Components of An Ecosystem-Lesson 2
Components of An Ecosystem-Lesson 2
Components of An Ecosystem-Lesson 2
MST Standard 4: Students Bell ringer and link to ecology: what Students will evaluate what factors Discussion
will understand and apply are the different components of our may be present in our school yard
scientific concepts, principles school yard? Whole class generated ecosystem
and theories pertaining to the list. Prompt students to think about
physical setting and living what underlying commonalities
environment these items have.
Power point presentation and guided Students will identify abiotic and Thumbs up/thumbs down
notes handout on the components of biotic factors within an ecosystem. activity
an ecosystem
Students will be able to analyze the Group work- list, sort , label
differences between abiotic and biotic activity
Essential Question(s): How important are the relationships and interactions in your life?
Imagine life in a bubble, what would you need to sustain life?
Bell Ringer and Bell Ringer (on board): What components make up the school yard?
Prior Knowledge Create a list of the different components of the school yard. Allow
Tap – this can be students to respond by recording their answer in their notebooks. Select
together or students to share their answers with class. The teacher will record the
separate student’s responses on the board. Once the list is generated ask the
students to think about what similarities/differences exist between the
items generated. We will return to the list at the end of the class period.
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Following the pre-test and bell ringer discussion:
Using the attached powerpoint presentation and guided notes handout the
teacher will give a lesson on the components of ecosystems. (Research
based instructional strategy- summarizing and note-taking)
*Accommodations 3. The teacher will use the powerpoint presentation to guide students
for learning through the different components of an ecosystem (abiotic and
modalities are biotic factors).
4. The students will record notes on the guided notes handout.
B. Ask students what they think the items on the board may have
in common and if they were to categorize these items how
would they differentiate? Select a student to answer, if the
desired outcome is not identified see if anyone else in the class
can come up with the desired response. (Desired response:
These items can be categorized as either abiotic or biotic
C. The teacher will then hand out exit slips to the students and
give the following directions: “on the exit slip identify the
items written on the board as either biotic or abiotic factors of
our school yard. The teacher will have two students repeat the
directions to check for procedural understanding.
Directions: Have two students repeat the directions for group work activity
(list, sort , label)
Checks for Thumbs up, thumbs down activity: Students will accurately identify a
understanding – given examples as either abiotic or biotic factors (formative assessment –
directions, check for understanding)
routines, and List, Sort, Label- students work corporately to distinguish the components
content of a fish tank as either abiotic or biotic factors (formative assessment-
(formative) check for understanding)
Teacher will make notes in his/her journal identifying how the lesson
went. For example, difficulties observed, areas for improvement, problems
that arose (formative assessment)
Lesson Questions:
What are the components of an ecosystem?
Lesson Objectives:
• Minerals in soil
• Oak tree
• Mushrooms
• Ground water
• Squirrel
• Mountain lion
Pre-test: Components of an ecosystem
What is predation?
List, Sort, Label –Abiotic and Biotic factors of a Freshwater pond
Water Fish
Temperature insects
pH of water algae
rocks bacteria
Name_________________ Date__________
Directions: Identify the items written on the board as either biotic or abiotic factors of our school