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> The STS Travel STS#SVP Solution fluamdp on = ‘Traveller and Arranger Training HeG (Full Solution) sall2010 wre. Welcome to Training + Name & Department + What is your Role in the Travel Process? + Did you use the old solution? honorGround Rules + Please turn all electronic devices off or on silent mode. + Do not interrupt the person speaking. + All questions are good. + Allunanswered questions will be placed on the “Post it” with name and e-mail address and we will come back to you with the answer. + Have fun and enjoy the opportunities we have to contribute to our future success! Objectives At the end of the training you will be able to: + Navigate the STS Travel Portal. + Research Air, Hotel and Car Rental in the Online Booking Tool (OBT). * Create & submit a Travel Request for approval using the Expense Management Tool (EMT). * Create and submit an Expense Report using the EMT. + Examine the Approval Processes for both Travel Requests and Expense Reports. wor 72014Road Map Part1 + Introduction to the STS Travel Solution + Updating a User Profile + Creating a Travel Request + Submitting a Travel Request for approval + Approval Processes Part 2 + Creating an Expense Report + Understanding how to link expenses from Credit Cards + Submitting an Expense Report for approval + Troubleshooting + Next Steps The Travel Solution lonrra018oe7ans Benefits of the Solution + Improve operational efficiencies. + Enhanced the travel experience for employees. + Reduce travel expenses. + Aid decision-making through accurate travel data. + BMO Mastercard accepted in more locations. + Internet and Mobile access. The Learning Management System HRG | BESSY?Travel Portal Overview wee ee Canadit Completing a traveller’s Profile onraoisovr7a04 Activity: Verifying your Travel Profile 4. Credit Card Information : in training) 3. Membership Card: Delta Hotels! 143256000 He a HotellCar Rental 6. Business Address: our seopert Sams: 219 Laurier Street Master Card Ottawa 5425232820001308 Expiration Date: 05/2017 7. Passport Information: 2. Arranger: (Refer tothe directives Passport Number: ‘AB504065 Issue Date: 01/01/2014 Issue Place: Ottawa Issuing state/country of “Pred Ker issue Canosa (613) 952-0123 Expiry Date: 01/01/2018 Country of Residence: 5. Change your Password: ae Be net change Password a ‘Canadit Creating a Travel Request a0 oat cect) ed = erect Approval Canad Bin grehre's ate \f default appre AS aot oS, Week an emncrQ asting gcd on DO Wore ReER vp We He &c deh . , “rd 6When Not To Use OBT Travelling North of 60 Same day booking — Ae eK SFE (ne WAN Group booking — for 10 or more travellers Multi-destination trips with more than 4 segments Creating a Travel Request and Adding additional Expense Estimates lomo: Creating a Travel Request Scenario # 1: Day Trip for a Management Meeting Dates: January 12, 2015 Meeting Begins at : 10 am Meeting Ends at: 2 pm Note: Lunch is provided atthe meeting Private motor vehicle Parking $15, Location:(From)200 Kent Ottawa, Ont (To) Bonaventure Hote! 1900 Rue de a Gauchetire, Moniresi OC —————>_—_—_——>—_—=———— ¥ Canadt ity: Creating a Travel Request Scenario #2 : Training on Environmental Awareness Date(s): January 14 10 16, 2015 Training Begins at : 9am Training Ends at: 4 pm (Note: training stats on Jan 14, you need tobe in Winnipeg onthe 13th) Fics. hte Text = Meals & incerta ot: Breakin ls proved each coy enor) = Onn caro oto emporn Craw = Ping taro LLocations(From) 200 Kent Ottawa, Ont (To), Best Western winnipeg. Man. ro7a04Activity: Creating a Travel Request ‘Scenario # 3: Conference in Washington, DC on Expense Management Conference Date(s): February 3 10 6, 2015 Conference Begins at : 9am Gonference Ends at : 5 pm Note: if conference stars on Fab 3, you need to leave on Feb 2 Fight Hote! Meals & Inert Tas ‘Own carto & from sipprt in Ottawa Parking at airport Note: Lunch is provided each day during the conference Location: Days Inn, Washington D6, 4400 Connecticut Avenue ‘Washington, District of Colombia, USA, 20008 we eme ee Canadit Approval Process for Booking Travel ionraoApproval Process for Booking Travel Aero on Reged —_ “ ibn tag o¥ER004 How to delete a Travel Request * Cannot delete a travel request that was approved or declined + Alltravel requests should have different names, since the name is the only way to locate which travel request you want todelete + Ifyou have a travel request approved, you can do the same procedure as if you wanted to delete it, but it will only de- ‘commit but the travel request would remain in your profile lor72014Creating an Expense Report erect) ‘We will be looking a the Webex inthe taining session ecco of Pocket ened Submit for Tc Activity: Creating an Expense Report ‘Scenario #1 : Day Trip for a Departmental Meeting. Location : Actual Trip Details : 475 Président-Kennedy Avenue Youaoe's Mondieal utiig a Montréal, Québec H3A 147 car rental Canada Date: January 23, 2015 Receipts: Meeting Begins at: 11 am a rata $355, + Patking - Meeting Ends at: 4 pm 1 Gane” Note: