3000 Years PDF
3000 Years PDF
3000 Years PDF
v. P. Kartsev
from the Russian
Ann Feltham
-Mir Publishers
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Interstellar Wanderers
made a unique 'collection' of galaxies, both single and interacting, and compared them with the field patterns of
a uniformly magnetized sphere or bar and of interacting
magnets. They were almost completely identical. In several cases it was clearly visible how the gas, moving along
the lines of force, flowed from one pole of the galaxy to the
other. Calculations convincingly demonstrated that the
magnetic field earlier measured in our Galaxy was quite
direction. Although there are bound to be many more secrets and surprises in the depths of the universe, that would
not only astound the ordinary man but lead any researcher
up the garden path, scientists nevertheless regard such a
possibility with scepticism.
Only further research will show whether or not Blackett
was right.
The strange character of the Sun's magnetic field has
given rise to doubts about his theory.
The Sun's magnetic field was first detected more than
half a century ago, using Zeemans technique, which we
mentioned above. The measurements showed that it was
very similar to the Earth's, with poles, magnetic meridians, and a magnetic equator. Its strength is approximately 50-100 times greater than the Earth's and averages
25 to 50 oersteds. *
Further research, however, yielded completely unexpected results. Instead of a strict pattern of lines of force repeating the field of a uniformly magnetized sphere, researchers saw a disorderly conglomeration of variously magnetized regions.
The strength of the magnetic field fell sharply and proved to be only one or two oersteds. On the other hand, the
field in sun spots is immensely strong, 3000 oersteds and
more. Two neighbouring spots, normally joined by an enormous fiery flare, must necessarily be of opposing polarityif the magnetization of one was north that of the other
must be south. From study of the shape of the flares solar
physicists concluded that they exactly repeated the pattern
of the lines of force of a horseshoe magnet. I t has now been
reliably established that super-hot gas flows out from the
spots along these lines of force (the gas is charged and con-
Fig. 5. Gilbert's figure of a smith at his anvil, illustrating his discovery that a piece of red-hot iron struck by a hammer in the northsouth position (septentrio-auster) becomes magnetic (From the De
have seen, did not hold water, and for that matter neither
have many other more modern theories.
The most popular theory today is probably that of the
'self-exciting dynamo'
This theory has been proposed in various guises and at
various times by a number of eminent physicists, among
whom we will single out J. I. Frenkel of the USSR, the
American W. M. Elzasser, and the Englishman E. C. Bullard.
The theory is founded on the discovery made a century
and a half ago by the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted that there is a magnetic field around every conductor
carrying electricity. In order to explain terrestrial magnetism along these lines one must assume that an electric
current of some sort circulates in the depths of the Earth.
In principle that is not impossible since it has been demonstrated that the planet has a liquid conductive core,
The eminent Egyptologist Heinrich Karl Brugsch (Brugsch Pasha) established that the Egyptian temples had
lightning conductors, in the shape of tall wooden masts
with a metal sheath. The ancient Hindus also used similar
poles, only made of iron.
The tall bronze Roman statues of the time of Numus
Pompilius and Tullus Hostilius also served to avert the
blows of Jove the Thunderer from the sinful heads of citizens.
In the reign of Charlemagne Roman peasants set up
tall stakes in their fields to 'bend the thunder'. But we
should note that the emperor himself strictly forbade the
What exactly was the job Gilbert took on? What were
the facts he had to analyse?
From the Middle Ages only certain fragments of true
knowledge had come down to Gilbert, and they were in
the weirdest combinations.
Mediaeval scholars thought that everything in the world
was divisible into 'magnets' and 'feameds' Magnets embraced all the objects that attracted each other: magnet
and iron, amber and dust, the barnacle and the bottom
of a ship, bees and flowers. Feameds included all things
that exhibited an antipathy for each other: magnet and
candle flame; the like poles of a magnet, and so on.
By going without entertainment and pleasures Gilbert
paid out of his own pocket for the countless experiments
that led him to several extremely important conclusions.
One was that the attraction of amber and of a magnet is
different in nature. In other words, he succeeded in separating magnetic and electrical phenomena into two classes,
which from then on were investigated separately. And it
took some time, nearly 200 years, and the efforts of many
scientists before electricity and magnetism were once more
united, this time on a new basis.
Gilbert also discovered quite a few substances which,
like amber, were able to attract small pieces of material
and specks of dust.
Anxious to find out more about these substances Otto
von Guerike, the inquisitive burgomaster of Magdeburg,
in Germany, made a strange machine, which consisted of
a globe of sulphur rotated by a simple mechanism. A metal
chain attached to a long metal beam suspended on ropes
just touched the rotating sphere. When the sphere was held
in the hands while turning it developed a sizeable electric
charge which was led off to the beam by the chain. The
machine could be used for electrical experiments.
The globe of sulphur was prepared as Iol lows. A thin
glass sphere was filled with molten sulphur. When the
Fig. 6. Early experiments on electrostatic machines. 'These are terrifying experiments and I do not recommend anyone to repeat them',
one of the first investigators wrote.
Franklin gave science t.he concepts of negative and positive electricity. WIlen we use the words 'battery', 'condenser', 'conductor', 'charge", 'discharge', and 'winding'
we seldom remember that it was Franklin who first gave
all these objects and phenomena their names.
In his last years he was one of the most eminent figures
in the political life of America and an active fighter for
America's liberation from England's colonial yoke.
At twenty-seven he was the most popular writer in America. His Almanacks, widely known as Poor Richard's
because of his pseudonym Richard Saunders, came out
annually ill large editions.
'I might in this place attempt to gain thy Favour,' he
wrote frankly in the preface to one, 'by declaring that
1 write Almanacks with no other View than that of the
publick Good; but in this I should not be sincere; and Men
are nowadays too wise to be deceiv'd by Pretences how
specious soever. The plain Truth of the Matter is, 1 am
excessive poor ... The Printer has offer'd me some considerable share of the Profits ... '
He was one of the most charming and educated men of
his time, gay, full of vitality, and physically fit, and always surrounded by interesting people, diplomats, and
But let us go back to his seven 'electrical' years, or
rather to those concerned with his proof of the electrical
nature of lightning.
After his chance hearing of the lecture Franklin developed
a quite simple but elegant and correct theory of static
electricity and of how it was transmitted from one body
to another, the same theory we learn at school when we are
first introduced to electricity. Only one correction needs
to be made now; Franklin took it for granted that the body
that accumulated electricity had a positive charge and that
the body that lost it a negative one. We now know that
the negatively charged electron is the bearer of electricity
'Temple of Charms or the Mechanical, Optical and Physical Cabinet of M. Gamuletsky de Kolla' His study, which
existed until 1842, had a further attraction; as visitors
mounted the carpeted staircase past the decorated candelabra, they could see from a long way off on the top landing the life-size gilt figure of an angel hover above the
study door with no visible support or suspension. (Anyone
who so wished could check that the statue had no support
whatsoever.) And when visitors stepped onto the landing
the angel raised its arm, put a horn to its lips, and 'played, moving its fingers in a most natural manner'
Gamuletsky explained that it took him ten years to
find the point and the weight of magnet and iron that
would support the angel in the air; and that he had put a
great deal of money as well as effort into the marvel.
No more suitable role than conjurer '8 prop could apparently be found for the mysterious magnet.
A great many explanations have been advanced at various times as to why a magnet and a piece of iron should
experience such a strange attraction for each other.
In the songs of Orpheus there are SOIne lines about how
iron is attracted by a magnet like a bride by her betrothed.
The philosopher Epicurus explained it much as follows:
the shape of the atoms and indivisible bodies, flowing from
stone and iron, so suited each other that they were easily
coupled together; so, on striking the hard parts of stone
and iron and bouncing off toward the centre they immediately came into contact with each other and attracted iron.
And Plato, the idealist, wrote that, in view of the fact
that a vacuum never exists, bodies jostled each other from
all sides, and when they separated and united, they all,
having changed places, crossed to their normal places;
and that those who carried out a proper investigation would
probably be brought to confusion by involved inter-relationships.
