Stochastic Analysis and PDEs

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2: Stochastic analysis and PDEs

Alison Etheridge

0 Introduction
0.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.2 Recommended Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1 Review of some measure-theoretic probability

1.1 Continuous time Markov Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 Feller Semigroups and the Hille Yosida Theorem

2.1 Transition semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Continuous time Markov chains with finite state space
2.3 Poisson and pseudo-Poisson processes . . . . . . . . .
2.4 A little bit of functional analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 The Hille-Yosida Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





















3 Martingale problems
3.1 Martingale problems and Markov (pre-)generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Recap on Stochastic Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 Diffusion processes and martingale problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4 Stroock-Varadhan theory of diffusion approximation
4.1 Notions of weak convergence of processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2 Markov chains and diffusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5 The method of duality
6 The


theory of speed and scale

The speed measure and the scale function . . . . . . . .
Hitting probabilities and Fellers boundary classification
Greens functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stationary distributions and reversibility . . . . . . . . .





7 PDEs that can be solved by running a Brownian motion (or

7.1 The Dirichlet Problem and exit times . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 The Poisson problem and occupation times . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 The Feynman-Kac formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4 Semilinear equations and branching processes . . . . . . . . . .
A Definition and examples of local martingales









a diffusion)
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .


















In this course we are going to explore topics that sit at the rich interface between probability and
analysis and, especially, those that link the two areas through partial differential equations. To some
extent, it is just a collection of things that I think you ought to know, ranging from powerful abstract
results to tools that allow you to do hands on calculations,
We begin by recasting what you already know about continuous time Markov processes in the
language of operator semigroups. We then develop the notion of martingale problem which provides
us with a new way of characterising stochastic processes. This is particularly well suited to proving
convergence theorems and we shall see how to use this framework to prove (weak) convergence of a
sequence of stochastic processes. This is an important tool in modelling where it is often convenient
to approximate a process taking discrete values by a continuous one. En route we shall encounter the
method of duality, in which the distribution of one stochastic process is expressed in terms of that of
Each diffusion process can be associated with a second order differential operator, and through this
operator the theory of diffusion processes is intricately connected with that of second order parabolic
(and elliptic) differential equations. For example, if one can find the fundamental solution to the
parabolic equation, then one can answer essentially any question about the finite-dimensional distributions of the stochastic process. However, in practice, it is rarely possible to find an explicit form for
the fundamental solution. Nonetheless, in one spatial dimension a very large number of explicit calculations can be carried out through the theory of speed and scale. This theory uncovers and exploits
the fundamental r
ole played by Brownian motion as a building block from which to construct other
diffusion processes.
Finally we shall return to general spatial dimensions and explore a menagerie of equations whose
solutions can be expressed in terms of the law of a diffusion process which not only allows us to prove
results about the diffusion, but also paves the way for proving results about the deterministic equations
through their stochastic representation.
We will not work in the greatest possible generality, because it is too easy for simple ideas to be
obscured by technical details. More general results can certainly be found in the references.


Recommended Reading

These notes and the accompanying problem sheets essentially define the course, but there are a huge
number of books to which you can turn for supplementary reading. A few are listed below.
Important references:
(i) O. Kallenberg. Foundations of Modern Probability. Second Edition, Springer 2002. This comprehensive text covers essentially the entire course, and much more, but should be supplemented
with other references in order to develop experience of more examples.
(ii) L.C.G Rogers & D. Williams. Diffusions, Markov Processes and Martingales; Volume 1, Foundations and Volume 2, It
o calculus. Cambridge University Press, 1987 and 1994. These two volumes
have a very different style to Kallenberg and complement it nicely. Again they cover much more
material than this course.

Supplementary reading:
(i) S.N. Ethier & T.G. Kurtz. Markov Processes: characterization and convergence. Wiley 1986. It
is not recommended to try to sit down and read this book cover to cover, but it is a treasure trove
of powerful theory and elegant examples.
(ii) S. Karlin & H.M. Taylor. A second course in stochastic processes. Academic Press 1981. This
classic text does not cover the material on semigroups and martingale problems that we shall
develop, but it is a very accessible source of examples of diffusions and things one might calculate
for them.
Also highly recommended (in no particular order) are:
D.W. Stroock & S.R.S. Varadhan, Multidimensional diffusion processes, Springer 1979. This is an
excellent place to learn about martingale problems - an area often referred to as Stroock-Varadhan
K. Yosida, Functional Analysis, Springer 1980.A comprehensive source for material leading up to
the Hille-Yosida Theorem.
K.J. Engel & R. Nagel, A short course on operator semigroups, Springer 2005. A very accessible
account of the Hille-Yosida Theorem. A longer book by the same authors is a good source of
R.F. Bass, Diffusions and elliptic operators, Springer 1997.Covers all the material on stochastic
representation of solutions to differential equations which makes up the second half of the course.
Also has a nice revision of stochastic differential equations if you need it.
D. Revuz & M. Yor. Continuous martingales and Brownian motion. Springer 1999. An extremely
thorough reference for the material on continuous parameter martingales.
T.M. Liggett, Interacting Particle Systems, Springer 1985. We wont actually discuss interacting particle systems, but the very accessible introductions to the Hille-Yosida Theorem and to
martingale problems form the basis of our approach to those topics in these the notes.
R. Durrett. Stochastic calculus: a practical introduction. CRC Press 1996. A lot of relevant
material, presented in a user-friendly way.

Review of some measure-theoretic probability

The purpose of this section is to refresh your memory and establish some notation. We will tend to
suppress the measure-theoretic niceties in future sections. Those wanting more detail should consult
Rogers & Williams or Revuz & Yor. I hope that you have seen most of this material before. If not,
try reading the online notes for the Part B discrete parameter martingales course to get you started on
the basic ideas and then look at, for example, Rogers & Williams to understand some of the subtleties
when we move to continuous time.
This section of the notes draws heavily on Chapter II of Volume 1 of Rogers & Williams.
Definition 1.1 (Probability triple, random variable, law). (i) A probability triple (, F, P) consists
of a sample space ; a -algebra, F, on that sample space; and a probability measure P on F.

(ii) Given a measure space (E, E), an (E, E)-valued random variable with carrier triple (, F, P) is a
measurable mapping X from (, F) to (E, E).
(iii) By the law X of X, we mean the probability measure X = P X 1 on (E, E), so that
X (A) = P[X A] = P[{ : X() A}].
We shall often be interested in random variables taking values in Euclidean space, in which case
(E, E) = (Rd , B(Rd )) with B(Rd ) the Borel subsets of Rd .
Definition 1.2 (-algebra generated by a random variable). Let (, F, P) be a probability space and
let X be an E-random variable on (, F, P), that is a measurable function from (, F) to (E, E). Then
(X) = ({{ : X() A}; A E})

= X 1 (A) : A E .
It is the smallest sub -algebra of F with respect to which X is a measurable function.
Definition 1.3 (Stochastic process). Let T be a set, (E, E) a measure-space and (, F, P) a probability
triple. A stochastic process with time-parameter set T , state space (E, E) and carrier triple (, F, P)
is a collection {Xt }tT of (E, E)-valued random variables, carried by the triple (, F, P).
Often we shall abuse notation and write X for {Xt }tT .
Definition 1.4 (Sample path, realisation). Let X be a stochastic process. For , the map
t 7 Xt () from T to E is called the sample path or realisation of {Xt }tT corresponding to .
As things stand, we have made no regularity assumptions on our stochastic process, the mapping
X() : T E can be any function. For most of what follows, we shall take (E, E) to be Euclidean
space (or a subset thereof) and the time set T to be be R+ , and we shall be primarily interested in
stochastic processes for which each realisation is either a continuous function of time (well say the
process has continuous paths) or a c`
ag function.
Definition 1.5 (C`
ag function). A function f : R+ Rd is said to be c`adl`ag if it is right continuous
with left limits, that is
f (t) = f (t+) := lim f (u)

f (t) := lim f (s) exists finitely for every t > 0.

The name comes from the French continu `

a droite, limites a
` gauche.
We are not going to be able to guarantee regularity just through specifying the finite dimensional
distributions of the stochastic process. It is not hard to cook up examples of processes with the same
finite dimensional distributions, but different sample paths.
Definition 1.6 (Modification). A process X is called a modification of Y if X has the same state-space,
(time) parameter set and carrier triple as Y and
for every t T.

P[Xt = Yt ] = 1

We should like to know when we can find a c`

ag modification of a stochastic process with a particular law. For continuous parameter martingales (and supermartingales), Doobs Regularity Theorems
tell us that the key is to consider martingales adapted to a big enough filtration.

Definition 1.7 (Filtration, filtered space). By a filtration on (, F, P), we mean an increasing family
{Ft }t0 of sub--algebras of F such that for 0 s t

Fu F.
Fs Ft F :=

Then (, F, {Ft }t0 , P) is called a filtered probability space.

Definition 1.8 (Adapted). The stochastic process X is adapted to the filtration {Ft }t0 if Xt is
measurable with respect to Ft for all t.
For discrete parameter stochastic processes, the most nave example of filtration is adequate.
Definition 1.9 (Natural filtration). Let W = {Wn }n1 be a discrete time stochastic process carried by
the probability triple (, F, P). The natural filtration {Wn }n1 is defined to be the smallest filtration
relative to which W is adapted. That is,
Wn = (W0 , W1 , . . . , Wn ) .
The obvious analogue of this filtration for continuous martingales is not big enough for many
purposes. However, suppose we take a supermartingale {Yt }t0 with respect to its natural filtration,
which we denote by {Gt }t0 , then it turns out that for almost all , the limit through rational times
Xt () := lim Yq ()

exists simultaneously for all t and defines a right-continuous supermartingale relative to the usual
augmentation {Ft }t0 of {Gt }t0 (see Definition 1.11). If the map t 7 E[Yt ] is continuous, then X is
a modification of Y .
Definition 1.10 (The usual conditions). A filtered space (, F, {Ft }t0 , P) is said to satisfy the usual
conditions if in addition to (1) the following properties hold:
(i) the -algebra F is P-complete (that is contains all subsets of all of the P-null sets);
(ii) F0 contains all P-null sets;
(iii) {Ft }t0 is right-continuous, that is
Ft = Ft+ :=


for all t 0.


Definition 1.11 (Usual augmentation). The usual augmentation of the filtered space (, G, {Gt }t0 , P)
is the minimal enlargement (, F, {Ft }t0 , P) that satisfies the usual conditions.
Here enlargement just means that G F and Gt Ft for every t. Recall that the P-completion
of a -algebra is the smallest enlargement which is P-complete.
Lemma 1.12 (See e.g. Rogers & Williams Lemma II.67.4). Writing N for the collection of P-null sets,
the usual enlargement is obtained by taking F to be the P-completion of G and setting
Ft =
(Gu , N ).


Continuous time Markov Processes

Informally, a Markov process models the (random) motion of a particle that moves around in a measurable space (E, E) in a memoryless way. More formally, well need a filtered space (, F, {Ft }t0 )
on which we define an Ft -measurable random variable Xt which gives the position of our particle at
time t and well introduce a probability measure Px for each point x E, which will determine the law
of the process started from the point x. The Markov property will tie together the different laws Px .
Definition 1.13 (Markov process, transition function).
A Markov process X = (, {Ft }t0 , {Xt }t0 , {Pt }t0 , {Px }xE ) with state space (E, E) is an E-valued
stochastic process, adapted to {Ft }t0 such that for 0 s t, f a real-valued bounded measurable
function on E and x E,
Ex [f (Xs+t )|Fs ] = (Pt f )(Xs )

Px a.s.

where {Pt }t0 is a transition function on (E, E); that is a family of kernels Pt : E E [0, 1] such
(i) for t 0 and x E, Pt (x, ) is a measure on E with
Pt (x, E) 1;
(ii) for t 0 and E, Pt (, ) is E-measurable;
(iii) for s, t 0, x E and E,
Pt+s (x, ) =

Ps (x, dy)Pt (y, ).


Remark 1.14. (i) Unless it leads to ambiguity, we will usually not specify the state space explicitly
and, throughout, the filtration will be taken to be the usual enlargement of the natural filtration.
Unless otherwise stated, we shall also assume that we are considering a c`
ag version (although
sometimes we shall restrict to continuous processes).
(ii) Requiring only Pt (x, E) 1 instead of Pt (x, E) = 1 allows for the possibility of killing (in which
our Markov process is typically thought of as being sent to a cemetery state).
(iii) Equation (2) is called the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. It is this equation that captures the
lack of memory property, also known as the Markov property.
Example 1.15. (i) (Pure jump processes.) By a pure jump process we mean a model of a particle
which, if it is currently at x, will wait an exponentially distributed amount of time with parameter
(x) before jumping to a new location determined by a probability measure (x, dy). That is, the
probability that a particle currently at x does not jump in the next t units of time is exp((x)t)
and, when it jumps, the probability that its new location is in the set B is (x, B) = B (x, dy).
In the special case when is constant, these processes are sometimes called pseudo-Poisson processes.
If the jumps of the process are homogeneous, in the sense that
(x)(x, dy) =
(0)(0, dy),


then we call the process a compound Poisson process. Such processes are the simplest examples
of so-called Levy processes.
Of course does not have to have a density with respect to Lebesgue measure. For example,
continuous time random walk on the integers is a pure jump process for which is purely atomic.
(ii) (Brownian motion in Rd .) For d-dimensional Brownian motion, the transition functions are given

kx yk2
Pt (x, E) =
E (2t)
(iii) (Solutions to stochastic differential equations.) The processes that you constructed last term as
solutions to stochastic differential equations are continuous time Markov processes. In this case
we can specialise from c`
ag to continuous paths.
By taking more general state spaces, we can construct Markov processes taking their values in, for
example, spaces of functions, or measures, and we can model anything from spin systems in statistical
physics to frequencies of different genetic types in a biological population. We can also sometimes
gain insight into deterministic quantities by representing them in terms of expectations of functions of
Markov processes.
Often we want to consider a stochastic process stopped at a random time. A particularly important
class of random times is the stopping times.
Definition 1.16 (Stopping time). Suppose that the filtration {Ft }tT satisfies the usual conditions.
An Ft -stopping time is a map : [0, ) such that { : () t} Ft for all t [0, ).
For these times we have the following important extension of the Markov property.
Definition 1.17 (Strong Markov property). Let X be a c`
ag E-valued Markov process, {Ft }t0 the
usual enlargement of the natural filtration, and an Ft -stopping time. Then X is strong Markov at
P [ X(t + ) | F ] = P (t, X( ), ), t 0, E.
E [ f (Xt+ )| F ] =

f (y)P (t, X( ), y)dy.

We say that X is a strong Markov process if it has the strong Markov property at all Ft -stopping times.
The strong Markov property was formulated by Doob in the 1940s and finally proved for Brownian
motion by Hunt in 1956.

Feller Semigroups and the Hille Yosida Theorem

The starting point in discussing a Markov process is sometimes its sample paths. For example, last
term you studied diffusion processes pathwise, as solutions of stochastic differential equations. There
will only rarely be a closed form expression for the corresponding transition function. On the other
hand, sometimes we might be given the transition functions, and the challenge is to establish that
they really do correspond to a well-defined Markov process. Theorem 2.12 below establishes very mild
conditions under which we can guarantee that there is a Markov process corresponding to a collection
of transition functions. However, it is rather rare to be provided with an explicit form for the transition
functions. Instead, modelling considerations often lead to an infinitesimal description of the process

and then we must establish the existence of nice transition functions. This will be the substance of the
Hille-Yosida Theorem. Before stating it (a proof is beyond our scope here), we examine some analytic
properties of transition functions.


Transition semigroups

We introduced the transition functions of a Markov process as a family of (sub) probability kernels,
but we could equally think of them as a collection of positive bounded operators, of norm less than or
equal to one, on the space of bounded measurable functions on E. To be precise, define
Tt f (x) := (Tt f )(x) = f (y)Pt (x, dy) = Ex [f (Xt )].
Then, approximating f by simple functions, it is easy to see that Tt f is again a bounded measurable
function on E. Moreover, the operator Tt is a positive contraction operator, that is 0 f 1 implies
0 Tt f 1.
Lemma 2.1 (Transition kernels and operators). The probability kernels {Pt }t0 satisfy the Chapman
Kolmogorov relation (2) if and only if the corresponding transition operators {Tt }t0 have the semigroup
Ts+t = Ts Tt
s, t 0.
Example 2.2 (Brownian motion). For Brownian motion, the heat semigroup is the operator that maps
a function f to the solution at time t to the heat equation with initial condition f ; that is Tt f = u
(t, x) = u(t, x),
u(0, x) = f (x).
Of course we can write the solution as

kx yk2

u(t, x) =
f (y)dy.
Rd (2t)
The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation just tells us that to solve the equation at time (t + s) is the same as
solving at time t and then, starting from the resulting solution as initial condition, solving the equation
at time s.
Remark 2.3. The 1/2 in front of the Laplacian in (4) is a probabilistic convention.


Continuous time Markov chains with finite state space

To illustrate some of the ideas to follow, we work in the simple setting of a continuous time Markov
chain on a finite state space.
Suppose that E is a finite set and E is the corresponding power set. We use the notation
pij (t) = Pt (i, {j}),

P (t) = {pij (t) : i, j E},

where {Pt }t0 is a transition function on (E, E). We shall assume that {Pt }t0 is honest in that
Pt (i, E) = 1. (In other words there is no killing.)
In this setting, a transition semigroup is simply a semigroup of E E-matrices. If we want to
construct a chain with a right-continuous version, then we are going to require some regularity of these
matrices. For example, the chain which jumps immediately at time zero from its current state to a point

picked according to some non-trivial distribution on E where it just stays, is perfectly well-defined, but
it cannot have a right-continuous version. So we insist that

pij (t) ij .


We shall see below (Proposition 2.14), that this condition is enough to guarantee the existence of a
matrix Q = {qij : i, j E}, with
p0ij (0) = qij .
Definition 2.4 (Q-matrix). The matrix Q is called the Q-matrix, or infinitesimal generator, of the
Markov chain corresponding to {Pt } and has the properties:
(i) qij 0 for all i 6= j,
kE qik = 0 for all i E.
Since P 0 (0) exists and equals Q, it follows that for t 0,
P (t + ) P (t)
P () I
= lim
P (t) = QP (t).

P 0 (t) = lim


We shall prove this in the more general setting of Proposition 2.14 below. Solving this equation, we
find that
P (t) = exp(tQ).
Indeed, we can start with any matrix satisfying the properties of Q given in Definition 2.4 and from it
recover a transition semigroup using the recipe of (7) and the definition of the matrix exponential as
etQ =




However, when we start to consider Markov processes on more general spaces, the analogue of the
Q-matrix will, in general, be unbounded
T and then it is not clear how to make sense of the exponential
formula, since (8) is only defined on n0 D(Qn ), and for unbounded Q this could be a very small
set of functions. To see how we might circumvent this problem, consider the real-valued function
p(t) exp(ta). We can recover a from p(t) either by differentiation or by integration:
(p(t) 1) a

et p(t)dt =

as t 0,


for > a.


