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"That Others May Live"

Motto of the US. Air Force Pararescue

"First There"
Motto of the US.Air Force Combat Control




The Official Five Star Fitness Series

A Book
Copyright 0 1 9 9 9 by Andrew Flach
All rights resewed. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Hatherleigh Press/ Books
An Affiliate of W.W. Norton & Company
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 101 10
Visit our website:

Before beginning any strenuous exercise program consult your physician. The
author and publisher of this book and workout disclaim any liability, personal or
professional, resulting from the misapplication of any of the training procedures
described in this publication.

All titles are available for bulk purchase, special

promotions, and premiums. For more information, please contact the manager
of our Special Sales Department at 1-800-528-2550.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Flach, Andrew, 1961The official United States Air Force elite workout / researched by Andrew Flach;
photographed by Peter Field Peck.
p. cm. -- (Official Five Star fitness guides)
ISBN 1-57826-029-9 (alk. paper)
1. Exercise for men. 2. Physical fitness for men. 3. United States. Air Force.
I. Title. II. Series: Flach, Andrew, 1961Official Five Star fitness guides.
GV482.5.F53 1999
61 3.7'0449--dc2 1
Cover design by Gary Szczecina
Text design and composition by DC Designs
Photographed by Peter Field Peck
with Canon@ cameras and lenses on Kodaka and Fuji@ print and slide film
Underwater images photographed with Nikonos IV
Printed on acid-free paper
Printed i n Canada


To employ by air-land-sea tactics into forward, non-permissive enviroments to establish assault zones with an Air
Traffic Control capability.
To establish recovery zones for surface to air recovery of
personnel or equipment.
To provide ground-based fire control for AC-130 gunship
To provide command and control radio capabilities in the
forward area.
As needed, to clear obstructions and hazards with demolitions.


To deploy by air-land-sea tactics into forward non-permissive environments and provide trauma medical care.
To participate in search and rescue (SAR) and combat
search and rescue (CSAR).
As needed, to act as aircrew gunners andlor scanners on
both fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations
for their time, effort, and support:
A i r Force Public Affairs
Colonel Ronald T. Strand
Pentagon, Washington, DC
Mr. Doug Thar
Senior Account Executive
Pentagon, Washington, DC
Lackland A i r Force Base, TX
Mrs. Irene W i t t
Media Relations Director
Office o f Public Affairs
Brig. Gen. Barry Barksdale
37th Training Wing
Col. Kenneth Freeman
37th Training Group C
Lt. Col. David Corwin
342nd Training Squadron
Major John Hennessey
342nd Training Squadron Combat Training Flight
Master Sgt. Rodney Alne
342nd Training Squadron Combat Flight Training
Master Sgt. Craig Showers
342nd Training Squadron PJICCT School

Our editorial consultants: Nathalie Zimmerman and Susan Ruszala

Our design and production team:
Dede Cummings and Gary Szczecina
And to the many others who contributed to the success
of this mission: thank you!

To the PJs and CCTs-past, present, and to come. Your selfsacrificing dedication is acknowledged and commended. Your
heroism serves as a shining example for all Americans.

Fixing hats during uniform inspection, Lackland AFB, Texzs.


lntroduction to the Five Star Fitness Series
lntroduction to the USAF Elite Workout
Who are the PJs and CCTs?
A History of the Pls and CCTs
So you want to be a PJ or CCT?
Run Training
Water Confidence & Swim Training
Weight Circuit
Upper Body Exercises
Pull-ups & Dips
Abs & Midsection
Just for Fun
Recruitment Info
About the Authors

he Five Star Official Fitness Guides are designed to provide a fresh

new perspective on the subject of personal health and fitness by documenting the physical training regimens of the United States Armed
To bring you this exciting information, we have shouldered our
gear in the hot midday sun, on cold frosty mornings, in the dark of
night. No workouts and training schedules were reorganized to meet
our needs. Nor did we ask. We wanted to bring to you what's REAL.
We like to think of these books as "fitness documentaries" -because that's what they are!
We have talked extensively with many individuals responsible for
the physical fitness and welfare of the men and women of America's
Armed Forces. We have discovered the most powerful workout and
physical training routines in the world. We bring them to you with the
hope that you will be inspired to value your health and pursue fitness
activities throughout your life.
Wherever possible, primary source material is utilized. Documentation, interviews, briefs-all were assembled and culled for details and

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Important note: These books are not designed to be follow-to-theletter workouts. That was never our intention. These books are a collection of information on the subject of fitness and physical training
in the US military, full of techniques, routines, hints, suggestions, and
tips you can learn from. Your workout should be individualized. We
highly recommend you review your fitness plan with a certified
trainer, coach, or other individual who possesses the proper knowledge to advise you in such a manner. And of course, consult your
physician before commencing any new fitness program or before you
intensify your current regimen.
Good luck and may lifelong fitness
be your goal!

Andrew Flach
Peter Field Peck

elcome to the Five Star Fitness look at the elite Air Force training of the Pararescumen and Combat Controllers, the fifth book in
our continuing series on military fitness. In these pages you'll find details on one of the most vigorous and demanding training regimens
known to man. Developed with the assistance of the US Air Force,
this book delivers the most comprehensive and thorough presentation of the physical training programs unique to the Pararescue and
Combat Control units.
The Pararescue units, or PJs, of the United States Air Force are responsible for providing emergency and life-saving services to airmen,
soldiers, and civilians in both peacetime and combat environments.
When a plane goes down-as it did recently in Yugoslavia-it is the
Air Force's Pararescue team who are there to find and save American
pilots. Pararescuemen truly live up to their motto, "That Others May
Live. "

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Combat Control Technicians, or CCTs, have a

motto too: " First There. "
This motto derives from
the fact that the CCTs
are able to infiltrate into
a designated area by almost any imaginable
means. Once they have
reached the target area,
they provide ground
force commanders with
vital communications,
command and control
links between aircraft
commanders and rear
headquarters commanders. They have the ability to perform an
essential function unmatched by any other
airborne unit-air traffic
control service, day and
night, even under the most difficult conditions.
Both pararescue and combat control team members receive extensive training in a multitude of areas: parachute operations, waterborne infiltrations, mountain operations, helicopter operations,
overland movement, and arctic operations. Their training-which you
will find detailed extensively in this book-includes "drownproofing," running 50 miles per week, weight training, calisthenics, and
more. Taking on the challenge of becoming a PJ or CCT is not for the
weak of heart!




Have normal color vision.

Be able t o obtain a secret security clearance (done during basic military training).
. .
Meet specific physical -fitnessstandards.
Be a high school graduate or have a General Education
Development certificate.
You must attain a score of at least 100 points on the
Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST), t o be completed during basic training.
You must be a proficient swimmer.

If you're interested in becoming a PJ or CCT, this is the book for

you. In these pages you'll find actual training schedules used in the
Pararescue1 Combat Control Candidate Course. These workouts are
designed to allow you to achieve the minimum standard requirements to pass the Candidate Course. In addition to preparing you
physically with training schedules and details on proper exercise techniques (including swimming), we've tried to prepare you mentally for
the rigorous training you'll face. We've presented you with an indepth look at the water confidence and swim training methods used
by instructors to help build students' confidence in themselves. And
you'll take a step-by-step journey through the famous Obstacle
Course that every candidate must conquer. These are only a few of
the many areas we've covered in this book.
If you're not interested in joining the PJs or CCTs, this book will
provide you with an excellent training program-convenient, simple,




7f's pitch black outside. Our aircraft slows t o jump
speed and the ramp quickly lowers. Everyone is
tense as we near the release point. fifteen seconds
from "green light" the jumpmaster gives us "thumbs
up." w e make last second adjustments t o our equipment packs, altimeters, and goggles. The green light
flashes on. The jumpmaster points outside the aircraft and shouts "GO" over the interteam radio. Out
we go into the cold darkness at 18,000 feet. The
adrenalin is pumping, but we're all well trained and
ready for action. Our mission-survey an airfield
without being detected by enemy forces."
-from US Air Force Combat
Controller literature

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

- -

and effective. With a combination of calisthenics, upper and lower

body exercises, abdominal exercises, running, and weight training,
you will be well on your way to achieving maximum physical fitness.
The techniques and methods used by the US Air Force are proven and
reliable-there are no gimmicks or fancy equipment used here. Only
a commitment to fitness and a desire to achieve are necessary.
This book is structured in six parts. Parts I and II provide an introduction to the PJs and CCTs. You'll learn how these elite Air Force
teams came to be, and the important role they've played in crises
throughout the world. We've documented the training requirements
to become a PJ or CCT, from the PararescueICombat Control Candidate Course to the different pipelines you can follow once you complete basic training. Part Ill is an inside look at the fitness training
candidates must master-run training, water confidence and swim
training, and the weight circuit. Take a look at this chapter if you're
interested in what the candidates really endure. Or, check out Part V,
the Obstacle Course. These 21 obstacles are definitely challenging!


Part IV is a closer look a t the stretches, upper and lower body exercises, pull-ups and dips, and ab workouts PJs and CCTs perform. It's
here that you'll learn to "do them right." You'll be glad you did,
cause you'll definitely be cranking out quite a few situps, pushups
and pull-ups! We've finished up in Part VI with some authentic workout schedules used by real PJs and CCTs in training. Rigorous and
draining, these workouts will prepare you for the Candidate
Course-and get you in the best shape of your life!
The workouts included in this book are tough, without a doubt.
But the rewards and benefits you'll gain from looking back and saying to yourself, "Hey, I did that!" are immeasurable. Every time you
complete a particularly challenging day of exercises or an extra-long
run you'll be increasing your confidence and pride in yourself. The PJs
and CCTs have to be prepared to be confident and strong in the face
of unthinkable danger, and their training isn't only intended to build
muscles and increase endurance. The future PJs and CCTs enrolled in

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

the Candidate Course learn teamwork, trust, and leadership skillsskills almost as necessary in the field as strength and endurance.
Our journey with this book introduced us to many great people.
Above all, we came away from the experience with the belief that
the members of the US Air Force Elite, the Pararescuemen and Combat Controller Technicians, deserve great respect and admiration.
They do a job many would avoid, and as quiet professionals, most
people will never know the jobs they've done or the great risks
they've encountered.
We hope that this book will leave you with the same admiration
we've expa-ienced, along with a strong plan for achieving maximum
physical fitness. Good luck! And to those members of US Air Force
Elite teams who courageously serve our nation: We thank you! God

ho are the Pararescuemen and Combat Control?