In speaking about 'involved inter-relationships' Plato
was surprisingly far-sighted. Subsequent discoveries convinced scientists that the nature of magnetism was much
more complex than the mechanistic notions of the ancient
philosophers, who reduced the problem to one of the 'engagement' of particles.
As with electricity it was lightning that put scientists'
thinking about magnetism on the right path.
Early in the nineteenth century the French scientist
Arago published some curious notes on thunder and lightning, which probably led to his friend Ampere, the physicist, becoming the first to provide a correct explanation of
In July 1681, Arago wrote among other things, the ship
Quick was struck by lightning. When night fell the position
of the stars showed that two of its three compasses, instead
of pointing north, were pointing south, while the third
pointed west.
Again, in June 1731 in Wakefield, a merchant put a large coffer full of knives and forks and other iron and steel
objects in the corner of his room. Lightning penetrated
the house exactly in the corner where the coffer was, smashed it, and scattered all the things inside it. All the knives and forks became very strongly magnetized.
It became increasingly obvious that lightning and magnetism were very closely connected. Since the link between
lightning and electricity was already well known, clearly
the most perspicacious would soon see the link between
electricity and magnetism, Many had almost guessed the
connection, and it only required a little mote effort to
bridge the gap dividing the two great forces of nature.
On 7 September 1758, at a general meeti ng of the Russian
Academy in St. Petersburg, Franz Ulrich Theodore Epinus
read his treatise On the Similarity Betioeen Electrical and
Magnetic Forces and came close to solving the problem.
All that was needed was a link, a connecting thread.
Sir Humphrey Davy, the famous English scientist, also
axis below the diameter. The magnet itself was quite compact yet proved to be very powerful, lifting 1.3 tons. About
the same time Joule built a completely new type of magnet
that attracted a load not by the usual two poles but by a
much larger number, which greatly increased its lifting
capacity. His magnet, which weighed 5.5 kilograms-force
lifted a weight of 1.2 tons. Electromagnets began to appear
in great numbers in physics laboratories, in aristocratic
salons, and in doctors' surgeries. They even began to be
used in clothing factories (in the machines) and in concert
halls (as a part of the 'magnetic organ '). By 1869 magnets
were already widely used as a drive for Jacquard looms and
for punching holes in metal plates.
A little later, when several more large magnets had been
built and everyone was convinced of their strength, reliability, compactness and convenience, it was suggested that
they be used to lift iron and steel items in steel works and
engineering factories. In the 1930 's a very large electromagnet was built for equipment to destroy defective castings.
Its load was an iron ram weighing 20 tons. The advantage
of the electromagnet was that the ram could be dropped
simply by switching off the current. Even more powerful
magnets were soon built, capable of lifting 50 tons. Their
power was growing hourly.
In Europe and America magnets became widely used in
flour mills to clean the grain. And in Russia, at the turn
of the century, the Horse-Tram and Omnibus Company
used them to remove nails from the oats fed to the horses.
The cleaning of grain in flour mills became the prototype of one of the most important of today's applic.ations of
magnets, of what are called magnetic separators. These
function on the principle of passing a mixture of useful
rnaterial and rubbish on a conveyer belt past the poles of
a magnet. Any rubbish that is magnetic is pulled out of
the mixture. The principle was first proposed as far back
particles fall they meet the fields of several powerful electromagnets of increasing intensity. The magnetic iron oxide
settles on the magnets and is periodically removed from
them. The gangue falls to the bottom without hindrance.
I t is hardly surprising that the town that arose on the 'poor'
deposits was called Edison City.
Magnetic separators are also used in agriculture to free
clover, flax, and lucerne seeds from weeds. Engineers have
turned the enemys weapons against him. The seeds of
weeds (like bitterling and rye grass darnel) are rougher
as a rule and covered with tiny spikes that enable them to
stick to clothing and animals and so promote their rapid
spread and struggle for survival. When fine iron filings
are strewn on seeds contaminated with weeds, they stick
to the weed seeds while the smooth grain remains clean.
Then, by using a magnetic separator of some sort, the grain
can easily be cleaned.
A very similar method is also used for catching criminals.
The sweaty, greasy finger-prints the criminal leaves at the
scene of the crime are often very faint and more often than
not are on material with a coarse texture (planks, veneer,
or cardboard). The criminologist V. I. Sorokin suggested
using a 'magnetic brush' instead of dusting the prints with
coloured powders as used to be done. The brush is a small
magnet with narrow poles, which is passed back and forth
in various directions over the surface being examined. The
magnet is first put into a dish of very fine iron filings, which
cling to the poles in the normal way. As it is passed over
the dirty surface the filings, which act as the 'bristles' of
the 'brush', adhere to the swea t and grease of the fingerprint and colour it a characteristic dark grey; the rest of
the surface remains clean. The prints brought out by the
Iili ngs are readily copied on special film.
Lifting magnets are widely used in industry and other
fields where a specially strong force of attraction is required. When Professor Auguste Piccard, for example, explo4-1656
red ocean deeps in his famous bathyscaphe, a powerful electromagnet supported its iron ballast.
Electromagnets are also used in transport. As early as
1910 railway engineers magnetized the wheels of wagons
in order to improve grip on the rails (by increasing friction).
The electromagnet tripled the coefficient of friction, and
consequently the load capacity.
This, of course, is by no means the whole extent of the
application of magnets in transport. There is, for example,
Weinberg's famous scheme for a magnetic road, a tube along
which small wagons suspended in a magnetic field would
move in a vacuum, attaining very high speeds (of the order
of 1000 km per hour). Small models of his system were built,
and were used at one time to transport letters at the Moscow
Post Office.
Great advances have recently been made in the United
States on the magnetic suspension of trains, in particular
with Francis Bitter's magneplan at the National Magnetic
Laboratory, which develops a speed of 300 miles an hour.
It is also planned to use electromagnets for docking spacecraft. Magnetic boots for spacemen would be another
not unimportant development.
But to make a magnet that is good enough, powerful
enough, and with all the required characteristics is not so
simple. First of all it must be correctly designed, and that
didn't happen at once. And naturally, before electromagnets could be brought into general use in industry, transport, and other fields, they had to be tested in the laboratory.
The first magnets were made 'trusting to luck' Nat every
shape, however, produced a good result. It was purely
accidental that Sturgeon chanced upon a very successful
one; horseshoe magnets have been made ever since. Lack of
experience and of any elementary method of designing magnets led to shapes that now seem quite absurd.
A three-pronged magnet, for instance, could not work
properly because the magnetic fluxes in each prong would
where m was the mass of the particle, v its velocity, and H
the strength of the magnetic field.
Thus, by knowing the strength of a magnetic field and
measuring the radius of the trail of a particle in a cloud
chamber, we can ascertain its impulse (mv); and knowing
its mass, we can determine its energy.
So long as the energy of the particles studied was relatively small, the Wilson cloud chamber was an indispensable
piece of laboratory apparatus. But in the Fifties, in the
USSR, the USA, and other countries, a series of giant accelerators were brought into service capable of imparting colossal energy to particles, an energy so great that particles
passed through cloud chambers without hindrance and were
scarcely deflected by the magnetic field (which is not sur-
Fig. 11. A powerful bubble chamber. The yoke (on the left) and the
coils of the electromagnet are clearly visible.
medium by the heat given off during the formation of charged ions by an 'energetic' particle. Organic liquids or liquefied gases are usually used. The useful volume of bubble
chambers varies from a fraction of a litre to hundreds of
litres. And likewise the magnets used with them also vary
(Fig. 11). For the Soviet freon chamber (diameter 115 em;
height 50 em) for example, a magnet with a field of 26 500
oersteds, and weighing 72 tons, was made.
There are even bigger chambers and magnets. On one of
the anti-proton channels of the synchrotron in Duhna , not
far from Moscow, there is a propane chamber, one of the
largest, with a diameter of two metres.
At the exit of the Serpukhov accelerator the very large
French Mirabelle bubble chamber, with a functioning diameter of five metres, has been installed.
But physicists are drawing up new schemes, and a liquid hydrogen chamber with a diameter of seven metres is
on the drawing boards waiting its turn for use in studying
that all-penetrating particle, the neutrino.