If we replace p(t) by the transition matrix of our Markov chain, then the first expression leads to the
Q-matrix. The second expression also makes perfectly good sense (for any > 0) and leads to the socalled resolvent, {R : > 0} of the transition semigroup. In the case of the finite state space Markov
chains of this section, this is most easily understood as the (componentwise) Laplace transform of the
semigroup. In other words,
(R )ij =
et pij (t)dt = P[X = j|X0 = i],

where , which is independent of X, is an exponentially distributed random variable with rate . It

follows from (7) and (9) that
R = (I Q)1 .
In what follows we shall see the same structure emerge in a much more general setting: subject to an
analogue of (5), the infinitesimal generator of a transition semigroup will be its derivative at zero, the
resolvent, which is just the Laplace transform of the semigroup, is defined by (10) and the semigroup
is found by inverting the Laplace transform. In this way, sense can be made of the analogue of the
exponential formula (7).


Poisson and pseudo-Poisson processes

Before moving onto some general theory, we work through two more important examples. The first
is one of the simplest examples of a continuous time Markov chain with a countable state space and
provides a fundamental building block from which we can construct a vast array of other models.
Example 2.5 (The Poisson process). The Poisson process
states {0, 1, 2, . . .} and Q-matrix


Q= 0

.. . .

is the continous time Markov chain with



In this case it is not difficult to check that Qn = (qij )i,j0 with




and so
Pt =





(Pt )ij =

(t)ji t
(ji)! e


In other words, the number of new arrivals in any time interval of length t is Poisson with parameter
t. It is an easy exercise to check that Pt0 = QPt .
Instead of this bare hands approach, we could also have applied the resolvent method. To see how
this works in this case, note that for > 0,


(I Q) = 0

.. ..
The coefficients rin of the inverse matrix therefore satisfy
r00 ( + ) = 1,

and r0,n1 () + r0,n ( + ) = 0,


for n 1.

Solving, this gives

r0,n =

r0,n1 =
( + )n+1

Inverting the Laplace transform, we recover

(Pt )0,n = P [ Xt = n| X0 = 0] =

(t)n t
e ,

as before. To check this, take the Laplace transform of this expression and invoke uniqueness of Laplace
n t (+)t n
t (t) t
t dt =
e dt =
n! 0
( + )n
At the next level of complexity we have the pseudo-Poisson processes of Example 1.15 (i).
Proposition 2.6. Let Tt be the transition semigroup of a pseudo-Poisson process X in E. Then
Tt = etA for all t 0, where for any bounded measurable function f : E R,
Af (x) = (f (y) f (x)) (x, dy),
x E.
Proof. The pseudo-Poisson process can be written as X = Y N where N is a Poisson process with
parameter and Y is a discrete time Markov chain, independent of N , with jumps determined by .
That is, the number of jumps that the process has made by time t is Poisson with parameter t and
the distribution of each jump is determined by the probability kernel . Now write G for the transition
operator associted with . That is G, which is the analogue of the transition matrix for a finite state
space Markov chain, governs a single jump of the process, so that
Gf (x) = f (y)(x, dy).
Then for any t 0 and bounded measurable f ,
Tt f (x) = Ex [f (Xt )] =

Ex [f (Yn ); Nt = n]




P[Nt = n]Ex [f (Yn )]



= e

(t)n n
G f (x)
f (x).

Once again (c.f. (6)), since Af (x) = (G I)f (x), we see that Tt f is the solution to Cauchys equation:
(Tt f )0 = ATt f,


T0 f = f.


A little bit of functional analysis

Let (E, E) be complete (contains all its limit points) compact and separable (contains a countable
dense set). Recall that we can always make E compact by adding a point at infinity. We write
C(E) for the space of continuous real-valued functions on E equipped with the sup norm, that is
kf k = supxE {|f (x)|}. This norm makes C(E) into a Banach space (that is a complete normed
vector space).
Definition 2.7 (Operator norm). Given a linear operator T : C(E) C(E), we define its operator
norm by
kT k = sup{kT f k : f C(E), kf k = 1}.
Definition 2.8 (Closed operator). A linear operator A with domain D(A) is closed if its graph is
If A is closed, then if xn is a Cauchy sequence in D(A), converging to x say, then x D(A) and
Ax = y = limn Axn .
To make formulae easier to read, we sometimes write T (t) in place of Tt .
Definition 2.9 (Strongly continuous contraction semigroup). A family of bounded operators {T (t), 0
t } on a Banach space C is called a strongly continuous contraction semigroup if
(i) T (0) = I;
(ii) T (s)T (t) = T (s + t), s, t R+ ;
(iii) kT (t)k 1 for all t 0.
(iv) for any x C, x 7 T (t)x is continuous.
We shall use 1 to denote the function f (x) 1.
Definition 2.10 (Feller semigroup). A strongly continuous contraction semigroup on C(E) with the
additional properties
(i) T (t)1 = 1 and
(ii) T (t)f 0 for all nonegative f C(E),
is called a Feller semigroup.
Remark 2.11. In fact there is some inconsistency in the literature over the definition of Feller semigroup. For example, if one only assumes that E is locally compact (rather than compact), then it is
usual to replace C(E) by C0 (E), the continuous functions on E which tend to zero at infinity. Such
functions are continuous in the one-point compactification of E.
Theorem 2.12. Suppose that T (t) is a Feller semigroup on C(E). Then there exists a unique Markov
process, X, taking values in c`
ag paths on E, with law {P , E} such that P [X0 = ] = 1 and
T (t)f () = E [f (Xt )]
for all f C(E), E and t 0.
Remark 2.13. Notice that our assumptions include the statement that the mapping f 7 g, where
g() = E [f (Xt )], maps C(E) to C(E). We then say that the Markov process X is a Feller process or
has the Feller property. This should not be confused with the notion of Feller continuous process.

We dont prove Theorem 2.12. For the construction of the process from the semigroup we refer to
Chapter 4 of Ethier & Kurtz (1986).
Proposition 2.14 (Infinitesimal generator). Let T (t) be a strongly continuous contraction semigroup
on a Banach space C and define
At =

(T (t) I) ,

t > 0.

Set Ax = limt0 At x where D(A) = {x : limt0 At x exists}. Then A is a densely defined closed operator
and is called the infinitesimal generator of T (t). Moreover, for any x D(A) we have
dT (t)x
= AT (t)x = T (t)Ax.


Proof. For any x C and s > 0 define the mean value

1 s
T (u)xdu.
xs =
s 0
Then for t < s,
At x s


1 s
[T (t + u) T (u)]xdu
st 0
Z t+s
1 s
T (u)xdu
T (u)xdu
st t
st 0
1 t
1 t+s
T (u)xdu
T (u)xdu
st s
st 0
(T (s) I) x = As x,
as t 0.

This shows that xs D(A) and so, since xs x as s 0, D(A) is a dense set.
To verify (11), first observe that by definition of As , we have
As T (t)x =

(T (t + s) T (t)) x = T (t)As x.

If x D(A), then we can take the limit as s 0 on the right hand side. But then this shows that
T (t)x D(A) and so T (t) : D(A) D(A). Moreover,
d+ T (t)x
T (t + s)x T (t)x
= lim
= T (t)Ax = AT (t)x.

To complete the proof of (11), we must check that for t > 0, d Tdt(t)x = d Tdt(t)x . For any t > > 0,

T (t)x T (t )x
T ()x x

T (t)Ax T (t )
+ kT (t ) (Ax T ()Ax)k

T ()x x

kT (t )k
+ kT (t )k kAx T ()Axk .

Since kT (t )k 1, letting 0, we have that

d T (t)x
d+ T (t)x
= T (t)Ax =

as required.
Finally, we check that A is closed. Suppose that xn D(A) is such that xn x and yn = Axn y.
lim At x = lim lim At xn

t0 n

(T (t) I) xn
t0 n t
1 t
T (u)Axn du
= lim lim
t0 n t 0
1 t
= lim
T (u)ydu = y.
t0 t 0

= lim lim

Thus x D(A) and y = Ax as required.


The Hille-Yosida Theorem

So far we have proved that to every strongly continuous contraction semigroup, there corresponds an
infinitesimal generator. Our next aim is to go the other way: starting from an infinitesimal generator,
wed like to recover the transition semigroup of a Markov process. This section follows Liggett (1985)
First we need to know how to recognise an infinitesimal generator when we see one.
Definition 2.15 (Markov pregenerator). A (usually unbounded) linear operator A on C(E) with domain D(A) is said to be a Markov pregenerator if it satsifies the following conditions:
(i) 1 D(A) and A1 = 0;
(ii) D(A) is dense in C(E);
(iii) If f D(A), 0 and f Af = g, then
= min f () min g().

Exercise 2.16. Show that a Markov pregenerator has the property that if f D(A), 0 and
f Af = g, then kf k kgk. Deduce that, in particular, g determines f uniquely.
To verify (iii) one usually uses the following result.
Proposition 2.17. Suppose that the linear operator A on C(E) satisfies the following property: if
f D(A) and f () = minE f (), then Af () 0. Then A satisfies property (iii) of Definition 2.15.
Proof. Suppose f D(A), 0 and f Af = g. Let be any point at which f attains its
minimum. Such a point exists by the compactness of E and the continuity of f . Then
min f () = f () f () Af () = g() min g().

Setting g = 0 in property (iii) of Definition 2.15 provides the converse to this proposition. In
other words, a Markov pregenerator necessarily satisfies a maximum principle. Recall from elementary
calculus that a function f C(a, b) taking a local maximum at x satisfies f 0 (x) = 0 and f 00 (x) 0.
This is often rephrased to say that if f C 2 ([a, b]) satisfies f 00 0, and f attains its maximum in
(a, b), then f is constant. This can be extended to elliptic operators on Rd .

Definition 2.18 (Elliptic operator). A second order differential operator

L(u) =


aij (x)


bi (x)
xi xj



is called elliptic at a point x if the matrix A(x) = (aij (x)) is positive definite, that is satisfies
z T A(x)z (x)kzk2 ,

z Rd ,

for some positive , and is called uniformly elliptic if > 0 can be taken independent of x.
Lemma 2.19 (Maximum principle for elliptic operators). Let L be an elliptic operator as in (12) with
c(x) 0, and suppose that Lu 0 in some domain E Rd . If u takes a non-negative maximum in
the interior of E, then u is constant.
This same positive maximum principle holds for a Feller semigroup:
Lemma 2.20 (Positive maximum principle for Feller semigroups). Let A be the generator of a Feller
semigroup acting on functions on E Rd . If f is such that Af 0 in E and f takes a non-negative
maximum inside E, then f is constant.
Remark 2.21. The fact that elliptic operators and Feller semigroups satisfy the same maximum principle reflects a much deeper connection between the two classes. Write Cc for the class of infinitely
differentiable functions with compact support on Rd . If X is a continuous Feller process on [0, T ] with
infinitesimal generator A and Cc D(A), then A is an elliptic operator.
Example 2.22. It can be easily checked using Proposition 2.17 that the following are Markov pregenerators:
(i) A = GI where G is a positive operator (maps non-negative functions to non-negative functions)
defined on all of C(E) such that G1 = 1.
(ii) E = [0, 1] and Af () = 21 f 00 () with
D(A) = {f C(E) : f 00 C(E), f 0 (0) = 0 = f 0 (1)}.
(iii) E = [0, 1] and Af () = 12 f 00 () with
D(A) = {f C(E) : f 00 C(E), f 00 (0) = 0 = f 00 (1)}.
Exercise 2.23. Calculate the infinitesimal generator of the pure jump process of Example 1.15 (i) and
check that it is of the form of Example 2.22 (i) above.
Definition 2.24 (Closure of a linear operator). Let A be a linear operator on C(E). A linear operator
A is called the closure of A if it is the smallest closed extension of A.
Not every linear operator has a closure, the difficulty being that the closure of the graph of a linear
operator may not correspond to the graph of a linear operator (see the problem sheet for an example),
but instead to a multivalued operator. Happily, this wont affect us:
Proposition 2.25. Suppose that A is a Markov pregenerator. Then A has a closure A which is again
a Markov pregenerator.

Proof. The first step is to check that the closure of the graph of A is the graph of a single-valued
To this end, suppose that fn D(A), fn 0 and Afn h. Choose any g D(A).
linear operator A.
Then, as we already observed (Exercise 2.16), for 0,
k(I A)(fn + g)k kfn + gk,
and so letting n
k h + (g Ag)k = kg h 2 Agk kgk.
Dividing by and letting 0 gives kg hk kgk. Since g was an arbitrary element of the dense set
D(A) we deduce that h = 0. This implies that the closure of the graph of A is indeed the graph of a
single-valued linear operator.
It remains to check that A is also a Markov pregenerator, for which we must check (iii) of Defi 0 and g = f Af
. By definition, there is a sequence fn D(A)
nition 2.15. Take f D(A),
. Setting gn = fn Afn , and using the fact that A is a Markov
such that fn f , and Afn Af
min fn () min gn ().

Since gn g as n , passing to the limit we obtain property (iii) of Definition 2.15 as required. 2
Proposition 2.26. Suppose that A is a closed Markov pregenerator. Then for each > 0, the range
of I A, which we denote R(I A) is a closed subset of C(E).
Proof. Suppose that gn R(I A) and gn g as n . Define fn by fn Afn = gn . Then by
(fn fm ) A(fn fm ) = gn gm
so that by Exercise 2.16, kfn fm k kgn gm k and, since gn is a Cauchy sequence, the same must
be true of fn . Let f = limn fn , then
lim Afn =

lim (fn gn ) = (f g)

and so, since A is closed (and rearranging),

f Af = g.

We have shown that g R(I A), as required.

Definition 2.27 (Markov Generator). A Markov generator is a closed Markov pregenerator A for
which R(I A) = C(E) for all 0.
Remark 2.28. On the problem sheet, you are asked to prove the following claims:
(i) For a closed Markov pregenerator, if R(I A) = C(E) for all sufficiently small positive , then
the same will follow for all non-negative .
(ii) If a Markov pregenerator is everywhere defined and is a bounded operator, then it is automatically
a Markov generator.
We are finally in a position to state the main result of this section.
Theorem 2.29 (Hille-Yosida Theorem). There is a one-to-one correspondence between Markov generators on C(E) and Markov semigroups on C(E), given as follows:


T (t)f f
D(A) = f C(E) : lim
exists ,
Af = lim

T (t)f f
for f D(A).


T (t)f = lim I A

for f C(E) and t 0.

(iii) if f D(A), it follows that T (t)f D(A) and
T (t)f = AT (t)f = T (t)Af,
(iv) for g C(E) and 0, the solution to f Af = g is given by
et T (t)gdt.

Usually, in order to show existence of a process, first we provide an infinitesimal description and
use this to write down a Markov pregenerator, A. The next, and most difficult, step is to show that
R(I A) is dense in C(E) (for sufficiently small positive ). Then the closure of A exists and is a
Markov generator, which the Hille-Yosida Theorem tells us generates a Markov semigroup.
Example 2.30. On the problem sheet you are asked to check that each of the pregenerators in Example 2.22 is actually a Markov generator.
The Markov processes to which these examples correspond are
(i) The pure jump process of Example 1.15 (i);
(ii) Brownian motion on [0, 1] with reflecting barriers at 0 and 1;
(iii) Brownian motion on [0, 1] with absorbing barriers at 0 and 1.
Notice that the intersection of the domains of the generators in (ii) and (iii) is a dense subset of
C([0, 1]) and the generators agree on that set, even though the processes generated are quite different.
This tells us that a Markov generator is not automatically determined by its values on a dense subset
of C(E). For this reason we make the following definition.
Definition 2.31 (Core of a generator). Suppose that A is a Markov generator on C(E). A linear
subspace D of D(A) is said to be a core for A if A is the closure of its restriction to D.
Trivially, A is uniquely determined by its values on a core. If we follow the procedure described
immediately after Theorem 2.29 to write down a generator, then the domain of the original pregenerator
is automatically a core for the generator. In fact, in most cases we wont know the full domain of a
generator explicitly, but knowing a core is just as good.


Example 2.32 (Wright-Fisher diffusion). This diffusion process is of fundamental importance in population genetics, where it is used to model the evolution of gene frequencies, and we shall return to it
many times in the rest of the course. It takes its values in [0, 1] and the infinitesimal generator takes
the form
Af (x) = x(1 x)f 00 (x),
for an appropriate subset of C ([0, 1]) (the twice continuously differentiable functions on [0, 1]). The
issue of exactly which functions are in D(A) is not clear, but to construct the process from the HilleYosida Theorem, we define Af for a reasonable class of functions
f and then check that R(I A)
is dense in C([0, 1]). To do so, take
k=0 k x , and try to solve the equation
f Af = g. Let us write f (x) = k=0 ck xk . This leads to a recursion for the coefficients ck :

[k(k + 1)ck+1 (k 1)kck ] = ak ,


which can be solved. It follows that if we define A on the set of polynomials then R(I A) is dense
in C([0, 1]) as required. Taking the closure, it follows that the domain of A is
{f : there exist polynomials pn such that pn f uniformly and x(1 x)p00n has a uniform limit}.
In particular, we see that every f D(A) satisfies Af (0) = 0 = Af (1). This corresponds to the fact
that if gene frequencies hit zero or one, then they stay there.
Remark 2.33. The Wright-Fisher diffusion solves the stochastic differential equation
dXt = Xt (1 Xt )dBt ,
where Bt is Brownian motion. In particular, notice that the coefficient in front of the noise is not
uniformly Lipschitz, but only locally Lipschitz continuous.
Often we obtain stochastic processes of interest by an approximation procedure. In this context
the following result is helpful.
Theorem 2.34 (Trotter-Kurtz). Suppose that An and A are the generators of Markov semigroups
Tn (t) and T (t) respectively. If there is a core D for A such that D D(An ) for all n and An f Af
for all f D, then
Tn (t)f T (t)f
for all f C(E) uniformly for t in compact sets.
Part (iii) of the Hille-Yosida Theorem tells us that F (t) = T (t)f gives a solution to the Cauchy
F (t) = AF (t),
F (0) = f,
for f D(A).
Sometimes one would like to know that the semigroup actually gives the unique solution to a problem
of this type:
Theorem 2.35. Suppose that A is the generator of a Markov semigroup. Further, suppose that F (t)
and G(t) are functions on [0, ) with values in C(E) which satisfy
(i) F (t) D(A) for each t 0;
(ii) G(t) is continuous on [0, ); and

F (t) = AF (t) + G(t),

for t 0.

T (t s)G(s)ds.

F (t) = T (t)F (0) +


Proof. We establish the derivative of T (t s)F (s) with respect to s. First observe that

T (t s h)F (s + h) T (t s)F (s)
T (t s h) T (t s)
F (s + h) F (s)
F (s)
= T (ts)

F (s + h) F (s)
+ [T (t s h) T (t s)] F 0 (s) + [T (t s h) T (t s)]
F 0 (s) .
Since T (t s) is a bounded operator, the first term on the right hand side converges to T (t s)F 0 (s)
as h 0. Using (iii) of Theorem 2.29 (and the first assumption), the second term converges to
T (t s)AF (s). The third term tends to zero since for each f C(E) the mapping t 7 T (t)f is
uniformly continuous; and the fourth tends to zero since T (ts) and T (tsh) are both contractions.
Combining these observations, we have that, for 0 < s < t,
(T (t s)F (s)) = T (t s)F 0 (s) T (t s)AF (s),
which, by the third assumption, becomes
T (t s)F (s) = T (t s)G(s).


