Classroom Management Plan Marla Leland My Classroom "Big Ideas"
Classroom Management Plan Marla Leland My Classroom "Big Ideas"
Classroom Management Plan Marla Leland My Classroom "Big Ideas"
Marla Leland
My Classroom Big Ideas:
We are a school family. In our classroom we have 3 ways to help us be a safe
supportive family community. We will call them the 3 Rs:
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Resourceful
Families are a safe and supportive community. I would like my classroom to be a school
family. In our family, like other families, we all have to do our part to help each other
and ourselves be the best we can. The teachers part is to make sure the students are
all safe and provide the tools/materials to learn. Each students part is to be in charge
of their own education & behavior. To achieve this there are 3 guidelines:
Definition of Responsible - being a person who must answer or account for something
Students should be accountable for their own actions and work. Being responsible means that
you are doing whats right when no one is looking.
Definition of Respectful - showing high or special regard
Students should show adults and peers high regard in all circumstances. No exceptions.
Definition of Resourceful - able to deal well with new or difficult situations
Students should use their strategies to adjust to difficult situations or problems within the
classroom. Do not give up try to use your brain to find a solution for the problem.
Classroom Procedures:
Quieting Class:
Countdown: Countdown for students to settle down and listen. Countdown will
be from 5 to 1. I will could down with my fingers for the last 5 numbers.
For quicker settle down I will say 1,2,3, eyes on me.
Holding my arm up to and tell the students to tell their partner if they are not
Clap hands in a 1,2,3 rhythm and have the students clap back in the same way.
I like the use of count downs because it worked for my own children. It gives the
students a warning so they can transition into a quiet time. Some students need more
time than other so it is a nice way to accommodate for all students personalities. Using
a quiet hand raise for students to mimic is also a strategy I would use. Tell the
students to help their friends that are not doing it is a way to get all the students to
help with quieting the environment down. In addition, if it is noisy in the room a
rhythm clap that students repeat is helpful so you do not have to use your voice to
scream over the noise.
Whole Class Discussion procedure - I will prompt the students on what type of
discussion we are having.:
Calling out: will be calling out ideas without raising hands.
Class discussion/meeting: Raise our hands before we speak
Thumbs up/ thumbs down: Hand signal (no voices) check for understanding
I like the idea of different discussion formats, so I would like to introduce the format
prior to each lesson either in the lesson outline or verbally. I will front load the
students with the expectations of each format and then I will say in the beginning this
is a blank discussion. When I have not given specific instruction on format the
standard will be raising hands.
Morning Procedure: Open door for students and greet them at the door. Have them
come in put backpacks away get their needed materials and bring to their desk. There
will be a warm-up question or activity them to do while they are waiting at their desk.
Once students have settled down collect homework and role call. Say the pledge of
allegiance. Then the students will be asked by table groups to meet on the carpet for
morning meeting. The first thing the class will do is have a little morning relaxation
stretch or ice breaker game. After which we will discuss the days agenda
In the morning, I will open the door and meet students at the door to help aid them in
the transition from school to home. I want to let them know this is a safe environment
by letting giving them a daily routine to follow when they come into the classroom. We
will get the morning to-do list of collecting, homework, attendance and pledge of
allegiance done. Then we will have the morning meeting which will be our official time
to say hellos and get organized for the day.
Paper & Material Management Students will be assigned jobs to help out in the
classroom. Students or classroom helpers will be assigned to pass out papers &
supplies and pick up papers & supplies. Other jobs will include: line leaders and scouts
for good behavior. Each student will be assigned a job on a rotation cycle for each
Classrooms jobs are a good responsibility for the students to take ownership over the
classroom so they feel included and responsible for running a smooth classroom. In
addition, having the students do jobs is also a good way to relieve some work off the
First Day Procedure -I will greet students and parents at door and ask their name. I
will show them where to put their things and have them sit on the carpet. I will have
some books and games out for them to play with while they wait for the other
students. Once the students are all on the carpet I will introduce myself. We will play
a game to get to know each others names. Once we are finished, we will sit in a circle
and go around the circle having the students tell us their name. Then I will tell the
students what we will do for the day and direct each of them to their desks.
On the first day I would like the students to know the classroom is a safe environment.
I will do this by greeting them and their parents at the door. In addition, I would give
them a place to put away their backpack/lunch. I would let them go onto the carpet to
play some games or read a book so they could get acclimated and maybe meet a few of
their classmates before class starts. Once the students are all on the carpet. I would
introduce myself and play a game to help them relax and get to know each other. Then
we will discuss the days events. After which I would direct them to their desks and
discuss what is in their desk and supply protocol. They could get acclimated at their
desk for a few minutes before we start the next lesson.
They will then lineup at door. I will take them to the pick up location and say goodbye
to each student.
Students are responsible for cleaning up at the end of the day and getting ready for
the room to be cleaned by the janitor. In addition, I want to say goodbye to my
students. It shows respect for both parties. I will ensure I say goodbye to each
students as they leave.
Class transitions
Think-pair-share transitions: We will review the think-pair-share procedure by
saying eyes-to-eyes, knees-to-knees. When it is over I will say, OK-come back
and they will respond, Ok-come back.
Small group projects/ Center Rotations: A bell will be used to signal the end
time for a small group project or center rotation. When the students hear the
bell they will stop put their materials away and follow the teachers instructions
whether to transition to the next center or gather as a class group.
Teaching Procedures:
For each procedure, the class will have a discussion about what the procedure should
look like and discuss why the procedure is important. Each procedure will have a
description/ definition which the class has developed together. It will be written down
and posted in the class. I will model the procedure. Then a few students will model the
procedure for the whole class. Then the students will model not following the
procedure. The then we will model the correct procedure again. I will remind students
of the protocol prior to the event each time for as long as it takes for students to
develop the routine without incident. After which the procedure will be part of the
routine. I will then periodically do a reminder lesson to ensure the procedure will
continue without incident.