Electromagnets Without Steel Cores
H =G
next one and thus make an unbroken spiral carrying a current (Fig. 12).
Being then the most powerful solenoid in the world, it
was in constant demand for science up to the time research
began to require even stronger fields. The only interruption came during the wartime Manhatten Project, when
it was employed at Oak Ridge for experiments in separating uranium isotopes. Natural uranium contains only 0.7 per
cent of U 235 which was needed for the atomic bomb; Bitter's
powerful magnet was used to separate U 235 from the natural
The rapid development of many branches of physics in
the 1960's, especially magnetic retention of plasma and
study of superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, quantum
optics, and elementary particles, made super-powerful
magnetic fields a basic requirement. Special laboratories
and institutes were set up in the USSR, the USA, and Great
Britain to obtain them.
In 1965 a field of 220 000 oersteds was obtained, i.e.
Fig. 13. The world '8 most powerful electromagnet in the US National Magnetic Laboratory
500 000 times stronger than that of the Earth, 100 times
greater than that of sunspots, and only a quarter that calculated to exist in the atomic nucleus.
This field was obtained at U.S. National Laboratory of
Magnetism by means of three co-axial solenoids, built by
Henry KoIrn, using Bruce Montgomery's design. The magnet
had an inside diameter of ten centimetres and used 16 000
kW of power. The outside was wound with a hollow copper
tyre of square cross-section. The inside was filled with copper discs, on which radial cooling channels had been etched.
More than three tons of copper were used in the magnet;
and the pressure of the magnetic field inside it was so great
that the copper began to 'flow' The pressure, incidentally,
was more than three times that at the bottom of the deepest
ocean deeps.
'I'he magnet had an interesting cooling system that employed the latest advances in building atomic reactors.
The solenoid designed by Montgomery employed the principle of 'film boiling' The temperature on the surface of
the cooled copper spiral, being over 100C, caused numerous tiny bubbles of steam to form, which were dispersed
in thousandths of a second in the huge volume of comparatively cold water that poured like a waterfall onto the solenoid. * Because the specific heat of vaporization of water
is very great, much more energy was dissipated by the bubbles developing on the surface of the spiral than would be
the ease with heating of the cooling water. This principle
of 'local' or 'film' boiling was first used in Kolm '8 small
magnet that yielded a field of 126 000 oersteds. Compared
with Bitter's 100 000 oersted solenoid it was tiny, only
one-twenty-fifth the volume.
The magnets of 400 000 oersteds built in America and of
700 000 to one million oersteds built in the Soviet Union
are cooled on the same principle. The power required by
the Soviet magnets is colossal, 1000 megawatts, equal to
the output of two of the generators in big hydro-electric
stations like that at Krasnoyarsk.
The huge field of 220 000 oersteds obtained by Kolm
occupied a comparatively small volume, although the magnet itself was more than a metre wide. Large-scale research
was difficult with it and therefore designers have been searching for new ways of obtaining strong fields in significant
Perhaps another cooling agent could be used?
An interesting experiment was carried out at the University of California. A solenoid cooled with kerosene had already been built in 1959. Kerosene was used because water, especially water with impurities, is not an ideal in-
* We say 'waterfall' deliberately. A river not far from the laboratory was used to cool the magnet. The energy dissipated in the
solenoid was so great that the water in the river below the laboratory
was O.5C warmer than the water higher up stream.
quid hydrogen) and other materials for the coils (e.g. sodium pressed into a thin steel tube). Although the results
of these experiments were promising, no one succeeded in
producing a stronger field.
These magnets are usually fed from their own power
installation generating several thousand kilowatts of direct current. When this power is insufficient (as happened
with Kolm's record-breaking solenoid) a fly-wheel is put
on the shaft of the machine. By storing sufficient energy
in it, it is possible, as Kapitza did many years ago, to draw
several times its nominal power from a generator for a short
period. At the Royal Radar Establishment in Great Britain
Fig. 16. Coils wound in this way are almost free from the terrible
drawback of powerful electromagnets, as the forces generated in the
coil by the pressure of the magnetic field are reduced.
That is why the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V Keldysh touched on this question during his
speech at the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union in 1966. The award of a Lenin Prize in 1966
to the group of physicists who had theoretically demonstrated the new possibilities of obtaining super-powerful magnetic fields underlined the significance of the problem.
It All Began with an Electric Eel
In which tribute is paid to the 'great bookbinder', a tribute that is more symbolic than rea] insofar as the first man
to open the door to the new field of physics, that of superpowerful magnetic fields, was Prof. P.L. Kapitza, Mern.
USSR Acad. Sci.
Pulsed magnetic fields are widely used in modern
research and have been since Peter Kapitza began using
them in the Twenties.
There is no need to look far to demonstrate the earlier
sources from which the experiments probably developed.
In the famous argument between Volta and Galvani it
was Volta, we know, who emerged as the victor: the frog
legs twitched because of an electromotive force that developed in the artificially created source. It was simply that
frogs' legs are a sensitive measuring apparatus. But Galvani was also to a certain extent right. His thesis about the
electricity that exists in all living creatures anticipated
by two centuries the teaching now familiar to everyone
about bioelectricity. All living things without exception
have biocurrents. The human heart, for example, creates
an electric current on the surface of the body of approximately one-thousandth of a volt, and the brain a current onetenth of that strength. The giant electric ray can emit a
current of some 50 to 60 volts, capable of killing a large
With his new storage batteries he succeeded, by shortcircuiting them, in obtaining a momentary current of 7000
amperes and an instantaneous power of 1000 kilowatts.
Discharging the battery on a solenoid with an internal
diameter of one millimetre Kapitza got a magnetic field
of 0.5 X 106 oersteds for three-thousandths of a second until
the solenoid exploded. Experiments were made on all sorts
of solenoids with this battery. In one, wound with copper
wire, a field of 130 000 oersteds was measured; when it was
dipped in liquid nitrogen it proved possible regularly to
obtain a field of 250 000 oersteds. This was the largest field
they managed to obtain then using batteries. For larger
fields it was essential to find another, more powerful source
of power. At the same time the source must produce something in the order of 50 000 kilowatts in the time needed to
heat the coil to 150C (the thermal limit of the insulation),
which was one-hundredth of a second.
For his source Kapitza used a generator with a nominal
rating of 2000 kW, which did not overheat when shorted
as normal generators did, and gave 50 000 kW for 0.01 of a
second without dangerous consequences. The generator was
built by Metropolitan Vickers to the specifications of Kapitza, M.P. Kostenko, and Miles Walker. It was driven by
a special electric motor powered by accumulators.
The rotor of the generator weighed 2.5 tons and had a
diameter of 50 centimetres. Its large moment of inertia
made a special flywheel unnecessary. The generator produced
alternating current, which was very essential, since a large
short-circuit current was only wanted for a short period of
time. If the generator had produced direct current it would
have had to be switched off after 0.01 of a second, and that
was a very complicated problem. Alternating current, of
course, passes twice through zero in each rotation and it
does not present special difficulty to switch the generator
off as the current approaches zero. They had only to synchronize the moment when the current approached zero accura-
tely with the moment when the generator was short circuited. It is impossible to do it with absolute accuracy: the
shorting could coincide with the time when the current in
the winding was not yet zero. Just in case Kapitza had to
design a switch for a current of 5000 amperes (the strength
of the current was 30 000 amperes), opening the circuit for
0.0001 of a second, which in itself was a feat of engineering.
The solenoid that had to take the huge current of the
short-circuited generator was made from square copper
wire. In later experiments an alloy of copper and cadmium
was used instead as it possessed greater durability at heightened electrical resistivity. When the current from the generator passed through the coil immense mechanical forces
of tens of tons developed in it; and so that they should not
smash the coil it was reinforced on the outside by a strong
steel ribbon, which bore the brunt of the pressure.
