High Pressure Boiler
High Pressure Boiler
High Pressure Boiler
4. Water softening plant.
2. Benson boiler
3. Loeffler boiler
4. Schmidt-Hartmann boiler
5. Velox boiler
6. Supercharged boiler
1. La Mont boiler: -
At the top of the boiler air preheater is installed to heat the air which is required
for combustion in combustion chamber.
Working: - The feed water from hot well is supplied to a storage and separating
drum through the economizer. The most of the sensible heat is supplied to the
feed water passing through the economizer. A centrifugal pump circulates the
water equal to 8 to 10 ties the weight of steam evaporated. This water is
circulated through the evaporator tubes and part of the water evaporated is
separated in the separator drum. The large quantity of water circulated prevents
the tubes from being overheated.
the water through the nozzle into the evaporator. The steam separated in the
boiler is further passed through the superheater and then supplied to the turbine.
The air drawn by the blower is preheated in the air preheater by the
flue gases before these are discharged through the chimney. The heated air from
air preheater is supplied to the combustion chamber and it improves the
combustion efficiency.
1. The boiler can generate steam up to a pressure of 150 bars and the
generation rate of steam ranges from 30000 to 45000 kg per hour.
1. Bubbles are formed at the inner face of heating tube. Because of which it
reduces the heat transfer rate.
2. Benson boiler:-
Construction: - Benson boiler is also vertical boiler. It has two types of
evaporators viz.
Working: - The main difficulty of Lamont boiler is the formation of bubbles at the
inner side of heating tubes which reduces the heat flow and steam generation as
it offers high thermal resistance than water film. Benson argued in 1922 that if the
boiler pressure was raised to critical pressure (225 bars) the steam and water
have the sane density and therefore the danger of bubble formation can be easily
1. As the generation of steam is carried out in the evaporating tubes at pressure
higher than critical pressure it doesn’t require any evaporating drum.
4. Due to absence of the evaporating drum the total weight is 20% less than
other boilers.
5. The superheater of the Benson boiler is the integral part of forced circulation
system therefore no special starting arrangement for superheater is required.
1. The evaporation process will leave small deposits during conversion of water
into steam due to which it requires frequent cleaning. To obviate this problem,
the water softening plant is require.
3. Loeffler boiler:-
Construction: - Components in Loeffler boiler are air pre heater, evaporating
drum radiant and convective evaporator feed pump etc. in Loeffler boiler H.P.
and L.P. boilers are added with steam circulating pump. The economizer is used
to heat the incoming water from feed pump. Steam circulating pump draws
superheated steam from evaporating drum.
Working: - The major difficulty in Lamont boiler is the deposition of salt and
sediment on the inner surface of the water tubes. This difficulty was solved in
Loeffler boiler by preventing the flow of water into the boiler tubes. Most of the
steam is generated outside from the feed water using part of the superheated
steam coming out from the boiler. The arrangement is shown in the following
The pressure feed pump draws the water through the economizer
and delivers it into the evaporator drum as shown. About 35% f the steam
coming out from the superheater is supplied to the H.P. steam turbine. The
steam coming out from H.P. turbine is passed through reheater before supplying
to L.P. turbine. The amount of heat generated in the evaporator drum is equal to
the steam tapped (65%) from the superheater. The nozzles which distribute the
superheated steam throughout the water into the evaporator drum are of special
design and avoid priming and noise. This boiler can carry higher salts
concentration than any other type.
1. Loeffler boiler can carry higher salt concentration than any other type of
4. Schmidth-Hartmann boiler:-
Distilled water from water drum enters into the primary evaporating
tubes by natural circulation. Steam at 95-100 bar pressure is generated in the
evaporating tubes with the help of hot flue gases circulated over the tubes from
combustion chamber. This steam enters via primary separator into the tubes
submerged in impure water of the evaporator or steam drum. The exchange of
heat between high pressure steam and impure water allows the water to be
converted into steam at a pressure of 55-60 bar which is further passed into
superheater for superheating purposes. The superheated stem is finally supplied
to the steam turbine. The condensate of high pressure steam collected from the
drum passes through the feed water preheater where it heat the low pressure
feed water up to its saturation temperature. The low pressure (L.P.) feed water is
pumped into preheater with the help of feed pump.
1. It can use impure water for generation of steam.
3. Any deposits in the evaporator drum due to impure water can easily brushed
off by removing the submerged tube from the drum or by blowing off the
4. Wide fluctuations of load are easily taken by this boiler without undue priming
or abnormal increase in the primary pressure due to high thermal and water
capacity of the boiler.
1. Due to deposits in the evaporator drum because of impure water plant has
to stop frequently for cleaning.
2. Evaporating drum is used which increase the bulkiness of plant with cost.
5. Velox boiler:-
Working: - As we know heat transfer rate is much higher in sonic velocity than that of
the subsonic velocity. Same concept is utilized in the design of Velox boiler in order to
reduce the surface area hence the size of evaporating tubes.
1. Velox boiler is compact.
3. Low excess air is required as the pressurized air is used and the problem of
draught is simplified.
1. It can only operate on liquid or gaseous fuels.
6. Supercharged boiler:-
Construction: - In supercharged boiler there are two feed pumps one for feed water
and one for boiler drum. Gas turbine supplied the used flue gases to economizer to heat
the feed water. This gas turbine also run compressor. Compressor supplies
compressed air to combustion chamber.
1. The heat transfer surface required is hardly 30 to 25% of the heat transfer
surface of a conventional boiler due to very high overall heat transfer
2. A supercharged boiler of 150 tons/hr. generating capacity can be brought to
full steam pressure within 25 minutes.
1. The only disadvantage of this boiler is tightness of high pressure gas passage
is essential.