Nation, Natinalism and The Right To Secession

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University of Mumbai IDOL MA Part II Study Material on Paper

IV Comparative Political Analysis
Module 10


Unit Structure
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Definition
10.3 Attributes of a nation
10.4 Western and Eastern understanding of the concept:


Definition of Nation
Treaty of Westphalia
Evolution of the nation-state ideology
Attributes of the nation
Challenges to the modern nation-state

The word 'nation' is derived from the Latin word 'natio'
that connotes the idea of common birth or descent. It is often
referred to as a culturally distinct territorial entity. The
Enciclopedia Brasileria Merito defines nation as, "'the
community of the citizens of a state, living under the same
regime or government and having a communion of interests; the
collectivity of the inhabitants of a territory with common
traditions, aspirations and interest, and subordinated to a central
power which takes charge of maintaining the unity of the group;
the people of a state, excluding the government power". The
above definition marks nation as the collective identity; the state
as an expression of political sovereignty and the territory as the
geographical area.
There are no proofs that the concept of nation existed in
the distant past on the contrary scholars of political science
attribute the characteristic of modernity to the concept of nation.
In fact Adam Smith question whether nation has a prior Ethnic
origin? Benedict Anderson wonders whether it is a political and
cultural constructs as imagined communities, needed to cope
with the size and anonymity of modern state societies?
Hobsbawm calls them 'invented traditions'. Ernest Gellner

argues that nationalism is not the awakening of the nation to
self-consciousness; it invents nation where they do not exist.
The Treaty of Westphalia (1648) also played an
important role in the creation and crystallization of the concept of
nation state. The treaty officially ended the Thirty Years' War,
which marked the end of the Holy Roman Empire and brought in
the modern European state system - creating the basis for the
modern international system of independent states. Religious
warfare was eradicated and replaced by religious tolerance in
Europe. It overlaid the way for the advent of the nation-state
system by emphasizing that the empire had no power over the
parts and that the Pope had restriction on his spiritual authority.
The treaty emphasized on the principle of sovereignty of nationstates and the associated fundamental right of political selfdetermination. It also brought in the principle of (legal) equality
between nation-states. It enabled states to enter into treaties
which were internationally binding; and finally it brought the
principle of non-intervention of one state in the internal affairs of
other states. The two most innovative principles being
proclaimed were the principle of sovereignty and the principle of
equality among nations. In fact, the Peace of Westphalia bought
in an era where in the sovereignty of states was given the
utmost importance. Having created sovereign states the task
was to retain it and thus the need was felt to make nations out of
it by inventing bonds, which would keep the people together.

There are innumerable variables associated with the
concept of nation hence it is difficult to define it in a precise
manner. The following definitions given by scholars working in
this area enhances our understanding of the concept.
According to A. Zimmern, "nation is a form of corporate
sentiment of peculiar intensity, intimacy and dignity related to a
definite home country".
J. W. Garner: "A nation is a culturally homogenous social
group which is at once conscious and tenacious of its unity of
psychic life and expression".
Lord James Bryce: "Nation is a union of men having racial or
ethnographic significance".
Bluntschli: "Nation is a union of people bound together by
language and customs in a common civilization which gives
them a sense of unity and distinction from all foreigners.
R. N. Gilchrist: "Nationality may be defined as a spiritual
sentiment or principle arising among a number of people usually
of the same race, residents on the same territory, sharing a
common language, the same religion, similar associations and
common ideals of political unity".