Finally, by the second assumption (and continuity of the mapping t 7 T (t)f for f C(X)), T (ts)G(s)
is a continuous function of s. Integrating (14) then gives

F (t) T (t)F (0) =

T (t s)G(s)ds,

as required.

Remark 2.36. Evidently we can specialise equation (13). For example, if A = 12 , then we see that
we can represent the solution to
(t, x) = f (t, x) + g(t, x)

f (t, x) = Ex f (0, Bt ) +

g(s, Bts )ds ,

where Bt is a Brownian motion and the subscript x in the expectation indicates that it starts at B0 = x.
This gives us a nontrivial example of a stochastic representation of a solution to a deterministic pde.
If we consider Brownian motion on [0, 1] with absorbing boundary (or some higher-dimensional
analogue), then for example setting g 1 gives the expected time for the process to leave the domain.
We return to this later.


Martingale problems

We now turn to the martingale approach to stochastic processes. Originally developed by Stroock
and Varadhan for the construction and analysis of diffusion processes with continuous coefficients, it
is particularly well adapted to weak convergence arguments. A thorough exposition in the diffusion
context can be found in Stroock & Varadhan (1979). Connections to weak convergence are covered in
Ethier & Kurtz (1986).


Martingale problems and Markov (pre-)generators

Definition 3.1 (The space D and its associated filtration). We shall write D[0, ), or sometimes just
D, for the space of c`
ag functions from [0, ) to E. This is the canonical path space for a Markov
process with state space E. For s [0, ), the evaluation mapping s : D[0, ) E is defined by
s ( ) = s . Let F be the smallest -algebra with respect to which all the mappings s are measurable
and for t [0, ), let Ft be the smallest -algebra on D[0, ) relative to which all the mappings s
for 0 s t are measurable.
Definition 3.2 (Martingale problem). Suppose that A is a Markov pregenerator and that E. A
probability measure P on D[0, ) is said to solve the martingale problem for A with initial point if
(i) P[. { D[0, ) : 0 = }] = 1, and
f (t )

Af (s )ds

is a (local) martingale relative to P and the -algebras {Ft , t 0} for all f D(A).
More generally, this can be extended in the obvious way to random initial values.
Notice that in contrast to the Hille-Yosida Theorem, which required A to be a Markov generator,
here we only require that it be a Markov pregenerator. Existence of a solution to the martingale
problem often requires only rather minimal conditions on the infinitesimal parameters of the process.
Uniqueness is typically much more difficult to establish. We shall present a powerful approach to
uniqueness in 5, but first we explore the connection between Feller processes and martingale problems
in a little more detail.
Theorem 3.3. Suppose that A is a Markov pregenerator and that its closure A is a Markov generator.
Let {Px , x E} be the unique Feller process that corresponds to A (through Theorem 2.12 and Theorem 2.29). Then for each x E, Px is the unique solution to the martingale problem for A with initial
point x.
Proof. In order to check that Px is a solution to the martingale problem, fix f D(A) and, for
0 < r < t, write

Z t
Z tr

Af (s )ds Fr
= Er
Af (s )ds
Z tr
Er [Af (s )]ds
Z tr
T (s)Af (r )ds
Z tr
(s)f (r )ds

= T (t r)f (r ) f (r ).

The last two equalities follow from (iii) of Theorem 2.29. Using this we now compute that for r < t

Z t

Z r
Z t

Af (s )ds Fr
Af (s )ds E
= E [ f (t )| Fr ]
Af (s )ds Fr
E f (t )
Z r0
Af (s )ds T (t r)f (r ) + f (r )
= E [f (tr ]
Z r
Af (s )ds.
= f (r )

Therefore Px is a solution to the martingale problem for A.

We now turn to uniqueness. Fix x E and let P be any solution to the martingale problem for A
with initial point x. We are going to check that P has the same finite-dimensional
(and hence for A)
for which
distributions as Px . Given g C(E) and > 0, there is f D(A)
= g.
( A)f


Since P solves the martingale problem, for r < t we have

Z t

Af (s )ds Fr = f (r ),
E f (t )

where E is the expectation with respect to P. Multiplying by et and integrating from r to infinity,
we obtain

Z Z t


e f (t )dt
e Af (s )dsdt Fr
= E
e f (t )dt
e Af (s )ds Fr

= er f (r ),
which, by (15), can be written

g(t )dt Fr = er f (r ).


Setting r = 0 in (16), and using the uniqueness theorem for Laplace transforms, we see that the
one-dimensional distributions of P are the same as those for Px , since Px is another solution to the
martingale problem. We shall use induction to extend this to higher dimensional distributions. Take
0 < s1 < s2 < < sn , i > 0 and hi C(E). Setting r = sn in (16), multiplying by
! n
i si
hi (si ),


taking expectations of both sides and integrating we obtain


exp t
0<s1 <<sn <t

! "
i si

E g(t )




hi (si ) ds1 dsn dt



exp sn
0<s1 <<sn


i si

E f (sn )


hi (si ) ds1 dsn . (17)


Applying uniqueness for multidimensional Laplace transforms to (17) (and the corresponding expression
with E replaced by Ex ), we see that the equality of the n-dimensional distributions of P and Px implies

that of the (n + 1)-dimensional distributions. By induction, P and Px have the same finite-dimensional
distributions and so P = Px as required.
Notice that we didnt use the Hille-Yosida Theorem. The key point was to be able to solve the
resolvent equation (15).
Definition 3.4 (Well-posed martingale problem). Suppose that A is a Markov pregenerator. The
martingale problem for A is said to be well-posed if, for each x E, the martingale problem for A with
initial point x has a unique solution.
Martingale problems provide a very powerful way to characterise the Markov processes associated
with a given generator. Liggett (1985), which we have been following thus far, moves on to discuss
martingale problems associated with interacting particle systems. We now depart from Liggett and
turn to the setting in which martingale problems were first developed.
The rest of this section and the next owes a lot to lecture notes on stochastic calculus written by
Nathanael Berestycki of the University of Cambridge, which in turn follow Durrett and Stroock &


Recap on Stochastic Differential Equations

Last term, you saw how to make sense of the notion of solution to a stochastic differential equation
dXt = b(Xt )dt + (Xt )dBt ,
which is really shorthand for
Xt = X0 +

b(Xs ) ds +

(Xs ) dBs ,


where {Bt }t0 is Brownian motion and the last term is an Ito integral.
More precisely, let B be a Brownian motion in Rm with m 1. Let d 1 and suppose

(x) = ij (x) 1id : Rd Rdm

b(x) = bi (x)


: Rd Rd

are given Borel functions, bounded on compact sets. Consider the equation in Rd :
dXt = (Xt ) dBt + b(Xt ) dt ,


which may be written componentwise as



ij (Xt ) dBtj + bi (Xt ) dt ,




This general SDE will be called E(, b).

Definition 3.5 (Solutions of stochastic differential equations). A solution to E(, b) in (19) consists

(i) a filtered probability space , F, (Ft )t0 , P satisfying the usual conditions;

(ii) an (Ft )t0 -Brownian motion B = (B 1 , . . . , B m ) taking values in Rm ;

(iii) an (Ft )t0 -adapted continuous process X = (X 1 , . . . , X d ) Rd such that
Xt = X0 +

(Xs ) dBs +

b(Xs ) ds.

When, in addition, X0 = x Rd , we say that X is a solution started from x.

There are several different notions of existence and uniqueness for SDEs.
Definition 3.6 (Uniqueness in law, pathwise uniqueness, strong solution). Let E(, b) be the SDE in
(i) We say that E(, b) has a solution if for all x Rd , there exists a solution to the SDE started
from x.
(ii) There is uniqueness in law if all solutions to E(, b) started from x have the same distribution.

(iii) There is pathwise uniqueness if, when we fix , F, (Ft )t0 , P and B then any two solutions X
and X 0 satisfying X0 = X00 a.s. are indistinguishable from one another (that is their trajectories
coincide a.s.).
(iv) We say that a solution X of E(, b) started from x is a strong solution if X is adapted to the
natural filtration of B.
Remark 3.7 (Weak solution). In general, (Bs , s t) Ft and a solution might not be measurable
with respect to the Brownian motion B. A strong solution depends only on x Rd and the Brownian
motion B, and is moreover non-anticipative: if the path of B is known up to time t, then so is the path
of X up to time t. We will term weak any solution that is not strong.
Since we are primarily interested in relating SDEs to martingale problems, we shall be concerned
with weak solutions and uniqueness in law, but for completeness we make some remarks on the relationship between the various notions of existence and uniqueness.
Remark 3.8. If every solution is strong, then pathwise uniqueness holds. Indeed, any solution must
then be a certain measurable functional of the path B. If two functionals F1 and F2 of B gave two
solutions to the SDE, then we would construct a third one by tossing a coin and choosing X1 or X2 .
This third solution would then not be adapted to F B .
It is possible to have existence of a weak solution and uniqueness in law, without pathwise uniqueness
(see the problem sheet).
Theorem 3.9 (Yamada-Watanabe Theorem). Let , b be measurable functions. If pathwise uniqueness
holds for E(, b) and there exist solutions, then there is also uniqueness in law. In this case, for every
filtered probability space (, F, (Ft )t0 , P) and every Ft -Brownian motion B = (Bt , t 0), and for
every x Rd , the unique solution X to Ex (, b) is strong.
In particular, provided that there exist solutions, pathwise uniqueness is stronger than uniqueness
in law.


Lipschitz coefficients
Last term you were primarily concerned with SDEs with Lipschitz coefficients.
Definition 3.10 (Lipschitz continuous function). For U Rd and f : U Rd , we say that f is
Lipschitz with Lipschitz constant K < if

f (x) f (y) K|x y| for all x, y U ,
where |.| denotes the Euclidean norm on Rd . (If f : U Rdm then the left-hand side is the Euclidean
norm in Rdm ).
The key result which you proved last term is that SDEs with Lipschitz coefficients have pathwise
unique solutions which are furthermore always strong.
Finally we note that weak uniqueness implies the strong Markov property.


Diffusion processes and martingale problems

Levy (1948) characterised standard Brownian motion as the unique continuous process B such that
B(t) and B 2 (t) t are both martingales. Our next aim is to find an analogous characterisation of
the diffusion processes which arise as solutions of stochastic differential equations and relate it to the
notion of martingale problem.
Let i,j (x)1i,jd and (bi (x))1id be a family of measurable functions with values in R. Let
a(x) = (x) T (x). (Here we assume for simplicity that m = d).
Definition 3.11 (Martingale problem M(a, b)). We say that a process X = (Xt , t 0) with values in
Rd , together with a filtered probability space (, F, (Ft ), P), solves the martingale problem M(a, b) if
for all 1 i, j d,


Mi =


bi (Xs )ds; t 0


Z t
aij (Xs )ds; t 0
Mt Mt

are local martingales.

In particular, when d = 1 the statements become
Z t
b(Xs )ds
Mt = Xt


2 (Xs )ds

are local martingales.

If , b are Lipschitz continuous, then the solution to the SDE (18) exists, that is, there is a process
X with
Z t
Z t
Xt X0 =
b(Xs )ds +
(Xs )dBs .

The stochastic integral is a local martingale and so

Mt = Xt X0

b(Xs )ds


is a mean zero local martingale. Squaring and using the Ito isometry for stochastic integrals, yields
Z t
2 (Xs )ds

is a local martingale. In other words, X then solves the martingale problem M(a, b). Rather remarkably,
as the next theorem shows, these are the only solutions.
Theorem 3.12. Let a = T and let X and (, (Ft ), P) be a solution to M(a, b). Then there exists
an (Ft )-Brownian motion (Bt , t 0) in Rd defined on an enlarged probability space, such that (X, B)
solves E(, b).
Sketch of proof: We satisfy ourselves with a sketch of the proof in d = 1. For simplicity, we suppose
that (x) > > 0 for all x R. We have that
Z t
b(Xs )ds
Mt = Xt X0

is a local martingale, as is

2 (Xs )ds.

Since (Xs ) is bounded away from zero, we can define

Z t
Bt =
0 (Xs )
and since d(Bt2 ) = dt, by Levys characterisation of Brownian motion, B is a Brownian motion on R.
Z t
Z t
(Xs )dBs = Mt M0 = Xt
b(Xs )ds.

But (22) is simply the statement that (X, B) solves E(, b).

Theorem 3.12 shows that there is a one-to-one correspondence between solutions to the stochastic
differential equation E(, b) and the martingale problem M(a, b). In particular, there is uniqueness in
distribution to the solutions of E(, b), if and only if the solutions to the martingale problem M(a, b)
are unique, where uniqueness means that all solutions to M(a, b) with identical starting points have
the same law.
Of course we should connect this version of the martingale problem to the one that we introduced
in Definition 3.2. It is clear from It
os formula that any solution to the SDE (18) will provide a solution
to the martingale problem corresponding to the infinitesimal generator A given by
Af (x) =

aij (x)
(x) +
bi (x)
xi xj


In one dimension this takes the form

Af (x) = a(x)f 00 (x) + b(x)f 0 (x).
We shall call b and a the infinitesimal drift and infinitesimal variance of the diffusion. That a solution
to the martingale problem for A is also a solution to the martingale problem M(a, b) is the content of
the next lemma.

Lemma 3.13. A solution (in the sense of Definition 3.2) to the martingale problem for A given by (23)
is also a solution to the martingale problem M(a, b).
Proof. For simplicity we provide a sketch of the proof in one dimension only.
Taking f (x) x, it is immediate that
Z t
b(Xs )ds
Mt = Xt

Mt2 .

is a local martingale. Now consider


Z t
b(Xs )ds
Mt2 =

b(Xs )ds +
b(Xs )ds
Z t
Z t
Z t
b(Xu )duds
2b(Xs )
b(Xs )ds +
= Xt2 2Xt

Z t
Z t
= Xt 2
b(Xs ) Xt
b(Xu )du ds.



Now setting f (x) = x2 we have that


{2Xs b(Xs ) a(Xs )} ds

is a local martingale, so we will be able to deduce that

Z t
a(Xs )ds

is a local martingale if we can show that

Z t
Z t
Z t
Z t
Z t
b(Xs ) Xt
b(Xu )du ds 2
Xs b(Xs )ds = 2
b(Xs ) Xt Xs
b(Xu )du ds

is a local martingale. To see this, we use the tower property of conditional expectations. Suppose that
0 < r < t. First observe that

Z t
 Z t

Z t
Z t

b(Xs ) Xt Xs
b(Xu )du ds Fr
= E E
b(Xs ) Xt Xs
b(Xu )du ds Fs Fr
Z t

Z t

= E
b(Xs )E
Xt Xs
b(Xu )du ds Fs Fr

= 0,
since Mt is a local martingale. Now note that
Z r

Z t

b(Xs ) Xt Xs
b(Xu )du ds Fr

Z t

Xt Xr
b(Xu )du Fr
Z r
+ Xr Xs
b(Xu )du}ds

Z r
Z r
b(Xs ) Xr Xs
b(Xu )du ds,
b(Xs ){E

as required (where again we have used that Mt is a local martingale).


Remark 3.14. The infinitesimal generators corresponding to solutions to E(, b) are the second order
differential operators given in (23) where we assume that and b are Lipschitz. This condition is
stronger p
than we need for the process to exist, as we have already seen in Example 2.32, in which
(x) = x(1 x) is certainly not uniformly Lipschitz. In that example, we also allowed 2 (x) to
vanish on the boundary. This is crucial in many applications, but to avoid pathologies we shall only
allow to vanish on the boundary, and never on the interior, of the domain.

Stroock-Varadhan theory of diffusion approximation


Notions of weak convergence of processes

In this section we describe (without proof) some basic results in the theory of weak convergence of
processes. We will use these in the next section to derive conditions under which Markov chains
(suitably rescaled) converge to (weak) solutions of stochastic differential equations.
We view a process as a random variable with values in a space D of trajectories (paths) and so it
is convenient to deal with weak convergence in a general metric space.
Definition 4.1 (Complete, separable, metric space, Borel -algebra). A metric space (S, d) consists
of a nonempty set S and a map d : S S R such that:
(i) d(x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y;
(ii) d(x, y) 0;
(iii) d(x, z) d(x, y) + d(y, z).
The open ball B(x, r) is the set {y S : d(x, y) < r}. The Borel -algebra is the -algebra generated
by all open sets.
We say that (S, d) is separable if it contains a countable dense subset and complete if every Cauchy
sequence in (S, d) converges to a limit in S.
When we talk about measurability, we shall implicitly assume that we are using the Borel -algebra.
The notion of convergence in distribution is defined in terms of integration against test functions.
Definition 4.2 (Weak convergence, convergence in distribution/law). Let
R (n )n1Rbe a sequence of
probability distributions on S. We say that n weakly as n , if S f dn S f d as n
for all bounded continuous functions f . If n is the law of a random variable X (n) and that of a
random variable X, we say that X (n) X in distribution (or in law).
Remark: What a probabilist calls weak convergence is what an analyst calls weak* convergence.
There are a number of ways one can reformulate the notion of weak convergence in terms of the mass
assigned to events that are either closed or open.
Theorem 4.3 (Portmanteau Theorem). Let (X (n) )n1 be a sequence of random variables taking values
in S. The following are equivalent.
(i) X (n) X in distribution.
(ii) For any closed set K S, lim supn P(X (n) K) P(X K).
(iii) For any open set O S, lim inf n P(X (n) O) P(X O).

(iv) For all Borel sets A such that P[X A] = 0, limn P[X (n) A] = P[X A].
(v) For any bounded function f , denote by Df the set of discontinuities of f . Then for any f such
that P[X Df ] = 0, E[f (X (n) )] E[f (X)] as n .
The notion of weak convergence makes perfectly good sense even when the random variables X (n)
are not related to one another in any particular way. Indeed they dont even have to be defined on
the same probability space. However, it turns out that provided the space (S, d) is sufficiently nice,
one can find a single probability space and a collection of random variables Y (n) on that space with
the property that, for each n, Y (n) has the same law as X (n) and the sequence Y (n) converges almost
surely. This is the content of the following theorem (which we include for completeness).
Theorem 4.4 (Skorokhod Representation Theorem). Suppose that (S, d) is a complete, separable
metric space. If n weakly then there exist random variables Y (n) defined on [0, 1] equipped with

the Lebesgue measure P, such that Y (n) = n for all n 1, and limn Y (n) = Y , P-almost surely,
where Y = .
A standard strategy for proving that a sequence xn converges to a limit x is to prove that (a) the
sequence takes its values in a compact set and (b) there is only one possible subsequential limit. In the
context of stochastic processes, the analogous strategy is to first check that the laws of the processes
are tight and then to prove uniqueness of the limit point.
Definition 4.5 (Tightness). Let (S, d) be a metric space. A family of probability measures M M1 (S)
is said to be tight if for each  > 0, there exists a compact set K S such that for all M ,
(K ) > 1 .
This condition implies that M is relatively compact (that is the closure of M is compact), in
the topology of weak convergence, and is equivalent to relative compactness if (S, d) is complete and

Definition 4.6. A sequence, {X }n1 , of processes taking values in the space D([0, ), E) is said to
be tight if their distributions {P(n) }n1 are tight.
Granted tightness, any infinite subsequence of the P(n) s will contain a convergent subsequence.
In order to apply this in practice, we need a convenient characterisation of the compact sets in
D([0, ), E). First we must specify our metric.
For any complete separable metric space (E, d), one can define the Skorohod metric on the space
D([0, ), E) of c`
ag paths in E, and this space will again be complete and separable.
Definition 4.7 (The Skorohod topology). Let (E, d) be a metric space, and let {n }n1 be a sequence
and a point in D([0, ), E). Then n as n in the Skorohod topology if and only if,
whenever tn is a sequence of points in [0, ) converging to t [0, ), the following conditions are
lim min{d(n (tn ), (t)), d(n (tn ), (t))} = 0

(ii) If limn d(n (tn ), (t)) = 0, then for any sequence of times sn with sn tn and limn sn = t,
lim d(n (sn ), (t)) = 0.