Imagine the only way to save a life was to jump from a plane and
parachute into uncharted, possibly hostile, jungle terrain with 150
pounds of gear.
Not only do you have to be able to save a life but you have to clear
the way for incoming aircraft to locate you and land. For the average
person, this sounds absolutely terrifying and virtually impossible, but
for the Pararescue and Combat Control units of the United States Air
Force, this is what they train for. Nothing stands in the way of the
Pararescue and Combat Control teams when it comes to saving
lives-it's their primary mission.
The United States Air Force Pararescue unit (PJs) are an elite group
of highly trained professionals who perform life-saving missions in
some of the world's most remote locations. The primary responsibility

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Each day during the PJICCT INDOC course, the class is required to submit a cartoon
reflecting the previous days events. PIICCT trainees are referred to as "coneheads"
and the instructors are known as "sharks." The best of these cartoons are preserved in a series of albums known as "The Adventures in Coneland".

of the PJs is to provide emergency medical treatment to airmen, soldiers, and civilians in both peacetime and combat environments. They
are highly trained emergency trauma specialists, which requires them
to maintain at least Emergency MedThereare no cornmkfoned
ical Technician (EMT) Intermediate or
officers among the PJs
a higher qualification throughout
ranks. All are enlisted or . . - their careers. Pararescuemen are
non-commissioned officers. . trained
in air, land, and sea tactics,
which they utilize to take them into a
designated territory and deliver medical care to the injured. To reach casualties, Pararescuemen may take
part in search and rescue (SAR), combat search and rescue (CSAR), or
any other necessary operations.
Combat Controller Technicians (CCTs) work hand-in-hand with
Pararescue units to establish the critical communications link between
ground and aircraft commanders. CCTs establish assault zones in spe-

-"Who are the PJs and CCTs?

cific areas that are either drop zones
(for parachute landings), landing
zones (for fixed wing or helicopter
operations), or extraction zones (for
low altitude re-supply). As needed
upon reaching their destination, CCTs
might clear an airfield, position navigation aids, and set up air traffic control for inbound aircraft. Or they may
also establish ground to air recovery
personnel or equipment-and ground-based fire control
for gun operations. The CCTs are
highly skilled air traffic controllers,
the capabilities of which require exhaustive technical training recognized by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).

Every PJICCT INDOC graduating class

presents the school with a plaque. The
plaques can often be complex, as this
model shown above, or can be humorous. One class presented a surf
board as their plaque. Another class
presented a life size fiberglass shark
(see page 173).


The origin of the modern day PJs can be linked to a remote crash site
near the China-Burma border in
August of 1943. Twenty-one Pararescuemen retrieved Gemini 8
men were in desparate need of astronauts David Scott and Neil
rescue after having bailed out Armstrong from a successful
of their disabled C-46. Sur- splashdown in the Pacific.
rounded by rugged terrain and
dense jungle, the only way of getting the help and medical attention
they needed was by paradrop. This event stressed the need for a
team of highly trained rescue specialists and thus, the PJs came to be.
Throughout numerous events since their inception, the PJs have
demonstrated valiant displays of heroism during times of both conflict and peace.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


During the Vietnam

War, the PJs risked their
lives to aid wounded infantrymen
and pilots in
the hostile territory of the
Vietnamese jungle. In
early 1966, the PJs were
formally recognized by
the Air Force Chief of
Staff and received approval to wear the maroon beret, symbolizing
the blood they sacrifice in
their devotion to saving
lives and living up to their
motto, "That Others May
Other historical events
in which PJs played a significant role included
1989 Operation Just
Cause in Panama and the action for the liberation of Kuwait, Operation Desert Storm. In addition to rescue missions in Desert Storm, PJs
also provided extensive support for airlift operations providing relief
to Kurdish refugees fleeing into northern Iraq.
PJs were also involved in the struggle to capture Somali leader Mohammed Fhara Aidid, during which they rescued injured aircrewmen
from the midst of fierce fighting.
The life-saving deeds of the PJs have taken them to the sea, bringing them to the aid of downed pilots, merchant seamen, and civilians
alike. Today, PJs continue to provide support to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Space Shuttle program.
In 1989, Pararescuemen were personally recognized by then President George Bush for their efforts in recovering and treating victims
of the devastating San Francisco earthquake.




. .---

Who are the PJs and CCTs?


The need for Combat Controllers first became apparent during airborne campaigns of World War II, when major parachuting assaults
fell short of expectations due to lost aircraft and adverse weather. The
result was the creation of a small parachute force which would
precede the main assault force to the objective location and provide
critical visual guidance and weather information to inbound aircraft.
These Army Pathfinders,
-as they were called, were
employed in September of
1943 during the airborne
reinforcement of allied
troops in Italy, and further
't\ demonstrated their effec__tiveness during the Nor- k
, mandy invasion, and the
- - ,. - .
September 1944 airborne
Market Garden, in which
units of the 10lst Airbone
and 82nd Rangers dropped
behind enemy lines into
Holland to secure key
strategic bridgeheads.
In September 1947, the
US Air Force was officially
recognized as a separate I
branch of the United States
Armed Forces. Prior to this
time, military aviation was controlled by the Army Air Corps. Due to
this fundamental re-alignment of the US military, the Pathfinder
teams, later called Combat Control, sustained a series of organizational changes.



The United States Air Force Elite Workout

- a


. .

CCT units were formally activated in January of 1953 to provide

navigational aid and air traffic control for airlift forces. The restructuring of the CCT units underwent their last change in 1991 when they
were placed under the control of host wing commanders.
Since their initial activation into the United States Air Force, CCTs
have played an invaluable role. They have provided critical support to
airlift missions during numerous international emergencies including
the Lebanon crisis (July-October of 1958), the Congo crisis (July-October of 1960), the Cuban crisis (September, 1962), the China-India
confrontation (November, 1962-September, 1963), the Dominican
Republic contingency and the Vietnam War, including the evacuation
of Vietnam and Cambodia. CCTs were the last American unit to be
evacuated from Khe Sahn on April 1, 1971.
From their involvement in Vietnam, the basis of modern Combat
Control operating methods was formed, assuring mission safety, expediting air traffic flow and coordinating with local agencies and the
airlift control element (ALCE).
It's the split-second reaction time of Combat Controllers that often





_. ,

Who are the PIS and CCTs?

make them the first on the scene as they were in Guatemala, Peru and
Nicaragua after devastating earthquakes hit. Their humanitarian efforts
have extended from helping the drought-stricken countries in North Africa
to rescuing American hostages held in Iran in 1980.
Combat Controllers also held
key roles in the success of other The CCTs most recent success was in
international military operations the struggle to capture Somalian
in the last two decades includ- leader Mohammed Fhara Aidid,
during which a single Combat
ing the 1983 Grenada rescue
Controller; along with two PJs and
I 989 Panama 'persewrat Amy mngers, was mseneo

ation Just
and both the
pre-strike build-up of United
Nations and American forces
during Operation Desert Shield
and the ensuing Desert Storm

into battle zone, established radio

and provided direct fire calls to
remove enemy threats, upon which
the mission was completed and
lives were saved.

. The United States Air Force Elite Workout ""-"

- -7


Aside from the incomparable distinction of being among the most
highly trained and skilled specialists in the Air Force, recognized for
your team's special operations capabilities and expertise, there are
other noteworthy incentives to Pararescue and Combat Control. By
completing Pararescue or Combat Control training, you have earned
college credits with the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF).
Additionally, technical and upgrade training is worth over 32 semester hours towards an Associates Degree in Applied Science or Survival
and Rescue Operations. There is extensive travel as a Pararescueman
or Combat Controller, requiring your aid in global missions supporting sister service components, allied forces, and humanitarian relief
efforts, among other commitments. Both specialties receive additional incentive andlor specialty pays. And of course, you get to wear
the distinctive beret according to your specialty, maroon for Pararescuemen and scarlet for Combat Controllers.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout




Diving into choppy waters, jumping into thick jungle brush, or landing on an arctic glacier all require uniquely different physical and
technical expertise. The making of a PJ or a CCT consists of comprehensive training in a multitude of areas. Consequently, training covers a wide range of deployment capabilities including the following:
Parachute operations in low/high altitudes (into forests, water)
Waterborne infiltrations (SCUBA, aircraft boat drops, Rubber Raiding Craft operations, surface swimming)
Mountain operations (Rocklice climbing, rappelling, high angle
Helicopter operations (rappelling, fast rope, rope ladder, hoist
operations, gunnedscanner)
Overland movement (motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, motor vehicles, team navigation)
Arctic operations (cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, skijoring,
snowmobiles, snowshoes, arctic sleds)


Who are the PJs and CCTs?

Total training lasts approximately 12-1 5 months and includes eight

schools for each specialty. Normally students travel from school to
school as a class, with the ranking student in charge. Training begins
with the PararescueICombat Control Candidate Course.


Are you ready to carry out any assignment asked of you regardless of
its apparent level of difficulty or threat to your own life? This is a question that must be considered before you take your first step into
Pararescue or Combat Control Training. Both are jobs with extremely
high demands requiring a dedication to training and personal sacrifice. What follows will give you a little taste of exactly what you and
your body will commit to.
The PararescueICombat Control Candidate Course is where future
PJs and CCTs are recruited, trained and selected. It is a highly structured and progressive ten-week course held in Lackland AFB, Texas,

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

consisting of extensive and rigorous physical training and conditioning with swimming, running, weight training and calisthenics. It also
includes physiological training, obstacle course, dive physics, metric
manipulations, medical and dive terminology, CPR, weapons qualifications, history of PJs and CCT, and leadership laboratories. Once you
graduate from this course, you are not
only fully prepared for the physical and
mental demands of being a PJ or CCT,
but you then move on to the
"pipeline," training in more advanced
Training is broken down into two
phases. Phase I, weeks 1-8, is known as
team training, which focuses on teaching objective skills, progression of skills,
building team unity, and preparation
for the final course standards. Not only
is the focus of this training on your ability to work together with your team
but to prepare you for daily progress
checks and weekly evaluations that you
must pass in order to continue training.
You receive instruction in metrics, medical and dive terminology and participate in four events daily of running, calisthenics, swimming, and water confidence exercises.
Underwater training consists of underwater swim, mask and snorkel
recovery, treading water, buddy breathing, drown proofing and
weight belt swims, all of which help develop the much needed confidence when working underwater. Expect to be challenged physically
and mentally like never before. One of Phase 1's central goals is to develop your self-confidence and open your eyes to what you and your
body are capable of accomplishing.
Weeks 9-1 0 comprise Phase II, called ancillary training, which entails M-9 weapons familiarization/qualification, CPR classes, physiological training and preparation for the pipeline.