But that was not all. The powerful forces induced the
coil to unwind slightly and its ends to come away from the
contacts that fed the current into it; coil after coil was
ruined because of this secondary phenomenon, which developed after the basic difficulties seemed to have been overcome. It took several months to overcome this snag. Finally
a solution was found. Kapitza made a coil which could
'breathe', or expand automatically; one of the contacts
was moveable, and after several tests it took up the position
that 'suited it best'
Another serious obstacle was the shortness of the time
for making all the measurements. For the magnetic field
in the solenoid lasted for a hundredth of a second and all
the experiments had to be begun and completed in that
The work was further complicated by the micro-earthquakes that occurred when the generator was sharply braked at the moment the coil was shorted. Although the generator was mounted on a massive foundation, resting on
a rock base with a shock-absorbing cushion, the wave of
Fig. 18. Turns for developing pulsed magnetic fields of (a) 800 000
oersteds; one million (b) and (c) 1 600 000 oersteds.
withstand fields between 500 000 and 700 000 oersteds. Solenoids are unable to counteract the huge forces set up by
such fields. The insulation between the turns is an especially weak point; to get over this drawback it is necessary to
lise a single massive turn and holder made of copper, tempered
steel, or beryllium bronze.
The aim of experiments became primarily to discover
how far metals could withstand the mechanical and thermal
consequences of very intense pulsed fields (Fig. 19). It was
found that no metal could support the forces set up in a
field of a million oersteds and it began to look as though
the progress made with intense fields would be limited by
this figure. But physicists now seem to have found a way
out of this difficulty, too, by using the 'force-free' windings
we discussed earlier.
A large number of 'force-free' and low-power windings
have been devised. Until such times as more durable and
refractory materials are discovered 'force-free' coils are
physicists' last hope of obtaining stable strong fields in
indestructible coils.
It is now common for fields between 200 000 and 700 000
oersteds to be obtained by discharging powerful condenser
banks onto a Bitter solenoid sometimes reinforced with
ceramic for strength or onto a single turn. In the Soviet
Union, there are such installations at Moscow University,
the Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
and in Sverdlovsk, and other centres.
But was there no other way of obtaining intense fields
than suddenly bombarding a solenoid with vast energy?
In 1940 the Soviet electrical engineers G. Babat and M.
Lozinsky published a paper in which the idea of a flux
'concentrator' was mentioned for the first time.
The idea is fairly easily understood. Imagine a slotted
cylinder carrying current, closed at the slotted end by a
metal piston. The current sets up a magnetic field inside
the cylinder, the strength of which is characterized by the
years ago by Soviet physicists R.Z. Lyudaev, E.A. Feoktistova, G.. A. Tsirkov and A.A. Chvileva under the guidance of A.D. Sakharov. Examining the idea of concentration of the magnetic flux and realizing that its effectiveness,
increased with the speed at which the zone of concentration is 'collapsed', they concluded that the effect would be
optimum if it were produced by means of explosives. For
when a field is set up within a massive closed coil and the
coil is then compressed by a cumulative explosion, the density of the lines of force and, consequently, the strength of
the magnetic field inside the contracted coil are greatly
increased, because the magnetic flux within its contours
cannot instantly change.
Similar ideas were tried out by American physicists at
the Los Alamos Laboratory. The principle of the device
used in the Soviet experiments is shown in Fig. 20. An
initial magnetic field of one million oersteds has been obtained with apparatus employing an explosion.
The metal ring, 7.5-10 em in diameter, holds four to
eight kilograms of explosives. When the outer field reaches
its maximum the explosives are fired and the diameter of
Fig. 21. The assembly of MC-1 and MC-2 magnetocumulative generators used to obtain a record magnetic field of 25 million oersteds.
the ring is compressed several millimetres at a rate of 'collapse' around 0.5 em in 0.000001 second (5 km/s).
The Soviet physicists recorded the incredible field of
25 million oersteds* and the Americans a field of 18 million
oersteds. Further measurements of the field were impossible
as during 'collapse' the diameter of the ring decreased so
much that it crushed the sensor that was taking them.
The whole process took only a few millionths of a second.
Many eminent scientists think that the field obtained
is not the limit and that fields of 100 million oersteds and
* The record i'ield was obtained by consecutive use of two explosive or magnetocumulative generators-MC-1 and MC-2. The second
generator was used to create a 'spark' field that then collapsed the
MC-2 generator. The arrangement of these two unique pieces of equipment is shown in Fig. 21.
higher could be obtained in the same way. Such unimaginable fields exist only in the depths of planets and stars.
Since the pressure of a magnetic fields increases in proportion to the square of its intensity, such immense fields would
develop corresponding pressures (thousands of million atmospheres).
TIle carrying out of experiments that simultaneously
combine such enormous fields and pressures is of inestimable
value, for example, for studying the processes taking place
within planets and stars, during the gravitational collapse
of superstars, and so all.
100 X 10
0.1 Hi
difference of one million volts an electron acquires an energy of 1 MeV. Since modern technology can operate quite
freely with voltages of the order of five million to ten million volts, obviously this method has no equal.
But multiple acceleration, in which the particle repeatedly passes through the same 'accelerating gap' in which
the potential difference is between 100 000 and 400 000
volts, is more commonly used. This method was proposed
by Lawrence, who used a magnetic field to return particles
to the accelerating gap, as it was known that any charged
particle moved in a circular fashion in a magnetic field.
Lawrence placed accelerating gaps at two places on the
As the energy of the particles obtained in accelerators
rises, so the radius of their orbits increases and with it the
diameter of the magnets, which is why the biggest magnets
in the world are those in accelerators.
A charged particle is subjected to two forces in a cyclotron: centrifugal force, which tends to eject it from the cyclotron, and centripetal or Lorentz force that impels it to
move around the circle.
Centrifugal force, as we know, is expressed by the following equation:
mv 2
PH = O.1eZHv
where eZ is the charge of the particle, and H is the strength
of the magnetic field.
These equations show that the magnetic field in a cyclotron must be uniform, that is to say, it must be consistent
in size and strength along the whole of the orbit. If, for
the poles, but those at the outside of the pole will he bent
outward, giving them a 'barrel-shaped hulge'. Around the
'equator' of the 'barrel' the field is minimal, hut increases
on either side of it. A particle moving in such a field cannot hit one of the poles because it would have to cross over
from an area with a weak field to one with a strong field
and thus expend a certain amount of energy.
The poles themselves are conical so that the magnetic
lines of force of the dispersion flux diverge from them along
their height. Thus the further the flux passes along the poles
from the working zone, the more intense it is.
What would happen if the pole were cylindrical and its
cross-section constant in height? The induction in the pole
near the working zone in that case would be very low
(B -==<1>/8, tI> being the magnetic flux and S the cross-section
of its path) and extremely high far from the working zone.
The poles would be loaded differently in various sections
and (and this is the main point) irrationally. To prevent
that they must be conical. The smaller section will then
correspond to the smaller current, induction will be the same in all sections, and the pole will be evenly loaded.
The scientists ebdeavour to get the induction in the pole
equal to that in the working zone, i.e. 14 000-17 000 gauss.
Why didn't they take a higher induction? In principle
they could have but at higher levels the magnetic core is
strongly 'saturated', so that it requires a large magnetizing current to induce a magnetic flux along it. Besides
which, if the poles are saturated, it is difficult to ensure
the required distribution of the magnetic field in the working zone.
The conical poles for the electromagnet of a cyclotron
are generally made from a single steel forging.
The main coils, usually mad.e of copper or aluminium
husbar, with a cross-section of 50-100 mm'' and an opening
inside, through which cooling water is circulated, are fastened to poles, creating a strong magnetic field.
In addition to the main winding, cyclotrons have a supplementary one near the gap, usually made from two coils
placed Ileal' the edge of the pole. TIley 'aim ' the particles
at the target, in other words they regulate the height of
the plane along which the particles move in the cyclotron.
Because of various accidental factors this plane is not
usually, contrary to expectations, in the middle between
the poles. Anything nearby, a safe, or a steel door, or a
gas cylinder, can displace the median plane.
One of the biggest electromagnets of the 'armoured ' type
already described was built for the 660-MeV synchrocyclotron at the J oint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.
It has pole pieces six metres in diameter and weighs 7000
tons. The synehrocyclotron at Berkeley, California, is rather
The weight of cyclotron magnets can be calculated from
the following formula:
G == 4.8 X 10-3 r 2 5 tons
it is difficult exactly to meet all the requirements as regards the configuration of the magnetic field at such high
energies (Fig. 24).
