A Sea of Words 2008
A Sea of Words 2008
A Sea of Words 2008
Un mar de palabras
Nria Esparza
Text Grfic
Printed by: ?????
ISBN: 978-84-393-8065-8
Legal deposit: ????
Najwa Barakat, Elisabetta Bartuli, Carme Coll,
Jamila Hassoune, Gemma Lienas, National
Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation
Nria Esparza
Text Grfic
Impreso y encuadernado por:
ISBN: 978-84-393-8065-8
Depsito legal:
Najwa Barakat, Elisabetta Bartuli, Carme Coll,
Jamila Hassoune, Gemma Lienas, Redes
nacionales de la Fundacin Anna Lindh
Contents / Sumario
. .
Bermuda Triangle. Tarek El Bacha. Lebanon
El Tringulo de las Bermudas. Tarek El Bacha. Lbano
. .
I Had Been One of the Cavemen. Mohamad Lazqani. Syria
Yo fui uno de los caverncolas. Mohamad Lazqani. Siria
. .
Points in Space. Elizaveta Sivakov. Israel
Puntos en el espacio. Elizaveta Sivakov. Israel
1955 . .
Fatmah. A True Story Taken from Factual Life from Upper Egypt, where
Events Have Been Underway from 1955 till the Present.
Abeer Abdelfattah Soliman. Egypt
Ftima. Historia de la realidad diaria en la meseta egipcia desde 1955 hasta
nuestros das. Abeer Abdelfattah Soliman. Egipto
The 30 young finalists of the first short story contest A Sea of Words / Los 30 jvenes finalistas de la primera
edicin del concurso de cuentos y relatos Un mar de palabras.
Senn Florensa. Director-General of the European Institute
of the Mediterranean
The year 2008, declared by the EU as European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, ended
with the announcement of Barcelona as headquarters of the Secretariat of the Union for
the Mediterranean (UfM). The city, which with its name and energy has symbolised EuroMediterranean cooperation since 1995, became the location of an international body that
made it the de facto capital of the Mediterranean. It is the recognition of a long history and
ongoing efforts since the start of the so-called Barcelona Process in 1995. Its Euro-Mediterranean involvement since then is indisputable.
The Secretariat of the UfM has, in principle, a technical mission of preparing,
monitoring and fostering the projects approved by the ministerial summits or conferences.
However, with headquarters in a city and a country believing firmly in the Mediterranean
project, with the support of all their government levels and of a committed civil society,
this new Union will have a broader development and will far more actively encourage
the projects of Euro-Mediterranean scope. With headquarters in Barcelona, dialogue and
cooperation will be strengthened. Barcelonas involvement and drive will make the UfM
dream a reality. These challenges consist of achieving peace, democratisation, a social and
demographic transition, employment, sustainable development or collective security.
In this context, young people play a fundamental role, as they can act as a bridge
between the two shores of the Mediterranean, with clear projection towards an egalitarian future, where the cultures of the region understand and respect each other in mutual
Given that the youth of today is more plural, it has fractures which, in order to solve
conflicts, can only be overcome through links of interculturality. This interculturality
should not only be practised within the countries themselves and between those sectors
that share a linguistic proximity, but also between the youth of the northern and southern
countries, to facilitate recognition of diversity and encouragement of exchanges that enable greater mutual understanding. Young people, their dreams, realities, potential and actions can open new paths to reduce distances and go beyond stereotypes, something which
is very difficult to achieve in other sectors.
Literary language allows us to confront and interlink these issues of such differing
character. Moreover, the literary message enables us to enter into the everyday, to get to
know the private, the individual, together with the collective and the political. The short
story makes it possible to enter into the complexity of differences without generalising
them, but rather by simply describing them. From this point of view, literary production
is a fundamental medium for the expression and description of events, ideas and emotions
that can be directly transmitted to and by youths from the whole Euro-Mediterranean
The project A Sea of Words, fostered jointly by the European Institute of the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation, was developed with the intention of contributing to the encouragement of dialogue between peoples and exchange of knowledge and
experiences between different local and international traditions. Through the calling of a
short story contest, whose 30 winning pieces make up this publication, the aim is to show
the different sensibilities and realities that exist in the Euro-Mediterranean region from
the point of view of the young people who live there.
Because of this and especially the great reception given to the initiative by the youths
of the Euro-Mediterranean countries, we believe that this is an experience that must be
repeated over the coming years. The quality and enthusiasm of the contributions of the
young participants enables us to guarantee and trust in an intensive continuity of this dialogue.
Senn Florensa. Director general del Instituto Europeo
del Mediterrneo
El ao 2008, declarado por la UE como Ao Europeo del Dilogo Intercultural, finaliz con
la proclamacin de Barcelona como sede de la Secretara de la Unin por el Mediterrneo
(UpM). La ciudad, que con su nombre y su impulso simboliza desde 1995 la cooperacin
euromediterrnea, pas a contar con un organismo internacional que la convirti de facto
en capital del Mediterrneo. Es el reconocimiento a una larga historia y a un esfuerzo continuado desde que se iniciara el denominado Proceso de Barcelona en 1995. Su implicacin
euromediterrnea desde entonces es indiscutible.
La Secretara de la UpM tiene, en principio, una misin tcnica de preparacin,
seguimiento e impulso de los proyectos aprobados por las cumbres o las conferencias ministeriales. Ahora bien, con sede en una ciudad y en un pas que creen firmemente en el
proyecto mediterrneo, con el apoyo de todos sus niveles de gobierno y de una sociedad
civil comprometida, esta nueva Unin tendr un desarrollo ms amplio y dinamizar de
forma mucho ms activa los proyectos de alcance euromediterrneo. Con sede en Barcelona, se reforzarn el dilogo y la cooperacin. La implicacin e impulso de Barcelona
harn realidad el sueo de la UpM. Estos retos consisten en conseguir la paz, la democratizacin, la transicin social y demogrfica, el empleo, el desarrollo sostenible o la
seguridad colectiva.
En este contexto, los jvenes juegan un papel fundamental, ya que pueden servir de
puente entre las dos orillas del Mediterrneo, con una clara proyeccin hacia un futuro
igualitario, donde las culturas de la regin se conozcan y se respeten en un enriquecimiento
La juventud de hoy, al ser muy plural, presenta unas fracturas que, a fin de superar
conflictos, solamente pueden relacionarse a travs de los vnculos de la interculturalidad.
Esta interculturalidad no slo debe ejercerse dentro de los propios pases y entre aquellos
mbitos que comparten una proximidad lingstica, sino tambin entre la juventud de los
pases del Sur y la del Norte, con el fin de facilitar la aprehensin de la diversidad y el fomento de intercambios que permitan conocerse mejor. Los jvenes, sus sueos, realidades,
potencialidades y acciones pueden abrir nuevas vas para superar distancias y estereotipos,
que son muy difciles de conciliar desde otros mbitos.
El lenguaje literario permite enfrentar y enlazar estas cuestiones de carcter tan
diferente. Adems, el mensaje literario permite entrar en lo cotidiano, conocer lo particular, lo individual, junto con lo colectivo y lo poltico. El cuento breve permite entrar en la
complejidad de las diferencias sin generalizarlas, sino simplemente describindolas. Desde
este punto de vista, la produccin literaria es un medio fundamental para la expresin y la
descripcin de hechos, ideas y emociones que pueden ser directamente transmitidas a y por
los jvenes de toda la regin euromediterrnea.
Andr Azoulay. President of the Anna Lindh Foundation
The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation was founded in 2005 to foster dialogue
between our cultures and peoples in order to reinforce the human and political dimensions
of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, now fully embodied in the newly-born Union for
the Mediterranean.
Considering the contemporary challenges of peace and war, socio-economic inequalities, migrations and multicultural towns, citizenship rights and empowerment, and the
environmental crisis which particularly affect our region, it is time to resume the rich and
continuous mutual exchanges that the communities living around the Mediterranean region have always pursued and built their civilisations upon. It is time to recover from the
unacceptable notion of clash and conflict and be strong and active in a region that needs
and deserves it.
This is the spirit which has given birth to the first A Sea of Words Euro-Mediterranean literary contest, and the Anna Lindh Foundation is very proud to publish a selection
of short stories here.
Co-launched in 2008 with the IEMed, the Head of the Spanish Network of the Anna
Lindh Foundation, within the framework of the 1001 Actions for Dialogue campaign
during the year dedicated by the European Union to intercultural dialogue, A Sea of
Words has been marking a significant step in the willingness of the Foundation to develop cross-network initiatives and to work towards reinforced partnerships with its national
Culture and creation are some of the most central tools for the Foundations intercultural work. We very much believe in the capacity of words and artistic creativity as a way
to break down barriers and focus on mutual concerns and interests.
For the first A Sea of Words contest, we have witnessed the participation of many of
our network member organisations, and have had the pleasure to submit the work of more
than two hundred and ten youths from thirty-seven countries to the critical reading of a
qualified international jury. This book offers you the thirty best short stories.
For me, it is significant that the book is published in English, Spanish and the original
language of the stories. I see it as a sign of respect for the specificities and richness embodied
in each language, which reflects the rich diversity of our region and personifies the feeling of
each individual when expressing his of her thoughts. Then, as a mirror image of the original,
an English and Spanish translation allows access to a much larger audience and emphasises
the growing importance translation is gaining in our ever changing world.
The themes depicted in the winning novels are of great importance in an attempt
to deepen our understanding of the factors that damage mutual trust and coexistence and
they serve as a rich source of inspiration for the work of an institution such as the Anna
Lindh Foundation.
The short stories reflect on the crucial notions of respect and knowledge as primary
and essential steps towards engaging in living together on better terms.
They tackle issues such as the growing challenge, in a space characterised by increasing migrations, of feeling uprooted and of having to struggle to build new more coherent references adjusted to contemporary everyday life.
They refer to the greatness of travelling and opening up to others; they give access
to some of the Weltanschauung of others, and have the potential to help change approaches and perceptions. They describe the courage of many youths, at the risk of their
own exclusion and shame, in overcoming language barriers, social and political pressures,
conservative or exclusive habits, to try and draw new lines for a common citizenship.
They reflect on the necessity to move away from the past and narrow-minded paradigms in order to establish a common ground so desperately needed by our Euro-Mediterranean region.
The first A Sea of Words contest was a success, not only because of the quality of the
stories but also thanks to the engagement and the commitment these young writers have
conveyed and which at the end of the day are essential for a concrete intercultural dialogue.
The 2009 contest, devoted to the theme of restoring trust and facilitating reconciliation in
situations of crisis and conflicts, will also, I am convinced, make the best of this cultural
and social environment.
It is my great hope, as the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation and as an activist
for peace and understanding, that A Sea of Words has generated a new window to express
mutual concerns and to give readers seeds of hope for the future of the region and its new
I wish you fruitful and enjoyable reading and invite you to engage and deepen your
knowledge of others through any means you can.
Andr Azoulay. Director de la Fundacin Anna Lindh
Los temas descritos en los relatos ganadores son de gran importancia en un intento por
comprender mejor cules son los factores que daan la confianza mutua y la convivencia,
a la vez que sirven de rica fuente de inspiracin para el trabajo de una institucin como la
Fundacin Anna Lindh.
Las historias hablan y reflexionan sobre las nociones decisivas de respeto y conocimiento como pasos principales y fundamentales para comprometerse a vivir juntos en
mejores trminos.
Abordan cuestiones como el reto cada vez mayor, en un espacio caracterizado por el
aumento de las migraciones, de sentirse desarraigado y tener que luchar por construir
nuevos referentes, ms coherentes y ajustados a la vida contempornea cotidiana.
Hablan de la grandeza de viajar y de abrirse a los otros; permiten acceder a algunas
de las Weltanschauung de los otros y tienen el potencial de ayudar a cambiar enfoques
y percepciones. Describen la valenta de muchos jvenes, a riesgo de su propia exclusin y
vergenza, por superar los obstculos del idioma, las presiones sociales y polticas, los hbitos conservadores o exclusivos, para intentar trazar nuevas directrices para una ciudadana
Reflexionan sobre la necesidad de dejar de pensar en los paradigmas pasados e intolerantes para sentar las bases de un terreno comn para nuestra regin euromediterrnea
que tanto lo necesita.
La primera edicin de Un mar de palabras fue todo un xito, no slo por la calidad
de las historias sino tambin gracias a la implicacin y compromiso que estos jvenes escritores han expresado, y que al fin y al cabo son fundamentales para un dilogo intercultural
concreto. La edicin de 2009, dedicada al tema de restaurar la confianza y facilitar la reconciliacin en tiempos de crisis y de conflictos, tambin, estoy convencido, sacar el mejor
partido posible de este medio cultural y social.
Confo mucho, como presidente de la Fundacin Anna Lindh y activista por la paz y
el entendimiento, que Un mar de palabras habr generado una nueva ventana por la cual
expresar preocupaciones mutuas y llevar a los lectores y lectoras semillas de esperanza para
el futuro de la regin y sus nuevas generaciones.
Os deseo que la lectura sea fructfera y os invito a comprometeros y a profundizar en
vuestro conocimiento de los otros a travs de cualquier medio de los que dispongis, siendo la lectura uno de los ms agradables.
The city of Barcelona hosted the awards ceremony and started a series of events that
ended in Madrid. The awards ceremony for the 30 contest winners took place on 9th July 2008
at the Museum of the History of Catalonia in Barcelona. Over the following two days, the 30
winners participated in diverse events, such as the forum The Short Story as an Instrument
for Intercultural Dialogue, in addition to several visits to the Biblioteca de Catalunya located in one of the most important civil gothic buildings in the city , the Centre de Cultura
Contempornia de Barcelona and the Agncia Catalana de la Joventut of the Government of
Catalonia. In the city of Madrid, two institutions in the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh
Foundation organised diverse activities including, most notably, the visit to the Casa rabe to
see the exhibition Spain and the Muslim World. A Century of Relations in Pictures, and
participation in a writing workshop. The last event in the Spanish capital was a visit to the
headquarters of the Spanish Youth Council to debate with its president the main problems
affecting youths in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Cyprus and Tunisia were the next settings for the project A Sea of Words. Nicosia
University (Cyprus) and El Teatro Arts Centre (Tunisia) hosted writing workshops organised by the networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation in those countries: the Cyprus Centre
for European and International Affairs and the Carthage Centre for the Dialogue of Civilizations. In these sessions the youths worked with experts to improve their writing techniques, and the resulting texts have been published by the Anna Lindh Foundation.
The European Institute of the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation would like
to express their appreciation to all those who have contributed to the success of the project A Sea
of Words: firstly, and in particular, to the 211 contest participants; to the 37 national networks
of the Anna Lindh Foundation who helped with the promotion of the initiative, pre-selection
of candidates and translation into English of their works; to the members of the international
jury for their magnificent work and full cooperation; to the representatives in Barcelona of the
Biblioteca de Catalunya, the Centre de Cultura Contempornia de Barcelona and the Agncia
Catalana de la Joventut; and, in Madrid, to those of the Casa rabe and the Consejo de la Juventud de Espaa for welcoming the 30 winning youths in different activities; thanks also to the
Cyprus Centre for European and International Affairs, Nicosia University, the Carthage Centre
for the Dialogue of Civilizations and El Teatro Arts Centre for organising writing workshops;
and to all the members of the work teams at the European Institute of the Mediterranean in
particular Carme Coll and Alvise Vianello and of the Anna Lindh Foundation, especially its
directors Senn Florensa and Andreu Claret.
On raconte que je louvoie mal entre lenfance et lge adulte. Je mollis, je me saborde
Faute davoir bourlingu ?
Romu manque de dsirs, de projets davenirs rptent tous azimuts, mes parents
dsarms. Pas marrant ; Je suis un cop. Seule lenvie de dcouvrir un ailleurs tranger
pourrait me dmanger.
Sous mes dreadlocks et ma peau crasse, je suis tout sec, je broie du gris. Lanne dernire
correspond ma premire anne universitaire la fin dun tout protg, au dbut dun
grand rien : au bout dun mois, jabandonne les bancs de la facult. Je mamarre aux comptoirs du troquet du quartier. Je my sens mieux quen cours. Je vogue la galre. Je chauffe les
tabourets de mes amis bistrotiers. Je ne vais plus voir mes parents que pour me renflouer,
en linge et en monnaie.
Je rve de fuir, partir, quitter mon port dattache, mon Marseille natal. Je voudrais
mextirper de mon cadre de vie. Et pourtant, je nai jamais t si ferm, enracin par les
cheveux mon mistral violent.
Tendu, statique, bloc de granit, je voudrais mvader Alors les yeux ouverts, je bloque
sur les miroirs de La Trinquette , mon bar, au-dessus du comptoir. Je respire la dpression.
Je manque dengouement.
En quittant le troquet pour aller vers nulle part, une affichette sur la porte, prs de la
sortie, me fait lever le nez de mes clarks une invitation au voyage : Lamicale des immigrs
marocains loue en juillet un bus destination de Fez pour un prix dfiant toute concurrence .
Maroc mon roc ? Serait-ce ma rose des vents, mon escale venir ? Et si 18 ans, je prenais
mes clics, mes clacs, mes clarks. Si josais men aller, ne serait-ce que pour lt ?
Un coup de sang, un coup de chaud ? Je fonce comme un clair la poste la plus proche.
Jy retire de largent pour ce voyage venir. Je cours lamicale des immigrs acheter mon
billet : Ma place, mon fauteuil dautocar pour le pays des oranges .
Un vieillard enturbann assis derrire un bureau en mtal, au fond du local, a le regard
franc et la peau burine. Il me demande de go : Quest ce que tu vas faire l-bas ? .
Je cherche des rponses mais comme je nen trouve pas, je soupire, grommelant : Pff
bof hum et je remets mon nez dans mes chaussures en zieutant la sortie.
Attends, petit, chez moi, au bled, il y a un chantier de lEurope avec des jeunes du
monde, venus de tous les pays. Tu travailles au village le matin, on te donne manger, o
dormir. Et surtout on te fait visiter, connatre les merveilles du Maroc son hospitalit .
Il me jette une carte puis tend sa main calleuse, ferme, rassurante, pour me dire au revoir.
Envotant, le vieux chaman enturbann ?
On raconte quavec ce projet de dpart, je retrouve de lassurance, des mots pour maffirmer Je hisse le pavois, je quitte ta darse, Marseille ! Par la manuvre, je prviens
mes parents. Cette ide de chantier les sduit eux aussi.
Mon ssame est en poche : je conserve prcieusement mon billet et la carte o sont notes les coordonnes du chantier de bnvoles. Quand je leur tlphone de la part du shaman
qui se prnomme Amman, lassociation minscrit : attendu dans les montagnes du pr Rif,
dans le village de Bni-Oulid, jy rnoverai un orphelinat, travaillerai aux espaces verts ,
un mois, avec vingt autres participants.
a sagite sous mes dread je me parle haute voix Romu se bouscule : Adieu fac,
parents, trinquette, Marseille . Happ par ce Maroc, mon roc, un slam simpose alors, au
refrain enttant : Marre des Marionnettes et des guignols rampants. Marre des marivaudages qui ne me concernent pas. En cette matinale, un marabout me fait et je menvole au
vent. Dans son association dun coup de martinet : Marathonien marrant, amarrage marocain.
Shaman va transformer, Romu va voyager .
Jappareille, sans autre grand bagage que mon sac dosce sac dos ma emmen
jusqualors de chez moi, chez maman papa, avec lintrieur mon petit linge laver. Un
peu daration, de vent frais : partons voir du pays !
Notre bus dborde de ses passagers et de leurs sacs, colis Tls, fours, appareils hifi ou lectromnagers, jouets, prsents reprsentent le ssame de retour au pays dorigine,
daprs ce que jen vois. Les soutes et la galerie sont pleines. Jai mme sous les pieds une
centrale vapeur.
Ds la sortie de Marseille, sur lautoroute en direction de Montpellier, lautoradio diffuse
un tub de Cheb Mami. Quelle ambiance ds le dpart ! Jassiste berlu, cach sous ma longue
frange, aux youyous des mammas, et leurs dhanchements des plus dmonstratifs.
Cest la fte du retour aux racines. Je suis seul tranger dans ce bus dimmigrs. Je suis celui
qui ne connat pas... Alors, on me couve, on vient me solliciter. Lun me raconte sa vie, le mariage
de son fils, un norme mchoui, la fte de plusieurs jours. Lautre me vante sa ferme, sa rgion,
le dsert, les Berbres. Les heures dfilent vite, nous avalons lEspagne ; avec, les kilomtres. Je
ne fais rien, jcoute justeOn minvite partout. Dis, tu viendras chez nous ? Allez, l-bas, au
bled . On me vante le pays. Je suis dj parti.
Algsiras, au plein sud de lEspagne, un ferry nous attend. Avec des milliers dautres
en car, camion, voiture, nous embarquons, bruyants, direction Ceuta.
Jentrevois le Maroc, lAfrique l-bas lhorizon. la proue du bateau, sur le pont le plus
haut, le vieillard doux, Amman, regarde droit devant. Il a de lenvergure. Sa sagesse maimante.
Je me glisse prs de lui. Je me lance et le tance Raconte Bni-Oulid l o je vais aller .
Moi, jai grandi l-bas. Le village est trs pauvre, la terre y est trop sche. Cest le premier
chantier, tu seras tranger parmi les trangers. Chacun son tour, mon fils , dit-il en souriant !
Comme moi, quand jtais jeune dans les annes soixante. La France ma appel pour venir
travailler. Tu ne comprendras pas tout. Tu devras regarder, vivre toujours entour Car sur mon
continent, on ne reste seul quune fois enterr .
Notre ferry accoste, dans un grand fourmillement dimpatients passagers. Nous navons
pas dormi depuis le grand dpart. De Ceuta Fez, la musique me berce. Je me rveille, la
tte affale sur les grles jambes dAmman.
Nous passons les remparts de la ville impriale. Devant la gare routire, une haie
dhonneur attend parents, amis. Et dans un tourbillon, valsent toutes les tls, les femmes,
les fers repasser. Le bus se vide trop vite de son accastillage. On me glisse des adresses et
des invitations : Passe chez nous l, ici, maintenant si tu veux .
Je me retrouve seul, avec mon sac dos, la tte bien embrume, sans savoir o aller. Je
me sens un peu perdu, tourdi, sans repres.
Quand jentrevois Amman tout au bout de la place, je respire de nouveau. Il sort
dune vieille voiture et me fait signe de venir. On prend une autre route avec ce grand taxi
qui attend dtre rempli dautres covoituriers. Deux marchands de vtements, avec des
kilos de fripes tasss sur leurs paules, se joignent nous plus tard. Notre taxi dmarre,
une fois arrim.
Mon lieu de chantier, Bni-Oulid est deux heures dici par une piste de terre, plus haut
dans les montagnes. La vieille Merco toussote, crache de ses entrailles une fume noirtre.
On dpasse des mulets conduits par des enfants. Il me montre des cascades, avec une
grande fiert. Il arrte le taxi lentre du village : Ma ferme est l plus haut. Fais ton
chemin, Rouya. Demande lorphelinat, quelquun te conduira .
Le village est travers par la route. Face face, deux cafs se regardent. Sur chacune
des terrasses, des hommes fument la Chicha. On mindique le lieu du chantier, derrire les
grenadiers. Un peu intimid, je pntre dans une cour blanche, tout entoure darcades.
Dans une salle vide, mme le sol, djeunent dautres jeunes.
Je me prsente le cur bondissant et on me fait une place. Je me pose, cal entre un
Japonais qui arrive dAmrique, et un Berbre, tudiant Marrakchi. Nous sommes une dizaine,
dEspagne, de tout le Maroc, dAmrique, dItalie. Je suis le seul Franais.
Ici, cest notre maison explique au groupe, Salim, ltudiant Marrakchi. Demain,
cest Romu et moi qui irons au march, vous ferez manger. Aprs-demain, deux autres. Nous
travaillerons tous quatre heures chaque matin. Superviss par le maire, nous devrons rendre
beau ce lieu dsaffect, planter des arbres autour. la rentre, des enfants dbarqueront,
orphelins, internes. Cest aussi nos vacances. Alors, laprs-midi, les vendredis, dimanches,
siestes, baignades, caf, cest votre libert .
Encadr mais pas trop, je me suis senti revivre. Est-ce dtre responsabilis ou de mautogrer ? Jai appris cuisiner pour quinze, peindre, planter des arbres. Jai li des amitis.
Au caf, en fin daprs-midi, je croise mon vieux shaman. Seul francophone du groupe
parmi les trangers du chantier, il me propose de raconter la France et ses difficults au
cours dune soire. Je suis fatigu de voir les villageois et les enfants dici rver dun paradis
franais. Certains voisins ont embarqu un jour, sans jamais arriver bon port morts ?
Sans domicile en France, ils ont disparu sans nous laisser ni nouvelles, ni adresse. Parle-leur
de Marseille, de ta ville, de ta vie .
Au bord des cascades, lombre du grenadier, je prpare un expos. Un soir, jemmne
tout le groupe dans sa grande maison, sur sa proposition. Sa terrasse est remplie dune centaine de personnes. Tout le village est l, le maire, les hommes du caf, des femmes et des
enfants regroups tout au fond, les copains du chantier.
Amman, solennel, me prsente lassemble comme un ambassadeur franais. Le
silence se fait, et je hisse les voiles : je plante le dcor de ma ville, Marseille. Jvoque les
communauts qui ne se parlent pas, se rejettent entre elles. Je parle du chmage, du racisme
qui gangrne, du front national. Je dcris les htels meubls de mon quartier Belsunce, o
croupissent des vieux comme Amman, entours de dtritus, de rats.
Mon auditoire sassombrit, questionne, ragit. Je dcris alors ma rencontre soutenante
avec mon guide Amman. Je ne le regarde pas, je suis un peu mu.
Je lche mes feuillets : Jtais perdu en France, je tranais, isol. Amman, cest mon
shaman, il ma ouvert une porte quand je touchais le fond. Jai eu la chance dtre intgr
ici. Moi, cest Bni-Oulid, qui a amarr ma vie. Donne-t-on cette chance en France ? Non,
et je nen suis pas fier ni ravi .
Lassemble mapplaudit. Un couscous est servi dans un ballet de femmes. On tchatche
longuement, maintenant avachis sur les grands canaps autour dun long th, avec le maire
et mes frres dun t.
Jai ouvert mon regard. Cet t color ma revitalis. Aprs quatre semaines, je suis
dor, regonfl, ventru par les couscous, muscl par les travaux.
Avant de repartir pour Fez puis Marseille, mon cur devient gros. Je dcide dassumer
ce que je suis, en faits. Je passe chez le barbier : Coupe-moi mes dreadlocks, jen ai marre
de mcacher ! .
Assis prs de mon shaman, dans le bus du retour, nous sommes silencieux, vides. La
radio chante toute seule. Tant de nostalgie mane, quand Amman me dit Romu, tu irradies ! On dirait un soleil . Il suggre, souriant : Quand tu veux, tu te maries et puis tu
restes ici .
Arrte, magicien ! Maintenant, je me prends en main . Jai envie de bosser et dencore bourlinguer. Jai envie de rencontrer. Jai soif dinconnus. Maintenant, on ne marrte
plus !
Bni-Oulid, lamicale des immigrs, quartier Belsunce, chez mes parents, on raconte
que Romu est devenu adulte : Cest un homme rsolu .
Maroc, mon roc Mon slam sauvage prfr me revient souvent, enttant : Marre
des Marionnettes et des guignols rampants. Marre des marivaudages qui ne me concernent
pas. En cette matinale, un marabout ma fait. Je menvolais au vent. Dans son association
dun coup de martinet : Marathonien marrant, amarrage marocain. Shaman a transform.
Romu a voyag .
1. Basta de marionetas y de personas abyectas. Basta de devaneos que me importan un bledo. Esta maana temprano, un
moro me pasa la mano, y el viento se me lleva volando. En su asociacin, de un empujn: maratn tronchante, amarre marroqu.
El chamn transformar, Romu viajar.
las comunidades que no se hablan, que se rechazan. Les hablo del paro, del racismo que
se gangrena, del Frente Nacional. Describo
las pensiones de mi barrio, Belsunce, donde
se pudren los viejos como Amman, rodeados
de ratas y basura.
Mi audiencia se ensombrece, pregunta,
reacciona. Entonces les explico mi afortunado encuentro con mi gua Amman. No lo
miro, estoy un poco emocionado.
Suelto mis folios: En Francia estaba
perdido, vagabundeaba aislado. Amman es
mi chamn, me abri una puerta cuando
estaba tocando fondo. He tenido la suerte
de haberme integrado aqu. Beni Oulid me
ha amarrado a la vida. Hay oportunidades
como sta en Francia? No, y eso no me gusta,
no es algo de lo que est orgulloso.
La asamblea me aplaude. Se sirve cuscs
en medio de una danza de mujeres. Charlamos durante largo rato, ahora tumbados en
grandes sofs, alrededor de un largo t, con
el alcalde y los amigos de un verano.
He abierto los ojos. Este verano coloreado
me ha llenado de vida. Despus de cuatro
semanas estoy dorado, rehinchado, panzudo
de tanto cuscs, musculoso de trabajar.
Antes de regresar a Fez para volver a
Marsella, se me encoge el corazn. Decido
asumir lo que soy, con hechos. Voy al barbero: Crtame las rastas, estoy harto de
Sentado cerca de mi chamn, en el
autocar de regreso, permanecemos en
silencio, vacos. La radio canta sola. Hay
tanta nostalgia en el ambiente que Amman
me dice: Romu, ests radiante! Pareces
un sol. Cuando quieras sugiere, con una
sonrisa te casas y te quedas aqu.
Djalo ya, mago! Ahora me encargo
yo de m mismo. Tengo ganas de currar y
de ver ms mundo. Tengo ganas de conocer.
Tengo sed de gente desconocida. Ahora ya
no hay quien me pare!
En Beni Oulid, en la asociacin de inmigrantes, en el barrio de Belsunce, en casa de
mis viejos, todo el mundo dice que Romu
se ha vuelto adulto. Es un hombre hecho
y derecho.
Marruecos, mi hueco A menudo me
acuerdo de mi slam favorito, pegadizo:
Marre des Marionnettes et des guignols
rampants. Marre des marivaudages qui ne
me concernent pas. En cette matinale, un
marabout ma fait. Je menvolais au vent.
Dans son association dun coup de martinet :
Marathonien marrant, amarrage marocain.
Shaman a transform. Romu a voyag.2
2. Basta de marionetas y de personas abyectas. Basta de devaneos que me importan un bledo. Esta maana temprano, un
moro me pasa la mano, y el viento se me lleva volando. En su asociacin, de un empujn: maratn tronchante, amarre marroqu.
El chamn ha transformado, Romu ha viajado.
Ilaria Mavilla. Italia
La camionetta di tonton arrancava sulla strada sassosa verso Tunisi. Ad ogni rimbalzo mi
ritrovavo invaso dalle scatole di cous cous Drapeau. Quella mattina non ero andato a scuola,
il solo pensiero del nervo di bue di Monsieur Gidou mi aveva fatto entrare la febbre e allora
tat Grace mi aveva tolto il malocchio e mi aveva obbligato a bere un bicchiere di sangue
di maiale. La febbre mi era subito passata e avevo insistito per andare al zuccu con lei e la
Dal finestrino vedevo sfilare i gurbini degli Arabi che travagliavano nella nostra ferma.
Erano fatti di fango e mi chiedevo comera possibile che non si squagliassero al sole. Eppure
non ne avevo mai visto uno squagliato. Lultimo della fila era quello di Jussef, dove andavo
di nascosto a mangiare il cous cous. Mia madre diceva sempre che erano fitusi, i Mori,
fitusi e teste nfasciate, ma io non resistevo alla tentazione di affondare le dita nella semola
tiepida, e di bere quel loro t dolcissimo e profumato. Dopo pranzo jocavamo a muscmesci;
allora non conoscevo altre parole per le albicocche, e neanche Jussef. Ogni tanto, anche se
stavamo jocando, lui si metteva a pregare e io mi sedevo per terra ad aspettare che finisse.
Una volta, mentre stava inginocchiato, avevo rubato il suo cumulo di muscmesci, tanto per
fargli una scmetta, un dispettuccio, ma da quel jorno Jussef non mi aveva pi invitato a
mangiare il cous cous nel suo gurbino. Ora volevo accattare tanti muscmesci per lui, cos
mi avrebbe perdonato la scmetta e avremmo di nuovo jocato insieme. Intanto la mamma
e tat si bisticciavano, si facevano scmetta pure loro. Pari una crimintella con quel pezzo
di barnuso diceva la mamma E tu pari unabbrea rispondeva tat. Quando volevano
offendersi non cera cosa migliore che darsi dellebrea o della mendicante araba. Ogni tanto
tonton le zittiva e loro divertite E cu sii, u conte Raffo? Grace, si sente u conte Raffo to
frate! Tutte le volte che avevo provato a chiedere chi fosse u conte Raffo mi avevano
risposto u conte Raffo!. Prima di accompagnarci al sukko tonton consegn le scatole di
cous cous Drapeau e, rientrando nella camionette disse che il cliente era un vero pezzo di
faccuso che gli chiedeva sempre di marcare e i soldi mai li tirava fuori. Prima di fare le
consegne, tonton guidava il taxi bb ma da quando i Francisi gli avevano tolto il permesso
aveva dovuto cambiare lavoro. E soprattutto non sopportava pi di sentir parlare francise
in casa sua. Grace, dunne vene stu nome? Graziella sii. E non mi dire che ti devi fare la
mise en plie perch io dal coiffeur francise non ti ci porto! E non cucinare pi la soupe, la
pasta alla milanisa vogghiu!. Tat Grace invece li amava i Francisi, soprattutto quelli della
caserma vicino a casa, tant che si era fatta francisa pure lei. Aveva persino cominciato
a tenere una blanchisserie pour lArme e poi, quando qualche giovanotto si prendeva il
colpo di sole, lei se lo portava a casa e gli toglieva il malocchio. La mamma, il cui orgoglio
era di aver frequentato la scuola italiana, la prendeva un po in giro: Oh ma chre! Talia,
mancu n Francia! esclamava quando tat si vestiva a festa per andare dai Francisi. Per
me i Francisi erano tanti monsiuers Gidou e altrettanti nervi di bue pronti a sferzarmi le
Ilaria Mavilla. Italy
My uncles van pulled away on the stony
road to Tunis. Boxes of Drapeau couscous
fell onto me at each pothole we hit. I
hadnt gone to school that morning; just
the thought of Monsieur Gidous cane had
brought on a fever, so Aunt Grace had got rid
of the evil eye and made me drink a glass of
pigs blood. My fever had suddenly vanished
and I had insisted that she and Mummy take
me along to the souk with them.
I looked out of the van window at the
huts of the Arabs who worked on our farm.
They were mud huts, and I wondered why
they didnt just melt in the sun. Id never
seen a melted hut, though. The last hut in
the row was Jussefs, the one I sometimes
used to sneak into to eat couscous. My
mother always told me the Arabs were a
dirty bunch, dirty Arabs and crack-heads,
but I just couldnt resist the temptation of
sinking my finger into the hot semolina and
drinking their sweet, perfumed tea. After
dinner we played muscmesci; at that time
I didnt have any other word for apricots,
and neither did Jussef. Every now and
then, even if we were right in the middle
of a game, he would start to say his prayers
and I would sit down on the ground and
wait for him to finish. One day, when he
was kneeling down praying, I stole his pile
of muscmesci, just for a joke, to wind him
up, but from that day on Jussef had never
invited me back to his hut to eat couscous
again. And now I really wanted to get lots
of muscmesci together for him, maybe that
way hed forgive me for having played that
silly trick on him, and he would let me play
with him again. When my Mum and my
Ilaria Mavilla. Italia
La camioneta del to arranc en la pedregosa carretera hacia Tnez. En cada bache
me encontraba rodeado de cajas de cuscs
Drapeau. Aquella maana no haba ido al
colegio, porque slo pensar en la fusta de
Monsieur Gidou me haba dado fiebre. La ta
Grace me quit el mal de ojo y me oblig a
beber un vaso de sangre de cerdo. La fiebre
me desapareci enseguida y entonces insist
en ir al zoco con ella y con mam.
Por la ventanilla vea desfilar las barracas de los rabes que trabajaban en nuestra
granja. Estaban hechas de barro y yo me
preguntaba cmo era posible que no se
derritieran al sol. Pero nunca haba visto
ninguna derretida. La ltima de la hilera
era la de Jussef, donde yo iba a escondidas a
comer cuscs. Mi madre deca siempre que
los moros eran unos marranos, con la cabeza
liada, pero yo no poda resistir la tentacin
de hundir los dedos en la smola templada, y beber su t dulcsimo y perfumado.
Despus de comer jugbamos a muscmesci;
entonces yo no conoca otra palabra para los
albaricoques, ni Jussef tampoco. De vez en
cuando, aunque estuviramos jugando, l se
pona a rezar y yo me sentaba en el suelo
a esperar que acabara. Una vez, mientras
estaba arrodillado, le rob su montn de
muscmesci, slo para gastarle una broma,
una jugarreta, pero desde aquel da Jussef
no me haba vuelto a invitar a comer cuscs en su cabaa. Ahora yo quera comprar
muscmesci para l, as me perdonara la jugarreta y volveramos a jugar juntos. Cuando
mam y la ta bromeaban, tambin ellas se
hacan la cusqui: Pareces una pordiosera,
con ese mantn, deca mi madre, y la ta
contestaba: Y t pareces una juda. Cuando queran ofenderse no haba nada mejor
que llamarse juda o mendiga rabe. De vez
en cuando el to las mandaba callar y ellas
contestaban divertidas: Quin te crees que
eres, el conde Raffo? Grace, tu hermano se
cree el conde Raffo. Cada vez que intentaba preguntar quin era el conde Raffo, me
respondan: Pues el conde Raffo!. Antes
de acompaarnos al mercado, el to entreg
las cajas de cuscs Drapeau, y al entrar en la
furgoneta dijo que el cliente era un autntico
pedazo de animal que siempre le peda la
factura pero nunca sacaba el dinero. Antes
de ser repartidor el to tena un taxi, pero los
franceses le quitaron la licencia y tuvo que
cambiar de trabajo. Lo que ms odiaba era
que hablaran francs en su casa. Grace!
De dnde sale ese nombre? Te llamas Graziella, no? Y no me digas que te vas a hacer
una mise en plie, porque no te voy a llevar a
ningn coiffeur francs. Y no me prepares
soupe, quiero pasta a la milanesa. La ta
Grace, en cambio, adoraba a los franceses,
especialmente a los del cuartel que haba
cerca de casa. Tanto que se haba convertido
en una francesa. Incluso haba abierto una
blanchisserie pour larme, y cuando algn
joven coga una insolacin, ella lo llevaba a
casa y le quitaba el mal de ojo. Mi madre,
que estaba muy orgullosa de haber ido a la
escuela italiana, se burlaba de ella: Oh
ma chre, Talia, eres ms francesa que los
franceses!, exclamaba cuando la ta se vesta de fiesta para salir con ellos. Para m los
franceses eran todos Monsieurs Gidou, con
su fusta en mano y dispuestos a darme una
zurra al mnimo gesto de desobediencia. La
The Cut
Eleni Skarpari. Cyprus
I remind myself to change the water in the vase and cut about 1 inch off the stems. Roses
can live 4-5 days this way. Maybe even longer.
After doing this, I reach into my pocket and unfold a piece of paper. Its dirty and
soft. I hold it in my hand as I stoop down and take another whiff of the flowers in the vase.