Who are the PJs and CCTs?

Upon completion of the Candidate Course program, there are two
different training pipelines to follow, depending upon what specialty
you choose. You will learn extremely specialized skills to make you an
expert in either Pararescue or Combat Control.
The Pararescue training track consists of the following specialty
programs to prepare PJs for their work:
U.S. Army Airborne School - 3 weeks in Fort Benning, GA
This course takes personnel through basic parachuting skills after
which they are awarded the basic parachutist rating and are allowed to wear the parachutist's wings.
U.S. Army Combat Divers School - 4 weeks in Key West, FL
This course provides training in SCUBA and becoming a combat
diver, working to depths of 130 feet under various operating
U.S. Navy Underwater Egress Training - 1 day in Pensacola, FL
Training includes principles, procedures, and techniques necessary
to escape from sinking aircraft.
US. Air Force Basic Survival School - 2.5 weeks in Fairchild,
Instruction in basic survival techniques including principles,
procedures, and equipment. Enabling individuals to survive under
various climates and environments is the central focus of this
U.S. Army Military Free-fall Parachutist School - 5 weeks in Ft.
This more exBragg, NC and Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ
tensive course provides instruction and training in free-fall parachuting with a minimum of 30 free-fall jumps, including two day
and two night jumps with supplemental oxygen and weight-bearing equipment.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Special Operations Combat Medic Course - 22 weeks in Fort

Bragg, NC Phase I of this course consists of Emergency Medical
Technician Basic (EMT-B) training. Phase II provides instruction in
minor field surgery, pharmacology, trauma and airway management, and evacuation procedures. Upon graduating the course,
you will be awarded with EMT-Paramedic certification through the
National Registry.
Pararescue Recovery Specialist Course - 20 weeks in Kirtland,
This course includes EMT-paramedic certification, field,
mountaineering and combat tactics, advanced parachuting, helicopter, insertion and extraction techniques. This course qualifies
airmen as Pararescue recovery specialists for any unit worldwide,
after which they are awarded the maroon beret.
The Combat Control training track consists of several of the same advanced courses in addition to some exclusive training:

U.S. Army Airborne School

U.S. Army Combat Divers School
U.S. Air Force Basic Survival School
U.S. Army Military Free-fall Parachutist School
Combat Control Operator Course - 15.5 weeks in Keesler, M I
This course provides instruction in aircraft recognition and performance, air navigation aids, weather, airport traffic control, flight
assistance service, communication procedures, conventional approach control, radar procedures, and air traffic rules, all of which
comprise the CCT's job.
Combat Control School - 12 weeks in Pope, NC
receive final CCT qualifications, including land navigation, communications, assault zones, small unit tactics, parachute operations,
and field tactics. Graduates are awarded the scarlet beret.



Who are the PJs and CCTs?

In order to qualify for entry
into the Candidate Course
program, you must pass a
physical entrance test called
the Physical Abilities and Stamina Test (PAST). That means
that your physical training
needs to begin the moment
you decide to enter the Candidate Course. The PAST consists
of a series of exercises that
must be completed in a specific order within a 3-hour time
frame, with only a threeminute break between each
exercise. Basically, you will
work your muscles to the point of exhaustion or until time has
elapsed. Failure to meet any of the minimum standards means failure
of the entire test and proper form is essential throughout.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



The PAST consists of the following:


Run 1.5 miles

in 10:30 minutes or less

Swim 1000 meters, side or

freestyle stroke,

in 26:OO minutes or less

Swim 25 meters
underwater without
Complete 8 chin-ups

in 1.00 minute or less

Complete 50 situps

in 2.00 minutes or less

Complete 50 pushups

in 2:00 minutes or less

Complete 50 flutter kicks

in 2:00 minutes or less

As mentioned, proper form is expected throughout. Therefore, it is

critical that your body is trained ahead of time to not only guarantee
that your muscles will perform, but so they will perform the right way.


f you cannot run three miles in under 21 minutes prior to the start
of the Candidate Course, then you have some serious work ahead of
you and a lot of mileage to cover. Pararescue and Combat Control
training includes extensive running and rapid progression is expected.
Lagging behind is not tolerated.
Regularity is critical in order to notice any improvement in your
body's ability to run longer and farther. And you should know that a
muscle begins to deteriorate if it's not worked in 72 hours. Also critical to your improvement is progression-your body will only continue
to improve if the intensity of exercise is continually and gradually increased.
After several weeks of training, the duration of runs increases upwards of 50 minutes and your body had better be prepared to deliver
speed and endurance. Preparation for run training should include
three to four runs per week for 20 to 30 minutes, at a speed you can
maintain without walking or stopping.



Run Training

Stopping is not an option, no matter how tired you are!


. .-.


A -

:..- - - --


Different types of running involve keeping track o f your heart rate.
Therefore, it is critical to understand and establish your Resting Heart
Rate (RHR), Maximum Heart Rate (MHR), Maximum Heart Rate Reserve
(MHRR) and Training Heart Rate (THR).
Your MHR is 220 minus your age
V n r ~ ,"'"
n r r a l c Jwnrrr
R U8 ,R.
"' a
" '

Your THR is established by multiplying MHRR by 60-90% (percentage

depends upon run duration and level of fitness), then adding back
your RHR

Long Slow Distance running uses 60-75% MHRR

l -- - ...- .. -r .-..rrrnc --I K P 80-90%
M H R R.F-a.r.t.-l ~
-- -- .- .-......

Interval runs use 75-90% MHRR

Race pace (evaluations) runs use 95-100% MHRR


The United States Air Force Elite Workout



Its name says it all-long, slow, and covering lots of distance. The
pace for LSD is set by the instructor and is normally equivalent to 6075% of the students' MHRR. LSD helps build cardiovascular strength
and endurance and facilitates efficient oxygen transfer in the body.
The warm-up consists of 20 minutes of stretching and 5 minutes
of light jogging before the pace is set.
Depending on the size of the team, there are normally three different run groups according to ability.
Style and performance are critiqued during and after each run
with particular attention paid to effort and teamwork, a lack of
which may result in additional time added to the run or supplemental calisthenics.
A cool down jog for 5 to 10 minutes concludes the run and is followed by 20 minutes of stretching, after debriefing.

Run Training
Proper running
shoes are crucial
to avoiding
injuries. PIICCT
trainees are
permitted to
choose the very
best footwear
suited for their
running style and
foot shape, rather
than being issued
a standard "one
size fits most"
athletic shoe as is
common with
most military
training units.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


- .

- --

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Dehydration can be a
PIICCT trainee's worst enemy!

Regardless of how tired you are, interval training is all about constant
speed. Work intervals use 75-90% MHRR. In order to build up speed
and pace, you'll run faster than the previous week's evaluation.
The warm-up consists of 12 minutes of jogging and 20 minutes
of stretching before beginning the interval work.
Rest periods between intervals allow for students to concentrate
on lowering heart rate and preparing for the next interval.
Instructors critique style and performance following each interval.
Students should be within one second above pace or two seconds below it. If not, they will be moved into another interval
The cool-down consists of 10 to 12 minutes of jogging and 20
minutes of stretching after the training ends.



Fartlek training is also known as "last man up" and the key to it is
constant speed during the fast portion of the run. This training usually takes place on long flat terrain, hills, or a mixture of both. Work
intervals (the fast portions) use 80-90% MHRR. Though it may
mean going all out, pushing beyond the previous week's evaluation
pace is what will build up speed and leg strength. Again, careful attention is paid to the effort exerted by students who are expected
to keep up with the pace and put forth maximum effort.
The warm-up consists of a five minute run and 20 minutes of
stretching before setting the pace.
Instructors normally run four minutes hard, then slow down the
heart rate to 80-85%, until the scheduled time has elapsed.
The 10 minute cool-down begins after total time has elapsed. After debriefing, students stretch for 20 minutes.

Training runs take place on varied types of terrain. The lead instructor
may opt to alter the running path in order to introduce the students
to running on off-road terrain. Aside from building balance and coordination, running on different terrain more closely mirrors what students will encounter in the line of duty. Some examples of different
types of training runs include:
Running under tree branches, logs, or small obstacles
Hopping over logs, small fences, or obstacles
Runninglwalking through dense woods
Runninglwalking up or down steep wooded hills
Crossing creeks no higher than waist deep
Fording creeks chest high, no more than 50 yards at a time

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



- '

Running through creeks, no deeper than knee high

Low or high crawling short distances, no more than 50 yards a t a
time, continuing with a run
Log roll down hills (to experience sensory deprivation), then running up the hill


wimming is a large part of Candidate Course training. Typically, a

trainee will swim 2000 meters or more in a training session. That
means your body better be prepared for the underwater rigors that
await. Prior to beginning training, a candidate should swim 1500 to
2000 meters, three to five times per week, with the intention of being capable of swimming 1500 meters using freestyle or side stroke in
under 45 minutes.
Hold your breath-underwater swimming (that means swimming distances under water without surfacing) is another element of training.
Prior to graduation a trainee must successfully complete a 50-meter
underwater swim. The better you become at underwater swimming,
the more prepared your body will be to handle the evaluated tasks
and SCUBA requirements that the Candidate Course has in store for

The United States Air Force Elite Workout T


Good form includes proper breathing techniques.

Freestyle swimming is used frequently throughout swim training.
Proper body position is referred to as the prone position, straight and
nearly horizontal but just below the surface of the water. The head
should be aligned with the body, with the waterline at the hairline.
The natural roll that the head and body have during the swim stroke
helps to allow for maximum propulsion by the arms, effective inhalation, and easy recovery. The legs work to propel with a flutter kick
originating from the hip. (More effective forward propulsion results
from relaxed ankles and feet.) The legs also serve as a rudder to guide
the body through the water. For extra speed, swimmers can use a
narrow kick about the width of the body. This kick is initiated at the
knee, causing a whipping action of the feet.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


- .