(iii) If limn d(n (tn ), (t)) = 0, then for any sequence of times sn with sn tn and limn sn =
lim d(n (sn ), (t)) = 0.

This is not the usual definition of the Skorohod topology, but it is equivalent (see Ethier & Kurtz,
Proposition 3.6.5). This form has the advantage of (relative) transparency: the first condition ensures
that there are at most two limit points of the sequence {n (tn )}, the second condition guarantees right
continuity of the limiting path at t, the third left limits.
The following result, Theorem 3.7.2 of Ethier & Kurtz, demonstrates the nature of the hurdles to
be overcome in proving tightness of a sequence of processes with c`adl`ag sample paths. It requires some
notation. Let us suppose that (E, d) is complete and separable. For a path x(s) D([0, ), E), define
w0 (x, , T ) = inf max
{ti }


d(x(s), x(t)),

s,t[ti1 ,ti )

where {ti } ranges over all partitions of the form 0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tm = T with m 1 and
min1im (ti ti1 ) > . The r
ole of w0 will become clear soon.
For a compact set K, K  denotes the -expansion of K, that is the set {x E : inf yK d(x, y) < }.
Theorem 4.8 (Ethier & Kurtz). Let {X (n) }n1 be a sequence of processes taking values in D([0, ), E).
Then {X (n) }n1 is relatively compact if and only if the following two conditions hold.
(i) For every  > 0 and every (rational) t 0, there exists a compact set ,t E, such that

lim inf P X (n) (t) ,t

(ii) For every  > 0 and T > 0, there exists > 0 such that
lim sup P w0 (X (n) , , T )  



The first condition could instead be replaced by the requirement of relative compactness of the
one-dimensional disributoins at each fixed time. The second condition prevents large jumps from being
too close together. That is, for any  > 0, there wont be a limit point of jumps of size greater than
. (If the jumps are sufficiently spread out then we can choose the partition in such a way that each
jump point corresponding to a jump of size more than  is a point ti . If they are not, then no matter
how small , we cannot arrange for w0 (x, , T ) to be less than .)
This condition is rather unwieldy to work with. If we are dealing with real-valued processes, then
the following criterion due to Aldous, is extremely helpful.
Theorem 4.9 (Aldous (1978)). Let Y (n) be a sequence of real valued processes with c`
ag paths.
Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied.

(i) For each fixed t, Yt

are tight.

(ii) Given a sequence of stopping times n , bounded by T , for each  > 0 there exists > 0 and n0
such that


sup sup P Y (n) (n + ) Y (n) (n ) >  .
nn0 [0,]

Then the Y (n) are tight.


If the Y (n) are square integrable semimartingales, then we write V (n) for the corresponding predictable finite variation process and [M (n) ] for the quadratic variation of the martingale part. The
following version of Theorem 4.9 can be found in Rebolledo (1980).
Theorem 4.10 (The Aldous-Rebolledo Criterion). Let Y (n) be a sequence of real valued semimartingales with c`
ag paths. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied.

(i) For each fixed t, Yt

are tight.

(ii) Given a sequence of stopping times n , bounded by T , for each  > 0 there exists > 0 and n0
such that


sup sup P V (n) (n + ) V (n) (n ) >  ,
nn0 [0,]



sup sup P [M (n) ]n + [M (n) ]n >  .


nn0 [0,]

Then the Y (n) are tight.

This is more generally applicable than it looks. For example, provided that one can prove a compact
containment condition, tightness of measure-valued processes is implied by that of the real-valued
processes obtained by integrating against test functions from a large enough class.
So far in this section we have considered processes with c`adl`ag paths. If we specialise to the case
where the random variables X (n) take values in the space C of continuous paths over a compact time
interval, [0, 1] for example, then things are simpler. For definiteness (and since it is all we use in what
follows), let us also specialise to E Rd . We equip C with the distance induced by the sup-norm:
d(f, g) = kf gk = sup |f (t) g(t)|.



This turns C into a complete, separable metric space, which is continuously embedded in the space D.
Whereas in the case of c`
ag paths, we used the quantity w0 (x, , T ) to control the accumulation of
large jumps, for continuous paths, we can work with a much simpler quantity:
Definition 4.11 (Modulus of continuity at precision , osc ()). For a continuous path (t), t [0, 1],
osc () = sup{|(s) (t)| : |s t| }.
osc is simply the modulus of continuity of the path , at precision .
Theorem 4.12. Suppose that {X (n) }n1 is a sequence of processes with values in C. Then {X (n) }n1
is tight, if and only if for each > 0, there exist n0 , M 1 and > 0 such that:
(i) P[|X (n) (0)| > M ] for all n n0 .
(ii) P(n) [osc > ] .
Thus, to show that a sequence converges weakly in C, it suffices to prove that the conditions of
Theorem 4.12 are satisfied and that there is a unique weak subsequential limit. This uniqueness is for
instance the case if one has already established convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions, i.e.,
convergence of the k-dimensional vector (Xt1 , . . . , Xtk ) towards (Xt1 , . . . , Xtk ), for any k 1 and
any choice of test times t1 , . . . , tk . The first condition of Theorem 4.12 says that the initial value of

the process, X (n) (0), takes values in a compact set with arbitrarily high probability. This is of course
trivial in the case when the starting point of a process is a deterministic point.
In the next section, we will prove weak convergence of certain rescaled Markov chains towards diffusion processes. For this, we will usually use the fact that any weak subsequential limit must satisfy
the associated martingale problem M(a, b) for which sufficient smoothness of the coefficients proves
uniqueness in distribution. Although the limiting processes will be continuous, the approximating
Markov chains are not. We could circumvent this by linear interpolation, but then we lose the Markov
property, and so we prefer to work in the space D. Evidently if we can check the second condition of
Theorem 4.12 for these c`
ag processes, then the second condition of Theorem 4.8 follows a fortiori.
Moreover, combining this estimate on the oscillations of the process with the first condition of Theorem 4.12 is enough to guarantee that the first condition of Theorem 4.8 is also satisfied. Thus it will
suffice to check the conditions of Theorem 4.12 for our c`adl`ag processes and, in this case, any subsequential limit will actually be a continuous process (in the sense that P[X C] = 1). Furthermore,
weak convergence with respect to the Skorokhod topology towards a continuous process X, implies
weak convergence in C of the linear interpolations. We shall also use the fact that if xn x in the
Skorokhod topology, then xn (t) x(t) for all t 0.


Markov chains and diffusions

The result which we now discuss is due to Stroock and Varadhan (1969). It can be found in Chapter 11
of Stroock & Varadhan. It shows how to obtain diffusion processes as limits of sequences of Markov
chains and is applicable in a remarkably wide variety of contexts. Our treatment follows rather closely
the book of Durrett.
We take a sequence of Markov chains Y h indexed by a parameter h > 0. We shall focus on discrete
time chains, but see Remark 4.14 below.
The chain Y h takes it values in a certain set Eh Rd . The transition probabilities of Y h are given
by a transition kernel h ,
A|Ynh = x] = h (x, A).
We define the random process X h on [0, 1] by
Xth = Ybt/hc

t [0, 1],

so that X h is almost surely right-continuous and is constant between successive jumps, which occur
every h units of time. We write Kh for the rescaled transition kernel:
Kh (x, dy) =

h (x, dy).

For 1 i, j d, define:
ahij (x) =

(yi xi )(yj xj )Kh (x, dy),


(yi xi )Kh (x, dy),



bhi (x)


h (x) = Kh (x, B(x, )c ).


Suppose that aij and bi are continuous coefficients on Rd for which the martingale problem M(a, b)
is well posed, i.e. for each x Rd there is a unique in distribution process (Xt , 0 t 1) such that
X0 = x almost surely, and
Z t
Z t
aij (Xs )ds
bi (Xs )ds and Mt Mt
Mt = Xt

are all local martingales.

Theorem 4.13. Under the assumptions above, suppose further that for each 1 i, j d, and for
every R > 0, > 0,
(i) limh0 sup|x|R |ahij (x) aij (x)| = 0.
(ii) limh0 sup|x|R |bhi (x) bi (x)| = 0.
(iii) limh0 sup|x|R h (x) = 0.
Then if X0h = xh x0 , we have (Xth , 0 t 1) (Xt , 0 t 1) weakly in D, where Xt solves the
martingale problem M(a, b), and in particular, the linear interpolations of Y h converge weakly in C.
Remark 4.14 (Convergence of continuous time chains). We have stated the result for discrete time
Markov chains. In fact, Durrett treats discrete and continuous time chains simultaneously. Suppose
that we have continuous time chains {Xth }t0 taking values in Sh R. In place of the sequence of
transition probabilities h for the discrete time chain, we have a sequence of transition rates:

P[Xt A|X0 = x]
= Qh (x, A),
for x Sh , A Rd , x
/ A.
We assume that for any compact set K,
sup Qh (x, Rd ) < .



Let us write
Kh (x, dy) = Qh (x, dy).
Then the statement of Theorem 4.13 remains valid.
The rest of this subsection is devoted to the proof of Theorem 4.13. The idea is simple. The
first two conditions ensure convergence of the infinitesimal mean and variance to those of the diffusion
process. The third guarantees that there are no macroscopic jumps in the limit. By localization, we
can, and do, replace (i), (ii) and (iii) by the following stronger conditions:
(i) limh0 supxRd |ahij (x) aij (x)| = 0.
(ii) limh0 supxRd |bhi (x) bi (x)| = 0.
(iii) limh0 supxRd h (x) = 0.
(iv) Moreover, ahij , bhi , h are uniformly bounded in h and x.


Step 1. Tightness
Let f be a bounded and measurable function. Define the operator Lh by
L f (x) = Kh (x, dy)(f (y) f (x)).


This plays the role of the infinitesimal generator for our discrete time process. In particular, the process
f (Ykh )


hLh f (Yjh ),

k = 1, 2, . . .



is a (discrete-time) martingale. For our proof of tightness we are going to need an estimate on the time
needed by the chain to make a deviation of size roughly > 0, when it starts at position y Rd . To
do this, we introduce a function g C 2 (R) (the twice continuously differentiable functions on R) with
0 g 1, g(0) = 1 and g(x) = 0 for x 1. For x Rd , set f (x) = g(|x|2 /2 ) which is also C 2 , and
vanishes for |x| . Finally, for a Rd , let fa, (x) = f (x a).
Lemma 4.15. There exists C < , independent of h, such that |Lh fa, (x)| C for all a, x Rd .
Proof. This is simply an application of Taylors theorem. For x, y Rd , there exists cxy [0, 1] such
fa, (y) fa, (x) =
(yi xi )Di fa, (x) +
(yi xi )(yj xj )Dij fa, (zxy ),


where zxy = x + cxy (y x) [x, y].

To obtain Lh fa, (x), we integrate with respect to Kh (x, dy) to obtain
L fa, (x) = Kh (x, dy)(fa, (y) fa, (x))


fa, (x)
(y x)Kh (x, dy)




(yi xi )(yj xj )Dij fa, (zxy )Kh (x, dy)
|yx|1 i,j

+ 2kfa, k Kh (x, B(x, 1)c ).
Let A = supx |fa, (x)| and B = supz kDfa, (z)k, where Df = (Dij f )1i,jd is the Hessian matrix
of f and for a d d matrix M , the matrix norm is defined by
kM k :=


|hu, M ui|.

uRd :|u|=1

In this notation

(yi xi )(yj xj )Dij fa, (zxy ) |y x|2 B .


Hence, by Cauchy-Schwarz,

|y x|2 Kh (x, dy) + 2Kh (x, B(x, 1)c ).

L fa, (x) A |b (x)| + B


Since |yx|1 |y x|2 Kh (x, dy) =

lemma is proved.

i aii (x),

using the uniform boundedness assumptions of (iv), the


To estimate osc (X h ), we first define a sequence of stopping times {n }n0 . Set 0 = 0 and then,
n = inf{t n1 : |Xth Xhn1 | }.
Now set
N = min{n : n > 1},
= min{n n1 : 1 n N }
and, finally
= max{|X h (t) X h (t)| : 0 < t 1}.
The relationship between these random variables and tightness is provided by the following lemma:
Lemma 4.16. Assume that > and that < . Then osc (X h ) 4.
The proof is straightforward. We want to show that for all s, t [0, 1] with |s t| ,
|X h (s) X h (t)| 4. The point is that since |s t| < , s and t can only span at most one of the
intervals [n1 , n ], and the definition of the stopping times n ensures that X h does not vary by more
than 2 on such an interval. More explicitly, if n1 s < t < n , then |X h (s) X h (t)| 2. If on
the other hand, n1 s < n t, then
|X h (s) X h (t)| |X h (s) X h (n1 )| + |X h (t) X h (n )|
+ |X h (n ) X h (n )| + |X h (n ) X h (n1 )|
We now check the conditions of Theorem 4.12. Since it is assumed that the starting point X0h = xh0
is nonrandom and converges towards a fixed x0 , it suffices to check the second condition: for all > 0,
there exists > 0 and h0 such that for h h0 ,
P[osc (X h ) ] .
This will follow if we show that for all sufficiently small, Px [ > /4] 0 and Px [ > ] 0 as h 0
for all x Rd . The first is very simple: since there are at most 1/h time steps in the interval [0, 1], a
simple union bound yields
Px [ > ]

sup h (y, B(y, )c ) sup h (y) 0
h y

by (iii). The second requires more work. The first step is to estimate Px [1 u] for small u. Note that
by Lemma 4.15, the process
fx, (Ykh ) + C hk, k = 0, 1, . . .
is a submartingale. We set = inf{k 1 : |Ykh x| > }, so that 1 = h . Using the Optional Stopping
Theorem at u0 with u0 = u/h,
Ex fx, (Yhu0 ) + C h( u0 ) 1.
On the event { u0 }, we have that |Yhu0 x| , so that fx, (Yhu0 ) = 0, and evidently u0 u0 ,
so we have:
Px [1 u] = P[ u0 ] Ex 1 fx, (Yhu0 ) hC u0 = C u.

Consequently, for all u > 0, letting p = Px [ u]:

Ex [e ] Px [ u] + eu Px [ u]
= p + eu (1 p) = eu + p(1 eu )
eu + pu 1 u + C u2 .

Thus, by choosing u small enough, we can find < 1, independent of x or (depending solely on
through C ), such that Ex [e ] . Now, iterating and using the strong Markov property at times
1 , . . . , n , since does not depend on x, we have
Ex [en ] n ,
and thus, by Markovs inequality,
Px [N > n] = Px [n < 1] Px [en e1 ]
eEx [en ] en .
Now observe that
Px [ ] k sup Py [ ] + Px [N > k]

C k + ek ,
where we used (35) to estimate P[ ]. Thus taking k large enough that ek < /2 and then small
enough that C k < /2, tightness is proved.
Step 2. Uniqueness of the weak subsequential limits.
Since we have assumed that the martingale problem M(a, b) is well posed, it suffices to show that the
limit of any weakly convergent subsequence solves the martingale problem M(a, b). The first step is to
show that the operator Lh defined in (33) converges in a suitable sense to the infinitesimal generator
L of the diffusion:
1 X
(x) +
aij (x)
bi (x)
Lf (x) =
xi xj


2 (the space of twice continuously differentiable functions with compact

Lemma 4.17. Let f CK
support). Then L f (x) Lf (x) uniformly in x Rd as h 0.

Proof. As in Lemma 4.15, we apply a Taylor expansion to Lh f (x), and, recalling the definition of
bhi (x), we write
Lh f (x) =


bhi (x)Di f (x) +




(yi xi )(yj xj )Dij f (zxy )Kh (x, dy)

|yx|1 i,j=1

[f (y) f (x)]Kh (x, dy)


The final term on the right-hand side converges to 0, uniformly in x, by assumption (iii) with = 1.
To deal with the first term, note that



bi (x)Di f (x)
bi (x)Di f (x) sup |bi (x) bi (x)|
kDi f k ,





2 ). It remains to control the middle

which converges to 0 uniformly in x by assumption (ii) (since f CK
term. Recalling the definition of aij (x), we obtain:



(yi xi )(yj xj )Dij f (zxy )Kh (x, dy)
aij (x)Dij f (x)

|yx|1 i,j=1



X h

aij (x)Dij f (x)
aij (x)Dij f (x)




(yi xi )(yj xj )[Dij f (zxy ) Dij f (x)]Kh (x, dy) .
|yx|1 i,j=1

The first term converges to 0 uniformly in x by (i) and the fact that the derivatives of f are uniformly
bounded. The second term can be split into integrals over |y x| > and |y x| . The first of
these converges to 0 uniformly in x Rd thanks to (iii) and the fact that the integrand is bounded.
For the other term, let
() = sup sup |Dij f (zxy ) Dij f (x)|,
1i,jd |yx|

then since zxy lies on the segment between x and y, and since Dij f is continuous on the compact set
K (and hence uniformly continuous), () 0 as 0. On the other hand, by the Cauchy-Schwarz







|yx| i,j=1

d|y x|2 Kh (x, dy),

and the proof of the lemma is complete.

To complete the proof of Theorem 4.13, fix a sequence hn 0 for which X hn X weakly (in D)
as n . Recall from (34) that
f (Xkh


hn Lhn f (Xjh
), k = 0, 1, . . .


is a (discrete parameter) martingale. In particular, taking kn = ds/hn e, and `n = dt/hn e, we obtain

that for any Fs -measurable F : D R,

n 1

= 0.
Ex F (X hn ) f (X`hnnhn ) f (Xkhnnhn )
hn Lhn f (Xjh


Using the Skorokhod Representation Theorem, we can find Y n such that Y n = X hn and Y n Y
almost surely, where Y = X. We recognize a Riemann sum in the expectation on the left hand side
of (36). Since almost sure convergence in D implies almost sure convergence of the marginals, we
deduce that


Ex F (X) f (Xt ) f (Xs )

Lf (Xu )du


= 0.

Since F is an arbitrary, it follows that

f (Xt )

Lf (Xu )du, t 0

2 . Since the martingale problem has a unique solution, we have proved

is a martingale for all f CK
uniqueness of limits and the proof of Theorem 4.13 is complete.

