Design Cathodic Protection
Design Cathodic Protection
Design Cathodic Protection
From Estimated Exposed Surface Area
Estimating current requirements from expected exposed surface is always subject to
error. There are many factors, which affect the results.
In the end, the expected current requirement depends on calculating the area of
exposed metal in contact with the electrolyte and multiplying it by the best estimate
of current density for the conditions present.
There is an alternate approach for coated electrically isolated structures (pipes, underground storage tanks, etc.) where there is data available on existing cathodic protection
The approach requires reliable local data on:
Expected leakage conductance (Siemens/unit area) in 1000 ohm cm. soil for a class
of coating (epoxy, polyethylene tape, etc.) and type of service (transmission pipeline,
gas distribution, fuel tank).
Example 5.1
A gas utility is planning to install 3049 meters (10,000 feet) of 5.1 cm (2 inch) coated
steel distribution mains in a new development. The average soil resistivity in the area
is 5,000 ohm cm. The corrosion engineer wishes to estimate the approximate current
required to cathodically protect the pipes.
Experience in the utility has developed the following data on cathodic protection
current requirements:
Average leakage conductance G for distribution type service is 2.14 103 S/m2 in
1000 ohm cm soil.
Average potential shift measured to remote earth to achieve protection is 0.250
Total surface area of the proposed pipe.
As = d L = (5.1 3.1416/100) 3049 = 488 sq. meters
Estimated leakage conductance of new pipe in 1000 ohm cm soil.
g = G A = 2.14 103 488 = 1.04 Siemens
Since resistance = 1/conductance
Resistance to remote earth = 1/1.04 = 0.96 ohm
Estimated resistance to remote earth in 5000 ohm cm soil. (Resistance is directly proportional to resistivity).
0.96 5 = 4.8 ohms
Estimated current to shift pipe potential to remote earth 0.250 volt. From Ohms
Law (I = E/R)
0.250/4.8 = 0.052 A.
Current Requirements
<1 104
1 104 to 5 104
5 104 to 1 103
>1 103
4 102 to 2 101
<5 104
1 103 to 5 104
1 103 to 5 103
>5 103
4 102 to 2 101
Table 5.1 lists ranges of coating conductance for piping in various classes of service
in 1000 ohm cm soil.
Example 5.2
An airport fuel distribution piping system is to be placed under cathodic protection.
The piping is coated, and includes about 1524 meters (5000 feet) of 20.3 cm (8 inch) and
smaller pipe. It extends from a tank farm in one corner of the airport to fuel hydrants at
5,000 ft.
_ 5
Figure 5.1 Source: NACE Cathodic Protection Level 3 Training Course Manual,
International, 2000.
the terminal complex. All connections to other structures including fuel tanks, pumps
and grounded structures have been electrically isolated. Fueling hydrants are not isolated
from the pipe and have a driven ground rod attached to them. Because most of the pipe
is under a concrete apron, the only practical location for the cathodic protection anode is
at the supply end, near the tank farm. Soil resistivity averages 4000 ohm cm. How might
the corrosion engineer determine the current required to protect this fueling system?
Step 1. Verify electrical isolation and electrical continuity of the piping
Identify points where electrical contact can be made to the piping (fueling
hydrants, line valves, above grade manifolds etc.). Prepare a sketch of the
system. See Figure 5.1.
Measure piping to earth resistance. In this case, the electrical resistance across
the dielectric isolation joint at the tank farm would approximate the pipe to
remote earth resistance. Using two attachments on each side of the isolation
joint (Terminal 1 of Figure 5.1), the resistance R1,1 was measured at 0.80 ohm.
The total surface area of the piping is approximately 1000 m2 (10,500 square
feet). The resistance, 0.80 ohms, is equal to a conductance of 1.25 Siemens.
The average conductance per unit area of coating (in 4000 ohm cm soil) is:
1.25/1000 = 1.25 103 S/m2 (1.2 104 S/ft2 )
Anode Resistance-to-Earth
1.25 103 4 = 5 103 S/m2 in 1000 ohm cm soil
From Table 5.1, this equates to fair quality coating on distribution type piping
with many fittings. Considering that the fuel hydrants have ground rods
attached, there is nothing to suggest an electrical contact to a major grounded
Confirm isolation and continuity of the piping. Apply current at terminal 1
(Figure 5.1) and measure voltage change between piping and electrical power
grounds in the terminal area. Electrical coupling values are 0.75 volt/A and
0.70 volt/A for R2,1 and R3,1 respectively. See Chapter 1Network Analysis
for an explanation of electrical couplings.
