
learn, having been taught previously to aim at center of mass.
(1) The only shot placement that guarantees immediate and total
incapacitation is one roughly centered in the face, below the middle of the
forehead, and above the upper lip. Shots to the side of the head above the
horizontal line passing through the ear opening to just below the crown of the
skull and from the cheekbones rearward to the occipital lobe are also effective.
With practice, accurate shot placement can be achieved. (See Figure K-16 for
proper shot placement.)
(2) Shots to the spinal column below the jaw and above the sternum can
neutralize a target immediately. However, the spinal column is a narrow target
and misses by only a few centimeters may cause no immediate reaction or a
delayed reaction in the target. Even though severely wounded, the enemy
soldier may be able to return effective fire.
(3) Shots to the center of the chest that enter the lung/heart region are
normally fatal but may take several seconds to incapacitate the target. During
this time, the opponent may be able to return effective fire. This region of the


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body may also be shielded by military equipment or protective vests that can
often deflect or absorb rounds and prevent immediate incapacitation.


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(4) Shots to the abdomen or lower extremities are rarely effective in

rendering an opponent immediately incapable of returning fire, even if they
are ultimately fatal.
e. Trigger Manipulation. Rapid, aimed, semiautomatic fire is the most
effective method of engaging targets during close quarters combat. As each
round is fired from the aimed quick-kill position, the weapons recoil makes
the front sight post move in a small natural arc. The gunner should not fight
this recoil. He should let the weapon make the arc and immediately bring the
front sight post back onto the target and take another shot. This two-shot
combination is known as a double tap. Soldiers must practice the double tap
until it becomes instinctive. Clearing team members continue to fire double
taps until the target goes down. If there are multiple targets, team members
double tap each one and then return to reengage any enemy left standing or
who are still trying to resist.
(1) Controlled three-round bursts fired from the M16A2 rifle are better
than fully automatic fire, but they are only slightly faster and not as accurate or
effective as rapid, aimed semiautomatic fire.
(2) Fully automatic fire with the M16A2 rifle or carbine is rarely effective
and may lead to unnecessary noncombatant casualties. Not only is fully
automatic fire inaccurate and difficult to control, but it also rapidly empties
ammunition magazines. A clearing team member who has expended his
ammunition while inside a room with an armed, uninjured enemy soldier will
become a casualty unless his fellow team members can quickly intervene.
Target discrimination is the act of quickly distinguishing between combatant
and noncombatant personnel and engaging only the combatants. US forces
engage in close quarters combat in order to apply discriminating combat
power and limit unnecessary casualties among noncombatants. Therefore,
target discrimination is vital in close quarters combat. If there is no need for
selective engagements, that is, only combatants attempting to resist are
present, a much less discriminating use of firepower is possible. However,
even if an area is known to be free of noncombatants, other soldiers moving
through the area may be mistaken as enemy and engaged unless clearing team
members are disciplined and well-trained in fire control and target
discrimination. Even with well-trained, disciplined soldiers, close quarters
combat can result in unintentional casualties among noncombatants.
Commanders must recognize this and take steps to relieve the stress it causes
Close quarters combat is extremely dangerous, and even training for it can be
hazardous. Only well-trained, disciplined soldiers will be able to execute these
techniques successfully. In training and in combat, safety and force protection
are vital command considerations.


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a. Leaders at all levels must enforce safe handling of weapons and

demolitions. The concern that individual soldiers not be injured in accidents is
essential to mission accomplishment. Unintentional and unsafe weapons fire
or detonation of explosives or munitions can jeopardize the mission of the
clearing team and subsequently the entire unit.
b. Soldiers engaged in close quarters combat should wear all of their
protective equipment.
(1) Soft body armor, such as the standard Army-issue Kevlar vest, is
effective in preventing death or serious injury from high-velocity fragments
that strike the torso area. Although the Kevlar protective vest is effective,
flexible, and relatively comfortable, it is not designed to stop bullets. As a
rule, soft body armor will stop some low-power handgun rounds but not rifle
or carbine ammunition.
(2) Some versions of hard body armor will stop almost any round fired at
it. They tend to be heavy and stiff but have been proven effective during close
quarters combat. If a commander knows his unit will be conducting lengthy
close quarters combat, he should request a special issue of threat level III
protective equipment. This equipment is excellent, but soldiers must train and
rehearse wearing it before they enter combat. All close quarters combat is
tiring, and soldiers wearing threat level III vests will tire or overheat more
(3) The standard Army Kevlar helmet and ballistic protective eyeglasses
have also been proven to significantly reduce casualties during close quarters
combat. Histoically, eye injuries caused by small metal fragments or pieces of
stone or concrete have been a large percentage of casualties during combat in
built-up areas.
(4) Hard plastic knee and elbow protectors are available upon special
request. They are useful, especially during prolonged search and clear
operations. They prevent injury from rubble and broken glass when kneeling
or prone.
c. Detailed knowledge of weapons and munitions effects is important to
the safety of members of the clearing team, as well as to mission
accomplishment. Most interior walls of buildings do not stop rifle fire.
Fragments from grenades often penetrate interior walls. Standard home
furnishings or office furniture offer little protection from high-velocity rounds.
Excessive amounts of demolitions used to breach a wall may knock it down
instead, perhaps even bring the roof of the building down also.
Mission accomplishment is the most important criterion of night operations,
not the use of special equipment. All the specialized night vision equipment in
the US armory cannot replace a trained, skilled soldier intent on mission
accomplishment. Even in todays era of high technology, no failsafe system
exists that allows an individual soldier to effectively identify and engage
targets in total darkness. The commander must carefully consider the situation


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and the equipment available to him before he decides whether to use visible,
invisible, or no artificial light during close quarters combat.
a. Equipment. Some specialized night vision equipment is available to the
soldier now; other equipment will be available in the future.
(1) AN/PAQ-4 aiming light. This device projects a pulsing dot of IR light
along the weapons line of sight. The dot is invisible to the naked eye, but it
can be seen by personnel wearing night vision goggles. Gunners with weapons
equipped with the AN/PAQ-4 aiming light simply place the projected spot on
the target and fire.
(2) AN/PVS-5 and AN/PVS-7 night vision goggles. These goggles are
lightweight, battery-powered passive devices worn on the head. Each has an
IR-emitting light source for close-up illumination.
(3) Tactical lights. These devices are small, lightweight, battery-powered
white lights that can be attached to weapons. The light is activated by either a
pressure switch or an on/off switch. An IR filter can be attached to most
tactical lights to provide covert illumination. The most common example of a
tactical light is sold under the name Maglite. This light can be attached to
weapons using hose clamps or heavy tape. They must be checked periodically,
because they can loosen and shift.
(4) Red dot sights. These devices are lightweight, battery-powered optical
sights attached to the top of the weapon. A red dot in the sight aligns the
weapon and the target. These sights are for use in low light levels, not total
darkness. They do not assist in identifying targets.
(5) Active laser devices. These devices are lightweight, battery-powered,
visible light-emitting sights. The device projects a red dot onto the target that
corresponds to the point of bullet impact. These devices are not effective in
(6) Various thermal weapons sights. In the near future, thermal weapons
sights will be available to detect targets in total darkness.
b. Use of White Light. Although not covert, white light has several
The equipment is readily available and reliable.
No additional training is required.
It offers the fastest means of identifying targets and searching a room.
It allows color vision.
The main disadvantage is that an active light source can compromise a
clearing teams position inside a room or building. Another disadvantage is
that a light may be activated too soon and alert the enemy to the clearing
teams presence.


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