Magnetic systems of the cyclotron type are also used in
another type of accelerator, known as a synchrocyclotron,
or phasotron, which differs from the cyclotron in the fre-
Fig. 24. This refined shape of the poles helps increase the energy of
the particles obtained in a cyclotron.
Let us figure, for example, how much a cyclical accelerator with an energy of 10 000 MeV (or 10 GeV) would
weigh. If the magnetic field on the final orbit is to be 14 500
oersteds then its radius must be around 25 metres. Substituting that radius in the equation we had earlier for the
weight of a magnet
G = 4.8 X 10-3 r 2 6 tons
we get a magnet weighing 1 500 000 tons. It would be pointless even to consider building it.
Why do high-energy cyclotrons weigh so much? One reason, apparently, is that we have chosen a magnetic field
of low strength. If we could increase it several times the
radius would be reduced by a corresponding amount and
the weight of the magnet by 2.5 times that amount. But
the magnetic fields in cyclotrons cannot be significantly
increased because the steel would become magnetically
Another reason is the very principle on which a cyclotron works. Since its magnetic field is constant in time, a
particle acquiring a definite 'dollop' of energy in the accelerating gap begins to move along a wider orbit, so that
its trajectory resembles a spiral. And it is this spiraling of
the orbit that makes it necessary for a cyclotron to have
a full set of radii from zero to that of the final orbit. In other
words the pole has to be cylindrical, that is to say massive
and heavy.
Apparently, however, it is not absolutely essential to
have a full set of orbits of varying radii. If the magnetic
field in the accelerator altered as the particle '8 energy
rose, 3S stated in the formula
magnetic field approximates the rate of change in the particle '8 energy.
In that event it would be possible to leave a narrow ring
at the edge of the pole instead of having cylindrical poles,
and to do away with the core of the pole altogether. It is
only accelerators like that that now enable us to obtain
beams of high energy particles at relatively low cost (in
comparison with a hypothetical cyclotron of the same energy). These ring-shaped accelerators, as they are called,
include synchrotrons and synchrophasotrons, the largest
and most expensive bits of equipment physicists have ever
had at their disposal. Their magnetic system usually consists of several sectional magnets set out in a circle separated by the accelerating gaps. The cost of the magnets
for either type (there is little difference between them) amounts to around half the cost of the complete installation,
which is hardly surprising when you consider that the ring
of magnets has a diameter of tens, if not hundreds of'metres.
Vertical focusing operates in synchrotrons on the same
principle as in cyclotrons; the magnets are so set up that
the magnetic field on their outer radius is less than on
the inner one. Thus every particle leaving the median plane
experiences a force from the barrel-shaped field impelling
it to return, a principle that is called 'weak' focusing.
Table 1
Radius of orbit. in
Geneva (CERN)
Fig. 25. The comparative sizes of accelerator magnets with (a) weak
and (b) strong focusing.
'Imagine something of the order of a geological formation, the panorama, for instance, of a lunar crater big enough to be noted on their maps by modern selenographers.
The crater is neither empty nor uninhabited, but populated
and covered with grass, and lies in the attractive surroundings of a Russian forest. OUf Volga car runs around the foot
of it just like an ant on a bicycle tyre. On the very brow
of the crater and near it are buildings of concrete and steel.
These imposing, quite unique buildings house the separate
parts of the accelerator and its various services.
'The apparent lightness of the architecture hides what
is a veritable fortress. It has walls, ceilings, and gates of
such fabulous strength that even the most arrogant builders
of mediaeval castles would bow to. The fortified appearance of king Atom's palaces is a necessary precaution against
radiation. The circular tumulus reminiscent of a lunar
crater is also defensive, protection against lethal radiation. For the first time physical apparatus, a proton accelerator, almost three times as powerful as its European
and Transatlantic fellows, has achieved the size of a small
town or a big industrial works.'
To provide strong focusing in the Serpukhov accelerator
and similar machines magnet sections in which the field
decays in opposite directions are set up one behind the
other; when the field in the first magnet falls off toward
the outside radius (vertical focusing) it is reduced toward
the centre of the next, reducing the horizontal cross-section
of the beam. As a result, the cross-section of the beam and
consequently the dimensions of the working zone of the
magnet are smaller, which enables the energy of particles
to be increased without any substantial increase in the
weight of the magnet.
The principle of strong focusing soon began to be used in
other things than accelerators. Rotary magnets and quadruple
lenses working on this principle are widely used, for example,
to focus beams and feed them to the experimenter's table.
Fig. 26. The most powerful solenoid in the USSR. A constant magnetic field of 200 000 oersteds can be obtained.
The building of accelerators with strong focusing permitted higher energies to be obtained with lighter magnetic systems. But the building of a synchrotron of say 300
GeV needs the economic resources of powerful states. The
problem of building one has to be decided at government
level, like the building of a new town. The comparison
with a town is a very apt one, as a scientific centre with a
whole township of scientists and technicians develops rapidly around every large accelerator.
Of course the cost of larger accelerators is considerably
higher. A tOOO-GeV accelerator would cost around 1000
million roubles. Its sectional ring magnet would be about
seven kilometres across. Its construction would involve
thousands of people and hundreds of organizations. True,
by using strong focusing the magnet required would be kept
down to a mere 30 000 tons. For protection against radiation a concrete wall twelve metres thick would have to be
built around the accelerator.
It is just that which stimulates attempts to use superconductors as the material for the coils of accelerator magnets. A superconductor has no ohmic resistance, so that
consequently there would be no loss of energy. Another
positive aspect of using superconducting coils would be
the possibility of greatly increasing the magnetic field and
thereby reducing the radius of the accelerator; for a field
of 100 000 oersteds the radius could be reduced by 80 per
So, one way or another, large accelerators and magnets
will be built, for all our atomic projects and our knowledge of elementary particles are based on information obtained. from accelerators. New, more powerful ones would
seemingly help (a) to explain the innermost secrets of matter and (b) to use the facts obtained for the technology of
the future.
Magnetic Traps for Thermonuclear Research
In which we talk about how magnets are helping to tame
thermonuclear reactions.
Uranium fission can now be considered well mastered;
and the cost of atomic power is now already comparable
with the cost of power from thermal power stations. But reserves of radioactive elements capable of being split are
not unlimited. The energy obtainable from the uranium
and thorium to be found on Earth is about 100 times as
much as the energy obtainable from conventional fuels.
But there is as much water-the fuel used in the synthesis
reaction-as we need. I.E. Tamm, Member of the USSR
Academy of Sciences, has written that as much energy can
be extracted from the deuterium in one litre of water as
from 350 litres of petrol. So the energy of the five oceans
is equal to 1750 oceans of petrol. Even with a hundredfold
increase in demand, such a supply of energy should be sufficient to last man for thousands of millions of years.
We must not forget that the waste from conventional
atomic power stations is highly radioactive. If, for example, the USA generated all its electricity in atomic power
stations, the radioactivity of the wastes would be colossal,
equivalent to that caused by exploding 200 000 atomic
bombs; and by the year 2000 it would be equal to the radiation from 8 million atomic bombs in a year. That is clearly
too great a price to pay for power. In contrast, synthesis
reactions, or thermonuclear reactions as they are called,
are 'clean' as regards radioactive contamination.
To master controlled thermonuclear reactions, however,
is much more complicated than it seemed at first. We must
stress the 'controlled' because the hydrogen bomb, in which
a thermonuclear synthesis occurs, is an example of an
uncontrolled thermonuclear reaction. One of the serious
difficulties facing physicists is that the plasma escapes
from the 'magnetic bottles' that hold it. What are these
'magnetic bottles '? And why are they needed?
The purpose of a controlled thermonuclear reaction is
to give man electric energy, for electric energy has the
advantage over other forms of energy that it can be converted more efficiently and easily into other forms of power.
During a controlled thermonuclear reaction it is possible
to obtain electricity from the kinetic energy of the hot
gasses, from the energy of the light pulses, and from the
thermal energy.