If the piping were short circuited to a grounded structure, the pipe to
earth resistance would normally be considerably less than 0.1 ohm. If the
pipe contained an unknown isolation joint between the tank farm and the
terminal, R2,1 and R3,1 would be greatly less than R1,1 .
Drive steel rods into the ground at the tank farm to form a test groundbed
(Terminal 4, Figure 5.1).
If a potential shift of 0.300 volt between the pipe and earth is commonly
required to polarize coated steel pipes in the region, and the electrical coupling
value is 0.70 volt/A, then the estimated current needed to protect the piping
at terminal 3 would be (from Ohms Law):
I = 0.300/0.7 = 0.429 A
Measure the pipe to soil potential at the fuel hydrant using a copper/copper
sulfate reference electrode placed next to the hydrant. If possible locate the
reference cell in the hydrant pit in contact with native soil.
Apply 0.450 ampere at the test groundbed and monitor the potential to the
reference at terminal 5. After about 15 minutes interrupt the current flow and
check for polarization. If no polarization is present, increase the current and
repeat the test.
The calculation of the electrical resistance of anode systems to remote earth is generally performed using mathematical formulas developed by Dwight (H.B. Dwight,
Resistivity = 2SR
S is in cm
R is resistance in ohms
Calculation of Resistance to Ground, Elec. Eng., 55, 13191328, December 1936). Manufacturers of anodes often provide tables or graphs specific to the size and shape of their
anodes. In any case, the average resistivity of the soil (or other electrolyte) will be needed
to make the calculation. The resistivity value used must be representative of the volume
resistivity affecting the anode. The best way obtain the resistivity is to use the Wenner
four pin method (ASTM G57-78).
Four equally spaced metal pins are driven into the soil in a straight line. The current
source of the instrument is attached to the outer pins and the voltage measurement
terminals are connected to the two inner pins. The arrangement is shown in Figure 5.2.
The resistance (ohms) is read directly from the instrument. The resistivity of the soil
is calculated by the expression:
= 6.28 SR
where = resistivity (ohm-cm)
S = spacing between pins (cm)
R = resistance measured (ohms)
If the spacing (S) is measured in feet, the expression becomes
= 191.5 SR
Anode Resistance-to-Earth
(S) Feet
(H) Ohms
2.0 0 = 2.0
2.5 2.0 = 0.5
c 2.88 2.5 = 0.36
d 5.0 2.86 = 2.14
10 5 = 5.0
Layer *
Instruments for measuring soil resistivity by this technique are widely available.
Pin spacing should be selected such that the measurement reflects the mean volume
resistivity for the extent of the anode bed. The pin spacing must be about the same as the
linear dimension of the groundbed. This is particularly important where the resistivity
varies greatly with depth.
For deep anodes (discussed below), resistivity must be estimated either from samples
obtained by well drillers in the area or by the Barnes layer analysis technique. Consider
the example, given in English units, shown in Figure 5.3. Represented is a profile of
soil layers each 50 feet (15.2 meters) deep and having different average resistivities.
Surface measurements of total resistance (RT ) using the Wenner four pin method at pin
spacings of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 feet (15.2, 30.4, 45.6, 60.8 and 76 meters) yield the
resistance values shown. The first reading is the resistance seen by the instrument as
the average for a soil layer 50 feet deep. The second reading is the resistance measured in
the first layer paralleled by the resistance seen in the next layer from 50 feet to 100 feet.
Increasing the pin spacing another 50 feet adds a third layer in parallel with the first
two. The procedure can be continued as long as the instrument has the sensitivity to
resolve the small differences in measured total resistance. The equation which allows us
to calculate resistances in parallel is:
1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + + 1/Rn
Conventional Groundbed
Most conventional groundbeds consist of either a straight horizontal bed similar to a
length of pipe or a row of short vertical anodes in a straight line. The resistance of a
horizontal bed can be approximated using Dwights formula for a horizontal rod (or
pipe) in earth.
R = (0.005/ L)[ln(4L/d) + ln(L/ h) 2 + (2h/L)]
where = average soil resistivity (ohm-cm)
L = length of groundbed (meters)
d = diameter of groundbed (m)
h = depth to center of groundbed (m)
Example 5.3
Estimate the resistance of a horizontal groundbed 30.5 cm (12 inches) in diameter by 15.2
meters (50 feet) long in soil averaging 4,000 ohm-cm in resistivity. Assume the depth of
the groundbed to be 1.2 meters (4 feet).