Earnest Barker: "A nation is a community of persons living in
definite territory and they are bound together by the bonds of
mutual love".
The definitions do not signify in any ways that the nation
is a natural phenomena. On the contrary it connects the concept
of nationalism, nationality and nation in terms of culture,
ethnicity, language, race and history. It emerges on the
foundation of spatial territory comprised of culturally affiliated
social groups. Scholars harp on the need for racial, linguistic
and ethnographic unity among the members of a geographical
unit. Apart from the physical proximity nationality insists on the
spiritual sentiment i.e. the feeling of belonging and at the same
time alienation and suspicion about those who do not belong to
their social group. According to Hobsbawm. "the nation was the
body of citizens whose collective sovereignty constitutes them a
state which was their political expression". For J. S. Mill the
nation was not just a unit, which was in possession of national
sentiment but in addition the members desired to be governed
by the same government and possibly by themselves or a
portion of themselves exclusively.
It is abundantly clear that there are numerable variables
that determine a nation such as geographical unity, racial
cohesion, political organization, few friendly neighbours etc. The
concept of nation can also be further clarified by using negative
course of definition of a nation. A nation is not equivalent to a
race as there is hardly any nation in the contemporary times that
can claim exclusive residence of a single race. For example
Israel that claims to be land of the Jewish race cannot claim
such exclusivity, as there are people of Arab origin residing in
the country. Similarly nation cannot be formed on the basis
language alone. India is an ideal example as there are 22
officially languages recognised by the constitution and more
than thousand languages which are dialects. In fact the nation
was split over the national language issue, as there was no
consensus whether Hindi or English should be the national
language of the country. It is necessary to recognise that the
idea of 'nation' is different from that of the 'state'. The nation is
built on the feelings and sentiments of its residents and
therefore demands fidelity from them. On the contrary state is a
political and administrative body. Political scientists are keenly
involved in understanding the relationship between the nation
and the state. The nation is an emotional and psychological
concept while the state is a legal entity. The state lays down
rules for its membership and administers entry and exit norms.
According to T. H. Green, "the nation underlies the state". Over
the period of time the term nation-state has become common
usage and 'state' and 'nation' have come to mean the same.
Based on the above discussion we may conclude the
following: One every nation will normally have a well-defined
territory. The better the demarcation and segregation the better

shall be the management of the nation. A nation having a
common language is managed far better than on with multiple
languages. Having a common religious tradition helps in
sustaining the nations unity. "Religion provides a powerful
emotional force with political and economic implications." A
nation may not necessarily have a national religion but may
have a secular tradition and that itself may attribute as national
religion. A common history and tradition provides a strong
foundation for the making of the nation. J. S. Mill in his book
Representative Government declared that the feeling of
nationality was concerned with "the strongest of all is identity of
political antecedents; the possession of a national history, and
consequent community of recollections; collective pride, and
humiliation, pleasure and regret, connected with the same
incidents in the past".
The primordialist thinkers believed that every nation-state
has an ancient and pre-given cultural core that persuasively
realises itself into a nation-state. This primordial core is often
expressed in terms of language and sometimes in religious
sectarianism. Nation, nation-state and nationalism are modern
concepts that have emerged in the post-industrial era in Europe.
It is argued that the rise of the nation-state is a response to the
rising aspiration of the capitalist as their interest surged they
needed to expand their business beyond the local economy. The
capitalist economy felt the need to expand their territorial area of
operation, and this could be done in two ways. One of the
methods adapted was by expanding the area of operation by
emphasising on the ethnic and cultural sentiments of the people
and working towards their unification. On the other hand they
straight forth indulged in colonisation under the pretext of
civilizing the uncivilized. Any of these ventures was possible only
if there was support from the people, thus the concept of nationstate came in handy to achieve this target.


Whether artificially created or otherwise there are certain
factors that attribute towards the constitution of a group of
people into a nation. Since the emergence of the idea of nation
there has been massive changes that have taken place in the
international system and therefore some of the points discussed
in this part may have lost its relevance while some of them may
still find credibility even today.
1. Common race or Kinship:
"Blood is thicker than water" has been the principle on the
basis of which people connected with each other by race or
kinship. In the 1930's Hitler used this premises to promote the
German nation as community of the Nordics emphasising on the
pure Aryan blood. Though this principle allowed Hitler to