A thermonuclear reaction occurs when the nuclei of approaching deuterium or tritium atoms acquire such high
energy that they can overcome the electrostatic forces of
repulsion and so collide and interact with each other. This
happens only when the gas has been heated to a temperature
of several million degrees, at which matter takes the form
of strongly ionized gas or plasma.
What sort of vessel can withstand such a high temperature? If plasma, heated to millions of degrees, simply touches the walls of the vessel, it will either cool to a temperature such as to make the reaction impossible or vaporize
the wall, as the steel tower was vaporized in the thermonuclear explosion at Bikini. No material can withstand such
high temperatures and so the question arises: how can we
contain the plasma? In the Fifties scientists allover the
world devoted much attention to this problem.
The physicists of the Soviet Union, the USA, and Great
Britain, which were then the atomic Big Three, though
separated from one another by impenetrable barriers of
secrecy, began work 011 it about the same time. When after
I.V Kurchatov's report in 1956 at Harwell on the Soviet
programme of thermonuclear research the barriers of secrecy were removed it turned out that they had come to
the same conclusion, that the only way to contain plasma
without cooling it was to use a magnetic field. Though
invisible and intangible, its network of lines of force would
hold the plasma away from the walls of the vessel, which
would otherwise be reduced to ashes.
The idea of magnetic thermo-insulation of plasma is based on the known property of electrically charged particles
moving in a magnetic field to follow a curved trajectory
and move in a spiral along the lines of force of the field.
In a non-uniform magnetic field this bending of the trajectory throws the particle out at the place where the field
is weakest. The problem then was to surround the plasma
on all sides with a stronger field. Many laboratories worked
on its solution.
When there is ordered movement of some sort in one direction in plasma, it means that the plasma is in effect a
flexible column with an electric current, because by definition an electric current is the ordered movement of charged particles.
Every current creates a magnetic field around itself,
the chamber and 12 000 oersteds at the mirrors. The magnetic field of the rectilinear conductors was 8000 oersteds near
the walls. The working volume was 1.5 metres long and
40 centimetres in diameter. Soviet physicists were greatly
encouraged by the results of their first experiments. The
plasma was 35 times more stable than in the original 'probkotrons' and lasted for several hundredths of a second.
In 1964 Ogra-II was built, also on the principle of combined magnetic fields.
It is now accepted in all countries that a complex configuration of the magnetic field is the key to long-lived
plasma. Magnetic systems with opposing fields, as in Orekh
(the Nut) in which the direction of the current from one
of the mirror coils is 'confused', installations with highfrequency mirrors, 'antiprobkotrons', and still more. sophisticated machines have already been built, and scientists in the Soviet Union and other countries are working
intensively on making other magnetic traps (Fig. 33).
What will a thermonuclear generator be like? The magnetic trap is likely to be very large, for only then will
Nature offers us a marvellous example of how she has solved it. For that matter, if there is so much dangerous radiation in the space around the Sun, how is it that the human
race has survived? Why has the Earth not been turned into
a desert, a lifeless plain?
As we said earlier, the Earth is protected against radiation by its own magnetic field. As soon as a charged particle
enters this field its path is deflected and it begins to orbit
the Earth, revolving along the lines of force of the magnetic field.
Therefore a magnet can be used to protect a spaceship
against radiation. It would have to be approximately equal
to the diameter of the ship, of course, and the field strong
enough to repel dangerous particles.
This problem did not seem to be too complicated. After
all, in the 150 years since Sturgeon made the first electromagnet engineers have learnt how to make electromagnets
of appropriate dimensions and with quite strong fields.
And since Arago.. and Ampere demonstrated that a spiral
carrying direct current behaves in exactly the same way as
a natural permanent magnet, attracting small bits of iron,
all modern electromagnets have worked on that principle;
each always has a spiral (usually copper or aluminium)
that carries a current.
Theoretically there is no limit to the intensity and induction of a magnetic field of an electromagnet. The power
lost in the electrical resistance of the coil is the sole obstacle to obtaining super-high magnetic fields; and it increases with the square of the intensity of the required magnetic field. The record permanent electromagnet, built
in the USA with a water-cooled copper spiral, creates a
magnetic field with an induction of 250 000 gauss and consumes 60 megawatts. One scheme for an electromagnet with
a field of one million gauss envisages supplying it from
generators with a total power of 1000 megawatts.
In order to reduce the power required by an electromag-
net 'a steel core is put inside the spiral. The power can be
substantially reduced this way but the weight of the magnet
is increased 100 fold by the steel armour around the inside
and the outside of the spiral. Such magnets are used for
small fields of set uniformity (up to 20 000 gauss) as in the
magnetic systems of charged particles accelerators.
But quite obviously heavy magnets cannot be used on
spacecraft. So if magnetism is to be used as protection from
radiation it can only be done with relatively light systems
without steel cores. I t seemed as if the solution lay along
these lines. But the calculations did not support the idea.
An electromagnet in the form of a water-cooled copper coil
would have to weigh twenty or thirty tons, or more, in
order to meet the demands put on it and would need a power
station and a pumping station installed on the spacecraft
to serve it.
A new type of magnet was clearly needed that would be
light, compact, and highly economic, quite unlike the
multi-ton copper and steel monsters that have occupied
huge physics laboratories and the underground lairs of gigantic synchrophasotrons.
It is difficult to imagine how complicated it was to create
new magnets. We can now say 'was' because thousands
of such devices have already been tested in the laboratory.
They are not only intended for outer space, after all many
terrestrial branches of science and technology are connected
in some way or another with the application of magnetic
This is probably the best place to explain what magnets
we shall now be concerned with. We use magnets very often
in our daily life-every time we switch on an electric razor,
a tape recorder, a vacuum cleaner, a radio set, an electric
floor polisher, or a television set. Bu t these magnets are
relatively weak; their fields are nowhere near 10 000 gauss
(ten kilogauss) and the volume in which they operate is
measured in cubic millimetres.
Mistake or Discovery?
In which an eminent Dutch scientist, after long doubts,
communicates a new discovery to the world.
An eminent physicist once said that the modern scientists involved with superconducting magnets 'have stolen
the pie from Onnes and are gobbling it up' But actually
there is as big a difference between modern superconducting
magnets and Kamerlingh Onnes's ideas as there is between a pie and its recipe. Back in 1911 the Dutch
physicist Kamerlingh Ormes while working in his Leyden laboratory accidently stumbled upon the phenomenon
of superconductivity and at first took it for an error in his
And it was a very long time before he realized that superconductivity was not an experimental error or proof
of his incorrect theory of electrical resistance but a totally
* The Kelvin scale is used here. Temperature is read from absolute zero (0 OK = -273.16 C).
* At 4.2 "K copper has a resistivity of i.OX 10- 9 ohrn-centimetre, which is at least 33 X 1012 greater than that of a superconductor. So copper is often used as an electrical insulator for superconducting wire.
is reduced by an amount that can only be observed experimentally over a period of not less than 100 000 years.
It is now understandable why, in one of the experiments
carried out from March 1954 to September 1956, the researchers failed to notice the slightest fall in the current
in a lead circuit. An experiment that took ten years yielded the same result.
But during research into the fading of magnetic flux
inside a niobium-zirconium tube (25 per cent zirconium)
it was found that the flux did die away in logarithmic
progression; in the first second it fell by 1.0 per cent, in
the next ten seconds by 1.0 per cent, and so on. To fade
away completely, or rather to the point where nothing
is measurable by means of modern instruments, would
take 10 92 years. It follows, of course, that one has to approach the results of such experiments warily. Any ring
creating a magnetic field is known to experience forces tending
to increase its size or simply to disrupt it. An increase
in the diameter of the ring, if only by one millionth, would
immediately be reflected by a fall in the field, which
might be ascribed to the presence of electrical resistance
in the superconductor.
It was 22 years after the first, main property of superconductors-the absence of resistance-was (in 1911) discovered that their second major property became known.
In 1933 the German physicists Meissner and Ochsenfeld
discovered that superconductors were ideal diamagnets.
What did that mean?
We, for example, are always in the Earth's magnetic
field. Its lines of force penetrate everything around us.
