Flaps Selected Readings
Flaps Selected Readings
Flaps Selected Readings
James F Thornton MD
Ratner1 and Hauben and colleagues2 give excellent overviews of the history of skin grafting. The
following highlights are excerpted from these two
Grafting of skin originated among the tilemaker
caste in India approximately 3000 years ago.1 A
common practice then was to punish a thief or
adulterer by amputating the nose, and surgeons of
their day took free grafts from the gluteal area to
repair the deformity. From this modest beginning,
skin grafting evolved into one of the basic clinical
tools in plastic surgery.
In 1804 an Italian surgeon named Boronio successfully autografted a full-thickness skin graft on a
sheep. Sir Astley Cooper grafted a full-thickness
piece of skin from a mans amputated thumb onto
the stump for coverage. Bunger in 1823 successfully reconstructed a nose with a skin graft. In 1869
Reverdin rekinkled worldwide interest in skin grafting with his report of successful pinch grafts. Ollier
in 1872 pointed out the importance of the dermis
in skin grafts, and in 1886 Thiersch used thin splitthickness skin to cover large wounds. To this day
the names Ollier and Thiersch are synonymous with
thin (0.0050.01-inch) split-thickness grafts.
Lawson, Le Fort, and Wolfe used full-thickness
grafts to successfully treat ectropion of the lower
eyelid; nevertheless, it is Wolfe whose name is
generally associated with the concept of fullthickness skin grafting. Krause popularized the use
of full-thickness grafts in 1893, known today as
Wolfe-Krause grafts.
Brown and McDowell3 reported using thick splitthickness grafts (0.010.022-inch) for the treatment
of burns in 1942.
In 1964 Tanner, Vandeput, and Olley4 gave us
the technology to expand skin grafts with a machine
that would cut the graft into a lattice pattern,
expanding it up to 12X its original surface area.
In 1975 epithelial skin culture technology was
published by Rheinwald and Green,5 and in 1979
cultured human keratinocytes were grown to form
an epithelial layer adequate for grafting wounds.6
hand, concluded that split-thickness and fullthickness skin autografts undergo considerable collagen turnover. In their experiments the dermal
collagen became hyalinized by the third or fourth
day postgraft, and by the seventh day all of the
collagen was replaced by new small fibers. The
replacement continued through the 21st postgraft
day, and by the end of the sixth week postgraft all
the old dermal collagen had been completely
replaced. The rates of collagen turnover and epithelial hyperplasia peaked simultaneously in the first
23 weeks postgraft.
Klein21,22 and Peacock23 used hydroxyproline to
determine the collagen content of grafted wounds.
Hydroxyproline is an amino acid found exclusively
in collagen at a constant proportion of 14%.
Changes in hydroxyproline and monosaccharide
content of grafted beds paralleled those of other
healing wounds.24 Independent studies by Hilgert25
and Marckmann26 confirmed these findings and
documented plunging levels of hydroxyproline soon
after grafting. The hydroxyproline (collagen) level
eventually rebounded and finally returned to the
normal levels of unwounded skin. Although Hilgerts
cycle lasted 10 days and Marckmanns 1421 days,
it is now well established that most of the collagen
in a graft is ultimately replaced.
On the basis of studies involving tritiated proline-labeled mature collagen, Udenfriend27 and
Rudolph and Klein28 agreed that 85% of the original collagen in a graft is replaced within 5 months
postgraft. The collagen turnover rate of grafts is 3X
to 4X faster than that of unwounded skin.29 In addition, although equal amounts of collagen are lost
from full- and split-thickness grafts, STSGs replace
only half as much of their original collagen as do
FTSGs of equal size.
Elastin fibers in the dermis account for the
resilience of skin. While the elastin content of
the dermis is small, the elastin turnover rate in a
healing graft is considerable, and most of the elastin in a graft is replaced within a short time. Elastin fiber integrity is maintained through the third
postgraft day, but by postgraft day 7 the fibers are
short, stubby, and have begun to fragment.19 Elastin degeneration continues through the third
postgraft week until new fibers can be seen
beginning to grow at 46 weeks postgraft. This
replacement process is the same in full- and splitthickness skin grafts.
Extracellular Matrix
Far from simply supporting cells passively, the
extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a vital role in cellto-cell communication.30 Through specific arrangements of protein sequences within, the ECM influences cellular behavior in adjacent tissues with
regard to proliferation, differentiation, migration,
and attachment.
The extracellular matrix in the skin consists of
large insoluble proteins of fibroblast origin and
smaller soluble proteins produced by either
fibroblasts or keratinocytes. Both kinds of proteins appear to be involved in directing the
behavior of keratinocytes and in promoting
appropriate communication between keratinocytes and fibroblasts.
Epithelial Appendages
The sweating capability of grafted skin is a function of the number of sweat glands transplanted
during grafting and of the extent of sympathetic
reinnervation to the graft. A skin graft will sweat
much like its recipient site due to ingrowing sympathetic nerve fibers from the graft bed. Thus a
graft that is placed on the abdomen will sweat in
response to physical activity, whereas an identical
graft placed on the palm will sweat in response to
emotional stimuli.
Although both full- and split-thickness skin grafts
demonstrate sebaceous gland activity, thin splitthickness grafts do not contain functional sebaceous
glands and typically appear dry and brittle after take.