Theorem 4.13 is a remarkably powerful result, not only as a means of constructing diffusions, but
also for identifying an appropriate diffusion process with which to approximate a Markov chain. Often
the limiting diffusion is simpler to study than the Markov chain that it approximates. Moreover, our
models are only ever a caricature of reality. The fact that a diffusion approximates so many different
local structures suggests that predictions made from the diffusion approximation are robust to changes
in the (often unreliable) local details of our modelling.
Here we present one simple example of a diffusion approximation. There are more on the problem
Example 4.18 (The Ehrenfest chain). The Ehrenfest chain was proposed by Tatania and Paul Ehrenfest in 1907 to explain the second law of thermodynamics. The model consists of 2n molecules placed in
two chambers. Molecules independently change container at rate 1/2n. (In other words, at the times
of a rate one Poisson process, a molecule is picked independently at random to change container.) Let
Ytn denote the number of molecules in the first contained at time t. The transition rates of this chain
are, in an obvious notation,
2n i
qi,i1 =
qi,i+1 =
The chain has an equilibrium distribution which we denote by i . Mark Kac proved in 1947 that if the
initial system is not in equilibrium, then entropy, given by

H(t) =
P[Xt = i] log P[Xt = i]/i ,

n n)/n, and suppose (for definiteness) that Y n = n.
Define the normalized process Xtn = (Ybtnc
The process (Xtn , 0 t 1) converges weakly to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion (Xt , 0 t 1)
with unit viscosity, that is the pathwise unique solution to
dXt = Xt dt + dBt , X0 = 0.
We prove this using Theorem 4.13. Here hn = 1/n and we have abused notation by writing X n

for X hn . The state space of X n is En = {k/ n : n k n} and (again abusing notation)

K n (x, dy) = nn (x, dy), where

nx n
n+x n
n (x, x + n
n (x, x n

Since the chain can only make jumps of size 1/ n, condition (iii) of Theorem 4.13 holds trivially, and
for all n 1,

1/2 n x n
1/2 n + x n
b (x) = (y x)Kn (x, dy) = n n
= x,

a (x) =

(y x) Kn (x, dy) = n n

1 n

x n
1 n + x n
= 1.

Since the coefficients of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion are Lipschitz, there is pathwise uniqueness for
the associated SDE and thus uniqueness in distribution. Therefore, (Xtn , 0 t 1) converges weakly
to (Xt , 0 t 1), by Theorem 4.13.

The method of duality

Often, proving that a sequence of processes is tight, and that any limit point solves a martingale
problem, is relatively straightforward, but uniqueness of the solution to the martingale problem is
much harder. Sometimes in this context, the method of duality can be helpful. It has also found
widespread use as a means of characterising the distribution of a complex stochastic process in terms
of another, simpler, process (or even a deterministic equation).
Theorem 5.1 (The method of duality). Let E1 , E2 be metric spaces and suppose that P and Q are
probability distributions on the space of c`
ag functions from [0, ) to E1 , E2 respectively. (These
spaces are endowed with the natural -fields.) Take two bounded functions f , g on E1 E2 for which
the following are true:
(i) For each y E2 , f (, y) and g(, y) are continuous functions on E1 .
(ii) For each x E1 , f (x, ) and g(x, ) are continuous functions on E2 .
(iii) For y E2 ,

f (X(t), y)

g(X(s), y)ds

is a P-martingale.
(iv) For x E1 ,
f (x, Y (t))

g(x, Y (s))ds

is a Q-martingale.
EPX(0) [f (X(t), Y (0))] = EQ
Y (0) [f (X(0), Y (t))] .
Proof. Taking expectations and differentiating gives that for s 0,
d P
E [f (X(s), y)] = EP [g (X(s), y)] ,

d Q
E [f (x, Y (s))] = EQ [g (x, Y (s))] .
(The interchange of differentiation and integration is valid, since f and g are bounded.) Thus for each
fixed t and 0 s t,
d PQ
[f (X(s), Y (t s))] = 0.
Integrating s over [0, t] yields the result.


(There is no ambiguity if we drop the superscripts P, Q, from the expectations. From now on, we
do so.)
The application that we have in mind is the following. If we can find a sufficiently large class of
functions f (, y) for which the conditions of Theorem 5.1 are satisfied, then we can use Y to characterise
the distribution of X (or vice versa). In particular, existence of a dual process Y (for a sufficiently rich
class of functions f ) is sufficient to guarantee uniqueness of X. To see why, suppose that we have two
Then, for a dual process Y ,
solutions to the martingale problem, X, X.

E[f (X(t), Y (0))] = E[f (X(0), Y (t))] = E[f (X(0),

Y (t))] = E[f (X(t),
Y (0))].
If the class of f is wide enough, it follows that the one dimensional distributions of X and X
But as we saw in Theorem 3.3, this is enough to deduce that the finite dimensional distributions
coincide. That is the solution to the martingale problem is unique. In general, it is far simpler to prove
existence than uniqueness and so this observation has found widespread application.
The method of duality can be generalised in several ways. For example, in the form above we
insisted that if we write AX for the generator of the process X on E1 and AY for the generator of the
process Y on E2 , then AX f (, y)(x) = AY f (x, )(y). If instead we have
AX f (, y)(x) + (x)f (x, y) = AY f (x, )(y) + (y)f (x, y),
then at least provided that 0 |(X(s))|ds < a.s. and 0 |(Y (s))|ds < a.s. and we have the
additional integrability conditions

Z t

E f (X(t), Y (0) exp
(X(s))ds <


Z t

E f (X(0), Y (t) exp
(Y (s))ds < ,

the duality formula can be modified to

Z t

Z t

E f (X(t), Y (0) exp
= E f (X(0), Y (t) exp
(Y (s))ds .

A proof of this more general form of the method of duality (and some examples of its ramifications)
can be found in Ethier & Kurtz, p.188ff.
Remark 5.2 (Approximate duality). A very useful extension of the method of duality is the following
observation of Mytnik (1996). The purpose of the dual process Y is to provide an expression for the
one-dimensional distributions of a solution to the martingale problem for X. The same objective is
achieved if one can find an approximate dual. That is, if, for each y, we can find a sequence of
processes Yn such that
E [f (X(t), y)] = lim E [f (X(0), Yn (t))] .

Uniqueness of the solution to the martingale problem follows as before.

The function f of Theorem 5.1 is often referred to as a duality function. In general, finding a
duality function is something of a black art. However, for diffusion processes arising in genetics, one
can often use a so-called moment dual.


Example 5.3 (The Wright-Fisher diffusion and Kingmans coalescent). Suppose that
dXt = Xt (1 Xt )dBt .

E XtN0 = E X0Nt ,

where Nt is a pure death process in which Nt 7 Nt 1 at rate N2t .
To check this, we take f (x, n) = xn as the duality function in Theorem 5.1. Then writing LW F for
the infinitesimal generator of the Wright-Fisher diffusion,
n n2
LW F f (, n)(x) =
x(1 x) =
(xn1 xn ).
Similarly, writing LK for the infinitesimal generator of the pure death process,
LK f (x, )(n) =
(f (x, n 1) f (x, n)) =
(xn1 xn ).

We take g(x, n) = n2 (xn1 xn ) in Theorem 5.1. Since 0 < x < 1 and n only ever decreases through
positive integer values, boundedness is immediate and so the result follows.
There is actually a much stronger relationship between the pure death process we have just described
and the Wright-Fisher diffusion. If we consider the ancestors of a sample taken from the population at
the current time, then as we trace backwards in time, the death process counts the number of individuals
ancestral to the sample. A death event, corresponds to two ancestral lineages having a common parent.
The process that describes the whole tree of ancestral lineages is known as Kingmans coalescent and
has proved to be an immensely powerful tool in population genetics.


The theory of speed and scale

The speed measure and the scale function

Evidently diffusion processes are intricately connected with second order parabolic equations. Indeed,
if we have an expression for the fundamental solution to the corresponding equation, then we have the
transition density of the diffusion and so can calculate essentially any quantity of interest. However, in
general, it is certainly not going to be possible to find an explicit expression for the transition density.
Nonetheless, a nice feature of one dimensional diffusions is that many quantities can be calculated
explicitly. This is because (except at certain singular points which, under our conditions, will only
ever be at the endpoints of the interval in which our diffusion lives) all one-dimensional diffusions can
be transformed into Brownian motion, first by a change of space variable (through the so-called scale
function) and then a timechange (through what is known as the speed measure).
To see how this works, we first investigate what happens to a diffusion when we change the timescale.
Suppose that a diffusion {Zt }t0 has generator LZ , with infinitesimal drift Z (x) and infinitesimal
variance Z2 (x). We use h to denote the operator that reports the increment of a process over the
next time step of length h (where we are thinking of h as being infinitesimally small). Thus, for
E [ h Z(0)| Z0 = y] = Z (y)h + o(h),

E (h Z(0))2 Z0 = y = Z2 (y)h + o(h).

We define a new process {Yt }t0 by Yt = Z (t) where

Z t
(Ys )ds,
(t) =

for some function (x) which we assume to be bounded, continuous and strictly positive. So if Y0 = Z0 ,
then the increment of Yt over an infinitesimal time interval (0, dt) is that of Zt over the interval
(0, d (t)) = (0, (Y0 )dt). In our previous notation,
E[h Y (0)|Y0 = y] = (Y0 )hZ (Z0 ) + o(h) = (y)Z (y)h + o(h),
E[(h Y (0))2 |Y0 = y] = (Y0 )hZ2 (Z0 ) + o(h) = (y)Z2 (y)h + o(h).
In other words,
LY f (x) = (x)LZ f (x).
In the simplest example, is a constant and we are simply changing our time units in a spatially
homogeneous way. In general, the rate of our clock depends upon where we are in space. We are now
in a position to understand speed and scale. Let {Xt }t0 be governed by the infinitesimal generator
d2 f
Lf (x) = 2 (x) 2 + (x) ,
for f twice continuously differentiable on (a, b). We assume that (x) and (x) are bounded and
locally Lipschitz on (a, b) with 2 (x) > 0 on (a, b) (although it can vanish on {a, b}). As we know
from Example 2.22, in general, we are going to need to be more specific about which functions lie in
the domain of our generator, but we defer that to 6.2. Suppose now that S(x) is a strictly increasing
function on (a, b) and consider the new process Zt = S(Xt ). Then the generator LZ of Z can be
calculated as

LZ f (x) =
E [ f (Zt )| Z0 = x]

E [ f (S(Xt ))| S(X0 ) = x]
= LX (f S)(S 1 (x))
1 2 1
(S (x)) 2 (f S)(S 1 (x)) + (S 1 (x)) (f S)(S 1 (x))

1 2 1
(S (x)) (S (S (x)))
(x) + S (S (x)) (x)
+(S 1 (x))S 0 (S 1 (x)) (x)
1 2 1
d2 f
(S (x))S (S (x))2 2 (x) + LS(S 1 (x)) (x).
Now if we can find a strictly increasing function S that satisfies LS 0, then the drift term in (39)
will vanish and so Zt will just be a time change of Brownian motion on the interval (S(a), S(b)). Such
an S is provided by the scale function of the diffusion.
Definition 6.1 (Scale function). For a diffusion Xt on (a, b) with drift and variance 2 , the scale
function is defined by
 Z y

Z x
S(x) =
dz dy,
where x0 , are points fixed (arbitrarily) in (a, b).

Definition 6.2 (Natural scale). We shall say that a diffusion is in natural scale if S(x) can be taken
to be linear.
The scale change Xt
7 S(Xt ) resulted in a timechanged Brownian motion on (S(a), S(b)). The
change of time required to transform this into standard Brownian motion is dictated by the speed
Definition 6.3 (Speed measure). The function m() = 2 ()S
0 () is the density of the speed measure
or just the speed density of the process Xt . We write
Z x
M (x) =

Remark 6.4. The function m plays the r

ole of before. Naively, looking at equation (39), we might
expect to timechange via () = 1/( 2 ()S 0 ()2 ). However, notice that


m()d =

m(S 1 (y))

S(x0 )

S 0 (S 1 (y))


dy =
S(x0 )

2 dy.
2 (S 1 (y)) S 0 (S 1 (y))

The additional S 0 (y) in the generator (39) has been absorbed in the change of coordinates since our
time change is applied to S(Xt ) on (S(a), S(b)), not to Xt itself.
In summary, we have the following.
Lemma 6.5. Denoting the scale function and the speed measure by S and M respectively we have
d2 f
1 d
Lf =
2 dM/dS dS
2 dM dS
1 d
2 dM



1 df
2 dM/dx dx dS/dx dx

1 df
1 2
(x)S (x)
dx S 0 (x) dx
1 2
d2 f
S 00 (x) df
(x) 2 2 (x)S 0 (x) 0
(S (x))2 dx
1 2
d f
(x) 2 + (x)

(since S solves LS = 0) as required.



Hitting probabilities and Fellers boundary classification

Before going further, lets see how we might apply this. Recall that the Wright-Fisher diffusion on (0, 1)
is used to model evolution of gene frequencies. Suppose that Xt represents the frequency of a-alleles in
a population and that zero and one are traps for the process. (The different forms a gene can take are
called alleles.) One question that we should like to answer is What is the probability that the a-allele
is eventually lost from the population? In other words, what is the probability that the diffusion hits
zero before one? To prove a general result we need first to be able to answer this question for Brownian

Lemma 6.6. Let {Wt }t0 be standard Brownian motion on the line. For each y R, let Ty denote
the random time at which it hits y for the first time. Then for a < x < b,
P[ Ta < Tb | W0 = x] =


Sketch of Proof
Let u(x) = P[ Ta < Tb | W0 = x] and assume that P[Ta Tb < h|W0 = x] = o(h) as h 0. If we
suppose that u is sufficiently smooth, then, using the Markov property,
u(x) = E [ u(Wh )| W0 = x] + o(h)

2 00
= E u(x) + (Wh x)u (x) + (Wh x) u (x) + o(h)
1 00
= u(x) + hu (x) + o(h).
Subtracting u(x) from each side, dividing by h and letting h tend to zero, we obtain u00 (x) = 0. We
also have the boundary conditions u(a) = 1 and u(b) = 0. This is easily solved to give
u(x) =


as required.

Of course this reflects the corresponding result for simple random walk that you prove in elementary
probability courses. In general we can reduce the corresponding question for {Xt }t0 to solution of
the equation Lu(x) = 0 with u(a) = 1 and u(b) = 0, but in fact we have already done all the work we
need. We have the following result.
Lemma 6.7 (Hitting probabilities). Let {Xt }t0 be a one-dimensional diffusion on (a, b) with infinitesimal drift (x) and variance 2 (x) satisfying the conditions above. If a < a0 < x < b0 < b then writing
Ty for the first time at which Xt = y,
P[Ta0 < Tb0 |X0 = x] =

S(b0 ) S(x)
S(b0 ) S(a0 )


where S is the scale function for the diffusion.

Remark 6.8. Our definition of the scale function, S, depended upon arbitrary choices of and x0 ,
but cancels in the ratio and x0 in the difference, so that the expression on the right hand side of (41)
is well-defined.
Proof of Lemma 6.7
Evidently it is enough to consider the corresponding hitting probabilities for the process Zt = S(Xt ),
where S is the scale function. The process {Zt }t0 is a time changed Brownian motion, but since we only
care about where not when the process exits the interval (S(a0 ), S(b0 )), then we need only determine
the hitting probabilities for Brownian motion and the result follows immediately from Lemma 6.6. 2
Before continuing to calculate quantities of interest, we fill in a gap left earlier, when we failed
to completely specify the domain of the generators of our one-dimensional diffusions. Whether or not
functions in the domain must satisfy boundary conditions at a and b is determined by the nature of those
boundaries from the perspective of the diffusion. More precisely, we have the following classification.


Definition 6.9 (Fellers boundary classification). For a one-dimensional diffusion on the interval with
endpoints a, b (with a < b), define
Z x
Z x
u(x) =
M dS,
v(x) =


where S is the scale function of Definition 6.1 and M the speed measure of Definition 6.3. The boundary
b is said to be

u(b) <
u(b) <
u(b) =
u(b) =


v(b) <
v(b) =
v(b) <
v(b) =


with symmetric definitions at a.

Regular and exit boundaries are said to be accessible while entrance and natural boundaries are
called inaccessible.
Theorem 6.10. If neither a nor b is regular, the domain of the generator (38) is the continuous
functions f on [a, b] which are twice continuously differentiable on the interior and for which
(i) if a and b are inaccessible there are no further conditions,
(ii) if b (resp. a) is an exit boundary, then
lim Lf (x) = 0


resp. lim Lf (x) = 0 .

If b (resp. a) is a regular boundary, then for each fixed q [0, 1] there is a Feller semigroup corresponding to the generator (38) with domain as above plus the additional condition
q lim Lf (x) = (1 q) lim

xb S 0 (x)


f 0 (x)


resp. q lim Lf (x) = (1 q) lim

xa S 0 (x)


For a more careful discussion see Ethier & Kurtz (1986), Chapter 8.


Greens functions

Lemma 6.7 tells us the probability that we exit (a, b) for the first time through a, but can we glean
some information about how long we must wait for {Xt }t0 to exit the interval (a, b) (either through
a or b) or, more generally, writing T for the first exit time of (a, b), can we say anything about
E[ 0 g(Xs )ds|X0 = x]? (Putting g = 1 gives the mean exit time.) Let us write

w(x) = E

g(Xs )ds|X0 = x

and well derive the differential equation satisfied by w.


Suppose for simplicity that g is Lipschitz continuous on (a, b) with Lipschitz constant K. First
note that w(a) = w(b) = 0. Now consider a small interval of time of length h. Were going to split the
integral into the contribution up to time h and after time h. Because {Xt }t0 is a Markov process,

g(Xs )ds|Xh = z = E

g(Xs )ds|X0 = z = w(z)

and so for a < x < b


w(x) E

g(Xs )ds|X0 = x + E [w(Xh )|X0 = x] .


The here is because we have ignored the possibility that h > T . Since g is Lipschitz continuous,
we have the approximation


 Z h

g(Xs )ds X0 = x g(x) = E
g(Xs )ds hg(x) X0 = x

Z h
Z hp

K|Xs x|ds X0 = x K
E [ |Xs x|2 | X0 = x]ds = O(h3/2 ).

Now substitute this estimate in (43), subtract w(x) from both sides, divide by h and let h 0 to obtain
(x)w0 (x) + 2 (x)w00 (x) = g(x),

w(a) = 0 = w(b).


Let us now turn to solving this equation. Using (40) from the proof of Lemma 6.5 with w = f ,

1 1 d
Lw(x) =
2 m(x) dx S 0 (x)
and so we have



w0 (x)
S (x)

w0 (x) = 2
S 0 (x)

= 2g(x)m(x),

g()m()d +

where is a constant. Multiplying by S 0 (x) and integrating gives

w(x) = 2

g()m()dd + (S(x) S(a)) +

S ()

for constants , . Since w(a) = 0, we immediately have that = 0. Reversing the order of integration,
Z xZ x
w(x) = 2
S 0 ()dg()m()d + (S(x) S(a))

Z x
= 2
(S(x) S())g()m()d + (S(x) S(a))

and w(b) = 0 now gives

S(b) S(a)

(S(b) S())g()m()d.


