Arizona Career Information System

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Lesson Plan and Reflection

Name: Erendira Alatorre

Setting/Grade Level: High school
School: Community Transition Program
Theme/Title: Arizona Career Information System
Description of Inclusive Classroom: Students with mild to moderate disabilities are in
one classroom for the lesson and then they go to volunteer sites.
1. Learning Goals/Objectives
What student learning goals/objectives do you have for this lesson?
Students will be able to answer YES or NO on questions related to three
different career clusters.
Students will be able to choose a cluster they want to research from the 9 clusters
already presented.
2. Methodology
What specific instructional strategies for students with ASD will you use? (List based
upon your description in your introduction of your teaching portfolio strategies)
I will be using Connections and Fascinations for this lesson. This means I will
connect the students tasks to their interests and give them choices.
Since the lesson is for a group of high school students in a transition
age, we are providing them with resources for them to use to discover
jobs they enjoy and further explore. This is one lesson from a series,
they are just being broken down.

What general instructional strategies will you use? (check the strategies that apply)
x Library Research
Cooperative Learning
Peer Editing
x Discussion/Questioning
Problem Solving
Field Study
x Reflection/Response
Graphic Organizers
Independent Learning
Role Playing
x Viewing/Listening/Answering

Why did you choose these strategies/methods?

Discussion/questioning: Students will be asked yes or no questions from the
AZCIS related to different career clusters and job tasks.
Reflection/response: after being asked yes or no questions, students are expected
to participate with the whole class. They will also write about a job cluster on
their blogs.
Library research: some students will have access the public library throughout the
day to research on the jobs they are interested in.
I want students to be engaged and hear their responses to the questions, this tells
me if they are grasping the idea or if I need to go over it again.
How will you group students for instruction?
Students sit with their group for the day based on what site they will go to.
List below your activities/steps including how you activate background knowledge, gain
student attention (set induction), demonstrate integration of the strategies used and
desired outcomes, and bring closure to the lesson. Also, articulate how you will evaluate
your lesson/determine if student learning occurred.

1. Ask students about the clusters
done the day before.
a. What cluster did you like
b. What cluster did you blog
2. Review:
a. What does AZCIS stand
b. What is a career cluster?
3. Essential questions
a. Why are career clusters
b. Why are you being
introduced to AZCIS?
4. Anticipatory set:
a. Talk in your group about a
career cluster that you have
looked up researched?
5. Present Learning Objectives
6. Purpose: learn how to use AZCIS to
take assessments about career
interest and research occupation of
7. Have class stand up and locate
where the yes and no sign are.
8. I will present the first career cluster
and begin asking questions for them
to walk towards their choice.
9. Once that cluster is completed, we
will do one sitting down using
white boards or their hands showing
a thumbs down or up.
10. Again, the students will stand up
and do the same as step 8.
11. Closure: What career clusters did
we talk about today?

Time Allocated
1. 3 min
2. 2 min
3. 3 min
4. 5 min
5. 1 min
6. 1 min
7. 1 min
8. 10 min
9. 10 min
10. 10 min
11. 5 min

3. Materials
What materials will you use?
Power Point
White board
Poster boards
with yes and
White board

Technology Utilized
x Computer
x Slides
Tape Recorder
Laser Disk
Assistive Tech. x Smart Board
x Other: monitor

4. Assessment/Evaluation
Assessment Alternatives
How will you evaluate each student
(check=process, x=product)
I have placed yes or no boards for the
Objective Test
students to walk to in order to answer the
questions. If a student is having difficulty
x Observation
understanding a question I will approach
them or they will receive support from a
peer mentor. At the end of the lesson I will
ask questions to the class to check for
Peer Evaluation
Self-Evaluation x Performance
How will you use this information?
Rating Scales
If a student is having difficulty answering a
yes or no question based on the AZCIS, I
will analyze what additional support I can
provide them by relating it to an interest or
Probleman experience.

5. Reflection after Lesson Implementation

1. To what extent did students learn what you intended? How do you know?
Students did a very great job, part of their understanding also has to do with my lesson
being a series of others similar. The students walked to the area for yes and no, based on
their response. I received more participation when standing than sitting.
2. Did you do anything differently than what you planned? If so, why?
I did my lesson as planned. I had done a similar lesson the day before and did not get as
much participation sitting down as standing up so I decided to increase the standing part
and only do one cluster sitting down. I would probably do all of them standing next time
because there is such a significance in difference.
3. If you were going to teach this lesson again to the same students, what would
you do the same? Differently?
I would like to reduce the amount of clusters and information provided. I had to do three
since that was how the week was planned out. I would also give more time for the
students to answer yes or no.
4. How much time did you actually use? Were transitions smooth?
The whole lesson was 50 minutes long. All of the transitions were smooth.

5. Identify a group or individual who did well with the lesson. How do you
account for this? What might you do in the future to ensure their continued
I think that whole class did a very good job in the whole lesson, I was happy too see
students participating. The students who found more interest in the clusters done were
more engaged.
6. Identify a group or individual who had difficulty with this lesson. How do
you account for this? What interventions could you use so that they achieve
the learning goals?
There was one student in particular who had a very difficult time, he was upset because
he did not want to go to the site he was going to go for the day, and he wanted another
staff member. He was having a difficult time and was demonstrated when asked to
participate in the lesson.
7. Are there any other comments, reactions, or questions about the lesson? Was
there anything you felt especially good, frustrated, or confused about?
It was overwhelming to see the student and having a lot of students attention towards
him rather than the lesson. Since other teachers were dealing with the situation, I did not
want to stop the lesson.

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