Anode Resistance-to-Earth
Example 5.4
Estimate the resistance of a groundbed 15.2 meters (50 feet) long in 4,000 ohm-cm soil
when it consists of 6 each, 0.305 m (12 inch) diameter vertical anodes on 3.05 meter
(10 ft) centers. The anodes are 1.52 meters (5 feet) long and have a nominal 0.46 meter
(18 inches) of cover. (Note that the Sunde formula does not consider the depth of the
anode below grade.)
R N = [(0.005/(6 1.52)](4000)[ln(12.2/.305) 1 + (2 1.52)/3.05 ln(3.9)]
R = (0.698)[ln 40 1 + 1.36]
R = 2.83 ohms
Deep Anode
Dwights equation for a single vertical rod or pipe to remote earth is:
R = (0.005/ L)[ln(8L/d) 1]
where = resistivity (ohm-cm)
L = length of anode (meters)
d = diameter of anode (m)
In this equation, the length of the rod extends down from grade a length L meters. In
practice, L represents the length of active anode in a deep anode system. The top of the
active anode section may be some distance below the surface. For practical estimation
of anode to remote earth resistance, ignoring the effect of the layer between the top of
the active anode and grade does not appear to produce significant error.
Example 5.5
Assume the Barnes layer resistivities shown in Figure 5.3. Estimate the resistance of a
deep anode 20.3 cm (8 inches) in diameter to remote earth if the active section will be
located between 45.7 and 76.2 meters (150 and 250 feet) below grade.
Calculate the average soil resistivity in the zone where the active anode element will be
located (layers d and e)
Conductance of d + e = 5.0 + 2.14 = 7.14 S
Resistance of layers = (1/7.14) = 0.14 ohm
= 0.14 6.28 3048 = 2,680 ohm-cm
Note that 3048 cm (100 ft) in the above equation is the total thickness of layers d and e.
Using Dwights equation for a vertical rod
R = (0.005/ L)[ln(8L/d) 1]
where = average soil resistivity (2,680 ohm-cm)
L = active length of anode (30.48 meters)
d = anode diameter (0.20 meters)
R = (0.140)(7.09 1) = 0.853 ohm
Distributed Anodes
Distributed anodes are frequently located close to the structure they are designed to
protect. This proximity tends to reduce the effective resistance between the anode and
the structure. An estimate of anode-to-remote earth resistance using the Sunde equation is, therefore, conservative. In distributed anode systems, the linear resistance of the
feeder cable may be a significant factor. Voltage and current attenuation along the anode
Anode Resistance-to-Earth
RN (ohms)
Avg. R/anode
Sunde Equation
RN = (0.005/ NL)[ln(8L/d) 1 + (2L/S) ln(0.656N)]
where RN = groundbed resistance (ohm) [See table]
= average soil resistivity (5,000 ohm-cm)
N = number of anodes in parallel (20)
L = length of an anode (1.52 m)
d = anode diameter (0.305 m)
S = spacing of anodes in groundbed (m) [See table]
For spacing greater than 6 meters (20 feet) the paralleling effect is negligible.
The average conductance for a typical 1.52 meter (5 ft) 0.305 meter (1 ft) anode with
6 or more meters of separation in 5,000 ohm-cm soil is:
g = (1/R a ) = 1/20.9 = 0.048 Siemens
If a No. 4 AWG copper wire (0.82 ohm/1000 m) is used, and the anodes have 15
meter (49.2 ft) separation, the unit resistance of the wire is:
r = (0.82 15/1000) = 0.0123 ohm/unit
The resistance between the input end of a long distributed anode bus to remote earth
is given by the equation:
R = R G coth(x)
where R G = (r/g)0.5 (characteristic resistance)
= (rg)0.5 (attenuation constant)
x = unit distance (number of units) from the open end
coth = is the hyperbolic cotangent
Example 5.6
Calculate the resistance of the feed end of a 1,000 meter (3,280 ft) long distributed anode
bus to remote earth. The bus is AWG No. 4 copper wire (0.82 ohm/1000 m), the anodes
have 15 meter (50 ft) separation, the individual anodes are 1.52 meters (5 ft) long and 0.3
meters (1 ft) in diameter. The average soil resistivity is 5,000 ohm-cm.