Finally then
w(x) =

(S(x) S(a))
S(b) S(a)

(S(b) S())g()m()d
Z x
(S(b) S(a))
(S(x) S())g()m()d
Z b
(S(b) S())g()m()d
(S(x) S(a))
S(b) S(a)
Z x
(S() S(a))g()m()d
+ (S(b) S(x))

where the last line is obtained by splitting the first integral into




Theorem 6.11. For a continuous function g,

 Z b
G(x, )g()d,
g(Xs )ds|X0 = x =

where for a < x < b we have

G(x, ) =

2 (S(x)S(a))
(S(b)S(a)) (S(b) S())m(),
2 (S(b)S(x))
(S(b)S(a)) (S()

for x < < b

S(a))m(), for a < < x,

with S the scale function given in Definition 6.1 and m() =

2 ()S 0 ()

the density of the speed measure.

Definition 6.12. The function G(x, ) is called the Greens function of the process {Xt }t0 .
Of course, the Greens function is familiar from the elementary theory of differential equations,
R x2 now we have a probabilistic interpretation. By taking g to approximate 1(x1 ,x2 ) we see that
x1 G(x, )d is the mean time spent by the process in (x1 , x2 ) before exiting (a, b) if initially X0 = x.
Sometimes, the Greens function is called the sojourn density.
Example 6.13. Consider the Wright-Fisher diffusion with generator
Lf (p) = p(1 p)f 00 (p).
Notice that since it has no drift term ( = 0) it is already in natural scale, S(p) = p (up to an arbitrary
additive constant). What about E[T ]?
Using Theorem 6.11 with g = 1 we have
 Z 1

Ep [T ] = E
1ds|X0 = p =
G(p, )d
Z p
Z 1
= 2
d + 2
(1 p)
p(1 )
(1 )
(1 )
Z 1
Z p
= 2p
d + 2(1 p)
0 1
= 2 {p log p + (1 p) log(1 p)} .

On the problem sheet you show that the Wright-Fisher diffusion arises as a diffusion approximation
both to the (continuous time) Moran model and the (discrete time) Wright-Fisher model. Example 6.13
suggests that in our Moran model, at least if the population is large, if the current proportion of aalleles is p, the time until either the a-allele or the A-allele is fixed in the population should have mean
2 {p log p + (1 p) log(1 p)} .
In fact by conditioning on whether the proportion of a-alleles increases or decreases at the first reproduction event, one obtains a recurrence relation for the number of jumps until the Moran process
first hits either zero or one. This recurrence relation can be solved
explicitly and since jumps occur at

independent exponentially distributed times with mean 1/ 2 , it is easy to verify that (45) is indeed
a good approximation. For the Wright-Fisher model, in its original timescale, there is no explicit expression for the expected time to fixation, t(p). However, since changes in p over a single generation
are typically small, one can expand t(p) in a Taylor series, and thus verify that for a large population,
p(1 p)t00 (p) = 2N,

t(0) = 0 = t(1).

This is readily solved to give

t(p) = 2N {p log p + (1 p) log(1 p)} ,
as predicted by our diffusion approximation. (The Moran model is already in the diffusive timescale,
whereas the Wright-Fisher model is not, accounting for the extra factor of N .)


Stationary distributions and reversibility

Before moving on to stochastic representations of solutions to various pdes, we consider one last
quantity for our one-dimensional diffusions. First a general definition.
Definition 6.14 (Stationary distribution). Let {Xt }t0 be a Markov process on the space E. A stationary distribution for {Xt }t0 is a probability distribution on E such that if X0 has distribution
, then Xt has distribution for all t 0.
In particular this definition tells us that if is a stationary distribution for {Xt }t0 , then
E [ f (Xt )| X0 ] = 0,
where we have used X0 to indicate that X0 is distributed according to . In other words
E [ f (Xt )| X0 = x] (dx) = 0.
dt E
Evaluating the time derivative at t = 0 gives
Lf (x)(dx) = 0.

Sometimes this allows us to find an explicit expression for (dx). Let {Xt }t0 be a one-dimensional
diffusion on (a, b) with generator given by (38). Were going to suppose that there is a stationary
distribution which is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. Let us abuse notation a


little by using (x) to denote the density of (dx) on (a, b). Then, integrating by parts, we have that
for all f D(L),
Z b

1 2
d2 f
0 =
(x) 2 (x) + (x) (x) (x)dx

Z b

1 d
f (x)
((x)(x)) dx + boundary terms.
2 dx2
This equation must hold for all f in the domain of L and so, in particular, choosing f and f 0 to vanish
on the boundary,

1 d2
2 (x)(x)
((x)(x)) = 0 for x (a, b).
2 dx
Integrating once gives

1 d
2 (x)(x) (x)(x) = C1 ,
2 dx
for some constant C1 and then using S 0 (x) as an integrating factor we obtain

S 0 (y) 2 (y)(y) = C1 S 0 (y),
from which
(x) = C1

S 0 (x) 2 (x)

+ C2

S 0 (x) 2 (x)

= m(x) [C1 S(x) + C2 ] .

If can arrange constants so that 0 and


()d = 1

then the stationary distribution exists and has density . In particular, if

C1 = 0,
(x) = R b
a m(y)dy


m(y)dy < , then taking


is the density of a stationary distribution for the diffusion.

We know from the theory of Markov chains that uniqueness of the stationary measure of a chain
requires irreducibility. The corresponding condition here is regularity.
Definition 6.15. For a one dimensional diffusion process on the interval I, let us write
Hy = inf{t > 0 : Xt = y}.
The diffusion is said to be regular if for all x I 0 (the interior of I) and all y I (including finite
endpoints) Px [Hy < ] > 0.
Theorem 6.16 (Watanabe & Motoo 1958). A regular diffusion in natural scale with no absorbing
boundary points has a stationary distribution if and only if the speed measure is finite and then it is
given by (47).
Under these conditions there is also an ergodic theorem.


Example 6.17. Recall the generator of the Wright-Fisher diffusion with mutation from the problem
d2 f 
Lf (p) = p(1 p) 2 + 2 (1 p) 1 p
What is the stationary distribution?
For this diffusion
 Z p

S (p) = exp
p0 (z)
 Z p

22 (1 z) 21 z
= exp
z(1 z)
= C exp (22 log p 21 log(1 p))

= Cp22 (1 p)21 ,
where the value of the constant C depends on p0 . In this case we have

m(p) =

2 (p)S 0 (p)

m(p)dp =

= Cp22 1 (1 p)21 1 .

Cp22 1 (1 p)21 1 dp = C

(21 )(22 )
(2(1 + 2 )

(where is Eulers Gamma function) and so the stationary distribution is just

(p) =

(2(1 + 2 )) 22 1
(1 p)21 1 .
(21 )(22 )


Ethier & Kurtz (1986), Chapter 10, Lemma 2.1 gives a direct proof of uniqueness of this stationary
The stationary distribution gives us some understanding of the longterm balance between the
competing forces of mutation (which maintains genetic diversity) and the stochastic term (confusingly
usually referred to as the genetic drift), which removes variation from the population. Figure 1 shows
the density of the stationary distribution of the Wright-Fisher diffusion with mutation for a variety of
parameters. When 21 and 22 are both bigger than 1, the stationary distribution is peaked around
its mean, but when they are both less than one it has singularities at {0, 1}. Of course, if there is no
mutation, then the process eventually becomes trapped in 0 and 1.
Finally let us demonstrate one very powerful technique that is often applied in settings where the
speed measure is a stationary distribution. The idea is familiar from the study of discrete time and
space Markov chains.
Definition 6.18. A discrete time and space Markov chain with transition probabilities p(i, j) is said
to be reversible with respect to the stationary measure if it satisfies the detailed balance equation:
(i)p(i, j) = (j)p(j, i)
for all i and j in the state space.









Figure 1: Stationary distribution of the Wright-Fisher diffusion. The graphs plot the density
, given by equation (48) for: 21 = 22 = 0.2 (solid line), 21 = 22 = 1.5 (dashed line), 21 =
0.5, 22 = 1.3 (dotted line) and 21 = 0.7, 22 = 0.2 (alternating dashes and dots).
For such chains we can say things about events backwards in time by considering the forwards
in time transition probabilities. The analogue of the detailed balance equation for a one-dimensional
diffusion is
(x)p(t, x, y) = (y)p(t, y, x) for all x, y, t.
Now multiplying by arbitrary functions f (x) and g(y) in the domain of the generator of the diffusion
we obtain


(x)f (x)
p(t, x, y)g(y)dy dx = (y)g(y)
p(t, y, x)f (x)dx dy.
Now observe that the inner integrals are
E[g(Xt )|X0 = x]

and E[f (Xt )|X0 = y]

and differentiate with respect to t at t = 0 to obtain

f (x)Lg(x)(x)dx = Lf (y)g(y)(y)dy.


Definition 6.19. If the identity (49) is satisfied for all f and g, then is called a reversible stationary
distribution and we say that the diffusion is reversible with respect to .
Now suppose that the stationary distribution of the diffusion is given by (x) = m(x)/ m(y)dy.
Then choosing f and g to vanish at the boundary of the domain to force the boundary terms to vanish


when we integrate by parts (twice), we obtain

Z b
1 b
1 d
1 dg
f (x)Lg(x)m(x)dx =
f (x)
2 a
m(x) dx S 0 (x) dx

1 b d
1 df
2 a dx S 0 (x) dx

1 b 1 d
1 df
2 a m(x) dx S 0 (x) dx
Z b
Lf (x)g(x)m(x)dx,

so this is indeed a reversible stationary distribution.

PDEs that can be solved by running a Brownian motion (or a


We now turn to higher dimensions and investigate some of the classes of equation that can be solved
by running a Brownian motion. We shall take our underlying diffusion to be Brownian motion, but
by replacing it with a diffusion with generator L, we obtain probabilistic representations of the corresponding equations with 12 replaced by L. Here we shall use the representations to deduce properties
of Brownian motion. In general, where explicit solutions of the pde are not available, one can also use
the diffusion to deduce properties of the solution to the pde. This section owes a great deal to lecture
notes of Peter M


The Dirichlet Problem and exit times

Definition 7.1. Let U be an open, bounded domain in Rd and let U be its boundary. Suppose
: U R is a continuous function on its boundary. A function u : U R, which is twice
continuously differentiable on U and continuous on the closure U is a solution to the Dirichlet problem
with boundary value , if
u(x) = 0 for all x U
and u(x) = (x) for x U . Here is the Laplace operator =
i=1 Dii and a function with
u(x) = 0 for all x U is said to be harmonic on U .
This problem was posed by Gauss in 1840. In fact Gauss thought he showed that there is always a
solution, but his reasoning was wrong and Zaremba in 1909 and Lebesgue in 1913 gave counterexamples.
However, if the domain is sufficiently nice there is a solution and in this case the solution can be
represented and simulated using Brownian motion. To understand the connection between Brownian
motion and harmonic functions, we have a closer look at Itos formula.
Let B = {B(t) = (B 1 (t), . . . , B d (t)) : t 0} be a d-dimensional Brownian motion started in
x = (x1 , . . . , xd ), i.e. B 1 , . . . , B d are independent standard Brownian motions started in x1 , . . . , xd .
Recall that
hB k it = t and hB k , B l it = 0 for all l 6= k.
With this information It
os formula reads
Z tX
Z d
1 tX
f (B(t)) f (x) =
Di f (B(s)) dBs +
Dii f (B(s)) ds,
2 0



for f : Rd R twice continuously differentiable. Noting that the last integrand is just f (B(s)) we
obtain the fundamental relation.
Theorem 7.2. Suppose f : Rd R is harmonic on U and let T = inf{t 0 : B(t) 6 U }. Then
{f (B(t)) : t 0} is a local martingale on [0, T ). More precisely, for all t < T ,
f (B(t)) = f (x) +

Z tX

Di f (B(s)) dBsi .

0 i=1

Next we prove the probabilistic representation of the solutions of the Dirichlet problem. This
theorem will be the key to several path properties of Brownian motion, which we derive in the sequel.
Theorem 7.3. Suppose U is an open bounded set and suppose that u is a solution of the Dirichlet
problem on U with boundary value . Define the stopping time
T = inf{t 0 : B(t) 6 U }.
Then, for every x U ,
u(x) = Ex [(B(T ))] ,


where Ex refers to the expectation with respect to the Brownian motion started in x. In particular, the
solution is uniquely determined by the boundary value.
Remark 7.4.

(i) We already saw a special case of this result in Lemma 6.6.

(ii) We have assumed differentiability of u in the statement of the result. It is then not hard to check
that u solves the Dirichlet problem. To circumvent this assumption, one can use an alternative
characterisation of harmonic functions, as those functions whose value at each point x U is
equal to the average of their value over the surface of any sphere centred on x and completely
contained in U . That this is true for the function u defined by (50) is an elementary application
of the strong Markov property.
(iii) The solution u(x) can be simulated using the formula (50), by running many independent Brownian motions, starting in x U , until they hit the boundary of U and letting u(x) be the average
of the values of on the hitting points.
(iv) It is a straightforward consequence of this representation that the solutions u to the Dirichlet
problem always attain their maximum (and minimum) on the boundary of the domain.
To prove Theorem 7.3 we first show that the stopping time T is almost surely finite and even has
moments of all orders.
Lemma 7.5. For all 0 < p < we have supxU Ex [T p ] < .
Proof. We start by expressing the moment as a Lebesgue integral and using a change of variable,
Ex [T ] =
Px [T t] dt =
psp1 Px [T s] ds.

It thus suffices to show that, for some q < 1, Px [T k] q k . To prove this, let K = sup{|x y| :
x, y U } be the diameter of U . If x U and |B1 x| > K, then B1 6 U and hence T < 1. Thus
Px [T < 1] Px [|B1 x| > K] = P0 [|B1 | > K] =: p > 0.

Letting q = 1 p we have shown Px [T 1] q, which is the start of an induction argument. Now we

can use the Markov property and the inductive hypothesis to infer
Px [T k]
e|xy| /2 Py [T k 1] dy q k1 Px [B1 U ] q k .
This is what we had to show.

Proof of Theorem 7.3. As u(x) = 0 for all x U we see from Itos formula that u(B(s)) is a
continuous local martingale on the random interval [0, T ). Now (see the Appendix) there exists a time
change : [0, ) [0, T ) such that X = {Xt = u(B((t))) : t 0} is a bounded martingale with
respect to the new filtration defined by G(t) := F((t)). Being a bounded martingale, X converges, by
the Martingale Convergence Theorem, almost surely and in L1 to a limit X with Xt = Ex [X |G(t)].
Because T is almost surely finite and u is continuous on the closure of U , we have X = u(B(T )).
Hence we infer
u(x) = X0 = Ex [X0 ] = Ex [X ] = Ex [u(B(T ))].
As B(T ) U we have that u(B(T )) = (B(T )) and we are done.

We now show a simple application of this result to the problem of recurrence and transience of
Brownian motion in various dimensions.
Definition 7.6 (Recurrence, neighbourhood recurrence, transience). We say that a (Markov) process
X with values in Rd is
(i) recurrent, if for every x Rd there is a (random) sequence tn such that X(tn ) = x. We say
that x is visited infinitely often,
(ii) neighbourhood recurrent, if, for every x Rd and > 0, the ball B(x, ) around x of radius is
visited infinitely often. Equivalently, every open set is visited infinitely often.
(iii) transient, if it converges to infinity almost surely.
Theorem 7.7. Brownian motion is
(i) recurrent in dimension d = 1,
(ii) neighbourhood recurrent, but not recurrent, in d = 2,
(iii) transient in dimension d 3.
We prove this through a series of lemmas. We begin with d = 1. Recall from the proof of Lemma 6.6
that in d = 1 and for a < x < b, if T := inf{t 0 : Bt 6 (a, b)}, then,
Px [BT = a] =

and Px [BT = b] =

Lemma 7.8. Let Tx := inf{t > 0 : Bt = x}. Then Py [Tx < ] = 1.

Proof. We may assume that x = 0 and, by reflection, y > 0. Then, by Lemma 6.6 and using that
the exit time from any bounded interval is finite, e.g. by Lemma 7.5,
M 1
= 1.

Py [T0 < ] lim Py [T0 < TM y ] = lim



By Lemma 7.8, one dimensional Brownian motion eventually visits every point x. As Tx is a
stopping time, by the strong Markov property, {B(Tx + t) : t 0} is again a Brownian motion,
which visits every point. We wait until the new motion visits a point y 6= x, say at time Ty . Then
{B(Tx + Ty + t) : t 0} is a Brownian motion started in y, which visits x again, and so forth. With
a fixed positive probability it takes at least, say, one time unit before the motion started in y visits
x. Because we have infinitely many independent trials for this experiment, there are infinitely many
successes (by the Borel-Cantelli lemma). This proves that we visit x infinitely often, which means that
the process is recurrent in d = 1 and (i) is proved. (Note that the last step was required because our
definition of recurrence requires visits to take place at arbitrarily large times.)
Let us now move to dimensions d 2. Start the motion at a point x contained in some annulus
x A := {x Rd : r |x| R} for 0 < r < R < .
What is the probability that the Brownian motion hits the inner ring before it hits the outer ring? In
order to copy the proof of the one-dimensional exit problem, we have to find harmonic functions u on
the annulus A.
By symmetry, such functions will be radially symmetric and so setting u(x) = (|x|) and writing
the Laplacian in polar coordinates, we find
00 () +

d1 0
() = 0,

(r) = 1, (R) = 0.

This yields, for {|x| =

6 0}, solutions

2 log |x|
u(x) = (|x|) =


if d = 1,
if d = 2,
if d 3.


Now we can use Theorem 7.3. Define stopping times

Tr = inf{t > 0 : |Bt | = r} for r > 0.
Letting T = Tr TR be the first exit time of B from A, we have
u(x) = Ex [u(BT )] = (r)Px [Tr < TR ] + (R)(1 Px [Tr < TR ]).
Px [Tr < TR ] =

(R) (x)
(R) (r)

Remark 7.9. Notice by Lemma 6.7 that this is P[Tr < TR ] for the one-dimensional diffusion on (r, R)
with generator
1 2f
d 1 f
2 x2
2x x
This is the Bessel process of dimension d, which is the modulus of d-dimensional Brownian motion. It
is a (convenient) special property of Brownian motion that its modulus is once again a diffusion.
Lemma 7.10. Suppose B is a Brownian motion in dimension d 2 started at a point x in the annulus
A := {x Rd : r |x| R},


where 0 < r < R < . Then, if d = 2,

Px {Tr < TR } =

log R log |x|

log R log r

Px {Tr < TR } =

R2d |x|2d
R2d r2d

In dimension d 3,

Now consider dimension d = 2, fix r = and let R in the previous formula. Then we obtain,
for arbitrary x 6 B(0, ),
Px [T < ] = Px

h [

log R log |x|
{T < TR } = lim Px [T < TR ] = lim
= 1.
R log R log


Hence the motion eventually hits every small ball around 0. Then, of course, it must hit every small
ball eventually and, as before (using the strong Markov property) it hits every small ball infinitely
often. This proves that in d = 2 Brownian motion is neighbourhood recurrent.

