Task 1 5
Task 1 5
Task 1 5
Ben Delaney
Ben Delaney
Ellie Golding Burn, this is a very famous song, this song
was released in the summer of 2013 creating a reputation
of the summer theme tune. Several different camera
angles are used in the music video, which include, close
ups, point of view, long shot and low angle. Close ups
within a music video creates tension and excitement for
the viewer. Low angel also makes the artist look bigger
creating the theme of power and leadership throughout
the video.
The location of the music video is mostly in a airfield,
props such as trucks, lights scattered around the airfield
and other people were the main props used within this
video. The lighting in the video was very effective as I felt
it represented and linked in well with the lyrics and name
of the song. The editing within the video was also very
effective, wipes, short takes and dissolves were used, I
feel that by including these editing techniques that it
makes the music video much more interesting for the
viewer. The sounds that are included within the music
video include synchrous sound, dialogues and incidental.
The most effective piece of music in the song I feel is the
incidental music, I feel that the most effective piece of
music played in this music video is the incidental piece, I
Ben Delaney
Ben Delaney
Hip-Hop has a very big influenced on music and within the
music industry. Many people consider hip-hop as being the
most popular genre throughout the music industry. 50
Cent Candy Shop is a very famous song within the
industry, many different camera angles, mise en scene,
editing and sound. The camera shots used included
establishing shots, long shots, short shots, close ups and
wide shots were used in order to make the video
interesting and effective for the viewer and the artist, e.g.
close up, this camera angles creates tension within a
music video.
Ben Delaney
There are many props that are used within the video
including a fast super car, mansion, girls with little
clothing on, 50 Cent dancing with several different women
throughout the video, 50 cent has a lot of jewellery on. 50
cent dancing with several different women throughout the
video indicates the power that is shown by him; the
mansion and super car that was shown throughout the
video also indicated this.
The editing within the video was also very effective to me
as the viewer as it made it more attractive and interesting
to watch rather than just watching the same frame
throughout. A montage editing technique was used in
one part of the video, which I thought was very interesting
and clever, e.g. montage
Ben Delaney
Ben Delaney
the viewer letting them know what kind of video it is. Mise
en Scene includes the props used within the video, most of
the video is a animation with other people within the
video, the streets of Tokyo are I the video creating a sense
of excitement for the viewer. Editing used in the video, in
my opinion is brilliant as there are many editing
techniques used including fade ins, long taken and
reverse shots. All of these techniques result in the music
video more interesting to watch for the viewer. Sound is
very important in order to make a successful music video,
after analysing this music video I concluded that the
sound included within the video includes synchronous
sound, theme tune, dialogue and contrapuntal sound are
all used within the music video.
Below is an example of Contrapuntal Sound: this is an
example of contrapuntal sound as the image is a dark and
sad image within the video, the theme song in the
background is an upbeat theme tune, this shows that the
sound does not complement with the image on the screen.
As we know Oasis is very famous Rock/Indie bands
throughout the world that have produced some brilliant
songs over the years. The song I have decided to analyse
is Wonderwall. The camera angles, Mise en Scene,
Editing and sound all work well together in order to
Ben Delaney
Ben Delaney