revitalize the German state but was denounced world wide for
the genocide he carried out against the Jews claiming that they
were of low blood. It is impossible to claim for purity of blood in
the contemporary times due to migrations, wars, conquests,
travels, intermarriages etc. Claiming superiority on the basis on
race or birth will only ensure that a section of the society will
remain supressed and there will be no equality among the
human race.
2. Common religion:
Religion played an important role in connecting people as
can be seen among the followers of Islam and Jews. The
modem era promotes the value of tolerance, secularism and the
freedom of belief thereby role of religion in the formation of
nation has reduced considerably. In fact religion has played a
negative role and often destroyed nations by dividing them. The
creation of Irish Republic in 1922 and partition of India and
creation of Pakistan in 1947 are clear examples of the fact that
religion may not necessarily play a role in unifying or
consolidating a nation.
3. Common Language:
Languages constitutes an important medium of
communication and helps the culture and ideas of a community
to transcend toprogeny. "Language is the best index of an
individual's cultural environmentand most of the nations of the
earth are nations, not because they are
'politically independent and socially unifies, but because their
people use acommon speech which differs from that of other
nations." It is believed that not having a common language can
create problems in generating national consciousness. Britain
has English and France has French as their official language.
But there are nation with more than one official language for eg.
Canada has English and French, Switzerland has Swiss, Italian,
German and French while India has 22 official languages.
Nation have also indulged in creating a language and enforcing
it on its people like Russian in the former Soviet Union and
Basha in Indonesia.
4. Common History and Culture:
People develop a psychological make up as they stay
together and share their thoughts, undergo similar kind of
suffering, have comparable work conditions and feel the joy and
sorrows of life in a collective manner. The history of the land is
another aspects which is a positive narrative making people
proud about their past and help them develop a sense of
identity. Customs, traditions and festivals also play a role in
connecting the people and perpetuate the feeling of oneness.
5. Common Political Aspirations:

The nation being established it is necessary then to retain
its sovereignty. This can be achieved by ensuring that the nation
keeps away from alien control or domination. Countries
controlled by imperialist powers as colonies when strive for
independence develop common political aspirations to be
independent. Celebrating the day when the nation sought
independence is a reflection of the political aspirations of the
6. Geographical Continuity:
Contiguous spatial territory is an important condition for
the making of the nation. Distance between parts of the nation
may not only make administration of the area difficult but also
may impede the process of national integration. The partition of
East Pakistan from Pakistan can be partially attributed to the
fact that India geographically blocked the connectivity of the two
wings. Eventually the Bengali nationalism was successful in the
seceding from Pakistan and Bangladesh was created from East
The variables discussed so far to contribute to the
formation of the nation, but in modern times these factors have
reduced validity. History bares witness to the fact that nations
have been created on the basis of language, religion, race and
geographical continuity. However these are not essential
conditions, which have been rigidly followed by every nation,
there have been exceptions to the rule. Moreover in the era of
globalisation the norms of international politics have changed
dramatically. Nations have increasingly become interdependent
and today global economy determines the rules rather than
internal politics.
The nation-state faces certain challenges in the
globalised era. As the interconnections and interrelations
between states and societies is growing it fails to recognise the
gaps in world politics. The Westphalian treaty bought in the
concept of equality amongst nations but that has proved to be a
chimera. Nations differ in terms of the resources they possess
and may have many other factors that may hinder development.
Globalisation challenges the traditional notion of sovereignty.
The right to freedom of choice is being sacrificed at the altar of
globalisation and is being debated passionately in academic
Check your progress:

Examine the various definition of nation.


Critically evaluate the concept of nation-state.


Trace the evolution and growth of nation-states.


Does India fit into the definition of a nation? Discuss.


Write a note on the Treaty of Westphalia.


What are the various factors that attribute towards making

of a nation?


Unit Structure
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 What's troubling nationalism?
11.3 Types of Nationalism



What's troubling nationalism?

Western and Eastern understanding of the concept

Types of Nationalism


Critical evaluation of nationalism

The emergence of nation state can be traced back to the
Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 and though it emerged as legal
term it eventually was connected to the subjective principle of
nationalism. Today nationalism has become synonymous with
nation, as Ernest Geller suggests, "it is nationalism which

engenders nations and not the other way round". Nationalism as
a principle emerged in the beginning of 19 th Century in Europe.
"Nationalism was created by the Europeans for Europeans and
Rousseau was one of the founding fathers of modern national
thinking." As Asia and African states got colonised the imperialist
rulers tried to turn the colonies into nation-states sculpted on the
line of the European states. Eventually the nation building
process became a weapon in the hands of the colonised to
challenge the coloniser.
Connected with the word nation is the term nationality,
indicating the complex psychological and cultural factors that
provide cohesive principle uniting the nation. Nationality
provides an identity to people who are united by the sentiment of
oneness that immediately differentiates them from others who
may not share similar feelings. Conforming to the feeling of
oneness is the supreme loyalty of the individual to his nationstate. The term nationality connotes three different meaning and
has to be understood accordingly. Firstly, nationality denotes the
legal status of a person as a citizen of the state to which he
belongs, such as Indian, Bangladeshi etc. Secondly, it is
possible that a nation may have different groups but they share
a common nationality. A nation can be multi-national like former
USSR where in there were different nationalities such as
Ukranians, Uzbeks, Tadjiks staying together. Thirdly nationality
establishes a bonding amongst its members and simultaneously
generates a feeling of suspicion towards aliens. Thereby the
sentiment of nationality makes a nation and the realization of
self-rule by the people of the state makes it a nation-state. Lord
Bryce has extended the definition further by suggesting that
"nationality as a group of persons bound by similar sentiments
who are either independent or desire to be so".