To coordinate the arm action of a swim stroke, the hand must enter
the water forward of the shoulder, fingertips first, thumb side of the
hand rotated downward slightly, and the elbow bent and held higher
than the hand. The opposite arm should be halfway through its pressing action, with the elbow bent and hand under the midline of the
body. This arm should be accelerating to complete the pressing action. The entry hand slides forward and downward until fully extended. When at this point, the opposite arm has almost completed
its backward pressing action and inhalation is just about complete.
From the extended position, the entry arm and hand begin to pull
backward toward the center of the body. The elbow is always kept
higher than the hand and lower than the shoulder during propulsion
movements. The opposite arm begins to recover when the forward
arm starts to pull. Upon finishing the backward thrust of the arm on
the breathing side, the elbow is immediately lifted up and out of the
water with continued momentum. The body and shoulders should
roll easily to help arm recovery and propulsion. During recovery, the
lower hand pulls backward with the bend at the elbow increasing.
The elbow should be bent to its maximum when the lower arm and
hand are pressed back below and in front of the shoulder.
Maintain an open palm during the entire backward push. At this
point, the opposite arm is about halfway through recovery and the
lower arm should begin to accelerate the backward pressing action.
As the hand enters the water, the head and body begin the rolling action onto the side of the entry arm and the arm actions take place on
the opposite sides of the body.

.--- -

"--Water Confidence and Swim Train~ng


Candidates sometimes train using only their arms or legs to increase

strength and improve technique.

Underwater swimming is simply a modified breaststroke, where the
arm pulls down farther toward the rear for more thrust through the
water. A dive mask is worn throughout. During a training session, students line up at one end of the pool and wait for the instructor to initiate the exercise. On command, students swim from one end of the
pool (approximately 25 meters) to the other end without surfacing.
Once they touch the opposite wall, they swim a freestyle sprint back
to the starting point as fast as they can. The exercise is repeated until
the required number of underwater exercises has been completed.

= -

The Un~tedStates Air Force Elite Workout



7 .



All evaluated swms are performed with fins.

All of the swims evaluated in the Candidate Course are distance
swims in which students wear "rocket" style fins. During fin swimming, the swimmer holds a prone glide position, keeping one arm
locked out in front of the body to guide the body in the intended direction. The other arm either trails behind or propels in a sidestroke.
Although legs are used to flutter kick for propulsion, knees should remain locked with all movement originating at the hip. Kicks are performed with the knees locked and toes pointed. Breathing is similar
to that in freestyle swimming but takes place on one side only, that
being the one opposite to the extended arm.
During the fin swimming exercise, in addition to rocket style fins,
swimmers wear dive masks, booties and a T-shirt. The exercise begins









Water Confidence and Sw~mTraming

with each student in a swim lane against the wall. On command, students leave the wall and begin to swim using a flutter kick to propel
them down the lane. Swimming should be done on the side or stomach only, with one arm extended out and ahead of the body. Students
turn at the opposite end of the pool and continue to swim the required number of laps. No freestyle strokes or dolphin kicks are allowed during fin swimming. Students may also be asked to do
sprints, during which they must sprint-swim as quickly as possible.
This is followed by a rest period before the next sprint. Swimming exercises are considered successfully completed when they are done in
the correct manner within a prescribed time period.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout " "-



Students are br~efedand evaluated before and after each swim period.


Water confidence training is meant to do exactly that-build your
confidence in the water, increase the amount of time you can spend
underwater, and better your handling of high-stress situations. There
are a number of pool training events during which students are evaluated. The following training events describe activities that can
threaten safety, possibly leading to "shallow water blackout," brain
damage or death. Do not perform these exercises unless there is
a lifeguard within close proximity.


- . ---


- '*clWater Confidence and Swim Training

Students help prepare teammates before water confidence exercises.

Mask and Snorkel Recovery. This exercise begins with all students a t one end of the pool. The instructor throws or places a student's mask and snorkel a specified distance from him. On the
command "Go," the student swims underwater to his mask and
snorkel. Upon reaching them, he is to place the snorkel between his
knees and position the mask on his face, clearing it of water. The student than ascends to the surface with the snorkel in his mouth and
left arm extended above his head with a clenched fist. Successful
completion of the exercise is indicated by a clear mask and snorkel, allowing for adequate vision and breathing.

The United States Air Force Eke Workout



Buddy BreathingIPool Harassment. In the deep end of the

pool, on command, students place their faces into the water and begin to survival float while buddy breathing from one snorkel. One
hand maintains control of the student; the other passes the snorkel.
Students are only allowed to breathe through the snorkel, never lifting their heads from the water. Completion of this exercise entails

Buddy breathing

keeping the head in the water, remaining calm, and maintaining control of the buddy and snorkel for the designated time. Pool harassment
is a more intense form of buddy breathing. It involves the instructor
entering the water and provoking students with stressful situations,
trying to incite a panic reaction.

Water Confidence and Swim Training


Pool harassment: Instructors try to provoke students with stressful situations

in order to test their confidence and ability to remain calm.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout --'



. . .-

Drownproofing. This exercise is accomplished through

four tasks, with students divided into pairs, one acting
as a safety monitor. The student's hands and feet are
bound as he stands on the
deck in the deep end of the
pool, before being tapped
into the water.
The first task is bobbing,
where the student sinks to
the bottom of the pool and
then pushes off, exhalinq
- unti1 reaching the surface. Upon
reaching the surface, the student inhales and repeats the
The second task is floating.
Drownproofing: Mask recovery.
The student inhales as much
air as possible, tucks the chin into the chest, bends forward at the
waist, and relaxes, staying within a 4 x 4-meter square. The head is
brought out of the water to inhale, then brought back to float
The third task is traveling. Students dolphin kick 100 meters without touching the bottom or sides of the pool, using the feet and
knees to propel them through the water.
The fourth task consists of flips and mask recovery. After traveling,
the student begins bobbing again. Within five bobs the student performs a front flip underwater, then within five more bobs performs a
backward flip. A mask is then thrown to the bottom of the pool, after which the student must swim and retrieve it with his teeth, and
then complete five more bobs.

- .


Drownproofing: Bobbing.

Water Confidence and Swim Training

The United States Air Force Elite Workout




Lifesaving. In this exercise, one student acts as a victim and the other
performs the rescue. Students are evaluated on two water entries,
the long shallow dive and the stride jump; two basic lifesaving rescues-front surface approach to an inactive victim and underwater
approach to an active victim; and three releases (when the victim
grabs the rescuer, the rescuer must free himself in order to save the
victim)-the double grip on one wrist release, the front head hold release and the rear head hold release.

Underwater knots.





Water Confidence and Swim Training

Underwater knots.

Underwater Knots.The knots taught in this exercise are the bowline, square knot, and girth hitch. Students spread out over the length
of an underwater rope treading water. Each student has two ropes,
one in hand, the other in their trunks. On command, students descend to the underwater rope and tie the designated knot prior to
surfacing. Knots must be tied properly, dressed with their tails no less
than four inches.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



INDOC instructor checks a trainee's gear poolside.

Ditch and Donning. Students begin this exercise lined up facing the
deep end of the pool, wearing masks, fins, booties, a t-shirt and a
weighted belt. On command they begin treading water, while moving to the deep end. On command, students make a clear water surface dive to the deepest part of the pool and ditch their gear, placing
each piece of equipment in a very specific manner, and then ascending to the top. On command, they dive to retrieve their gear, again in
a particular sequential order. They must then clear their mask, ascend
to the surface, and exit the water with hands on top of their heads,
to await judgement on their performance.


Water Confidence and Swim Training



Treading Water. In deep water,

students attempt to tread water
with their hands raised above their
heads, using only their legs. Correct form requires keeping your
hands and head above the water,
using your legs in an egg-beater
kicking motion, both rhythmical
and forceful enough to maintain
adequate buoyancy.

PIICCT trainee treads water with SCUBA tanks while the instructor provides


Weight Belt Swim. Also in the deep end of the pool, students
must swim continuously on their side with a leading arm out in front
for a designated time period, all the while wearing full gear and a sixteen-pound weight belt. The student must swim on the side they
choose first, without switching, for the entire time.

uscular fitness is a combination of strength (the ability to exert

force) and endurance (the ability to exert force over a sustained
amount of time).
Because weight
training is essen- The major muscle groups to be worked include:
quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals
tial to building
pectorals, triceps, and deltoids
muscular fitness,
latissimus dorsi, biceps, and rhomboids
it is a core comShoulders: deltoids and triceps
ponent of the
PararescueICombat Control Candidate Course. The principles of muscular training are
based on the following:
Overload-Giving the muscle more than it's used to
Progression-Increasing weight over a steady period of time

when working a specific muscle

Regularity-Training on a regular basis

Recovery-Giving the muscle adequate time to recover
between work periods

The United States Air Force Elite Workout




muscles equally, not one more than another


a variety of different exercises on a muscle

For a muscle to become stronger, it needs to be worked more

strenuously. As the workload increases, the muscle must adapt by
becoming stronger and larger-this is the basis of the overload principle. An effective weight training program incorporates methods including increasing resistance, increasing the number of repetitions
per set, increasing the number of sets, and reducing the rest time between sets.
During the Candidate Course, weight training is scheduled twice
a week using a "circuit training" technique, which requires students to complete a series of exercises at a specified pace for a
fixed duration.

How to find your 1RM

(Resistance Measure)


.- wrtn wnrcn you can ao IU-73
warm up wrrn a wergnr


a * - -

2. After a three to five minute rest, try to lift your perceiv

can r l t t tne we~gntrnree or more tlmes, taKe an
other rest, and try to lift with 10% more weight added to
your perceived 1RM.

3. it you

4. I t this weight 15 too heavy, subtract 10% and try again

after resting.
'f you can only do one fep with a specific weight then
:hat is your 1 RM.