Glossy, romantic, and red, they stand there as though uncut.
I focus on the paper.
Its not a flattering pose. I almost cant recognize myself. My new SM58 Beta mic is
balanced by my right hand against my open mouth. My back is erect, my black turtleneck,
straight hair, brown, shining in red hues when it clashed with the white flash of the clicking cameras, my shoulders tense.
Maybe Id known what would follow. Like that time I needed to show my passport to
cross over. A formality, they said. Of course. I tested them. Gave them the old Greek Cypriot
ID. They couldnt understand it. Asked for my passport or a new ID. I explained that there
was nothing else to show. Jerome was nervous. I remember feeling irritated at that. Why
wasnt he curious? Serhan and Tolga were waiting by the opening. We had to be in Kerynia
at 10.30 pm for sound check. It was ten past ten.
The woman officer at the checkpoint stared at me. She said something in Turkish. In
a dilemma, shed seemed. Theyd told me that theyd placed women officers there to show
they meant peace. To show it was all a formality. I remember them telling me this. It was
during one of those discussions surrounding the Annan Plan result. They were the ones
whod voted yes. Their faces are a grey blur.
I looked straight at her. She continued staring. After a long pause she said something
to the male officer outside who stood next to her little white box, at the open door. He
glanced at me. He gestured. I must have appeared harmless. She let us through. I smiled.
Something was lifted in me. We began to cross the threshold and I looked back only once,
compelled. Worry in her eyes as she watched us move.
In the car, all the way there, I clutched my handbag and visualized my passport inside:
safe, unseen.
I remember the New York Times article I read two days ago. In it a Greek Cypriot
explained how every time I cross the border from the South to the North, and I sign the
Visa entry document, I am acknowledging the Northern State as Turkish. I am a traitor,
in effect.
I signed.
But it had meant something, that day. Passing through like that had meant something.
The photograph is on the front page, on the lower left hand side. The box it is framed by is
of a light yellow background. But it isnt a gleaming yellow. It is almost transparent. Next
to the headline, in bold black letters, announcing the crossover, my face has been magnified. They werent so close. I remember. But hed spoken to me. My fringe doesnt hide my
eyes. They are wide, looking at nothing, at no one. I look as though Im screaming. Not
singing. My mouth is open, but there is no sound. No one can hear my voice.
The announcement refers to the article on page 15. I turn the pages, sluggishly. The
subtitle reads She sings at a nightclub in Kerynia. The title spells, Beautiful Heleni at
Tounel. She doesnt recognize the reporters name. But why should she take it personally?
This is politics.
Of course.
The article on page 15 talks about her as though she has crossed over for good. There
is no acknowledgement of the Turkish Cypriot band, and the Greek Cypriot Jerome singing
next to her in the photograph which is small, clearly a cut-out. At the bottom her name is
highlighted with the statement: Heleni having fun. The article talks of Turkish and illegal
migrants supporting her. It mentions that the news has been tagged from Turkish Cypriot
newspaper, Kipris. It justifies. It implies. It explains that Heleni is not the only one currently
employed in the occupied area. It talks of casinos and bartending. It talks of 2-3 women from
Nicosia and Limassol coming and going, from the false-state during the evening and early
morning hours. It talks about music and theatre. Singers and actors who have crossed over.
And then its me at the forefront again. I am talked of as beautiful again. Just in case anyone
who reads this misses the symbolic parallel to Helen of Troy. They know nothing much
about me. Only that Ive been singing for the past two weeks at the Old Tunnel Rock Bar in
occupied Kerynia. The last line mentions Jerome, and that he resides in the free South.
29,000 Turkish troops in northern Cyprus. 40% of the island is occupied, roughly,
I am reminded.
Two nations. A green line between two people different in religion, nationality, culture.
They justify.
I finally purchase the newspaper and go back to my office. I sit at my desk quietly. The
girl opposite me is on leave. Good. There is a knock on the door and one of the two girls in
the next office comes in. She looks worried. I say nothing, just hand her the newspaper. She
reads. Her dark eyebrows twitch closely. What will you do about it? she asks.
My mobile starts to ring. What an ugly ring tone, I think. I must change it. I click
open its fancy grey lid and hear another familiar voice. He wants to talk about the article.
Of course.
I remember the way he nudged my shoulder as I stood staring at the stage, waiting for my
turn to climb it. I looked at him surprised when he asked, plainly enough:
I Google Personal Injury, Slander, Libel. I read from the screen as my eyes squint
from the light that unnerves me: Slander is a spoken defamation. Defamation, or 'defamation of character', is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living
persons reputation.
I wonder what damages I can seek. I can picture my father sitting in his office at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as they bring him his newspaper and strong black coffee. He
unfolds it without noticing the front page, moves straight to its core and starts to read. Then
he notices the picture. The ostensible fringe. He cant believe it. It must be some kind of
cruel joke. Its not her, hes thinking. Cant be her.
I call the newspapers editor-in-chief. It takes a few phone line diverts to get to him.
I balance the receiver between my shoulder and my head, pressing it hard on my left ear
with my sweaty hand. He talks politely. I answer matter of fact.
My mother calls. Her voice is tremulous and slightly screechy bordering on hysteria.
I try to calm her by explaining that I have already taken measures against them. I tell her
about the damages. She says, I cant be serious. I must be in LaLaLa dreamland. I must be
mad. I did. I shouldnt have. I was never. I am always. She is worried.
Of course.
Heleni sings in Kerynia: Greek-Cypriot with the name of Heleni has been singing every
Friday, in a rock bar, in occupied Kerynia.
The news reached me by phone at 8.45 am. Id just come to the office, switched on the
computer and was going through my e-mails. Maria called and asked me simply, Do you
sing in Kerynia every Friday? I was silent for about 5 seconds. She asked if I was there. I
asked her how she knew about it. She said shed heard it on the radio. It was front page news
in one of the daily newspapers.
I remember trying to think. I couldnt think. She was concerned. She said it had
sounded negative. Of course. I thanked her for telling me and decided to go to the kiosk
to get the newspaper. Find out which one it was. I put down the receiver, after hearing my
voice say goodbye and thank you and I cant believe this.
The girls in the office next to me were typing on their keyboards, drinking hot coffee
from their mugs. They looked surprised when I told them what had happened. I descended
the stairs to the parking lot, got into my car and drove slowly to the kiosk nearby. The air
was thick. My heartbeat was loud but I found it difficult to move fast. Some cars beeped
their horns at me, but I never saw them, only heard them, vaguely. The newspapers were
stacked on the rusty white stand. Carefully, I took one by one and searched through them:
Fileleutheros, Politis, Cyprus Weekly, Cyprus Mail, Simerini. Finally I bought it.
She was stupid.
Why did she have to go there?
Couldnt she sing over here?
Wasnt it enough for her to sing over here?
She was entertaining Turks.
Over there. I cant believe she went over there.
She let herself be photographed.
Look at her.
Its shameful.
So many traitors like her.
Shes brainless.
Doesnt she understand the situation?
Must have voted 'yes'.
No one will employ her now.
I heard her Dads a diplomat.
Poor girl. She should have thought about it first.
Some singer.
Didnt she see it coming?
Dirty money.
Crazy bitch.
She said she never got any money.
Her reputation is ruined.
I dont think. I just move my fingertip softly over the scar on the left side of my mouth. Its
a crooked line. It looks like a dimple if I smile. Ive been smiling quite often lately. Theres
nothing to smile about, really, but I hate the scar. I hate feeling it over with my fingertip exactly as I am doing now, but I cant help it. Its compulsive. I remember. The skin converges
into tiny cracks. Its uneven. The stitches give it a rough terrain of a few inches. Its puffed
out and a little red, still. The doctors said it will stay, unless I want cosmetic surgery.
The Turkish flag on the Pentadaktylos mountain range stares at me, every time
I drive to work in the morning, smiling, aesthetically. The flag lights up at night, with
myriad Christmassy light bulbs. I watch it as it disappears. I smile. Do I even know what
its called in Turkish? Beparmaklar. The word tingles my tongue as it forces its way out
of my mouth. I remember your gobsmacked expression when I spoke that word to you.
You claimed to be impressed. Asked me what I knew of the Cyprus problem, the division.
Pretended to be neutral.
I wanted to find you and punish you for ruining everything. Your clicking camera.
Your clicking mouth as you talked. As you kissed me. As you pushed me.
I move my fingertip away and urge my body up from its stupor, towards the bathroom.
Its my bathroom. My parents want nothing to do with me. At least for three months now,
we havent spoken. I pass by the house and see the lights switched on and smile. The dimple
is cute from the rear view mirror. It doesnt even look like a scar when my lips stretch like
I switch on the light in my bathroom and I stare at the mirror. My right eye is bloodshot, still. The blood still clots where you hit me. But it shouldnt for long. It was right
before you pushed me, seconds before I fell. You pushed me in a garden filled with shrubs.
What a place to push someone, unless youre about to make love. The prickly rose stem that
punctured my skin remained.
What else can you do with red roses?
Blood gushed and covered my chin and neck. It matted my hair and soaked my blouse,
which was white, but it was dark, so you only saw black. I saw fear in your eyes. You didnt
even help me pull the stem out. You just left it lodged there. I heard your footsteps on the
ground, rushing away. Coward.
I wonder if anything will grow where you cut me.
The cut capital of Europe. The earth oozes. My voice is now soundless. The tattered
article is in my pocket. Doesnt matter how many times I change my trousers. Its in my
pocket. My thumbs are blackened every time I take it out and read, and look at it. Then I
fold it carefully and settle it back where it was again. I touch my line. My cut. My skin bears
the smudge of my fingertip. But I smell roses.
El corte
Eleni Skarpari. Chipre
Recuerdo que debo cambiar el agua del
jarrn y recortar los tallos un par de centmetros. As las rosas pueden vivir unos cuatro
o cinco das. Tal vez incluso ms.
Al acabar, busco en el bolsillo y desdoblo un trozo de papel. Es blanduzco y est
sucio. Lo sostengo en la mano mientras
me inclino para oler de nuevo las flores
del jarrn. Relucientes, romnticas y rojas,
permanecen erguidas como si no hubieran
sido cortadas.
Me concentro en el papel.
No es una pose favorecedora. Casi ni me
reconozco. Mi mano derecha mantiene en
equilibrio mi nuevo micrfono SM58 Beta
ante mi boca abierta. La espalda erguida, el
jersey negro de cuello alto, el cabello lacio
color castao desprendiendo destellos rojos
al chocar con el blanco de los flashes de las
cmaras, los hombros tensos...
Tal vez debera haber sabido lo que vendra despus. Como aquella vez que tuve
que ensear mi pasaporte para pasar al
otro lado. Una formalidad, me dijeron. Por
supuesto. Les puse a prueba. Les di el viejo
documento de identidad grecochipriota.
Ellos no lo entendan. Me pedan el pasaporte o un nuevo documento de identidad.
Yo les expliqu que no haba nada ms que
ensear. Jerome estaba nervioso. Recuerdo
que me sent irritada por ello. Por qu no
senta curiosidad? Serhan y Tolga esperaban
al otro lado. Tena que estar en Kerinia a
las diez y media para una prueba de sonido.
Eran las diez y diez.
La fotografa est en la portada, en la
parte inferior izquierda. El recuadro que la
enmarca tiene un fondo de color amarillo
claro. No es un amarillo brillante. Es casi
transparente. Junto al titular en negrita,
que anuncia mi paso al otro lado, aparece
mi rostro ampliado. No estaban tan cerca. Lo
recuerdo. Pero l haba hablado conmigo. El
flequillo no me tapa los ojos. stos aparecen
abiertos, mirando a la nada, a nadie. Parece
que est gritando. No cantando. Tengo la
boca abierta, pero no hay ningn sonido.
Nadie puede or mi voz.
La cabecera remite al artculo de la
pgina 15. Paso las pginas lentamente. El
subttulo reza Canta en un club nocturno
de Kerinia. El titular habla de la Hermosa
Heleni en Tounel. Ella no reconoce el
nombre del periodista. Pero por qu debera tomrselo como algo personal? Esto es
Por supuesto.
El artculo de la pgina 15 habla de ella
como si hubiera pasado al otro lado para
siempre. No hay ninguna mencin a la
banda turcochipriota, y el grecochipriota
Jerome que aparece cantando junto a ella
en la fotografa es una figura pequea,
claramente un recorte. Debajo aparece su
nombre subrayado con la frase: Heleni
pasndoselo bien. El artculo habla de
turcos y emigrantes ilegales que estn con
ella. Menciona que la noticia procede de un
diario turcochipriota, Kipris. Lo justifica.
Lo insina. Explica que Heleni no es la
nica que actualmente trabaja en la zona
ocupada. Habla de casinos y bares. Habla
de dos o tres mujeres de Nicosia y Limassol
que vienen y van desde ese falso Estado
durante la tarde y las primeras horas de la
maana. Habla de msica y teatro. Cantantes y actores que han pasado al otro lado. Y
Recuerdo la forma en que me dio una palmadita en el hombro mientras yo permaneca de pie mirando al escenario, esperando
mi turno para salir. Lo mir sorprendida
cuando me pregunt abiertamente:
Quin eres?
Aquella sencilla pregunta me sorprendi por extraa. Le dije mi nombre. Pero
no era sa la respuesta a su pregunta. Me
mir fijamente con la boca medio abierta,
Busco en Google ofensa personal, calumnia, libelo. Leo en la pantalla mientras
mis ojos miran de soslayo para evitar la luz
que me enerva: Calumnia es una difamacin
hablada. Difamacin, o difamacin de carcter, es un conjunto de palabras habladas o
escritas que dan una imagen falsa y negativa
de la reputacin de una persona viva.
Me pregunto qu daos puedo reclamar.
Me imagino a mi padre sentado en su despacho del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, en
el momento en que le traen su peridico y
su caf solo bien cargado. Abre el peridico
sin reparar en la portada, pasa directamente a las pginas centrales y empieza a leer.
Helena canta en Kerinia: una grecochipriota que responde al nombre de Heleni
ha estado cantando cada viernes, en un bar
de rock, en la Kerinia ocupada.
La noticia me lleg por telfono a las
8.45. Acababa de llegar al despacho y encender el ordenador, y estaba mirando mis
correos electrnicos. Maria me llam y me
pregunt lisa y llanamente: Cantas en Kerinia cada viernes?. Permanec en silencio
durante unos cinco segundos. Ella me pregunt si segua all. Yo le pregunt cmo se
haba enterado. Me dijo que lo haba odo
por la radio. Y era noticia de portada en uno
de los diarios.
Recuerdo que trataba de pensar, pero no
poda. Ella estaba preocupada. Me dijo que
haba sonado con un tono negativo. Por supuesto. Le agradec que me lo dijera y decid
Ha sido una estpida.
Por qu tena que ir all?.
No poda cantar aqu?.
Acaso le pareca poco cantar aqu?.
Estaba entreteniendo a los turcos.
All. No puedo creer que fuera all.
Se dej fotografiar.
Es vergonzoso.
Demasiados traidores como ella.
Es una insensata.
Acaso no comprende la situacin?.
Amiga de los turcos.
Debi de votar s.
Ahora nadie la contratar.
He odo que su padre es diplomtico.
Pobre chica! Debera haberlo pensado
Una cantante.
No lo vea venir?.
Dinero sucio.
Zorra demente.
Deca que no ganaba dinero.
Ha arruinado su reputacin.
Quin querr ahora que cante aqu?.
Quin se casar con ella ahora?.
Qu esperaba?.
Nia tonta.
Mi hija no habra pasado ni para comprar zumo de naranja!.
Deba de creer que iba a salirse con la
No pienso. Simplemente muevo la yema del
dedo suavemente sobre la cicatriz del lado
izquierdo de mi boca. Es una lnea sinuosa.
Cuando sonro parece un hoyuelo. ltimamente sonro con mucha frecuencia. En realidad no hay ningn motivo para rer, pero odio
la cicatriz. Odio notarla en la yema del dedo
exactamente como estoy haciendo ahora, pero
no puedo evitarlo. Es algo compulsivo. Lo recuerdo. La piel converge en unas diminutas
grietas. Es desigual. Los puntos le dan una
consistencia rugosa a lo largo de unos pocos
centmetros. Todava est hinchada y un poco
roja. Los mdicos dicen que no se ir, a menos
que quiera hacerme la ciruga esttica.
La bandera turca sobre la cadena montaosa Pentadctilos me observa cada vez que
voy en coche a trabajar por la maana, sonriendo con elegancia. De noche la bandera se
ilumina con un montn de luces navideas.
Observo cmo desaparece. Sonro. S siquiera como se llama en turco? Beparmaklar.
La palabra me hace cosquillas en la lengua
It all started with a small piece of paper. She handed it to him, What does it say Adam?
This is the electricity bill Nadia, Adam answered surprisingly.
Ok, Ill give you the money to pay it tomorrow. He was still holding the bill in his
hand while she walked back in the kitchen.
He followed her in hesitating:
Why did you ask me about it Nadia? This is the first time you
Fadwa used to tell me which bill it is. Fadwa was her maid.
Why? You dont know how to read?!
No, I dont know how to read, she replied with a clear voice.
Adam was quite shocked.
Whats wrong? Nadia asked while preparing to make tea.
But you bring newspapers every day!
I look at pictures Adam, pictures tell the true story.
But how come you cant read Nadia?
I just dont, she replied, in my time reading wasnt a big deal.
Adam was silent now, for him she looked smarter than an illiterate. She was capable
of anything. He would see her spending hours flipping the pages of the newspapers, and
she would sit with him and his friends talking for hours about history, politics and millions
of other topics. She sounded educated and was the kind of a person he wanted to be when
hes seventy-three years old; strong, independent, knowledgeable and always enjoyable to
be with.
I know the alphabet though, Aleph, Ba A, B. She added breaking his silence.
Ahmed taught me. Her grandson.
He did?
Yeah She paused, forgetting how many spoons of sugar she had added to his
Two, he said, and she added another half.
He taught me two years ago, he was seven and I was staying that summer over at
Jamals house. That was the last time I stayed there for the summer. I missed my home here
very much, she added; Even if its your sons house, you still feel like a foreigner. Adam
nodded and went back to his room to study.
Adam was twenty years old, a lonely child from a Lebanese family who moved to Jordan
twelve years ago when his father and uncle started a new business with a Jordanian investor
in Amman. They all used to go to Lebanon frequently but one winter his parents had to
go to Beirut to visit a sick friend when they were both killed in a bombing. They werent
targeted; they were just more innocent victims. Adam was seventeen back then and moved
to stay with his uncle who took him in and took care of him as his own son; he gave him
the kind of life he would wish for with his parents; a life of love, away from assumptions
and pointless politics. His parents had taught him how to belong to where he belonged and
love it without harming others, and his uncle followed the same approach.
Two years later, when he started going to the university, he decided, contrary to his
uncles wishes, to rent a small apartment close to his university in Salt, a city to the north
of Amman It was a long ride from his house in Amman and he always missed lectures.
He heard about Nadias house. A friend of his uncle told him about it: She is an old
woman; the house is too big for her so she decided to rent two disconnected rooms, the
friend said. Her only condition is that she sits alone with you to get to know you first.
She did and he rented the rooms right away.
I want to teach you Nadia, said Adam standing at the door of the room. Nadia smiled
and nodded.
And so he did Teaching her made them as close as friends can be. He gave her exercises to practice and sometimes he would set her tests. Every letter would get them closer
and every minute spent would bring their worlds together. He loved her simplicity and her
love of life, he learned from her spirit how to reach out to the world with wide open eyes,
love it and make the best of it.
Six months have passed and Nadia can now spell most of the words quite easily. The
summer break was approaching, and Adam would spend it in Beirut with his uncle for the
first time since attending his parents funeral. Nadia didnt want him to go, but she didnt
say a word, she knew he should. What shall I get you from Beirut Nadia? Adam kept
teasing her.
All I want is your safety Adam, its so dangerous there. I wish you wouldnt go. She
forced the words out. He sighed and went back to his room.
She never talked to him about his parents or about their death. Everyday she would
see pain in his morning eyes and avoid looking deeply fearing that her emotions would
reach him, touch him and force the wounds to bleed. She would sleep every night with
millions of questions hoping the next day would bring the answers. Adam grieved for his
parents silently and isolated his sorrow, buried every question, every uncertainty and all the
possible answers. He refused sympathy and hated blame.
They are dead! he would cry, refusing to talk about the whole thing. Who ever
killed them, I wish him pain, and no! I dont want to know who did it Theres no place
in my heart for blame.
He closed himself off, created a different identity, without dreams to chase or anyone
to go to. He lived on their memory and died a million times for their loss.
He left for Beirut. They planned to stay for a month; his uncle had some business to finish.
When he got there, Adam saw a different scene and heard a foreign language. His friends
had aged and grew to be more lost than ever. He was forced to listen to news for it was a daily
habit, and analyzing assumptions for it was a common skill. In that wounded city, smiles of
happiness and content were replaced with those of sarcasm. Life changed there just as it did
for him, and in that place where he most belonged he felt nothing but a stranger.
He would call Nadia almost every day to talk to her and to check if she was practicing her reading and she would start with one of the school books he got her before he left,
pronouncing each letter one at a time to eventually say the full word. She would feel him
smile over the phone and would miss him more.
You sound troubled are things ok? Having a good time there? Nadia was worried
when she heard his voice over the phone one day.
No, Im fine, things are ok.
Are you sure?
He was silent.
What? Tell me. Her heart was pumping. He was more than a son to her. She doubted sometimes that she loved him more than she loved her own sons.
He almost said something but hesitated. He knew that she would understand him
more than anyone; he had felt her care since the first day he entered her house, and she
became his lifetime companion. She offered him an easy life, a gateway where he became
friends with the world once again and got to know it well Its your life, live it your own
way Adam, dont let people determine the direction of your life, dont agree when you disagree, dont nod when you dont understand and, son, never force a smile for it hurts more
than a bullet close to the heart. She was a teacher of life.
I feel lost, he said finally. Everyone here is more Lebanese than I am.
It is only because youve been away; nothing has changed.
Everything has changed, he said almost shouting. Come and see how people are
And do you want to be like them? They are the lost ones not you, she said almost as
if she had expected it. Just be safe Adam. Dont force yourself into a life you dont want
to live.
Two weeks later Adam arrived at Amman, weighed down with things he refused to talk
about and unexpressed feelings. He listened to the news more carefully now and would talk
about it for hours. He would wake up in the morning discussing the previous day in Beirut
with someone over the phone, and decided to get his own TV to watch as much news as he
wanted without disturbing her. His passion for teaching her almost faded, his favorite meals
no longer tasted in his mouth and the daily chores were no longer his responsibility because
he was becoming more and more distracted. He worried so much now and sank deep down
into the mud. His love for everyday things never seemed to return and Nadia would get
more concerned as the days went by.
But she knew him, she sensed the change of direction and the stab of pain, resisted
talking about it and waited for him to realize that he was creating a dark world and actually
choosing to live in it, but Adam insisted and started avoiding her until one day she decided
this was enough.
That night She entered his room while he was getting ready to sleep. She would
usually pass by to check if he needed something but that night she went in and found him
crying. In that moment she drew on the strength of her seventy three difficult, happy, cold,
sunny and colorful years and stood there, powerful and determined.
Please go Nadia, he said struggling with his tears.
Son, talk to me.
Im fine Nadia, just go.
No, you are not; you are tired, wasted and crushed with pain. When will you face the
truth? Talk Adam, spell it out, and let me help you, let me see you happy and add days of
joy to this long life of mine!
Adam! She tried to reach his hand but he moved away. I know you miss your parents, I know you struggle and cant find reasons, and its hard I do know, but reach out
and ask for help, dont let injustice steal your spirit, fight for it! She sighed: We hate the
open endings, but they have a purpose, they test our spirits and our decisiveness; your parents death is an open ending waiting for your closure, they died for a reason Adam
They died for no reason Nadia, he almost yelled at her through his tears.
Not everything has a reason. She paused now giving him some space. Son, holding
in pain will only hide the beautiful memories and make your life strange and cold getting more involved will cause you bitterness and will add torture. Using your pain to create
pain for others is not the answer. Open your heart Adam, dont judge and dont listen too
carefully for it will distract. Dont complicate stories and dont add details, when you focus
on details you miss the theme. You wasted hours on teaching me, an old woman, a hopeless
case, but you had faith in me and it made you feel good. You are someone created for good
causes. Use your pain to shed light on those beautiful details, brighten up and add your own
colors... this is your closure, this is you, someone who cares and loves, the world is filled with
people focusing on those ugly details. Dont be a follower. You wont be changing the world,
no, but at least youll be enjoying a fresh new path; you wont be alone, youll hear the birds
singing and the wind blowing and one day youll look back proudly and see millions of
other people behind you. Dont waste the good in your heart Adam and create a different
ending, a warm one of your own and let your parents be proud.
There was a long silence before Adam could say anything. Nadia was holding his
hands now and he was looking away, shaking. When he finally looked at Nadia everything
was there in those weary, colorful, tearful eyes.
Im tired Nadia, he sobbed, I want my parents back my old life, I want it back
too, he cried I want my old life and you Nadia I miss them, I want them back
And he threw himself on her and cried like he had never cried before.
Ceren Alptrkan Erdil. Trkiye
ok ey vard
Sralarn arasnda dolarken kap yavaa ald. Sevimli bir kz birka adm atp durdu. Glmsedim. Gzleri parlad. zr dilemesini bekledim, susuyordu. ardm.
Bugn ilk gnmz olduu iin kzmayacam. Ama snfmzn kurallar var. ncelikle retmen snftayken kap alnmadan ieri girilmez. Sonra da zr dilenir. Hadi
bakalm imdi dar k ve kapy al
Ne konuuyor ne de sylediimi yapyordu. renciler glmeye balamlard. Sinirlerim iyice gerilmiti. Snf susturdum.
Kzm ne oldu?
Sadece nne bakyordu. Gzleri daha da bir parlam, hafif hafif burnunu ekmeye
balamt. Ne olduu anlayamyor, anlayamadka daha ok geriliyordum.
Ne duruyorsun, hadi?
Ceren Alptrkan Erdil. Turkey
She was just standing there in front of me,
looking at her feet without the tiniest movement. She had to learn to knock on the door
when arriving late, and apologize. I should
be teaching her... First day of school, and the
whole class was watching us silently. I was
taken aback. The little girl with thick lips
and hair braided on two sides was standing
in front of the door; her eyes which flitted
towards me every now and then were getting
damper by the second. Was she that embarrassed? I couldnt understand...
Miss? Who am I talking to?
She had woken up early. The rays of sun
that leaked in through the curtains were
wiggling on her father like mischievous
children trying to reach his face, as he
slept on the couch next to her. She skipped over her sisters, trying not to wake
them. Her gaze caught the veteran school
uniform hanging on a nail on the wall. The
color had faded from too many washes, its
elbows had been patched numerous times
but it had still been meticulously ironed.
It belonged to her now... She felt a warmth
inside her, she was almost shaking with
As she entered the garden so as not to
wake anyone, another day salvaged from
summer was beginning with the echoes
of a late crowing rooster. Although they
had arrived only a few months ago, she
was already used to the town. It had hurt
her mother to uproot themselves from
the village by selling their property and
take to the road. As they were there to
I had come amongst a people I knew nothing about; a culture to which I was a total
stranger. I was shaking all over on my
first day as a teacher. Dozens of students
watched me attentively, waiting curiously.
The more I tried to hide my excitement,
the worse I shook. I started to walk around
the classroom, asking the names of the
students. Most of them came from poor
families. They were so embarrassed that
they could barely talk to me. After all, I
was their teacher from the big city. I had
lots to learn and lots to teach...
As I walked among the desks, the door
slowly opened. A pretty little girl took a
few steps in and then stopped. I smiled.
Her eyes shone. I waited for her to apologize, but she kept silent. I was surprised.
Ill let this pass since it is our first day
together. But our classroom has rules. First
of all, when the teacher is in the classroom,
we dont enter without knocking on the
door first. Then we apologize. Now go back
outside and knock on the door.
She neither spoke nor did what I asked.
The students had begun to snicker. My
nerves were on edge. I told the class to
keep quiet.
Miss, what is happening?
She was staring at her feet. Her eyes
had got brighter, and she had begun to
snivel. I couldnt understand what was going on and the less I understood, the tenser
I became.
Go on, what are you waiting for?
Ceren Alptrkan Erdil. Turqua
Estaba ah de pie justo delante de m, mirndose los pies sin hacer el ms mnimo
movimiento. Tena que aprender a llamar
a la puerta cuando llegaba tarde y a pedir
perdn. Yo debera ensearle... Primer da
de colegio, y toda la clase nos estaba mirando
en silencio. Estaba desconcertada. La nia
pequea de labios gruesos y trenzas a los
dos lados estaba de pie frente a la puerta;
sus ojos, que me iban mirando de vez en
cuando, se estaban humedeciendo por
momentos. Tanta vergenza senta? No lo
poda entender...
Seorita? Con quin estoy hablando?
Se haba levantado pronto. Los rayos de sol
que se colaban por las cortinas contorneaban
la figura de su padre como nios traviesos
intentando llegar a su cara, que dorma en
el sof al lado de ella. Salt por encima de
sus hermanas, intentando no despertarlas.
Sus ojos se fijaron en el antiguo uniforme de
colegio que estaba colgado de un clavo en la
pared. El color haba perdido intensidad de
tanto lavarlo, los codos estaban remendados
muchas veces, pero segua meticulosamente
planchado. Ahora era suyo... Senta un calor
en su interior, estaba casi temblando de la
Al salir al jardn para no despertar a nadie, otro da rescatado del verano empezaba
con el eco del canto de un gallo tardo. Pese
a que haban llegado haca pocos meses,
ya se haba acostumbrado al pueblo. A su
madre le haba dolido haberse ido de su
aldea, vendido la casa y haberse echado a
la carretera. Pero como estaban ah para
European country. He thought that the further he went geographically, the further he
would go in his mind. Although the sense
of flight was very intense within him, the
strange thing was that he couldnt explain
it. If you had asked him why, he probably
wouldnt have known how to answer. He
would have said something, but he would
have given an answer that he didnt really believe, one concocted at that moment.
The few times that he thought about it, he
concluded that he was not leaving to escape
some oppressive truth, but to find himself.
Only if you test yourself in very different
conditions from those you are used to can
you really understand who you are. Thats
what he believed and this conviction was
so strong that he was ready to give it all up
and to go away somewhere where nothing
would remind him of who he was.
The results of his application came
in October. A foreign language school in
Tallinn had accepted him and was waiting
for him to agree so that they could start the
paperwork. If he accepted, he would work
there as an English teacher of children aged
nine to fifteen. The initial excitement of
feeling that a decisive step towards his aim
was about to be taken was succeeded by the
fear of the unknown. He realised that the
only thing he knew about the place where
he might spend the next six months of his
life was that it was on the Baltic. When he
thought a little more he remembered that
one year the Estonian entry had won the
Eurovision Song Contest. These two facts,
the first the result of geography lessons at
school, and the second the product of the
Por todas partes podas ver que la primavera estaba llegando. Los fines de semana
eran buenas ocasiones para hacer viajes
cortos. Aunque todava no haca calor, la
naturaleza haba empezado a exhibir su
belleza primaveral. En la escuela haban
empezado a preparar a los alumnos para
los exmenes de mayo. Los ms jvenes,
de nueve a once aos, tenan que hacer el
examen para alumnos jvenes a principios
de mayo, y ya estbamos en abril. En las
ltimas clases se haba dado mucha importancia a prepararlos para los exmenes
para que pudieran sentirse cmodos con
todo el proceso. Dos semanas antes del da
del examen decidieron llevar a los nios
de picnic a un parque cerca de la escuela
para que pudieran alejarse del ambiente
de revisin y preparacin, que era bastante
exigente para su edad. Todos subieron al
autobs y, despus de tres paradas, llegaron
a su destino. Los nios inmediatamente se
esparcieron por el parque. Otro profesor y l
se sentaron y hablaron de algunos detalles
finales de la preparacin para los exmenes.
Uno de sus alumnos, una nia de 10 aos,
se le acerc y le dio un llavero con forma
de globo terrqueo, mientras le deca esto
es para usted, con una sonrisa pintada en
los labios. Le devolvi la sonrisa automticamente y la nia fue a encontrarse con sus
amigos en el otro lado del parque.
Sostuvo el llavero e hizo girar el globo
terrqueo sobre su eje con el dedo. Mir
cmo giraba, y su mente tambin se puso
en movimiento. Un mundo en sus manos y l
miraba cmo giraba y giraba sin parar desde
el movimiento de su mano. Pens que en el
globo que sostena en la mano frica, Amrica, Europa, el mundo entero giraba al mismo
ritmo. Pens que su alumna le acababa de
mostrar su aprecio y su amor del modo ms
tierno. Se sinti un idiota por haber llegado
a la conclusin de que eran personas con
My Passion
Biljana Apostolova. FYR Macedonia
My passion has always been to tell stories with flair, emotion and intelligence. To use words,
graphics, photos and design to captivate readers so they are informed and entertained.
I am a passionate journalist because I believe in the power of the media to effect positive change in society. In my opinion journalists play a vital role in that change as watchdogs, but even more importantly our stories and photographs influence how people
in society view one another. What you read helps shape what you believe. And what you
believe shapes how you act towards others, especially those who might be different from
you in some way. The challenge that excites me as a journalist is to tell stories of real people all kinds of people in the hope that this will truly help us see one another for who
we really are. I have always been a very inquisitive person. Just as food nourishes the body,
journalism feeds my curious nature.
My suggestion for the project is to write a story about freedom, about the society that
was face to face with the civil war between the two biggest ethnicities and now copes with
the issue of living together as a complex problem that should be approached by putting
people at the center of human rights, equality and social inclusion. It is about the context
of Macedonian society, in which the epicenter should be the citizen, not national groups,
where principles of meritocracy should be respected, which means competition free from
ethicist and partisan influences.
In the Macedonian case, after the storm and the Ohrid Agreement, there was
great instability, where everything functioned corrosively and unnaturally, with prejudgments and taboos, and there are still some open problems like the national march which is
an ethnocentric symbol.
Even though the Republic of Macedonia has undergone changes in the last two decades, fundamental questions still remain to be resolved in regards to inter-ethnic relations
within its ethnic mosaic. One would expect that after the demise of Yugoslavian Communism, the Republic of Macedonia, after declaring its independence, would tend towards
establishing democratic society with full human, civil and cultural rights for its citizens,
without discrimination based on religious, racial and ethnic background.
Macedonians intermittently accused the Albanians of illegal construction, real estate
purchases at inflated prices, mass immigration from Kosovo, re-population of Macedonian
villages abandoned by their inhabitants, ethnic cleansing by intimidation of urban neighborhoods, nationalist indoctrination under the guise of religious instruction, pressuring
other Muslims to declare themselves as Albanians, and irredentism.
Albanians intermittently accused the Macedonians of discrimination in the labor
market, in secondary and higher education, in infrastructure (many Albanian villages still
lack proper roads and are not connected to the national grids of water and electricity), and
in public administration. Albanians claim that police brutality, discriminatory legislation
and the exclusive use of the Macedonian language violate their human and civil rights.
They lost faith in the Macedonians will to accommodate their demands, however legitimate.
Following the recent spate of violence, Macedonians have come to accept many longstanding Albanian demands. Others they reject as secession in disguise.
The inner stability of today depends on the process of integration of society, on the
process of recreating lines of interethnic communication and avoiding opposite extremes
and interethnic tensions, in the process of substituting ethnocracy with real democratic
In my opinion wisdom is a necessary factor in finding the way out of the deadliest
century the human race has ever known. So the fundamental questions for me are: how can
we learn to live together? How can we learn to coexist, despite our differences? How can we
turn our differences into something positive? What are we trying to do in this initiative of
coexistence and community?
My main aim is to provide the answer to the question: Why is freedom important?
I sometimes find it helpful to imagine myself standing as a single individual on one
side, facing the huge gathering of all other human beings on the other. Then I ask myself
whose freedom is more important? To me it is clear that however I may feel about my
freedom, I am just one individual while other peoples freedom is infinitive in glory and
Today our world is becoming smaller and ever more independent with the rapid
growth in population and increasing contact between people and their rights of freedom.
In this light, it is important to reassess the rights and responsibilities of individuals, peoples
and nations in relation to each other and to the planet as a whole. No matter what country
we come from we are all basically the same human beings. We have common human needs
and concerns.
Deeper human nature needs to breathe the precious air of liberty. That is the reason
why the movement for liberty must become the most powerful moral force, so that even the
most obstructive governments are incapable of suppressing it.
First of all, the survey on freedom in Macedonia provides an annual evaluation of the
state of global freedom as experienced by individuals. The survey measures freedom the
opportunity to act spontaneously in a variety of fields outside the control of the government
and other centers of potential domination following two broad categories: political rights
and civil liberties. Political rights enable people to participate freely in the political process,
including the right to vote freely for distinct alternatives in legitimate elections, for representatives who have a decisive impact on public policies and are accountable to the electorate.
Civil liberties allow for freedoms of expression and belief, associational and organizational
rights, rule of law and personal autonomy without interference from the state.
In the Republic of Macedonia today we live in a democracy that is increasingly hostile to long-term and collective freedom. Our choice of political party at election time is
quite restrictive and the mass media is almost entirely corporately owned and therefore
influenced, which in turns opens it up to government influence. If our lives are dictated
and controlled by others, it effectively removes us from the vital task of carving out our
personal life path, of taking responsibility, of growing up.
Every scenario can produce the ethnic splitting of Macedonia as well as its preservation as one state although with a different structure as a federation or confederation. Perhaps the most peaceful solution will be to include in the future all of the countries of the
region in the European Union. The ethnic hate will probably remain but at least there will
be no borders between the states to reshape. The Albanians would be one united people
even without formal reunification like the Basques in Western Europe.
Unfortunately, the demographic dynamic makes this scenario less plausible in the
long run. The Albanians, whose natural growth is much higher than that of other ethnic
groups, including Macedonians, have nothing to fear from the federalization of Macedonia.
Sooner or later they will dominate this state as the majority group. On the other hand, the
present ethnic majority has everything to fear from such a development. So at any given
moment it can initiate separation of the country in order to preserve its control at least over
some parts of it. For this majority, the prospects of European integration will ultimately
mean being put under direct Albanian domination. Such unpleasant perspectives can only
deteriorate the present situation of hatred and mutual suspicions.
Our freedoms and constraints are formalized into a long agreement between each
individual and the society of which he or she is a part. We must realize that freedom is
important as an anti-corruption tool. It is important for public accountability and the equal
treatment of all people under the rule of law.
A balance must be struck between the ability of individuals to be unrestricted in the
free expression of thoughts and ideas, and the need to ensure that governments are able to
efficiently carry out their function of administration, law and order, and of preserving the
rights of individuals, vis--vis each other.
Democracy in Macedonia can only be an agent of freedom if it gives the people
meaningful voting choices, and if it ensures that they have the unbiased information necessary to make a choice that is in their interest. Of course sometimes people will want to use
their democratic rights to restrict freedom. This is because different freedoms often conflict
with each other: what is freedom for one person or group of people is often a restriction
for another. For example, the freedom for us to breathe clean air is dependent upon the
restriction of the freedom of the factories to produce as much pollution as they like. So the
support for freedom is always a balancing act between collective long-term interests and
short-term interests of the individual or corporation.
I must mention that the most important political right is freedom of speech of the
citizens. Freedom of speech is important because when criticism of a government is freely
voiced, the government has the opportunity to respond to answer unfair comments and
criticism of its actions. On the other hand, when freedom of speech is restricted, rumors,
unfair criticism, comments and downright falsehoods are circulated by word of mouth.