When anything ferromagnetic, like a piece of iron, comes
into their path they become denser. But when they meet
a dimagnet they spread apart and form a vacuum of lines
of force. Magnetic lines of force do not generally penetrate
a superconductor. In other words a superconductor is
a perfect d iamagnet ; its interior is ideally screened from
Table 2
Transition Temperatures and Critical Magnetic Fields of
* The role of the lattice in the development of the superconducting properties was demonstrated in 1950 by E. Maxwell, who
discovered the isotopic effect, i.e. the dependence of the critical
temperature on the frequency of oscillation of the lattice (the mass
of the atom).
namely the laws of quantum mechanics by which the carriers of electricity, electrons, have exactly the same characteristics as visible light. We now have to judge
the behaviour of an electron by the laws that govern
We all know what total internal reflection is. When the
angle at which light strikes the interface of boundary between two surfaces, e.g. glass and air, is less than a certain,
critical, angle the wave coming from within the glass to
its surface will not pass out into the surrounding space
but will be reflected back into the glass from the interface.
So it will not enter the space around the glass; in other
words no light will pass out into the air. And in fact we
see no signs of it at first. But what is this?
As we bring a second glass plate closer and closer to
the interface, we begin to notice a faint luminescence in
it. Where does the luminescence come from? For the wave
was reflected back from the edge and did not come out
into the surrounding atmosphere. It appears that, as we
bring the second glass plate closer to the first, an undamped wave is formed in it like that in the first plate and in
this case the solution of Maxwell '8 equation is also unexpected. Outside the glass, it seems, there is an electromagnetic field that quickly fades with distance. If we investigate the reason for the luminescence in the second glass
we can say that the light wave has crossed from the one
piece of glass to the other through a 'tunnelling' effect.
Approximately the same thing happens whan the plates
of a condenser are brought close together. Despite the
apparent total reflection of the electron waves from the
interface of the metal condenser and the vacuum, there is
an electric field in the vacuum that fades with distance
from the plates. By bringing the plates close together we
obtain what is called tunnel effect.
Tunnel effect is no novelty in physics. It has been thoroughly studied in semiconductors, and intensively in141
gauss the conventional barrier, tin-oxide-tin, gives a signal output up to one microvolt, which even breaks the
record set by the famous cryotron. To switch a cryotron
requires a field of between 5 and 50 gauss, while its output
voltage is only one-tenth that in the Josephson barrier.
Another very attractive possibility is that of utilizing
the second Josephson effect to generate electromagnetic
waves in the millimetre band. Unfortunately this part
of the electromagnetic spectrum, with waves varying in
length from a centimetre to hundredths of a millimetre,
is comparatively little used in science and engineering
because obtaining them is a vastly difficult and expensive
business. The Josephson barrier presents a cheap, convenient, and straightforward source of low-power coherent
radiation (i ,e, all the waves in the same phase) and monochromatic radiation (all the waves of equal length) in the
millimetre band.
There is, finally, another, at present still fantastic,
possibility. The sensation that stirred the world several
years ago never took place. The superconductors, predicted by Little-long organic molecules retaining their superconductivity even at several hundred degrees Celsiusfor a number of reasons proved impracticable. At the International Conference on Low-Temperature Physics held
in Moscow in September 1966 Little himself stated that,
thanks to the help of Soviet colleagues, he had found a
mistake in his calculations. The idea of a long, superconducting, organic molecule, however, closed in on itself and possessing surprising properties, was correct. The
question that remained was how to use it. For it would
have no ends, being closed in on itself. Who would need
this superconducting 'thing in itself'? And what could
we do with it?
There was silence in the hall until a young Soviet D .Sc.,
I. Dzyaloshinsky, rose and asked, half jokingly: 'Well,
perhaps ... the Josephson effect?'
The most promising superconducting materials, however, alloys of niobium and tin and vanadium and gallium,
are extremely fragile (for example the alloy of vanadium
and gallium is easily reduced to powder between the fingers). Such compounds must therefore be packed into flexible tubes or laid on a flexible lining. Yet such a complicated process is justi fled, if only because magnetic fields
up to 170 kilogauss can be obtained with superconducting
solenoids wound from steel strip bearing a layer of a niobium-tin alloy. Furthermore the magnet weighs only a
score or so kilograms and requires hardly any power instead of the scores of tons and thousands of kilowatts needed by a non-superconducting magnet of the same
Superconducting solenoids can function almost without
power, since a current once generated in them does not
fade. And the amount of energy expended in the helium
liquefier and in maintaining the magnets at low temperatures bears no comparison with the huge amounts used in
non-superconducting magnets.
Naturally the building of superconducting magnets is
not an easy business. One of the worst and unexpected difficulties designers encounter is the problem of the 'degradation' of the supercondu cting wire in the solenoid.
In order to understand what degradation is let us look,
for example, at how the load a beam will support is determined. It is not necessary of course always to make tests.
It is sufficient to know the material from which the beam
is made and the character of the load being applied. The
strength of the material being known-from small sam ples-the problem is reduced to one of making simple ealculations. Roughly speaking, the ratio of the load a heam
will support is directly proportional to the ratio of the
cross-section and the maximum load of the sample. In
other words whatever the length or the thickness of the
beam its properties can be calculated in advance with more
compounds superconductivity existed only at temperatures very close to absolute zero. No known superconductor can maintain its superconducting state at a temperature higher than 23K (the transition temperature of
a niobium-germanium alloy). And the forecasts of theoretical physicists were not very encouraging. They had established that, given the known mechanism of superconductivity, it was impossible in principle to obtain a substance
that would remain superconducting at temperatures higher
than 40 oK, i.e. -233C.
Helium, which liquefies at 4.2K, is used to obtain low
temperatures. Since even the slightest amount of heat
penetrating the vessel containing liquid helium can cause
it to evaporate rapidly liquid helium must be stored in
special vessels with extremely efficient heat insulation.
The designers of superconducting magnets did not in
fact have to solve the problem. They were able to make
use of the results obtained by the people working on space
research. The advances made by Soviet and American engineers working on the storing of rocket fuel in cryostats
led to a reliable design and effective means of insulating
these vessels, in which liquid helium can be stored for
several months.
In addition, the problem of building a superconducting
magnet whose field will persist at room temperature can
also be considered solved (how it was done is shown in Fig.
Victory over degradation and solution of the technical
problem of maintaining superconductors at superlow temperatures have enabled scientists to create unique supercondueting magnetic systems for research into plasma and for
the magnetohydrodynamic installations of bubble chambers. In the USA for example a superconducting magnet
has been built that induces a field of 40 kilogauss in a cylindrical volume 20 centimetres in diameter and 1.5 metres long. And a field of 70 kilogauss for a bubble chamber
Fig. 35. The magnetic field of a superconducting coil at the temperature of liquid helium can also be used at room temperature if the
Dewar flask holding the helium is tubular; I-liquid helium; 2-evacuated cavity; 3-superconducting coils.
ing. The experi~ent is. very important to us because it demonstrates the Ideal diamagnetism of certain superconductors. The lines of force of a magnetic field cannot penetrate
a diamagnetic body; and a diamagnet is an insurmountable
barrier to them, an impenetrable wall or plane. But if that
plane is not diamagnetic at even one point, it becomes a
ring for the magnetic field, the same as the ring from which
we obtain an electromagnet when we pass an electric current
along it.
The difference between the magnetic properties of the
superconducting and normal states of a conductor is so
striking that it is quite possible to speak of there being two
different materials. So it follows, in particular, for example,
that a superconducting ring must not necessarily have a
hole, Le, an aperture in the conventional mechanical sense.
A superconducting plate without an aperture can be considered, in the magnetic sense, as a ring if its superconductivity is destroyed at even one single spot not in contact
with its edge.
A non-superconducting or 'normal' zone in a superconductor can be treated by various means: by heating it at
some point to a temperature above the critical point, by
applying a strong local magnetic field, or by illuminating
a small area with a narrow beam of light (in the last case
superconductivity is also lost through the dispersion of
Using the fact that the location of the normal region (or
'aperture ') on the surface of the su perconductor is easily
shifted, it is possible to create an accumulator of magnetic
flux or, as it is sometimes called, a topological generator.