. ,-

7 Weight Circuit

Before beginning your weight training program, you should determine the resistance (the amount of weight) appropriate for your level.
To do this, you need to establish what is called your 1 RM, or resistance measure (see inset).
Keep in mind that you should adhere to standard phases of conditioning muscles for the maximum response:

Preparatory phas+Using lighter weights during the first week of

training is conducive to developing proper lifting technique, form,
and breathing, as well as reducing the chances of injury.

Conditioning phase-As muscular strength and endurance increase, the intensity of the workout, including the amount of weight
used, should increase simultaneously. When 12 or more reptitions
feel comfortable, it's time to add some weight to your program (but
do not exceed 10% of the original weight).

Maintenance p h a s e o n c e a high level of fitness has been

achieved, maintenance becomes the important factor. Shift the focus
from progression to retention.

The United States Air Force El~teWorkout



-- -


The USAF Elite Weight Circuit Training Program:

Weeks 1-2: One circuit o f each exercise, exercising for 30
seconds, 15 repetitions at 60% of your IRM, then a 30-second
rest and switch t o the next station.
Weeks 3-5: Two circuits o f each exercise, exercising for 30 seconds, 15 repetitions at 60% ofyour 7 RM, then a 30-second rest
and switch t o the next station.
Weeks 6-8: Three circuits of each exercise, exercising for 30 seconds, 15 reps a t 60% o f your IRM, then a 30-second rest and
switch t o the next station.



Muscles Worked: Triceps

While seated, reach back and grasp the bar, palms facing upward.
Lift the weight just above your head, in a smooth and continuous
motion. Gently lower the weight-this is called the "negative"

Be sure to warm up before your

workout, especially before determining your IRM. An ideal
warm-up should consist of five
to ten minutes of brisk walking
or light jogging.

d l n )MRS~EHS



Muscles Worked : Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Forearms

Pull-ups are an important part of weight circuit training. Here the
weight is you-and lifting your own body weight is a great way to
build your back and arms.

The United States Air Force El~teWorkout



'- -

' -



Muscles Worked: Upper Pectorals, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Laying on your back, grasp the bar, palms facing upward. In a slow
and steady motion, lift the weight straight up. Bring the weight
down in the same slow and controlled motion.







_ .... ._.
.. .-.



Weight Circuit


Muscles Worked: Quadriceps

While sitting, slide your legs underneath the lifting bar. The pads
should be resting comfortably on your ankles. Lift the weight upward
and outward until your leg is straight, providing a full contract~onof
the quadriceps muscle. Your toes should be pointing upward.

The Un~tedStates Mar~neCorps Workout



' -




Muscles Worked: Deltoid, Triceps

While seated, grasp the bar with your palms facing outward. Lift the
weight in a vertical movement, from shoulder height to full extension-though locking your elbows is not necessary.


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. .-,-

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Weight Circuit


Muscles Worked: Biceps

Grasp the weight with the palms up and slightly facing toward you.
Making sure to keep your elbows in, lift the weight up and toward
your chin, providing a full contraction of the biceps muscle at the top
of the motion.



Muscles Worked: Triceps

Grasp the weight in front of you, shoulder high, palms facing out.
Keeping your elbows in at all times, press the bar down until your
elbows are locked, providing a full contraction of the triceps. Make
sure to perform this exercise in a smooth and continuous motion for
maximum benefit.



Muscles Worked: Abdominal

Though not a weight lifting exercise per se, situps (and crunches) are
included in the circuit course for two reasons: 1) to prov~dea "break"
to allow for your muscles to recover and 2) because you can rever do
too many! Keep your hands behind your head but do not 1 ': w t t your hands! This can cause a neck strain. Do them right!

The United States Air Force Elite Workout P



Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior Deltoid, Forearms

Grasp the bar, palms facing outward. Pull the weight down to your
chest. Try to squeeze your elbows together behind your back in order
to maximize the effect of this station.



Muscles Worked: Hamstrings

Laying face down, place the back of your ankles-not your calvesbehind the padded lifting bar. Your ankles should be comfortable,
without pain. Grab the hand grips below the bench and slowly lift
your legs, bending the knees, trying to touch your ankles to your

The United States Air Force Elite Workout




. .



Muscles Worked: Pectorals, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps

Adjust the seat so the handles are in line with your chest and shoulder upon full extension. Push the weight slowly away from you until
your arms are fully extended. Return to the starting position and
repeat-feel the burn in your chest muscles!


Weight Circuit


Muscles Worked: Upper Abdominal

Work those abs again! Proper technique is required to reduce the
chances of injury. Feel the exercise in your abs alone-no cheating
with your neck or back.

The United States Marine Corps Workout




Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, Gluteals, Hamstrings

Place your feet flat against the press panel as shown. Grab the
handles by the side of your head and slowly push away from the
panel in a smooth motion until your legs are fully extended-without
locking your knees! Return the weight to the starting position in a
controlled motion in order to minimize the amount of stress on your



Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Forearms

As the name implies, this machine mimics the movement of rowing a
boat. Keep you elbows tucked in close to your sides and your lower
back arched. This will help avoid potential lower back stress injuries.



Muscles Worked: Deltoids

Use free weights for this one. Start with the weights in the "down"
position as shown. Slowly lift the weights over your shoulders, then
return to the down position. Repeat.

n addtion to strength and endurance, you need flexibility to help

you move your joints through a full range of motion. Logically speaking, limber muscles can stretch farther and work longer than stiff, inflexible ones. All workouts must include a warm-up and cool down
period that include stretching exercises to help develop flexibility and
prevent injury. Some important stretching guidelines:
Always warm up the body with some type of light aerobic
activity such as jumping jacks prior to stretching.
Stretches should be performed slowly and held in
position-jerky movements are futile and can cause injury.
Stretches should be held between 1 5 seconds and 2
minutes-the longer you hold a stretch, the more it will
help increase flexibility.


The United States Air Force Elite Workout "' -






This is an excellent stretch for both the neck and shoulders. Tilt your
head to the left while gently pulling your right arm across your back
as shown. Feel the stretch on the top of your shoulder and into your
neck. Repeat on the opposite side.

Pull your right arm behind your head and reach down toward the
middle of your shoulder blades as shown. You can pull on your right
arm gently for added stretch. Lean to the left to add some stretch to
your lats. Repeat on the opposite side.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



Lace your fingers together while reaching forward as shown. Roll
your shoulders forward as you stretch your shoulder blades and back.
Feel good? It should!

Extend your left arm across your chest. Place your right hand behind
your left elbow as shown. Keeping your shoulders level (don't drop
your left arm!), squeeze and pull your extended arm with the other
hand, stretching your shoulder muscles, the deltoids.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout




With your feet shoulder width apart, grasp your hands above your
head, keeping your elbows bent. As you lean to the left, pull with
your left hand. Keep your knees "soft." In other words, slightly bend
your knees to avoid putting pressure on them and risking injury. Return to the starting position and lean to the right, pulling with your
right hand.


For this stretch, you'll need a workout partner. With your partner behind you, kneel on the floor and extend your arms to the side, keeping them level with your shoulders. With your chest "proud" (and
you should be proud!) allow your partner to easily pull your arms behind you, so you feel the stretch in your chest muscles, the pectorals.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



If you have trouble keeping your balance, grab a

door or lean on a buddy's


.-A=. ,L.J...c
+.,*ll., . * f i . , r r r
x r v u r o e r . izvrrrrucrrry yuu r l

be able to do this stretch

without assistance.


This stretch targets the muscles in the front of your thighs, the quadriceps. Standing on your left leg, bend your right leg at the knee and
lift it behind your back. Grabbing your right ankle with your left hand,
gently pull behind and across, while you stretch your quads. Repeat
on the opposite side.


Start with your hands on your hips. Bend at the waist, reaching to
touch your toes. Keep your legs straight, or just slightly bent if you are
a beginner. You should feel the stretch in the back of your legs, not In
your lower back! Keep your back straight as you bend down, and try
to bend down as far as you can. If you can't reach the floor, that's
okay. Give it some time.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



If you bend your

rear knee and lift
your rear heel,
you'll feel the
stretch in your
Achilles tendon.
Why not try it!


Take a step forward with your left leg. Keep your toes pointed straight
ahead, as shown. Placing your hands on your forward knee, lean forward while keeping your rear foot firmly planted and rear leg fairly
straight. Do not lift your heel. Feel the stretch run up the back of your
lower leg. Switch sides and repeat.


Sitting on the floor, bring your foot in toward your upper thigh as
shown in the photo. This stretches your back and hamstrings. Reach
out for your toes. Come on, you can reach them! Repeat with the opposite leg.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

- -

This stretch is great for 'the

abs. but vou want to make
certain not to overstretch!
Do not apply excess pressure as you perform the cabra. You can injure your
lower back.


This stretch takes its name from the image of the deadly cobra snake
as it is poised to strike. Take a position on the floor with your knees
down and your body supported by your outstretched arms. Gentlyrepeat gently-press your hips downward toward the floor, feeling
the stretch in your abs.




This is a great hip and back stretch, and helps stretch your ITB, or iliotibial band. Sitting down, cross your right leg over your left, as
shown in the photo. Now gently twist your torso to the right, pressing your left arm against your right leg. Repeat on the opposite side.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


This stretches the groin muscles. Tuck your heels in towards your
groin. Try to bring your knees to the floor by pushing down with your

- ---

. .--.



- -



Start with legs spread wide apart. Now lean to touch your left toes.
Come up, then lean forward to touch the floor between your legs.
Come to the starting position once more, and then lean to touch your
right toes. Great for the legs, groin, and lower back muscles. Just
make sure you don't rush and don't bounce-your movements
should be smooth.

ushups-and their many variations-are a standard exercise performed during basic military training. You will do a lot of these at the
Candidate Course, without a doubt! The most important thing to remember when doing upper body exercises is to maintain proper
form-back straight, eyes forward . . . and one and two, . . .

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

The classic exercise of all military fitness training regimens! Not only a
great upper body exercise, pushups (or the threat of doing them) can
be great motivators! Back straight and eyes forward, arms about
shoulder width apart. Lower yourself in a controlled fashion. Don't let
your chest touch the ground. Return to the starting position.
Your ability to perform pushups is an important part of the PAST. Plus,
be prepared to do many of these during your INDOC course!



. ---,-*--*--=-

. .