Without free speech, no political action is possible and resistance to injustice or oppression
is impossible. Without free speech elections would have no meaning at all. Between elections the freely expressed opinions of citizens help to restrain oppressive rule. Without this
freedom it is futile to expect political freedom or, consequently, economic freedom. Thus
freedom of speech is the sine qua non of the democratic society.
We are now the generation that has become the custodians of freedom. Will we allow it to languish because we have more important things to do, or will we accept the
responsibility and fight for freedom and civil liberties to make the world a better place for
ourselves and our children? But we have to understand that in order to defend freedom, we
will invariably have to make choices between collective and individual freedoms, and in the
process our defense of freedom will also paradoxically involve restriction of freedom.
The choice of freedom, therefore, is for each of us to make and the consequences of
that choice will affect generations to come. What are the consequences in Macedonian society and can we provide freedom in any sense?
Mi pasin
Biljana Apostolova. ARY Macedonia
Mi pasin ha sido siempre contar historias
con estilo, emocin e inteligencia. Utilizar
palabras, grficos y fotos y el diseo para
cautivar a los lectores para as informarles
y entretenerlos.
Soy un periodista apasionado porque creo
que el poder de los medios de comunicacin
afecta positivamente en el cambio de la sociedad. En mi opinin los periodistas juegan
un papel fundamental en este cambio como
guardianes, pero incluso ms an nuestras
historias y fotografas influyen en cmo las
personas se ven unas a otras en la sociedad. Lo
que uno lee ayuda a dar forma a lo que uno
piensa. Y lo que uno piensa da forma al comportamiento hacia terceros, sobre todo hacia
aquellos que de alguna forma son distintos de
ti. El reto que me excita como periodista es
contar historias de personas autnticas todo
tipo de personas con la esperanza de que
de verdad nos ayuden a vernos unos a otros
como realmente somos. Siempre he sido una
persona muy curiosa. De igual forma que la
comida nutre al cuerpo, el periodismo nutre
mi curiosidad natural.
Mi sugerencia para el proyecto es escribir una historia sobre la libertad, sobre la
sociedad que afront una guerra civil entre
las dos grandes identidades tnicas y que
ahora hace frente a la cuestin de vivir
como un problema complejo que debera
afrontarse poniendo a las personas en el
centro de los derechos humanos, la equidad
y la inclusin social. Trata sobre el marco
de la sociedad macedonia, cuyo epicentro
deberan ser los ciudadanos, no los colectivos nacionales, donde se deberan respetar
los principios de la meritocracia, lo que
Azza ! Fais vite ! Il est dj dix heures du matin et tu nas pas encore finis de nettoyer la
salle de bain !
Une serviette la main, Azza nettoyait vigoureusement le miroir quand son regard
tomba sur la photo de Karim accroche sur le mr du couloir.
Elle laissa glisser la serviette et sanglota.
Karim tait un jeune mdecin tunisien qui vient juste de finir ses longues tudes ; il a pass
un tas dexamen pour avoir son doctorat .Mais comme la plupart des jeunes diplms Tunisiens il est devenu un cadre au ministre des chmeurs.
Entre temps, il a fait la connaissance dune jeune tunisienne, Azza, tudiante en
conomie et gestion qui a eu son master en finances. Depuis, elle occupait le poste de
consultante clientle dans un centre dappel.
Et comme tous les jeunes couples de laprs 11 septembre dsireux de stabilit, ils
se trouvrent entre lenclume et le marteau : entre un chmage sr dans leur pays et une
aventure trs risque ailleurs.
En portant son courage deux mains, Karim dcida de profiter dune offre de travail en
Afrique de Sud o il pourrait gagner assez pour pouvoir dmarrer une vie stable.
Un bon matin, il tait assis sur une chaise en face dAzza dans un caf maure Sidi
Abou Sad, essayant de la convaincre de sa dcision.
Mais Karim ! On dit que la scurit se vend chre l bas ! Et puis tu seras affect dans
un village exil o la vie sera dure ! Et cest trs loin lAfrique de sud.
On na pas trop le choix Azza ! Je te tlphonerai souvent.
Je taime !
Les adieux taient trs longs, avec des larmes, des promesses, des clins, des prires.
Prends soin de nous ! Ctait la seule demande dAzza.
Pour elle ce ntait pas largent qui comptait mais Karim.
Et pourtant il partit
Son premier appel ft son escale laroport Charles de Gaulle Paris.
Ce ft un long appel o il lui a racont son aventure dans lavion.
Une heure aprs le dcollage de laroport Tunis Carthage, il tait bien install dans
son fauteuil en premire classe,
Voulez-vous une boisson ? lui demanda lhtesse.
Oui, avez-vous du th vert la menthe ? rpondit Karim.
Volontiers !
Une musique douce de Yanni coulait harmonieusement travers la casque que portait
Karim tandis que la mer stendait perte de vue signant limmensit de labme qui stend
encore entre les deux rives malgr les nombreux ponts quon peine maintenir.
Il senfona plus dans son fauteuil savourant un sommeil qui caressait ses paupires.
Il se laissa emporter par le souvenir dune poque rvolue maintenant quil va
embrasser le succs.
Il se rappela les rves de lenfance, The Europe Dream, que partageait la plupart des
enfants et que renforait en eux des parents dpasss par les vnements.
Ce rve qui devint moins dsir aprs le dbut de la guerre contre le terrorisme.
Un terrorisme qui prend diffrentes connotations et aspects selon le contexte :
violence, autodfense, vandalisme, bravoure, tratrise, patriotisme
Et les pauvres gens, les Khobsistes comme on dit chez nous de ceux qui ne
cherchent qu gagner leur pain avec dignit et qui reprsentent la quasi-totalit de la
population, se trouvrent souponns de terrorisme jusqu preuve du contraire.
Ainsi un arabe quon fouille la douane et chez qui on dcouvre les armes de
destruction massive qui sont la barbe, une jebba et les lettres Ben dans le nom est trait
avec la mme prudence quune bombe atomique retardement.
Heureusement je navais ni Ben ni barbe ni jebba , se disait Karim.
Et en plus il avait la peau blanche et parlait aisment le franais et langlais.
Il se rappelait aussi lattention avec laquelle les citoyens tunisiens suivaient les lections
prsidentielles franaises : on aurait dit quils allaient voter eux-mmes leur prsident !
Et lorsque Sarkozy devint le nouveau prsident et institua le ministre de
lImmigration, lhpital psychiatrique de Tunis devint la nouvelle capitale de la Tunisie.
Ctait le rve de plusieurs gnrations qui scroulait.
Plusieurs gnrations de Tunisiens qui participrent activement construire et btir
la France daujourdhui se sentirent trahis en leur souhait le plus cher : tre rcompens
pour leurs efforts en finissant par voir considrer leurs enfants Franais.
Des enfants dchirs entre leurs origines arabo-musulmanes et leur vcu franais.
Et qui ne sont ni considrs Tunisiens pied dgalit dans leur pays ni reconnus citoyens
Des chez-nous , ainsi on les appelle en Tunisie. Un nous quon reconnat
Pourtant, ces Tunisiens se reconnaissent bien.
Ils se considrent citoyens franais et Tunisiens et ne sont pas prisonniers dun espace
gographique : ils ont leur conception de la citoyennet et ils assument leurs devoirs et bien
sr revendiquent leurs droits esprant tre entendus et compris.
Bref, depuis lascension au pouvoir de Sarkozy, les jeunes Tunisiens cherchent de
nouvelles terres conqurir.
LAfrique de Sud en est certainement une.
Une nouvelle porte vers lauto-accomplissement.
Mais, mal explore quelle tait, Karim hsita sy rendre puis se dcida devant
labsence dautres alternatives.
Soudain, il ft arrach de ses songes lorsquil entendit une htesse crier : Ya-t-il un
mdecin parmi-vous ?
Il se mit debout, un rflexe acquis au cours des gardes dans les hpitaux, et rpondit
presque automatiquement : Oui. Je suis l. O est le patient ?
Lhtesse lemmena linfirmerie o se trouvait crispait sur un lit un homme de
la quarantaine qui prsenta brutalement des douleurs thoraciques et qui souffrait le
Il lausculta et lui a fait subir une batterie dexamens lui permettant de suspecter une
crise cardiaque.
Il demanda ce quon appelle le SAMU pour prparer un ventuel transport du
malade lors de larrt laroport le plus proche.
Mais le mdecin rgulateur du SAMU, apprenant quil y avait un mdecin du
SAMU Tunisien et sachant quil disposait de tout ce qui est ncessaire pour passer le cap
aigu, permit lavion de continuer son vol destination sans arrt prcipit.
Le patient soulag de ses douleurs, remercia Karim dun sourire reconnaissant. Le
sourire qui recharge le coeur des mdecins et donne sens ce quils font.
Karim se sentit plein de bonheur : Voil un signe du bon dieu. Je suis sur le bon
chemin , se disait-il.
Hlas les bons jours ne durent jamais.
Un mois aprs le coup de tlphone o il racontait son aventure dans lavion, une lettre ft
parvenue Azza portant le cachet du gouvernement sur lenveloppe.
Inquite, elle dchira lenveloppe et dvora de ses yeux les lignes.
Ctait du ministre des Affaires trangres tunisien qui linformait que Karim a t
poignard lorsquil soignait un indigne dans le ghetto de Soweto. Ils ont trouv le nom et
le numro de tlphone dAzza prs de son corps. Ils linformrent quils ont envoy une
lettre pareille sa famille.
Ils racontrent les vnements schement comme sil sagissait dun flash du journal
de vingt heures.
Des dizaines de jeunes lycens clbraient la mmoire des vnements de 1976 Soweto
(abrviation de South Western Township) par une marche pacifique dans les rues de la ville
qui ft jadis la scne dune tuerie sanguinaire dclenchant la fin de lancien Apartheid .
Ils se flicitrent la fin dune poque de racisme et de sgrgation qui suscita tant de
pleurs et de malheurs dans ce pays.
Mais la semence de la haine pousse toujours dans les curs faibles et arides en se
nourrissant des sentiments les plus putrides et en se propageant comme un virus dans les
socits qui vivent dans les tnbres et qui ne connaissent pas le soleil de la paix et de la
Ainsi un groupe de xnophobes arms de btons de baseball ont tabass les militants
pacifistes en criant toute sortes dinjures et de propos racistes.
Karim, comme il tait un mdecin de lhpital de la ville, ft dpch en urgence pour
soigner les blesss.
Il tait entrain dexaminer un adolescent qui avait des douleurs au thorax. Il y prtait
toute son attention et son affection telle quil na pas sentie un vandale sapprocher derrire
lui dun pas prcipit pour lui enfoncer le poignard dans le dos et senfuir.
unos 40 aos, con unos dolores torcicos brutales y que estaba sufriendo lo indecible.
Lo auscult y tras someterlo a una batera de pruebas lleg a la conclusin de que
estaba padeciendo una crisis cardiaca.
Pidi que se llamara al SAMU para que
estuvieran preparados para un eventual
transporte del enfermo cuando aterrizaran
en el aeropuerto ms prximo.
Sin embargo, el mdico responsable del
servicio, al enterarse de que a bordo haba
un mdico tunecino especialista en urgencias que dispona de todo lo necesario para
hacer frente a la crisis, permiti que el avin
continuara el vuelo hacia su destino sin tener
que aterrizar precipitadamente.
Ya ms aliviado, el paciente mir a Karim
con una sonrisa de agradecimiento. Esa misma sonrisa que recarga el corazn de los
mdicos y da sentido a lo que hacen.
Karim se senta lleno de felicidad: Es
como una seal de Dios. Estoy en el buen
camino, se deca.
Pero los das buenos nunca duran.
Un mes despus de que Karim la hubiera llamado por telfono para contarle su aventura
en el avin, Azza recibi una carta cuyo sobre
llevaba el membrete del gobierno.
Inquieta, lo desgarr y devor las lneas
con los ojos.
Era una carta del Ministerio de Asuntos
Exteriores tunecino en la que se le comunicaba que Karim haba sido apualado cuando
asista a un habitante del gueto de Soweto.
Encontraron el nombre y el nmero de telfono de Azza cerca de su cuerpo. Tambin
la informaban de que haban enviado otra
carta a la familia del joven.
Relataban lo sucedido de un modo seco,
como si se tratara de un titular del informativo de la noche.
Decenas de jvenes alumnos de un ins-
Kostas, her sabah yapt gibi posta kutusunu kontrol ediyordu. Posta kutusunda faturalar
ve brorler arasnda duran renkli bir zarf dikkatini ekti. Zarfn zerindeki adresi grnce
merak iyiden iyiye artt. nk mektup Trkiyeden geliyordu. Muhtemelen savan
balamasndan hemen nce gnderilmiti. zerinde 9 yandaki olunun ismi yazl olan
zarf, heyecan ierisinde at. Mektup kk olunun Trkiyedeki mektup arkadandan
geliyor ve Denizin te Yanndaki Kardeim Stephan diye balyordu.
Yerel bir Yunan gazetesinin Genel Yayn Ynetmenliini yapan Kostas Kenteris, 36
yandayd. Dedesi, stanbulda domu ve bym; ancak babas doduktan hemen sonra
Selanike g etmiti. Kendisi stanbulu sadece bir kez grebilmiti; ancak o tek sefer bile
Onun stanbula ak olmasna yetmiti. Orada yaayan herkes, akrabas gibi geliyordu.
Her sokak tandkt sanki. Bu sevgi Onu Trkiyeye yaknlatrm, bu lkeyi dman
gren baz meslektalaryla, zaman zaman sert tartmalara girmesine neden olmutu.
Savan balamasyla birlikte de, bu frsat bekleyen meslektalar tarafndan, adeta vatan
haini olarak ilan edilmiti.
Sava 5 gn nce balamt. ki lkenin tarihi boyunca her zaman, gergin olan
ilikileri, son birka aydr, bir ada krizi nedeniyle, kopma noktasna gelmiti. ki lke yneticileri de sorumsuzca aklamalarda bulunarak gerginlii iyiden iyiye trmandrmlard.
Nihayet 5 gn nce, yani 5 mays 2033de, bir Yunan jeti snr ihlali yapm ve Trk Silahl
Kuvvetleri tarafndan drlmt. Yunanistan buna karlk vermek iin hemen ayn
gn snr karakollarn bombalamt. Buna Trk jetlerinin yant gecikmemi ve iki lke
bir anda kendilerini bir savan ierisinde bulmulard.
Kostas, mektubu bitirdiinde, gzlerinden yanaklarna doru szlen birka damla
ya, elinin tersiyle sildi. Bu mektubu, hemen yarn gazetede yaynlamalyd. Acele ile
alt gazeteye doru yola kt. Belki de bu mektup, insanlarn gerei grmesine yol
aard. Gazeteye ular ulamaz, masasna oturdu ve mektubu bir kez daha okumak iin
at. Mektubu hznl gzleriyle ikinci kez okumaya balad.
Ben bykleri de hi anlamyorum Stephan. Hem bize arkadalarnzla iyi geinin diyorlar; hem de benim anlamadm nedenlerle kavga ediyorlar. stelik onlar kavga edince birbirlerini ldryorlar. Byk olmak buysa, ben bymek istemiyorum Stephan. Ben arkadalarmn
hepsini severim. Ara sra kavga ediyoruz; ama sonra hemen baryoruz biz. Hi ks kalmyoruz
yani. imdi sava karsa biz seninle ksecek miyiz Stephan? Ama ben seninle ksmeyi hi istemiyorum ki Ben seninle hi grmesem de seni ok seviyorum. Sana mektup yaznca mutlu
oluyorum. Hele senden mektup alnca iim iime smyor. Sen benim her srrm akladm
tek arkadamsn. Umarm sen de benimle arkada olmaktan mutlusundur.
Geenlerde gazetede Denizin te yanndaki arkadam diye bir balk grdm.
Sen de benim Denizin te yanndaki arkadam dahas kardeimsin. Bundan sonra sana
byle demek istiyorum. Umarm sakncas yoktur.
Son olarak kendine iyi bak Stephan. Sava kmamas iin dua edeceim. Cevabn
heyecanla bekleyeceim. Bir gn grmek zere Denizin te Yanndaki Kardeim
Denizin te Yanndaki Kardein
Kostas, mektubu bitirince hemen sekreterini ard ve mektubu basm ksmna gnderdi.
Alaca tepkilerden ekinmiyordu ama olu Stephan iin endieleniyordu. Baz fanatikler,
buna ar tepki gsterebilirlerdi; ama Kostas, hayatnn hibir safhasnda, bir eyi yapmak
iin, bu kadar kararl olmamt. Koltuuna yasland. Gzlerini kapayp bar iindeki gnleri dnmeye balad.
Koltuunun altndaki gazeteler ile banka doru yryen gen adamn, yznde kararl bir
ifade ve gzlerinde korkutucu bir bak vard. Bankn yanna ulap gz ucuyla etrafn kontrol ettikten sonra, banka oturdu. Bir ucu, altnda kalan ceketini dzeltirken, bir an belindeki
metal rengi tabancann kabzas ldad. Gen adam tekrar etrafn gzden geirdikten sonra,
kolundaki pahal saati kontrol etti. Erken gelmiti; ama bu hi de fena olmamt. En azndan
gazeteye gz atp savan nasl gittiini renebilirdi. Merakla bankn zerine koyduu gazetelerden ste duran ald. Elindeki gazete yerel bir gazeteydi ve sava baladndan bu yana,
savan anlamszlndan bahsedip duruyordu. rgt bu gazetenin yneticilerini de kara listeye
almalyd. lk toplantda, bunu, nermeye karar verdi. Sonra tekrar gazeteye dnd. Gazetenin
maneti yine sava kartyd: Bu Sava ocuklar Bile Sama Buluyor Gen adam ocuklar ne
anlar ki diye dnse de, haberi okumaya devam etti. Haber kk bir Trk ocuunun, Yunan
arkadana yazd bir mektuptan bahsediyordu. Gen adam mektubu okumaya balad.
Belinde metal renkli bir silah bulunan adamn ad Yorgos Papulast. Yorgos Papulas,
25-26 yalarnda, uzun boylu, gl-kuvvetli bir adamd. Savatan hemen nce kurulan, Devrimci Rum Ordusu rgtnn kurucularnd. Bugn de, buraya Trk asll bir i adamna,
arkadalar tarafndan dzenlenecek sikast izlemek iin gelmiti. lrken, O hainin yzndeki ifadeyi grmek istemiti. Tabi ki bunlarn hepsi, gazete haberini okumadan nceydi.
Yorgos, gazetedeki haberi okumay bitirdikten sonra kafasn kaldrp, bir kez daha etrafn
kontrol etti. Ancak bu kez yzndeki kararl ifade kaybolmu, yerini tamamen bir belirsizlik
almt. Kendi kendine Denizin te Yanndaki Karde diye mrldand. Gzlerinin iindeki
korkutucu lt da yerini, gzyalarnn parlaklna brakmt. Gerekten bu dmanln sebebini hi dnmemiti. Aklna en onca soruya cevap bulmalyd. Bu dmanlk, bu sava
gerekten bu ocuun anlatt kadar anlamsz myd? Bunca insan bouna m lyordu?
lm kelimesi, birden Yorgosun aklna, orada olma sebebini getirdi. Az sonra birisi
daha, bu dmanla kurban edilecekti. Bunu engelleyebilecek tek kii de, o an, kendisiydi. En azndan aklndaki sorular cevaplayana dek, yeni bir insann, lmemesi gerektiini
dnd. Tam bu srada, bekledikleri i adam, evinden kt ve arabasna binmek iin yrmeye balad. Yorgos, banktan kalkt ve i adamna doru komaya balad. Bir an dizlerinin
bann zleceini sand; ama ayaklar Ona ihanet etmediler. Ancak her an i adam vurulabilirdi. Avaz kt kadar barmaya balad Dikkat et. Dikkat. Seni ldrecekler.
nce ne olduunu anlamayan i adam, zerine doru bararak gelen adam grnce, bir iki adm geriledi. Adamn sylediklerini nce anlamamt; fakat saniyeler iinde
kelimeler anlam kazanmaya balad. adam, Ona doru koan adam yanna ulamak
zereyken, sylediklerinin anlamn ancak kavrayabilmiti. Fakat bu kez de tm kaslar
kaskat kesilmi ve yerinden kprdayamaz duruma gelmiti. Ona doru koan iri yar
adam zerine atlarken, bir silah sesi duyuldu ve her iki adam da yere yuvarlandlar. Birka
saniye sonra kaldrm, Yorgosun kan ile krmzya boyanmt.
Temen Kemal, 5 gn nce balayan snr tesi harekatta kk bir birlie komuta ediyordu. u anda da bir Trk kyne yaklamlard. Kyn dnda, birlii biraz
dinlendirebileceini dnd. Bu arada kendisi de kye inip, halkn nabzn yoklayabilirdi.
Birliine emri verdi. Arkadalar, birka saat burada dinleneceiz. Yorgun askerler bu
emri sevinle karlayp, hemen aa diplerine ktler. Temen Kemal, yanna birka
askeri alp, kye doru, yola kt.
Kye ulatnda, halk Temen Kemali, sevgiyle karlad. Hemen kyn kahvesine
oturtup ikramda bulundular. Temen Kemal, ilgiden memnun oldu. Sonra da ky halkna
ikayetlerini sordu. Yal bir adam glmseyerek anlatmaya balad:
Savatan ikayetiyiz Komutan. Bizim komu ky Yunan kydr. Yllardr dosta
yaadmz, bu kyllerle dman olduk 10 gndr.
Temen Kemal dnceli dnceli cevap verdi:
Haklsn amca; ama napalm. Vatan savunmak gerek.
Sen de haklsn Komutan; ama gndr gazetelerde kk bir ocuun yazd
mektup var. Ne de gzel yazm ocuk.
Temen Kemal merakland:
Ne yazm ki bu ocuk? Biz 5 gndr dada bayrdayz..
Yal adam kahvenin sahibine seslendi.
Bilal! Getir u dnk gazeteyi de, okusun Komutan.
Bilal, gazeteyi getirip, Temen Kemale verdi. Temen Kemal, gazeteyi ap okumaya
balad. Kk ocuun mektubunu bitirirken, gzlerine biriken yalar, gzlerini yakmaya balamt. Bir sre dolu dolu olan gzleriyle gazeteye bakp, dnd. Sonra sessizce
mrldand. Hakikaten gzel yazm ocuk. Tam bu srada, kafasn gazeteden kaldrrken
gzne bir baka haber arpt. Haber Yorgos isimli Yunan vatandann, Trk asll bir i
adamna dzenlenen sikast son anda engellediini; ancak i adamn kurtarrken, Yorgosun
kendisinin, kurunlara hedef olduunu anlatyordu. Habere gre, Yorgosun elindeki gazetede, Temen Kemalin az nce okuduu mektup vard. Yorgosun son szleri de, Denizin te
Yanndaki Kardeim olmutu. Temen Kemal bir an iin ne dneceini bilememiti. Bir
asker olarak, byle konular sorgulamak iin eitilmemiti; ama O da bar iinde yaamay
isteyen bir insand sonuta. Kafasnda, az nceki mektuptaki o sihirli cmle, bir neon lambas
gibi l l parlyordu. Denizin te Yanndaki Karde.
Yal adamn sesiyle kendine geldi.
Komutan, iyi misin?
yiyim, amca iyiyim de
Seni anlyoruz Komutan. Hepimiz gazeteyi okuyunca senin gibi hissettik. O kck
ocuk, meer bizim anlamadmz, daha dorusu anlamak istemediimiz, gerekleri nasl
da arpverdi yzmze.
Temen Kemal, daha fazla bir ey syleyemeden kalkt:
Benim birliin bana dnmem gerek, diyebildi sadece. Sonra da dnceli bir halde
yola koyuldu.
Temen Kemal ve beraberindekiler, birliin istirahat ettii blgeye yaklamt ki,
silah sesleri duyulmaya balad. Sesleri duyar duymaz komaya baladlar; ama silah sesleri
uzun srmedi. Az sonra sesler yerini barmalara brakmt. Birka dakika sonra Temen
Kemal, birliine ulat. lk gzne arpan ey, yerde kanlar ierinde yatan bir askeriydi.
Banda bir arkada kan durdurmak iin yaraya bastryordu. Az ilerde ise, bir ka asker yerde yatan kyl kyafetli, sakall bir adama, silahlarn dorultmu baryorlard.
Temen Kemal, adamn bandaki askerlerinin ldrm gibi bardn ve yerdeki adam
ldrmeye niyetlendiklerini anlaynca bard:
Balarn dier yana eviren askerler, komutanlarnn o tarafa doru geldiini grnce
sustular. Temen Kemal askerlerinin yanna ulap sordu:
Sakin olun. Ne yapyorsunuz siz?
Komutanm, dedi askerlerden biri, Bu kpolusu bize ate at. Ahmet avu
yaraland. zin ver de unun kafasna skalm.
Temen Kemal askerine fkeyle bakt:
Ne demek kafasna skmak. Sen Trk askerisin. Biz esirimizi, misafir yerine
Sonra, yaral askerin olduu tarafa dnd:
Ahmet nasl?
Kurun omzuna isabet etmi Komutanm. Durumu ok kt deil gibi; ama kan
Hemen haber verin, dedi Temen Kemal, helikopterle alsnlar.
Tekrar Yunan kylye dnd. Sonra askerlerine yerde korku ierisinde yatan adam
Arkadalar, bu adam bundan sonra bizim misafirimizdir. Kimse aklndan bir fenalk
geirmesin, dedi.
Yaral askerin yanna gitmek iin dnmt ki, aklndan yeniden o cmle beliriverdi.
Dnd ve Yunanl kylye dnp elini uzatt. Glmseyerek adamn elini tuttu ve:
the border and was shot down by the Turkish Military Forces. Greece had lost no
time in responding by bombing border
posts. Neither did Turkeys response lag behind and the two countries suddenly found
themselves at war.
When Kostas finished reading the letter,
he wiped the few tears that had made their
way down his cheeks. This letter had to be
published immediately in tomorrows paper. With haste, he made his way to work.
Perhaps this letter could show the truth to
the people. As soon as he reached the paper
he sat down at his desk and opened the letter to read it again. He began to read the
letter a second time, with sad eyes.
Stephan, my brother across the sea.
These last few days Ive been so down.
Everyone is talking about the war. Me, Im
just very afraid. Will people begin killing
each other now? Why would they want
that? Yesterday we were watching the news
with my father. The lady presenter said relations are strained. Not understanding, I
asked my father, What does that mean?
My father said war will break out. I asked
why the war would break out. This time
my father said because of an island. I still
didnt understand. How could an island be
a reason for war? We sometimes go to an
island for a picnic. But I guess this island
isnt the same one.
I dont understand adults either,
Stephan. They tell us to be nice to our
friends, then they argue for things I cant
understand. Plus, when they fight, they kill
reasons for this war. He had to find the answers to all these questions that swarmed
in his head. Was this war, the hostility, really as absurd as this kid described it? Were
all these people dying for nothing?
The word dying brought to mind his
reason for being there. In a few minutes
another would die in the name of enmity. At the moment, the only person who
could stop this was himself. At least until
I find some answers to these questions, he
thought, another shouldnt die. Right then
the businessman they were waiting for appeared at the door of his house, walking towards his car. Yorgos got up from the bench
and started to run towards him. Although
for a moment he thought nausea would
nail him to the ground, his feet didnt
betray him. The man could be shot down
anytime now. He started yelling at the top
of his voice: Watch it! Take cover! Theyre
going to kill you!
The businessman didnt understand
at first, but when he saw the man yelling
and running towards him, he moved back
a couple of steps. At first he didnt comprehend what the man was saying but in a
matter of seconds the words started to take
on meaning. By the time the man reached
the businessman, he made out what was
happening. However, by this time his
whole body had gone stiff and he couldnt
move an inch. As the man ahead leaped
towards him, a gunshot was heard and
the two men fell to the ground. In a few
seconds, the sidewalks were tinted scarlet
with Yorgos blood.
Lieutenant Kemal was the commander of
a small unit in the cross-border operations
that had begun five days ago. Right now
they were approaching a Turkish village.
He thought he could give his unit a rest.
The soldiers turned their heads to the
scream and fell silent when they saw their
commander approaching. Lieutenant Kemal arrived at his soldiers side and said:
Calm down. What are you doing?
My Commander, said one of the soldiers. This son of a dog opened fire on us.
Sergeant Ahmet got hurt. Just let us put a
bullet through his head.
Lieutenant Kemal turned to his soldier
in fury:
What do you mean, put a bullet
through his head? Youre a Turkish soldier.
We treat our prisoners like our guests.
Then he turned towards the wounded
Hows Ahmet?
The bullet hit his shoulder, Commander. Hes not too bad, but hes lost a lot
of blood.
Contact HQ, said Lieutenant Kemal.
Have them send a chopper for him.
He turned back to the Greek peasant.
He pointed to the man lying on the ground
in fear and said to his soldiers:
Men, this man is our guest from now
on. Youd better not think otherwise.
Just when he was about to approach
the wounded soldier, that sentence came to
his mind. He turned back and held out his
hand to the Greek peasant. As he held his
hand with a smile on his face, he said:
Come along now. Come along my
Brother Across The Sea.
On the 20th day of the war both Turkish
and Greek television were broadcasting
reports on anti-war protests happening
all over the two countries. Maybe for the
first time in history, masses of people were
protesting for peace. It was as if in both
countries, the people had risen from a great
sleep. People from all walks of life, all ideas, screamed out for peace and fraternity.
A reporter on one of the Turkish channels
described the protest like this: The Peace
Movement that began with little Hakans
letter to his Greek friend Stephan has been
embraced by the whole nation. Simultaneously in Athens, millions of people are saying no to war. Well have to wait and see if
and how long the governments of the two
countries will persist in their will for war.
The persistence the reporter spoke of
did not last for long. That same night both
the national TV channels broadcast the
news that the two countries had agreed
upon a ceasefire and that, very soon, the
two presidents would meet. Not even a day
had passed since the announcement that the
two countries presidents were to appear in
front of the press around the same table. As
the meeting in which they declared to their
people that a ceasefire and truce had been
called came to an end and the two presidents
shook hands, the TV channels all had the
same subtitles: The brothers across the sea
will live in peace from now on.
23 days after he first read the letter he was
now holding in his hand, Kostas Kenteris
was at his desk, smiling. He leaned back
Bilal trajo el diario y se lo entreg al teniente Kemal. El teniente empez a leerlo. Cuando
hubo terminado de leer la carta del nio, las
lgrimas le escocan en los ojos. Mir el peridico con expresin triste, y se qued pensativo.
Al cabo de un rato murmur: Ciertamente lo
expresa muy bien. Justo antes de que dejara
el peridico a un lado, otro artculo le llam la
atencin. Trataba de un intento de asesinato de
un empresario turco, que haba sido evitado en
el ltimo momento por un ciudadano griego
llamado Yorgos. Sin embargo, deca el peridico, precisamente cuando estaba a punto de
salvar al empresario, se haba interpuesto en la
lnea de fuego y haba resultado muerto. Segn
el artculo, el peridico que llevaba Yorgos contena la carta que el teniente Kemal acababa
de leer. Asimismo, las ltimas palabras de
Yorgos haban sido: Hermano del Otro Lado
del Mar. El teniente Kemal se qued sin palabras. Como soldado, no haba sido entrenado
para plantearse cuestiones como aqullas; sin
embargo, tambin era un hombre que quera
vivir en paz. Las palabras de la carta brillaban
en su mente como el nen: Mi Hermano del
Otro Lado del Mar.
La voz del anciano le hizo volver en s.
Comandante, se encuentra bien?
Perfectamente, abuelo, perfectamente.
Es slo que...
Le entendemos, comandante. Todos
sentimos lo mismo cuando lemos el peridico. Ese nio realmente nos ha lanzado
como una bofetada en el rostro verdades que
nosotros no entendemos, o, mejor dicho, que
ni siquiera tratamos de entender.
El teniente Kemal se levant, incapaz de
seguir hablando. Slo pudo murmurar:
Tengo que volver a mi unidad.
Luego se alej de la aldea, profundamente ensimismado.
Cuando el teniente Kemal y los soldados
que iban con l llegaron a la zona donde
haban dejado la unidad, oyeron disparos. Al
Nada Dajani. Palestine
I carefully watch my steps and gather the tiny scraps and crumbs of paper under your poster
in my hand and put them away quickly deep inside my pocket. I push my palm to my side
and gently take it out of my pocket to ensure that none of the crumbs stick to my hand. I am
not sure whether theyre the remainder of you or some other martyr. I dont know, maybe
theyre only worn out remains of the last elections swept here by a summer breeze or even
the remnants of a pointless ad, dissolved and long forgotten and disregarded. I keep them
because they might have carried your features or name once, maybe some of your thick lashes, a portion of a red speckle, or even a letter of your name. Mama laments how she will
never watch you grow or see how you would have looked years from now; would you have
grown a light beard like mine, would you have had our dads charm, would you have become
taller than him? At your delivery the doctor mentioned that you would grow very tall and
I was amazed and, to be honest, I sometimes crept by your bed at night, craned my head
up and looked at you, hoping to watch you magically grow. Mama says you will always be
a child now, but I feel you growing up and maturing. As the stern sunlight steals the colors
on your poster and some of your features, I sense a growing maturity in you. Some fibers
of seriousness are woven across your face under the harshness of the sun and rain. Fares, I
know that you are no longer a child.
Right by the checkpoint where the wall passes is a poster of you and further down
another of Shurooq up against the wall. I walk past you both every day on my way to work.
They say your deaths granted us life. I dont feel alive. Your colors are fading; theyve
mutated into the color of light; evaporating yellow that dissolves in the air, which has the
stench of nostalgia; inconspicuous and yet pervasive. Some fine streaks of paper detangle
from the remainder of the posters fibers. As weather and time accumulate, both of you are
evaporating discreetly into minute crumbs.
In the memory of Shurooq Saeed, the heroine martyr. I always wonder what she
must have looked like. Her flowing light brown hair and wavy streaks occupy the core of
her poster. Her confident smile, her lips, her cheekbones and her eyes strike the attention
of the unfamiliar eye. I remember her cheeks used to harbor a hint of red, but now they
are colorless and cold due to the mid-day sun. My mind has built a cumulative image of her
face as her poster was consumed by the inundation of wintry rain and the intense stares of
noons rays. Shes fading away. I wonder if I will walk past her evaporated poster one day
and not think of her. Think of her merely as a worn out piece of paper with evaporated
colors, or for my eyes to brush up on her poster as I walk by the wall and recognize only the
wall only the grayness of the wall.
Despite the fact that you two had never met before your death, I feel that you had
known each other deeply. That sensation draws me close to her. I look at her face in that
poster and I know her. I feel a sense of familiarity upon hearing her name being uttered.
Shes become a part of my memories and thoughts once shes become a part of you and your
story. I remember the day of your murder vividly. I remember waking up to find a convoy
of Israeli jeeps and tanks parked a block away. I remember dad expecting the incursion
during the chain of demonstrations against the building of the wall. Neither any member
of our family nor Shurooqs family has tried contacting one another since her death. Her
courageous act of retaliation to your horrific murder that day has left part of us, me, mom
and dad, sedated, a part just left aside and not dealt with. Shurooq must have felt frightened
during the execution of the retaliation. But maybe whenever she thought of you, whenever
she re-summoned the image of your face lying under a wet drape of red in the hospitals
brown-tiled morgue amidst a piercing wave of journalists and flashing cameras, and your
little body grayish and dead upon an unstable table of rusty metal edges in a room engulfed
in a morbid glare, she knew your prematurely-nipped life ought not rot in the still shadows
of her memory.
I still remember your fascination with shadows, and how you jokingly used to chase
your own. Youd be vexed at the wall to see this extensive stretch of shadow left by it intact; not being experimented with by the wall, not being challenged by the wall. The wall
attached to it is planted in the ground. It doesnt chase it, try to touch it or make animal
shapes with it.
The sun pushes the walls shadow onto the surface of the earth; the shadow a mere
extension of its imperfection; its crookedness and uneven height. The shadow does not observe the wall trying to anticipate the motion of the cement structure to go in accordance
with it, for it knows that if it were to depend on the wall it would perish. It chooses to move
and travel depending on the life inside and around its vast shade. The shape of the walls
shadow is governed by the motion of the trees, plants, animals, people and cars, and their
shadows. The shadow grows and contracts and blends with other shadows. Unlike the wall
itself, its shadow is alive.
I leave the wall and walk to the left towards the checkpoint, where I witness a large
crowd of people standing opposite the revolving iron gates, now not revolving but immobile. The crowds eyes are focused on the red light at the top of the gates every once in a
while eagerly anticipating the arrival of the green light and the motion of the parallel iron
bars. I join them and stand at the tip of the oval shape of tens of people. I look inside the
bulletproof cell to my left and see one soldier sitting down at a wooden desk by a bulletproof wide-screen window, his right hand toying with a bottle cap. He lifts his eyes every
now and then to steal an expeditious glimpse of the crowding people at the iron gates, and
then anxiously resumes his focus on the bottle cap. Interrupted, he looks through the window at a few impatient people urging him to open the door or simply enquiring how long
they might wait until the gates are opened. He automatically lifts his head backwards and
pushes his lower lip forward, shrugging his shoulders a few times when addressed, then
chooses to ignore the frequent inquiries and tries escaping their impatient eyes by tilting
his head to the side, playing with the bottle cap or his mobile phone, or lengthily staring at
the floor. Twenty minutes pass and a woman from the heart of the crowd approaches the
blue fence opposite the bulletproof window yelling in imperfect Hebrew kayal, kayal,
calling out to the soldier. Aba shili lo tov, she continues then resorts to Arabic upon getting the soldiers attention. She points at her sick father Hayyo mreed, mreed. Biddo mus-
tashfa yakhoy. The soldier is perplexed and does not seem to understand what she is trying
to say. I approach the fence and stand beside her. I browse through the words and fragments
of Hebrew sentences Ive learnt throughout my short period of working as a construction worker in occupied Jerusalem. I shout very slowly and clearly, pointing at her father
Zeh hu ha aba shela veh hu kholeh, ken kholeh maood, ve tzareekh leevor.
The soldier stretches his left arm across the table and moves his body in the direction of a
microphone installed at the edge of his desk. He turns it on and says loudly and quickly in
Hebrew: I understand hes very sick and needs to pass but I cant open the gates, I have to
receive orders to open the gates. The woman looks at me immediately, anxiously anticipating some kind of translation or a way out of this dilemma, but I tell her that what the
soldier has just said was too quick and I, unfortunately, did not understand. I resourcefully
try and explain what the woman needs him to do. Push the green button, I say in Arabic.
Push the button, push the button, I urge him and hand gesture the process of pushing a
button. He understands and gives me the shrugging shoulders and tilted head and immediately avoids looking at our reaction. We remain standing at the blue fence overlooking his
cell where he is seated at the desk: the woman, her ailing father and me. We repeatedly ask
him to push the green button and open the gates, just for the sick man to pass at least, and
he occasionally gives us a stare. Exasperated he says in perfect Arabic: Go away from here
or I will shoot you. I snap. What are you waiting for? I say. Its very simple, just take out
your rifle and pull the trigger. And you know what is also simple? Pushing the green button.
Just move one finger and press the green button, just for him to pass then push the red one
immediately. Thats all we ask of you. The soldiers hands remain in their place.