Hair follicles are subjected to the same hyperplastic stimuli as the rest of the graft. On the fourth
day postgraft the original hair sloughs off and the
graft becomes hairless. Soon after the graft follicles
begin to produce new hair, and by the 14th postgraft
day very fine, baby-like hair is seen growing out of
the graft.12
Full-thickness skin grafts produce hair while splitthickness skin grafts produce little or no hair. Fullthickness skin grafts that take well grow normal hair
in terms of orientation, pigmentation, and follicular
clustering.13 Inadequate revascularization will damage the graft hair follicles and result in decreased
hair density. Similarly, when graft take is interrupted for any reason, subsequent hair growth will
be sparse, random, and lacking in pigment.14
Secondary revascularization. When vascular connections between the bed and the graft are delayed,
secondary revascularization occurs. Under normal
graft conditions, the vasoactive agent directing the
ingrowth of new blood vessels ceases to function
and capillary proliferation stops as good blood flow
is established by neovascularization. However, the
longer a graft remains ischemic, the longer the
vasoactive substance remains in the tissue. As a
result, great numbers of new capillaries grow into
the graft and granulation tissue accumulates under
the graft. This phenomenon is known as secondary
The mechanism of secondary revascularization
is as follows. Vascular connections between the
graft bed and the graft inhibit the formation of capillary buds. If the graft is not well applied to the bed
and vascular connections are not established early
eg, in the periphery of large graftsthe inhibiting
effect does not take place. Within the graft itself
the vessels may be functionally deficient or the vascular ingrowth may not reach the required level of
biologic activity for the inosculatory event. If anastomoses fail to develop in time, the ischemic period
is extended and capillary proliferation in the bed
continues. Degenerative processes in the graft and
exuberant granulation tissue in the host bed go hand
in hand with prolonged ischemia. If blood vessels
reach the graft in time, the graft will survive; if not,
the graft will fail.
In the host bed, insufficient vascular proliferation
and wound contamination are the two common
causes of delayed inosculation. Anastomoses may
not form at the right time because of the increased
distance between the graft and its bed from interposed necrotic material, a thick fibrin layer,
hematoma, seroma, or air bubbles.
Grafts that heal by secondary intention are
smooth, fibrotic, tight, and have a slick, silvery sheen
on the surface reflecting the large amount of cicatrix within the graft. Large grafts often heal both by
primary and secondary revascularization, and certain areas show the typical appearance and desquamation where the secondary process occurs.
Histologically the epidermis and papillary dermis
are destroyed by necrosis in the full-thickness graft
that heals by secondary revascularization. The papillary dermis is replaced by a thin layer of connective tissue, which in turn is covered by a flattened
epidermis. The reticular dermis is normal histologi-
the elliptical method [was associated with] less discomfort, texture change, numbness, and itching.
The scars were concealed better and less noticeable.56
Common full-thickness graft donor sites are the
groin, postauricular area, and clavicular region.57
Yildirim and coworkers57 also recommend the
preputium as a source of graft skin in children. Splitskin grafts are usually harvested from the outer thigh
because surgeons prefer this site for its technical
ease and convenience of intraoperative positioning and postoperative dressings. The public, on the
that must heal by secondary intention and the lessthan-ideal cosmetic result. A small ratio of expansion1:1.5and pulling the graft lengthwise to
narrow the skin perforations to slits before transplantation lessens these problems.65
Richard and colleagues67 compared the Tanner
and Bioplasty skin graft meshing systems with respect
to their respective expansion ratios and predicted
versus actual expansion. Both systems delivered
approximately 50% of the anticipated skin expansion, leading the authors to recommend harvesting
skin grafts larger than needed to compensate for
the eventual shortage.
Ingenious ways to mesh skin grafts when a mesher
is not available have been reported.79,80 Kirsner
and associates conclude that meshed STSGs are
safe and effective therapy for recalcitrant leg ulcers.81
The Meek technique involves a special dermatome and prefolded gauzes for expanding small
pieces of split skin.68 The expansion ratio obtained
with the Meek technique is almost 1:9. In contrast,
the expansion ratio of allograft meshed with the
Zimmer II dermatome set at 1:6 is actually 1:4.
Meek grafts are useful alternatives to meshed grafts
when donor sites are limited, and are particularly
well suited for grafting granulating wounds and
unstable beds.
Several authors report successful coverage of burn
wounds with microskin grafts.6974 These are sheet
grafts that are minced with a Tanner-Vandeput dermatome to achieve an expansion ratio of 1:10.
Graft take is said to be excellent even in difficult
Intermingled transplantation of autograft and
allograft has been practiced successfully in China
since at least 1973,75,76 mostly in the treatment of
large burns. Yeh and colleagues82 compared this
technique with the microskin method in a rat model,
and noted significantly less scar contracture with
the former. Other healing parameters were similar
between the two groups.
Graft Fixation
Adherence of the graft to its bed is essential for
skin graft take. A thin fibrin layer holds the graft to
the bed and forms a barrier against potential infection.83 Factors such as bleeding, infection, and shear
force tend to work against graft take.
Dressings for specific applications include a dorsal and ventral sandwich bolster for grafts on the
tongue;103 a cutout tie-over dressing of elastic tape
with silk threads on which a bolster is placed;104
and malleable ear dressings constructed of siliconelined bandage with thin metal backing.105
Modern bolster technologies of skin graft fixation replace sutures and staples with either fibrin
glue106111 or octyl-2-cyanoacrylate (super glue)
on the edges of the graft.112,113 Fibrin glue is strong,
transparent, hemostatic, does not interfere with
healing, and does not promote wound infection.
Proponents of fibrin glue say that it improves graft
survival, reduces blood loss, speeds reconstruction by allowing large sheet-graft coverage, and
produces better esthetic results.111 Our experience at The University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center bears out this assertion: A thin
layer of fibrin glue improves graft take considerably, particularly in the head and neck and mobile
body parts.
Negative-pressure dressings (VAC device [KCI,
San Antonio, Texas]) also enhance graft adherence
and survival,114117 and are a good option in difficult-to-bolster areas such as the hand and axilla.
The total time of bolster application can be reduced
from 5 to 3 days while the patient maintains mobility of the extremity.
Donor Site Management
Open Wound Technique
The open-wound technique of donor site management is associated with prolonged healing time,
more pain, and a higher risk of complications than
if the wound is covered. Most authors recommend
dressing the donor site of a skin graft to protect it
from trauma and infection.
Allen and coworkers 118 compared bacterial
counts of wounds left open to granulate and of
wounds covered by skin dressings. They found
12.5% of open wounds were sterile, but all the
dressed wounds showed some microbial flora.