" Upper Body Exercises


Start with your hands wider than shoulder width. Keep your feet together and your back straight. Lower yourself so your chest nearly
touches the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat. Compared
to the standard pushup, this variation works the shoulders and upper
back more intensively.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

- -


Narrow stance pushups target the triceps in addition to the chest. Key
to performing this pushup variation is forming a small diamond with
your thumbs and index fingers (see photo detail). Spread your legs a
couple of feet apart to enhance stability or, for a real challenge, keep
your feet together as shown above. Lower yourself so your chest
meets your hands. Return to the starting position.



. ----._-

_ . ._-


Upper Body Exercises

This one requires the assistance of your workout buddy. If you ars
working out alone, you can use a bench or a stable chair insteaci ther way, you're going to have fun cranking these out. Why r a s e !. Y -.,'
legs as shown? This way you'll add to the intensity of a stacsz-z

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


No one is quite sure how this one got its name. But whatever it's
called, you are certain to challenge your triceps and shoulders with
this difficult pushup variation.
Begin this one from a standing position. Lean over as if to touch your
toes, then walk your hands forward until you reach the starting position as shown. Form a diamond with your index fingers and thumbs,
just like the narrow stance pushup. Now lower yourself so your forehead meets your hands. Return to the starting position. Congratulations, you've successfully performed one Chinese pushup.

ere are a few tips to keep in mind when performing pull-ups:

Keep your back arched.
Think of your arms as a set of hooks-try not to bring
your biceps into play too much.
Isolate your back. Pull-ups are a back exercise, though
your arms will inevitably get a solid workout, too.
Don't forget to stretch beforehand.

Here are three ways to increase the number of pull-ups and pull-up
variations you can achieve:
First, use a lat pull-down machine, adding weight up to 10 or 25
pounds more than your body weight. Do five solid pull-downs. Then
reduce the weight to 10 or 25 pounds below your body weight and
go for eight or nine pull-downs. With this technique you're getting

The United States Air Force Elite Workout W

accustomed to doing more of the pull-up movement, plus you're
adding resistance. It will make lifting your own body weight easier
when doing actual pull-ups.
A second way to increase your ability to perform proper Air Force
pull-ups (no bicycling or kicking your legs to get up and over the bar)
is to work out with a buddy. Your buddy can actually assist you by
pushing upward on your hips or on your lower back, just enough to
help you squeeze out a couple more on the pull-up bar.
A third way is to do negatives. A negative is simply a pull-up in reverse. Start from the "up" position. You can get there any way you
want. (Some people use a chair.) Now that you are in the "up" position, slowly lower yourself to the down position. Repeat as needed.
Whatever the method, there is no better way to improve a t pullups than doing pull-ups! Good luck.


Pull-ups and Dips

Grab the pull-up bar with your arms spread a little wider than your
shoulders. Keep your thumb and fingers on the same side of the bar.
From a dead-hang, thinking of the arms as hooks, work your back,
not your arms. Keep your back arched. Look up. Pull yourself up over
the bar and lower yourself in a controlled fashion. Concentrate on
utilizing proper technique for all of the pull-up variations.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout --


Wide grip pull-ups are definitely challenging. Set your arms as wide as
possible-but not so you're uncomfortable. Pull yourself up and
lower yourself down. Your back and deltoids will get a great workout.


Grab the pull-up bar palms facing out, your hands a couple of inches
apart. Use the same technique as in the regular grip pull-up. Back
arched. Hands like hooks. Do them right. Notice in the photo the true
dead-hang. There is absolutely no leg motion whatsoever. If you are
having trouble keeping your legs still, or if you are on the tall side, you
might want to bend your knees a bit and cross your legs at the ankles.
This will increase your stability and will reduce the tendency to bicycle
your legs to gain momentum.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Advanced Tip:
Just for the love at a challenge, 1NDuc fnstructors Irke to
have their students perform standard pull-ups behind
the neck. Behind the neck? Yes. Both the regular and
wide pull-r ups can be done this way Just be careful and
wait until you can perform the basic pull-ups with ease
before tryi'ng this advanced variation.



, "I


-- - - -

-.-- ru11-upsana u~ps

To perform a proper chin-up, reverse your grip so your palms are fating toward you (again keeping fingers and thumbs on the same side
of the bar). Set your hands a few inches apart and perform the exercise. You will find this pull-up variation uses more biceps strength
than the others.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



A variation of the standard chin-up. Spread your arms wider this time.
Again, this variation provides a great workout for your back and deltoids.

Pull-ups and Dips


Another variation. Move those hands close together.

1I 7

*4 ..


Pull-ups and Dips

mced Tip:
,u want to work you1
. - ...

lest more, look

if you wa,nt to work your triceps more, look up

and you'l I be working your triceps more.

NDOC instruction like to work the abs and midsection. If you practice, with proper form and technique, you'll minimize the pain!
Remember, keep your back arched, and let your stomach muscles do
the work, not your neck. This section includes variations of ab exercises to work all the muscles in your midsection.

Another PAST requirement. Learn to do them right: With your workout buddy holding down your ankles, start with knees bent, at a comfortable angle, hands clasped behind the head, as shown. Now sit up,
so your forehead almost touches your knees. Return to the start and

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Yo Adrian! This one is inspired by Sly himself, Sly Stallone that is. Start
like you are going to do a regular situp, only this time as you come
up, twist your torso so your right elbow touches your left knee, then
twist to touch your left elbow to your right knee. When you are in the
"up and twisting" position, say "Yo Adrian." Really. Then return to
the starting position and repeat. This is all performed in one smooth
and fluid motion.
No kidding. This is exactly how the PJ and CCT candidates do it. So
the count is, "Yo Adrian, ONE," "Yo Adrian, TWO," etc.



. ..



- . ..

' Abs and Midsection

Start with your hands behind your head as shown, knees bent, and
using your abs, lift yourself to the crunch position. Do it slowly and
with a controlled motion to get the most out of this crunch. Avo~d
pulling your head up with your hands! This is a sure way to straln your
neck and cause injury.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout




The legs-up crunch is another variation. Keeping your legs in the air
by extending your legs vertically, as shown, creating a 90" angle at
the hips, adds to the intensity of the crunch. Do these slowly and
hold the crunch position for a two count if you desire an even
greater challenge.

Flutter kicks are a great way to strengthen your hip flexors-muscles
used consistently during swimming. Flutter Kicks are a requirement of
the PAST.
To begin, take your hands and form a sort of "cradle" for your
body (see photo). This arm position encourages the back to stay
rounded-again to reduce the risk of injury or strain. With your back
rounded on the ground, lift your feet about six inches off the ground.
Start kicking. Keep your range of motion between six inches to 36
inches maximum. This is a four-count exercise. One, two, three, ONE.
One, two, three, TWO. One, two, three, THREE, etc.

The United States Air Force El~teWorkout


Scissor kicks are another great way to strengthen your midsection. Lie
on your back, cradling your torso with your arms as you did with flutter kicks. Extend your legs out fully and keep your heels six inches off
the floor. Open and close your legs as shown in the photo above. As
you bring your legs together, cross your left leg over your right leg.
Now open your legs again. Bring them together, this time crossing
the right leg over the left as shown. Keep your heels off the floor at
all times and perform this exercise uninterrupted as one smooth continuous series of actions.

Leg raises are a lower abdominal exercise. Start with the same position as the flutter kick with your feet about six inches off the ground.
Don't lock your legs out straight; keep them a little flexed. Concentrate on using your lower abs and lift your legs from six inches up to
30 inches, maximum. Lower to the starting position and repeat.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

What else do you do during those long cold Russian winters? Physical
training! This one exercise is certainly worth adding to your fitness
training routine. Start with your buttocks on the floor, arms folded
across your chest, and your legs held about 12"-16" off the deck.
Now twist your torso so your right elbow touches your left knee, then
twist so your left elbow touches your right knee. All the while, keep
those feet in the air. And have fun!


-. -- -- . -

3 .



- Abs and Midsection

Trunk twisters are a great warm-up exercise, but also help stretch and
strengthen the abdominals and lats. Start standing with your feet
shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. This is a rotation
exercise, with your hips as the center point. Start by rotating to the
right, continue to the back, to the left, and then to the front. Reverse
direction after a few cycles to the right. As with all exercises :hat Involve the lower back and spine, remember to be gentle1

The United States Air Force Elite Workout e



Pick those cherries off the ground and put them in your pockets!
Well, sort of. Here we are warming up and toning lower back, abs,
and hamstrings. Start with your legs spread shoulder width apart and
your hands on your hips. On the count of ONE, bend at the waist and
reach down to touch the floor ahead of your toes. On TWO, reach to
touch the floor a t the middle of your feet. On THREE reach a bit further back and try to touch the floor by your heels. On FOUR, rise to
the starting position and, with your fists, strike your belly. Hooyah!
Make that tummy red! (Your instructors like to see you're trying


Fore and Afts are simple. Hands on your hips, feet about shoulder
width apart. Bend t o the front. One. Return t o the starting position.
Two. Bend t o the rear. Three. Return. Four.
As in all exercises, keep an even tempo as you count the repetitions. One, two, three, ONE. One, two, three, TWO. One, two, three,
THREE. And so on. It keeps your mind clear so you can remember
how many you've done. Or how many more you have to do!

The Un~tedStates Air Force Elite Workout "-'---.


- --'



Another four-count warm-up and strengthening exercise, start your
side benders with your feet about shoulder width apart and hands on
your hips. On ONE, bend to the right (stretching your left lats). On
TWO, return to the starting position. On THREE, bend to your left
(stretching your right lats). On FOUR return to start. Repeat.


Just for Fun: Extra PT Exercises

Combining high kicks with ab crunches, Steam Engines are a great
warm-up and a great exercise. Performed as a continuous motion,
alternate lifting your right knee and left knee as if to meet your outstretched hands. A you come up, squeeze your abdominal muscles
to maximize the overall benefit of the motion. You can also do this
as a field drill, moving forward with each kick upward.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

-. . -

Begin with your feet together and your arms by your sides. As you
jump up, your feet should come apart and your hands should go over
your head. Jump again and as you land, bring your feet back together. Jumping Jacks are a great total body warm-up and cardio exercise.