I thoroughly examine each inch of what I can see of him. Where is your humanity?
Where is the human tucked beneath those army clothes? You must hate your job, seeing injustice all around you, witnessing the suffering of other human beings while their salvation
lies in a little button at your side, yet you cant stir a finger until youve received orders from
a higher ranking soldier. Why do you choose to be so insignificant, so immobile? Why do
you choose to be a shadow of a soldier in a bulletproof cell and windows, whose task is to
push red and green buttons upon hearing an order emanating from a speakerphone? I dont
think you know the meaning of those buttons, I dont think you know what they mean to
us, the people on the other side of your bulletproof window, or their governance over our
lives. You choose to avoid that. You choose to stare at the ground and toy with your bottle
cap, just as you choose not to push the button.
With great unease and agitation he avoids us and our stares, and fixes his sight on the
wall erected high behind us. I can feel his eyes touch the top edge of the wall and trace
its crookedness. His mind seems lost in the imperfection of the wall. He notices the thin
eroded layer of cement and the fine cracks formed on top of it. Maybe the ants prancing
their way around the grey surface of the wall makes him remember his limited control
over other lives. He stares directly at the wall and in his eyes I can see that he only notices
blocks of cement put together in a line. He is aware that the wall, although planted deep
inside the ground, does not go all the way down and up the other side of the earth. Maybe
a person would dig his way to the other side of the wall, almost impossible but not entirely.
He is aware that a bulldozer can tear it down, one can build a high ladder and jump over it,
one can put a hole through it, and one can climb his way up a nearby hill and stand taller
and look over it to the other side, send a shout to the other side of the wall and breathe the
air joining the two sides or stare at the sun that both sides share. I can see in his eyes that
the imperfection of the wall frightens him.
I leave his fearful eyes, turn around and walk towards the direction of the wall. I feel
the soldiers eyes following my motion as I approach the shadow of the wall. I touch it with
the tip of my shoe, step in it and I am all cloaked in the depth of its shade and I bask in
its harmony. My shadow unites with it and we jokingly jump and run along its edge. The
exasperated soldier watches dumfounded as I toy with the untainted shadow of the wall.
Ive moved the shadow of the wall and it seemed to me as though I have moved the wall.
The wall has moved. Fares, you would have been ecstatic.
I turn my head in the direction of the soldier and yell, what are you waiting for? The
wall has moved and you remain planted in your bulletproof cell. The wall has moved and
the iron doors remain still, dumbly awaiting your arm to move and press the button. He
merely watches me while I dance in the heart of the walls shadow.
Nada Dajani. Palestina
Recojo con cuidado los pequeos pedazos y
trocitos de papel que hay debajo de tu pster
y los meto rpidamente en el fondo de mi
bolsillo. Presiono la palma de la mano contra
mi muslo y la saco con cuidado del bolsillo
cerciorndome de que no se queda pegado
ningn pedacito. No estoy seguro de si trata
de fragmentos de un recordatorio tuyo o de
algn otro mrtir. No s, quiz tan slo sean
restos inservibles de las ltimas elecciones
que la brisa estival ha arrastrado hasta aqu
o incluso los pedazos irreconocibles de algn
anuncio absurdo, olvidado hace tiempo. Los
guardo porque tal vez, en algn momento,
hayan llevado tus facciones o tu nombre,
quiz alguna de tus gruesas pestaas, una
motita roja o incluso una letra de tu nombre.
Mam se lamenta porque dice que no te ver
crecer, que nunca sabr cul hubiera sido tu
aspecto dentro de unos aos, si habras tenido
mi barba, si habras heredado el encanto de
pap o si habras llegado a ser ms alto que
l. Cuando naciste el mdico dijo que seras
muy alto, esta aseveracin me impact mucho, reconozco que muchas veces me acercaba
sigilosamente a tu cama y me quedaba all,
mirndote, con la esperanza de verte crecer
como por arte de magia. Mam dice que ahora siempre sers un nio, pero yo te siento
crecer y madurar. A medida que los fuertes
rayos de sol apagan poco a poco los colores de
tu pster y borran algunas de tus facciones
me da la impresin de que vas madurando y
creciendo. Por tu rostro se entretejen briznas
de seriedad a causa del rigor del sol y la lluvia.
Cielos, s que ya no eres un nio.
Justo al lado del punto de control por el
que pasa el muro hay un pster con tu foto
The Other
Aliaa Abdel Aziz Dawoud. Egypt
My mobile phone rang and woke me up from my deep sleep. At first, I thought it was the
alarm, but then I realized that it was a ring tone. I picked it up and stared at the screen, still
half asleep. The caller was someone whose name began with an N, or was it an M?
Theyre going to kill you! Theyre going to kill you!
I sat up in bed, petrified.
What?! Who is this? Whos speaking?!
Its me, Mona. Theyre going to kill you! Its all over the papers today. An Arab teenager got beaten up somewhere in America and
I sighed and lay down again and did not bother to pay much attention to the rest of
the story.
I am not going to America, I said after she was done, Im going to...
They are all the same to me. They all hate us! I dont want you to get killed or end
up in Guantanamo! she went on.
I sighed again, not knowing what to say.
Mona, how many times are we going to have this discussion?
As many as it takes to convince you not to go!
I then went on to repeat everything I had ever told her about the whole issue. But as
usual, it was quite useless.
The day before I left, Mona came to see me. She said goodbye as if she would never
see me again and I went on with my plans undeterred.
I got off the plane clutching my huge handbag clumsily with both hands. I was quite lost,
so I just walked along in the direction that everyone else seemed to be walking.
As I approached the counter I could feel my heart beating unusually quickly. I handed
over my passport and all of the other documents required to the immigration officer and
he started going through them immediately.
Was he taking longer than usual? I wondered.
He suddenly looked up at me and then went back to flipping through my passport.
Oh, here it comes, I thought. Ill get deported back to Egypt.
I see that you have a student visa. What are you going to study? he asked.
The interrogation had started, I thought and I tried to compose myself as I replied:
A Masters in International Business.
Which university are you going to? he went on.
SOAS, I replied beginning to picture this as an interrogation that would last for hours
and culminate in sending me off to Guantanamo, as Mona had repeatedly warned me.
Excuse me.
Hi, I replied.
Youre from Egypt, right?
So what is it like in Egypt?
Its great! The suns shining, I laughed but he only forced a smile.
But I mean, whats it like for foreigners? he asked shakily.
I was still baffled about what exactly he was trying to get at.
Its fine. We have a lot of tourists and some foreigners live in various parts of Egypt,
but not that many.
He finally made himself clear:
You see I adore Pharaonic monuments and I would love to visit Egypt to see them
all. But I am scared to death.
I was more shocked than ever.
I dont want to die, to get killed. Every time I consider going I see myself being shot as
soon as I arrive there and start walking in the street next to the airport.
It took me a few seconds to take in what he had just said. Images of the streets in various parts of Egypt flashed through my mind, where I had never spotted anyone carrying
any weaponry of any sort. Nor had I spotted anyone being beaten up, let alone being shot,
Egyptian or foreign for that matter.
No, no. Its not like that at all. Actually foreigners are very welcome in Egypt and
people are very friendly.
He seemed totally unconvinced.
But the coffee break ended before I could say anything else and we had to get back to
I decided to have a lengthy discussion with him later on and wondered whether I
would end up having similar discussions with other people during my stay in London.
After the induction was over I asked around for the library, where I was glad to be informed by
one of the librarians that I could use one of the available computers to surf the net, although
my student ID had not been issued just yet. The first thing I did was email my cousin.
Im still alive! I typed, and then proceeded to the fascinating details.
El otro
Aliaa Abdel Aziz Dawoud. Egipto
A big day. A lot of us have those, so we know that they can be different, varying from riding
a bike for the first time to a proposal of marriage. Most of us begin these events trembling
and end up in euphoria. However, we wont feel any satisfaction today as less and less is satisfying. The world is becoming sadder and we are becoming more critical and thus perfect
pessimists. But you wont hear anything pessimistic here. The story is about a 19 year old
French guy who has just finished school with perfect grades, perfect exam results and even
more perfect friends. The facts you will read may not be real but they should sound familiar
as anything is possible in todays world.
It all began in the village of Fyreness (all the names have been changed). At first
glance, it was a beautiful place to live in with a church, grocery store, police station,
coloured houses and beautiful scenery: trees, newly-built streets, even a fountain! It
wasnt working but, still, a fountain in a village! Trust me, if you came there you would
think it miracle, an oasis in the French desert. However, the view is not enough. It was
like being on the Moon and seeing the beautiful Earth but not being able to breathe.
This village had one tremendous disadvantage: the people living there. We will come
back to this later in our story.
Our fresh out of school Rodriguez decided to take his recently bought car for a
test ride. Apparently, the test was successful. Rodriguez drove for about 100 miles straight
through Brittany, Provence and other areas. He had a reason for refusing to stop or turn
back. The hands on the wheel felt good, the blood-red colour of the car stunned the passing
cyclists and the view was stunning. Sadly, as nothing good lasts forever, this was doomed to
end. Not in a good way, believe me. The car just slowed down and... stopped. Rodriguez was
puzzled and wanted to scream. Like he knew we cant trust German cars...
He sat like this for around an hour, trying to wake up his vehicle. It wouldnt so our
friend jumped out and went to search for a place to stay as it was pretty clear that the day
wouldnt last forever. Our man saw an almost hidden sign of a village... Fyreness. Not the
strangest name Rodriguez had heard. Definitely the closest. It took him 15 minutes to
reach the first house. The only thing keeping him from a good nights sleep was a knock
on the door. Knock, knock. It was easier than Rodriguez imagined. He could get used to
knocking on unknown peoples houses.
Here we have to stop as Rodriguez is about to yell and make us sadder than we want to be
at this precise moment. Fyreness is not just another random city in France. It has history,
and the people living in it are a little different.
During the cold war, France lacked hard workers, so the walls came down and the
doors opened to illegal immigrants. A huge group of people from Turkey invaded France.
Most of them didnt even learn the French language, they stayed in groups, did what they
were told, but never actually mixed with local residents. Time passed and groups became
masses, and the masses needed a place to stay. This is where the French government intervened and built a Turkish village called Fyreness. This was the village Rodriguez arrived
in and, as you can imagine, it was neither the ideal place nor the best time. The day was
drawing in and the poor guy needed a place to stay. So he needed to make a choice. For one
thing, he could have left in his car, but it wasnt working and he could have frozen to death.
The alternative of trying to enter the house of a Turk didnt sound promising either.
This should be the place that something spectacular happens: the hero dies or survives
or its all a drug-induced experience and Rodriguez was just standing in his bathroom all
the time. However, it is not like this. The story doesnt end here but it is the conclusion.
Neither I nor you would want to make the decision Rodriguez has to make. You may wonder what can be done to make the Turks more hospitable and Rodriguez more courageous.
I dont, or I pretend that I dont, so the story ends here. You think, I listen.
Fyreness no es una ciudad francesa cualquiera. Tiene historia, y la gente que vive ah
es algo diferente.
Durante la Guerra Fra, Francia tuvo una
carencia de empleados trabajadores, por lo
que se abrieron los muros y en especial las
puertas a inmigrantes ilegales. Una gran colonia de hombres procedentes de Turqua
invadi Francia. La mayora ni siquiera
aprendi francs, se cerraron en grupos, trabajando en lo que se les mand, pero siempre
sin mezclarse con los residentes locales. El
tiempo pas y los grupos se hicieron masas, y
las masas necesitan un sitio propio para vivir.
En ese lugar el gobierno francs construy
un pueblo para turcos llamado Fyreness. Era
el pueblo al que Rodrguez haba llegado, y
como entenderis, no era el mejor sitio para
ir a parar. Ni el mejor momento. Me explico,
estaba a punto de hacerse de noche y el pobre
Bermuda Triangle
Tarek El Bacha. Lebanon
In a certain place, in the deep core of the
Atlantic Ocean, thousands of ships and
planes have vanished, all of them in mysterious, unbelievable conditions, leaving
behind no wrecks, no lives, no trace, except
for a few messages from the devastated
targets about the violent cyclones, the enchanted sea, the abrupt shortage of power
and the unidentified flying objects. This is
why this area has been named the Bermuda Triangle or the Graveyard of the
Atlantic, for it encompasses many stories,
humans, lost objects and a lot of the realm
of the bizarre and the miraculous, not
found anywhere else in the world.
Until now, no scientists have unraveled
this mystery, or discovered what this triangle contains. They believe in something
else; they reckon that they have been able
to take hold of the first threads that will
lead them to uncover the true world of Bermuda. After finding a group of enormous
buildings in the deep end of the ocean in
the Bahamas, the researchers and scientists decided that this discovery was their
last at that point and that scientifically
they will not be able to find out any more
about the secrets of Bermuda. And, according to older findings, they believed in the
possibility of the existence of an ongoing
civilization under the waters, and that this
civilization goes back to a very distant era,
and it cant be reached unless the sea water
drifts from its current position and this
only requires waiting. Consequently they
turned their gaze towards the moon!
So what is there, in the Bermuda Triangle?
to those in Bermuda but across the Mediterranean Sea which kidnapped and swallowed them. As we know, there are large
numbers of anonymous secret pathways,
channels, and pipes in the world where
we used to live, but the humans cannot see
them even though they really exist. These
invisible pathways resemble a tornado that
carries loads of clouds; this is where the
victims march at a snails pace from the
South to the North, and the road ends with
them arriving either in Bermuda or in the
North Pole. This is what the Chameleon
explained, and the Elephant added that
there are secrets and creatures saved for us
in the ice of the North Pole and whoever
uncovers these will be the first one to arrive on planet Saturn. I personally do not
believe this part of the story.
I never lie! said the Elephant in anger.
When the day ends, the sun falls from
the sky and switches off, since the sky in
Bermuda is the sea, a sea hanging in the air
but it never rains here. The day was over in
One day, when the sun had not yet left its
location, Bermudas inhabitants gathered,
and then started scattering everywhere.
What is happening? they asked each
other, look over there, are they spaceships? said someone. Bermudas citizens
looked into their sea-sky and saw a huge
glowing entity shining above them looking like a jellyfish, only much bigger.
No, it is an enormous number of jellyfish, said one of the astonished citizens.
What was called jellyfish seemed to be
suspended between the sky and the sea
by tails that hung amidst the forest trees
which are tens of miles away. These seaspace jellyfish remained suspended for a
Ocupado en qu?
Buscando en el directorio una pelcula
que pueda ver esta noche.
As que, cllate! dijo Maya, y continu.
No hay secretos en las Bermudas, y somos
los nicos que saben dnde desaparecieron
Zeus y Europa y cmo lleg ella hasta aqu.
sta es la historia: Zeus y Europa estaban
expuestos a condiciones similares a las de las
Bermudas, pero en el mar Mediterrneo que
los rapt y se los trag. Como sabemos, hay
muchos y al mismo tiempo desconocidos caminos, canales y conductos en el mundo en el
que solamos vivir, pero los humanos no pueden verlos aunque existan realmente. Estos
caminos invisibles se asemejan a un tornado
que transporta cargas de nubes. Es en stas
donde marchan las vctimas a la velocidad
de un caracol de Norte a Sur, y su travesa
termina cuando llegan a las Bermudas o al
Polo Norte. Esto es lo que el Camalen explic, y el Elefante aadi que hay secretos y
criaturas conservadas hasta nuestros das en
el hielo del Polo Norte y quienquiera que las
descubra, ser el primero en llegar al planeta
Saturno. Yo personalmente no creo esta parte
de la historia.
Yo nunca miento! dijo el Elefante
Cuando el da termina, el sol baja del
cielo y cambia de posicin, ya que el cielo en
las Bermudas es la mar, una mar que pende
en el aire pero nunca llueve aqu. El da lleg
a su fin en las Bermudas.
Un da, cuando el sol todava no haba cambiado de posicin, los habitantes de las Bermudas se reunieron, y entonces comenzaron
a diseminarse por todos lados. Qu pasa?,
se preguntaban, miren all, son naves espaciales?, dijo alguien. Los ciudadanos de
las Bermudas miraron hacia su cielo-mar y
Vin imediat, mam!
Arunc o ultim privire ndurerat monitorului:
tre s plec, tast ea n englez i atept rspunsul.
por qu? apru aproape imediat pe ecran.
Ileana rse i se hotr s nu spun adevrul.
m-a sunat una amiga!, scrise ea zmbind ncntat.
ok, vorbim altdat...hasta pronto! rspunse Mercedes.
Ileana!!!...Ai s ntrzii la coal!
bine, pa scrise fata grbit i nchise calculatorul.
n alte ri...se nva mai puin la coal!strig Ileana suprat.
Dac vrei s te duci n alte ri, du-te s ai grij de copiii altora aa cum fac attea
romnce care n-au iubit coala!...rspunse mama pe acelai ton...
Niciodat n-am s ajung att de jos! Niciodat nu m-a umili fcnd aa ceva!
Iei din camer, fr s-i priveasc mama.
Dac a pleca ntr-o alt ar, a pleca numai pentru a cltori i a m distra!...mai
strig Ileana nainte de a disprea pe u.
Da, s-ar putea s plec i s rmn definitiv n Anglia! confirm Ana-Maria. Sttea cocoat
pe o banc i mototolea demonstrativ o foaie rupt din caietul de romn.
i eu a vrea s plec la studii n Europa, dar nu cunosc pe nimeni! oft Alexandra.
Eu a vrea s plec n Spania. Vorbesc deja pe net cu o fat din Madrid, spuse Ileana.
Da?! i te-a invitat acolo...?
Nu, nu nc...mrturisi Ileana.
Rsul fetelor o descuraj. Dar se hotr s nu renune.
Deocamdat vrem s ne cunoatem mai bine, s aflm mai multe despre rile
noastre ! explic Ileana.
i ea, prietena ta din Spania, ce ar putea nva despre cultura romn?!...ntreb
Ana-Maria cu un zmbet batjocoritor.
ntr-adevr ce se putea spune interesant i bun despre Romnia?...
Nu tiu, se apr Ileana. Poate am s-i trimit cteva poze cu anumite zone din
Bucureti. Se va lmuri.
Rsul ironic al colegelor i confirm victoria.
Dac Mercedes ar fi invitat-o peste var s stea la ea...Ieind de la ore, Ileana ridic ochii
ctre cerul inundat de apa roiatic a apusului. n lumina aceasta difuz i palid, oraul
nu-i mai pru att de urt.
...da i este iganc, n-ai vzut? se adres unei alte colege fata care mergea lng ea.
Bineneles c este! i s-a mutat la noi n coal n loc s rmn n satul la de lng
Bucureti! Bine c n-au bgat-o n clasa noastr!...
Ascunsese n fundul ghiozdanului cartea mprumutat de la bibliotec. Mitologie
romneasc. O prostie. Dar pe Mercedes o interesau lucrurile astea. Era pasionat de
tradiiile altor popoare.
Mama ei e plecat n Spania...i i trimite bani...de-aia s-a mutat s nvee n
Tocmai la coala noastr s-a gsit s vin!
Ce face mama ei n Spania? se trezi Ileana. i se mir de ea nsi c, dei scufundat
n gnduri, auzise tot ce se vorbise.
Nu tiu...lucreaz la o familie. Menajer, fat n cas, servitoare, nu tiu...
n Spania...dar muncind! Ce umilin...dar o merita...era iganc!...
N-ar fi trebuit s vin la noi n coal! spuse Ileana deodat furioas. S fi rmas n
satul ei, s se angajeze ca femeie de serviciu, la fel ca maic-sa!...
Colegele o privir uimite.
Drag Ileana,
tiu c azi, mari, ai o zi foarte ocupat i nu putem vorbi live. Mi-au plcut mult
pozele din Munii Carpai pe care mi le-ai trimis. Tu pas es muy bonito. Ai o ar frumoas.
Sper s putem vorbi mine! (= espero poder hablar contigo manana!).
Pe curnd,
Dear Ileana,
I know it is Tuesday and you are very
busy, so we cant talk live. Ive enjoyed
the Carpathian Mountains photos youd
sent me. You have a beautiful country. I
hope we can talk tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day,
Whats that?
Its an ethnic group.
Yes? Tell me more about it!
Well, you see Dora began writing.
Tell me more about your traditions,
how do you dress, what language do you
speak? We say amicizia for friendship, how
do you say it in your language?
Ileana tena escondido en su bolso Mitologa rumana, el libro que haba pedido en la
biblioteca. Es una tontera, pero a Mercedes
le interesan ese tipo de cosas. Ella admira las
tradiciones de otras personas.
Su madre est en Espaa y le enva dinero por eso se fue a estudiar a Bucarest!
Y no haba otra escuela sino la nuestra!
Qu hace su madre en Espaa?
Ileana despert de sus propios pensamientos. La chica se sorprendi de que hubiese odo lo que hablaban, aunque estuviera
pensando en otras cosas.
No lo s, trabaja en una casa. Cuidadora,
sirvienta, a quin le importa?
En Espaa pero trabajando! Qu
humillante! Pero se lo merece una gitana!.
No debi haber venido a nuestra escuela! exclam de repente Ileana, muy
ofuscada. Poda haberse quedado en su
pueblo cuidando nios, como su madre!
Sus amigas parecieron sorprendidas.
Querida Ileana,
Ya s que es martes y que estars muy
ocupada, as que no podemos chatear. Me
han encantado las fotografas de los montes
Crpatos que me has enviado. Tu pas es
muy bonito. Espero poder hablar contigo
Que tengas un buen da,
La pausa estaba prxima a acabar cuando
Mircea entr en la clase.
Venid, rpido! Hay una pelea en el
aula D! grit.
Algunas de las chicas salieron corriendo
de la clase inmediatamente. Ileana intent
salir tambin, pero finalmente decidi quedarse, aunque acab por cambiar de opinin
y sali, curiosa por ver qu ocurra.
En la clase de al lado se haba montado un
gran espectculo. El profesor de matemticas
estaba intentando calmar a la chica nueva,
la gitana, que estaba llorando y gritando en
mitad de la clase. Sus compaeros estaban divididos en pequeos grupos, apoyados contra
la pared, e intervenan de cuando en cuando,
protestando. Eran los acusados.
Por qu la has golpeado? pregunt el
profesor. Dime. Quin la ha golpeado?
No la hemos tocado! grit por dcima
vez un chico alto y desgarbado. Ella quera
La chica comenz a llorar y a gritar. Sus
lgrimas eran su ltima arma.
Vamos, clmate! le deca el profesor
intentando serenarla, tocando su brazo. La
chica se fue sin mirarlo mientras sus sollozos
eran la comidilla de sus compaeros.
Quin la ha tocado? Dime, quin lo ha
hecho? pregunt nuevamente el profesor,
perdiendo la paciencia.
Qu es todo esto? pregunt Ileana
a la chica de ojos verdes que estaba a su
lado, tambin mirando la escena pero sin
No le hemos hecho dao. Ha sido ella
quien se ha enfadado y quera golpearnos!
grit un chico, cuyo rostro estaba rojo del
Vino llorando esta maana y no ha parado desde entonces. Todos se burlaban de
ella, como siempre, pero hoy comenz a
contar la chica de ojos verdes.
Quiero entender por qu la habis
insultado! Le habis dicho cosas muy ofensivas. Quin le ha hablado as? Es que sois
todos vosotros responsables?! Os atrevis a
burlaros de m tambin?
hoy Dora estaba enfadada y quera
golpearnos. Todos somos sus enemigos
Contina, contstale!
De Rumana contest. Y aadi: Y
soy de etnia roman.
Qu es eso?
Es un grupo tnico.
S? Cuntame ms!
El progreso
Juan de Dios Ibez. Espaa
Eso es, Seor Bho. Hay que censar a cien animales de la Selva como habitantes de
la capital.
Y a qu esperis, gandules? rugi el Seor Bho. Necesitamos cien impresos censales y cien voluntariosos animales capaces de sacrificar su identidad por el bien comn...
Los quiero en mi despacho y los quiero ya!
Pero eso no ser tan fcil dijo la Seora Grulla, ministra del Solsticio de Verano. Los
voluntarios tienen que estar dispuestos a asimilar patrones de comportamiento totalmente
antinaturales que a veces llegan a rozar el lmite de lo absurdo. Y le pondr como ejemplo
el hecho de que en la sociedad de los humanos el asesinato es penado por la justicia, ya que
no suelen comerse entre ellos.
Claro!, se nos comen a nosotros contest indignado el Seor Cerdo Ibrico.
Est claro que requerir esfuerzo por parte de los voluntarios. Pero la situacin es crtica.
O ponemos la reclamacin o esa autopista acabar con la sea de identidad ms importante de
nuestra Madre Selva, dividir nuestro terreno en dos y diariamente los nuestros irn cayendo
aplastados por las ruedas de los turismos... No podemos permitir eso, muchachos... Simplemente,
no podemos. Comprob que sus palabras haban surtido el efecto esperado. As que poneos
a trabajar que para algo os pago, parsitos!
Y con estas palabras, se puso en marcha la mayor campaa de bsqueda de voluntarios
para salvar la Selva que haba tenido lugar en las ltimas semanas. El equipo de Gobierno
consigui hacer creer a la opinin pblica que a todo aquel que no se presentase voluntario se
le caera el pelo y todas las comidas le sabran a arroz con leche, lo que provoc una estampida
hacia la Oficina de Gobierno que tuvo que ser controlada por los antidisturbios y hubo que
seleccionar a cien de entre los miles de voluntarios disponibles.
Una vez seleccionados los cien animales ms cualificados, se les imparti un curso
intensivo de costumbres humanas y se les ense a mentir y a picar entre comidas. Una
de las condiciones para poder pertenecer al censo de la capital era tener una renta mnima
que demostrase que la vida del solicitante mereca la pena, as que los cien tuvieron que
aprender un oficio en una tarde. Unos lo tuvieron fcil, como el Seor Topo, que se puso a
vender cupones; otros, sin embargo, tuvieron que estrujarse el limitado cerebro que tenan.
Y fruto de ese estrujamiento fueron 15 vendedores de semforo, 16 limpiabotas, 9 gorrillas,
21 comerciales de Orange, 13 teleoperadores, cinco deportistas de lite y 20 trabajadores
puntuales por ETT.
Las semanas pasaron, los negocios prosperaron (la mayora, y los que no, se conformaron,
al menos, con falsear las nminas con total fiabilidad).
El equipo de Gobierno estaba reunido y el Seor Bho senta la agradable satisfaccin
del deber cumplido. Encima de la mesa se encontraban las cien solicitudes de empadronamiento perfectamente cumplimentadas y la carta de reclamacin firmada, en primer lugar
por el Seor Bho y despus por los cien animales de pro restantes.
Hermanos dijo el Seor Bho. Todo est listo para poner la reclamacin que har
que la dichosa autopista no se llegue a construir nunca, la reclamacin que har valer nuestros intereses ante la sociedad humana sin necesidad de que nos comamos a sus cachorros.
Amigos, no slo hemos salvado al Viejo Roble Centenario de la muerte, sino que tambin
hemos dado un impulso econmico sin precedentes a la Selva. La productividad ha crecido
en un trescientos por cien y como consecuencia tendrn que nacer nuevos ministerios tales
como el de Economa, el de Comercio y alguno ms, pero eso es otra historia... Hermanos,
hoy es un da en que podemos mirarnos a los ojos y decirnos felicidades.
Entonces call esperando el aplauso de la sala, pero ste no se produjo. En su lugar
hubo un silencio sepulcral que, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, dej al Seor Bho sin
saber cmo reaccionar.
Bien, pues dejemos las celebraciones para despus dijo intentando salir del paso.
Ahora, hay que enviar todos estos papeles a la capital. Cundo acaba el plazo de entrega?
Maana Seor Bho respondi el Seor Tigre agachando la mirada.
Maana?A qu hora?
Hay tiempo hasta la hora de comer, seor.
Cmo? Pero si se tardan dos das en llegar a la capital, o ms...
S, seor dijo el Seor Lagarto; enfrascados como estbamos en la produccin de
dinero habamos olvidado que maana termina el plazo para inscribirse en el censo y como
bien ha dicho usted, la Selva es frondosa y costara, a buen ritmo, al menos dos das atravesarla a pata hasta llegar a la capital... No s como ha podido pasar...
Entonces el Seor Bho mantuvo el silencio de una derrota an no asumida y su corazn dijo a travs de su boca: Ojal hubiese autopista.
Juan de Dios Ibez. Spain
It was meeting day in the jungle. All the
animals had congregated around an old
millennium oak that everyone called the
Old Millennium Oak, or more simply
The Old One. This imposing tree had
born witness to the most significant animal
gatherings in the jungle over the last 110
Mr Owl began to speak:
Testing, testing... one, two, three... testing... Can everybody hear me?
Loud and clear! responded Mrs Mongoose.
Too much so for my liking! retorted
the fastidious Mr Gnu.
Ok, he began again, it has come to
my attention that man, not satisfied simply
with destroying the ozone layer, has resolved to stick his nose in and meddle with
the tranquillity that pervades all corners of
our jungle.
Widespread muttering compelled Mr
Owl to pause for a moment.
In his ridiculous desire to ensure that
all human settlements are well connected
to the Capital, man has planned the construction of a new motorway that will cut
right through the very heart of our beloved
jungle. More murmurings. Whats more,
as far as I can gather, the route of this
diabolical asphalt tongue will necessitate
the felling of our dear Hundred-Year-Old
At this point, the murmurs turned into
an energetic and indignant clamour: It
cant be! cried Mr Hippopotamus, Why
cant they just leave us alone? yelled Mrs
Squirrel, Why cant they fly like everyone
Standing Mountain
Maria Ioannou. Cyprus
In Reverse City, the sun rises backwards today (like most days). Water cannot be drunk since
the tap is not working it is one of those drought days when water goes back in the plumbing
system instead of reaching a glass. Cars follow the reverse code today only odd numbers
in the streets, moving backwards odd and alone. Its springtime actually no flowers
are dying instead of blooming, leaves are falling, butterflies becoming worms again poor
things animals falling into lethargy people too inescapably
She just sits there, maniacally reading the manual, trying to understand this paradoxical
change that is about to occur, struggling to get used to the new possible plans, laws and ideas.
How is it possible to fry an egg in an upside down pan? I mean its easier to fry it in a right
side up one, isnt it? she keeps asking with nave curiosity He doesnt answer like most of
the time, sinking in his greenish, upside down armchair and sipping his coffee in the exact
same way for years and years now. Why dont you read the manual too? Things are changing!
Things have to change! she shouts in attention-wanting despair but he he still cant listen,
he still cant take his eyes off that big, shiny window in the right corner of the living room.
The deep voice of the television presenter is echoed in the room Florists are protesting
outside the Main Hall this very instant, since their precious flowers are dying one by one
nine million six thousand eight hundred thirty-three and a half flowers so far
They have been dying for years now (the flowers, that is), over thirty, stopped counting at some point. You see, there is no rain. Its water drops go back to where they come
from never reaching the ground. The distant myth is still alive though. The rumor about
that everlasting flower the Undead, existing somewhere out there. The picture of a colorful garden, hidden away from this upside down city with the reversed pieces of furniture,
pots and pans. No wonder she is in pain all the time. These chairs are killing me, she
keeps repeating. This window has been killing me for years, is the only answer she can
get from him if shes lucky.
The clock has stopped, the egg is being fried, her almost purple legs are in pain, his
insomniac eyes are still fixed on a spot, way beyond their block of flats, his coffee is finished, the egg is half-burnt already, flowers continue to expire, rain is still banned from the
city and the tired voice of the television presenter travels from flat to flat, saying so much,
saying nothing
Her voice breaks (as usual). You dont love me anymore, do you? I mean, when we
were younger you were different. Remember those years? When we were free, one country,
going on carefree picnics every weekend, taking the kids to fly their kites and then secretly
kissing under the trees remember? I really miss those years, you know. I dream about
them from time to time. The sweet smell of spring rain, the people and their smiles. You
used to love me then, Im sure you did! Our home! You loved our home too! Our own Garden of Eden! I was happy then. We were happy then.
As usual, this is just a monologue. Of course he remembers. Of course he loved her. Yet,
what else is left to say? Those years can never come back. Even if he tells her he still adores
her (which is more than true), they will never go back home, they will never reach their garden, no matter what the television presenter has been saying for decades and decades. Enough
with that voice, promising change, keeping hope alive! That voice penetrates his soul so deeply that he just wishes he could trash that TV and smash that guys face like a watermelon. Its
all lies! The myth about the undead flower! Come on! How brainless can someone be! What
is dead cannot come back to life! What is lost cannot be regained! Thats why hes like that.
Thats why he no longer speaks. To say what? There is nothing more to say!
Words, words, words. Enough! Vowels and consonants scattered and echoed everywhere and nowhere. And this manual for Gods sake, do they actually expect him to read
and understand it? His children maybe, if they are open-minded enough and if they actually care about this upside down city anymore. He cant. Its been too long! Its their fault!
They had him waiting for too fucking long! He cannot help it. He cannot see things differently. He hopes his children can though, he hopes his children can forget and forgive for
him but he cannot! Its too late for him Too late for her too she just cannot understand
that no matter what she does, no matter how hard she tries, she will keep burning the egg
in the upside down pan cause that upside down pan is not her. Its not her life. Its not her
thought. Its not!
He keeps staring at the window, expressionless, fed up, tired, so tired. She is still reading chapter 34 of the manual on how to serve soup in an upside down bowl. Shes tired too
but at least shes trying. Thats what she keeps telling herself, trying to make that derelict
self feel useful for a change. Deep inside, she still believes in that myth. She happily wakes
up everyday, waiting to see a shiny drop of rain on her dead tulip by the window. Shes not
the only one in Reverse City waiting for that sudden and miraculous water drop. Sometimes, she thinks she sees one, becomes ecstatic for a second or two and then comes to
the conclusion that its just the spit of her husband who had been cursing again, early in
the morning. Yet, that doesnt stop her from commenting on the television presenters voice
from time to time sympathizing with his determined efforts to inform the citizens of
this city as accurately as possible and being at the same time so cute and all. She once read
a book by an Italian whose name she doesnt really remember. By accident that is. She was
never into reading, thats why she finds it so difficult to understand the manual. At least,
thats what she keeps repeating to comfort herself
The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what
we live every day, what we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering
it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you no
longer see it The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek
and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of the inferno, are not inferno, then
make them endure, give them space. Strange words! She never understood them but
she did love the word inferno, now repeated by her favorite presenters lips! She never realized which group of people she really belonged to possibly because she never understood
that she herself was trapped in that inferno in one way or another
He did. He experienced that inferno every time he looked out of that window she
could no longer see it but he could see it alright. He never stopped staring at it, especially
at night, grinning with its flashy lights straight at him, making fun of his upside down city,
his upside down furniture and his self-blinded wife moving back and forth in her kitchen.
That permanent and motionless thing with the scars and wounds, visible under the sun,
illuminated at night. That straight mountain with that straight flag, in this upside down
city with its upside down hopes, standing with pride and staring back at him, commanding
him, instructing him never, never, never to forget
The sun sets backwards today in Reverse City nine million six thousand eight
hundred thirty-nine and a quarter dead flowers so far possibility of rain minimal.
Lights on the standing mountain lights off in the living room, harsh sounds of cutlery
sneaking in from the kitchen... He is still there. Looking odd like most people. Odd and
alone. Yet, sleepless for days now. No butterfly dreams anymore. The television presenters
voice pauses for a moment, as if absurdly sensing his inferno and giving him space for
a brief moment there in the dark by the transparent window a drop of salty water
slowly falls vertically accidentally crashing on the tulips last bending leaf...
Montaa inmvil
Maria Ioannou. Chipre
En Ciudad Inversa, el sol hoy sale hacia atrs
(como casi todos los das). No se puede beber
agua, ya que el grifo no funciona... Es uno
de esos das de sequa en los que el agua
retrocede en el sistema de caeras en lugar
de fluir hacia el vaso. Los coches siguen hoy
el cdigo inverso... slo un extrao nmero
en las calles, movindose hacia atrs... extraos y solos. Es primavera... bueno, en
realidad no... Las flores se mueren en lugar
de florecer, caen las hojas, las mariposas se
convierten de nuevo en gusanos... Pobres!...
los animales caen en letargo... y la gente
tambin... inevitablemente...
Ella est ah sentada, leyendo frenticamente el manual, tratando de entender
este paradjico cambio que est a punto de
ocurrir, luchando por acostumbrarse a los
nuevos planes, leyes e ideas posibles. Cmo
es posible frer un huevo en una sartn boca
abajo? Quiero decir... es ms fcil frerlo en
una que est boca arriba, no?, sigue preguntndose con ingenua curiosidad... l no
responde, como la mayor parte del tiempo,
hundindose en su silln de color verdoso
colocado cabeza abajo y sorbiendo su caf
exactamente de la misma forma que desde
hace aos y aos. Por qu no lees t tambin el manual? Las cosas estn cambiando!
Las cosas tienen que cambiar!, grita en una
desesperada llamada de atencin, pero l...
sigue sin poder escucharla, sigue sin poder
apartar los ojos de aquella enorme y vtrea
ventana situada en el rincn derecho de la
sala de estar. La profunda voz del presentador de la televisin resuena como un eco
en la habitacin... En este momento los
floristas estn manifestndose delante de la
najljepe cipelice samo kako bismo se to divnije proetale pred njima. Kada bi odlazili,
poklanjali bi nam male zbirke poezije, Petrarcu ili Leopardija, i mi smo do dugo u no
znale itati ljubavne stihove i putati pokoju djevojaku suzicu premda nismo razumjele ni
Kad smo porasle, redovito smo poklanjale svoje srca njenim panjolcima. Njih nije
bilo toliko mnogo kao Talijana za vrijeme feragosta pa je svaki panjolac koji bi doao u
nae krajeve predstavljao pravu atrakciju i potpuno okupirao nau panju. Fascinirala nas
je njihova otvorenost i spontanost, nain na koji su se predavali svim ivotnim uicima da
bismo ih nas dvije jo tjednima nakon to bi otili, radosno oponaale. Zajedno bismo prale
posue i avrljale, objedovale polako i uz duge gutljaje crnog vina iz zaliha koje je djed
uvao sa strane samo za nas dvije. Poklanjali su nam Lorcu, Nerudu i Pessou, zbirke zbog
kojih smo, godinama kasnije, kad se napokon ukazala prilika za to, poele uiti panjolski
A onda je doao rat i selo je iznenada opustoilo. Turisti vie nisu dolazili. Mnoge su se
obitelji odselile i za neke od njih nikad vie nismo ule. Druge su se, pak, vratile nakon to je
rat zavrio, ali samo kako bi obnovili svoje nekadanje domove. I oni sami postali su turisti
koji u selo dolaze samo ljeti, a poetkom rujna odlaze natrag u velike gradove u kojima su
zapoeli nove ivote.
Sestra i ja smo bile malene za vrijeme rata i nismo uistinu shvaale to se dogaalo
oko nas. Otac je unovaen u vojsku i mi smo se redovito veselile kada se vraao kui s hrpom
pudinga od vanilije.