Let us suppose that a superconducting plate has a real hole
1 in which a magnetic flux q>1 is set up and that in an area
2 the superconductivity is at the same time disturbed in
some way without being mechanically destroyed. This nonsuperconducting region will act as a hole for the magnetic
lines of force set up by the current flowing in the newly
theoretically he possible then to obtain virtually any magnetic field, the opportunities for utilizing superconducting
magnets would actually be infinite.
Where they might be employed is the subject of our next
Superconductors in Operation
A lengthy chapter in which we trace what has already been
done with superconductors and what may yet be done.
Machines have penetrated all the forbidden corners of
nature, it would seem; there are no unattained heights,
and the bits of drilling rigs are boring into the bottom of
the ocean. Man has tamed the terrors of pressure and the
most rarified vacuum. There are installations in which he
has created temperatures of millions of degrees; and the logic of events in technology is now leading to the first technical devices being lowered to the bottom of the temperature well, into the strange world of the lowest temperatures, as well as physical instruments that impassively register what happens there. And like any still unexplored
world, the world of low temperatures conceals new enigmas
and new treasures.
When, sixty years or so ago, superconductivity was discovered, the Dutch scientist Heiko Kamerlingh Ormes, who
did it, immediately realized that the golden age had dawned
for electrical engineering. If we could eliminate the
electrical resistance of conductors in the electromagnets of
electrical machines, transformers, and transmission lines,
current would flow in them without fading, and their properties would immediately become unique-their efficiency
would be raised to nearly 1000.
Unfortunately, Kamerlingh Onnes 's radiant dream of
'roses without thorns', of electrical engineering without
Lion is five millimeLres. Inside the Dewar flask is a shortcircuited coil made of a niobium and tin alloy and immersed in liquid helium. The magnetic axis of the coil is
perpendicular to the axis of the flask.
The superconducting coil for exciting this machine is
made from an NbsSn alloy and has four hundred turns. By
means of a magnet that sets up a field of 20 000 oersteds
a constant magnetic flux was 'frozen' into the coil as follows: the Dewar flask (without liquid helium) was put between the poles of the powerful electromagnet so that the
axis of the coil coincided with the direction of the lines of
force in the gap. In this way the coil was at the same temperature as the nitrogen jacket of the flask, I.e. 77K, and
was not superconducting (the critical temperature 'I'; for
the NbaSn alloy is 18K). Then the helium (boiling point
4.2K) was poured into the flask and the coil became superconducting. When the electromagnet was switched off, by
Lenz's law a current was set up in the superconducting coil,
that supported the constant magnetic flux connected with
the coil. In that way the coil itself became electromagnetic.
The magnetic flux in the coil short-circuited along the magnetic core intersects the wires of the winding of the rotating
rotor. The voltage is drawn off from the rotor by means
of conventional brushes.
Industry, and the power and electrical engineering industries in particular, could not let slip the broad opportunities being opened up by the application of superconducting materials. We may cite as an example the 2400-kW
unipolar motor already built in Great Britain with a superconducting winding. In all respects (weight, size, cost,
operating expenses, and reliability) this electric motor is
superior to similar machines with copper field windings.
The outlook for superconductors as material for the
windings in the very large electrical machines of big power
stations (turbogenerators and hydroelectric generators) seems
particularly exciting. The capacity of these machines is
Of conventional
With superconducting
Because of the diamagnetism of a niobium disc the magnetic field set up in a coil made from superconducting wire
can levitate the disc. Experiments indicate that one square
centimetre of the 'hanging' surface can support a load of
300 grams. Quite big objects have already been lifted in
this way. There is an account, for example, of a five-kilogram lead cylinder floating above the winding.
The 'magnetic mirror' princi pIe can be used to make
bearings which permit the shaft to float in a vacuum without contact with the support. Many models have already
been built and tested.
The machines in a laboratory in America are of great
interest. Not only do their bearings work on the 'magnetic
mirror' principle but so does the electromagnetic interaction between stator and rotor.
If the rotor shaped like an empty tumbler is made from a
superconductor and stood hott.om uppermost with a magnet
inside it, the tumbler 'surfaces' on the rnagnetic lines of
force. If it is now put into the stator of a three-phase motor ~
t he revolving magnetic field becomes the equivalent of
two small magnets revolving around the surface of the stator on a single axis. Both the magnets repel the rotor and
naturally there is no torque, since the direction of the
force of repulsion passes through the tumbler's axis of rotation. If the glass is made hexagonal, for example, instead
of round, there wi ll be a torque that causes it to revolve
at the velocity of the revolving field, since velocity increases
as the frequency of the supply current rises .
.A. model working on this principle has been built in the
US.A.; its speed of rotation reached 20 000 rpm and was
only limited to that because the ni ob ium glass (which
weighed 26 grams) "vas then destroyed by the centrifugal forces. In this machine the rotating field is set up by sending
pulses of direct current through the stator or by setting
the voltages in two phases at a certain angle.
The disadvantage of such a design, however, is that it
phe::e in the jump of de~sity arou~d its head; and the greater Its speed the hotter It gets. ThIS heating could be redu?ed by me.aI?-s of magnetohydrodynamic equipment, but it
IS only efficient when the temperature of the gases is very
high, as happens when the vehicle is travelling at high speed
and the electrical conductivity of the plasma behind the
jump in the condensation becomes so high that it can then
be used as the working body of the MHD apparatus. If a
magnetic field is applied to this plasma both it and the vehicle will be braked relative to each other without coming
into contact, with the magnetic forces rather than the nose
cone offering resistance to the flow.
By selecting the degree of the interaction between plasma
and magnetic field it is possible to eliminate flow completely from the body so that its pressure and heat transfer
to the body completely disappear. In such conditions braking forces will only develop in the coil creating the magnetic field. And since the area in which it is possible to
create a magnetic field is quite large the effective braking
section of the body is much increased.
So, by using this type of magnetic aerodynamics, more
effective braking can be achieved without the vehicle itself
becoming overheated. It is also useful that braking could
begin in the more rarified layers of the atmosphere.
Even though entry into the atmosphere lasts only a few
minutes, the value of using superconductors for braking
is obvious, since the source needed to sustain the magnetic
field even for this short period of time adds considerably
to the weight of the vehicle. Furthermore the power needs
of superconducting coils are several times lower than those
of normal coils.
The number of processes both on Earth and in outer space
that require instantaneous power is growing all the time.
Such power can only be obtained by gradual accumulation.
Today, condenser batteries are usually used or dynami te.
Dynamite, however, can only be used when mechanical
by liquid nitrogen cuts the flow of heat into the low-temperature region by 200 times.
Liquid helium is kept in special Dewar flasks, which
are normally spherical since a sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume and every superfluous square
centimetre of surface represents extra heat flow. The vessel
most commonly used in the USSR holds about ten litres of
liquid helium. The helium is contained in a spherical reservoir inside a nitrogen bath, which in its turn is kept
inside a spherical holder that is at room temperature. A
high vacuum is created in the space between the outer holder and the vessels containing nitrogen and helium; the
loss of helium is less than 2 per cent a day.
There are larger standard vessels holding, for instance,
50, 80 or 100 litres, and the development of superconducting
technology may lead to much larger capacities. In the USA
helium cisterns holding 10 000 to 30 000 litres are already
used to provide a centralized supply of helium. In these
gigantic installations rather different principles of thermal
insulation are employed. So-called multi-screen vacuum
insulation is used, that is to say the vacuum gap filled with
as many as 100 layers of aluminium foil separated by insulating materials like glass cloth or glass paper.
The problem of transporting liquid helium through pipes,
which especially concerns those working on developing
superconducting power lines, is to all intents and purposes
solved. The principle on which these pipes or cryostats are
built is practically the same as that of Dewar flasks. An
inner pipe containing liquid helium is surrounded by concentric nitrogen screens, which are placed in turn in an
outer casing at normal temperature. The inside of the helium pipe is coated with a superconducting film which is
the conductor for this still exotic power line.
The first experiments in developing large cryogenic systems have brought reassuring results. We are sure that
we shall soon witness surprising new progress in this field.