You might feel like you've climbed Mount Everest once you're done
with these! With your hands on the floor, and your arms holding your
head high, alternate thrusting your left and right leg behind you as
shown. Add a bit of a bounce as you do them, and keep the motion
smooth and continuous.

The Un~tedStates Air Force Elite Workout


-- .




The Eight-Count Body Builder is a PT classic. It really is a unique
exercise combining a variety of moves and muscles, and the result is
a powerful PT exercise that works the upper body, lower body, and
cardiorespiratory system.
Begin in a standing position, move to a squat position with your
arms slightly more than shoulder width apart and count "ONE."
Thrust your legs straight back, count "TWO." Keeping your back







Just for Fun Extra PT Exercises

straight, lower yourself in a picture perfect pushup "THREE" and up

"FOUR." Kick your legs apart like a scissor "FIVE" then kick them
back together "SIX." Pull your legs back in a reverse thrust motion
"SEVEN." And stand "EIGHT." You've just completed one EightCount Body Builder.

Landidate Course trainees really get to see what they're made of

when it comes time for the obstacle course. This intensive 21-obstacle
course spans over one mile and guarantees to challenge upper and
lower body strength, agility, balance, and running endurance.
Don't be fooled, this obstacle course is vastly different from that
found on the jogging trail of your local park. Here, we are talking
about 29-foot walls, barbed wire trenches, and unstable logs-all of
which pose a risk to the participant's safety. The 21 obstacles are built
on a path approximately one mile long and ends with a tenth of a
mile sprint to the finish.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


The first obstacle carries a high safety risk.
Team members must
climb this 29-foot netting, go over the top
log, descend the ladder, and cross the log
platform. At the end of
the platform, there is a
log to go over and
then a rope to get to
the ground. The team
You can see where the name comes from!
member must vault or
belly roll over the final
log. There are plenty of opportunities to lose grip on the netting or
fall between the logs of the platform so caution is necessary!


Obstacle Course

That's exactly what these ropes are designed to do to you-if you're
not agile! Select a lane and move across by stepping into each section
of the lane without tripping and falling to the ground. Step high!

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

One look at this obstacle and it's
easy to understand how it got its
name. The proper way to negotiate the Dirty Name is to mount the
lower log and reach higher logs in
succession by jumping to them. Insufficient height when jumping
from the second tier to the top log could mean a painful fall forward
or backward.

Obstacle Course

Just like jumping from rock to rock across a brook, the goal is to jump
from log to log without falling in between. Balance plays a key role in
keeping you on your feet.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout I

Easy??-a rather misleading name. You must walk or run up one inclined log and down another on the opposite side without falling to
the ground. Not only are the logs on a steep incline, accomplishing
this successfully means that your hands never touch the logs.



The goal here is to climb the vertical
ladder, go over the top, and descend
down the other side. The distance
from bottom to top is about 30 feet
so a careful grip is critical to prevent
serious injury from a fall. Fear of
heights? Not in the Air Force!



-" Obstacle Course

The United States Air Force Elite Workout C-

Face forward, crawl
over all the horizontal
logs to the end. On
your belly. That's right
your belly. One try
and you'll see how
this obstacle got its


Gaining adequate height to jump up and grasp the top from the underside of the wall is key to pulling your body up and over it. Seek~ng
help from the support braces is not an option.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

You must use Tarzan's balance and skill to get through this one. Begin
by mounting the lower log and walking or running the length of it
and each successive higher log until you've reached the horizontal
ladder without falling to the ground. Then cross the underside of the
ladder, hand-over-hand.

Obstacle Course


Warning: lay low! Select a trench and crawl through from start to finish.
If you don't stay sufficiently low to the ground, the barbed wire will claw
you up.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


Cross very carefully-groin injury potential is high. The key is stepping

high over each log, one at a time, touching the ground with a t least
one foot between each row of logs. Yes, hands can and should be
used for support.

Not only is it a ladder, but a ladder
on a steep incline. Completion entails climbing the inclined ladder
from the underside, going over
the top rung, and descending the
opposite side head first to the
ground. Balance and grip are critical to avoiding a fall and resulting

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


Another inclined ladder but this time you don't climb down-you
jump off, landing on two feet. Bend your knees when you land.


- .

Obstacle Course


Whatever sense of balance you have.. . now's the time to use it! Walk
or run along the three beams without falling.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout C



Call them modified hurdles, these wooden X's form rows that you must
move through by going over every X. Once a row is selected, there is no
changing to another. Fortunately, use of hands is allowed to assist in
stepping over the X's, but at least one foot must touch the ground between each row.


Obstacle Course

Choose a lane, drop to your stomach, and crawl forward under the
barbed wire. Press your body to the ground as much as you can!
Otherwise you'll find you've shredded your nice shirt on the fiercely
jagged wire.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


The goal here is very precisegrasp a rope with both hands,
swing the body forward, and land
with both feet on top of the horizontal beam, then jump to the
ground. Timing is everything! Too
easily a swing can result in a badly
bruised chin because you'll hit the
log short. Too much swing and
you'll overshoot, hitting your head
square on the beam


Obstacle Course

Move swiftly across this series of logs by vaulting or rolling over bellyside. Sufficient height is the sure way to avoid any groin injuries.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout i



Last, but not least, finish up the obstacles by climbing the vertical
wall, going over the top, sliding or jumping to the ground.
The very last part of the course is a sprint, the completion of which
indicates the end! Hoo-yah!

ere's an actual start-to-finish schedule of fitness training activities encountered by students at the PJKCT Candidate Course, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Events listed occur throughout the day in
the order shown. This schedule is provided to give you insight into the
amount of physical training that occurs during this time. You can also
adapt this schedule to provide a foundation for a workout program
suitable for your own personal fitness goals.
Note: All swims, with the exception of the PAST, are performed
with the student wearing fins.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

No physical activity scheduled
Swim Evaluation
Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
lntroduction to Water Confidence
lntroduction to Swim Training

lntroduction to Run Training and
lntroduction to Calisthenics
Water Confidence Training
Swim Training

Swim Training (distance)
Water Confidence Training

Motivation Schedule*

30-minute Long Slow Distance Run
Circuit Training (1 Rep max AIR)
Water Confidence Training
Swim Training

Motivation Schedule*

Motivation Schedule*

*The Motivation Schedule presents a non-stop barrage of different

events designed to test the commitment of the students and their desire to become PJs or CCTs.

.-_. -


Physical Fitness Schedule

Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
Swim Training Evaluation
Water Confidence Training

lntroduction to Grass and Guerrilla
Swim Training (distance)
Water Confidence Training

35-minute Long Slow Distance Run
lntroduction to Rope Climbing
Calisthenics or Weight Training
Water Confidence

Interval Training
Swim Training (sprints)
Water Confidence Training

3-mile Track Run (21 minutes)
Swim Training (Boerne Reservoir)

Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
Swim Training Evaluation (distance)
Water Confidence Training

lntroduction to the Obstacle Course
Swim Training (distance)
Water Confidence Training

Run Interval Training
45-minute Long Slow Distance Run Calisthenics
Calisthenics or Weight Circuit Training Swim Training (sprints)
Water Confidence Training
4-mile Run (28 minutes)
Swim Training (2000 m distance)
Water Confidence Training

The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
Swim Training Evaluation
Water Confidence Training Appraisal

4.5-mile Run (32 minutes)
Guerrilla Drills
Swim Training
Water Confidence Training

50-minute Long Slow Distance Run
Water Confidence Training

Run Intervals
Swim Training (sprints)
Water Confidence Training

Swim Training AIR (2500 m)

Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
Swim Training Evaluation
Water Confidence Training
55-minute Long Slow Distance Run
Calisthenics or Weight Circuit Training
Water Confidence Training
5-mile Run (35 minutes)

Grass/Guerilla Drills
Swim Training (3000 m distance)
Water Confidence Training
Run Intervals
Swim Training (sprints)
Water Confidence Training

Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
Swim Training Evaluation
Water Confidence Training
60-minute Long Slow Distance Run
Calisthenics or Weight Circuit
Water Confidence Training

Obstacle Course
Swim Training (3500 m)
Water Confidence Training
Run Intervals
Swim Training
Water Confidence Training

5.5-mile Run (39 minutes)

Run Evaluation
Calisthenics Evaluation
Swim Training Evaluation
Water Confidence Training
Obstacle Course
Calisthenics or Circuit Training
Water Confidence or Swim Training
6-mile Run (42 minutes, 30 seconds)
Water Confidence Training

Calisthenics/Circuit Training
Swim Training (4000 m)
Water Confidence Training
Run Intervals
Water Confidence Training

The United Air Force Elite Corps Workout

Run Final Evaluation
Calisthenics Final Evaluation
Swim Training Final Evaluation
Water Confidence Training Final
No physical activity scheduled


No physical activity scheduled.
No physical activity scheduled.


No physical activity scheduled
Re-training for:
Water Confidence

No physical activity scheduled

Re-evaluation for:
Water Confidence

- .

Graduation Run
Graduation Day!


The United States Air Force Elite Workout


SSGT Tony Alexandar

Staff Sergeant (SSGT) Alexandar

began his military career not in the
. .
Air Force, but in the Marine Corps.
SSGT Alexandar spent six years as a member of the Marine Corps
elite Reconnaissance Teams (RECON). In 1990, he joined the Air
Force to become a Pararescueman.
During his career in the Air Force,
SSGT Alexandar has been assigned
to the 1550th TTW in Albu.,
querque, New Mexico, the 39th
Air Rescue Squadron in Misawa,
Japan, and the 33rd Rescue
Squadron in Okinawa, Japan.
Currently, SSGT Alexandar is an
instructor at the PJICCT Indoctrination School (INDOC) at Lackland AFB, Texas. He has served in Operation Provide Comfort (Turkey) and Operation Southern Watch
(Kuwait) in support of the no fly zones. He has also served in Korea,
Malaysia, and Thailand. In his spare time, SSGT Alexandar is an avid
mountain biker, rock climber, and skier.
SSGT Alexandar's military training is extensive. Highlights include:
US Army Military Freefall Parachutist Course, SOLO Wilderness EMT
Course, US Army Special Forces Combat Diver, Aerial GunneryIMission Qualification Course, US Army Master Fitness Course, and Airman Leadership School.

