Selections From The Kathopanisad - Rathakalpana

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Selections from the Kathopaniad

Ratha Kalpan
tam pibantau sukrtasya loke guham pravishtau parame parardhe
Chhaya taupau brahmavido vadanti ye ca trinachiketah1.3.1
Drinking the fruits of actions, they both enter the cave (of the buddhi), the abode of
the absolute. The knowers of Brahman and the performers of the Nachiketa fire
ritual regard them as light and shadow
yah seturijananamaksaram brahmayatparam |
abhayam titirsatam param Naciketam sakemahi || 1.3.2
The knowledge and practice of the naciketa ritual is like a bridge (to cross relative
sorrow) for the performers of karma, and the knowledge of the
unchangingBrahman enables the ones interested in crossing fear absolutely.
Atmanam rathinam viddhi, sariram rathamevatu |
buddhimtu sarathim viddhi manah pragraham eva ca ||1.3.3
Understand the self (jiva) as the master of the chariot, and the physical body as
verily the chariot itself. Know the intellect to be the driver of the chariot, and the
mind, the reigns.
Indriyani hayanyahuh visayamstesu gocaran |
atmendriyamanoyuktam bhoktetyahurmanishinah || 1.3.4
The sense organs (and organs of action), they say, are the horses, and the pathways
the sense objects. The wise one call the atma identified with body, mind, and
intelligence as the enjoyer.
Yastvavijnanavan bhavati ayuktena manasa sada
tasyendriyani avasyani dustasvah iva saratheh 1.3.5
But for the driver whose mind is discomposed, the sense organs are uncurbed like
unbridled horses and go astray
Yastu vijnanavan bhavati yuktena manasa sada
Tasyendriyani vasyani sadasvah iva sarathe 1.3.6

Whereas, for the driver who mind resolved, the sense organs are disciplined like
good horses
Yastvavijnanavan bhavati amanaskasadasucih,
na sa tatpadamapnoti samsaram ca adhigaccati 1.3.7
The one who is lacking in discernment is has a mind that is clouded and unclear.
Such a person never gains moksha, and returns to samsara.
Yastu vijnanavan bhavati samanaska sada sucih
sa tu tadpadam apnoti yasmadbhuyo na jayate 1.3.8
Whereas, the one who is a wise person endowed with a clear and uncluttered mind
reaches that abode from which there is no return.

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