Unit 2 Lesson 1

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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form

Becca Mumby
US in Spatial Terms

Date: Monday November 9 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Social Studies- The

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
The main focus is absolute location, political boundaries, relative location, and spatial perspective
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
This is the first lesson in Unit 2
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
I can define absolute location, political boundaries, relative location, and spatial perspective.
4 - G1.0.2 Use cardinal and intermediate directions to describe the relative location of significant places in
the United States.
4-. G1.0.3 Identify and describe the characteristics and purposes (e.g., measure distance, determine
relative location, classify a region) of a variety of geographic tools and technologies (e.g., globe, map,
satellite images).
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.

Students will have had geographer overview in Unit 1.

(formative and

I will be asking students to create Geographers hats, which requires them

to remember the questions that geographers ask. They will also complete a
pre-assessment worksheet.
Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of Representation
Options for Perception
Students will be creating hats to wear
while we look at the geography themes
during each lesson. Students will get to
create their own unique hats that show M
R. H E L P on them.

Options for Language/Symbols

Using geography words from Unit one on
the hats will allow students to stretch their
vocabulary as we dig more into geography.
Students will also use the hat as the
symbol for a geographer.

Multiple Means of Expression
Options for action/interaction
Students will be creating their
own hats and taking a pre
assessment quiz to see how much
they remember from unit 1.

Multiple Means of
Options for recruiting interest
Allowing students to create their
own hats they will be able to show
their interests. Giving them a
variation in assessment will also
help them to connect.

Options for Expression

Using hats to show the acronym
will give them multiple means of
expression for each lesson.

Options for Sustaining Effort &

Figuring out what the acronym
stands for will ask that students
be diligent in their work and
persistent in figuring it out for the
pre assessment and the hats.

Options for Comprehension

The pre assessment will be testing their
comprehension from unit 1. They will also
be showing their comprehension when
they create their geographer hats.

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and do you have them?
Do you need to set up
your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.
III. The Plan


Options for Self Regulation

As students work through the
assessment they will have to
monitor their thinking and
progress. They will have tasks
they will need to accomplish

Supplemental materials worksheet

Students will move from seats to rug and back to seats.

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities
I will tell students that I want to see how much they remember from unit 1
that I dont expect them to know all of the answers to the questions but that I
just want to see where they are so I know what I need to teach them.
Students will take the pre assessment.
When they are finished they will meet me on the rug.

Options for Executive Function

Students will work on their own
for the pre assessment and the
hats. They must follow
instructions and create a hat that
will function for the rest of this

I will start the class by putting on my geographers hat and introduce to

students that they will be making their own geographers hat, but in order to
do so they must recall the questions that geographers ask.
o Mr. Help
I will dismiss students to work on their Geographers hates, creating them to
aid in their learning and help them to remember the questions they need to
be asking throughout this unit.
When they are done with their hats they will join me on the rug again
o What 5 themes did we put on our hats?
o Why?
o What do you think were going to be looking at during social studies
this week?
o What characteristics does each of these categories have?
o Can you give me some examples of questions that geographers ask?
I will explain how these questions and themes will relate to the theme of
How would you define location?
When someone asks you the location of something, how do you describe it?
Which words do you use?
How does this help us to communicate with people?
What has been made to aid us in this process?
Keep the answers to these questions in mind for tomorrows lesson!

Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:
The students loved making visors for social studies! They were very time efficient when adding the
themes to their visors and bringing them to the rug.
If I were to do this lesson again, I would tie in the first day continents because they used their time
very wisely and we had time to get into the lesson. I think that this group loves to be challenged so for
future lessons I will have more planned than I did for this lesson. I also think that the pre-assessment then
the visors was good for the students because they had something to work towards at the end. We got into
a discussion about why it is important for geographers to study all of these different themes and ask
different questions.
Overall, students did VERY well on the pre-assessment. I know that they have little background of this
information from second grade, but that most of it will be new to them. Look below for some example
work from this lesson.

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