A compact set A Rd with the property that
Px [Bt A for some t > 0] = 0 for all x Rd
is called a polar set. We show that points are polar sets for Brownian motion in d 2, which proves
that in these dimensions Brownian motion cannot be recurrent.
Lemma 7.11. For Brownian motion in d 2 points are polar sets.
Proof. It suffices to consider the point 0. Define
S0 = inf{t > 0 : Bt = 0}.
Fix R > 0 and let r 0. First let x 6= 0. Then
Px [S0 < TR ] lim Px [Tr < TR ] = 0.

As this holds for all R and TR , by continuity of Brownian motion, we have Px [S0 < ] = 0 for
all x 6= 0. To extend this to x = 0 we observe that the Markov property implies
P0 [Bt = 0 for some t ] = E0 PB [T0 < ] = 0 ,
noting that B 6= 0 almost surely. Hence
P0 [S0 < ] = lim P0 [Bt = 0 for some t ] = 0.

Remark 7.12. (i) It is clear that for all x and all t > 0 we have P[Bt 6= x] = 1. Our statement
however is that, for all x, P[Bt 6= x for all t] = 1. This is much harder, because uncountable
unions of nullsets usually fail to be nullsets (to see this try to take the quantifier for all x inside
the probability).
(ii) The proof in the case d = 2 also shows that in d 3 line segments are polar sets. This does not
hold in dimension d = 2.

To complete the picture we have to show that Brownian motion is transient in dimensions d 3.
First observe that the proof of neighbourhood recurrence in dimension d = 2 does not work here,
because in d 3,
Px [Tr < ] = lim Px [Tr < TR ] =
for all |x| > r. However, we can use this formula to show transience.
Lemma 7.13. In d 3, limt Bt = .
Proof. Consider the event


An := |Bt | > n for all t Tn ,

and recall that Tn < almost surely by Lemma 7.5. By the strong Markov property we have
i  1 d2
Px [Acn ] = Ex PB(Tn ) [Tn < ] = Ex lim PB(Tn ) [Tn < TR ] =
Now let A be the event that infinitely many of the events An occur. We have
Px [A] = Px

n=1 k=n

Ak = lim sup Px
Ak lim sup Px [An ] = 1 ,


hence A holds almost surely, which means that, for infinitely many n, the path eventually does not

return inside the ball of radius n, so it must go to infinity almost surely. This concludes the proof of
Theorem 7.7.

For Brownian motion, exit problems from domains are closely linked to the behaviour of harmonic
functions (and the Laplace operator) on the domain. We conclude this section with one more problem
from this realm.
Suppose we start a d-dimensional Brownian motion at some point x inside an open bounded domain
U . Let
T = inf{t 0 : B(t) 6 U }.
We ask for the distribution of the point B(T ) where the Brownian motion first leaves U . This distribution, on the boundary U , is usually called the harmonic measure on U . Of course it depends on
the starting point x, but by a famous theorem of Harnack all these measures are absolutely continuous
with respect to each other.
We will concentrate on the case of exit distributions from the unit ball
U = {x Rd : |x| < 1}.
If x = 0 the distribution of B(T ) is (by symmetry) the uniform distribution , but if x is another
point it is an interesting problem to determine this distribution in terms of a probability density. The
solution is again closely related to the Dirichlet problem.
Theorem 7.14 (Poissons formula). Suppose that A U is a Borel subset of the unit sphere U Rd
for d 2. Then, for all x U ,
1 |x|2
Px [B(T ) A] =
A |x y|
where denotes the uniform distribution on the unit sphere.

Remark 7.15. The density is of course the Poisson kernel often appearing in courses on complex
analysis and appears frequently in potential theory.
To prove the theorem we actually show that for every bounded measurable f : Rd R we
1 |x|2
Ex [f (B(T ))] =
f (y) d(y).
U |x y|
It suffices to consider C -functions. By Theorem 7.3, to prove (52) we just have to show that the right
hand side, as a function of x U , defines a solution to the Dirichlet problem on U with boundary
value f .
To check this, one first checks that |xy|
d is harmonic on U , which is just a calculation, and then
argues that it is allowed to differentiate twice under the integral sign. We omit the details, referring
readers to Durrett. To check the boundary condition first look at the case f 1. Then we have to
show that, for all x U ,
1 |x|2
(dy) 1.
I(x) :=
U |x y|
This can be computed as well, but we argue mathematically. Observe that I(0) = 1, I is invariant
under rotation and I = 0 on U . Now let x U with |x| = r < 1 and let := inf{t : |Bt | > r}. By
Theorem 7.3
I(0) = E0 [I(B )] = I(x) ,

using rotational invariance in the second step. Hence I 1. Now we show that the right hand side
of (52) can be extended continuously to all points y U by f (y). We write D0 for U with a neighbourhood U (y, ) removed and D1 = U \D0 . We have, using that I 1, for all x U (y, /2)U ,

1 |x|2

f (y)

U |x z|
Z 1 |x|2

(f (y) f (z)) d(z)

1 |x|2
d(z) + sup |f (y) f (z)|.
2kf k
D0 |x z|
For fixed > 0 the first term goes to 0 as x y by the Dominated Convergence Theorem, whereas
the second can be made arbitrarily small by choice of (since f is continuous).

The Poisson integral formula of (52) is, of course, very special, whereas our representation of
solutions to the Poisson equation is very general. In fact it extends to highly irregular boundaries
where proofs of existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Dirichlet problem can depend on fine
properties of the Brownian motion.


The Poisson problem and occupation times

We now turn to a multidimensional version of the results of Section 6.3 and ask how much time does
a d-dimensional Brownian motion spend in a domain U before it leaves the domain? As before, the
answer can be expressed in terms of solutions to the Poisson problem.
Definition 7.16 (Poisson problem). Let U be an open bounded domain and u : U R be a continuous
function, which is twice continuously differentiable on U . Let g : U R be continuous. Then u is said
to be the solution of Poissons problem for g if u(x) = 0 for all x U and
u(x) = g(x) for all x U.

The 1/2 in front of the Laplacian is, of course, a probabilistic convention.

Theorem 7.17. Suppose g is bounded and u a bounded solution of Poissons problem for g. Then this
solution has the form
hZ T
g(Bt ) dt for x U ,
u(x) = Ex

where T := inf{t > 0 : B(t) 6 U }. In particular, the solution, if it exists, is always uniquely
Just as in d = 1, if g 1, then u(x) = Ex [T ].
Rather than repeating our one-dimensional argument, we mimic our approach to the Dirichlet
problem and use It
os formula to find a local martingale.
Lemma 7.18. Let U be a bounded open domain and T := inf{t > 0 : B(t) 6 U }. If u is a solution to
Poissons problem for g, then M = {Mt : t 0} defined by
Z t
g(B(s)) ds
Mt = u(B(t)) +

is a local martingale on [0, T ).

Proof. Applying Poissons equation and Itos formula gives, for all t < T ,
Z t
1 t
g(B(s)) ds = u(B(t))
u(B(t)) +
u(B(s)) ds
2 0
Z tX
= u(B(0)) +
Di u(B(s)) dB i (s),
0 i=1

which is a local martingale on [0, T ).

Proof of Theorem 7.17: M is a local martingale on [0, T ) and (c.f. the proof of Theorem 7.3) we
let : [0, ) [0, T ) be the time change such that {M ((t)) : t 0} is a martingale. As u and g are
sup |M ((t))| kuk + T kgk .

L2 -integrable

The right hand side is

by Lemma 7.5 and hence we have that {M ((t)) : t 0} is a uniformly integrable martingale. The Martingale Convergence Theorem tells us that limt M ((t)) =:
M exists almost surely and Ex [M0 ] = Ex [M ]. We can now use continuity of u and g to obtain
Z t
hZ T

u(x) = Ex [M0 ] = Ex [M ] = Ex lim u(Bt ) +
g(Bs ) ds = Ex
g(Bs ) ds ,

as required.

We now address the following question: given a bounded open domain U Rd , does Brownian
motion spend an infinite or a finite amount of time in U ? It is not surprising that the answer depends
on the dimension, more interestingly, it depends neither on U , nor on the starting point.
Theorem 7.19. Let U Rd be a bounded open domain and x Rd arbitrary. Then, if d 2,
1U (Bt ) dt =
Px -almost surely,

and, if d 3,

1U (Bt ) dt < .



Proof. As U is contained in a ball, and contains a ball, it suffices to show this for balls. By shifting,
we can even restrict to balls U = B(0, r) centred in the origin. Let us start with the first claim. We
let d 2 and let G = B(0, 2r). Let T0 = 0 and, for all k 1, let
Sk = inf{t > Tk1 : Bt U } and Tk = inf{t > Sk : Bt 6 G}.
From the strong Markov property and rotational invariance we infer, for k 1,





1U (Bt ) dt s F(Sk ) = PB(Sk )

1U (Bt ) dt s

= Ex PB(Sk )


1U (Bt ) dt s = Px


1U (Bt ) dt s .


The second expression does not depend on k, so that the random variables


1U (Bt ) dt

are independent and identically distributed. As they are not identically zero, but nonnegative, they
have positive expected value and, by the strong law of large numbers,

1U (Bt ) dt = lim

n Z


1U (Bt ) dt = ,


which proves the first claim.

For the second claim, first let f be nonnegative and measurable. Fubinis Theorem implies
f (Bt ) dt =
Ex f (Bt ) dt =
pt (x, y)f (y) dy dt
pt (x, y) dt f (y) dy,

where pt (x, y) = (2t)d/2 exp(|x y|2 /2t) is Rthe transition density of Brownian motion. Note that

for large t we have pt (x, y) (2t)d/2 , hence 0 pt (x, y) dt = if d 2. In d 3 however we can

define, for x 6= y,

pt (x, y) dt < ,

G(x, y) :=

a quantity called the potential kernel. It can be calculated explicitly, changing variables s = |x y|2 /2t,

Z 0
 |x y|2 
|xy|2 /2t

|x y|
|x y|2d (d/2)2 s
(d/2 1)
e ds =
|x y|2d ,

G(x, y) =

where (x) = 0 sx1 es ds is the gamma function. We abbreviate the constant in the last term by
c(d). To summarise what we have done so far,
f (y)
f (Bt ) dt = G(x, y)f (y) dy = c(d)
|x y|d2

To finish the proof let f = 1B(0,r) . If x = 0 we may change to polar coordinates, writing C(d) for a
constant depending only on d,
Z r
sd1 s2d ds = (C(d)/2)r2 < .
G(0, y) dy = C(d)
1B(0,r) (Bs ) ds =


To start in an arbitrary x 6= 0 we consider a Brownian motion started in 0 and a stopping time T ,

which is the first hitting time of the sphere B(0, |x|). Using spherical symmetry and the strong Markov
property we obtain
1B(0,r) (Bs ) ds < .
1B(0,r) (Bs ) ds E0
1B(0,r) (Bs ) ds = E0

We shall now study the expected occupation measures of a Brownian motion in a Borel subset A of
some bounded open domain U . These are defined as

1A (s) ds,


in other words the expected time Brownian motion spends in A before leaving the domain U .
Theorem 7.20. Let d 3 and U Rd a bounded domain, let T be the first exit time from the domain.
Define the potential kernel G(x, y) = c(d)|xy|2d where c(d) = (d/21)
, for x U recall the definition
2 d/2
of the harmonic measure
(x, dz) = Px {BT dz}
and define the Greens function of the domain U as
GU (x, y) = G(x, y)
G(z, y) (x, dz) for x, y U.

Then we have, for all x U and A U Borel,


i Z
1A (Bs ) ds =
GU (x, y) dy.

Remark 7.21. (i) Probabilistically the Greens function GU (x, y) is the density of the expected occupation measure of a Brownian motion started in x and stopped upon leaving U .
(ii) RNote that the theorem also tells us that the bounded solution of the Poisson problem for g is
GU (x, y)g(y) dy. This is, of course, the pde interpretation of the Greens function.
(iii) Letting g(y) dy converge to the Dirac measure y we recover the physical interpretation of the
Greens function GU (x, y) as the electrostatic potential of a unit mass at y with U grounded.
(iv) Although in d = 1, 2 it is not possible to put G(x, y) = 0 pt (x, y) dt, it is also possible to define
a potential kernel G such that the Theorem 7.20 holds true. As in d = 3 these potential kernels
are just constant multiples of u(x y) for the harmonic functions u on the punctured disc, see


Proof of Theorem 7.20.

Suppose that g is a nonnegative, bounded function with compact support. Then, by Theorem 7.19,
g(Bs ) ds < .
w(x) := Ex

By the strong Markov property,


g(Bs ) ds + Ex w(BT ).

w(x) = Ex

We already know that


Ex [g(Bs )] ds =

w(x) =

ps (x, y)g(y) dy ds =

G(x, y) g(y) dy.

Substituting this gives

i Z
hZ T
g(Bs ) ds = G(x, y) g(y) dy Ex G(BT , y) g(y) dy = GU (x, y)g(y) dy,

which is the required formula.

In the case U = B(0, 1) this can be calculated explicitly, using Theorem 7.17. We have
1 |x|2
GU (x, y) = G(x, y)
G(z, y) (dz)
U |x z|

(d/2 1)
1 |x|2 



U |x z|
The latter integral can be evaluated as follows.
Lemma 7.22. Let d 3 and U Rd the unit disc and let T be the first exit time from U . Then,
1 |x|2
for all x, y U .
| x|y|2 y |d2
U |x z|
Proof. We already know from the proof of Poissons formula and the definition of GU that, for every
y U,
1 |x|2
u(x) := G(x, y) GU (x, y) =
G(z, y)(dz)
U |x z|
can be extended continuously to the boundary of U to give the solution to the Dirichlet problem with
boundary function (x) = G(x, y). By uniqueness it suffices to check that
v(x) := c(d)

| x|y|2 y |d2

also has this property, so that v = u and we are done. To see this note that
v(x) = c(d)|y|2d u(x, y/|y|2 ),
where u(x y) is defined in (51). Since u is harmonic on the punctured disc, and y/|y|2 6 U , we deduce
that v is harmonic on U . Clearly, v is continuous on U . To determine the value on the boundary observe
that, if |x| = 1,
| x|y| y/|y| |2 = |x|2 |y|2 2x y + 1 = |y|2 2x y + |x|2 = |x y|2 .

Therefore, on |x| = 1
v(x) = c(d)


|x|y| y/|y||

= G(x, y),
|x y|d2

as required.


The Feynman-Kac formula

For our final example of equations that can be solved by running a Brownian motion, we consider a
parabolic equation.
Definition 7.23 (Heat equation with dissipation). A continuous function u : [0, ) Rd R,
which is twice continuously differentiable, is said to satisfy the heat equation with heat dissipation rate
c : (0, ) Rd R if we have
(i) u is continuous at each point of {0} Rd and u(0, x) = f (x),

(t, x) = u(t, x) c(t, x)u(t, x) on (0, ) Rd .

If c(t, x) 0 then u(t, x) describes the temperature at time t at x for a heat flow with cooling.
Here the initial temperature distribution is given by f and c(t, x) describes the heat dissipation rate
at point x at time t. As usual, the first step is to find a local martingale.
Lemma 7.24. If u is a solution to the heat equation with dissipation rate c, then M = {Ms : s 0}
 Z s

Ms := u(t s, Bs ) exp
c(t r, Br ) dr

is a local martingale on [0, t).

Let us write cts = 0 c(t r, Br ) dr. We apply Itos formula (with the semimartingales
Xs0 = t s, Xsi = Bsi for 1 i d and Xsd+1 = cts ).
u(t s, Bs ) exp(cts ) u(t, B0 )
Z s
d Z s
(t r, Br ) exp(ctr ) dr +
exp(ctr )
(t r, Br ) dBrj
j=1 0
Z s
Z s
u(t r, Br ) exp(ctr ) dr,
u(t r, Br ) exp(ctr ) dctr +
since we have

hX , X it =

t if 1 i = j d
0 otherwise.

Using dctr = c(t r, Br ) dr and rearranging, the right hand side is



d Z s

cu + u (t r, Br ) exp(ctr ) dr +
exp(ctr )
(t r, Br ) dBrj .

This proves the claim, because u
t cu + 2 u = 0 and the second term is a local martingale.


The resulting representation theorem for the solutions of our heat equation with dissipation term
is called the Feynman-Kac formula.
Theorem 7.25 (Feynman-Kac formula). Suppose that the dissipation rate c is bounded and u is a
solution of the heat equation with dissipation rate c, which is bounded on every set [0, t] Rd . Then u
is uniquely determined and satisfies
 Z t
c(t r, Br ) dr .
u(t, x) = Ex f (Bt ) exp

Proof. Under our assumptions on c and u, M is a bounded martingale on [0, t) and Mt = limst Ms =
f (Bt ) exp(ctt ). Since M is uniformly integrable we deduce that
 Z t
c(t r, Br ) dr = Ex [Mt ] = Ex [M0 ] = u(t, x).
Ex f (Bt ) exp

Example 7.26 (Brownian motion in a soft potential). Imagine that the bounded function c : Rd
[0, ) defines a potential landscape, so that it is hard for a particle to go through the hills of c and
easier to go through the valleys. To model this, suppose for example, that for a particle following the
path {B(t) : t 0}, the probability of survival up to time T is


c(Br ) dr .

It is possible to construct such a process {X(t) : t 0} with values in Rd {}, called a killed Brownian
motion. If u1 : [0, ) Rd R is a solution of our problem with dissipation rate c and initial value
f 1, which is bounded on the set [0, T ] Rd , then the probability that a path {X(t) : t 0} started
in x survives up to time T is

u1 (T, x) := Ex exp

c(Br ) dr


Suppose now f is a bounded function and we are interested in the expected value of f (X(T )) for the
killed Brownian motion X conditioned on survival up to time T . First note that we do not expect
the result to be the same as with ordinary Brownian motion, as killed Brownian motion conditioned
on survival up to time T is intuitively more likely to go through the valleys of c than over the hills.
Suppose that u2 : [0, ) Rd R is a solution of our problem with initial value f , which is bounded
on [0, T ] Rd , then

Ex f (BT ) exp 0 c(Br ) dr
u2 (T, x)
Ex [f (X(T )) | X(T ) 6= ] =

1 (T, x)
Ex exp 0 c(Br ) dr
The process X conditioned on survival up to time T , i.e. on {X(T ) 6= }, is called Brownian motion
in the soft potential c and, if we denote it by Y = {Yt : t [0, T ]}, its marginal distributions at the
endpoint are given by the Feynman-Kac formula as
E[f (Y (T ))] =


u2 (T, x)
u1 (T, x)

Often, especially in mathematical finance, the Feynman-Kac formula is expressed in backwards

time. It can be thought of as providing a solution to a p.d.e subject to a terminal condition. To
alleviate notation we present this in one dimension and set c = 0, but this time we replace Brownian
motion by a more general diffusion.
Theorem 7.27 (Another Feynman-Kac stochastic representation). Assume that the function F solves
the boundary value problem
(t, x) + (t, x)
(t, x) + 2 (t, x) 2 (t, x) = 0
0 t T,
F (T, x) = (x).