Jednog smo se dana ustale ranije od ostalih, ranije i od bake koja je uvijek prva silazila u
kuhinju da naloi vatru. Sjele smo za kuhinjski stol i ja sam joj poela praviti repi na tjemenu
u obliku vodoskoka kakvog joj je mama esto pravila. eljajui njezinu mekanu kosu u
ranoj jutarnjoj tiini, gledala sam kroz prozor u pusto selo i odjednom me preplavio ogroman
osjeaj tuge i osamljenosti. Iznenada sam postala svjesna da se nalazimo usred neeg runog
i opasnog, neeg to je otjeralo sve moje prijatelje daleko od mene i to ih sprjeava da mi se
vrate. Ruevine kua doimale su se poput ruevina nekadanjih prijateljstava, a vjerojatnost da
se obnove postajala je sve manja svaki put kada bi mi roditelji pokuavali objasniti to to znai
da su neki od njih preli na drugu stranu i da ih ne moemo otii posjetiti. Pitala sam se to
je znaila ta druga strana i zamiljala je kao drugu obalu velike, opasne rijeke koju nisam
mogla preplivati. Jo jednom sam poela svim svojim biem iekivati ljeto da ista ta rijeka
presui, da se proeem do druge strane i pozovem svoje prijatelje na igru.
Premda su esto znali prigovarati kako prevelik broj turista dolazi u nae malo selo,
znala sam da ljetna vreva i komeanje zapravo nedostaju i baki i djedu. Baka nije imala
koga dvoriti pa je svu svoju energiju unijela u to da razmazi nas dvije. S vremenom je poela
gledati sapunice i sve rjee izlaziti iz kue. Prie su blijedile, a naa igralita bivala sve tia.
Djed i baka postali su bojaljivi prema strancima i nisu ih vie tako olako primali
u apartman. Trebalo im je jo dugo vremena da se opuste i ponovno ih ponu ugoavati
iako nikad vie nismo prisustvovale nijednom maratonu pria o blesavim furetima kakve
smo znale prislukivati u doba djetinjstva. Tata je stalno priao o tome kako je najbolji
pokazatelj veliine neijeg ivota poast koja mu se oda prilikom smrti i kako su tisue ljudi
prisustvovale pogrebu druga Tita. Mama je potvrdno klimala glavom i gledala ga sa sjetom,
a mi smo se pitale to to sve skupa znai i zato uvijek moramo priati o politici
to watch soap operas and less and less often got out of the house. The stories faded
away, and our playgrounds became quieter
and quieter.
Grandpa and grandma became more
skeptical towards foreigners and didnt
take them in as easily. It took them a long
time to relax and to begin to host them
once again, although we would never again
participate in a marathon of stories about
the crazy strangers which we would
listen to during our childhood. Our dad
would always talk about how the best
measure of the greatness of a mans life
is the honor which is paid to him on the
occasion of his death and how thousands
of people participated in the funeral of
comrade Tito. Our mom would nod her
head in agreement and look at him with
melancholy, and we asked ourselves what
that all meant and why we always had to
talk about politics
Today I read the poetry of Seamus
Heaney and think about the tribulations
in Ireland. I read Yeats, Majakovski and
Benn, the poem of some Hungarian poet
about the brutal execution of his colleague
Garca Lorca. I watch documentary films
about the wars in Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya
and ask myself: is it possible that there is
so much evil in the world, so much death;
Slana ruleta
Nataa Kramberger. Republika Slovenija
Jim bo e e pokazal.
Tako nesposobno krupjejko je nazadnje videl v drugem letniku srednje ole, ko je
fotru maznil pasu in sto mark in v mariborskem kazinoju stavil na rdeo dvanajstko, prvi
v ivljenju vlit kot ebelica, Messieurs, faites vos jeux. Natupirana arovnica za ruleto je
pod brado nosila metuljek in vse je zavrtela v napano stran, z levo roko, da bi jo vrag
pocitral Babe je treba rezat! zadrl se je ez mizo z etonki in klic ni bil njegov izum,
slial ga je enkrat na stopnicah, ko je sosed v Andrejinem bloku mlatil eno, varnostniki v
kazinoju so ga vrgli ven, piek posrani, naslednji poakaj, da ti namesto puha zrastejo brki,
na Glavnem trgu je potem brez bunde skoraj zmrznil, foter ga je nahrulil in mama se je
cmizdila, sto mark so mu odtrgali od epnine in dva meseca ni smel na dvorie.
Jim bo e e pokazal.
Kravata se mu je motala med nogami, se mu je zdelo, morje je smrdelo po kampih in
sardelicah, na cesti ni bilo nikogar in rabil je zrak. Na desni strani plonika so utripali hoteli
(iz elodca se mu je dvigalo kislo) in na levi je bila rna voda. Prekleti krti. Karlo bi mu e
posodil, to je vedel, a kaj, ko se je zamotal s tisto Madarko-silikonski-joki-seksi-ksiht, ki
ga ves veer ni izpustila iz fotelja. Tudi Lojz bi mu posodil, e mu ne bi ravno veraj umrla
mati. Ostali pa pizde (z asvaltnega plonika ga je zaneslo na zelenico in prijel se je za nizki
bor). e je dihal globoko, je celo videl le enojno sliko in malo naprej so na plai popevali
zadnji turisti. Kot da bi jim kdaj ostal dolen, hinavcem, e vedno jim je vrnil do zadnjega
centa, vsem in vakemu, ki ga je kdaj potegnil iz sranja za igralno mizo, tavent, dva tavent,
nikomur ni dolen niti pfeninga. Centa. Stotina. Ali kaj e. On, direktor s pedigrejem.
Jim bo e e pokazal.
Messieurs, la partie commence.
Jim bo e e dal.
Odpel si je jopi in si e bolj zrahljal kravato, ki se mu je obesila ez pas, odrinil se je z
borovega debla in el naprej skoraj naravnost. Preklel je samega sebe, da prej v kazinoju ni
poklical taksija, vrag ve, kje je pustil mobitel, mimo pa se tudi ni hotel pripreljati nobeden,
idioti, ko jih lovek ne rabi, jih je vedno mali milijon, nocoj pa v vsem Portorou niti enega
taksista! A tudi prav, hinavki, tudi prav, ni e pozabil hoditi pe in kakor pravi ljudska
modrost, poasi se dale pride, kjer je volja, je mo, osel gre samo enkrat na led in tudi on se
je nocoj nauil fine lekcije, haha! Polovica hohtaplerkov, ki se e vedno razkazujejo zgoraj v
kazinoju, je pod njegovo komando, haha, momljal si je v brado in krilil z rokami, vsaj polovica
tistih polikanih maminih sinkov niti ne ve, kje jim je mesto! Potem bodo pa piskali, ko bo
zategnil pipice, haha, in e kako jih bo, zategnil, nategnil, takoj jutri, ko pride v pisarno, ne
jutri, v ponedeljek, ob sedmih zarana, Marika bo kuhala kavico in on bo rtal, rtal, rtal!
Kajti nocoj je bila njegova no, in e bi mu kdo posodil vsaj e petsto evrov, bi dobitek
postoteril. Potisoeril. Zdaj pa je izgubil sedem tavent in to po tamalem. e bi tel e tisto
od veraj, je izkupiek tega tedna trideset tavent minusa! Prekleti krti. Hohtaplerski
idioti! Babe je treba rezat! La partie commence!
Zvrnil se je ez zelenico po dolgem in irokem, da se mu je rtasta obleka podrajsala
po travi (zelena kolena je imel nazadnje v etrtem razredu osnovne ole, ko mu je Kristl
podstavil nogo, da si je zvil gleenj, in nikoli ve ni igral nogometa), od dale je slial
morje, ki mu je pljuskalo pred nosom, elodna kislina mu je delala prevale v revesju in z
glavo je omahnil na beli potki iz peska, ki se je vila ob plai. Ups. Dlani so ga skelele in na
romantini stezici ob morju je zevala tema. Lahko si slial, kako so tisti turisti e vedno tulili
v luno in v mestu tam dale so hoteli ugaali barske lui. Nobene volje in prav nobene moi
ni imel, da bi se pobral in el dalje, vrag naj pocitra vse skupaj, kravata mu je zategovala
sapnik in lo mu je na bruhanje. Dobrota je sirota, je pomislil, in denar je sveta vladar. Sredi
ljudskih modrosti se je prevrnil na hrbet in zdelo se mu je, da vidi ptike. Ne ptike. Opice.
Ne opice. Ljudi.
O, bog, zdaj me bodo zatihali.
tirje mornarji, Kamal, Avid, Nitz in Jo so ravnokar ugasnili lui na ladji in poskakali
na pomol iz betona. Dvigalu za sol se je odlomila roka (delavci iz obalne tovarne so krilili
okoli stroja in tekoi trak se je ustavil, delavci iz obalne tovarne so krilili e malo bolj,
pomahali z rokami in rekli adis, basta, potem so dvignili v zrak podolgovati kos eleza,
ki se je e malo prej dral dvigala, in to je bilo to: dvigalu se je odlomila roka in za nocoj so
z delom konali). Vsaki so delali tudi ez no, vsaka ura je bila dragocena, a e ne gre, ne
gre, Kamal, Avid, Nitz in Jo so zaprli trebuh tovorne ladje, ki je plivkala v nizki vodi, paluba
je bila na krajih zarjavela in na debelem dimniku, ki je trlel v zrak na ladjinem zadku, je
pisalo: safety first.
V ogromnem ladijskem trebuhu ni bilo ni drugega kot praznina, noter pa tone in
tone soli, isto bele, za ceste, za ivalske koe, za klor, ki jo je ladja pripeljala iz Alirije in
potem Tunizije in potem Egipta, soline Bourg El Arab, na jugu Krete je bila nevihta, da
so vsi bruhali ez ograjo in molili nebo, da bi e kdaj videli svoje ene, v Igoumenitsi so se
ustavili, da bi telefonirali domaim, pa so jim banditi s potepukimi psi odnesli televizor,
kuhar Bes iz Egipta je skoraj izgubil ivce in bi jih s tisto minetro kmalu zastrupil, e ga
Avid iz Pakistana ne bi pravoasno ustavil (do nadaljnjega so mu skrili mukatni oreek),
Kamal iz Bangladea mu je obljubil, da bo nekje e dobil novega (kuhar Bes je prek satelita
lovil televizijske stike s celino), v Trstu so v kitajski etrti kupili usnjene torbice za ljubimke
in zdaj so tukaj, v Portorou, skoili s polube na pomol.
Bili so obleeni v bele uniforme in hlae so jim mahedrale okoli glenjev vse naokrog.
Nitz je imel rne kodraste lase naoljene z briljantino in ostali trije so bili zagoreli kot Alir.
Stali so na betonskem pomolu ob morju in no je bila tiha, nekje dale so utripali napisi
hotelov in zgoraj, na hribu nad mestom, se je kot kraljica noi sukala in vrtela velika
neonska ruleta. Rdee in vijoline in rumene lui so se vrtele v krogu kot igra na sreo in
reklamni napis Casino Portoro je mlel v nebo, v zvezde, v rnino, v krog.
O, bog, zdaj me bodo zatihali.
Pijanek pred njihovimi nogami je bil poteno zdelan, leal je na beli potki ob morju
kot mrtvec in kravata mu je visela iz ust. Prisegli bi, da je brez ivljenja, e ne bi poasi in
s teavo odprl oi, nekaj asa buljil v prazno, potem pa kakor prestraen na smrt zablebetal
nek nj-tj-zdj v slovenini.
La ruleta de la sal
Nataa Kramberger. Eslovenia
Ahora van a ver lo que es bueno.
La ltima vez que vio al crupier en tan
baja forma fue en su segundo ao de instituto. Haba cogido la cartera de su padre y
le haba robado el pasaporte y cien marcos
alemanes para apostar al doce rojo en el casino de Maribor. Iba borracho como una cuba.
Seores, hagan juego. La bruja engreda
que se sentaba detrs de la ruleta llevaba la
pajarita debajo de la barbilla y ni siquiera saba hacer girar la ruleta como Dios manda: lo
haca con la mano izquierda... por favor!
Hay que machacar a las arpas, grit
en plena mesa; lo haba odo una vez por el
hueco de la escalera de su edificio mientras
el vecino de Andrej pegaba a su mujer. Lgicamente, los de seguridad lo echaron (este
pequeo imbcil por lo menos poda esperar
a que le saliesen pelos en la barbilla) y casi
se congela vagando por las calles como un
perro. Cuando lleg a casa, tuvo que devolver
todo el dinero que haba cogido y lo tuvieron
castigado dos meses.
S, ahora van a ver lo que es bueno.
La corbata le colgaba entre las rodillas,
el mar ola a gambas y las calles estaban
vacas. Le faltaba el aire. A su derecha, vio el
parpadeo de unos letreros de hotel (el estmago se le estaba agriando por momentos);
a su izquierda, slo agua oscura hasta donde
alcanzaba la vista. Los malditos lmites de
las apuestas! Karlo le hubiese dejado dinero,
seguro, pero la noche anterior se haba ido
con una hngara de cara bonita y tetas de
silicona. Lojz tambin le hubiese prestado
pasta, pero su madre haba palmado justo
el da anterior, y los otros eran una panda
de imbciles (se sala de la acera, as que
el dinero. Contando las prdidas del da anterior, 30.000 euros en total. Los malditos
lmites de apuestas... panda de impostores!
Hay que machacar a las arpas. Empieza
la partida!
Se arroj sobre la hierba y dej que
su traje a rayas se manchase de verde (la
ltima vez que dobl las rodillas sobre la
hierba fue en el instituto, cuando su compaero Kristl le hizo una entrada y se le llev
por delante su tobillo; nunca ms volvi a
jugar al ftbol). Escuch el murmullo de las
olas del mar, sinti cmo la acidez formaba
olas en su estmago y, al caer, golpe con la
cabeza contra la arena blanca. Argh! Las
palmas de las manos le ardan y frente a l
la noche oscura se abra de par en par; los
turistas seguan aullando a la luna. En la
ciudad, lejos, muy lejos, las luces de los bares
se iban apagando, y l se iba quedando sin
fuerzas. A la mierda con todo, pens, y la
corbata le apretaba tanto el cuello que tuvo
que vomitar. El dinero gobierna el mundo,
murmur tumbndose boca arriba. Vea pajaritos... No, no eran pajaritos: eran monos...
No, no eran monos: eran hombres.
Mierda, me van a apalear! Me van a
apalear como a un perro!
Los cuatro marineros Kamal, Avid, Nitz
y Jo haban apagado las luces de la barca y
haban saltado al muelle (el contenedor de la
torre de transporte de sal se haba estropeado; lo agitaron en el aire para que los trabajadores de las salinas viesen que ya no podan
recoger ms sal. Goodbye, basta por esta
noche). Aunque cada hora era vital, esta vez
no tenan eleccin. Cerraron la bodega del
barco oxidado y lo dejaron descansando en
el muelle. Por encima de la lnea del agua,
slo sobresala la inscripcin La seguridad
es lo primero de la chimenea. Dentro del
barco haba sal, sal blanca y pura, toneladas
de sal. Sal para cueros, para carreteras, para
cloro. Sal transportada desde las salinas
Unfortunately Im not writing an amorous letter to you, nor a love story Yet I
wish I were!
But I love you because I have been anticipating your birth since the curse...
And because, five thousand years ago
When I was here in Damascus, I recorded
names of all prisoners with my bare fingers
on your naked back... Oh Naglaa!
Its 8.45! Get up!
Sing a song that wakes me up. (She said this
in Arabic, while her eyes were still closed.)
And Palestine!
The beginning of recreation... The curse was
inflicted upon both of us. It is said they were
three and their dog the fourth, five and their
dog the sixth, seven and their dog the eighth.
The eighth!
We have had no dogs, nor cats!
We went back, and today you ask: Why
did you love me?!
La lgende de Tutla
Hicham Lasri. Maroc
Le point minuscule qui scintillait au milieu de lcran me fixa longuement, avec une sorte
dironie opinitre, puis lcran noir effaa cette impression sous un voile sombre de cristaux
Je papillonne des yeux, le got amer de lincomprhension dans la bouche : Est-ce
lui qui, derrire sa rhtorique dpoussire, ne sait pas de quoi parler ? Ou est-ce moi dont
lesprit est atrophi par mon existence urbaine ?
Comme un lphant agonisant, avant de choir sur les limites de cimetire ancestral, il
sattarde sur tous, saccroche aux plis de la terre, et de la mmoire, pour en porter les germes
vers lau-del ; un autre manire de condenser une vie qui steint.
Tenter de deviner les choses qui se passeront sans nous.
Moi aussi je mattarde comme un homme bless, je trane sur les sentiers de ma
mmoire dfaillante comme durant un ultime plerinage, les souvenirs se dcollent de la
mmoire comme des autocollants quun vent pernicieux finit par dissiper jamais. Aucun
mot daucune langue ne peut me soulager du poids de cette brumeuse chose qui ronge mon
me, avec un horrible grincement.
Jai envie de pleurer tout en sachant que a en sera la fin d(u-n) monde, jai envie
de rager, de grignoter le mtal, dcraser les ombres, de mettre mes tats dme dans des
bouteilles de cola et den orner ma chemine dcorative, de croquer la terre et den lcher
le magma
Mais je ne suis quune roue de fortune sans attaches, aux racines brouilles, avec les
cbles de mon holografic multim, et des canalisations sanitaires de mon cube vital.
The thing that should not be
La sirne de la police ou dune ambulance nest plus quun cho lointain, telle une
Mes tripes sagitent dans un mlange confus de peur, de terreur et dhorreur, ou peuttre nest-ce que la tle ondule ? Et moi ballott sur la banquette arrire de ce taxi jaune, et
jauni, je regarde dfiler un paysage anguleux, travers une vitre poussireuse, les couleurs
graveleuses, le soleil sinistre, les pics des montagnes contamines par la poussire et la terre
de la vitre malpropre.
Jessaye de puiser la beaut du paysage dans ma mmoire nul doute cest trs beau mais
mes souvenirs sont fans, je croise du regard ce soleil crasant dexistence et exhumant par l la
douleur de nos propres vies, comme un ballon accroch au-dessus des montagnes au risque den
tre clat. Le soleil intimidant qui me renvoie au pass par un coup de pied mnmonique.
Je ralise mon manque cruel de substance, creux comme une flte, et mme la flte
forge de la musique dans son vide. Je ralise que je ne suis quun intrus dans ce monde, un
intrus presque dans ma propre vie, un private eye.
Un dtective priv, je passe mon temps forcer ma prsence, gratter sous les ongles
des hommes, lisser le velours des femmes, je passe mon temps mimmiscer, je cultive
mon indsirabilit , je passe mon temps chercher tre le ngre des autres, essuyer
leurs immondices
Je suis le serviteur fidle de ce type dhumanodes qui ont des creux destomacs la
tte, du sperme plein les yeux force de chastet et tout le vocabulaire du monde pour
exprimer leur btise et la dtresse du monde. Par principe, je ne maccorde pas trop despoir
pour ne pas tre oblig de ramasser mes dents casses. En mcartant de ma ligne ditoriale,
jai ramass mon bras en miettes : le monde de ces hommes est encore plus dsesprant que
mon dsespoir hyginique !
Sil vous plat, un peu moins vite, mon bras me fait un mal de chien
Mais monsieur, en dessous dune certaine vitesse, cest quasiment insupportable,
mme en tant sain. Si je ralentis, ce sera comme traverser une mer agite : en plus de la
douleur a donne le mal de mer...
Pardon ?
Jai dit : bonjour.
Lintonation est pointue.
Sur le dos de son ne, le vieillard me sourit de toutes les dents quil na plus,
un sourire tendre et sincre, et passe son chemin. Un brave berbre, et, comme une
illumination, je ralise que je suis aussi berbre, comme le doux vieillard dent,
hormis le fait que je nai pas son accent, et quen plus en moins je ne comprends pas
ma langue natale.
Oh ! Oui Bonjour
Il ma tendu la main, simple geste de reconnaissance et de respect. Depuis trente ans,
je nai pas tendu la main quelquun juste pour le geste. Normalement, cest une dmarche
de reconnaissance : secouer la main dun flic pour quil vrifie ses banques de donnes en
effectuant un contrle identitaire ou la main dun vendeur pour effectuer une transaction
Et pas pour juste signifier : bonjour !
Mais dj le vieillard nest plus quun mirage au seuil de lhorizon.
Je paie le taxi avec un gros pourboire en plus pour la partie de purgatoire. La trane
brumeuse de poussire et de terre qui me gifla derrire lui, me consola, me piqua les yeux,
et me donna limpression que je suis au seuil de la dcomposition, de fatigue et de salet.
Pardon, comment je pourrais joindre la famille Taounte ?
Je parle en terme de locomotion.
Prenez un taxi, a ne cote pas cher.
Je fixe ce jeune homme qui trane le pas sur les traces du vieillard, laccent est
pittoresque, celui dun berbre qui parle une autre langue, tout en pensant dans sa langue
natale, mais moi jai un horrible haut le cur devant la nudit du sol, et lrosion des
Je prendrai mon temps, un sentier, mais pas un autre taxi.
Je ferme les yeux
Je me revois encore, cartant ce rideau en plastique liquide, qui me sert aussi dcran
et de glace. Je revois cet norme cran publicitaire qui trne sur la faade de limmeuble
en face. Cette sublime crature tout le temps souriante, toutes les saisons, presque nue,
vtue simplement dun rudimentaire maillot au dessin proche dune structure dADN. Une
crature de rve rve, une des milliards de cratures virtuelles qui jonchent les rues du
monde entier, faisant de la pub dirige pub personnalise. Mais chaque fois que jouvre
mes rideaux sa peau se transforme en un noir soyeux, une couleur envotante, le cheveu
crpu, une coiffure Massai.
Je me dis quil y a une erreur quelque part.
Dans le registre informatique, une pub avec une femme noire est cense cibler
un homme de couleur. Racisme lmentaire. Jai maintes fois test cet effet. travers
lembrasure de mes rideaux, je vois la sublime pin up tournant sur elle-mme, se tortillant
dans sa cage en 2D.
Sa chevelure dun noir de jais frlant la minralit, ondule au souffle dun vent
virtuel, le visage cristallin, les yeux vivants comme des poissons dune inqualifiable couleur
Le ventre muscl. Cette texture au grain si petit, qui vous force caresser la forme. La
courbure de la naissance des fesses
Jai pris lhabitude de la regarder travers lembrasure. Secrtement amoureux dune
femme virtuelle qui se cache moi derrire une amazone la peau dbne.
Je vivais mal ce rejet, mme venant dun systme binaire.
Un jour jai ralis une chose :
On me prenait pour un noir !
Le desir.
Au commencement, il y a ce dsir, ce sentiment venu de nulle part, entretenu par
la frustration de linaccessibilit, ce dsir qui se cogne aux parois du cur comme un
Le dsir de faire,
de dire,
de dsirer,
dtre dsir.
Je suis un capharnam de temps, despace et de sens, qui refusent de simbriquer pour
maccorder des rponses, chaque point dinterrogation est un pieu qui senfonce en moi
jusquau noyau dur de linconscient.
Comme du magma qui bouillonne quelques kilomtres sous nos pieds, le dsir couv
vire lacide ammoniaque qui fait de son sujet une entit croule de lintrieur, dvaste,
Et puis le dsir sestompe, sefface pour ne plus correspondre mme au terme qui lui
est lgu par la vaine rhtorique, lappellation dsir ne correspond plus au sentiment.
Les rves spongieux qui accueillaient notre saut de la ralit, susent, le moelleux se
durcit, acquiert la duret du macadam et de la terre arrose par les rayons dors.
Le ruissellement des sensations, comme celui des mots sur la langue de mon stylo,
mentrane vers le plus inavouable de mes craintes, moi face au monde, ce monde qui pulse
autour de moi, vibre ostensiblement, change, et moi, toujours l, je ne ralise rien, je me
laisse distancer par mon temps. Mauvais coureur des longues distances de lexistence.
Longtemps aprs, je marme de patience et dun stylo laser et je pars la conqute
du royaume imaginaire des temps qui se drobent. Ces refuges de lenfance qui sloignent
dun homme statique.
Alice est chasse du pays des merveilles coups de pied dans le derrire, se retrouve
dans la misre de Victor, autant use et abuse autant dsabuse, un parcours archi-cod
o lexistence nest quun caprice de complications, puisque ce qui doit arriver arrive
forcment, invitablement, la particule de poussire fatalement se ramasse sur le sol, alors
crase, pitine ou souffle par le vent, quimporte :
Cest la vie arme du recul, cest ce que la logique prvoit, o les sciences mathmatiques
mnent, un parcours flch, et lexistence contrairement la vie est justement la torsion
de ce sentier, leffacement des flches, la foudre, un croulement ou les battements daile de
mouches dfaut de papillons et puisque les papillons sont de bien sduisantes cratures
pour causer des dsastres , il faut calculer en lguant une large marge de manuvre au
fameux facteur X : Xterne, Xtrme ou Xtravaguant, ce jeu je ne suis pas dou, mon bras
bris en est la preuve.
Tel un coq hermaphrodite, je couve une douloureuse mlancolie. Entre le sommeil, les
repas et les trves de W.-C., je me trouve dans lobligation de justifier ma vie !
Et l seffacent mme les vestiges du dsir, pour quon hrite dun glorieux nant, la lumire
morte, des astres lagonie et puis, limproviste, passe un vieil homme avec son langage
hybride, il me parle, me sourit, et au milieu de mon nant clt un point, un point de
repre, un point minuscule, mais dsormais pour moi il y a un haut, un bas, et mme un
ct de ce point si infime.
Jouvre le journal, la page astro, blier : Cessez dimportuner les autres, canalisez
vos excs -ct cur : coup de thtre (ou de tte), sant : surveillez vos dents .
La magie dune rvlation est un miracle comme une erreur de frappe du destin
qui pige ou sauve lenchant, a peut tre une boue de secours de noy pour une victime
dincendie ou cinq litres dO ngatif pour un accident, mais celui qui a droit une
rvlation de la part de la vie est un miracul, pour qui flotte la surface une grappe de
dsir, en hibernation, comme lcroulement dun chteau de cartes.
Je suis un berbre !
Et alors ?
Je suis un berbre.
Oui, berbre.
Ds cet instant o une ralit qui ma prcd sous ce soleil parfois trop radieux,
sest explose devant mes yeux et derrire en rvlation vertigineuse, jai entam mon
journal lancienne : un stylo archaque et du papier qui porte encore les remords de ceux
qui ont dtruit la fort tropicale, le rcit dune anti-dcomposition sociale, les deux lvres
dune plaie secrte qui se brassent pour embrasser la srnit dun retour aux sources
Je suis Tutla !
Sur les airs, les lamentations apocalyptiques de Metallica font place la douce
mlancolie dune fire me qui souffre :
Et reviendra ton re vole
sur un navire qui porte la mer en prsent,
chuchota mon pre
voyant des hurlements dans mes yeux.
Prends-toi une place au fond de toi,
et fais de la tristesse un oreiller
qui vous soulagera des abus des temps,
murmura ma mre
Des pieds, je foule cette terre, belle de rougeur, sol martien de ma mmoire dsertifie,
jcrase la fine pellicule de poussire, ce dont nous isolait lcran de macadam et de bton,
cette terre chair de notre chair, notre source, notre vortex
alourdissant les murs, comme de prcieux trophes : ceux de ma dfaite inluctable face
lomnipotence du temps ; une photo de moi enfant encore transparent dinnocence, moi
et des membres dj lointains dune famille depuis longtemps partie en lambeaux, moi et
mon pre, les traits de ma douce mre dont le ruban noir qui orne le cadre de la photo est
assorti son humble tenue et sa chevelure.
Au seuil dun prcipice, je passe mes journes attendre les crpuscules, et mes nuits
guetter laube, agoniser et mextasier, rpliquer aux saluts des gens du village qui
prsent me connaissent et mappellent unanimement : le casaoui, comme on trace les
limites dune terre de culture.
Le Casablancais, ironie, errone.
A Casa, on mappelle avec plus ou moins dhumeur le Berbre, alors quici on
mappelle le Casaoui !
Jai dans lesprit un vieux film trs mauvais, et aussi trs touchant par son chec.
Il y est question dune guerre entre la race humaine et une race cyberntique, centre sur
un personnage dagent humain. Au cours de ses missions, il se blesse et se retrouve avec
des membres mutils, on est oblig dy greffer des organes biomcaniques. Vers la fin, il se
retrouve entirement en mtal, alors machine repousse par les hommes, et homme rejet
par les machines, il en devient le mutant indsirable, sauf que moi, je suis un peu moins
indsirable, un peu plus inutile, un peu moins dans une guerre.
Un peu moins important pour quon remplace mon bras.
Dans cette ambiance crpusculaire, je me comblais lcher mes blessures autant
pour les irriter que pour le rtablissement, et je me suis souvenu dun vieil ami qui vendait
des journaux, avant lextinction du commerce des journaux de papier , et lavnement
massif des canards lectroniques. Il me disait : Par moments, jai limpression dtre un
escroc, je vis de mensonges et de tricherie dirige. vrai dire, je ne suis pas fier de moi .
Ces moments o lon entend le crissement de la poussire sous les talons.
Ces instants qui nappartiennent personne. Et on commence dire nimporte quoi et
nimporte quelle parole, du moment que a remplit le vide.
Le vent souffle dans le vide des esprits.
Les Assyriens ont invent la roue, les Arabes le zro, les citoyens du nouveau monde
Microsoft, et vous les berbres ? .
Ces paroles taient parfois la limite du douloureux : Nous, on a coll le zro la
roue et on a jou au cerceau avec du fil de fer de chez Microsoft .
Une rponse qui en vaut une autre.
En ralit, on na fait que vivre, et on a vcu, et peut-tre, peut-tre : on vivra encore.
Par bribes mes souvenirs se rorganisent dans mon esprit, comme une sorte de
relecture, de radaptation teinte de nostalgie et despoir, cet espoir quon a de la vie aprs
stre dbarrass dune rage de dents.
Vous les berbres, vous navez dsormais que trois gnrations pour perdre votre
langue, la matrice dune culture centenaire, dun mode de vie encastr dans le granit de
lAtlas .
Depuis 4 mois que je vis ici, jai fini par franchir la cascade de jouvence, jai travers
le purgatoire, jai recharg mes piles, mais inexorablement, quelques tessons de ma crise
existentielle se sont greffs mon me tout jamais, et dun seul coup je me sens vieux,
dpass par la vie et son rythme, hors comptition, dglingu survivant dune catastrophe
interne comme un personnage de Ballard, comme le sujet dune excution par injection :
intacte de la faade, mais cest un dsastre aux entrailles ; je prfre extrioriser a sur mon
cahier intime, puisque je suis encore assez fier pour avouer ma dfaite face la vie, au fond
je ne suis quun soldat dserteur de la vie.
La plaie devient gangrneuse quand je regarde autour de moi ; mme ce trs vieil
homme, avec sa respectable face de poisson mort, est plus bon vivant que moi. La vie ne la
pas oblig exhumer ses idaux pour en faire un carburant pour les pays de la dsillusion.
Sa mmoire nest pas parasite par un trop plein dinformations lectroniques, son esprit
nest pas assailli par des images subliminales numriques, sa vie nest pas crase par
des logements cubes, o le conglateur est lui tout seul un complexe multifonctionnel,
qui dpasse lappellation courante quon lui a attribu, qui na besoin que de peu pour se
substituer aux femmes. Techniquement le vieil homme, du haut de ses 90 ans dexistence,
est moins us que moi, juste quelques notes dAbaba Inoba peuvent activer sa mmoire.
Il y a forcment un aspect malsain vouloir bercer pleinement entre ses bras son
propre chec, comme un prcieux objet, les vestiges dune re rvolue, comme une pierre
tombale trop joyeusement sculpte, mais il y a certainement un aspect thrapeutique
saturer son esprit dimages de maladies alors quon est hypocondriaque.
Il y a quelques instants, un petit garon de 6 ans, le regard clair, la peau du visage rose
et encore lisse, le corps frle, dernire acquisition de notre jardin de pierres gnalogique,
est venu passer ses vacances scolaires, comme un anti-moi, encore jeune, encore gonfl
despoir mais sans esprance encore , il ma embrass sur les deux joues, et ma serr trs
fort, sur mon thorax.
Jai vibr avec ses battements de cur ; la ngation rythmique du nowhere man from
nowhere land sous les semelles de mes babouches, jai senti la force tranquille des pulsations
des racines qui transcendent le temps et lespace, la duret du granit de la montagne, un
sentiment si brut, dune posie quasi onirique.
Je ne suis plus lhomme de nulle part !
De sa voix de petit garon il me demanda :
Quest-ce que tu fais dans la vie ?
Je concasse les heures.
Eh ?
Je suis dtective.
Holmes !
Non, plutt Shaft.
Cest un dtective priv ?
Oui, qui se pavane dans la vie sur le rythme dune chanson qui porte son propre nom,
cest un peu lavatar de Holmes dans un monde politiquement incorrect
Politiquement ?
Cest une vieille expression que javais repche dans lautre sicle, une expression
qui se bouffe la logique peu importe, je suis Tutla du royaume du temps.
Vous avez beaucoup daventures raconter donc
Sil vous plat
Il y aura toujours quelquun pour chanter quelque chose, quelquun pour lcouter, et
un prcieux dcalage entre les deux.
Bien, ce nest pas une aventure, et a ne mest pas arriv, elle ma t transmise par
un proche. coute bien ! dans un monde violent au seuil de linhumanit, sur une le au
milieu de nulle part, vit Romo, jeune homme pote sans auditeurs, me torture par la
solitude. Un jour, il rencontre Juliette, douce fe sans ailes, le regard illumin de candeur,
Romo rencontra la douce Juliette
Je lui narrais leffroyable mise nu dune race dont les ombres sans lumire meublent ses
entrailles, dans un monde strilis par des valeurs perfectionnistes et pragmatiques
Eh tonton ! Tu es sr que ce nest pas IsliD Tislite ?
Le soleil comme un clin dil se rvle, aprs une interminable lthargie
L, nous y serions,
L, nous y sommes,
L, nous irions,
Aux lendemains de lternit.
The microscopic dot twinkling in the middle of the screen focused on me for a long
time with a sort of dogged irony; then the
black screen erases this impression under a
gloomy mist of dead crystals.
My eyes flick from one thing to another, the bitter taste of bemusement in my
mouth: Behind all the polished rhetoric,
does he just not know what to talk about?
Or is it me, my mind atrophied by my city
I said: Hello.
The intonation is quite pointed.
Sitting astride his donkey, the old man
smiles a toothless smile, a smile that is
tender and genuine, and continues on his
way. A good Berber, and, as if suddenly enlightened, I realise that I too am a Berber,
like the gap-toothed old man, except that
I dont share his accent and, whats more
or less I dont understand my native
Oh! Yes Hello
He held his hand out to me, a simple gesture of recognition and respect. I
havent held out my hand to someone just
as a gesture in thirty years. Normally, its
a process of recognition: you shake a cops
hand so that he can comb through his database and carry out an ID check or you
shake a salesmans hand to complete a bank
But not just to say hello!
But already the old man is but a mirage
on the cusp of the horizon.
I pay the taxi driver, handing over a
large tip for the dose of purgatory. For the
hazy trail of dust and earth that slapped
me as I sat behind him, that consoled me,
stung my eyes, and gave me the sense that
I am on the verge of decay, fatigue and
Sorry, do you know where I can find
the Taounte family?
Im talking in terms of getting from A
to B.
Take a taxi, it doesnt cost much.
I stare at this young man ambling along
in the old mans wake. His accent is colourful, like the accent of a Berber speaking
a different language but thinking in his
mother tongue, but I retch horribly as I
contemplate the exposed ground and the
erosion of my feelings.
chasm of nothingness, and that nothingness is pristine, untouched. Man built his
civilisation in order to master nature and
his own nature, his own evolution, is based
on the conditions that were laid down. He
adapts, barters with nature, yet, faced with
this nothingness, this void, he is his own
negation. You cannot react to radiation:
it is not an obstacle placed in our way by
nature, but the fallout from our own efforts
to weave something from the gaping void
in our souls. The ability to condemn other
people in accordance with your likes or
dislikes is an unenviable power, a concrete power born of a whim. Visual isolation like areas on the beach earmarked for
whites and far away for blacks going
back many centuries, an idiosyncratic urge
to segment everything that verges on the
obsessive: on the spice rack you mustnt
mix salt and camomile; the physicist
should avoid blending sodium nitrate with
glycerine; on the bookshelves in libraries,
keep Descartes and Kafka well apart
There is something crass about carving things up horizontally and vertically: a
man can only be a man wearing the same
loincloth as Adam and Eve.
They think I am black!
In the midst of this absurd commotion,
I allowed myself to be carried along since I
was being paid in my capacity as a private
detective, because I continue to live solely
for my own pleasure occasionally sadistic,
occasionally masochistic and not in any
way to please the obsessive individuals
equipped with their DURDEN. I ended up
sporting an arm that swings like a pendulum at chest level as if I am forever locked
in a military salute. Running counter to my
hearts desire, I hold on to the failure that
I have washed clean of bitterness in the
same way as you wash away sweat and dirt
after a game of football, with soapy water.
La leyenda de Tutla
Hicham Lasri. Marruecos
Siempre acaba mal.
La mediocridad se conjuga con la pena y
el sufrimiento por una cosecha de miseria.
Antes de que desaparezca la frontera de
la razn.
Parpadeo de una pantalla de cristal.
Rozo el icono Foro y un texto empieza
a desfilar en el fondo, alejndose de m a una
velocidad adecuada a mi lectura.
los lmites de una cultura se pulen
en contacto con una proyeccin hacia el futuro, y no gracias a una letana melanclica
vuelta hacia un pasado siempre glorioso y
un poco marchito, como una flor demasiado
olfateada y cuye perfume satura la nariz
Toda cultura hermtica es ingrata, ya
que no rinde tributo a los estratos culturales
existentes desde Adn, al considerarse a s
misma como una criatura de la nada surgida
de ninguna parte. Ser hermafrodita es una
condicin contra natura. La poesa de una
eclosin indica que una retroeclosin es algo
total e inexorablemente traumatizante...
Afirmo: una cultura hermtica es una cultura agonizante. El hermetismo es una mina
antiprogreso de la civilizacin, toda cultura
se condena cuando se vuelve estanca. Una
lengua, base de la identidad y adorno de una
cultura, puede desaparecer en el espacio de
tres generaciones, es espantoso
La cultura es como un texto de 5.000
aos, que exige 5.000 pginas de trabajo, mucho esfuerzo y empeo, no se puede acabar
antes de tiempo ni despus, ya que se toma
el tiempo que necesita.
Para borrar esas 5.000 pginas/aos basta con un simple gesto: pulsar la tecla Supr..
Hacer olvidar esas 5.000 pginas
He dicho buenos das.
La entonacin es aguda.
Montado a lomos de un asno, el anciano
me sonre mostrando todos los dientes que ya
no tiene, una sonrisa tierna y sincera, y sigue
su camino. Un buen hombre, un bereber y,
como una iluminacin, me doy cuenta de
que yo tambin soy bereber, como el amable anciano desdentado, con la salvedad de
que yo no tengo su acento y de que adems
no entiendo mi lengua natal.
S! S! Buenos das
Me ha tendido la mano, un gesto sencillo
de reconocimiento y respeto. Hace treinta
aos que no le doy a nadie la mano por el
mero gesto de hacerlo. Normalmente, es una
operacin de reconocimiento: estrechar la
Como el magma que borbotea bajo nuestros pies, el deseo incubado se transforma en
cido amonaco, que convierte a su objeto
en una entidad desmoronada del interior,
devastada, esterilizada.
Y luego el deseo se difumina, se desvanece, para no corresponder ya ni al trmino que le ha legado la vana retrica, la
denominacin deseo no corresponde ya
al sentimiento.