Despite the fact that nationalism has played an important
role in the making of nations there have been certain elements
that spell trouble. Geography plays a crucial role in the making
of the nation but can also cause trouble if the spatial territory is
not contiguous. Far spread out areas can encourage separatist
groups to mushroom and shake the state system. Lack of proper
means of communication also can create problems, as
information is not disseminated. Inaccessible areas like
mountain valleys and forests make it difficult for the government
of the day to reach out to the people generating a sense of
alienation. In India development measures undertaken for the
tribals never seem to reach them and there is growing animosity
among them against the system. If religion can be a unifying
force then it can be a divisive as well. The religious minority if
feels alienated and victimised by the mainstream may demand
separation from the main national body. For example the growth
of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam was a response of the Tamil

minority as the state diminished the status of their faith. The
method of governance and administration too can play mischief
and destroy nations. When some groups are favoured over
others it may result into their animosity erupting and
destabilisation of the state. Foreign nations when get involved in
the internal politics of a state may generate feeling of
nationalism amongst its people. The course of nationalism was
determined in Vietnam by the intervention of the French and
later the United States of America. Very often it is the foreign
intervention that provoke nationalist sentiment.


Nationalism is essentially a modern European
phenomena, it rose as a response to the decline of the Papacy
and the rise of the sovereign secular state. It encouraged the
people to identify themselves first as members of the nationstate and set aside the religious identity as secondary.
Machiavelli was the first modern thinker who insisted on the
segregation of the politics from religion.
According to G. P. Gooch, "the idea that patriotism is
identifiable with devotion to the nation spread widely and
became popular in Western Europe only towards the end of the
French Revolution. It is with reference to this era that the term
'nationalism' can accurately be used for the first time". While
nationalism strengthened the states in Europe there was
another occurrences that bought about a massive change in
international politics and that was the rise of imperialistic
tendencies amongst these states. The world was placed before
them unexplored, they captured and colonised it with their
culture, language and ideas. European state obsessed with
expanding their market colonised the east but not without
arousing counter reaction to such suppression. Thus arose a
new form of nationalism as it was called the 'nationalism of the
east' against the oppressive imperialism of the west. The
nationalism thus cultivated in the colonies was against the rule
of the alien government added with the zeal for self-rule. In such
circumstances the sentiment of nationality surfaced even before
they establish themselves as a political unit or the nation-state
was created.


Broadly speaking nationalism can be understood in
different manner: Liberal, Conservative, Expansionist and Anticolonial nationalism. Liberal nationalism does not deem it
necessary that the entire human race be bond together as a
unified whole. They would rather let each nation to have its
distinct identity and have the right to self-determination. Liberal
nationalism calls for international peace and harmony and

