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Cristina J. Montiel
Head, Socio-Political Research Unit, CSPPA
Faculty member, Department of Psychology
Flora Arellano
Head, Human Rights Womens Desk
Faculty Member, Department of Psychology
M y wa r m e s t w e l c o m e t o t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s i n t h e S e ve n t h
International Symposium on the Contributions of Psychology to
Peace and my congratulations to the organizers of this symposium.
The Ateneo de Manila feels privileged to be able to co-host this
symposium through the Ateneo de Manila Psychology Department
and Center for Social Policy and Public Affairs. I understand that
this international symposium is the first of its kind in Asia. All
over our region, the concerns of peace are dominant. This is
true in the Philippines, whether we think of the conflicts in
Mindanao or the larger challenges of overcoming the deep gaps
between the rich and poor in our country. The events of the last
year in the Philippines, which included the war between the
Philippine government and the MILF and the challenges that came
through the impeachment process and the responses to it in the
last months show us what deep gaps we have to overcome to
bring about understanding and peace in our country. We realize
that similar challenges are occurring in Indonesia, in Cambodia,
in East Timor and other parts of our region.
B i e n v e n i d o N e b r e s , S. J.
Josephine Perez
Program Director, GZOPI
Romulo Halabaso
Peace Education Unit, OPAPP
Augusto Legazpi
Faculty Member, Psychology Department
Diane Bretherton
Chair, Committee for the Psychological Study of Peace