Los sueos esponjosos que acogan
nuestro salto de la realidad se desgastan, lo
blando se endurece, adquiere la dureza del
macadn y de la tierra regada por los rayos
El torrente de sensaciones, como el de palabras en la lengua de mi pluma, me arrastra
hacia el ms inconfesable de mis temores, yo
frente al mundo, ese mundo que late a mi
alrededor, vibra ostensiblemente, cambia, y
yo, an ah, no me doy cuenta de nada, me
distancio de mi poca. Mal corredor de las
largas distancias de la existencia.
Mucho tiempo despus, me armo de paciencia y de una pluma, y salgo a la conquista
del reino imaginario de los tiempos que nos
esquivan. Esos refugios de la infancia que se
alejan de un hombre esttico.
A Alicia la expulsan del pas de las maravillas a patadas en el trasero, se encuentra en la miseria de Vctor, ora utilizada y
engaada, ora desengaada, un recorrido
archicodificado en el que la existencia no
es ms que un capricho de complicaciones,
ya que lo que tiene que suceder sucede forzosamente, inevitablemente, la partcula
de polvo se acurruca fatalmente en el suelo,
aplastada, pisoteada o arrastrada por el viento, no importa.
Es la vida con su retroceso, es lo que la
lgica prev, all adonde llevan las ciencias
matemticas, un recorrido sealizado con
flechas, y la existencia al contrario que la
vida es precisamente el retorcimiento de
Pues claro.
S, bereber.
Desde el momento en el que una realidad que me ha precedido bajo este sol,
a veces demasiado radiante, explota ante
mis ojos y detrs en una revelacin vertiginosa, empiezo mi diario a la antigua
usanza: una pluma arcaica y un papel que
an contiene el remordimiento de quienes
han destruido la selva tropical, el relato de
una antidescomposicin social, los dos labios de una herida secreta que se mezclan
para abarcar la serenidad de un regreso a
las fuentes
Soy Tutla!
En el aire, los lamentos apocalpticos de
Metallica abren paso a la dulce melancola
de una orgullosa alma que sufre:
Y volver tu era robada
en un navo que es presente del mar,
cuchiche mi padre
al ver alaridos en mis ojos.
Resrvate un lugar dentro de ti
y haz de la tristeza una almohada
que te aliviar de los abusos del tiempo,
murmur mi madre...
Con los pies huello esta tierra, bella y roja,
sol marciano de mi memoria desertificada,
aplasto la fina pelcula de polvo, de la que nos
separaba la pantalla de asfalto y hormign,
esa tierra carne de nuestra carne, nuestra
fuente, nuestro torbellino
Desde lo alto de un precipicio acaricio,
con la mirada, esas barracas inmemoriales,
encajadas entre las montaas, como dedos
en un engranaje, esos monumentos de una
ancestral arquitectura surrealista, situadas
en el hueco de las montaas como un huevo
de fnix incubado por los picos protectores:
mi pueblo natal, el de mis antepasados.
tos del otro. Ello desemboca en una inexorable animosidad; hay algo insoportable en la
idea de no ser soportable por razones fuera
de control, no es como lo de un miembro del
Ku Klux Klan con su capirote o un neonazi
o un extremista, es peor porque tiene lugar
dentro de la cabeza, es un crimen perfecto,
una fechora en la cabeza.
La humanidad dispone de un exceso
de tiempo, un exceso de ocio fsico, pero
tambin de desenfreno mental, en el que el
hombre se extrava en el fondo de un abismo de nada, y la nada es virgen. El hombre
ha construido su civilizacin para domar la
naturaleza, y su naturaleza, su evolucin, se
basa en las condiciones impuestas. El hombre se adapta, negocia con la naturaleza, pero
frente a la nada, es su propia negacin. No se
puede reaccionar contra las radiaciones: no
son obstculos de la naturaleza, sino las consecuencias provocadas por nuestra naturaleza, ocupada en tejer con el vaco flagrante
del alma. Censurar a los dems por gusto o
disgusto es un poder molesto, un poder concreto para un capricho. El aislamiento visual,
como el de las zonas de playa para blancos,
alejadas de las de los negros durante siglos,
una mana de dividir que se transforma en
obsesin: en el estante de las especias no hay
que mezclar la sal con la manzanilla; en la
farmacia, no hay que combinar los nitratos
de soda con la glicerina; en los estantes de
las bibliotecas, hay que alejar a Descartes
de Kafka
Hay algo vulgar en el hecho de proceder a divisiones horizontales y verticales: un
hombre no puede ser ms que un hombre
portador del trapo de Adn y Eva.
Se piensan que soy negro!
Me dej arrastrar entre los pliegues de
ese tumulto absurdo porque me pagaban en
mi condicin de privado, porque slo sigo
viviendo para mi propio placer, a veces sdico, a veces masoquista, y no para satisfacer
Mis recuerdos se reorganizan en el espritu a fragmentos, como una especie de relectura, de readaptacin teida de nostalgia
y esperanza, de esa esperanza que tenemos
en la vida tras liberarnos de un dolor de
A los bereberes os quedan slo tres
generaciones para perder vuestra lengua,
la matriz de una cultura centenaria, de un
modo de vida incrustado en el granito del
Tras los cuatro meses que llevo viviendo
aqu he acabado franqueando la cascada de
la juventud, he atravesado el purgatorio, he
recargado las pilas, pero, inexorablemente,
algunos cascos de mi crisis existencial se han
incorporado a mi alma para siempre, y de
golpe me siento viejo, superado por la vida
y su ritmo, fuera de concurso, desquiciado
superviviente de una catstrofe interna,
como un personaje de Ballard, como el
reo de una ejecucin mediante inyeccin:
intacto en la fachada, pero con las entraas
hechas un desastre; prefiero exteriorizar esto
en mi cuaderno ntimo, ya que todava soy
demasiado orgulloso como para confesar mi
derrota frente a la vida, en el fondo slo soy
un soldado desertor de la vida.
La herida se gangrena cuando miro a
mi alrededor; hasta ese anciano, con cara
de pescado muerto, est ms vivo que yo.
La vida no le ha obligado a exhumar sus
ideales para convertirlos en un carburante
para los pases de la desilusin. Su memoria
no est ocupada por un parsito, el exceso de
informaciones electrnicas, su espritu no se
ve asaltado por imgenes digitales subliminales, su vida no est agobiada por habitculos como cubos, en los que el congelador
por s solo es un complejo multifuncional
que supera la denominacin corriente que
se le ha atribuido, que necesita poca cosa
para sustituir a las mujeres. Tcnicamente,
el anciano, desde lo alto de sus noventa aos
Who will dare to send out the first signal, the first message?
Staring her straight in the eyes, I try to
activate my microphone system.
It doesnt work, its her receptor; it must
be malfunctioning.
Its not worth the effort, it wont work.
I hate all those electronic frivolities! I have
a brain, thats enough.
Wh0@? #! = &+ hmm sorry, Im not
used to speaking, I mean using my mouth!
What is your ID number?
My name, dont you mean? Im Sophia.
And you?
Number 567M, resident in the 30th
division, west section. Where is your control centre?
Oh here and there. I dont live with
my parents any more. Whats that look
Sophia is it a number...? ...in another
Ha ha ha! No! Of course not! Sophia
comes from Sophie, which means wisdom
its a first name used internationally! Do
you know Sophie de Rostopchine? The
Countess of Sgur, a woman of letters of
Russian origin. Sofia Kovalevskaa, Russian mathematician, (1850-1891). Sophia
Loren, Italian actress. Sophie Marceau,
French actress. Sophia Coppola, Italian director First names are wonderful, their
etymology imbued with symbolic meaning. How do you interpret yours?
Hmm I was born on the fifth day of
the year 2067. And the M is for male as
for the others like me.
Is that all?! You are 16 and youre already lacking imagination??? Its pitiful!
You arent like any of your male counterparts; you are You. You should have
your own personality. Because it is your
choices, your actions, your way of life,
your way of thinking, your desires, your
to brainwash you!
to protect us. What is that??
Its a pen. Ill wager youve never written anything by hand!? Bet you dont know
what books are, eh? Ive got stacks of them,
read some and youll find out what you
dont know, youll understand your past
and youll learn about freedom! My father,
an opponent of the authorities, gave me all
of them before he was imprisoned. He was
an anthropologist and a polyglot. Thats
how he met my mother. He sees diversity
as essential, enriching; a basic, imperceptible human need.
Waaah! And whats this gizmo?
A newspaper, LHumanit; its very
old, from 2008 I think. Are you curious?
Can I have a read? This is overwhelming, listen: According to Roland Breton,
Emeritus Professor at the Paris VIII University, economic globalisation and the
hegemony of English are impoverishing
the worlds cultural heritage. Linguistic
diversity, mankinds cultural heritage, is
under even greater threat than biodiversity, mankinds natural heritage. Most
languages are endangered species. Yet, any
language even if it only has ten thousand
speakers expresses peoples knowledge
of the world. Its a cultural, mythological
reservoir. Regarding language purely as a
communication tool is dangerously simplistic. One language dies out every fortnight.
The lack of any official recognition places
a good deal of the 6,000 to 7,000 languages
spoken around the world in a precarious
Id like to find out more. Take me to
where the Rebels live. Guide me, Sophia.
Together let us rebuild lost civilisations.
Yesss, oui, ja, po, shi, tak, hake te, aya,
, ken, ydw, , naham, za, w, da,
igen, bele!!!!
La pied-noir
Christine Schmelzle. Deutschland
Es klingelt an der Tr. Marie ruft aus der Kche: Kannst du bitte nachschauen wer es ist?.
Ich lege mein Buch beiseite und gehe durch den Garten zum Hoftor. Die Sonne scheint. Es
ist ein schner Nachmittag Ende Juni, von Westen her weht eine leichte Brise, die Zedern
verstrmen einen intensiven Duft.
Drauen steht eine Frau. Ihr Haar bedeckt von einem weien Kopftuch, verrt
lediglich ihr vom Leben gezeichnetes Gesicht ihr hohes Alter. In einem mir fremden
Akzent fragt sie: Madame, wohnt hier die Witwe von Monsieur Bonnaire? Ihre Stimme
klingt aufgeregt. Ja, antworte ich. Sie lchelt. Knnten Sie mich wohl zu ihr bringen?
Als sie mein Zgern sprt, fgt sie ruhig hinzu: Ich bin eine Bekannte aus ihrer alten
Neugierig kommt Marie aus dem Haus und fragt nach wer denn gekommen sei. Beim
Anblick der unerwarteten Besucherin bleibt sie wie versteinert auf der Trschwelle stehen, sie wird ganz blass. Sie scheint die Fremde am Hoftor zu kennen.
Die beiden Frauen sehen sich an, Minuten verstreichen. Bonjour Marie. Ich bin es,
Yamina, durchbricht die fremde Frau das Schweigen. Sie hlt kurz inne ehe sie fortfhrt:
die Tochter des Metzger Salim. Marie starrt die Besucherin mit weit aufgerissenen Augen an. Sie wirkt angespannt. Um uns herum ist es still. Lediglich das Bellen eines Hundes
in der Ferne ist zu hren. Verloren stehe ich neben der Fremden und frage mich was das
alles zu bedeuten hat.
Marie wischt sich die feuchten Hnde an ihrer Schrze ab und kommt langsam auf
uns zu. Die Fremde streicht Marie vershnlich mit der Hand ber die Wange. Marie
schluckt. In ihren Augen bilden sich kleine glitzernde Trnen. Ehe jedoch nur eine einzige
entweichen kann, zwingt sie sich zur Beherrschung, wie sie es ihr Leben lang getan hat.
Mit einer kaum wahrnehmbaren Kopfbewegung bittet sie Yamina einzutreten.
Schweigend nehmen die beiden Frauen auf den braunen Ledersesseln im Wohnzimmer Platz. Gespannt setze ich mich in einiger Entfernung auf das alte Sofa in der Ecke und
beobachte die Situation.
Marie regt sich nicht. Yaminas Blicke schweifen durch den Raum. Als sie ein Gemlde von Maries Ehemann als jungen Soldaten entdeckt, verharrt sie einige Sekunden bevor
sie schlielich das Wort ergreift: Ich bin seit einiger Zeit zu Besuch bei meinem Sohn.
Whrend der Brgerkriegswirren verlie er mit seiner Frau und seinen Kindern das Land
in der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben in Frankreich. Heute lebt er in Marseille. Sie verstummt einen kurzen Moment und sieht nachdenklich aus dem Fenster. Als ich vor einigen Tagen alte Zeitungen durchbltterte stie ich auf die Todesanzeige ihres Mannes!
Marie verzerrt das Gesicht. Vor wenigen Wochen erst war ihr Mann nach langer Krankheit
verstorben. Ich habe meinen Sohn sofort gebeten ihre Adresse ausfindig zu machen. Ich
beschloss die Chance Sie wiederzusehen zu ergreifen und endlich den Schritt auf Sie zu-
zugehen, den ich als Kind nie gewagt hatte, bis es eines Tages zu spt war. Yamina sieht
Marie an und lchelt sanft.
Hektisch springt Marie auf und geht in die Kche. Ihr wird schwindlig. Sie hlt sich
verkrampft am Kchentisch fest und atmet schwer. Was wollte diese Frau von ihr? Warum
entschied sie sich nach so vielen Jahren bei ihr aufzutauchen, ausgerechnet in den Tagen
ihrer Trauer?
Erschpft lsst sie sich auf den Kchenstuhl sinken. Nie verheilte Wunden reien
wieder auf. All die Bilder aus ihren glcklichen Kindheits- und Jugendtagen tanzen vor
ihren Augen.
Sie sieht ihr kleines Dorf Rivet, gelegen in der Mitidja-Ebene am Fue des AtlasGebirges, umgeben von Olivenhainen, Weinreben und Obstbumen; die um den Ortskern
angeordneten Huser der europischen Bevlkerung, vor deren Fenster Blumenksten
mit duftenden Geranien und Bougainville hingen; die kleinen bunten Huschen der arabischen Bevlkerung, die sich etwas abseits weit den Hang hinauf erstrecken; die kleine
Dorfkirche, das Rathaus, die Post, die Schule, die Bckerei, die Apotheke, die Krankenstation, die Zementfabrik, den kleinen Laden ihrer Gromutter, die neben Kurzwaren und
Stoffen auch Zeitungen, Bcher und Schreibwaren verkaufte. Sie hrt das aufgeregte Geschwtz der lteren Mnner des Dorfes, die sich im Schatten der Bume auf dem Dorfplatz
zusammengefunden haben; das freudige Geschrei der spielenden Kinder. Sie riecht die
Orangen- und Mandarinenblten, deren betrender Duft die Straen des Dorfes erfllt
und nur um die Mittagszeit vom wrzigen Geruch des Couscous berdeckt wird.
Marie zuckt zusammen. Sie atmet tief ein, als knne sie so alle Bilder, Gerusche und
Gerche in sich einsaugen. Pltzlich scheinen die Erinnerungen, die sich lange Zeit wie
die einer Fremden anfhlten, wieder so lebendig.
Im nchsten Moment ihrer Bilderreise sieht sie wie sie als kleines Mdchen glcklich
mit den anderen Kindern um die Wette luft, den neuen Tretroller ausprobiert, in einer
alten Kiste jauchzend den Hang hinabrutscht, auf ihrem Bett liegend von der weiten Welt
trumt und aus ihrem Versteck hinter der Theke im Laden ihrer Gromutter die Kunden
beobachtet um sich zu jedem eine kleine Geschichte auszudenken.
An der gleichen Stelle war sie versteckt, als sie zum ersten Mal ihren spteren Mann,
einen grogewachsenen hbschen jungen Mann, gekleidet in der Uniform der Spahi-Reiter1, sah. Als er 1944 mit der franzsischen Armee loszog um Frankreich von den Deutschen
zu befreien, war sie gerade einmal 15 Jahre alt. Zwei Jahre spter kehrte er zurck in ihr
Dorf und hielt um ihre Hand an. Sie wurde rot bei dem Gedanken.
Wenige Wochen spter, an einem milden Sptsommertag wurde sie seine Frau.
Marie erinnert sich noch genau, wie sie strahlend am Arm ihres Mannes die Treppen des
Rathauses hinunter schritt, ihre Mutter verstohlen ein paar Freudentrnen trocknete und
die Hochzeitsgste ihnen freudig zujubelten.
Kurz darauf verlieen sie Rivet und zogen ins nahegelegene Algier. Ihr Mann, mde
vom Krieg und der Armee, hatte das Angebot einer franzsischen Erdlgesellschaft angenommen. In den darauffolgenden Jahren wurden ihre beiden Kinder geboren.
1. Spahi: leichte Kavallerie Regimente der franzsischen Armee, die berwiegend die autochthone Bevlkerung Algeriens,
Tunesiens und Marokkos rekrutierten.
Doch die glckliche Zeit der jungen Familie wurde bald von den sich gefhrlich
zuspitzenden Ereignissen im Lande berschattet. Mit Beginn des algerischen Unabhngigkeitskrieges wurde die Situation fr die europischen Bevlkerungsteile zunehmend
Maries Gesicht verdunkelt sich. Mit Grauen denkt sie an das gewaltsame Chaos im
Land zurck, die berhastete Flucht im Mai 1962, die Nchte, die sie mit ihren Kindern
am vllig berfllten, vom Militr bewachten Flughafen von Oran verbrachte, neben vielen der hunderttausend fliehenden Franzosen, Europer und sephardischer Juden. Sie alle,
berwiegend Mtter und Kinder, warteten verzweifelt auf die Ausreise in der entsetzlichen
Befrchtung ihre Heimat nie wieder zu sehen. Es gab kaum Wasser noch Lebensmittel,
die Kinder schrien.
Nach ihrer Ankunft in Marseille, begann eine wahre Odyssee. Obwohl Marie ber
gengend finanzielle Mittel verfgte, wollten viele Leute ihr, der rapatrie2, keine Unterkunft geben. Die ffentliche Meinung im Mutterland war zutiefst gespalten zwischen
den Befrwortern eines franzsischen Algeriens und denen, die fr die algerische Unabhngigkeit befrworteten.
Marie hatte nicht nur ihre Heimat verloren, auch im Mutterland Frankreich wurde
sie wie eine Fremde behandelt. Sie war eine pied-noir3 eine Heimatlose eine Entwurzelte.
Sie hasste die Araber dafr! Sobald sich ihr eine Gelegenheit bot, schimpfte sie
ber sie, schlielich hatten sie sie ihrer geliebten Heimat beraubt! Nun sa diese Frau in
ihrem Wohnzimmer, die die alten Wunden, die sie die ganzen Jahre mhsam zugedeckt
hatte, wieder aufreit.
Als ich die Kche betrete, sitzt Marie gedankenversunken am Tisch. Mit einem Mal
wirkt diese sonst so lebensfrohe, starke Frau verloren und zerbrechlich. Mit mden Augen
sieht sie mich an. Ich nehme ihre Hand. Einen Augenblick spter steht sie auf. Sie ffnet
den Ofen und holt ihren frisch gebacken Aprikosenkuchen hervor. Sie bittet mich ihr
eine alte Dose vom Regal zu reichen. Langsam scheinen ihre Kraft und Entschlossenheit
zurckzukehren. Sie schneidet den Kuchen an, holt die getrockneten Minzbltter aus der
Dose und giet sie mit heiem Wasser auf. Ein kstlicher Duft erfllt den Raum.
Ich gehe zurck ins Wohnzimmer. Yamina sitzt unverndert auf ihrem Sessel. Ich
serviere ihr den frischen Tee. Sie nickt mir freundlich zu. Marie bringt den warmen
Kuchen und stellt ihn auf den kleinen Tisch zwischen den beiden Sesseln. Die Blicke der
beiden Frauen kreuzen sich. Ein Lcheln huscht ber Maries Gesicht. Schweigend essen
sie den Kuchen. Auch ich nehme mir ein Stck.
Wenig spter beginnt Yamina zu erzhlen: Als ich klein war, durften mein groer
Bruder und ich meinen Vater jeden Sonntag auf den arabischen Markt begleiten. Es war
der einzige Tag der Woche, an dem wir in euren Teil des Dorfes durften. Fr mich war
es jedes Mal ein groes Ereignis und meist tat ich die Nacht zuvor kein Auge zu.
2. Rapatrie: Rckwanderen.
3. Pied-noir: Bezeichnung fr die whrend der Kolonialzeit in Algerien lebenden und geborenen Franzosen, die Nachfahren
spanischer, italienischer, maltesischer, etc. Siedler sowie fr die ansssigen sephardischen Juden. Whrend des Unabhngigkeitskrieges (1954-1962) musste der berwiegende Teil der pieds-noirs aus dem Land fliehen.
Der Markt, seufzt Marie er war wirklich wunderbar! Laut und bunt! Der intensive
Duft der Gewrze am Stand von Nardin; die Vielfalt an Frchten, ausgebreitet auf bunten
Tchern; der Eierstand der alten Amal, die laut schreiend versuchte ihre Hhner einzufangen; der Fleischstand Ihres Vaters... Marie verstummt. Sie scheint weit weg, in eine
anderen Welt abzuschweifen.
Oh ja, unser Stand, wiederholt Yamina. Whrend mein Vater lauthals ber die
Preise verhandelte, stand mein Bruder auf einer kleinen Kiste und wedelte wild mit einem
Fetzen Stoff um die Fliegen zu vertreiben. Wie wichtig er sich dabei vorkam! Marie fgt
amsiert hinzu: Ich erinnere mich noch genau an seinen stolzen Gesichtsausdruck! Bei
der Vorstellung lachen beide laut auf.
Yamina nimmt einen Schluck Tee bevor sie fortfhrt: Meist sa ich einfach nur neben
dem Stand und beobachtete die Marktbesucher wie sie sich in ihren Sonntagskleidern an den
Verkaufsstnden vorbeidrngten, kritisch die Ware begutachteten, versuchten um jeden Preis
zu feilschen und immer wieder fr einen kleinen Plausch zum Austausch der wichtigsten Neuigkeiten haltmachten. Marie lauscht aufmerksam.
Von weitem habe ich gesehen wie Ihr mit den Nachbarskindern durch die Straen
gerannt seid. Ich habe gehrt wie die anderen Kinder riefen: Marie, lass uns um die Wette
laufen! Marie, erzhl uns noch eine Geschichte! Marie, zeig uns deinen neuen Tretroller? Mit einem Mal nahm Yaminas Gesicht traurige Zge an. Wie gerne wre ich mit
Euch um die Wette gelaufen. Wie gerne htte ich Euren Geschichten gelauscht. Wie gerne
htte ich Ihren Tretroller ausprobiert. Doch da gab es eine unsichtbare Grenze zwischen
Ihrer und meiner Welt, die ich nicht zu berschreiten wagte.
Bedrckt sieht sie einige Zeit aus dem Fenster ehe sie weiterredet. Als ich lter
wurde und meinen Vater nicht mehr so hufig auf den Markt begleiten konnte, wartete
ich abends neugierig auf die Rckkehr der Marktverkufer, die die neusten Geschichten
aus dem Dorf mitbrachten. So erfuhr ich eines Tages, dass Sie den hbschen Soldaten
Bonnaire geheiratet hatten und nach Algier gezogen waren. Marie serviert Yamina noch
etwas Tee.
Mit Ausbruch des Krieges kam es zu ersten offenen Anfeindungen im Dorf. Irgendwann wurde der Sonntagsmarkt ausgesetzt. Damit ging der einzige Begegnungspunkt
zwischen eurer und unserer Welt verloren. Yamina schluckt. Es fllt ihr sichtbar
schwer weiterzusprechen. Die Gewaltspirale drehte sich zunehmend schneller. Wie viel
Leid haben wir in diesen Jahren durchgemacht! Ich lernte euch Europer zu hassen! Ihr
hattet unser Land besetzt, uns wie Menschen zweiter Klasse behandelt. Viele teilten die
Meinung, dass es an der Zeit wre dem ein Ende zu setzen. Doch auch die Unabhngigkeit
brachte uns keinen Frieden. Stattdessen gingen die Streitereien untereinander weiter.
Yamina schweigt und sieht betreten zu Boden. Als sie ihren Blick hebt sieht sie Marie
direkt an Ich habe mein ganzes restliches Leben gebraucht um zu verstehen, dass nicht
nur wir um unsere geliebte Heimat gekmpft haben! Bei diesen Worten zuckte Marie,
die die ganze Zeit ber keine Regung gezeigt hatte, leicht zusammen. Wir haben beide
viel Leid und Unrecht in unserem Leben erfahren. Heute mchte ich die Chance ergreifen,
Ihnen mein tiefes Beileid anlsslich des Todes Ihres Mannes auszusprechen. Ich mchte
endlich den Schritt auf Sie zugehen, endlich die unsichtbare Grenze berschreiten, damit
es nicht noch einmal zu spt ist!
Es ist still. Das sanfte Licht der Abendsonne durchstrmt das Zimmer. Langsam
streckt Marie Yamina vershnlich ihre Hand entgegen.
Kerzengerade sitze ich auf dem Sofa in der Ecke und traue mich kaum zu atmen. Ich
beschliee die beiden Frauen in diesem einzigartigen Moment unter sich zu lassen. Leise
erhebe ich mich und verlasse den Raum.
Tage spter sitzen Marie und ich auf der Terrasse und sprechen ber dieses besondere
Ereignis. Nach und nach beginne ich ihre Geschichte besser zu verstehen.
Sie war eine lebensfrohe, neugierige Frau, die im Laufe der Jahre gelernt hatte ihren
Schmerz zu berdecken. Sie gnnte sich nie eine Pause. Wenn sie nicht gerade um die Welt
reiste, hatte sie das Haus voller Gste, die sie mit ihren kulinarischen Kstlichkeiten und
ihren spannenden Erzhlungen verwhnte. Sie war rast- und ruhelos.
Nun sa sie mir gegenber und strahlte eine unendliche innere Ruhe aus. Yamina
schien ihr etwas zurckgegeben zu haben, das sie fr immer verloren glaubte!
Diese Geschichte ist nicht nur die Geschichte von Marie, den pieds-noirs, von Yamina
oder der algerischen Bevlkerung. Diese Geschichte ist auch die aller jener Menschen, die
sich in einem Krieg feindlich gegenberstanden und trotz all dem Leid, das sie ertragen
mussten, eines Tages erkannten, dass auf der anderen Seite meist ebenfalls betroffene
Menschen standen, die genauso wie sie unter verfehlter Politik und mangelndem Dialog
zu leiden hatten.
Einige Wochen nach meiner Rckkehr nach Deutschland rief Marie mich an und
berichtete mir, dass sie nach Marseille fahren wolle um Yamina bei ihrem Sohn zu besuchen.
The Pied-Noir
Christine Schmelzle. Germany
The door-bell rang. Marie called out from
the kitchen: Can you please see who it is?
I laid my book aside and went through the
garden to the farm gate. The sun was shining. It was a lovely afternoon at the end of
June, with a gentle breeze blowing from
the west. The cedars gave off their intensive fragrance.
A woman stood outside. Her hair was
covered with a white scarf, her advanced
age revealed only by the traces life had
left on her face. She asked, with an accent
unfamiliar to me: Madame, does Monsieur Bonnaires widow live here? Her
voice was nervous. Yes, I answered. She
smiled. Could you take me to her? Noticing my hesitation, she added calmly: I am
an acquaintance from her old homeland.
Curious, Marie came out of the house
and asked who was there. When she saw
the unexpected visitor she froze on the
threshold and turned pale. Evidently she
knew the stranger at the gate.
The two women exchanged looks.
Minutes passed. Bonjour, Marie. Its me,
Yamina, the strange woman broke the
silence. She paused briefly before adding:
The daughter of Salim, the butcher.
Marie stared at the visitor, her eyes wide
open. She seemed tense. Stillness enveloped us. Only the barking of a dog in the
distance was to be heard. Lost in thought, I
stood next to the stranger, asking myself
what all of this meant.
Marie wiped her damp hands on her
apron and approached us slowly. The
stranger raised her hand gently and
stroked Maries cheek. Marie swallowed
1. Spahi: Light cavalry regiment of the French Army, primarily recruited from the indigenous population of Algeria, Tunisia
and Morocco (translators note).
Jews, all under the armed guard of the military. There was hardly any drinking water
or food. All of them, mostly mothers with
their children, were waiting desperately to
leave, bowed down at the same time by the
terrible fear that they would never see their
homeland again.
After their arrival in Marseilles a true
Odyssey began. Although Marie had sufficient funds, many did not wish to provide
her, a rapatrie,2 with accommodation.
Public opinion in the mother country was
deeply divided between the proponents of
a French Algeria and those who supported Algerian independence.
Marie had not only lost her native land,
she was treated like a foreigner in France,
her mother country. She was a pied-noir,3 a
homeless person, rootless.
She hated the Arabs for that! Whenever
the occasion presented itself, she ranted
about les arabes, after all, they had robbed
her of her beloved homeland! Now, this
woman was sitting in her living room, tearing open the old wounds she had carefully
covered up for all those long years.
When I entered the kitchen, Marie was
sitting at the table, lost in thought. All of a
sudden, this normally cheerful and strong
woman seemed lost and vulnerable. She
looked at me with weary eyes, and I took
her hand in mine. A moment later she
stood up. She opened the oven and drew
out a freshly-baked apricot cake, and asked
me to hand her an old tea caddy from the
shelf. She cut the cake, took some dried
mint leaves out of the can and poured hot
water over them in a teapot. A delicious
fragrance filled the room.
Yamina fell silent and looked uncomfortably at the floor. When she lifted her
gaze she looked directly at Marie: I needed the entire rest of my life to understand
that it wasnt only we who were fighting for our beloved homeland! Marie
started slightly at these words, although
she had kept still the entire time. We
have both been through a great deal of
suffering and injustice in our lives. I want
to take the opportunity today to express
my deepest sympathy to you on the death
of your husband. I want to finally take the
first step towards you, finally cross over
the invisible boundary, so that it wont be
too late, yet again!
Stillness reigned. The gentle light of
the evening sun filled the room. Marie
slowly reached out her hand to Yamina in
a gesture of reconciliation.
I sat bolt upright on the sofa in the corner, and hardly dared to breathe. I decided
to leave the two women alone with each
other in this special moment, and quietly
rose and left the room.
Some days later, Marie and I sat on the
terrace and spoke about this unique event.
I gradually began to understand her story
She was a cheerful, open-minded woman who had learned to conceal her pain
through the years. She indulged herself
with a pause. If she wasnt traveling
around the world, she had a house full of
guests to spoil with her culinary delights
and exciting stories. But she knew neither
silence nor stillness.
Now, she was sitting opposite me, radiating an infinite inner peace. Yamina had
seemingly given her something back that
she had believed she had lost forever!
This story is not just the story of Marie,
the pied-noirs, of Yamina or the Algerian
people. This is also the story of all those
La pied-noir
Christine Schmelzle. Alemania
El timbre de la puerta son. Marie grit desde la cocina: Puedes ir a ver quin es?.
Dej el libro y atraves el jardn hasta la
puerta de la granja. El sol brillaba. Era una
preciosa tarde de finales de junio, con una
deliciosa brisa que soplaba desde el Oeste.
Los cedros emanaban su intensa fragancia.
Fuera haba una mujer. Tena el pelo cubierto con un pauelo blanco y su avanzada
edad slo era evidente por las marcas que la
vida le haba dejado en su rostro. Pregunt,
con un acento que no me era familiar: Vive
aqu la viuda del seor Bonnaire?. Su voz
sonaba nerviosa. S, respond. Sonri.
Podra verla? Viendo que dudaba, aadi
tranquilamente: Soy una conocida suya del
pas donde naci.
Empujada por la curiosidad, Marie sali
de la casa y pregunt quin haba. Cuando
vio a la visitante inesperada se qued paralizada en el umbral y palideci. Estaba claro
que conoca a la forastera de la entrada.
Las dos mujeres intercambiaron sus miradas. Los minutos iban pasando. Buenos
das, Marie. Soy yo, Yamina, la forastera
rompi el silencio. Hizo una breve pausa
antes de aadir: La hija de Salim, el carnicero. Marie mir fijamente a la visitante, con los ojos muy abiertos. Pareca tensa.
Perdida en mis pensamientos, me qued al
lado de la forastera preguntndome qu
significaba todo aquello.
Marie se sec las manos hmedas en
el delantal y se nos acerc lentamente. La
forastera levant amablemente la mano
y acarici la mejilla de Marie. Marie trag
saliva. De sus ojos brotaron minsculas y brillantes lgrimas. Pero antes de que ninguna
1. Spahi: regimiento de caballera ligera del ejrcito francs, principalmente reclutado entre la poblacin indgena de Argelia,
Tnez y Marruecos. (N. del T.)
Yamina cay en silencio y mir incmodamente al suelo. Cuando alz los ojos
mir directamente a Marie: Necesit todo
el resto de mi vida para comprender que
no ramos slo nosotros los que estbamos
luchando por nuestra querida patria!.
Marie se sorprendi un poco al or estas
palabras, aunque se haba quedado en
silencio todo el tiempo. Las dos hemos
padecido muchos sufrimientos e injusticias en nuestras vidas. Quiero aprovechar
la oportunidad hoy para expresar mi ms
profundo afecto hacia usted en ocasin de la
muerte de su esposo. Quiero al fin hacer el
primer paso hacia usted, cruzar esa barrera
invisible, para que no sea demasiado tarde,
una vez ms!.
Rein la quietud. La delicada luz del sol
vespertino llen la habitacin. Marie tendi
despacio la mano hacia Yamina en un gesto
de reconciliacin.
Me qued sentada erguida en el sof
del rincn y casi no me atrev a respirar.
Decid dejar a las dos mujeres a solas en ese
momento especial, me levant en silencio y
sal de la habitacin.
Algunos das despus, Marie y yo estbamos sentadas en la terraza hablando de ese
acontecimiento nico. Empec a comprender cada vez mejor su historia.
Era una mujer alegre y libre de perjuicios que haba aprendido a ocultar su dolor
a lo largo de los aos. Se permiti hacer una
pausa. Si no estaba dando la vuelta al mundo,
tena la casa llena de invitados a los que mimaba en demasa con sus delicias culinarias
y sus historias apasionantes. Pero no conoca
ni el silencio ni la quietud.
Ahora, sentada delante de m, irradiaba
una paz interior infinita. Yamina al parecer
le haba devuelto algo que pensaba haber
perdido para siempre!
Esta historia no es slo la historia de
Marie, la pied-noir, de Yamina o del pueblo
Judit Schvger. Magyar
Mert amikor mentem azon az 54-es buszon, ami most mr csak egy megfelezett, megcsonktott utat jr be a Porte de Namur-tl a Forest National-ig, akkor mindig zsibongs volt
s napsts. Ha esett az es, akkor is sttt a nap, tavasszal Brsszelben nekem ez egy ilyen
idszak volt.
Felszlltam a Patrie-n s odacssztattam a sofrnek a maradk kt eurmat, amit
a farzsebembl s a tskm oldals, ellrl a msodik, kis rekeszbl halsztam el.
Htracaplattam, kikerlve a tskkkal krbelelt afro mammkat, akik furcsa francival
kevert trzsi nyelven fenytettk, vagy ggygve simogattk az unokikat. Elhaladtam
a Soir-t olvas vrs haj hollandok s nmetek, elvtve nhny belga mellett. s
lehuppantam htulra az iskols sikongats lnyok mell. Furcsa idegen kattogs, szinte
ropog a beszd az emberek kztt. Bezrva a magam gondolataiba, flve pillantok fel,
mintha zavarnk, mintha attl flnk, leflelnek, hogy kitalljk, idegen vagyok.
A busz elrt a Dailly-ra, ahol egy vurstli llt egszen az els, nem ess tavaszias naptl
kezdve sz vgig, hogy ott az anyukk kiss megpihenhessenek a dolgos gyereknevels
htkznapjaiban. Egyenek frittyet ami a slt krumpli frites francia kifejezsbl
magyarostott elnevezse - klnbz elkpzelhetetlen szszokkal, s cseresznys srt
vagy tet igyanak, mikzben a gyerekek sikongatnak a gynyrsgtl, ahogy a ringlispl
kavarog velk.
Nem krek ma gondterhelt embereket - gondolom magamban kiss magam is
gondterhelten. Pedig a Dailly-n a munks, dolgos emberek szllnak fel, kicsit mindig
fradtan s szrkn. Haladunk a Brabanconne-on t ez a legjobb rsz biciklivel, egyenes,
hossz t, bekacsint gesztenyefkkal s sznes erkly hzakkal. Habille-toi lOxfam!,
hirdeti az egyik tgas ablakban, kt beltztetett kcos prbababa, vicces virgos ruhkban.
ltzz Te is Oxfamba s mg sznesebb a vilg! De most mg az Ambiorix parkig csak
oldds van, mintha felengednnek az elfradt arcizmok. A keresztre fesztett fkkal
hatrolt parkban mg be lehet ltni, mert nem zldltek be teljesen az gak. Ott lnek
a krtyz vagy backgammonoz trk regurak, akik kiss rosszallan mrik vgig a
miniszoknys lnyokat, de nhny mormogssal elintzik a dolgot.
De a park hat. Hat az emberekre, mert zlddel s hatalmas. Llegzetvtelnyi idt adva
a munka kezdete eltt. Berek a Palmerstonhoz s jabb emberradat. Mg Ambiorixnl
csak halovnyan rint meg az emberek kiss ers reggeli arcszesz illata vagy a parfmfelh,
ami a sznes, piros vagy lila blzokba csavart divatos nket krlveszi, de a Palmerstonnl
jn az utols hullm. k mr toporognak, mintha versenyezni akarnnak a dugban az
idvel s a rohan percekkel. Bambulok, hallgatom a zsibongst. Katt, katt s ropognak a
szavak, nylik az ajt. Megint itt az a kt fiatal spanyol src, akikrl mg ebben a teljesen
vegyes s sokszn trsasgban is ler, hogy csak turistk, mert az els ajtn akarnak
mindig leszllni, pedig azt ugye nem lehet, ott csak jegyet vesznk, brletet vagy jegyet
mutatunk fel. Tegnap is itt voltak, akkor is hangosan szinte kiablva beszlgettek. Mintha
barti s ismers krnyezetet akarnnak teremteni magunknak ebben a kicsit idegen,
szrke napstsben. Mint mikor sok parfmt sprickol magra az ember reggel, kicsit
szgyenkezve lp ki az utcra, de mgis j rzssel tlti el utbb, mikor megrzi jra s jra
ezt az ismers illatot magn, mintha kicsit hazatallna.
Leszllok a Livingstonnl, utnam a sok aktatsks, vastagszemveg-keretes jlfslt
hivatalnok s belevetem magam az irodahzak kz.
Mikor dlutn jra llok ugyanitt, mr csak fradtan nevetgl embereket ltni,
elgedetten adjk t magukat a gyenge napstsnek. De ez mg nem a cscsid, most mg
csak a vsrlsbl hazafel tart nk szllnak fel a buszra, nagy cekkerekkel s a kisgyerekes
anyukk babakocsival.
Leghtul lk le megint, az ablakhoz kzel, valami bugyuta knyvet szorongatok
a kezemben az emberi llek megvilgosodsrl, amit egy megvilgosodott tant rt,
n pedig egy kevsb megvilgosodott ismersmtl kaptam a gyorstalpal tudatossg
A knyvnek mgis jelentsge van szmomra, mivel kt hnapja alig volt a kezemben
magyar nyelv olvasnival. rlk neki, kicsit flve veszem el, de valahol megnyugtat
az a gondolat is, hogy itt semmikpp nem tallkozhatok furcsll tekintetekkel, mert akik
krlttem hangosan telefonlnak, zent hallgatnak, mogyort vagy szendvicset esznek,
veszekednek a njkkel, gyerekkkel, ruhzi katalgusokat bjnak, vagy bambulnak ki az
ablakon, gysem rtik mi van rva a knyvem fedelre.
