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Brooks Elementary

Parent Involvement Plan

In accordance with The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

We as members of the Brooks Elementary School Community believe all children can learn. Children learn best when
families and schools work together as a team and parents are included in the decision making process. Together
(family, school, community) we inspire students to be their best.
Parents, staff, and the building administrator have developed this Parent Involvement Plan in accordance with NCLB
Section 1118 activities which are accomplished at
Brooks Elementary School
in the ways listed in each section.
NCLB Section
1118 (d) (1)
Jointly, with parents,
develop a compact that outlines
how the entire school staff,
parents, and students will share the
responsibility for improved student
academic achievement

Ways in Which
Brooks Elementary School
Staff Accomplish these Activities
Brooks Elementary School developed a School/Parent/Student compact:

1118 (d) (2) (A)

Include a schedule
for Elementary Parent/Teacher
Conferences, at least annually,
during which the Compact will be
discussed with parents as it relates
to the individual childs

The Parent/School Compact will be shared annually at Parent/Teacher

Conferences each fall. This is an opportunity for the parents and the teacher
to share ways in which they can jointly support the childs learning at home
and school.

The Parent/Teacher/Student compact was developed by the parents

and staff and is reviewed annually. Parents review our compact at the
Annual Fall Title I Meeting. Revisions are made based on parent
survey results and additional suggestions provided by parents and
Brooks staff. The Compact and Parent Involvement Plan was also sent
to the Title I Parent Committee for feedback

At Brooks Elementary, we will:

Host fall conferences and include a review and discussion of the
School-Family Compact and student progress. Spring conferences are
held to discuss student progress, as well. Conferences are also
available by request
Include a review of the School-Family Compact in the Title I Annual
Meeting to create awareness and parental feedback
Post a suggestion box by the plan, for parents to give their thoughts
and opinions about the School-Family Compact
Solicit feedback about parent-friendly language at the Title I Annual
Meeting (Parents are asked to review the language on the compact
and indicate if anything was not clear or needed to be clarified.
Compacts with feedback can be turned in at the meeting or at a later
Gather anonymous parent feedback through an annual online survey
Ensure that the Compact includes parent-friendly language for clear
Make progress reports and Skyward Family Access student progress
data available to all families
Create action plans with parent and teacher input at the fall
Provide IEP and 504 plans to qualifying students

1118 (d) (2) (B)

Provide frequent
reports to parents on their childs

At Brooks Elementary School, we provide families with student progress:

1118 (d) (2) (C)

Afford parents of
children receiving Title I services,
reasonable access to staff,
opportunities to volunteer, and
participate in their childs class, and
observation of classroom activities

At Brooks Elementary School staff ensures parents have access to

communicate with them about their childs education in a variety of ways

1118 (e) (1)

Shall provide assistance
to parents served by the school in
understanding the States academic
content standards, the State and
Local assessments, and how to
monitor their childs progress

At Brooks Elementary School, staff annually shares the States content

expectations with parents, the states annual assessment (M Step) with
parents, and how to monitor their childs progress:

Skyward Family Access provides 24 hour updated information

available for parents to review student progress
Three district electronic report cards are available per year. Hard
copies are available upon request.
Student planners are used daily to communicate progress, as well as
informational and assessment information
Parent phone calls and emails are used to communicate as needed
Fall and spring conferences are held to discuss student progress,
School-Family Compact, achievement, Student Action Plans, and
interventions. Additional conferences are also available by request
Various support resources are used for student academic practice,
which also reports student progress, such as Xtra Math, Raz Kids,
Moby Max/Literacy, Trueflix, and Math Expressions Online
Classroom newsletters/websites and the Brooks Blog are used to
remind parents of important upcoming dates and information directly
related to student progress
Daily Behavior Plans, IEPs, IEP progress reports, and 504 plans are
used for individual students as needed

We have an open door policy for parents with both staff and
Staff invite parents to contact them through email and daily
planners/daily folders
Parents are encouraged to participate in many school activities, such
as room parents, chaperones for field trips/class activities,
assistants/participants in various events (i.e., Math Pentathlon, Lunch
with a Loved One, Fun Run, Mileage Club, Popcorn Friday Poppers,
Social Work referrals allow for parents to contact social worker and
request support
Parents are a valuable part of our safety plan, as they serve as morning
hallway and front door greeters, and parking lot assistants (Watch
DOG Program)
Brooks Parent Teacher Organization is an open group which
encourages parent involvement on many levels, including ongoing
roles, in addition to project based opportunities

