Contoh Formulir Pelayanan Kerohanian RS

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Spiritual Care Advance Directive for

To encourage, facilitate, & authorize the partnership of care
between my health care providers& my faith community/spiritual
care providers and in order to receive appropriate and
timely spiritual care, I voluntarily request and authorize my doctor
and/or the staff of
(Name of health care organization, health care provider(s) and/or senior living
to notify my faith community or spiritual provider named below as soon as
reasonably possible in theevent of one of the following as initialed by me, my
next of kin, or legal representative and
to share
with them the medical information (PHI) needed to determine appropriate
spiritual care for me.
_____ if I am admitted to a hospital
_____ if I am sent to a hospital emergency department
_____ if I am transferred to another health care facility
_____ if I (or my family) have been informed of significant changes to
my mental or physical health
_____ if I (or my family) have been informed that end of life
treatment options need to be discussed
_____ if I (or my family) have been informed that it appears I am
near death
_____ upon my death
_____ at my, my family, or legal representatives request
__ I understand I may amend or revoke the above at any time in writing. I
agree to hold harmless the facility(ies) named in this document and their staff
and my doctor(s) if for any reason they fail to initiate the notifications
authorized above.
Signed ____________________________________________________Date:____________
Or, signed on behalf

I revoke this Advance

Witnessed by or confirmed by (Health Care Provider or Organizational
Representative Signature/Title)
Faith Community Name : _______________________________________________Phone
Spiritual Care Provider(s) Name(s), Phone #s & Email Addresses:
Or, the current Spiritual Provider for the faith community named above.
Please note
the faith community and its care providers are NOT to make public or disclose
the informationprovided by my health care providers to others without my
further consent, or if I am unable, the consent of mynext of kin or legal
representative.Copy: __ for oneself __ family __ for the health care provider __
for faith community/provider
Please review the Information and Instruction page before
completing this form.

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