Felszll egy fehr csizms, sudr fekete lny, a busz htuljba vonul s telefonl
valakivel, nagyon nyugodt, de nhol les kacagssal. A frfiak kvncsi vgyakozssal
pislantanak fel az jsgjukbl egy-egy pillanatra, ahogy elvonul elttk hossz fonott
hajval. De a mgoly immnis, mindent ltott szemek is felvidulnak egy kicsit tle.
Megpillantom a kedvenc kis csaldomat. Egy hatalmas raszta haj flvr frfi, egy
gndr, stt fekete haj mosolygs kislnnyal s egy albn kisfival, akinek szintn
gndr angyal haja van, de fehr az is, ahogy a bre. A frfi a gyerekeknek magyarzza
a busz mellett elsuhan fk neveit. A kicsik egy-egy jabb fa felbukkansval lnk
eszmecsert folytatnak egymssal, majd a dntbrra tekintek, a megnyugtat vlasz
remnyben. Csak pr perc utn veszem szre, hogy a nyitott knyv az lemben anlkl
tallt gazdra s figyelemre, hogy n beleolvastam volna. Egy frfi l mellettem, fehr
ingben, galambszrke zakban, s elt szn szrke nadrgban. Mosolyogva hajol a
knyvembe s olvas. Bajusza van, fekete szeme, reg vsett arcvonsai, de nem lehet tbb
tvennl, trknek hiszem.
Megrzi, hogy nzem s felpillant.
Kicsit rekedt hangon szlal meg trt franciasggal.
Milyen betk ezek? krdezi nyugodtan, mintha egy flbehagyott beszlgets
fonalt venn fel jra. Nem vlaszolok rgtn, mg fojtogat a nmasg, alig beszltem
ma valakivel, kicsit rekedt az n hangom is, mikor megszlalok, mintha a hangszlaim
elszoktak volna attl, hogy hasznljk ket.
Magyarul. mondom, taln kicsit meglepetten.
Judit Schvger. Hungary
When I was on that number 54 bus, which
now only runs a route chopped in half from
Porte de Namur to Forest National, it was
full of chatter and sunshine. The sun shone
even though it rained. It was that kind of
time for me in Brussels in spring.
I got on at Patrie and slipped the driver
my last two euros that I fished out from
my back pocket and the side pocket of my
bag, the second from the front. I shuffled to
the back, dodging the afro mamas, sitting
surrounded by shopping and talking in an
odd tribal tongue mixed with French, reprimanding or cooing as they caressed their
grandchildren. I passed the red-haired
Dutch and Germans reading Le Soir,
next to the odd couple of Belgians. And I
flopped down right at the back next to the
screaming schoolgirls. Odd, alien clicking,
the chatter virtually crackling between
people. Closing myself off within my own
thoughts, I look up nervously, scared that
I might be disturbing them, as if I were
afraid they were listening in and would
decide I was foreign.
The bus pulled up at Dailly where a
funfair had stood right from the first nonrainy day of spring all the way through to
the end of autumn, where mothers could
take a break and rest from their days taken
up with housework and kids; where they
could eat frites, which are chips with various unimaginable sauces, and drink cherry
beer or tea while the children yelp with delight as they fly around on the big wheel.
I dont want troubled types today, I
think to myself, a little troubled. Now
the hard workers get on at Dailly, still a
touch tired and grey. We go over the Brabanconne this is the best bit on a bike, a
long, straight stretch with rows of chestnut
trees and colourful houses with balconies.
Habille-toi lOxfam!, reads a sign in
one wide window, with two dressed dummies with tangled wigs and funny clothes
with flowers on. Why dont you dress from
Oxfam? The world would be a more colourful place! Now theres only relaxing as far
as Ambiorix Park, as if they were letting
tired face muscles relax. You can see into
the park, fenced with crucified trees because they still havent got all their leaves.
Thats where old Turkish gents sit playing
cards and backgammon, staring disturbingly at the girls in their miniskirts, going
about their business in hushed mutters.
But the park has power. It has power
over people because its green and enormous, providing a brief breather before
work starts. I arrive at Palmerston and
a new flood of folks. I am touched at
Ambiorix by a slightly strong smell of
aftershave, perfume clouds surrounding
fashionable women wrapped in purple
or red blouses but the last wave arrives at
Palmerston. This lot are impatient as if
they are trying to race time in the traffic
jam as the minutes fly by. I stare into space
and listen to the chatter. Click, clack and
the words crack. The door opens. Its those
two Spanish guys again, they even manage
to stick out in this mishmash as obvious
tourists because they always want to get
off at the front door, but you cant do that,
you only buy your ticket there, show your
ticket or pass. They were here yesterday too
Murmullo de voces
Judit Schvger. Hungra
Cuando cog aquel bus nmero 54, que ahora slo cubre media ruta, desde la Porte de
Namur a Fret Nationale, estaba lleno de
voces de gente charlando y de luz del sol. El
sol brillaba aunque estuviera lloviendo; era
el tipo de tiempo que asocio con Bruselas
en primavera.
Me sub en Patrie y le di al conductor
mis ltimos dos euros, que pesqu de mi
bolsillo de detrs y del bolsillo lateral de
mi bolso, el segundo en la parte delantera.
Me arrastr hasta el fondo, esquivando a
mujeres africanas sentadas rodeadas por
bolsas de la compra y que hablaban en
una extraa lengua tribal mezclada con
francs, reprendiendo o arrullando a sus
nietos mientras los acariciaban. Pas por
delante de los holandeses y los alemanes
pelirrojos que lean Le Soir junto a la pareja
de ancianos belgas. Y me dej caer justo
detrs, al lado de las escolares chillonas. Ese
tintineo extrao, ajeno, ese murmullo casi
crepitante entre personas. Encerrndome
en mis propios pensamientos, levant la
mirada nerviosamente, temiendo que les
pudiera molestar si me oan hablar y deducan que era extranjera.
El bus se detuvo en Dailly, donde un parque de atracciones se levantaba en medio
del primer da sin lluvia de la primavera
desde finales de otoo y donde las madres
podan tomarse un respiro y descansar de
sus das ocupados por las tareas de la casa y
las criaturas. Donde podan comer frites, sus
patatas fritas, con varias salsas inimaginables y beber cerveza de cereza o tomar el t
mientras los nios pegaban gritos de placer
girando al ritmo de la noria.
dos chicos espaoles que una vez ms consiguen distinguirse entre este batiburrillo
como claros turistas porque siempre quieren
salir por la puerta delantera aunque no se
puede, porque ah slo compras el billete o
enseas tu billete o tu abono. Ayer tambin
estaban aqu y tambin conversaban a gritos.
Es como si intentaran crearse un ambiente
amable, familiar, en esta luz de sol gris ligeramente extranjera. Como cuando te pones
demasiada colonia por la maana y sales tmidamente a la calle aunque ms adelante
todava te queda una sensacin agradable
al oler una y otra vez esa fragancia familiar
que hay en ti, como si buscaras el camino
de vuelta a casa.
Me bajo en Livingston con todos esos
burcratas tan elegantes con sus carteras y
sus gafas de gruesas monturas y me pierdo
entre los edificios de oficinas.
Cuando regreso aqu por la tarde, todo lo que
puedo ver son personas que sonren cansinamente, rindindose bajo el sol marchito.
Pero an no es la hora punta y las nicas que
suben al bus son mujeres que vuelven a casa
con su compra en grandes bolsas y mams
con sus bebs y sus sillitas de ruedas.
Me vuelvo a sentar al final, al lado de
la ventana, estrechando algn libro tonto
en la mano sobre la instruccin del espritu
humano escrito por un profesor instruido y
que recib de un conocido menos instruido
todava con la esperanza de concienciarme
de inmediato.
El libro an es importante para m, porque en los dos ltimos meses no haba tenido
un libro en hngaro entre las manos. Me
gusta y lo saco con algo de aprensin, pero
me tranquilizo un poco al pensar que no hay
ninguna posibilidad de poder encontrarme
con gente de miradas extraas porque la
multitud que me rodea, que habla por el
Points in Space
Elizaveta Sivakov. Israel
only one of them, and they are all different, but they are all numbers. Alone they
will only remain numbers, but if they are
connected through a common denominator they become something bigger than
what they were at the beginning. That
is how I thought about us. Instead of
Puntos en el espacio
Elizaveta Sivakov. Israel
Ocurri realmente no hace mucho en un lugar indefinido. Nadie saba con certeza cmo
empez exactamente, pero todo el mundo
estaba convencido de que haba afectado a
todo lo que pas despus. La verdad es que
todo empez en el punto 0, un punto que no
era tan neutral como todos pensaban un
punto peligroso, un punto que despus de algn tiempo pas a llamarse depresin. Lo
llamaron as porque todos los que lo tenan,
lo quisieran o no, se quedaban durante cierto
tiempo y no les era nada fcil salir de all. La
verdad es que todos los puntos en el espacio,
cada uno en su momento, haban estado all
y siempre tenan miedo de regresar.
Mientras tanto, todos los puntos vivan en
sus lugares en un sistema de ejes: (5;0), (3;2),
(4;1), etc., pero de vez en cuando cada uno
soaba con trasladarse a un sitio diferente
porque pensaba que estara mejor all. En
ciertas ocasiones, cuando los puntos s que
se movan de un lugar a otro, necesitaban
comunicarse con sus vecinos, pero normalmente luchaban por el mejor sitio en el
eje. Pensaban que ninguno de los otros poda
comprenderlos o que ni siquiera lo intentaban. Cada uno de los puntos tena un carcter
diferente, tena un medio diferente y tena
sus propios asuntos. Eran puntos inteligentes, estpidos, petulantes, ingenuos y prominentes y tambin slo puntos normales a los
que nadie prestaba atencin. Sin embargo,
cada uno estaba seguro de que no haba ninguno como l en todo el espacio del sistema
de ejes y que no se pareca a ningn otro.
Pero, a decir verdad, todos eran puntos.
Cada punto tena miedo por la maana,
por la tarde y por la noche, de que algo lo
amenazara, de que le quitara aquello que no
estaba dispuesto a dar. Estaban seguros de
ello porque recordaban del pasado que cada
uno hablaba con el otro slo cuando tena
un inters concreto. Los puntos empezaron
a ser egostas y siempre buscaban poner de
manifiesto su singularidad. A veces, cuando
estaban demasiado tristes, intentaban contentar al otro y unirse a l slo para no sentirse
totalmente solos pero, de este modo, slo se
distanciaban ms de su verdadera esencia:
la esencia de punto. Cuando esto pasaba se
sentan incluso ms tristes y teman an ms
llegar al punto 0. Continuaban estando solos,
y tenan miedo solos.
Despus de algn tiempo, los dos puntos prominentes decidieron que uno de
ellos quera ser artista y el otro qumico. El
primero era emotivo y un poco impulsivo.
Crea en el poder de la emocin que sta
era la principal motivacin de la mayora
de las cosas en el espacio. Tambin pensaba
que los sentimientos podan expresar lo que
en la casa. Corr hacia la iglesia de Al-Uddaysat que se haba construido recientemente sin permiso. Llam a la puerta de madera
y me abri Murkos, el guardia, que enseguida se percat de mi ropa rota y de mi estado,
que revelaba mi desgracia, y a pesar de que
a los musulmanes se les prohbe cruzar la
muralla de adobe que rodea la iglesia, me
dej entrar; era la primera vez que vea una
iglesia por dentro. Murkos me hizo sentar
sobre una de las sillas que se encuentran en
el interior, directamente enfrente de la silla
del sacerdote. Un pavimento cubra el suelo
mientras que el techo eran unas tablas de
madera, y frente a m haba tres altares: el de
la Virgen, el de Samuel y el del mrtir Abu
Sayfain, exactamente como me los haba
descrito Mariam y yo tena grabado en mi
imaginacin. Vi a Mariam corriendo hacia
m y cuando me mir a los ojos me abraz
y llor. Despus de contarle lo sucedido me
escondi en la sala destinada a los coptos en
el patio de la iglesia, delante del edificio.
Yo soy Mahmud, algunos me llaman el charlatn y todos me llaman jeque Mahmud. Soy
un hombre bendecido y no me preocupa el
hecho de que no me quiera la gente de
Al-Uddaysat, pero s me interesa que me
tengan miedo, que me teman todos o ms
concretamente que todo el mundo tome precauciones contra mi maldad y que crean que
tengo contacto con el mundo de los genios y
espritus. Cas a mi hija con un chico sin trabajo ni ingresos, le ofrec una habitacin en
mi casa durante cuatro aos y me encargu
de todos sus gastos y los de su mujer e hija,
y el resultado fue que este despreciable se
divorci de mi hija. El divorcio en la meseta
es un escndalo. Mi hija adquiri el apodo
de divorciada Qu vergenza! Esa
cucaracha me deshonr, vengar mi honor,
vengar mi imagen que se ha mancillado en
Qan, 2008
El Pars de la meseta, como se lo conoce
hoy en da.
Slem sigue visitando constantemente la
tumba de su hija fallecida, especialmente
despus de que fallecieran sus padres, quienes exigieron ser enterrados en la misma
tumba que Ftima, su primera nieta, en el
cementerio de Al-Uddaysat.
En cuanto al jeque Mahmud, un da
lo encontraron muerto debajo del pasaje
cubierto, ocurri despus de volver de la
oracin del alba. Algunos dijeron que fue
Slem quien lo mat.
Dos aos despus muri Altaf, quemada.
No se supo si se suicid echndose un litro
Poveste de seara
Ana-Iulia Sticulescu. Romnia
Era o seara racoroasa de inceput de vara cand soarele isi lasase amprenta pe albastrul vazduhului ca un carbune incins, roseata cerului insangerat anunta venirea noptii si deodata am
simtit nevoia sa ies din casa, sa-mi las fata mangaiata de adierea usoara a vantului.
Toata strada pe care locuiam se pregatea de culcare. In casa vecina, printr-un geam
deschis se auzea o fetita cum striga la bunicul ei sa-i citeasca o poveste inainte de a patrunde
in lumea viselor.
Bunicule, citeste-mi te rog o poveste.
Iar bunicul a inceput:
A fost odata ca niciodata
Simteam cum vantul ii purta povestea batranului, facand-o auzita de urechile tuturor
vietuitoarelor, si am ramas si eu ascultand-o in gradina pe vechiul meu balansoar care adormise demult si nu mai scotea scartaitul sau obisnuit.
Si astfel a inceput:
A fost odata ca niciodata un imparat gurmand care manca atat de mult incat aproape
ca isi saracise tara si mereu vroia sa manance mai mult si mai mult, iar oamenii din popor
erau speriati la gandul ca intr-o zi ii va manca si pe ei.
Se dusese vorba despre acest imparat in toata lumea, si pe langa faptul ca era un mare
mancator el era si cel mai bun degustor, probabil datorita poftei sale de a inghiti orice era
comestibil. Poporul acestui gurmand era deja disperat si nu stia cum sa-l mai multumeasca
pe imparatul lor care devenea din ce in ce mai pretentios. Asa ca intr-o zi le-a venit o idee, si
anume sa organizeze o competitie intre toti bucatarii lumii, castigatorul urmand sa fie ales
de celebrul degustor, imparatul gurmand. Drept premiu gurmandul isi oferea serviciile de
mare degustor pe o perioada de un an, tarii bucatarului care ar fi castigat. Astfel s-a gasit
rezolvarea problemei, spre multumirea stomacului juriului.
Si atunci s-a dat stire in lume:
Bucatarii din toata lumea sunt invitati sa participe la un mare concurs pentru a-si
dovedi priceperea in arta culinara. Ei sunt rugati sa participe numai cu mancaruri traditionale din tara din care provin. Castigatorul va primi recunoastere si intaietate pe orice
teritoriu, iar imparatul insusi ii va gusta toate mancarurile pentru a decide calitatea acestora. Concursul se va desfasura in curtea imparatiei Gurmandia. Sunteti cu toti asteptati sa
Da, aceasta tara se numea Gurmandia si isi capatase denumirea odata cu venirea la
tron a acestui imparat. Nici nu-mi pot aminti cum se numea inainte, dar stiu sigur ca fusese
o tara prospera si infloritoare pe cand acum pamantul inghitea roadele precum inghitea
imparatul bucatele.
Draga mea nepoata, ce nu stiau insa bucatarii lumi era ca acest concurs nu era nimic
altceva decat o capcana, sau mai bine zis o pacaleala caci castigatorul nu avea cu ce sa se
aleaga de aici ci mai degraba singurul castigator iesea imparatul care s-ar fi ospatat pe
Vai bunicule, ce oameni rai sa faca o astfel de fapta...
Asa e, fetito, rai dar isteti.
Si astfel a venit ziua cea mare. Curtea imparatiei Gurmandia era plina de bucatari din
aproape toate tarile, Germania, Franta, Belgia, Italia, Romania, Egipt, Algeria, Turcia, si
multe altele incat nu ne-ar ajunge timpul sa le enumeram.
Fiecare bucatar era cat se putea de mandru de sine si bucatele sale.
Un francez mai umflatel si roscat isi sucea mustata la capete de credeai ca mai are
putin si si-o smulge daca branzeturile si vinurile lui n-ar fi castigat. Si pot spune ca avea
multe feluri incat n-as putea sa le denumesc pe toate dar voi da exemplu cateva pe care
le-am recunoscut: era Rhone delta, asta stiu sigur ca se facea intr-un loc unde putini isi
imagineaza, la 2 metri de nivelul marii unde Rhinul se varsa in Marea Mediterana, mai
era Truffle si Comte despre care se zice ca ar fi cea mai batrana branza; cat despre vinuri nu
prea pot spune decat ca aroma lor iti imbata nasul si trebuia sa fii foarte priceput pentru a
le distinge, dar asta nu era o problema pentru imparatul nostru care ar fi distins cu usurinta
un Chteau Chtain de un Pinot Noir.
Un alt bucatar, italian, inalt si brunet incerca sa cucereasca o bucatareasa turcoaica
cu pastele sale cu chiftelute in sos de marar, cu finocchiona sbriciolona care cred eu era un
salam catadicsit cu chimen dulce, dar nici aceasta nu se lasa si-i dadea peste nas cu pilaful
de orez si cu kebabul.
S-a intins ospat mare si pana seara imparatul a terminat toate mancarurile si obosit
a ramas sa aleaga castigatorul in a doua zi, cand bucatarii ar fi trebuit din nou sa-l hraneasca.
Dar uite ca au trecut o zi si o noapte, o noapte si o zi, si asa trei zile si nu s-a mai ales
castigatorul, iar bucatarii s-au rasculat si au cerut sa se aleaga de indata un castigator.
Eu ar trebui sa castig, spuse un egiptean, din deliciosul meu sambousek (ravioli fripti
umpluti cu carne sau branza) si tursci (napi si castraveti murati) a mancat cel mai mult.
Ba nu, striga francezul umflatel, eu am avut cele mai bune delicatese posibile.
Sarmalutele mele cu mamaliguta nu se pot compara cu niciuna din mancarurile
voastre, sare si romanul.
Si uite asa a inceput o mare harmalaie, parca un du-te vino continuu, iar imparatul se
vedea neputincios in fata gramezii de oameni.
Oare cine ar fi putut sa-i faca sa taca?
Liniste, liniste! Bunicule fa-i sa nu se mai certe.
Dar draga mea, nu stiu cum.
Ei bine atunci am sa-i fac eu.
De afara din gradina mea am auzit brusc o pocnitura; fata inchisese cu atata forta
cartea si o deschisese in speranta ca ii va linisti pe protagonistii din poveste.
Uimitor, mi-am spus eu atunci, copiii au capacitatea de a se transpune in lumi fictive
incat pot sa schimbe chiar un univers intreg.
Potoliti-va, striga fata la bucatari, chiar nu vedeti ca ati fost pacaliti?
Cum adica pacaliti? o voce din carte intreba, dupa accent parea a fi francezul umflatel caci nu se intelegea prea bine, cand vorbea parca se musca de limba.
Da, pacaliti de imparatul gurmand care n-a vrut decat sa manance mai mult si mai
Si atunci cine va alege un castigator?
Da, da, caci noi de aici nu plecam pana unul dintre noi nu va iesi castigator, striga
toti in cor.
Nu stiu, raspunse sfioasa fata.
Dar dintr-odata din scaunul sau urias se auzi vocea greoaie a imparatului.
Sa aleaga straina.
Nu, eu nu pot sa aleg un castigator, e imposibil asa ceva.
Bine, atunci eu sunt castigatorul spuse francezul increzut.
Ba nu eu, se auzi si italianul.
Si uite asa incepu o ploaie de ba nu-uri, incat fata mai tranti o data cartea.
Nu va fi nici un castigator, raspunse fetita, pentru ca sunteti cu toti castigatori.
Ei, comedie, cum sa fim toti castigatori? se auzi din fundul gramezii romanul.
Sa va explic, cu totii sunteti unici, fiecare are ceva ce altul nu are si cu toti aveti
nevoie de acel ceva ce altul il are.
Ati inteles?
Nu prea.
Of, cum sa va mai explic. Voi toti sunteti diferiti, fiindca sunteti din tari diferite, vorbiti limbi diferite, sunteti negri sau albi, bruneti, blonzi sau roscati aveti traditii si obiceiuri
diferite, dar sunteti oameni, iubiti si suferiti la fel, si in acelasi timp in modul vostru unic.
Tu, italianule, fara spaghetele tale lungi n-ar mai fi Doamna si Vagabontul, iar saruturile n-ar mai fi dulci fara baclavalele turcoaicei, iar fara branza si vinurile sale Franta
si-ar pierde esenta si
Ajunge, ajunge, striga francezul. Am inteles. Cu toti suntem castigatori.
Dar ce facem cu concursul si cu acesti sarlatani care au indraznit sa ne insele?
Veti da dovada de bunatate, spuse atunci fata.
Cum sa dam noi dovada de bunatate, poate de mila in alegerea unei pedepse mai
Nu, in nici un caz, credeam ca ati inteles. Sunteti diferiti si unici si de aceea trebuie
sa va intelegeti, sa va acceptati asa cum sunteti si sa invatati unii de la ceilalti. Pe Pamant
trebuie sa domneasca pacea si armonia nu supararile, conflictele si neintelegerile.
Si ce trebuie sa facem noi?
Sa va oferiti sprijinul si ajutorul. Vedeti voi poporul Gurmandie a fost nevoit sa foloseasca aceasta metoda de inselaciune doar pentru ca tara saracise si oamenii nu mai aveau
hrana, mai ales ca imparatul e un mare mancator. Ei nu stiau daca vor fi intelesi sau ajutati
atunci cand ar fi cerut sprijinul oricarei tari. Dar acum cred eu ca ati gasit bunatate in voi
si veti face cei bine, si veti trai in unitate si armonie.
Si asa s-a rezolvat problema, Gurmandia a primit ajutor si in cativa ani s-a refacut, pamantul fiind iar roditor spre multumirea tuturor, iar peste tot in lume era intelegere intre
popoare si fiecare invata de la celelalte cate ceva nou.
Luminile in casa s-au stins, probabil ca au adormit cu toti din moment ce povestea
s-a terminat. Sunt putin uimit de intelepciunea acestei fetite, acestui om mic, si stau si ma
gandesc la trei fosti elevi pe care i-am avut cat timp am fost profesor in Anglia la un inter-
nat de baieti, ce bine ar fi fost daca ar fi avut si ei macar un pic din intelepciunea micutei
mele vecine.
Dar asta e o alta poveste, dar nu ma pot abtine sa nu-mi reamintesc.
Acum cativa ani, pe cand imi dadeam doctoratul in Anglia, m-am angajat ca profesor
la un internat de baieti de aici. Totul era extraordinar, aveam elevi din diferite tari si intrucat stiam mai multe limbi, mi-era cu usurinta sa comunic cu ei si sa capat experiente noi.
Toti erau intelegatori si dornici sa afle cat mai multe despre tara mea, de altfel si eu despre
ale lor, mai putin trei baieti care imi faceau zile grele. Fiecare era dintr-o tara diferita si cu
situatii economice diferite,unul dintre ei provenind dintr-o familie saraca, era musulman
si castigase locul cu bursa. Desi in internat erau elevi de diferite nationalitati, nu existau
conflicte decat intre acestia trei, si numai din cauza ca erau colegi de camera. Cand nu se
certau intre ei nu faceau altceva decat sa ma ocareasca pe mine.
Asa ca intr-o zi am luat masuri si i-am pus pe fiecare sa scrie o lucrare despre ceilalti
doi, lucrare pe care sa o citeasca in fata clasei. Cand au citit lucrarile am constatat cu parere
de rau ca nu mi-au indeplinit cerintele, lucrarile fiind mai mult despre tara si nationalitatea
lor si nu despre ei ca oameni. Le-am marturisit ca sunt dezamagit si ca voi fi nevoit sa-i pic
clasa daca nu vor reface lucrarile si nu vor scrie ce au invatat unii de la altii. Le-am dat la
dispozitie doua saptamani, timp in care ei au fost siliti sa se cunoasca, si ca sa nu mai lungesc povestea, aflati ca au devenit prieteni buni imediat ce au descoperit ca au chiar multe
in comun.
Asa ca dragii mei, nu dispretuiti un lucru sau pe cineva doar pentru ca nu-l cunoasteti,
iar daca nu intelegi vreodata ce va zice cineva, zambiti-i si problema va fi rezolvata.
Parerea mea e ca nu ar trebui sa luam in considerare conflictele din trecut atunci
cand privim in viitor, comunicarea este foarte importanta si desi comunicam foarte mult,
noi, oamenii, nu stim sa vorbim unii cu altii. Toata viata participam la un proces de invatare si totusi stim atat de putine despre noi insine. Nu ne putem cunoaste pe noi decat prin
intermediul altora si nu ne putem intelege decat prin auto-educatie. Nu exista diferente
intre oamenii Globului pamantesc, suntem aceeasi in esenta si in invelis, ne despart doar
diferente de cultura si limbi,diferente pe care trebuie sa le acceptam si sa invatam sa le
cunoastem. De aceea este foarte important dialogul intercultural, trebuie sa invatam sa
convietuim unii cu altii, desi mai greu, dar cu toti vorbim limbajul sufletului, si cu toti ne
dorim aceleasi lucruri, fericire si implinire. De ce sa nu ne ajutam reciproc in gasirea acestor lucruri?!
Evening Story
Ana-Iulia Sticulescu. Romania
It was a cool evening at the beginning of
summer when the sun left its print on the
blue sky like a hot ember, the redness of the
bloody sky hailed the coming of the night
and at the same time I felt the need to go
out, to let my face be caressed by the gentle
breeze. The whole block I lived in was preparing for bed. In the neighbouring house,
through an open window, one could hear a
little girl asking her grandfather to read her
a story before she entered the dream world.
Grandpa, please read me a story!
So the grandfather began:
Once upon a time there was...
I felt the wind carrying the old mans
story, taking it to the ears of all living things,
and I stayed to listen in the garden on my old
rocking chair that had long ago fallen asleep
and ceased to creek and groan as usual.
And so it began:
Once upon a time there was a greedy
Emperor who ate so much that he drove his
country into poverty and he always wanted
to eat more and more, so much so as the
countrys people were afraid that one day
he was going to eat them as well.
Word had spread of this Emperor
throughout the world who, besides being
the biggest eater, was also a great taster,
probably because of his appetite for swallowing everything that was edible. The
people under his rule grew desperate and
did not know how to further satisfy his
increasingly demanding urges. So one day
they had an idea: to organise a cooking
competition for all the worlds chefs, the
winner being chosen by the famous eater.
As a prize, the Emperor would give the
pozdn lto l.p. 2007
Kdy jsem pijela do Dran, vlak u skoro pln ekal na posledn dobhajc od zpodnch
vlak. Dvala jsem se do kup, kam bych mohla sloit svj nklad. Jak bvalo mm zvykem,
poctivch 20 kilo na zdech a ti pinejmenm v ruce. Mezi mou rychlou chzi a hledajc
pohledy prodralo se i pr slov, jestli nemm nhodou Schoenes Wochenende Tiket. Pemlela
jsem snad pt vtein, jestli ho mm zapt, nebo piznat, e ho mm. Mu, ve stednch letech,
snd pleti a plnj postavy se na m doslova pilepil a kdy jsem pitakala, nemla jsem
ji anci niku. Ped nmi byly 4,5 hodiny nron cesty. Kdyby vdla, kolik mi ta cesta
sebere jet sil, vzala bych svou odpov zpt. Nala jsem posledn voln dvou msto a sedla
si. Mu se zeptal, jestli si me tak pisednout. Dal mi 5 Eur jako svj podl na lstku a oba
dva jsme si vythli sv chlebnky. Nabzel mi zky s pchut jeho kuchaskho tureckho
umn. Bhem 20 Minut jzdy jsem se dozvdla jeho ivotn pbh zakonen otzkou:
M ptele? Byla jsem po tkch horekch, jet ne zcela zdrav a nemla jsem sil hrt
njakou komedii. Jene netuc jsem si zavaila dal hodiny spolen cesty.
Zlehka ji poznamenan svou profes uitele dekdovala jsem ona vyznn a
komplimenty. Nae komunikace probhala ve vlnch a kulminovala pi kad m zporn
odpovdi, zda si pece jen nechci rozmyslet stt se enou onoho vynikajcho kuchae. Jsem
vcelku trpliv lovk, ale po urit dob jsem u nemla chu vci komentovat a pokldat
argumenty proti, jako vynikajc karetn hr. Myslet na slovn tahy. Napadlo m tedy,
e jsem vlastn nikdy nevidla psanou formu turetiny. Poprosila jsem ho, jestli nem
nhodou papr a nco na psan. Divil se, k emu najednou potebuji tuku a papr, ale vythl
svj osobn blok, se vemi doklady, kter mi ukzal. Povolen k pobytu, pracovn povolen,
fotky svch rodiNapsala jsem na papr nkolik nmeckch slov, kter jsem chtla
peloit. Ochotn mi pekldal slova jako jaro, ena, mu, dt, hory. Vedle toho tak pr
frz. Byla jsem fascinovna psmem. Na chvli jsme se odklonili od onoho neutuchajcho
vslechu: Pro m nechce. Popsali jsme tmto stylem asi ti strnky. Vyzkouela jsem si
hned po nm nkter slova napodobit. Trpliv m uil tahy na nkolika dcch. Mezitm
se zaplnila tak hust ulika vlaku, e u opravdu nebylo mon se hnout.
Do Stuttgartu jsme dorazili se zpodnm, ale to mi pilo vhod, jeliko jsem tam
mla asi jeden a pl hodiny na pestup. Kucha pokraoval dle smrem na Mnichov. Chtl
m jet pozvat na kvu a napsal mi na onen arch tureckch vraz sv telefonn slo,
e kdykoli budu mt pocit ivotn zkosti, a nevhm a zavolm. Pijede si pr pro m.
Vlakem. Naprosto unaven a vyerpan, neschopn komente jsem onmla. Vechny
moje slova se pohybovala v rovin ne, dkuji. Pochopil, e tenhle boj u asi nem cenu a
omluvil se mi. Najednou z nieho nic, omluvil se, stiskl mi ruku a odeel.
Jak kdy se rozlet hejno mranch ptk,
jasn slunen paprsky oslep run msto.
Jak kdy se rozlet podzimn hejno krkork,
tvarem svm v houfu mlenliv gesto.
Jak kdy se miluje slunce a vtr,
odrazem vodnch aker,
hladk doteky dlan smchu,
vzduchem nesouc se Stabat mater.
Mariance, promi, ale nemu o Tob pst,
jsi vesel a mil,
j nemm slov pro krsu radosti.
Ve smutku hledm vce krsy,
jako proklet bsnk.
Hledm krsu, tam kde nen,
ctm bolest, tst jinch.
Nco veselho chtlo by to,
vymnit srdce za drav sto.
Zachytvat krsu na prameni eky,
uplout s n po proudu,
vstoupit do Mekky.
Te nedok pst, nen vhodn chvle,
vesel bsn, dlouh jak mle.
Koeny strom, hluboko v podzem,
to je mj obraz,
falen umn.
Kad tv m svoje oi,
kolem nich se, svt se to.
nd odr se v ke strom,
modr utp se v tni,
ed podtn blesk, hrom
zelen svou vn pipomn trvu.
Slunce se ln sklnlo nad horizontem a to bylo znamen, e se bl konec pracovn doby.
Znudn jsem se podval z okna svoj kancele a pohledem se zastavil na svtle hndm
pedmtu, kter se vlel na umrzlm snhu pod jednm z ke lemujcch cestu kolem
na budovy. Kdy jsem pozdji opoutl firmu, neodolal jsem a onen pedmt si prohldl
pozornji. Vypadal jako nepopsan oblka formtu A5, kterou tu vytrousil mon jeden
z tch afgnskch uprchlk, co m dnes navtvil. Pinesl mi napsan lnek o ivot
vyhnanc na cest za svobodou. Vzneen jednoduchost a klidn velikost antickho uen
zraila se v tch slovech.
Byl to ji postar mu, s elem plnch plachtcch havran a tmavch o, odrazem
duevnho zrcadla zkouench. Vylovil jsem ji ze kov a zjistil, e nen zalepen, nato
przdn. Jej obsah m doista ohromil.
Pomalu a opatrn jsem se rozhldl a nezaznamenal dn pohyb. Posledn paprsky
prostupovaly korunami strom a kdo v, snad i moj hlavou. Schoval jsem oblku do
taky, zlehka si upravil koili, nahodil neutrln vraz a lehkm krokem se vydal na cestu
k domovu.
Je na tomhle svt pece jen trocha spravedlnosti?, tzal se sm sebe s hlavou
zvednutou k nebi. J, chud spisovatel, kter se kad den mus snait nakrmit ty hladov
bicha lanch ten. Nkdy m svraj pochyby, zda bylo toto povoln dobrou volbou.
Tak jako tak, ijeme ve vzen vlastnch nenaplnnch pn. Zde, za vysokou zd se zd
bt vechno jin. Mm defacto dv monosti, ta prvn mn pjemn znamen bt
dobrm a poslunm obanem na vlasti a odevzdat oblku s obsahem na policii. iv si
vybavuji, jak se hls onen majitelslova dk, nkolik ptelskch objet, uznn mch
koleg, jak jsem to charakter Snad by se jedna z bankovek ocitla i v m penence. Ta
druh monost je myslet na hor asy a penze dobe uschovat. Jet nkolik mylenek se
vystdalo, ne jsem doel ped prh vlastnho domu. Zaal jsem si pskat, najednou m
zaplavila neuviteln vlna lehkosti a j stoupal po schodech vzhru.
Rno jsem zapsal. Jet doista zmaten jsem se rychle oblkl, pasta na zuby skonila
tak v mch vlasech. Helena svrala pevn ve spnku polt a dti ve vedlejm pokoji
tak. Mly to asi po n. Nakonec, kdy jsem si chtl vzt svou taku, nebyla tam, kde jsem ji
vera poloil. Paneboe, co se to dnes jenom dje?! Po krtkm intenzivnm ptrn jsem se
vzdal a letl do prce. Jist, piel jsem pozd. f ji zdlky drtil mezi zuby nco ve smyslu
Etuda z pera npadu odpoledn trnice
Ten vyvrhel spolenosti co nem vdr,
nechat to jt, je pro nho lep, ne se za nm hnt.
Je toti nedle a andl nm zpvaj jedno modlitebn blues.
ernosk kaskda varhannch hlas vodopd.
Nemm, mm protnout?
Co komu do psma,
jemu nerozum, ani kdyby chtl.
Co komu do slov,
o kter se z principu jen pel.
Co komu do nebe,
kdy lta chod po zemi.
Co komu pslu,
hledt do cizho kamen.
Co komu do Boha,
jeho ve svt tak njak poztrcel.
Co komu napsali,
kdy petrpl stepy zrcadel.
Co komu schzelo,
mrem se ohnl.
A co schz Tob? Brka, ddo
erven je barva lsky,
lut je barva slunce, slunce
zelen je barva trvy
modr je barva nadje.
Like a flock of birds flying away,
bright sunrays blind the busy town.
Marianne, forgive me,
but I cant write about you,
you are joyful and nice,
I have no words for the beauty of joy.
I search for more beauty in sadness,
like a damned poet.
I search for beauty in the wrong place,
I feel other peoples pain, happiness.
Something joyful is needed
to change heart into a leaky screen.
To catch beauty on the riverhead,
float with it downstream,
enter Mecca.
I cannot write, not at this moment,
joyful mile-long poems.
Roots of trees, deep in the underground,
this is my image,
false art.
There are eyes in every face,
the world turning around them.
Etude from the Pen of the Afternoon
Marketplace Idea
The outcast from society without endurance,
letting it be is easier for him than pursuing it.
For it is Sunday and angels sing us a blues
Organ cascade of black singers voices
Should I, should I not cut through?
Who cares about scriptures,
which he does not understand,
no matter how hard he tries?
Who cares about words,
which cause disputes over the principles?
Who cares about heaven,
when he walks the Earth for years?
Who is entitled,
to look into foreign stones?
Who cares about God,
lost somehow in the world?
What did they write,
after he suffered from broken mirrors?
Whatever he missed,
his mouth was full of peace.
And what do you miss? Boat, daddy
Red is the colour of love,
yellow the colour of sun,
green the colour of grass
blue the colour of hope.
Blue the colour of sky,
where I see sun and you inside it,
blue is the colour of water,
where I build fords in grief.
Own goal,
which desires to get to the heart,
high wall stands before them,
it cant be evaded or ordered by power.
You want to live so much,
your breath accelerates,
sunshine tries in vain
to plough around fingers on keyboard.
Lifes Crossroads
In vain you try to find a way out,
from the human labyrinth of intellect
nobody cares to give you a hand,
to tear you away from the tree.
Como una bandada de pjaros alejndose
al vuelo,
brillantes rayos ciegan la ajetreada ciudad.
Marianne, perdname,
pero no puedo escribir acerca de ti.
Eres alegre y encantadora,
no tengo palabras para describir la belleza
de la alegra.
Busco ms belleza en la tristeza,
como un poeta maldito.
Busco la belleza en el lugar equivocado,
siento el dolor, la alegra, de otras personas.
Se necesita algo alegre
para hacer del corazn una pantalla que
hace aguas.
Para captar la belleza del cauce de un ro,
flotar en su torrente,
entrar en La Meca.
El sol se inclinaba perezosamente hacia el
horizonte sealando que se acercaba el final
de la jornada laboral. Aburrido, mir por la
ventana de mi oficina y mis ojos se detuvieron
en un ligero objeto marrn que reposaba sobre
la nieve helada bajo uno de los arbustos que
bordean la calle que rodea nuestro edificio. Al
dejar ms tarde la empresa, no pude resistirme y mir el objeto ms de cerca. Pareca un
sobre en blanco tamao A5, que quiz haba
perdido alguno de los refugiados afganos que
me visitaron esta maana. Uno de ellos me
trajo un artculo sobre la vida de los refugiados
en su marcha hacia la libertad. Las palabras
contenan una noble sencillez y la grandeza
tranquila de una enseanza antigua.
Estudio a partir del bolgrafo de la idea
vespertina del mercado
El marginado de la sociedad sin resistencia,
dejarlo ser es ms fcil para l que perseguirlo.
Porque es domingo y los ngeles nos cantan
uno de sus blues-oraciones.
Cascada de rgano de voces de cantantes
negros salto de agua.
Debera o no debera abrirme paso?