insists that it can be achieved by the presence of international
organisation endowed with the responsibility to maintain world
peace. Conservative nationalism emphasises on traditional
values such as patriotism and loyalty. Inevitably it breeds
suspicion against aliens. It may also encourage imperialist
tendencies and suppress any struggle in the colonies to liberate
themselves. Expansionist nationalism is also known as Blind or
Aggressive or Integral nationalism. This is the kind of
nationalism used b> Hitler, Mussolini and other dictators to
inform their members that they belong to a superior race or are
the best breed in the world. While pride is revived amongst its
people it also works on generating a feeling of hatred or
condemnation towards all others. Such nationalistic fervour
thrives on instigating the people to indulge in war and either
capture or destroy the vanquished. Anti-colonialism emerges
amongst those who have been subjugated by the imperialist
forces. It rises as response to over throw the oppressive regime
of the coloniser.
Nationalism as a principle or an ideology can thrive in a
world of internationalism. Internationalism stands for a world
community living together in peace and harmony with selfgoverning states. It is not a system that emerges naturally but is
a spirit that has to be fostered by each member state. When the
world comprises of sovereign and equal nations it allows space
for each one to develop and sustain their respective uniqueness
in matters of language and culture. Samuel Huntington claims
that the clash of civilisation has apparently replaced the cold war
and threatens to bring the world communities to the threshold of
yet another war. "Internationalism alone can substitute the
destructive mentality with higher qualities of human nature like
self sacrifice, courage and endurance." Scholars credit
internationalism as the only way to maintain peace in the world.
With the advent of modern technology destruction can occur at
the press of the button as the automated machines can deliver
accurately the missiles at the targeted spot. The devices of
destruction have become more formidable than before. Their
presence in the arsenal itself is a threat to mankind and have
assured no safety whatsoever neither to its owner nor his
adversary. "Internationalism stands for a family of self-governing
nations, unites to each other by ties of equality and living at
peace and concord with each other". In principle the concept of
internationalism is opposed to state sovereignty as it hinders the
harmonious relations between the nations of the world.
According to Andrew Heywood, "Internationalism is a theory or
practice of politics based on transnational or global cooperation,
the belief that nations are artificial and unwarranted formations".
Rabindranath Tagore too was opposed to the western notion of
nationalism, for him nationalism was a menace as it made
misguided use of man's energy.

Critical evaluation of nationalism:
A clear appraisal of nationalism lies in the fact that it
played a constructive role in unifying people. It was used as a
starting point to initiate a momentum against the oppressive rule
of the coloniser or the pope. Nationalism was often associated
with liberalism it was often succeeded by the demand for selfrule. The anti-colonial movement bought about unification and
cooperation amongst the members of the state and therefore
nationalism was often became linked to liberalism. The
development of the spirit of nationalism enabled the people of
the country to develop the socio-economic faculties of the state.
Thus the rise of nationalism caused the growth of capitalism
especially in the west. While the west saw tremendous growth in
their economy the newly independent state developed powerful
political consciousness. The spirit of self-determination grew
with full force and the colonies became independent nations.
Over the period of time nationalism has served the states to
consolidate their position internally as well as externally.
The above-mentioned points show nationalism in a
positive light but it has its own limitation. Rabindranath Tagore
was strongly opposed to the western notion of nationalism, as
he believed it raised narrow domestic walls to fragment the
people of the world. It breeds a fundamentalist fervour, as a
national looks down at other nationals disrespectfully and as
less than equal. Though nationalism is often connected with
liberalism but in actual practice it sacrifices the liberty of an
individual at the altar of the 'collective ego'. The political elite of
the state expounds the national interest or the good of the nation
to such an extent that the will of the individual or minority (if
clashes) is trampled. Individuals have no standing in such a
situation as the nation replicates the position of God. It becomes
infallible and any move or action against is considered felony or
treason and severely punished. Using the passion of nationalism
political leaders have reigned over their people and dictators like
Hitler and Mussolini pushed the world towards the second world
war. Thus according to Pennock and Smith, "Nationalism is
nourished not on love but on hate, it inculcates no trust but fear,
and in its fearful insecurity it is driven inexorably to more and
more extravagant claims and enterprises." The experience with
nationalism has proved that despite its limitations it is impossible
to weed it out. But if it is universalised and rings in
internationalism in the real sense of the term then that shall be a
happy situation for all nations of the world.
Check your progress:
1. Define nationalism and bring out the essential elements that
constitute a nation.
2. Discuss the influence of western nationalism on the new
liberated states of the , east.