Consider each anode and the 15 m (50 ft) of bus wire as a unit. The total number of units
in the system are
x = (1,000/15) = 66
From Table 5.2 and the calculations shown:
g = 0.048 Siemens/unit
r = 0.0123 ohm/unit
R G = (r/g)0.5 = (0.0123/0.048)0.5 = 0.506 ohm
= (rg)0.5 = (0.0123 0.048)0.5 = 0.024
R = R G coth(x) = 0.506 coth(0.024 66)
R = (0.506)(1.088) = 0.551 ohm
If attenuation were not considered, what would the resistance of the 66 anodes be when
measured to remote earth?
R s = 1/66g = 1/(66 0.048) = 0.316 ohm
From Estimated Coating Characteristics
The subject of leakage conductance was covered in detail under Current Requirements
in this chapter. Calculation of cathode-to-earth resistance is essentially what was done
when calculating the current needed to lower the potential to earth a specified amount.
To review:
arranged anodes the anode to structure resistance may be lower than the sum of the
resistances to remote earth. This is frequently the case when anodes are used to protect
components in process equipment or for hot spot protection on buried piping systems.
Figure 5.4 presents a number of useful attenuation formulas. The formulas can be applied to either long structures (pipelines, cables, etc.) or extended anode systems. The
formulas apply only where the environment has a relatively uniform resistivity.
Attenuation Circuit
= attenuation constant
= rg
RG = characteristic resistance (ohms)
RG = (r/g)
r = unit resistance along circuit, ohm/unit length
g = unit conductance to earth Siemens/unit length
x = number of unit length from receiving end
y = number of unit length from sending end
General Equations
1. E = Er cosh(x) + RG Ir sinh(x)
2. I = Ir cosh(x) + (Er /RG) sinh(x)
3. E = Es cosh(y) RG Is sinh(y)
4. I = Is cosh(y) (Es /RG) sinh(y)
5. Rso = RG coth(x)
6. RG = Rso Rss
Er = receiving end potential
Ir = receiving end current
Es = sending end potential
Is = sending end current
Rso = Resistance looking into open ended line
Rss = Resistance looking into shorted ended line
Figure 5.4 Source: NACE Cathodic Protection Level 3 Training Course Manual,
International, 2000.
Current Attenuation
Anode System
Example 5.6 showed the effect of attenuation on the input resistance of a long distributed
anode. The mathematical equation for the voltage shift between an open ended anode
buss and remote earth is:
E = E s cosh(y) (I s R G ) sinh(y)
where E s = the voltage shift at the input end of the anode bus
I s = the current input to the anode bus
= the attenuation constant
R G = the characteristic resistance
y = the number of unit lengths from the input end of the anode bus
Example 5.7
In Example 5.6, what is the approximate current output of an anode 1,000 meters from
the rectifier if the voltage between the structure and the anode buss at the rectifier is
15 volts when the rectifier is on and 3.0 volts when it is off? Assume that there is
negligible resistance between the structure and remote earth and negligible attenuation
on the structure.
The change in voltage at the source (E s ) is
E 0on E 0off = 15 3 = 12 volts
From Example 5.6
R G = 0.506 ohms
= 0.024
R s = 0.551ohms
There are
1,000/15 = 66 unit lengths (s)
The attenuation of current on a long structure is similar to that for the long anode run
described in Examples 5.6 and 5.7. If the structure is very long or has high average
leakage conductance to remote earth, the resistance looking each direction from a cathodic protection power source will be approximately equal to the R G (the characteristic
resistance). For shorter structures and structures with low leakage conductance the resistance each direction from the power source will be given by the formula for an open
ended line that was used in Example 5.6. The concept is illustrated in the following
Example 5.8
Consider a 20.3 cm (8 inch) welded steel pipeline (linear resistance = 0.0287 ohm/1000 m)
which has a fair quality protective coating which averages 7.5105 Siemens/m2 leakage
conductance. The pipeline is 32,200 meters long with isolation joints at each end. The
soil averages 10,000 ohm-cm resistivity throughout the region. What is the cathode
(structure) resistance to remote earth from the center of the line in each direction as
seen by a power source located there? What will the relationship between the current
density received by the pipe at each end (16,100 meters from the power source) to that
received near the power source at the middle of the pipeline?