When antibiotics were added, however, there was
a dramatic decrease in bacterial colonization, leading the authors to conclude that it was the antibiotic, not the dressing, that had a sterilizing influence. Skin grafts have no intrinsic bactericidal
properties. 119
Biologic Dressings
Feldman120 recommends returning unused skin
to the donor site as an autologous biologic dressing
on the grounds that this is logical in terms of wound
healing, tissue conservation, and expense. Wood121
agrees that this is a good idea in immunocompromised or steroid-dependent patients, but
unnecessary in the general population. Careful planning before surgery to harvest only the required
amount of skin is the ultimate solution, in Woods
Traditionally cadaver allografts have been the
choice for resurfacing large denuded areas. Cadaver
skin serves as temporary wound cover, reduces pain
and fever, restores function, increases appetite,
controls fluid loss, and promotes wound healing. As
the grafts revascularize, they form a barrier against
bacterial invasion and prevent further loss of water,
electrolytes, and protein from the wound. Allografts
decrease bacterial counts of underlying tissues and
facilitate future grafting by promoting a sterile wound
Glycerol-treated cryopreserved allografts have a
number of applications such as in the treatment of
scald burns in children,123,124 extensive burns in both
children and adults,125 and deep burns down to
muscle fascia or fat (when combined with allogeneic cultured epithelial grafts).126,127 The main drawback of glycerol-preserved allografts is their expense.
As discussed above, Chinese investigators have
successfully used combinations of allografts and
autografts for coverage of open wounds.7577 The
autograft is cut into small pieces and placed in the
slits of meshed allografts, or is laid down in alternating strips of auto- and allograft. As rejection unfolds,
epidermal cells in the autograft gradually replace
the allograft.128
Xenografts (collagenelastin prostheses) adhere
to a wound bed via fibrin bonding. The advantages
of xenografts are relatively low cost, ready availability, easy storage, and easy sterilization. Disadvantages are lack of antimicrobial activity, no proof that
they promote reepithelialization, potential for
absorption of toxic breakdown products, and poor
low the evacuated neurilemmal sheaths and reestablish the innervation pattern of the donor skin.
Weis-Becker and coworkers165 note better reinnervation of split skin grafts placed on intact muscle
fascia than if the fascia had been removed. Sensory functions on grafted skin were generally
Immediately after harvesting, a skin graft
blanches from circulatory interruption. The consequent loss of melanoblast content causes profound alteration in the ratio of pigment-producing
to nonpigment-producing cells in the graft.166 After
transplantation and graft revascularization there is
inflow of erythrocytes and the normal equilibrium
of the melanocyte population is restored. The
graft resumes a pink color which over time fades
to a normal skin tone. Mir y Mir167 reviews melanogenesis, its peripheral nervous system control,
the hyperpigmentation state that follows cutaneous grafting, and the effects of ultraviolet radiation
on the skin.
Skin grafts change color during healing.10 Grafts
harvested from the abdomen, buttocks, and thigh
become darker as they heal, while grafts taken
from the palm tend to lighten. Grafts taken from
brunettes progressively darken, while those from
blondes usually lighten. Full-thickness grafts from
the eyelid, postauricular and supraclavicular areas
are usually good color match for the face, although
they may remain red for many months. In general, grafts taken from below the clavicle assume
a yellowish-brown hue, while grafts taken from
above the clavicle provide a better color match
for facial skin. Thin split-thickness skin grafts from
the same donor site are usually darker than thick
ones. 162
The best treatment for hyperpigmented grafts is
dermabrasion. For dermabrasion to be effective,
however, it must be done at the appropriate time.
If it is performed too soon after skin graft, the
blanching will not last and the dark pigment will
reappear. The best results are seen when dermabrasion follows biologic reinnervation of the graft.
Generally, the later the dermabrasion is done after
grafting, the more effective it is in removing
unwanted pigment.
Dermal overgrafting consists of applying a splitthickness skin graft to a recipient bed or dermis or
denuded scar tissue.180 Overgrafting preserves subcutaneous tissues, is a relatively simple procedure,
and the tissue consequences of graft failure are
minimal. Rees and Casson181 offer technical details
of skin removal and bed preparation and list the
best donor sites. Their indications for overgrafting
are as follows:
Pigmented lesions should be excised deep
enough to remove all the pigment before the graft
is applied. A potential complication of the technique is the formation of cysts and granulomas from
retained epithelial remnants.181
A meticulous surgical technique contributes
greatly to the survival of a skin graft. Particular
attention should be paid to ensuring
Skin substitutes may be classified according to
their originautologous, allogeneic, xenogeneic,
or recombinant192or whether they are used for
wound cover or wound closure.193 Materials used
for wound cover are primarily indicated for
superficial burns, where they provide a barrier
against infection, control water loss, and create
an environment suitable for epidermal regeneration. Examples of skin substitutes for wound cover
are Biobrane, Transcyte (formerly DermagraftTC), cultured epidermal allogeneic keratinocytes,
Dermagraft, and Apligraf (Graftskin). Materials
intended for wound closure restore the epidermal barrier and become incorporated into the
healing wound. Skin substitutes for wound closure include Alloderm, Integra, cloned autologous keratinocytes (Epicel), and composites of
epidermaldermal components, allograft
xenograft skin, or collagenglycosaminoglycan
matrix with a cultured epidermal autograft (CEA)
surface (Table 2).
Wound Cover
Biobrane is a bilaminar material consisting of nylon
mesh bonded to thin, semipermeable silicone membrane. It provides a barrier function against fluid
loss as well as protection from environmental bacterial invasion. The product is often used as a temporary skin replacement for superficial partialthickness burns as well as for skin graft donor sites.
When applied to clean wounds, Biobrane eliminates the need for dressing changes and reduces
the length of inpatient treatment.192,193
Transcyte is Biobrane with the addition of neonatal fibroblasts seeded to the collagen-coated
nylon mesh. The fibroblasts are nonviable at
application and the nylon mesh is not biodegradable, so the material is designed for use as a temporary cover. Transcyte for preliminary coverage
of partial thickness burns results in fewer dressing
changes and less hypertrophic scarring than conventional treatment with topical silver sulfadiazine.194 Transcyte is considerably more expensive
than Biobrane.192,193
A Guide to Biological Skin Substitutes
(Reprinted with permission from Jones I, Currie L, Martin R: A guide to biological skin substitutes. Br J Plast Surg 55:185, 2002.)
dermal cells extracted. Alloderm functions as a dermal graft, but has no barrier function because it has
no epidermal component. Alloderm is similar to
Dermagraft in many respects. A split-thickness skin
graft can be placed over Alloderm after tissue
ingrowth, or an ultra-thin graft can be placed at the
time of Alloderm application in a single-stage procedure. The indications for Alloderm are as dermal
replacement in full-thickness or deep partialthickness wounds.193,201
Integra is a bilaminar skin substitute consisting of
a cross-linked bovine collagenglycosaminoglycan
matrix coated on one side with silicone elastomer
for a barrier function. Integra is applied in a twostage procedure much like a split- or full-thickness
skin graft. As the host tissue grows into the wound,
the silicone epidermis separates and sloughs off
in 34 weeks, after which the integrated matrix is
covered with a thin STSG.