SSGT Bill White

< V, '

Staff Sergeant White has

been a Combat Controller
for almost 10 years. Since
1990, he has participated
in a wide array of operational activities, including
numerous joint special
operations exercises and
real-world contingencies.
. -. - -.
He has served with the
172 1 st Combat Control
Squadron, Pope AFB, North Carolina, and the 24th Special Tactlcs
Squadron, also stationed at Pope AFB.
At present, SSGT White is a PJICCT INDOC Course Instructor at
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. He is a Military Freefall Jumpmaster,
Dive Supervisor, and a certified personal trainer. In his spare time, Bill
is an avid triathlete and rock climber.



The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Candidate Course Standards

These are the actual standards by which the INDOC students are tested
weekly. Note the progression of both distance and time for the run and
swim evaluations.

Day 1

1.5 I10:30

1000 126:OO

Week 1

2.0 I14:OO

1000 I20:OO (all subsequent

weeks wlf ins)

Week 2


Week 3

3.0 I2 1:00

Week 4

4.0 128:OO

Week 5

4.5 132:OO

Week 6

5.0 /35:30

Week 7

5.5 139:OO

Week 8

6.0 142:30

Physical Fitness Schedule

Day 1
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8

- - -"

The United States Air Force Elite Workout


1 C

Repetition Sets
Just that-repetitions. And plenty of them! Remember t o stretch
before and after your workout!

- -

Week 1 Wetik 2 Week 3 week 5+

Warm Ups


Trunk Twister

5 reps

10 reps

10 reps

12 reps

Cherry Picker




Neck Rotations




Fore and Afts




Side Benders




Steam Engines




Jumping Jacks





Mountain Climbers





8-Count Body Builders




Back 1 Biceps


Behind the Head Pull-ups

Standard Grip

3 reps

5 reps

6 reps

8 reps

Wide Grip

Narrow Grip

Standard Grip

Wide Grip

Narrow Grip

Front of the Head Pull-ups

Physical Fitness Schedule

- -- - -


~k 1

Week 2%-week 3 bV6ekk&


3 reps

5 reps

6 reps

8 reps

Wide Grip

Narrow Grip


45 reps

45 reps

50 reps

55 reps







35 reps

40 reps

45 reps

50 reps

Wide Stance





Narrow Stance


















Flutter Kicks

55 reps

60 reps

65 reps

70 reps

Scissor Kicks





Leg Raises








Leg UP
Leg Down

Chest / Triceps



Hip Flexors


The United States Air Force Elite Workout

Timed sets
The purpose of timed sets is to guarantee maximum performance by
all students, as INDOC trainees possess varying levels of fitness. By
performing timed sets, each student does as many as he can in the
time allotted. If, on the other hand, repetition sets are performedfor example, everyone
does 75 pushups-it
would be easy for some
students and extremely
hard for others.
The period of exercise
is followed by an equal
period of rest. For example, 2 x 50 means two sets
of that exercise in 50 seconds of work, followed by
50 seconds of rest.
The specific exercises
for timed sets vary from
instructor to instructor.
The instructor chooses
which exercises he will do
for those specific body
Here's an example:
BACWBICEPS 2 X 45This could be accomplished by completing one
set of wide grip pull-ups
for 45 seconds, then a set
of close grip chin-ups for 45 seconds. So if no instructor is present to
guide you, select from the exercises found in this book to complete
these sets.

Physical Fitness Schedule












1x30 1x30 1x30 1x30 2x30


1 x25

1 x25

1 x25

1x35 2x35 2 x 3 5

1 x25 2 x 2 5 2 x 3 0 2 x 3 0 2 x 3 0

1x20 2x20 2x20 2x20 3x20 4x20 2 x 2 5

2 x 20




he following workouts are taken directly from the Combat Control Pararescue Course Warning Order. These workouts are designed
for two categories of people: Category I is for those future Pararescuelcombat Control Candidate Course trainees that have never or
have not recently been on a routine PT program. Category II is designed for high school and college athletes that have had a routine PT
program. Usually, athletes in sports that require a high level of cardiovascular activity-swimming, running, and wrestling, for example-are in Category II.
Whether you intend to be a PJ or CCT, or just want to be as fit as
one, the following guidelines will be extremely helpful as you set out
on your fitness journey. Remember to warm up before stretching,
stretch before and after exercising, and drink plenty of water before,
during, and after your workout. If you feel pain, do not exercise
through it. Pain is a warning sign that something may be wrong. Stop
and consider what the source of the pain is-a strain, a sprain, fatigue-and take appropriate remedial action.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout



The majority of the physical activities you will be required to perform
during your ten weeks of training at the Candidate Course will involve a large amount of running. The intense amount of running can
lead to overstress injuries of the lower extremities in the trainees who
arrive not physically prepared to handle the activities. Swimming, bicycling, and lifting weights will prepare you for some of the activities
at the Candidate Course, but only running can prepare your lower extremities for the majority of the activities.
The goal of Category I is to build up to running 16 miles per week.
After you have achieved that goal then and only then should you continue on to the Category II goal of 30 miles of running per training
Category I is a nine week "build-up" program. Follow the workout
as best as you can and you will be amazed at the progress you will

Running Schedule I

week -

Miles Per Day

Weeks 112

2 miles per day, 8:30 pace M 1W 1F

Week 3

No running (high risk of stress fractures)

Week 4

3 miles per day, M I W I F

9 miles

Weeks 516

2 / 3 / 4 / 2 miles, M / T u / T h / F

1 1miles

Weeks 718

3 / 4 / 5 / 2 miles, M l T u I T h l F

14 miles

Week 9

3 1 4 1 5 1 2 miles, M l T u I T h l F

14 miles

Mi\es Per Week

6 miles

Student Preparation Guidelines

Physical Training Schedule I

Exercise on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For best results, alternate exercises. Do a set of pushups, then a set of situps, followed by
a set of pull-ups, with no rest. Rest between sets no more than two
minutes. If you are unable to complete the pull-up sequence doing
standard exercises, do "negatives." Start in the "up" position. Slowly
lower yourself in a controlled fashion to the "down" position. Get
back in the "up" position in the easiest manner possible and lower
yourself again. Repeat as needed.

Setsl Reps


Setsl ~ e p s

Weeks 5 I 6

Week 1

4 x 15











Weeks 7 I 8

Week 2




5 x 20





Weeks 3 I 4

Week 9


5 x 25








The United States Air Force Elite Workout


Swimming Schedule I
Swim using either the sidestroke or freestyle method without fins
four to five days per week. Each week also complete two to four 25
meter underwater swims.
If you do not have access to a swimming pool, ride a bike for twice
as long as you would swim. If you do have access to a pool, swim
every day available! Four to five days a week and 200 meters per session is your initial training goal. Work on developing your side stroke
on both your left and right sides. For speed, try to swim 50 meters in
one minute or less.



Weeks 1 I 2

Swim continuously for 15 minutes.

Weeks 3 I 4

Swim continuously for 20 minutes.

Weeks 5 1 6

Swim continuously for 25 minutes.

Weeks 7 I 8

Swim continuously for 30 minutes.

Week 9

Swim continuously for 35 minutes.


Student Preparation Guidelines


Category II is a more intense workout designed for those who have
been involved with a routine PT schedule or those who have completed the requirements of Category I. Do not attempt this workout
schedule unless you can complete Week 9 o f Category I.

Running Schedule II
Running days are Monday 1 Tuesday 1 Thursday 1 Friday 1 Saturday.


Miles Per Day

Miles Per Week

Weeks 112

3 1 5 1 4 1 5 I 2 miles

19 miles

Weeks 314

4 1 5 1 6 1 4 1 3 miles

22 miles

Week 5

5 1 5 1 6 1 4 1 4 miles

24 miles

Week 6


27 miles

Week 7

6 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 miles

30 miles

For training Weeks 8 / 9 and beyond. It is not necessary t o increase

the distance runs. Work on the speed of your 6 mile runs. Try
to get your time down t o 7:15 per mile or lower. If you wish t o
increase the distance of your runs, do it gradually-no more
than one mile per day increase for every week beyond Week 9.

The United States Air Force Elite Workout N


Physical Training Schedule II

These workouts are designed for muscle endurance. Muscle fatigue
will gradually take longer and longer to occur when you perform high
repetitions. For best results, alternate exercises each set, in order to
rest the muscle group for a short time. Exercise using proper form.
See the pages of this book for illustrations and descriptions of the exercises. Exercise Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


sets1 Reps

Weeks 1 / 2


Week 5




15 x 20




15 x 25


3 x 10


4 x 12


3 x 20


15x 15

Weeks 3 / 4

Week 6


10 x 20


20 x 20




20 x 25


4~ 10




l o x 15



Student Preparation Guidelines


Your can perform "pyramids" with any exercise. The challenge is to
slowly build up to a goal, then work back down to the beginning of
the workout. For instance, pull-ups, situps, and dips can be alternated
as in the above workouts, but this time choose a number to be your
maximum repetition. Simply work your way up and then back down
the pyramid.


# Repetitions


1, 2,
2, 4,
3, 6,
2, 4,


4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 perform 2 sets
12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 perform 3 sets
8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 perform 2 sets

Swimming Workout II

Swim as often as you can, ideally four or five days per week. At first,
alternate swimming 1000 meters with fins and 1000 meters without
fins. This will reduce the initial stress on your foot muscles when starting with fins. Your speed goal should be to swim 50 meters in :45 seconds or less. Remember to add at least three and as many as five
underwater swims per week.

Stretch PT

Since Mondays, Wednesdays. and Fridays are devoted to calisthenics,

it is important to devote at least 20 minutes on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday to stretching.










or more information about how to join the Pararescue or Combat

Control teams, contact your local Air Force recruiter or write:
Pararescuel Combat Control Selection Team
1780 Carswell Avenue, Suite 2
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 78236-5506
or call:
Toll-free 1-800-438-2696



A lifelong fitness enthusiast, Andrew was born and raised in New York
City, and is a graduate of St. David's School, The Browning School,
and Vassar College. When he
is not running a multi-million
dollar media business, his
recreational pursuits include
sailing, mountaineering, rock
climbing, mountain biking,
SCUBA diving, and flying. He
still resides in New York City.


Peter Field Peck is a freelance photographer. His work has appeared
nationally in newspapers, magazines, and books. He currently resides
in New York City.

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