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Thanksgiving Science
Read each of the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow.
Turkeys Totally to Blame?
A familiar Thanksgiving routine goes something like this: Eat a big meal centered on a deliciously stuffed
turkey, retire to the couch, flip on the TV and promptly fall asleep. No doubt the holiday festivities can be
exhausting, but scientists say it's a fallacy to blame the post-meal nap on the bird. True, turkey contains
tryptophan, an amino acid that produces the brain chemical serotonin, known to induce calm and sleepiness. But
the amount of tryptophan in turkey is minuscule, and other amino acids in the Thanksgiving meal actually block
tryptophan's entry to the brain. The nap, scientists say, probably has more to do with missing out on sleep,
consuming alcohol and working hard to digest the typical carb-loaded Thanksgiving meal, shown here.
1. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence. _________________________________________________
2. What additional source could you use to find more information without using the internet?
3. How can you tell this article is informational?
4. Square the hook. Circle the main idea. Underline a detail the author uses to support the main idea.
How Science Built a 'Better' Turkey
"White meat or dark meat?" the turkey carver asks. Most Americans
reply white. To meet the demand for white meat, industry put science
to work to create the big-breasted birds at the center of most holiday
feasts today. Only big-breasted birds are bred, which passes on the
desired genetic trait to offspring. The chicks are then fed a diet
engineered to promote breast growth. Today's farmed turkeys have
breasts so big that it's hard for the birds to stand up straight, and sex
is no longer possible. Instead, females are artificially inseminated.
Turned-off consumers are turning to heritage, free-range and organic
turkeys, which are gobbling up market share.

1. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence. _________________________________________________

2. How can you tell this article is informational?
3. Square the hook. Circle the main idea. Underline a detail the author uses to support the main idea.

How Science Built a Better Balloon

As the turkey cooks in the oven, millions of Americans will tune in to the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day
Parade to see the Energizer Bunny and other larger-than-life characters soar
above the streets of New York City. According to John Piper, head parade
designer, a scientific process guides the balloons' journey from the initial
sketches and models made of steel and clay to the construction and test flights.
Each balloon is a series of chambers engineered to hold the desired form. The
individual characters contain 10,000 to 16,000 square feet of helium, a gas
lighter than air that allows the balloons to float. About 50 people hold on to
lines to keep the balloons tethered to the ground along the parade route.
Return of the Wild Turkeys
Each year, hunters bag nearly 1 million wild turkeys, according to figures from
the National Wild Turkey Federation. In the 1930s, such a harvest would have
spelled the wild bird's extinction: They numbered just 30,000 back then, due to
decades of habitat destruction and unregulated hunting. A coordinated
conservation program, started in 1937, has led to a stunning reversal that
continues to this day. For example, wildlife agencies trap wild turkeys where
populations are abundant and transfer them to regions with suitable habitat but
few birds. The wild turkey population currently stands at about 7 million.
1. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence. _________________________________________________
2. How can you tell this article is informational?
3. Square the hook. Circle the main idea. Underline a detail the author uses to support the main idea.
Turkeys Smarter Than They Appear
Being called a turkey is almost always an insult, even on Thanksgiving. The
birds, after all, have a reputation for stupidity. While scientists say flightless
farmed turkeys like these lack the survival skills of their wild cousins, they aren't
as dumb as they appear. For example, the oft-told story that turkeys will cock
their head skyward and stare at falling rain until they drown stems from a
misunderstanding, according to Thomas Savage, an animal scientist at Oregon State University. His research
shows that some turkeys have a genetically caused nervous disorder that causes them to cock their heads and
hold the position for a minute or two. "I've always viewed turkeys as smart animals with personality and
character and keen awareness of their surroundings," he said in a media statement. "The dumb tag simply
doesn't fit."
1. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence. _________________________________________________
2. How can you tell this article is informational?
3. Square the hook. Circle the main idea. Underline a detail the author uses to support the main idea.
Saying 'Thanks' is Good for Your Health

Thanksgiving compels many of us to express gratitude for our family and

friends, a place to live, and food to eat. According to Robert Emmons, a
psychology professor at the University of California at Davis, saying
thanks every day, not just on Thanksgiving, is good for our health. His
research shows that grateful people have more energy, sleep better,
exercise more, have lower blood pressure and are better-liked by others. A
good habit, he says, is to write down five things for which you're grateful
before bed each night. In this file image, an appreciated U.S. soldier
dressed as a pilgrim enjoys a Thanksgiving meal in Baghdad, Iraq.
1. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence. _________________________________________________
2. How can you tell this article is informational?
3. Square the hook. Circle the main idea. Underline a detail the author uses to support the main idea.
4. Why does the author include the image?

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