Integra has widespread applications in burn and
full-thickness wound closure. Its reliability is good
on long clinical follow-up. Advantages of Integra
include off-the-shelf availability; improved elasticity and cosmesis compared with thin STSG; and no
risk of cross infection. Disadvantages are a somewhat steep learning curve for application; the
necessity for a two-stage procedure, and its high
Cultured Epithelial Autografts
Rheinwald and Green5 pioneered a method to
clone human epidermal cells in vitro in 1975. In
1979, Green et al6 perfected a technique for growing cultured epithelial keratinocytes into confluent
sheets suitable for grafting. Clinical experience with
epidermal cells grown in vitro include burns, chronic
leg ulcers, giant pigmented nevi, epidermolysis
bullosa, and large areas of skin necrosis. Like STSGs,
cultured epithelial autografts must be applied on a
wound bed with early granulation tissue or muscle
fascia for proper take.193
Sheets of cultured epithelial cells (Epicel) are
expensive and require a fair degree of expertise
for application. These sheets are fragile, often
resulting in a friable, unstable epithelium that may
spontaneously blister, break down, and contract long
after application.193 Cultured epithelial cells used
for grafting have an expansion capability of 10,000X
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155. Montandon D, Gabbiani G, Ryan GB, Majno G: The
contractile fibroblast: its relevance in plastic surgery. Plast
Reconstr Surg 52:286, 1973.
156. Oliver RF, Grant RA, Kent CM: The fate of cutaneously and
subcutaneously implanted trypsin purified dermal collagen in the pig. Br J Exp Pathol 53:540, 1972.
157. Oliver RF, Grant RA, Hulme MJ, Mudie A: Incorporation
of stored cell-free dermal collagen allografts into skin
wounds: a short term study. Br J Plast Surg 30:88, 1977.
158. Walden JL, Garcia H, Hawkins H, et al: Both dermal matrix
and epidermis contribute to an inhibition of wound
contraction. Ann Plast Surg 45:162, 2000.
159. Waris T, Astrand K, Hamalainen H, et al: Regeneration of
cold, warmth and heat-pain sensibility in human skin
grafts. Br J Plast Surg 42:576, 1989.
160. Haro JJ, Del Valle ME, Calzada B, et al: Human glabrous
skin autografts partially reinnervated without sensory corpuscles. An immunohistochemical study. Scand J Plast
Reconstr Hand Surg 28:25, 1994.
Amanda A Gosman MD
A flap is a unit of tissue that maintains its own
blood supply while being transferred from a donor
to a recipient site. In contrast, grafts are transferred
unattached to a vascular source and rely on the
blood supply at the recipient site for their survival.
Flaps range from simple advancements of skin and
subcutaneous tissue to composite flaps that may
contain any combination of skin, muscle, bone, fat,
or fascia.
The origin of the term flap originated from the
16th century Dutch word flappe, meaning something that hung broad and loose, fastened only on
one side.1 The history of plastic surgical repair with
flaps can be documented as far back as 600 BC,
when Sushruta Samita described nasal reconstruction using a cheek flap. The origins of forehead
rhinoplasty can be traced to India about 1440 AD,
but probably was practiced long before the birth of
Christ.2 These surgical procedures involved the
use of rotation flaps, which transport skin to an
adjacent area while twisting or rotating a pedicle.
The French are credited with the original description of sliding or advancement type flaps, which
transfer skin from an adjacent area without torsion
of the base. Distant pedicled flaps, which transfer
tissue to a remote site, were initially reported in the
Italian literature during the Renaissance.3
Subsequent flap evolution happened in phases.
First there was an early period during the First and
Second World Wars when pedicled skin flaps were
used extensively. The next period occurred in the
1950s and 60s, when what we now recognize as
regional axial pattern flaps were reported. A third
period took place mainly during the 1970s, when a
distinction was made between axial and random
flaps, muscle and musculocutaneous flaps were
elevated and transferred, and free tissue transfer
came into being. The 1980s saw the development
of fasciocutaneous flaps, osseous and osseocutaneous
flaps, and specialized free flaps.1,4
Fig 4. Six patterns of blood supply to the fasciocutaneous plexus: A, direct cutaneous vessel; B, direct septocutaneous vessel; C, direct
cutaneous branch of muscular vessel; D, perforating cutaneous branch of muscular vessel; E, septocutaneous perforator; F,
musculocutaneous perforator. (Reprinted with permission from Nakajima H, Fujino T, Adachi S: A new concept of vascular supply to
the skin and classification of skin flaps according to their vascularization. Ann Plast Surg 16:1, 1986.)
Nakajima and coauthors 36 studied the 3dimensional structure of the blood supply to the
skin and subcutaneous tissue. Computer images of
angiograms performed on 28 segmental arteries of
the body were analyzed according to the tissue
layer in which they were dominant (whether dermal, superficial, or deep adipofascial layers), their
axiality, and their size. After perforating the deep
fascia, the arteries were assigned to one of six different types (Fig 5). The arteries were localized on
a whole body map and the relationship between
the type of artery and the mobility of the tissue it
supplied was considered.