Parent/Teacher conferences twice per year (Fall and Spring) to discuss

student progress and share information about standards, goals and
Additional conferences are available upon parent/teacher request
Information is shared at Parent (curriculum) Night in the fall

Student assessment data profiles are generated from Pearson Inform

M-Step and NWEA/MAP test information communications are sent
(i.e., letter home, Listserv, newsletters, Brooks Blog)
Family Access is used to share assessments scores with parents
A family night is offered to provide explanation on using Family Access
to access their childs assessment scores, data and report cards
Brooks Blog or teacher websites will include explanations on how to
interpret scores on student assessments
Academic standards and assessment information are shared
electronically via report cards and Skyward/Family Access. Hard
copies are available upon request
Communications are sent through the Huron Valley Schools District
Website, Skylert, Skyward, Brooks Blog, Facebook, and Twitter
Monthly school newsletters (Brooks Blog) and classroom newsletters
communicate standards and assessment information
Parent workshops and enrichment opportunities (i.e., Reading/Math
Night) offer opportunities for teaching assistance to parents regarding
academic standards and assessments
Kindergarten Round-up, K-Day Storytime, and Kindergarten
Orientation provide assessment information for our youngest learners
and new families to support their childs learning
Parent meetings, phone calls, and email correspondences are
additional means for providing information
The Parent Curriculum Link is scheduled to be on the district website
to inform parents of specific grade level curriculum and state
A link to the Math Expressions online website is on the Brooks website
Reference to the curriculum is found on the Oakland County and State
of Michigan websites
Data shared at Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team meetings for
students requiring IEP services

1118 (e) (2)

Shall provide materials
and training to help parents work
with their children at home to
improve their childrens

At Brooks Elementary School staff will provide parents with appropriate

materials and offer training in our school to enable them to support their
childs academic progress. These include:
Technology TrainingPresenters from the Huron Valley to train
parents in effective uses of technology for supporting student learning.
using Family Access, and finding other district information
Family Literacy NightParents learn strategies and activities to
support their childs literacy development. Parents receive games to
play and an age appropriate book to use when working with their child
Family Math NightParents learn strategies and activities to support
their childs math development. Parents receive math games to use at
home with their child
Materials and training are provided to kindergarten parents/families at
Kindergarten Round-up, K-Day Storytime, Kindergarten Orientation
and Parent Night

Curriculum is shared through a fall curriculum night held at each grade

Academic standards and assessment information are shared
electronically via report cards and Skyward/Family Access. Hard
copies are available upon request
The Parent Curriculum Link is scheduled to be on the district website
to inform parents of specific grade level curriculum and state
Various materials and training opportunities are shared through the
Huron Valley Schools District Website, and Brooks Elementary School
Monthly school newsletters (Brooks Blog) and online classroom
newsletters communicate opportunities to support parents/families
with materials and training
Parent Meetings, phone calls, and email correspondences are
additional means for providing materials and information. This is done
for large groups of students, as well as individual students

1118 (e) (3)

Shall educate staff in
the value and utility of parents
contributions. Staff shall receive
guidance in ways to reach out to
parents, to communicate with
parents, to coordinate and
implement parent involvement
programs, and to build
relationships between the parents
and the school

1118 (e) (4)

Shall coordinate and
integrate parent involvement
programs and activities with other
programs that encourage and
support parents in more fully
participating in the education of
their children

On-going professional development for staff on effective ways to increase

parent involvement occurs annually.

