7 Grade Math Syllabus Ms. Leslie: Supplies Needed

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7th Grade Math Syllabus

Ms. Leslie
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! My name is Ms. Leslie and this is my
second year at Rosa Parks. I am looking forward to having a great year! We
have the same schedule as last year, the students will be in a block
schedule, which means the students will be in Math and Language Arts for
ninety minutes and Science, Social Studies and Specials for forty-five
minutes. We are using new books this year, Big Ideas Math. Every student
will take a pre-test and a post-test. This is a great way to show growth
throughout the year.
Supplies Needed
Preparation is very important to have a successful year. All of the students
supplies will stay in the classroom.
1. 1-inch binder (Just for math. It will stay in the classroom.)
2. Loose leaf paper
3. Pencils
Grading Policy:
Several factors make up the quarterly grade in Math. In addition to daily
class work, students will have regular homework assignments, quizzes, tests,
projects, and laboratory reports to complete. Effort and participation are
very important. Students are expected to be on time to class and to come
Each quarter, students will earn a Preparation and Participation grade.
Every student automatically starts with (and hopefully stays at) 100 points.
For every day that a student comes to class unprepared, or does not
participate appropriately, they will lose a maximum of two points. This will
count as one quiz grade.
The students will be assigned homework everyday but since we have ninety
minutes of class time I will allow the student to work on their homework the
last ten to fifteen minutes of each class. I hope the students will use this time
to get their homework done, if they do not finish it in class then they will be
responsible for finishing it home and bringing it back the next day. Everyday
that homework is late I take 20% off each day. After five days of being late, I
will no longer accept it.
Retake Policy:
If a student has concerns about their grade, they should discuss with me the
reason(s) behind their current average and the necessary steps to take. At
my discretion, tests or quizzes may be redone to indicate improved mastery
of the subject matter. Only the higher grade will be recorded. So, if you fail
a test or quiz you can retake it for a better grade!!! Note: Its much easier
to do well on a test or quiz the first time around because in addition to
preparing for a retake, you still need to keep up and do the current work in
all of your other classes!

Absentee Policy
If a student is absent, they will have two days to make up their work. The
students are in charge of finding out what they have missed. All the work
they missed will be in the absent folder with their names on it. It will be the
students responsibility to go and grab everything they missed.

The students will be getting four bathroom passes for each quarter. If they do
not use them throughout the quarter then they can turn them in each
bathroom pass for 5 extra credit points for a total of 20 extra credit points.
Classroom Rules
1. Students will always come to class on time and prepared.
2. Have all appropriate materials and supplies, including a sharpened
3. Be in seat and started on daily when class begins.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Treat others and their property with respect.
6. No food or drinks
7. No cell phones or electronics (students must keep their phones or
electronics in their lockers)
8. Observe all rules in the student handbook.
If students do not follow these rules;
1. Verbal warning
2. Call home
3. Detention
Please keep this syllabus for future reference and return the last page to Ms.
Leslie by Friday 8/29/2014. *Completing this form and having necessary
supplies will be your students first grade and will be worth 50 points.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Email is the best way to
get a hold of me. I will try to answer all emails within 24 hours.
Ms. Leslie
Rosa L Parks Middle School
[email protected]


Student Name

Home Phone #

Parent/Guardian Name #1

E-mail address

Work #

Cell #

Parent/Guardian Name #2

E-mail address

Work #

Cell #

*Please put a star next to the best way(s) to reach a parent/guardian during
the school day.
Is there a computer available at home?

Are you able to log-on to the




Do you give permission for your childs picture (with no name) to be taken?


Is there anything that would be helpful for me to know?


I have read this syllabus with my son/daughter and we have discussed and
understand all of the policies and procedures.
_________________________ _________
Parent/Guardian Signature

_________________________ _________
Student Signature

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