Nakajimas six types of arterial configuration
evolved from his previous perforator classification.35
Types I and II are continuations of direct cutaneous
and direct septocutaneous perforators (Types A and
B), respectively. Types I and II are mobile vascular
types that show axiality and are located in the deep
adipofascial layer. Types III and IV are peripheral
continuations of either the direct cutaneous branch
or perforating cutaneous branch of a muscular vessel
(Types C and D). Types II and IV are of medium size
and of moderate axiality, but have diverging branch
points. Type III is dominant in the deep adipofascial
layer and IV is dominant in the superficial layer,
resulting in a reciprocal relationship. Types V and VI
(Types E and F) are fixed vascular types of little axiality and are continuations of small septocutaneous
and musculocutaneous perforators, respectively (Fig
6). In the torso types I, III, and IV are localized in the
Fig 7. Above, The superficial (S) and deep (D) venous systems in
an extremity. A large vena communicans (C) connects these
systems, and the alternative pathways of four venae comitantes
are shown. Below, Other regions where the predominant
venous drainage is by means of the venae comitantes. (Reprinted
with permission from Taylor GI, Caddy CM, Watterson PA, Crock
JG: The venous territories (venosomes) of the human body:
experimental study and clinical implications. Plast Reconstr Surg
86:185, 1990.)
Venous Anatomy
There are two systems of venous drainage of the
skin and subcutaneous tissue. Taylor and colleagues37 studied the venous territories (venosomes)
of the body and showed that the cutaneous venous
plexus is composed of valvular superficial and deep
cutaneous veins that parallel the course of adjacent
arteries, and of oscillating avalvular veins that permit bidirectional flow between adjacent venous territories (Fig 7).
and recipient sites. Subsequently flaps were categorized by their tissue composition: muscle,
skin, musculocutaneous, fasciocutaneous,
septocutanous, and compound flaps. This classification system can be confusing because different flaps based on different blood supplies but of
the same composition can be harvested from the
same region.
The intrinsic blood supply of a flap is the most
critical determinant of successful transfer and is
therefore the most clinically valid method of classification. Numerous anatomic studies of the
blood supply to the skin and fascia have contributed to our understanding and led to a simpler
classification of cutaneous flaps.15,20,25,3133,3542,45,46
Unfortunately, the simplified terminology does
not extend to all flap types. For example, the
fasciocutaneous flap that was originally defined
by the presence of deep fascia is now classified
according to the pattern of cutaneous vascularity
through the fasciocutanous plexus, and frequently
does not include fascia. A fasciocutaneous flap
can be any flap based on the fasciocutaneous
plexus and composed of any or all of the component layers between the skin and deep fascia.25
The new terminology of perforator and venous
flaps also reflects the trend toward vascularitybased nomenclature, and currently a confusing
combination of old and new flap terminology
Daniel and Kerrigan29 grouped flaps into three
categories according to their method of movement,
composition, and vascularity. In our discussion of
specific flaps we have combined the latter two criteria because they overlap with older terminology
based on composition terminology. Specific classifications within each of these flap types will also be
Method of Movement
Fig 11. Rotation flap. (Reprinted with permission from Smith JW,
Aston SJ (eds), Grabb and Smiths Plastic Surgery, 4th ed. Boston,
Little Brown, 1991.)
Fig 13. The bilobed flap. (Reprinted with permission from Jackson
IT: Local Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction. St Louis,
Mosby, 1985.)
Theoretical gain in length of the central limb
with various angles in Z-plasty.
The rhomboid (Limberg) flap is another transposition flap characterized by its geometric pattern. The longitudinal axis of the rhomboid excision parallels the line of minimal skin tension.
Four different rhomboid flaps can be designed
when 60 angles are used (Fig 15). This concept
can be expanded to create a double or even a
triple rhomboid flap; the donor sites of the flap
are closed by direct suture.53
The Dufourmentel flap is similar to the rhomboid
flap except that it can be drawn with angles of up to
Keser and colleagues54 described a curvilinear
modification of the classical transposition flap. Their
variant has double opposing semicircular flaps and
is used to close circular defects (Fig 16).
Classification of Skin Flaps
(Reprinted with permission from Nakajima H, Fujino T, Adachi S: A new concept of vascular supply to the skin and classification of skin
flaps according to their vascularization. Ann Plast Surg 16:1, 1986.)
The Fifth (Gent, Belgium, 2001) and Sixth International Course on Perforator Flaps (Taipei, Taiwan, 2002) were held in response to the rapid
evolution of perforator flaps and confusion regarding their terminology.65 The consensus definition
of a perforator flap in 2002 was a flap consisting of
skin or subcutaneous fat. The vessels that supply
blood to the flap are isolated perforator(s). These
perforators may pass from their source vessel origin
either through or in between the deep tissues
(mostly muscle).65 Three different kinds of perforator vessels were recognized: 1) indirect muscle
perforators; 2) indirect septal perforators; and 3)
direct cutaneous perforators65 (Fig 20). The indirect muscle and septal perforators give rise to musculocutaneous and septocutaneous perforator flaps,
Fig 21. A classification of fasciocutaneous flaps. (Reprinted with permission from Cormack GC, Lamberty BGH: The Arterial Anatomy
of Skin Flaps. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1986.)
Venous Flaps
The introduction of venous flaps in the 1980s
was a result of the quest to develop the ideal free
flap: one that was easy, reliable, thin, and not
morbid. Nakayama et al113 and later Jii and colleagues114 and Nichter and Haines115 reported
arterializing a flap through a venous pedicle. A
venous island flap with an AV fistula was thus cre-
Yilmaz et al131 describe the four options in hooking up their radial forearm venous flap. These
Fig 25. Five patterns of vascular anatomy of muscle. (Reprinted with permission from Mathes SJ, Nahai F: Classification of the vascular
anatomy of muscles: experimental and clinical correlation. Plast Reconstr Surg 67:177, 1981.)
Examples of Common Muscle Flaps by Type
(Reprinted with permission from Cormack GC, Lamberty BGH: The Arterial Anatomy of Skin Flaps. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone,
nents dependent on a single vascular supply. Compound flaps of mixed vascularization are further
subdivided into Siamese flaps, conjoint flaps, and
sequential flaps (Fig 26).
The concept of flap prefabrication (or, more
accurately, prelamination178) was introduced clinically by Orticochea179 and Washio180 in 1971. The
hyperkalemia. These factors are not as significant in the skin as in muscle, which has higher
metabolic requirements.