All staff at Brooks Elementary School respect and value the

home-to-school connection and parent and family involvement. There
are many components integrated into our programming and School
Improvement Plan. The demographics of our school community
present some challenges with parent involvement, therefore, staff is
committed to learning and implementing best practice research and
new strategies and ideas for successful parent involvement and
communication. Working closely with parents and families is a high
priority and we consistently work together in all situations that involve
our school community. In addition to continuing our work in learning
effective strategies when working with families in poverty through
research and book/article studies, we refer to an Oakland Schools
consultant to offer PD on best practice strategies and approaches.
These training sessions are open for all staff to attend, including all
ancillary staff (ie: paraprofessionals, lunch monitors, social workers,

District Title I Family Learning Events for example: ADHD, parenting

workshops and Math Expressions

At Brooks Elementary School, coordination with other programs for parent

involvement includes:
The Brooks Parent Teacher Organization meets monthly, parents are
encouraged and invited to be involved in the school programming and

1118 (e) (5)

Shall ensure
information is shared with parents
in a language and format they can

Parents are informed about school activities during the District Title I
Parent Meetings for example: Math Expressions, Parenting Workshops
and ADHD Parent Workshop
Math/Literacy and Activity Parent events offer opportunities to involve
families with academic support
GSRP Great Start Readiness Program--Brooks Elementary provides
parents of incoming kindergarten students with parent and family
events to facilitate the transition between preschool to kindergarten
Head Start Program-- Brooks Elementary provides parents of incoming
kindergarten students with many parent and family events to facilitate
the transition between preschool to kindergarten
District Preschool Program-- Brooks Elementary provides parents of
incoming kindergarten students with many parent and family events
to facilitate the transition between preschool to kindergarten
Family Literacy NightsThe purpose of Brooks Family Literacy Nights
is to provide strategies for parents of all students to support literacy
growth in the home. This event is for all Brooks students, including
special education students, ELL students, etc.
Blessings in a BackpackThe Huron Valley Optimist Club plans to
provide weekly backpacks of food for our students receiving free and
reduced lunch
At Brooks Elementary School, information is shared with parents in a language
and format they can understand. Examples include:
Brooks Blog, Facebook, Twitter and classroom newsletters regularly
inform of school/parent programs and important information
Daily planners and folders communicate progress, programming and
information to families
Newsletters are translated when needed and interpreters are used for
school events, programs, informational meetings, conferences, etc.
Accommodations for parents who are non-English speakers are
available when needed
Title I Parent meeting is conducted to discuss school and Parent
Involvement Programs
Information is shared during Curriculum/Parent Night through
principal and teacher presentations
Electronic communications are done through Listserv, the school and
district website
Information is also shared at Kindergarten Round-up, K-Day Storytime
and Kindergarten Orientation

1118 (e) (14)

Shall provide other
reasonable support for parental
involvement activities as parents
may request

1118 (f)
Shall provide full
opportunities for participation of
parents with limited English
proficiency, parents with
disabilities, and parents of
migratory children

Parents are provided with other reasonable support such as:

Brooks Elementary School will make every effort to support our
parents and make sure their needs are met in order to foster positive
parent involvement. Parents can make their request through
contacting the teacher, principal, or office staff

We have an open door policy with both administration and staff

Parents can schedule conferences with principal and teachers at their

convenience throughout the school year

Staff provide opportunities for full parent participation:

At Brooks Elementary School:
Brooks Parent Teacher Organization meets monthly and offers various
times for meeting.
Interpreters are utilized for families needing assistance at school
activities, conferences, parent meetings (i.e., Spanish Speaking
families, Sign Language Interpreter)
Brooks is a handicapped accessible facility, door opening assistance,
ramps, and a handicapped accessible restroom
Accommodations are made as necessary for parents with disabilities
Skyward/Family Access provides families information related to their
childs, including attendance, food service, student progress, and
report cards. Hard copies are available upon request (as offered
through newsletter, beginning of the year information, and Parent
Various materials and training opportunities are shared through the
Huron Valley Schools District Website, Brooks Elementary Website,
and Brooks Blog
Monthly school newsletters (Brooks Blog) and classroom newsletters
communicate opportunities to keep all families informed
Partnerships with community agencies provide Brooks families with
services and support (i.e., Huron Valley Youth Assistance, Community
Sharing, White Lake Police Department, Optimist Club, Gleaners, etc.)
Parents of students with an IEP are provided with an abbreviated
version of their IEP in addition to their full IEP
Parents of students with migratory status would be offered additional
opportunities for parent education, information about the school and
assessment, and other information provided in native language and/or
with translation. Additionally, should there be migratory students
enrolled, community resources fitting this population would be
provided regarding housing, food, medical and other care as well as
academic supports and intervention available regardless of enrollment
time or duration of enrollment

For those parents who lack literacy skills, we are planning face to face
conversation to ensure that the information was shared in a manner
that is meaningful to them

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