3. Write short note on: a.
Internationalism b.
4. Critically evaluate the term nationalism.


Types of


Unit Structure
13.0 Objectives
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Lets Sum up
13.3 Unit End Questions


National self determination

Right to secede

Nationalism as an ideology captured the imagination of
the east as they fought their battle for independence from the
colonial powers. Having gained freedom each nation aspired to
form a political entity based on the principle of self-governance.
While the crusade to free themselves from the clutches of the
imperialist powers was glorified by the newly formed state it
raised a pertinent question whether every nationality has the
right to form a sovereign state? After the battle of Waterloo, the
Congress of Vienna (1815) introduced the idea of 'one nation,
one state' that was popularly accepted by the international
community. It got legalised as both the League of Nations as
well as the United Nations recognised the principle and included
it in their charter.
The international community considered it essential that
the people sharing similar nationalities should be clubbed into
one nation, as it was easy to direct their patriotic feelings. If the
different sections of the society have differing affiliations then
managing the unity and integrity of the nation would be next to
impossible. Since nationalism insists that governance of the
state shall be determined by the governed then it causes tension
amongst the minority as their aspirations differ from that of the
ruling elites. If it is a natural right of a group to determine their
political destiny then similar rights has to be conferred on
smaller groups within the state. If these minority groups share
no similarity with the ruling elite or insist on separate identity
then they too have a right to have their own nation. Thus states
with multiple nationalities are unnatural union and eventually will
result in disintegration into smaller states.
Superlatively the right to self-determination is a natural
right entitled to every group that wants to retain its distinct
identity and govern its people and be in possession of the

spatial territory. But practically this would result in constant
tension and violence as each group may ambitiously want its
own state and may resort to violence to achieve it resulting into
a chaotic condition. A careful observation of the states shows
that nations are never endowed by a single identity but are often
a cluster of composite culture and nationalities. Thus Lord Acton
argues that, "where political and national boundaries coincide,
society ceases to advance, and nations relapse into a condition
corresponding to that of a man who renounces intercourse with
his fellow-men".
The principle of self-determination emerged at the end of
the First World War, as the colonies started demanding the right
to self-government. The President of United States of America
Woodrow Wilson described the national self-determination as
"an imperative principle of action". Self-determination as a right
has never been easily accepted on the contrary has resulted
into a controversy every time it was executed. The International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the
International Covenant of Economic, Social and Civil Rights
(ICESCR) constitute the most crucial phase in the evolution of
this right. Both the covenant contends that the right of selfdetermination is applicable to all groups. By virtue of that right
they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their
economic, social and cultural development. Another significant
feature of the Covenants is that; "... [they] do not restrict the right
of self- determination to colonized or oppressed peoples but
include all peoples". The usage of the phrase 'all people' instead
of 'everyone' in the covenant draws our attention to the fact that
the right to self determination is a collective right as it is
restricted to people and not entitled to an individual. Also by
virtue of this right they freely determine their political status and
pursue their economic, social and cultural development. The
economic content of the right gives the peoples the right to
freely 'dispose of their natural wealth and resources without
prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic
cooperation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and
international law.'
Recent developments suggest that the right to selfdetermination is no longer a right claimed by the colonized alone
but even by the people who are insiders. Internal selfdetermination emerges as a instrument in the hands of the
people for broader control over their political, economic, social
and cultural development. It need not necessarily lead to the
demand for secession. The definition of 'peoples' extends to
indigenous groups and even minorities.


According to the Contractualist thinkers like Hobbes,
Locke and Rousseau man in endowed with natural rights that

are not created or conferred by the state but men are born with
it. Thereby the role of the state is restricted to mere protection of
these rights and government is reduced to perform an ancillary
role. The Declaration of Independence appropriately advocates
that to secure the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness governments are instituted among men, deriving their
just powers from consent of the governed. Thus it is obvious that
the sole purpose for the existence of the state and the
government is to protect the rights of the individual and in the
absence of these benefits the individual has every right to end
his commitment to the state. An extreme step to convey this
rejection is form a group of like-minded people who similarly feel
betrayed by the state and decide to secede and form a new
government. If the group has strong bonding and support it also
may consider the other extreme step of overthrowing the
government altogether than just merely renounce its authority
over them.
Separatist state movement has developed as a great
danger to the existence of the state and a challenge to the
government of the day. Separatism is a movement where in a
group of people desire to secede from the nation and form their
own state. The reasons to do so can be manifold, including
socio. economic, racial and ethical. Separatism is often tackled
in the most violent manner by the government, as they fear that
it would be bring in loss of land, resources, taxes, power and
security in the region. Another fear that separatism raises is that
the domestic violence may culminate into future wars.
The Postcolonial states are highly disposed to developing
separatist movement as in their haste to move out of their
former colonies the imperialist forced grouped separate ethnic
and social groups under one nation. Many of the former colonies
like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Indonesia, etc. comprised of
varied ethnic groups but were made to come together as a
nation. Based on the liberal principle of self-determination and
democracy on which the former colonies could seek freedom
became a burden for the state, as on those very grounds the
ethnic and social groups started demanding for protection and
preservation of their identity. Thus the demand for forming an
ethnically defined nation was combined with the desire to
manage the economy of the new state. The demand for such
ethnically defined states are on the rise since the last 40 years
and today almost every state has some sort of separatist
movement happening in their country. For example the
separatist movement in Sudan resulted in the creation of South
Sudan on July 2011 and Kosovo got its freedom after a
prolonged fight with Serbia in 2008.
"A right to unilateral secession can be defined as a right
of a minority-people to separate a part of the territory of the
parent State on the basis of that people's right to selfdetermination. However, as it follows from the Declaration on