Fig 27. Physiologic factors that regulate the cutaneous microcirculation. (Reprinted with permission from Daniel RK, Kerrigan CL:
Principles and physiology of skin flap surgery. In: McCarthy JG (ed),
Plastic Surgery. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1990. Vol 1, Ch 9.)
the myogenic reflex, which triggers vasoconstriction in response to distention of isolated cutaneous vessels and thereby maintains capillary flow
at a constant level independent of arterial pressure. Local hypothermia (which acts directly on
the smooth muscle in vessel walls) and increased
blood viscosity (hematocrit >45%) may also
decrease flow. The effects of hematocrit were
questioned by Kim et al,192 who concluded that
normovolemic anemia (hct 19%) had no significant effect on the survival of pedicled musculocutaneous flaps.
These same concepts of blood flow regulation
can be applied to muscles. With regard to systemic
control, although muscle has a much higher capillary density than skin, arteriovenous shunts are
absent. And because the metabolic demand of
muscle is greater than that of the skin, autoregulation plays a more important role. Neuronal controls
such as exercise and arterial hypotension induce a
reflexive vasoconstriction, while hypertension results
in vasodilation. Humoral regulation is similar except
that epinepherine causes vasodilation, in direct contrast to the vasoconstriction seen in skin. In the
scheme of local control, metabolic autoregulation is
limited in muscle but does exceed that of skin, and
blood flow is minimally changed in response to temperature fluctuations.
Burnstock and Ralevic193 review new insights into
the local regulation of blood flow. The authors
discuss the concept of co-transmission, whereby
nerves synthesize, store, and release more than
one transmitter, and the importance of the endothelium as a mediator of vasodilation and constriction.
In summary, the mechanisms of blood flow regulation are different in skin and muscle. Myogenic
tone is important in muscle regulation but has little
effect on cutaneous vessels, whereas sympathetic
vasoconstrictors are the predominant means of regulating blood flow to the skin.
Flap Transfer
The elevation of a skin flap results in many profound changes that drastically disrupt the finely bal-
vascular reorganization
reactive hyperemia
acclimatization to hypoxia
nonspecific inflammatory reaction
A number of anatomic and physiologic investigations into the delay of flaps began during the 1950s.
Braithwaite207,208 proposed that the likely mechanism of delay consists of vascular reorganization
and reactive hyperemia acting through nonlethal
ischemia to condition the tissue to survive on less
blood flow, together with an increase in size of the
vessels in the dermovenous plexus. He postulated
that the hyperemia observed when a tubed pedicle
is transferred arises from a vascular debt as a result
of increased resistance to venous outflow. Brown
and McDowell209 stated that the purpose of delay is
longitudinal reorientation of small vessels parallel with the long axis of tubed pedicles at 1 to 7
days postdelay
gastric artery and decreased arterial resistance following delay of either vessel. Restifo et al224 compared the diameter and flow of the superior epigastric artery after a delay period of 1 or 2 weeks. The
delay procedure consisted of division of the superficial and deep inferior epigastric vessels bilaterally.
The authors did not find a statistically significant
difference between delay after 1 week versus 2
In view of the conflicting evidence regarding the
anatomy and physiology of delay, the only unquestionable fact seems to be that surgical delay results
in hypertrophy and reorganization of vessels along
the axis of a flap220 and somehow improves flap
survival. Current theories attempt to explain the
delay phenomenon as
Disa et al250 conducted a prospective randomized analysis of the morbidity associated with dextran and aspirin prophylaxis in head and neck
microsurgery patients. The incidence of system
complications for patients receiving low molecular
weight dextran for 120 hours was 51%; for 48 hours,
it was 29%; and for aspirin, 7%. The authors have
discontinued the use of dextran in their patients.
Dextran is associated with significant systemic
morbidity including anaphylaxis, pulmonary edema,
cardiac complications, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and renal failure. The routine use of dextran in free tissue transfer is now discouraged.251,252
Heparin is an effective anticogulant that acts in
conjunction with antithrombin III to inhibit thrombosis by inactivation factor X. Heparin is more
effective at preventing venous thrombosis than
arterial thrombosis. Sawada, Hatayama, and Sone253
report improved flap survival when heparin was
continuously and topically administered to specific
regions of their flaps. They attributed the beneficial effect to platelet disaggregation and maintenance of vascular patency by heparin, not to
vasodilatation and increased vascular flow. These
findings correspond with those of the Cox group,254
who noted a dose-related increase in flap patency
with heparin. The effect was first noted at heparin
concentrations of 100 U/mL, a dose the researchers find to be ideal from a morbidity standpoint.
Investigators from Duke University Medical Center255 report that both unfractionated and low
molecular weight heparin (LMWH) improved
microcirculatory perfusion, but only LMWH
improved anastomotic patency while minimizing
hemorrhage. Kroll et al256 retrospectively reviewed
517 free flaps and noted a lower incidence of flap
loss when heparin was administered (either as bolus
or in low dose), but this difference was not statistically significant. Hudson et al257 reported the
experimental and clinical use of a catheter placed
proximal to the venous anastomosis for the direct
infusion of heparin to prevent veous thrombosis.
The local partial thromboplastin time was elevated
but the systemic value ramined normal, therefore
reducing the systemic complications of heparin.
Thrombolytic agents act by the stimulation of
plasminogen which is the precursor of plasmin
which acts to cleave fibrin within a thrombus. Streptokinase and urokinase are first-generation agents
and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and acylated
Aspirin (ASA) acetylates the enzyme cyclooxygenase, thereby decreasing the synthesis of TXA2
in platelets and PGI2 in the vessel walls. At low
doses the effect of aspirin is selective and only the
cyclooxygenase system in platlets is inhibited and
the formation of thromboxane is blocked. In the
laboratory, preoperative aspirin decreases thrombus formation at venous anastomosis and improves
capillary perfusion in the microcirculation.300 Other
studies demonstrate increased early anastomotic
patency but no difference from controls after 24
hour to a week.205
Salemark and associates301 studied the possible
role of ASA as an antithrombogenic agent. Their
results were dissapointing in that ASA showed both
beneficial and detrimental effects depending on
when the injected drug was exposed to the subendothelial layers of the damaged vessel wall.
There is no empiric support in the literature for
the use of aspirin postoperatively.205 Buckley,
Davidson, and Das302 explored the effects of another
NSAID, ketorolac tromethamine (Toradol). Despite
significantly prolonged mean bleeding times, markedly reduced platelet aggregation, and considerably higher patency rates in the ketorolac group at
20 min, all vessels thrombosed at 24 hours.