A quin le importan las escrituras,
que l no comprende
Ests dormido?
El azul es la realidad! No, no es ms que un
sueo, cambiando bajo el fondo perforado.
Y t lo crees?
Encrucijada de vida
En vano intentas encontrar una salida
del laberinto humano del intelecto.
Nadie se preocupa por darte una mano,
por arrancarte del rbol.
Objetivo propio
que desea llegar al corazn.
Un alto muro se levanta ante ellos.
No se puede eludir u ordenar por obligacin.
Quieres vivir,
tanto que tu respiracin se acelera.
la luz del sol intenta en vano
surcar con los dedos el teclado.
Una pantalla a ritmo de jazz
se erige desde el suelo,
conjura la pena de los ojos
y conduce a la tierra de los sueos.
Ests en el umbral del milenio.
La memoria pierde su sentido del tiempo,
viajas a travs del desierto,
gusano desnudo en la trampa de las pirmides.
La belleza de la vista ingenua aumenta.
Poseer como mnimo lo ms leal,
mi propia nada abierta.
La debilidad traiciona mi mente
y la refleja desde los peldaos.
When I was little I was asked what my dream was. And I answered to travel around the
world. As time passed, I realized it is not only traveling I wanted, but also to meet other
people. In my seventeen years I have met people from France, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia,
Estonia, Romania, Spain, the Netherlands and the UK. I couldnt help wondering what
else is there to be discovered?
Some of you may be intrigued by how I have managed to meet so many people. Well,
it is not a secret I have been a member of a non-government organization for almost two
years now. Becoming a member has been the best thing in my life so far because it gave me
the opportunity to explore the world and all the different cultures. I sometimes think I was
blessed but then again there are so many volunteers who are just like me. What I learnt
is that when you meet these people it doesnt matter if you are rich or poor, single or not,
popular or shy. It is communication that makes things right. And now, let me tell you about
my experience outside the borders of Bulgaria.
In August 2007 I went on a youth exchange to France. There I met many of my
present friends. There we were, a colorful mix of cultures, people gathered from all corners of the world. The participating countries were Greece, the UK, Lithuania, Spain,
the Netherlands and Romania. At first I felt like I didnt fit in because I was the youngest
one. I can compare it with a childs first day in school you dont know what to expect,
you are afraid of making a mistake and most of all you are wondering how to start a
conversation, though it is easier when you are a little child. Anyway, the first night I was
really homesick. I couldnt imagine spending a whole week among strangers and without
a friends support. But in the morning it was a whole different world. Everybody was so
kind and open-minded. We were all curious and eager to find out everything about each
other. I met with my mentors who were really nice people. It turned out I really liked it
there. Not only did I meet so many interesting people, but I practiced and improved my
English and Russian. We had a long meeting so that we could get to know each other. We
talked about our families, hometowns, organizations, countries, customs and even cuisine.
Sadly, not many of them were familiar with Bulgaria but I did my best to correct this
mistake. From that first discussion I had my favorite participants Marina from Greece,
Fokker from the Netherlands and Xavier from France.
The reason I liked Marina so much was that she reminded me so much of myself. She
had a really beautiful smile and a very nice character. She was an EVS volunteer in Austria
which gave us so many subjects to talk about, apart from Bulgaria and Greece. She was also
very inquisitive about Bulgaria. Although our countries are neighbors, the Greeks are not
very familiar with Bulgaria as a whole but only with our seaside resorts, according to her.
Then it turned out that what I knew about Greece wasnt much either. I was quite ashamed
of myself, but so was she. So we decided to have a quick trip through our countries. I was
well prepared I carried a little map of Bulgaria but it was clear enough to point out all
the important places. I showed her a presentation I had made for the exchange, the others
also saw it of course. While acting as a tour guide, I had unconsciously focused the attention
of the whole Greek group. One of them, Anna, was very disappointed because she hadnt
visited many of the places while she was on a tour with her theater group. Actually, she
visited me during my winter holiday and we had a great time traveling. Now back to the
subject. I must say there isnt a big difference between Greeks and Bulgarians. We all know
how to have fun, what good food is and moreover how important the family is. Anna told
me that in Greece teenagers were not allowed to travel without their parents until they
are eighteen. She was really amused how my mother let me come on the exchange given
the fact that nowadays it is quite dangerous to travel. I mean, you never know what might
happen. In the intercultural evening I was immersed in Greek cuisine and traditions. I had
danced sertaki before but I had never imagined it would be so different when real Greeks
were dancing with me. I felt as if I was in a fairy tale in Ancient Greece, watching them
in their traditional clothes. And trying those clothes on was an unforgettable experience.
What made this evening even better was their traditional cake, called galatabureko, which
was a true temptation for your tastebuds. I dare say there was a kind of chemistry between
us whether it was the evening, the people, or the new experience I dont know. My memories of this exchange formed a stable basis for all my other knowledge from then on.
Lets just say Fokker was my soul mate. We both liked photography, though I am not a
professional. I learnt so many things about photography that I am still thinking of joining
a course after graduating. Besides photography, we talked about the differences between
Bulgaria and the Netherlands. I know it is not good to say unflattering things about your
country but Im trying to be realistic. My first big impression of the outside world was
how clean the streets were no cigarettes, no paper, no holes they were the ideal streets.
Fokker told me not to be worried because everything happened slowly and gradually so, in
other words, Ill have my clean streets in Bulgaria one day. I liked him because of his sense
of humor. He always found the right words to say and I must admit he spoke English very
well. I dont know if it was because we had just met or it is a typical feature of his character, but he was a great listener. I found out he could talk about any subject whatsoever. The
funny thing was that he was pretty familiar with fashion, too, which is unusual for most
of the boys I know. He liked shopping so we went on a tour to all the souvenir shops in the
village. What else can an ordinary girl want?
Well, I know the answer to that question a great mentor, which in other words means
the French guy Xavier. He was in his thirties when we met, so that is almost the age of my
father. I know that as an organizer of the exchange it was his obligation to take care of me,
but between us it was more personal. He really admired my courage to come to France, to
join an unknown community and so easily to break the ice. But it is not so difficult when
you are in friendly company. Xavier is a very mature person with goals that I think are
achievable. He is a very organized person because he had two jobs one that is paid and
one that is non-profit or, I should say, the profit is for the people. Thats what we need today
someone who pursues happiness for other people, someone who shares and dedicates his
life for the common good, someone just like him. I am glad Ive had a good teacher like
Xavier because he taught me the most important lessons in life it doesnt matter what you
are doing if you are doing it with your heart. And he put his heart and soul into making
this exchange work for all of us. He is not a professional musician but plays the guitar very
well. In Bulgaria we say that the person who sings doesnt think bad things about anybody.
In my opinion, Xavier is the best example of that saying. He was an understanding person
and always around if somebody needed him. He always joked it didnt suit him to be very
serious. I clearly remember the morning I had to leave for the station. I was so sad and I
even cried. Xavier gave me a lift and all the way he didnt stop talking about how great this
exchange was compared to the previous one. We laughed about our funny moments and
this partly chased away my tears and my grief. I dont know if Ill ever see him again but
the truth is that I still miss him. I miss all of the participants.
It is said that a person always remembers his firsts, whether it is his first love, fine or a
bungee jump. The firsts are full of excitement and leave a permanent vestige in our mind.
And so did my first youth exchange. Even though we promised wed meet again and wished
to meet in another exchange, it wouldnt be the same. This youth exchange was exactly
what my notion of one was with all the laughter, dances, trips, concerts and tears.
In the winter of 2007, to be precise in December, I had the chance to refresh my
memories of a youth exchange with my next trip to Slovenia. We were invited to Kamnik
a small town near Ljubljana at the foot of the Alps. This time I went with my classmates
as an informal leader of our group. They were much more excited than me as they had
never traveled abroad. But it made me think of my French touch. They were all in a flutter
and I was infected with their enthusiasm. When we arrived in Slovenia after the one-day
trip, I was at the end of my strengths and I think all my excitement had gone with the
wind. But when I stepped on the Slovenian land I felt that very first feeling of gratification that I would have a nice stay. Someone once said If you speak a lot of languages, you
have many keys for just one door. I proved this right. For the second time I was in the
middle of a cross-nation gathering. People keep learning as long as they are alive. I could
now compare and contrast my two experiences. No doubt, they were both beneficial for
my personality. I discovered hidden features of my character. I easily made friends and got
accustomed to the different conditions. I have always thought I would be a lost soul in another country. It appears that people are positive and ready to help any foreigner who stops
them. That is how I met my two friends from the UK an elderly couple who had decided
to spend a nice romantic holiday in Slovenia. I accidentally came across them while finding
my way to one of the stations. It turned out they were lost too. One of the drawbacks of my
stay in Slovenia was that people didnt answer when you talked in English. After a while I
decided to try a different strategy I spoke in Russian. To our surprise as soon as I had done
this, a young man showed us the way. We all laughed for a long time. While I am writing
this, there is a smile on my face. The magic is in fluent speaking but you can choose from
a variety of spells English, Russian, German or French. It turned out that luck was what
we had needed.
But I dont think I could have been luckier. When we finally met Ana and Bostjan,
the organizers, they seemed very kind and made sure we had everything we needed. What
I like most about youth exchanges is that everybody is forthcoming. There is no way you
can meet bad people on such events. The previous anxiety and fear of not being properly
prepared had disappeared. Never before had I known how comfortable I would feel in the
company of so many people. Even though we were all strangers, I could sense the warm atmosphere around me. A big part was the interactive games we played to break the ice. This
way we learnt a lot about each other. It seemed to me that the week we stayed passed really
quickly. We shared the same house with the Lithuanians and established strong relationships for the future. Everything was for general use. I spent more time with them and that
is the reason I liked them so much. We still chat, exchange pictures and send emails. Apart
from them I had a close relation with the group from the Basque Country, Spain. I must
admit I had never known that Spain is separated into provinces. They have languages in
each part but they are still related to each other. These established relationships made me
think how trust is being created. When we talk about our lives and interests, we make our
way through this persons conscience. And if he likes us, we become friends. If not, as soon
as we separate, we vanish from his mind. Friends have a special place in your heart. They
are the people that you cry and laugh with; they are the people you meet accidentally. I
dare say I have many friends from this exchange and even people that werent participants.
Communication is the device with which you judge people. But then again I had to say to
my friends from Slovenia: Good bye
A week ago in my philosophy class we had a discussion about humans and animals.
What distinguishes us from the animals is the use of language. Humans by nature are
designed to talk but not until recently. Technologies have overtaken our lives and means
of communication. We now use chat-rooms, emails and mobile phones instead of a realtime meeting. The advantage of youth exchanges is that they take you back to the old ways
of connecting. You are the real participants and founders of the talk, not some wires and
transferred signals. I am grateful to the opportunities given to me. So lets talk!
He llegado pronto.
Es mi primer da de trabajo en un restaurante parisino.
Por fin lo he conseguido!
Un sueo cumplido.
Ahora slo falta esperar que el camino no haya sido mejor que el sueo y que la decepcin no sea mayor que lo sufrido.
Y mientras me tomo un caf en vaso de cartn, no porque sepa mejor, sino porque las pelculas y series americanas hacen mucho dao a la gastronoma, pienso que la vida es lo que
tiene... que te la tienes que buscar.
As lo hemos hecho siempre en mi familia. En parte por culpa del entorno y en parte por
culpa de las circunstancias.
Lo hizo mi abuela, que por lo que recuerdo, era alta, gritona, con el pelo cano y largo. Se
traslad de Sri Lanka al Lbano, acompaada de mi madre, viuda y embarazada de dos
meses de una servidora, para entrar a trabajar en una casa de libaneses pudientes de Akkar.
Eran esos tiempos en los que se conoca al Lbano como la pequea suiza y a Sri Lanka...
bueno, Sri Lanka era tan pobre como ahora. All nac y me cri. Libanesa de nacimiento y
pensamiento... por circunstancias.
Y mientras observo le restaurant y el aroma de mi caf acartonado sube hacia mi nariz
congelada, acuden a mi cabeza mis primeros recuerdos, los olores.
Olores que mi cabeza ordenaba como colores.
Me encantaba cuando a mi abuela le tocaba cocinar mezze y utilizaba todas las especies
que estaban a su alcance. Era un festival de colores. El amarillo, el rojo, el verde azulado, el
violeta... todos los colores del arco iris se me aparecan y se quedaban, mientras mi abuela
y mi madre daban vueltas por la cocina a toda prisa, sin hablar, sin mirarse. Slo de vez en
cuando, mi abuela se me acercaba y me daba a probar alguna salsa para la que ni mi garganta
ni mi estmago de beb estaban preparados. Y entonces empezaba a llorar y se marchaban
los colores y mi madre rea a mi abuela y mi abuela a mi madre y luego los colores volvan
y volva a sonrer.
Menos un da, que los colores desaparecieron y todo era gris. El azafrn se volvi gris
negro y el curry negro gris.
Era la guerra civil.
Los seores dejaron de ser pudientes, porque no hay muerto pudiente y su hija nos recomend
a uno de sus amigos an pudientes, la seora del embajador italiano.
As que dejamos Akkar y nos trasladamos a un Beirut gris y negro.
Todo era gris y negro. Todo menos la cocina de Piero, que volva a tener todos los colores. Pero
no eran los colores de la cocina de Akkar, stos no eran tan brillantes y haba muchos colores
mezclados. Marrn-azul-violeta, verde-azul-amarillo... As que no me qued ms remedio
que empezar a disfrutar de los aromas por ellos mismos, sin colores. Era la nica manera de
poder disfrutar del espectculo de ver cocinar a Piero, mi madre y mi abuela. Era imposible
conseguir que mi abuela preparase una salsa pesto slo con albahaca, piones, aceite de oliva
y parmesano. Ella siempre terminaba dando su toque con crcuma o pprika. Ella deca que
sin crcuma o sin papprika aquello no era comida. Y Piero le gritaba y se volva rojo y yo rea
y rea, y mi madre lloraba de alegra y todos nosotros y los aromas ramos felices.
All pas mis mejores aos. Aprend a leer, a escribir y Piero me dejaba sus libros de
cocina para practicar mi lectura. Y me contaba historias de todas las embajadas y pases que
haba recorrido cocinando. Y de cmo no pudo convencer al embajador sueco en Espaa de
que los arenques slo eran comida si no haba nada ms. Y de cmo cantan los cocineros
del Trastevere mientras preparan salsa bolognesa. Y que los mejores restaurantes estn en
Pars, Francia.
Me aprend todas esas recetas de memoria.
Hasta que un da, para celebrar que las calles nunca ms volveran a oler a gris, ramos unos
ignorantes, Piero y mi abuela me dejaron cocinar.
Me lata tan fuerte el corazn que mi madre me tuvo que ayudar a sujetar la cuchara de
madera con la que cocin mi primer tabbouli y mi primer tiramis. Me quedaron tan ricos
que la seora del embajador baj a la cocina para felicitarme.
Y as me hice cocinera. Por un lado con la ayuda de Piero, gritando si la pasta no estaba
en su punto, y por otro mi abuela, que me obligaba a poner especias a todo para no perder
las races.
Yo crec. Pero el Lbano no volvi a ser esa Suiza de Oriente Prximo anhelada.
Y hace dos aos, cuando la cuna del Bube, Israel lanz una ofensiva militar y los embajadores
y Piero fueron evacuados del pas... Nosotras nos quedamos en la calle.
Antes de irse, los embajadores nos dieron suficiente dinero para volver a nuestro
pas. Pero yo ya no tena pas. No lo era Sri Lanka y por lo que pareca, tampoco lo era el
As que intent convencer a mi madre y a mi abuela para ir a cocinar a la ciudad de
las ciudades gastronmicas, Pars. Pero mi abuela quera volver a su casa antes de morir
y mi madre no la poda dejar sola.
Yo, como no tena ni mi casa ni mi pas decid que no perda nada buscando casa,
pas y suerte.
As que rase una vez
Una chica que tuvo que cruzar el Mediterrneo de Beirut a Madrid.
Trabaj duramente un ao en un restaurante sirio de las multiculturales, aromticas y
coloristas calles de Lavapis, por las noches. Y en uno sirio durante el da.
Pero siempre que tena un rato libre se paseaba por los mercados en busca de nuevos
aromas y colores. Y aprendi a cocinar tortilla de patatas, salsa brava y fideu. Hasta que un
da, tuvo los papeles y el dinero necesarios para irse a Pars.
A lo mejor... si busca bien y con un poco de suerte, por fin tendr su casa y su pas.
Una chica y un chico han llegado a la altura de le restaurant y suben la persiana. La chica
saluda al tendero de la boulangerie cercana, mientras el chico saca a la calle una pizarra con
el men del da y otra con las especialidades griegas de la casa.
Y mientras tiro el vaso vaco de caf en una papelera, levanto la vista y leo Rue Babylon.
La vida es lo que tiene... que a veces te da un guio y slo te queda respirar profundamente
y andar.
Life Is What It Is
Conxita Tunica. Spain
I arrived early.
Its my first day at work in a Paris restaurant.
Ive made it at last!
A dream come true.
Now I just have to hope that the path
here has not been better than the dream
itself and that the disappointment is no
greater than what Ive suffered.
And as I drink coffee from a paper cup
not because I like it better, but because
American films and TV series do a great
deal of harm to culinary pleasures I ponder that life is what it is and that its up
to you to go out and search for it.
Thats the way we have always done things
in my family. Its partly down to the environment and partly the work of circumstances.
Its what my grandmother did. As I recall,
she was tall and loud, and had long grey
hair. She did it when she moved from Sri
Lanka to Lebanon, with my mother a
widow and two months pregnant with me,
where she went to work in the home of
a wealthy Lebanese family from Akkar.
Those were the days when Lebanon was
known as little Switzerland and Sri Lanka... well, Sri Lanka was as poor then as it is
now. Thats where I was born and brought
up. Lebanese by birth and in philosophy
as circumstances dictated.
Smells that my head used to classify as
I would be thrilled when it was time
for my grandmother to cook mezze and she
would use all the spices she could get her
hands on. It was a festival of colours. Yellow,
red, bluish green, violet all the colours of
the rainbow would appear before me and
linger as my grandmother and my mother
hurried round the kitchen without exchanging a word or a glance. Just occasionally my
grandmother would approach me and give
me a taste of some sauce for which neither
my babys throat nor stomach were ready.
And then I would start to cry and the colours
would vanish and my mother would scold
my grandmother and my grandmother my
mother and then the colours would return
and Id smile once again.
Except one day when the colours disappeared and everything was grey. The saffron turned a blackish grey and the curry
a greyish black.
It was civil war.
Our masters were no longer wealthy, since
there is no such thing as wealthy death,
and their daughter recommended us to one
So we left Akkar and moved to a Beirut
that was grey and black.
Everything was grey and black. Everything except Pieros kitchen, which once
again was awash with colour. But these
were not the same colours as in the kitchen
in Akkar; they were not as bright and there
were a lot of colours mixed together. Yellow-blue-violet, green-blue-yellow So
there was nothing left for me except to begin to enjoy the aromas in their own right,
without colours. It was the only way I could
enjoy the spectacle of watching Piero, my
mother and my grandmother cook. There
was no way in the world you could get my
grandmother to prepare pesto with only
basil, pine nuts, olive oil and parmesan.
She always ended up giving it her own
twist, with a pinch of turmeric or paprika.
She would say that it wasnt real food without turmeric or paprika. And Piero would
yell at her and go red and I would laugh
and laugh and my mother would weep
for joy and all of us and the aromas were
That is where I spent my best years. I
learned to read and write and Piero would
leave me his cookery books so that I could
practise reading. And he would tell me stories about all the embassies and countries
he had cooked in. And about how he was
unable to convince the Swedish ambassador
to Spain that you could eat herring on its
own without anything else. And about how
the chefs of Trastevere sing while theyre
preparing Bolognese sauce. And that the
best restaurants are in Paris, France.
I learned all those recipes off by heart.
Until one day, to celebrate that the streets
would never again smell grey (we were
ignorant folk) Piero and my grandmother
let me cook.
My heart was beating so hard that my
mother had to help me keep hold of the
wooden spoon that I used to cook my first
tabbouli and my first tiramisu. They were
so tasty that the ambassadors wife came
down to the kitchen to congratulate me.
And so I became a cook. Partly thanks
to Piero, who would yell whenever the
pasta was not al dente, and partly thanks to
my grandmother who made me put spices
in everything so as not to lose my roots.
I grew up. But Lebanon was never again
the longed-for Switzerland of the Middle
And two years ago, when the cradle of our
Lord, Israel, launched a military strike and
the ambassadors and Piero were evacuated
from the country we were left on the
Before leaving, the ambassadors gave us
enough money to return to our country.
But I no longer had a country. Sri Lanka
wasnt my country and, so it seemed, neither was Lebanon.
So I tried to persuade my mother and
my grandmother to go and cook in the
culinary capital of the world, Paris. But
my grandmother wanted to return to her
home before she died and my mother
could not leave her alone.
Since I had neither my home nor
my country to go to, I decided that there
was nothing to lose in heading off in search
of a home, a country and my fortune.
So, once upon a time there was
A girl who had to cross the Mediterranean from Beirut to Madrid.
For a year she worked hard in a Syrian
restaurant in the multicultural, aromatic
and colourful streets of Lavapis by night
and in another Syrian restaurant by day.
Yet, whenever she had a little free time,
she would wander through the markets in
search of new aromas and new colours.
And she learned to cook tortilla de patatas, salsa brava and fideu. Until one day
she had all the necessary paperwork and
money to make the journey to Paris.
Just maybe if she looks hard enough and
has a slice of good fortune, one day she will
find her home and her country.
A girl and a boy have arrived outside le restaurant and they pull up the shutters. The
girl says hello to the shopkeeper from the
nearby boulangerie, while the boy brings
a board with the menu of the day out onto
the street, and then another with the house
Greek specialities.
And as I throw the empty coffee cup into a
litter bin, I look up and read Rue Babylon.
Life is what it is... sometimes it winks at
you and all you can do is take a deep breath
and walk on.
No Estreito
Simo Valente. Portugal
Os dois estavam espera, na praia. J a estavam h algum tempo. O barqueiro ainda no tinha
vindo, a lua nova, que os protegia do mau-olhado vigilante (dizia-se que a barca tinha duas luas
pintadas na popa), vendava-os entre si, de mos atadas por gnios. Um olhou para o relgio,
pensou que talvez se tivessem enganado na hora. Ou ento que o barqueiro estava atrasado.
J esto tua espera, os teus amigos?
E pela sua fala conhec-lo-eis, ao efraimita que nem sequer o mas que passa a ser
(para teu bem): Sibboleth, ouves, Shibboleth diz. E respondes, no menos efraimita por seres
filisteu, s porque um regato divide os sotaques e o entendimento.
No tens nada a ver com isso.
Achas que chegavas aqui sem a minha ajuda?
Agradeo-te. Mas agora vou encontrar quem me possa ajudar mais. Daqui no podes ir.
O que no pode ir ri-se baixinho (funga), tira um mao de tabaco do bolso das calas,
um isqueiro, acende o cigarro: o flash da cmara mostra ao que no deixa ir a palavra escrita
na tez estrangeiro. mais escuro, logo no sou eu. Um parasita to pequeno quanto velho
contrabandeia-lhe o receio que no tem mas que sente dever ter, um asco bruto na sua discrio.
Mas no reino do outro, sem poder entrar no reino que dizem ser o seu? procurado, a marca
pousa na sua testa para que o conheam e o apontem, mas porque o tempo indiferente s
normas, o Sol e a Terra curtiram-no, e se o vissem do outro lado talvez at no o reconhecessem golpe de sorte. Na cidade soube que a irm do guia se prostitua, para tambm ela
poder seguir viagem. No lhe deu meia tmara, tinha que partir e chegar e prover-se, e s o
fito da redeno ignora refinadamente o mal e no por no o saber. A confiana do acossado
pelos seus medos (e pela lei, e pela grei) -lhe um credo pragmtico.
Apaga isso, pode chamar a ateno. E faz-te mal
Funga, mais alto, mais forado.
Sim, no te preocupes. Eu morro antes que isto me mate. E quanto luz no sejas
parvo, o que um isqueiro quando esto a esses idiotas.
Aponta para o outro lado da areia. Atrs disso, do lado do monte, visto aos solavancos
das fogueiras, um antigo arco que fora talvez portes, as pedras empilhadas em cascata falam
mais de plvora do que de eroso. Dissera-lhe o guia que por ali passavam os condenados,
mas que a priso j no existia. Mais vista, e ao ouvido, esto eles: danam, cantam, correm:
roubaram o lume s piras para o agarrarem cabea, amarelo que reflecte o ouro. Esto
longe, mas h qualquer jogo (porque riem): aquele leva um farrapo incerto na ponta de uma
vara, os outros correm atrs, desorganizadamente. Ultrapassam-no, tiram-lhe o estandarte,
continuam a correr.
Sim, j sei. Queres ver que o barqueiro no vem por causa destes? Devamos fazer
alguma coisa.
J teriam comeado no outro lado, e no chegaria a horas (se chegasse) o fugitivo as
dvidas vivem entre eles invisveis, n de fumos amarelos, negros e vermelhos, como serpentes
ou corais. Eles iam perguntar porque ests atrasado? e porque no vieste mais cedo?. O
barqueiro perdeu-se, o guia levou-o por um caminho mais longo? E to fcil: a areia, a gua,
a areia sem bosques nem pntanos, ao coberto da escurido. Vai chegar tarde. Talvez no
demasiado tarde, mas eles sentir-se-o ofendidos e h a possibilidade de no ser aceite. Por
quebra da lei no lhe permitido franquear os umbrais que so aos seus destinados; resta-lhe
a espera, naquele istmo, e a clandestinidade alheia. Trancado fora da torre com os condenados
fome, devorar-lhes o crebro para passar o tempo.
O guia fuma, no responde s perguntas. Por mais de uma vez esteve para o esfaquear e
tirar-lhe tudo, at o passaporte intil, vendvel a um incauto com o mesmo caminho. Olha-o
quando o escuro lhe tapa a cara, se viesse uma tenda grande que os ocultasse completamente
no saberia o que fazer. J lhe devia ter dito que tambm o esperam do outro lado, que no
mero cicerone, que ao andar em crculos se encontra as prprias pegadas. A gua est calma, ouve-se quando no se v, balana devagar. Pensa nos que deixou na cidade, na subida
ngreme ao monte, na fuga para ali. O outro acerta o passo pelo seu, ainda que nenhum seja
cego e nenhum criana. No feriu, no roubou, quando viu a irm a voltar para casa ocorreulhe que o criminoso (que bem o sabe, quem daqueles entraria assim no outro lado?) teria
recompensa, dinheiro limpo, dinheiro legal, que o delatar tem mais matizes que o sangue e,
alm do mais, obedecer a vontade oficial e abstracta. Tira os sapatos e as meias.
Que que vais fazer?
Vou molhar os ps para me habituar ao frio da gua.
Vou contigo.
Puxa as calas, enrola-as volta do joelho e caminha para gua. Esquecera-se da ferida
na planta no p, sente-a agora no granulado da areia, um vago desconforto de necessidade.
Porque vens? Tens medo de ficar sozinho?
Tambm quero habituar-me ao frio.
Mas de onde vens, no frio?
No, s no Inverno, mas mesmo no Inverno nada de especial.
Imita-o, j de ps na gua, surpreende-se na banalidade da conversa. Sabe da faca, j a
viu antes, no sabe que mais haver. Mas o guia tambm no sabe da pistola. Afastam-se do
grupo barulhento. Fala o foragido, a confirmar a textura do cano.
Devamos fazer alguma coisa quanto queles. Assust-los ou assim.
Deixa-os, dali no nos podem ver quando vier o barco.
Ainda assim, j viste o barulho que fazem?
Sim, mas melhor que no nos vejam. Sobretudo a ti.
Riem ainda, l ao fundo, tocam guitarras, para o guia no so cordas mas msculos em
tremores dos dedos que arranham. O companheiro segue-o, voltou-lhe costas um instante, elipse
de uma reflexo sugere-lhe que no despreza nem confia. Silncio. Nos dias bons v-se o outro
lado, como seria com a lua cheia? Atrs, tropea e o guia ampara-o quase por reflexo. Endireitase, agradece pressa, a pouca dignidade da queda despiu-lhe um bocadinho de orgulho, mas
o pudor quase esbarra em si mesmo no desejo de encobrir, mal que vem por bem que vem por
mal. Olham os dois para o stio onde tropeou, vem o que parece ser uma viga das que juntam
os carris de um comboio. O guia estranha, retrocede e ajoelha-se junto ao pedao de madeira
apodrecida. O outro junta-se-lhe, tacteia a superfcie, sente as incises do que est gravado.
Acende o isqueiro, parece-me que est aqui escrito qualquer coisa.
O guia f-lo, ambos vem as curvas, os crculos, as linhas de um alfabeto que s o guia
sabe ler. A curiosidade morde o fugitivo.
O que quer dizer?
um nome.
Com voz de enfado, responde:
o meu.
Como um trovo a ser digerido no ventre de uma baleia, sobrepe-se o som de um motor ao ziguezagueado da gua sempre-em-p. Vem da esquerda, as brincadeiras dos outros
abafam-no como convm. Olham os dois homens para l da areia, o embarao no tem tempo
de entranhar-se e de soltar cada uma das pontas que lhes probem o que as circunstncias
podem impor. O guia escolhe revelar.
Tambm vou contigo.
Como tambm vens?! No faz parte do acordo!
O acordo era que eu te trouxesse aqui. J nada nos vincula, agora o meu acordo
com o homem do barco.
E porque que s mo dizes agora?
No podia ser de outra maneira.
Quer responder, confuso, zangado, na presena imposta a ver riscos de sentido duro. Sem
tempo para reflectir, acaricia o cabo da pistola. O barqueiro j est perto, desligou o motor e
rema para a praia. A sombra pequena, os movimentos esguios e nevrlgicos, de uma fora
baa escondida no nevoeiro. Parece trazer capucho, a escurido mais negra da sua forma
enquadra-lhe o delineamento. J mais perto, a fraca luz das estrelas sugere, colada cabea,
esfera ridcula que lhe d a silhueta de um bispo no xadrez. Diz, na lngua comum:
Pesquei uma coroa.
O rei no perde tempo.
Olha o foragido para a nuca do guia, suspeita do curso livre de senhas, quem e porque
vem com ele? Agarra-lhe o brao.
Espero bem que no tentes nada. Do outro lado tenho amigos que me podem vingar.
Olha para ele, a fraca luz das estrelas sobre a gua sobeja para que se compreenda as
implicaes do aviso. Sacode o aperto, saltita dentro da gua e ia-se para a barca. O companheiro segue-o, um remo trava-lhe o caminho.
Este barco leve demais para ti. Sobe com cuidado e fica quieto.
F-lo. O barqueiro junto ao motor, o guia a meio, ele proa, vigiando as duas sombras.
No conseguiu ver bem as feies, a inflexo das palavras demasiado indistinta para ajudar
no acerto de uma identidade, como um ponteiro dos minutos que avanasse devagar. S sabia,
porque lho haviam dito, que o homem era cego do olho direito.
Peguem nos remos.
Obedecem pacatamente. O barqueiro senta-se, o guia no confia nele mais do que no
fugitivo, voltar costas a qualquer deles um convite. Conta sim com a desconfiana de cada
um para que todos se guardem, precrio e tenso equilbrio. Remam sem falar, a embarcao
demasiado pequena para que o esforo seja eficaz e a vigilncia total e permanente. J ao
Vou ligar o motor. Devemos chegar l num quarto de hora.
A baleia vomita o ronco, o momento propcio aco e a violncia da partida oferece-se
como causa e consequncia de um certo pavor a lume brando. O guia senta-se de lado na tbua
laia de banco, olha vez do barqueiro para o foragido. Ri-se o homem da popa, forado.
Achas que te vou fazer mal? J recebi o meu pagamento, tudo.
A voz quente, na costa, seria simptica. Fala alto, tenta impor-se aos outros rudos. O
guia no responde, semicerra-se na procura do olho direito que falta ao outro, imagina-lhe
o que no conhece. Com a mo livre (menos uma que o foragido) pode ser perigoso. Sente
uma oscilao mais forte do que os saltos da quilha, volta-se para a proa e sente tambm a
aproximao do fugitivo. Segurando a navalha, d-lhe o espao pedido no apertado banco.
Porque vens?
No tens nada a ver com isso.
Queres matar-me?
No. Tens medo que eu o faa?
Tenho. Tu, no tens medo que eu te mate?
Tambm tenho. Mas tenho que ir para o outro lado. No posso continuar, de onde
venho. Tenho que fazer isto. Que fazes tu do medo que eu te mate?
Seguro-o e mantenho-me vigilante.
S te mataria se me tentasses matar.
Eu tambm. Mas porque no me contaste mais cedo que tambm vinhas? E porqu
no mesmo barco?
o mais rpido. No escolhi vir, algo que sou obrigado a fazer.
Vais trabalhar do outro lado?
Vou fazer o que tiver que fazer.
E se tiveres que me matar?
No queres morrer?
Eu tambm no.
Um bater de asas passa-lhes pelos cabelos, algo comprido e aguado afunda-se verticalmente na gua. O motor solua, tosse e pra. Guia e foragido olham para a popa, o barqueiro
no est l. Instintivamente, levantam as mos armadas que estrangulam agora um vazio.
Falta-lhes a fora nas pernas quando se levantam, a barca quase se vira. O guia aproxima-se
do motor, experimenta-o.
No vai.
Olham um para o outro.
In a Tight Spot
Simo Valente. Portugal
E poi che la sua mano alla mia pose
Com lieto volto, ondio mi confortai,
Mi mise dentro alle segrete cose.
Dante, Inferno, Canto III, v. 19-21
The two waited, on the beach. They had already been there some time. The boatman
had still not come. The new moon, which
protected them from the ever-watchful
evil eye (it was said that the boat had two
moons painted on its stern), kept their eyes
bound together, their hands joined by the
One of them looked at his watch. He
wondered if they had got the time wrong.
Either that or the boatman was late.
Are they waiting for you, your
And from his voice you will recognise
him, the Ephraimite who isnt even one,
but who will be (for your own good): you
hear Sibboleth, he says Shibboleth. And you
respond, no less an Ephraimite because you
are a Philistine simply because a stream
separates accents and understanding.
That doesnt concern you.
Do you think you would have made it
this far without my help?
And I am grateful. But now I am going
to find someone who can help me more.
You cant go further than this.
The man who can go no further laughs
softly (he sniffs), takes a cigarette packet
out of his trouser pocket, a lighter, lights
1. This is also a reference to the motto of the Portuguese police, the Guarda Nacional Republicana (Pela lei e pela grei).
He follows him, feet already in the water, startled in the midst of small talk. He
is well aware of the knife he saw it before. He doesnt know what else he might
have. But the guide knows nothing about
the gun. They move away from the noisy
group. The fugitive speaks, all the while
feeling the texture of the weapon.
We should do something about them
over there. Frighten them or something.
Ignore them, they wont be able to see
us when the boat comes.
Thats as maybe, but have you heard
the noise theyre making?
Yes, but its more important that they
dont see us. Particularly you.
They are still laughing over there, and
playing the guitar. For the guide, it isnt
strings but muscles quivering under the
fingers that strum them. His companion
follows, he has turned his back on him momentarily, the ellipse of a reflection suggesting neither contempt nor trust. Silence.
On a clear day, you can see the other side
what would it be like with a full moon?
Behind, he stumbles and the guide almost
instinctively puts out an arm to catch him.
He steadies himself, with a quick expression of gratitude. The indignity of the fall
has knocked his pride a little, but modesty
almost falls over itself trying to cover this
up. Every cloud may have a silver lining,
but it still remains a cloud. The two of
them look down at the place where he
stumbled and make out something that
looks like a beam; it resembles a railway
The guide is suspicious, goes back and
kneels down beside the piece of rotten
wood. The other one joins him, touches the
surface and makes out the incisions of an
Light the lighter I think theres
something written on it.
En el estrecho
Simo Valente. Portugal
E poi che la sua mano alla mia pose
Com lieto volto, ondio mi confortai,
Mi mise dentro alle segrete cose.
Dante, Inferno, Canto III, v. 19-21
1. Se trata, asimismo, de la divisa de la Guardia Nacional Republicana portuguesa (Pela lei e pela grei).
Yo tambin voy.
Cmo que vienes? Eso no forma parte
del acuerdo!
Habamos acordado que yo te traera
aqu. Ahora ya no nos ata nada, ahora tengo
un acuerdo con el hombre del barco.
Y por qu no me lo has dicho hasta
No poda ser de otro modo.
Quiere responder, confuso, enojado,
viendo grandes riesgos en esta presencia
impuesta. Sin tiempo para reflexionar,
acaricia el can de la pistola. El barquero se acerca. Ha apagado el motor y rema
hacia la playa. La sombra es pequea, los
movimientos deshilachados y neurlgicos,
con una fuerza contenida que se esconde en
la niebla. Parece que lleva una capucha, la
oscuridad ms negra de su forma enmarca
su contorno. Ms de cerca, la dbil luz de las
estrellas, pegada a su cabeza, esfera ridcula, sugiere el aspecto de un alfil de ajedrez.
Dice, en lenguaje familiar:
He pescado una corona.
Le responden:
El rey no pierde el tiempo.
El fugitivo mira la nuca del gua, desconfa de la serie de cdigos, quin es?, por qu
se marcha con l?
Lo coge del brazo.
Espero que no intentes nada. Adems,
al otro lado tengo amigos que pueden vengarme.
Lo mira, la dbil luz de las estrellas es
ms que suficiente para que se entiendan las
implicaciones de esta advertencia. Le suelta,
da saltitos en el agua y se sube a la barca.
El compaero lo sigue, un remo le obstruye
el camino.
El barco es demasiado ligero para ti.
Sube despacio y qudate quieto.
As lo hace. El barquero junto al motor,
el gua en medio, y l en la proa, vigilando
las dos sombras. No ha logrado distinguir
los rasgos del rostro, la inflexin de las palabras demasiado indistinta para ayudar a
adivinar una identidad, como un minutero
que avanza lentamente. Slo saba, porque se
lo haban dicho, que el hombre estaba ciego
del ojo derecho.
Coged los remos.
Obedecen calladamente. El barquero se
sienta, el gua se fa de l tan poco como
del fugitivo, dar la espalda a cualquiera de
los dos representa una invitacin. Al contrario, cuenta con la desconfianza de cada
uno de ellos para que todos se mantengan
alerta, equilibrio precario y tenso. Reman
sin hablar, la embarcacin es demasiado
pequea para que el esfuerzo resulte eficaz,
y la vigilancia, total y permanente. Por fin
mar adentro.
Voy a encender el motor. Tenemos que
llegar dentro de un cuarto de hora.
La ballena vomita el ronroneo, el
momento es propicio para la accin, y la
violencia de la partida se presenta como
causa y consecuencia de un cierto pavor a
fuego lento. El gua se sienta a horcajadas
en el tabln que hace las veces de banco,
mira a ratos al barquero y a ratos al fugitivo. El hombre de la popa se re con una
risa forzada.
Te crees que voy a hacerte dao? Me
han pagado, eso es todo.
La voz clida, en la costa, resultara
agradable. Habla alto, intenta imponerse a
los otros ruidos. El gua no responde, ensimismado a medias, buscando el ojo derecho
que le falta al otro, se imagina lo que no
sabe de l. Con la mano libre (una menos
que el fugitivo) puede ser peligroso. Nota
una oscilacin ms acusada que los saltos