Making the procedures a group discussion and having the students involved in
understanding and laying out the step by step protocol gives them ownership over the
procedure. It becomes their procedure so they are more apt to follow it. Establishing
this is our environment not just the teachers environment gives the students
responsibility to be part of a larger community.
class reward. she will let the class know that the class climate is changing
to cloudy which will jeopardy their reward points, if 2 or more students
are acting up
Category B - Actual Consequence in the Classroom
3rd incident
Move student or students to a different location in room temporarily
For whole class - teacher will move climate chart to stormy and remove
class reward points
4th incident
move student to a different location in room permanently
student will have a conference with teacher and will have to stay and help
the teacher in class during class free time or break. (work punishment).
The idea is to give back something from the classroom that they took
while they were misbehaving
For Whole Class: Teacher will lower the class climate to the next level- if
2 or more students still acting up
Category C:
Call parents in addition to Category B consequence
If a student is consistently misbehaving a behavior contract will be drawn
and behavior logs will be part of category 2. The logs will be point based.
Student will have set rewards and consequences, these will be agreed
upon between student and teacher
Category D - Removal from Class
Student sent to another teachers class who has significantly younger or
older students- for consistently minor misbehavior
Student referred to office - for major misbehavior or insubordination
The rules I established follow my Big Idea Categories.
The consequences are laid out in 4 categories. Each category leads to bigger
consequences. The students will know these consequences. In this way there will be no
surprises for the student. The teacher will have a guideline that she will stick to so it
is fair for all students. Realistically, behavior is subjective and so the consequences
have a little wiggle room, so I can use my best judgment under each circumstance.
Within each category there are behind the scenes supports which will be in place to
alleviate misbehavior in between incidents.
Ideally the major consequences will not be used and can be diverted by establishing
and teaching corrective behavior. These corrective strategies include giving students:
positive reinforcement, reminders on behavior prior to incidents (frontloading), class
rewards systems, student conflict teams (to solve problems themselves in the class)
and parent conferences.
Specific Consequence breakdown is as follows:
Category A is for normal misbehavior in the class - interruptions or off task behavior
Category B is consequences for the 3rd & 4th incident. The consequences get
steeper with each incident. First it is temporarily moving student from the
environment to give them a timeout. Next it is moving students permanently or
working in class to give time back to the class for disruptions.
Category C for student who consistently misbehave or have emotional regulation
issues. Call parents to get them involved to circumvent future problems. Also
establish a student behavior reward plan.
Category D is for severe misbehavior or insubordination. The consequences are that
the student has to leave the class to either:
another class (for less severe issues)
or in more severe cases to the office.
teacher will remind students of rules periodically and will re-teach as needed to
reinforce the expectations.
For Consequences: The consequences will be posted and discussed with the class so
they understand them and are aware which category of consequence they have
entered. Therefore, there are no surprise on where they are in the behavioral scale.
Establishment of physical boundaries, planned traffic areas and open space within
Carpet area open space which will include library
Book shelves will create barriers for separation of carpet area and walkways
Teacher desk area off limits
Walkways around gathering and work areas
Visual Cues:
Hand signals to be used for bathroom and water
Procedure checklist chart posted in room to be referred to by teacher by
pointing to chart
Teaching of procedures:
identify procedure
record desired behavior on chart
model desirable behaviors
model undesirable behaviors then model desirable behaviors again
Practice procedure
Re-teach as necessary
Material organizations system:
Separate area of materials for each subject with color code system. Bins to
hold handouts to be distributed
In boxes / out boxes for homework
Binders for older students
Instruction and use of aide:
Aides to help students with directed instruction from teacher
Written protocol instructions for aide
Physical Boundaries: Creating free and work areas for students is an important part
of classroom management. Students need to know physical boundaries exist to help
them and their peers learn. It establishes clear delineations which helps to create a
safe environment. Students know what activities can be done in which areas. The
carpet/library area will be the largest open space so that students can spread out and
read. In addition, it provides a meeting place for the class. Bookshelves make great
walls to create boundaries and safe spaces. Walk areas should be designated around
work areas. The teachers desk will be off limits because of privacy issues with
students and personal supplies.
Visual Cues: Visual cues and reminders are important for teachers and students to
refer to. Teacher can point to a cue to remind students of the protocol and refocus.
Students can look at them and remember procedures. They are good visual strategy to
help manage the classroom
Teaching Procedures: The teacher procedure I have chosen is based upon the idea of
pre-teaching the students the desired procedure. First you identify the procedure to
the class. Then you what the desired procedure or behavior should look like. Then you
model it to the class. Then you model the undesirable protocol to show what may
happen if you do not follow the protocol. Then you continue practicing until it is
ingrained in the students heads. Every so often the teacher can re-teach the protocol
if she feels students are not following it.
Material organizations system: I like things separated. I think students benefit if
resources are separated and uniquely coded until they get the hang of where things
are and what goes where. Color coding seems are a great way to do this with distinct
colors for each subject - even just colored stickers with subject designation. Having
the students know where all the materials are located is important in establishing
routines and resourcefulness. Binders for older students work well as long as the
organization system is the same for all students and simple. It is key to walk the
students through how to organize the binder so that they understand the process. It
is a lifelong skill, so taking the time to help students through a unified organization
plan is worth the time.
Instructional Aides: Instructional aide are there to help instruction and assist. They
are not there to teach like the teacher. They need to be given clear responsibilities
and protocol to help them know what is expected of them. Established routines help
the aide organize herself, her time and the students time.