Forrest, Pang, and Lindsay303 described the effects
of nicotine on capillary blood flow in random pattern skin flaps elevated in rats. The authors found
that nicotine significantly decreased capillary blood
flow, distal perfusion, and flap survival in a doseand time-dependent fashion, and proposed several
hypotheses to explain the mechanism of action of
the drug. Black et al304 note that acute exposure of
human skin vasculature to nicotine is associated
with amplification of norepinephrine-induced skin
vasoconstriction and impairment of endotheliumdependent skin vasorelaxation.
Subjective/Physical Criteria
Clinical observation remains the gold standard
against which monitoring systems are generally
measured...and it...fulfills many of the criteria of
the ideal monitoring system.306 Climo312 surveyed
various clinical measurements of flap vascularity as
of 1951 and noted that the color of the blood oozing from the dermis was a reliable indicator of circulatory status. Blue dermal bleeding was the best
warning sign of inadequate perfusion. Hoopes,194
however, believes that it is a misconception to
equate blood supply with viability; the crucial test
of adequacy of circulation is survival of the pedicled
flap tissue.
Daniel and Kerrigan29 review various techniques
for subjectively evaluating flap viability and note
that color, capillary blanching, and warmth are
unreliable and of limited use. Of the subjective
tests, bleeding from a stab wound is probably the
most accurate. Table 6 outlines the clinical signs
that can be used to differentiate venous from arterial maladies in flaps.
Techniques for Monitoring Flap Perfusion
(Reprinted with permission from Daniel RK, Kerrigan CL: Principles and physiology of skin flap surgery. In: McCarthy JG (ed), Plastic Surgery.
Philadelphia, Saunders, 1990. Vol 1, Ch 9.)
Signs of Arterial Occlusion and Venous Congestion
a fixed probe
continuous recordings
attention to physiologic fluctuations and trends
Many factors affect the clinical usefulness of these
techniques. Among them are ease of application,
equipment cost, and expertise required to operate.
Silverman and coworkers340 compared the laser
Doppler, perfusion fluorometry, and transcutaneous oxygen assay methods and concluded that fluorometry is more precise and can be used to monitor several areas in serial fashion. Transcutaneous
oxygen and Doppler probing were better suited for
continuous monitoring. Cummings and colleagues341 reached similar conclusions but emphasize, as does Marks,342 that beginning 24 hours postoperatively the laser Doppler technique is the most
Place, Witt, and Hendricks343 agree that Doppler
flowmetry is a useful tool for assessing flap viability,
but stress that since postoperative blood flow is a
dynamic process that peaks about 52 to 80 hours
and returns to baseline some 120 hours postoperatively, no single measurement is indicative of anything except the status at that one time.
Yuen and Feng344 reported a 5-year experience
with laser Doppler flowmeter monitoring of 232
microvascular flaps. Vascular compromise was
detected in all cases, with no false positives or negatives. The salvage rate was 69% and the overall
success rate was 98%.
Advantages of Doppler probing are high reliability (approaching 100% 24 hrs after flap transfer)
and the ability to continuously monitor skin perfusion by a noninvasive technique. Disadvantages
are that it is not quantitative, it obtains information
only from a single site, is sensitive to movement of
the subject, and has limited accuracy below the
critical threshold at which tissue necrosis is guaranteed.345 The scanning laser Doppler346 and laser
flowgraph347 may give a more global picture of the
flap than could be obtained by Doppler flowmetry.
In Kerrigan and Daniels view, however, no single
technique is universally applicable or superior to all
Tsur and coworkers348 measured transcutaneous
oxygen tension in delayed axial and random pattern skin flaps by means of an oxygen electrode
applied to the skin. They found oxygen partialpressure measurements to be an effective predictor of the effectiveness of the delay procedure.
Similarly, Hjortdal and colleagues349 found measurement of subcutaneous and intramuscular oxygen
tension in pig island flaps to be a sensitive indicator
of acute impairment of the supplying vessels.
Kerrigan and Daniel350 evaluated capillary blood
samples in pig island flaps and noted that while PO2
and PCO2 measurements were highly variable,
changes in hematocrit and pH were useful predictors of flap viability. Other less popular methods of
evaluating circulation in a flap include measurement of the fibrillation potential in skeletal muscle,351
magnetic resonance imaging,352 and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.353
Golde and Mahoney354 described an implantable optochemical oxygen-sensing electrode
device or optode that allows rapid and continuous
monitoring of tissue PO2 and which was felt to
reliably reflect vascular occlusion. The probe is
small, easily implantable, and independent of anastomotic proximity, but the authors did not comment on the ability of the optode to differentiate
between arterial and venous compromise. The
implantable PO2 sensor in Hofers355 series accurately indicated flap failure in all cases, yet the
authors decision to reexplore a failing free flap
was still based on clinical observation.
Photoplethysmography is a technique that measures fluid volume by detecting variations in infrared light absorption by the skin. Its current use in
clinical practice has several limitations.29,305,307 In
addition to displaying the waveforms of the
photoplethysmograph, the pulse oximeter also measures light absorption to derive oxygen saturation of
arterial hemoglobin. The device is commonly used
in anesthesiology and was evaluated by Lindsey et
al,356 who demonstrated its usefulness but recommended further study to develop specific guidelines before it was universally accepted in clinical
Irwin et al357 evaluated a newer and noninvasive
technique for assessing flap circulation that involves
continuous monitoring of changes in the oxy-,
deoxy-, and total hemoglobin concentrations of flap
blood. In addition to deeper evaluation (up to 10
cm) of flaps than is possible with the laser Doppler,
near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was able to
delineate the difference between arterial, venous,
and total vascular occlusion.
Other means of evaluating flaps include quantitative tests, clearance tests, radioactive microspheres,
and electromagnetic flowmetry. These are essentially reserved for experimental puposes only, and
will not be discussed here.