Define {Xt }0tT to be the solution of the stochastic differential equation

0 t T,

dXt = (t, Xt )dt + (t, Xt )dWt ,

where {Wt }t0 is standard Brownian motion under the measure P. If

2 #
Z T "
E (t, Xt )
(t, Xt )
ds < ,


F (t, x) = EP [ (XT )| Xt = x] .
Proof: We apply It
os formula to {F (s, Xs )}tsT .
F (T, XT )

= F (t, Xt ) +

1 2
(s, Xs ) + (s, Xs )
(s, Xs ) + (s, Xs ) 2 (s, Xs ) ds
(s, Xs )
(s, Xs )dWs . (56)

Now using assumption (55), which is enough to ensure that the Ito integral exists and defines a mean
zero local martingale,



(s, Xs )
(s, Xs )dWs Xt = x = 0.
Moreover, since F satisfies (54), the deterministic integral on the right hand side of (56) vanishes, so,
taking expectations,
E [ F (T, XT )| Xt = x] = F (t, x)

and substituting F (T, XT ) = (XT ) gives the required result.

Exercise 7.28. Convince yourself that the solution to the boundary value problem
(t, x) + (t, x)
(t, x) + 2 (t, x) 2 (t, x) V (x, t)F (x, t) + f (x, t) = 0
0 t T,
F (T, x) = (x).
can be written as

F (t, x) = E


V (Xu ,u)du

f (Xr , r)dr + e



V (Xu ,u)du

(XT ) Xt = x .

Example 7.29. Solve

1 2F
= 0,
2 x2
F (T, x) = (x).


Solution: The corresponding stochastic differential equation is

dXt = dWt
so, by the Feynman-Kac representation,
F (t, x) = E [ (WT )| Wt = x] .
In fact we knew this already. The transition density of Brownian motion is

(x y)2
p(t, x, y) =


This gives
p (T t, x, y) (y)dy.

E [ (WT )| Wt = x] =

To check that this really is the solution, differentiate and use the fact that p(t, x, y) given by (58) is
the fundamental solution to the equation
1 2u
2 x2

to obtain (57).


Semilinear equations and branching processes

All the examples we have seen so far have been stochastic representations of solutions to linear partial
differential equations. The theory does not end there. In this short section, we see a beautiful representation of solutions to certain semilinear equations in terms of an object called branching Brownian
Branching Brownian motion is most easily described as a simple model of an evolving population. As
the name suggests, during their lifetimes, individuals are assumed to follow Brownian motion in space.
They reproduce according to a continuous time Galton Watson branching process. More formally, we
have the following definition.
Definition 7.30. Branching Brownian motion has three ingredients:
(i) The spatial motion: During her lifetime, each individual in the population moves around in
Rd (independently of all other individuals) according to a Brownian motion.
(ii) The branching rate, V : Each individual has an exponentially distributed lifetime with parameter V . That is, given that she is alive at time t, the probability that she dies in the time interval
[t, t + t) is V t + o(t).
(iii) The branching mechanism, : When she dies, an individual leaves behind (at the location where she died) a random number of offspring with probability generating function (s) =

k=0 pk s . Conditional on their time and place of birth, offspring evolve independently of each
other (in the same way as their parent).

Remark 7.31. There is nothing special about Brownian motion on Rd here. It could be replaced by a
Markov process on any Polish space without extra work. Of course, the lifetimes of individuals must be
exponentially distributed if we want the branching Brownian motion to be a Markov process.
It is convenient to think of the branching Brownian motion as a measure-valued process. It will
take values among purely atomic measures on Rd . We represent an individual at the point x Rd
by x , a unit point mass at x. In this section, we write Yti for the position of the ith member of the
population at time t. The symbol t will denote the measure representing the whole population at time
t. That is
t =
Yti ,
where the sum is over all individuals alive at time t.
If the initial population is the (purely atomic) measure , then we write P () for the distribution
of the process and Pt (, ) for the corresponding transition probability.
Two immediate consequences of the definition will be of particular importance to us in what follows:
(i) The Markov property. Since the exponential lifetime of each individual and the Brownian
motion that determines her spatial movement are both Markov processes, the branching Brownian
motion inherits this property.
(ii) The branching property. Since the evolution of the descendants of different individuals in the
population are independent,
Pt (, 1 + 2 ) = Pt (, 1 ) Pt (, 2 ),
where denotes convolution. In words, the distribution of the process with initial value 1 + 2
is equal to that of the sum of two independent copies of the process with initial values 1 , 2
We exploit these properties in characterising the distribution of branching Brownian motion in terms
of a semilinear heat equation. This result is usually attributed to McKean (1975), but is also implicit
in the work of Skorohod (1964).
Before stating the result, we need some notation. We use h, i to denote the integral d.
Theorem 7.32 (Characterisation via a pde). The distribution of branching Brownian motion can be
characterised as follows: For Cb+ (Rd ) D() with 0 (x) 1 for x Rd ,
(Yti ) = v(t, x),
where the product is over all individuals alive at time t, and v solves
t = 21 v + V ((v) v) ,


v(0, x) = (x).

Equivalently, if the initial state of the population is represented by the (purely atomic) measure , and
its state at time t is the measure t ,
E [exp (hlog (x), t (dx)i)] = exp (hlog v(t, x), (dx)i) .


Remark 7.33. The function of the assumption that 0 1 is to ensure that the function v, defined
by equation (59), is finite. The representation is actually somewhat more general than this.

If we define v to be the expression on the left hand side of equation ( 59), then it is evident that
v(0, x) = (x). We must evaluate the time derivative of v, to check that it solves the differential
We assume that at time t, v is twice continuously differentiable with respect to the space variable,
x. If we can show that, under this assumption, the function satisfies the differential equation, then
standard regularity theory for the heat semigroup tells us that, in fact, the function v is smooth as a
function of x at all later times. (More pedantic readers might prefer to work with the integrated form
of the equation.)
Suppose then that we wish to evaluate v(t + t, x). The idea is to condition on the behaviour of
the original ancestor in the first t of time. One of two things can have happened to her: either she
died before time t, leaving behind a random number of offspring, or she is still alive at time t.
We need some notation. For each non-negative integer k, we write Ak for the event that the
original ancestor dies in the first t of time leaving behind exactly k offspring, and we denote by Ac
the complementary event (that she survived until time t). Then evidently
i X
)|Ac P[Ac ].
)|Ak P[Ak ] + Ex
) =

We now estimate each term on the right hand side of this equation. Since we are interested in calculating
the first (time) derivative, we only care about terms up to order t.
Consider first the event Ak . In the notation of Definition 7.30, the probability of Ak is pk V t+o(t).
Conditional on Ak , our original ancestor left behind exactly k offspring at the location where she died.
The probability that any of these descendants have, themselves, died by time t is of order t and so
we may ignore that possibility. Moreover, the branching property tells us that conditional on their
location at time t, the evolution of the descendants of each of these k first generation individuals over
the time interval [t, t + t] is independent of that of the descendants of her siblings.
Consider then the family tree of descendants of a single individual who is located at the point y at
time t. By the Markov property of branching Brownian motion, the distribution of this subpopulation
at time t + t is exactly the same as if we had started from a single individual at y at time zero, and
allowed the population to evolve until time t.
Evidently at time t, the k first generation individuals have travelled no further than if they had
followed Brownian motions from time zero, and so combining the observations above with continuity
of the function v(t, ), we have
)|Ak = v(t, x)k + o(1).
Under Ac , we condition further on the position, Bt , of the ancestor at time t to obtain (in the
notation of equation (59)),
v(t + t, x) = V t

pk v(t, x)k + Ex [v (t, Bt )] (1 V t) + o(t),


where Ex denotes expectation for a Brownian motion started at the point x at time zero. Finally,
subtracting v(t, x) from both sides, dividing by t, and letting t 0, we see that, since the infinitesimal
generator of Brownian motion is 21 , v defined by (59) does, indeed, satisfy (60).

McKean was interested in the special case in which (v) = v 2 (so that when an individual dies, she
leaves behind exactly two offspring). Equation (60) is then the celebrated Fisher KPP equation. (KPP
are Kolmogorov, Petrovskii and Piscunov.) This equation arises in population genetics, and McKean

used the representation of solutions in terms of branching Brownian motion to study travelling wave
solutions. A considerable industry has grown out of extending McKeans work to other semilinear
partial differential equations.

Definition and examples of local martingales

This appendix is copied almost verbatim from lecture notes of Peter Morters. It is intended to provide
an easy reference for the relationship between local martingales and martingales. Local martingales
are an extension of the idea of martingales. The essential idea is that we require that certain properties
of a process (like the martingale property) need only hold locally.
Definition A.1 (Stopped process, local martingale, reducing sequence). Let {X(t) : t 0} be an
adapted process and T a stopping time with respect to the filtration {F(t) : t 0}. Define the stopped
process {X T (t) : t 0} by X T (t) = X(T t). The process {X(t) : t 0} is called a local martingale
with respect to {F(t) : t 0} if there exists a sequence
0 = T0 T1 . . . Tn
of stopping times such that {X Tn (t) : t 0} is a martingale. We say that {Tn } is a reducing sequence
of stopping times.
Remark A.2. Every martingale is a local martingale, because every sequence of stopping times, which
increases to infinity is reducing. In the definition we can equivalently require that {X Tn (t) : t 0} is
a martingale with respect to {F(t Tn ) : t 0} instead of {F(t) : t 0}. Show this as an exercise.
Example A.3. We construct a local martingale {X(t) : t 0}, which is not a martingale. Although
we will not prove all the details, I hope you get the flavour.
We let a particle perform a symmetric random walk, but in continuous time and the waiting times
between the jumps are random times. Fix a probability distribution on the integers by denoting the
weight at the integer n by pn > 0. We will assume that

n2 p n < ,


which means that the pn are decreasing rather rapidly at both ends of the sequence. Now the process
starts in 0 and stays there for an exponentially distributed time T0 with expectation p0 , i.e. X(t) = 0
for all t [0, T0 ). Then we flip a coin and move to Y1 = 1 with equal probability, and wait again for
an exponential time T1 , which is independent of T0 and has expectation pY1 . In other words X(t) = Y1
for t [T0 , T0 + T1 ).
Suppose now we have just jumped to a level n and it was our kth jump. Then we stay there for
an (independent) exponentially distributed time Tk with expectation pn , before making the next jump of
height 1, chosen independently and with equal probability. This means, heuristically, that we spend a
long time when we jump to levels near 0 and only a short time at levels away from 0.
Because the symmetric random walk returns to 0 infinitely often and the times spent there are an
independent, identically distributed sequence of times with positive expectation, the total time spent in
0 is infinite (by the strong law of large numbers) and hence we have defined the process on the whole
time axis. The process is indeed a local martingale, to see this formally let
Sk = T0 + + Tk1

be the time of the kth jump. Then {Sk } is a sequence of stopping times increasing to infinity. Moreover
if Y1 , Y2 , . . . is the i.i.d. sequence of jump heights, then
X(t Sk ) =


Yi 1{Si t} .


For s < t and F F(s) (the natural filtration), the event F {s < Si t} is independent of Yi . Thus
Z n
X(t Sk ) X(s Sk ) dP =
E Yi 1{s<Si t}F = 0 ,


hence E[X(t Sk ) |F(s)] = X(s Sk ), proving the martingale property of X Sk . We give a heuristic
argument why {X(t)} is not a martingale: Let s < t and suppose we are given the information that
X(s) has a very large value. If the process were a martingale, then this large value would be the expected
value of X(t). But it is not, because we know that the process spends only a small amount of time at
the high values and, in fact, most of the time is spent near zero, so that the expected value for X(t)
given the unusual information about X(s) is below the value of X(s). A rigourous argument (using
Markov chain theory) can be found in (4.2.6) in v. Weizs
The examples of local martingales might not convince you that this class contains natural examples
which fail to be martingales, but the next theorem shows a remarkable advantage of working with
local martingales: If we look at continuous local martingales, we get uniform integrability for free. For
example, it is worth considering Brownian motion as a local martingale and using a reducing sequence,
such that the stopped Brownian motions are uniformly integrable martingales.
Theorem A.4. Suppose {X(t) : t 0} is a continuous local martingale. Then the sequence
Tn = inf{t 0 : |X(t)| > n}
is always reducing. In particular, we can find a sequence, which reduces {X(t)} to a bounded (or
uniformly integrable) martingale.
Proof. Suppose 0 < s < t. If {Sn } is a reducing sequence, then we apply the optional stopping
theorem to {X Sn (t)} at times s Tm and t Tm and obtain, using the first remark of this section,
E[X(t Tm Sn )|F(s Tm Sn )] = X(s Tm Sn ).
Multiplying by 1{Tm >0,Sn >0} F(s Tm Sn ) we obtain
E[X(t Tm Sn )1{Sn >0,Tm >0} |F(s Tm Sn )] = X(s Tm Sn )1{Sn >0,Tm >0} .
As n , F(s Tm Sn ) F(s Tm ) and
X(r Tm Sn )1{Sn >0,Tm >0} X(r Tm )1{Tm >0} ,
for all r > 0. Because the sequence is dominated by m we find for the conditional expectations, using
Dominated Convergence,


E X(t Tm )1{Tm >0} F(s Tm ) = X(s Tm )1{Tm >0} almost surely,
which proves the statement.


Remark: The proof also works for every sequence Sn of stopping times, which increases to infinity,
but is smaller than Tn .
One more advantage of local martingales in comparison to martingales is that they can be defined
easily on random time intervals [0, ). Whereas the concept of martingale on [0, ) is meaningless,
because for large t the random variable X(t) is not defined on the whole space , the following
definition of a local martingale on [0, ) is very natural:
Definition A.5 (local martingale). Suppose is a random time. The process {X(t) : t [0, )} is
a local martingale if there exists a sequence Tn of stopping times such that {X Tn (t) : t 0} is a
Let us now explore the relationship between local martingales and martingales. We show that
we can change the time of a local martingale to obtain a martingale. Recall our example, which is
constructed by taking a martingale (symmetric random walk) and distorting the time scale, so that
the martingale property is violated, but the local martingale property still holds.
Theorem A.6. Suppose {X(t) : t [0, )} is a continuous local martingale on an arbitrary, possibly
random, time interval. Then there exists a time change : [0, ) [0, ) such that each (t) is a
stopping time and the process {X((t)) : t 0} is a martingale with respect to the filtration {F((t))}.
Proof. If Tn are the reducing stopping times as in Theorem A.4, then define : [0, ) [0, ) by

t (k 1) if Tk1 + (k 1) t Tk + (k 1)
(t) =
if Tk + (k 1) t Tk + k.
Now optional stopping comes into play. Let n = [t] + 1. As (t) Tn t we have X((t)) =
E[X(Tn n)|F((t))] and hence
E[X((t))|F((s))] = E X(Tn n)|F((s)) = X((s)) almost surely,
as desired.

One hopes that integrability conditions ensure that local martingales are martingales. The following
is a positive result in this direction.
Theorem A.7. Suppose {X(t) : t 0} is a local martingale and, for every t > 0,
E sup |X(s)| < ,

then {X(t) : t 0} is a martingale.

Proof. Clearly, E|X(t)| < . Now, if {Tn } is a reducing sequence,


E X Tn (t) F(s Tn ) = X Tn (s) almost surely.
By our assumption we can let n and use Dominated Convergence, observing that our condition
makes sure that X Tn (t) is dominated by an integrable function. The limiting equation is the martingale
property of {X(t)}.

From this we easily deduce the following important corollary.
Corollary A.8. A bounded local martingale is a martingale.


C, 30
C(E), 12
Cc , 15
D, 20
E(, b), 22
C 2 , 33
osc (), 30
generated by a random variable, 4
cCk2 , 35
D(A), 12
M(a, b), 24
calR, 16
accessible boundary, 44
adapted, 5
Aldous-Rebolledo criterion, 30
approximate duality, 39
Banach space, 12
Bessel process, 54
Borel -algebra, 27
branching Brownian motion
definition, 65
branching property, 66
Brownian motion, 7, 8
absorbing barriers, 17
exit distribution, 56
exit probabilities, 43
expected occupation measures, 60
in a soft potential, 63
killed, 63
Levys characterisation, 24
modulus, 54
occupation times, 58
recurrence and transience, 53
reflecting barriers, 17
c`adl`ag, 4
Cauchy problem, 18
cemetery state, 6
Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, 6
closed operator, 12
closure of a linear operator, 15
complete, 12
compound Poisson process, 7

contraction, 8
contraction semigroup
strongly continuous, 12
convergence in distribution, 27
convergence in law, 27
core, 17
diffusion approximation, 37
Dirichlet problem, 51
duality, 38
Ehrenfest chain, 37
elliptic operator, 15
entrance boundary, 44
exit boundary, 44
Feller process, 12
Feller property, 12
Feller semigroup, 12
Fellers boundary classification, 44
Feynman-Kac formula, 63
filtered space, 5
filtration, 5
enlargement, 5
natural, 5
usual conditions, 5
usual augmentation, 5
Greens function, 46, 60
harmonic function, 51
harmonic measure, 56
heat equation
with dissipation, 62
heat semigroup, 8
Hille-Yosida Theorem, 16
hitting probabilities, 43
honest, 8
inaccessible boundary, 44
drift, 25, 40
variance, 25, 40
infinitesimal generator, 9, 13
killed Brownian motion, 63

killing, 6
Kingman coalescent, 40
law, 3
Lipschitz continuous, 24
local martingale, 68, 70
Markov chain, 8
Markov generator, 16
Markov pregenerator, 14
Markov process, 6
Markov property, 6
martingale problem, 20
M(a, b), 24
well-posed, 22
maximum principle
elliptic operators, 15
Feller semigroups, 15
method of duality, 38
metric space
complete, 27
separable, 27
modification, 4
modulus of continuity, 30
moment dual, 39
natural boundary, 44
natural filtration, 5
natural scale, 42
neighbourhood recurrent, 53
one-dimensional diffusion
exit probabilities, 43
Fellers boundary classification, 44
Greens function, 46
regularity, 48
scale function, 41
speed measure, 42
stationary distribution, 48
operator norm, 12
Poisson problem, 57
Poisson process, 10
Poissons formula, 56
polar sets, 55
Portmanteau Theorem, 27
positive definite, 15
positive maximum principle, 15
potential kernel, 59, 60

probability triple, 3
pseudo-Poisson process, 6, 11
pure jump process, 6, 17
Q-matrix, 9
random variable, 3
-algebra generated by, 4
realisation, 4
recurrent, 53
reducing sequence, 68
regular, 48
regular boundary, 44
relatively compact, 28
resolvent, 9
Markov chain, 49
diffusion, 50
sample path, 4
scale function, 41
SDE, 22
Feller, 12
semigroup property, 8
separable, 12, 27
Skorohod topology, 28
Skorokhod Representation Theorem, 28
sojourn density, 46
speed measure, 42
stationary distribution, 47
stochastic differential equation, 22
pathwise uniqueness, 23
solution, 22
strong solution, 23
uniqueness in law, 23
weak solution, 23
stochastic process, 4
stopped process, 68
stopping time, 7
strong Markov process, 7
strong Markov property, 7
strongly continuous contraction semigroup, 12
tightness, 28
Aldous-Rebolledo criterion for, 30
transient, 53
transition function, 6
transition semigroup, 8

usual augmentation, 5
usual conditions, 5
weak convergence, 27
Wright-Fisher diffusion, 18, 40
exit times, 46
stationary distribution, 49
Yamada-Watanabe Theorem, 23


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