Current Attenuation
Consider a unit length to be 1,000 linear meters.
r = 0.0287 ohms/1,000 m unit
pipe diameter = 20.3 cm (0.203 m)
leakage conductance = 7.5 105 S/m2 in 10,000 ohm-cm soil.
g = 0.203(7.5 105 )(1,000) = 0.0478 S/1,000 m
= (rg)0.5 = 0.037
R G = (r/g)0.5 = 0.775 ohms
From equation #5 (Figure 5.4)
R so = R G coth(x)
x = 16,100/1000 = 16.1 unit lengths
R so = 0.775 coth(0.037 16.1) = 1.45 ohms
From equation #3 (Figure 5.4)
E = E s cosh(y) R G I s sinh(y)
Assume a 1.0 volt shift in pipe to remote earth potential at the power source.
I s = E s /R so = 1.0/1.45 = 0.69 A
y = 0.037 16.1 = 0.596
E = 1.0 cosh(0.596) (0.775 0.69)sinh(0.596)
E = 1.183 0.338 = 0.845 volt
E/E s = 0.845
Since current density received on the pipe surface from earth is proportional to the
voltage shift measured to earth
i r = 0.845 i s
Note that all of the current attenuation calculations are valid at time zero, in the absence
of any electrochemical polarization. The pipe-to-remote earth potential shifts calculated
in the attenuation equations are the sum of IR drops between the pipe at the point of
interest and remote earth, caused by the flow of the source current.
Sacrificial Anodes
All components of a cathodic protection system have a finite service life. Rectifier components, wire insulation, and anodes all deteriorate with time. Sacrificial anodes are consumed in the process of production of current. Chapter 3 of this course discussed ampere
hour capacity as it applies to various galvanic anode materials. Ampere hour capacity
(with the efficiency factor for the specific anode material) allows us to determine what
weight of anode metal is required to provide a given number of ampere hours of current.
In estimating the system life for a galvanic anode cathodic anode system consider:
Annual mean temperature of the environment and the effect of temperature on the
anode potential, current requirements and circuit resistance.
Anode circuit resistance.
Cathode circuit resistance and its behavior with time.
Total operating voltage including polarization of the cathode and the anode.
Example 5.9
A field test indicates 0.375 A is required to protect a coated section of pipe. At this
current level, the pipe is polarized to 0.900 volt vs. a copper/copper sulfate reference
electrode. The pipe has a resistance of 0.8 ohm measured to remote earth. Experience
suggests that the resistance will slowly decrease during the next several years and level
off at about half the present value (0.4 ohm). Assuming that the same pipe to remote
earth potential shift will maintain protection, how many 7.7 kg (17 lb.) high potential
magnesium anodes would be needed to protect the pipe section? How long would the
expected useful service life be?
The potential shift at present is
E = 0.375 A 0.80 ohm = 0.30 volt
The long term current required to maintain a potential shift of 0.30 volt is
I = 0.30 volt/0.40 ohm = 0.75 A
System Life
The anode suppliers literature says that in 5,000 ohm-cm soil a high potential magnesium
anode will output 0.040 A (40 ma) to a structure polarized to 0.85 volt CSE. The data
infers that the structure has negligible resistance to earth and therefore no IR drop. The
resistance to remote earth of a single high potential (1.75 volt CSE) magnesium anode
can be calculated
R = (1.75 0.85)/0.040 = 22.5 ohms
Assuming that the pipe section will continue to be polarized to 0.900 volt CSE, the
available driving voltage for the galvanic anode system will be
E net = 1.75 (0.900) = 0.850 volt
The total circuit resistance that will permit 0.75 A of current at a driving voltage of 0.85
volt is
Rt = 0.85/0.75 = 1.133 ohms
Since the pipe to earth resistance is estimated to become 0.40 ohm, the resistance of the
sacrificial anodes must be
Ra = 1.133 0.4 = 0.73 ohm
Assume that the anodes can be spaced far enough apart to avoid the paralleling effect,
the number of anodes required to give the needed groundbed resistance is
N = 22.5/0.73 = 30.8(31) anodes
The total weight of magnesium in the anode system will be
31 7.7 = 239 kg
The annual total ampere hours output will be
365 24 0.75 = 6,570 Ampere hrs/yr
The ampere hour capacity of the anode system (assuming 1100 amp. hrs./kg) is
239 1100 = 262,900 amp. hrs.
The anode service is estimated at
262,900/6,570 = 40 yrs.