Principles of International Law, the Kosovo Advisory Opinion
(International Court of Justice) and the Quebec case (Supreme
Court of Canada), in modern international law unilateral
secession of "sub-states" is neither prohibited nor allowed."
Secession may be recognized as legal if, "(1) it shall
concern people in territories that are subject to decolonization;
(2) it shall be envisaged by the national legislation of the parent
state concerned; (3) the territory inhabited by a certain people
should be occupied or annexed after 1945; (4) the secessionists
shall be "a people"; (5) their parent state shall flagrantly violate
their human rights and (6) no other effective remedies under
national or international law may exist, if any of these conditions
are met."
While discussing the matter of secession it is also
essential to draw attention of students of politics to the
paragraph 88 of the Written Statement by the Russia in the
Kosovo Advisoty Proceedings before the ICJ where it was stated
the following: "[T]he Russian Federation is of the view that
[international law] may be construed as authorizing secession
under certain conditions. However, those conditions should be
limited to truly extreme circumstances, such as an outright
attack by the parent State, threatening the very existence of the
people in question. Otherwise, all efforts should be taken in
order to settle the tension between the parent State and the
ethnic community concerned within the framework of the
existing State."
Check your progress:
1. What do you understand by national self-determination?
Justify you answer.
2. According to Rabindranath Tagore nationalism is a great
menace. Discuss with special reference to internationalism.
3. Does a group have a right to secede? Answer the question
with appropriate illustrations to justify you answer.

There may not be confirmed argument or justification on the
origin and rise of the nation state, but the international
community has accepted it as the given thing. The birth of the
modern nation state is often traced to the Treaty of Westphalia
in 1648 but since then its nature and definition has undergone
massive change. The advent of modern technology and modes
of communication has reduced the power and position of nation
states. The growth of trade and emergence of the new economic
order has also worked towards a limited role played by the state.
The world is shifting from politics to economics and hence new
permutations and combinations are being tried which may not
necessarily provide the same space to the nation state as

earlier. But even then it is to early to engage in a debate on end
of nation state it continues to draw loyalty from people.
Accompanying the concept of nation state was the idea of
nationalism that emerge as a sentiment that unified the people
of a particular group and distinguished them from the other
group. Nationalism as a spirit emerged based on multiple factors
such as race, religion, language, culture, history and geography.
The origin of nationalism can be traced to Europe where in it
emerged as a reaction against the Papal absolutism and
Christian dominance. Nationalism in Asia and Africa emerged as
a reaction to the imperialism regime of the European countries.
It brought in its wake the spirit if national self-determination as
the people aspired to for government of and by their own
people. The spirit of nationalism brought the people a particular
geographical location together but at the same time it made
them aggressive towards the other groups. Internationalism
appeals for a revision of the traditional concept of nationalism
and sovereignty. It calls upon nations to treat all members states
equally and with due respect. United Nations in a way depicts
the spirit of Internationalism that emerged after the end of the
Second World War.
As colonies demanded to be free from the yolk of foreign
domination similarly on gaining independence the new nations
faced a demand from the ethnic groups. These groups were
compelled to join the nation while the imperialist rulers departed.
The principle of self-determination and democracy was left
behind as a legacy of the imperialist rule in these nations, which
was used by these ethnic groups to demand separation from the
parent state. The separatist movements are on the rise in most
of the nations of the world but there is much ambiguity about the
right to secession. Most of the international organisation neither
prohibit it nor allow the right for secede.


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