Special Types of Customers
Special Types of Customers
Special Types of Customers
A banker can enter into valid banking contractual
According to section 3 of the Indian Majority Act,
Precautions to be followed by the banker while opening an
Partnership Firm
A partnership is the relation between persons who
have agreed to share the profits of the business carried
on by all or any one of them acting for all.
Steps taken by a Banker while opening an account in
the name of a partnership firm:
customer(firm) must be introduced to the banker by
a person who is already known to it.
Number of Partners: The Banker should, before
opening the account see that the total number of
partners should be as per the partnership act.
Application: A banker should not open the account
Private Account: A cheque drawn on private account
Certificate of Incorporation
First Directors: In the case of a new company the banker
Married Woman
A married woman can enter into a contract in her own name.
She can have an account opened in the bank.
She also has the power to draw Cheques and give a valid
A married woman cannot make her husband responsible for
Illiterate Persons
They are the persons who cannot read/write.
The banker can always open an account in the name of
an illiterate person.
Following precautions are needed to be taken by the
1. It is necessary for the banker to obtain thumb
impression of such a person as he/she cannot sign.
2. The banker should obtain photograph of the illiterate
3. The Banker should also obtain the brief details of
physical identification marks of such a person.
A trustee is a person on whom confidence is reposed
by another person. The person who stands to derive
benefits is Beneficiary.
A banker has to observe following precautions:
A banker should first go through the Trust Deed.
The banker should ascertain the fact as to who would
sign the Cheques amongst various trustees.
The banker should also ascertain the details of
death/ retirement of any trustee.
It is essential that banks do not allow the misuse of
Joint Accounts
They are the accounts, opened and operated in joint
names of more than one person.
The banker needs to observe the following guidelines
while opening and operating accounts in joint names:
1. Before opening an account the banker has to obtain a
duly signed account opening form. Signed by all the
persons who are interested in operating the account.
2. The mode of conduct of the account must be finalized
with the consent of all the members of joint account.
3. On the death of the joint account holder the credit
balance in the account would go to the legal recipient
of the joint account holder.
Thanking you