James F Thornton MD
Bennet and Hirt1 review the history of tissue
expansion and note that its origins date to Celsus (25
BC50 AD), who described the technique of wound
closure by creating, stretching, and approximating
skin flaps. In 1957 Neumann2 reported the first
clinical use of controlled skin expansion. He placed
a rubber balloon subcutaneously beneath the temporal scalp and postauricular skin. Over the next 2
months the balloon was gradually expanded, increasing the skin area by approximately 50% or enough to
provide sufficient cover for cartilage graft reconstruction of a traumatic ear defect. Not until 1976, when
Radovan3 reported his work with tissue expansion
for breast reconstruction, did the potential usefulness of this technique become obvious. Since then,
controlled tissue expansion has been used for the
other incisions. Austad and Rose12 described a selfinflating expander containing hypertonic sodium
chloride crystals within a shell that gradually fills
through osmosis. Besides the protracted inflation
times of 8 to 14 weeks, the device was plagued by
reports of skin necrosis and implant rupture. The
concept of a self-inflating expander was explored
further by Wiese,13 who incorporated a copolymer
of methylmethacrylate and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone
in a gel casing capable of generating a maximum
pressure of 235 mmHg. The author notes that this
expander is biocompatible and holds promise in
the area of tissue expansion without the disadvantages noted above.
Berg and colleagues14 reported direct closure
with Hydrogel tissue expanders in 9 of 10 patients.
The defects closed were the result of radial forearm
flap harvest. At implantation the initial volume of
the expanders was 10 mm, and over 20 days they
were inflated to 100 mm.
Johnson et al15 review the histology and physiology of tissue expansion. Austad and colleagues16,17
studied changes in the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue of expanded guinea pig skin. Compared with normal skin, expanded skin showed a
significantly thicker epidermiswhich they attributed either to increased mitotic rate or decreased
rate of cell turnoverand a thinner dermis and
panniculus carnosus. There was minimal inflammatory reaction to the expander. Their conclusions signified that skin expansion is not simply a
matter of stretching skin but the actual formation of
additional new skin with all the attributes of the
original tissue.
Argenta and coworkers 18 summarize the
histomorphologic changes occurring in expanded
skin. The epidermis does not change in thickness,
although there is an undulation of the basal lamina
and a loss of intercellular spaces. The surrounding
dermis decreases in thickness considerably, and
increased numbers of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts
are seen in the expander capsule. The fibrous
capsule that forms around the implant consists of
thick bundles of collagen fibers and elongated
fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. Tissue expansion
also triggers an increase in vasculature, primarily at
the junction of the capsule and host tissue and to a
Central zonenext to the inner zone. Contains elongated fibroblasts and myofibroblasts oriented parallel to the surface of the implant.
fragmentation of elastic fibers, while the hypodermis, which was in contact with the expander capsule, did not manifest accentuated fibrosis.
Expansion of the human scalp shortens the
telogen phase of hair follicles by activating and
accelerating epidermal mitosis.35
The histologic effect of expansion on muscle was
examined during breast reconstruction with tissue
expanders. The underlying pectoralis major muscle
showed considerable ultrastructural damage under
light and electron microscopy.36
Tissue expansion of irradiated pig skin shows no
further histopathological changes beyond those
caused by irradiation and is indistinguishable from
nonexpanded irradiated skin in the porcine
model.37,38 Radiation did reduce the overall area of
expanded skin by 23% in one study.38 Working on
a rabbit model, Goodman and associates39 note
increased epidermal thickness but no dermal or
capsular alterations in irradiated skin postexpansion.
The histologic changes evident in expanded skin
lend support to the concept that skin expansion is a
form of delay. Cherry, Pasyk and others40 compared the survival of expanded and delayed flaps
with acutely raised random-pattern skin flaps in pigs.
Expanded flaps showed a 117% increase in surviving length over unexpanded skin flaps. Delayed
flaps showed a 73% increase over the controls. No
significant difference was noted between expanded
and delayed skin flaps. Specimen angiograms of
expanded skin showed evidence of increased vascularity compared with control skin. The authors
recommended including the expander capsule in
the flap at the time of transfer for its contribution to
the blood supply, and postulated that mechanical
forces are in some way related to the increased
In a similar study, Sasaki and Pang41 focused on
the viability and capillary blood flow of expanded
and delayed skin flaps. Compared with acutely
raised random-pattern flaps, both expanded and
delayed skin exhibited increased total capillary
blood flow, and this increase paralleled flap survival. The survival length of random flaps in skin
overlying tissue expanders was also increased,
whether the expander was inflated or not.
dehydration of tissue
microfragmentation of elastic fibers
increasingly parallel alignment of randomly
positioned collagen fibers
Wee, Logan, and Mustoe49 describe a continuous infusion device that maintains a constant
expander pressure and shortens the time to full
expansion by two-thirds. The authors compared
the efficacy of continuous versus intraoperative tissue expansion in a pig model, and find three times
more tissue gain with the former technique.
Futran50 discusses the clinical applications of the
Sure-Closure skin-stretching device originally
introduced by Hirshowitz and colleagues.51 The
device is said to harness the viscoelastic properties
of the skin by applying incremental traction to allow
the skin to rapidly stretch and extend while minimizing its tendency to recoil.
Wickman and colleagues52 measured mechanical
properties of the skin during rapid and slow tissue
expansion for breast reconstruction. Distensibility
lessened during expansion, increased after the
expander was replaced by a permanent implant, and
decreased thereafter. Elasticity did not change significantly and neither did hysteresis (a measure of
the skin turgor and plasticity). In summary, there
were minimal differences in skin properties between
rapidly and slowly expanded patients.
normalization of the parameters to the preexpanded state when the expansion process is discontinued
Chao JJ, Castello JR, English JM, Tittle BJ: Microsurgery: free
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Milton SH: Pedicled skin flaps: the fallacy of the
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Daniel RK, Williams HB: The free transfer of skin flaps by
microvascular anastomoses: an experimental study and
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Reconstr Surg 52:16, 1973.
Daniel RK, Kerrigan CL: Skin flaps: an anatomical and
hemodynamic approach. Clin Plast Surg 6:181, 1979.
Cormack GC, Lamberty BGH: A classification of fasciocutaneous flaps according to their patterns of vascularisation. Br J Plast Surg 37:80, 1984.
Batchelor JS, Moss ALH: The relationship between
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Blondeel PN, Landuyt KV, Hamdi M, Monstrey SJ: Perforator flap terminology: Update 2002. Clin Plast Surg
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