Lunch is provided at the meeting + Breakiast-T8 rate ———_—_—_—_—————— = Canadt ront7a0sActivity: Creating an Expense Report Scenario # 2 : Training on Environmental Awareness Location : ‘Actual Trip Details: Vancouver Convention Centre You took a fight and rented a hotel 1055 Canada Place ae Vancouver. BC, V6C 0C3 Canada * Flight Canada Airways $639 + Hotel $455 ‘ebruary 1016 12,2015 * Meals & incidentals, Date(s): ing Bogie Taxi to & from airport in Taining Bosine: Fob 10,2015 a ee erry Training Ends at: 4 pm + Quin car to & from airport in Note: Breakfast was provided at Svar: hotel each day. + Parking at airport in Ottawa $65. ————————— See 2 Canadt Activity: Creating an Expense Report ‘Scenario # 3: Conference in London on Expense Management Location : ‘Actual Trip Details: London Marriott Hotel Kensington You took a fight and rented a 147 Cromwell Road Kensington hotel room, London SWS 0TH + Flight Air Canada $2514.59 England + Hotel 4 nights @ $125.00 per right + Meals & incidentals + Taxis to & from alpor in London 36€ and 49 € + Own carto & from alport Conference Date(s): February 22 to 26, 2015 Conference Begins at: 9. am Conference Ends at: 5 pm Note: Lunch is provided each day during in Otawa the conference + Parking st airportin Ottawa $115 —l = Canadit lonyn018Approval Process for Expense Reports Questions? lon7a016a a anngeh sensed ot exssay9 favowyh )\€ “er we TS Ade te ~ EWEse2 Ore guest ofrey oe Sub ED OT | SPP Con LRSOb AH © Vebsr< gen dee te Boer a eeliear Creating a Travel Request (Full Solution) Travellers and Arrangers XY, $y (phe eeOgen KreD We Gua net Seecaik Vice os ypoom epee ae) = ae e Cie mManete . : boot Za 2 Trawek Ti reckve) : fo chet * Ve ee CAO ei RRS 7 Se o I IG + Cheese Cinarcay {a Gu QQ ereckore - tog © ss cocker © ‘ rs aa Cate £ regex eick mm Al + 3 pea (een ener Canada i ees. Eee.STS#SVP Asa Traveler/Travel Arranger you will be able to create trip estimates and book your travel arrangements through the Online Booking Tool (OBT). The OBT allows you to create a single travel itinerary using real time data which includes all your required travel segments The itinerary can be booked using an online or offline TAN. When using an online TAN, the Travel itinerary will be sent ‘through to the Expense Management Tool (EMT) for you to add in additional expenses before submitting the itinerary for approval. Contents of the Guide 1.0 20 3.0 40 5.0 60 70 80 9.0 10.0 110 120 13.0 140 15.0 16.0 ‘Access the STS Portal. ‘Access the Online Booking Too! (OBT).. ‘Adding a Flight Segment . ‘Adding a Hotel Segment. ‘Add a Car Rental Segment... ‘Add a Rail Segment Reviewing your Itinerary «1... Reviewing the APIS and TSA Details... ‘Complete Account and Payment Information . ‘Access Your Travel Request... ‘Add Additional Estimates in the Travel Request Review Financial Coding Blocks (FC8) Review Approval and Tolerance Details. Submitting a Travel Request for Approval. Complete Account and Payment Information - Offline TAN Complete Account and Payment Information - BTA... — H&Gaa? H2G Creating a Travel Request in the Online Booking Tool PRM cee ec 1.1 Launch your internet browser. The STS Portal is internet based and some departments may require your Internet password. The browsers that support the portal are: Firefox, Chrome (the last two versions) and Internet Explorer 1E8+ 11.2 Enter in the address bar. This is @ new address and is different from ones you have used previously to ‘book travel. 13 Select your language preference. You will be redirected to the Logon page. p ‘Add the link to your favorites in your browser. Welcome / Bienvenue ‘Shared Travel ServicesSTS#SVP 1.4 Enter your Username (TIN). 15 Enter your Password, 1.6 Click on Log on to continue. You willbe redirected tothe STS Pee 2 Portal T Remember Login HRG STS*svPSTS#SVP H 2.4 Click Manage Travel. 2.2 Click Book Travel to access the Online Booking Tool (OBT) The OBT will open. Ifyou are a Traveller proceed to step 2.4 Ifyou are a Travel Arranger continue to step 2.3, 2.3 Travel Arrangers will be asked to select who they wish to book travel for. 23.1 Select the appropriate option. PB sci eeiccnmse to book travel on their behalf. 2.3.2 Click Start. The Company/Accounting Details - Prebooking page will appear. pb ‘At any point, where the help logo is available you can access a separote pop up guide for further details on how to use the system. 2. Select the Travel Directive Module. 24.1 Fromthe drop down mapa rents Sorte menu select the Travel s=wsiem Auy omnes sale hs pot we Directive that applies to the itinerary you want to build. Do not modifythe TAN pm xe traveling for another cost centre other than your default cost centre. ~ =) Bb 242STS#SVP H ‘Sfared Travel Sonices de Sonics voyayo paranés 2.4.2 Click Continue. The Itinerary Details Page will appear. [ED Me wever modu which is selected wl determine what avel options ae availble to youn the OB" Travel Directive Module(s): |» M1- Within Headquarters - No Overnight: Only car, rental car, buses and taxis within Headquarters (approx 16km) can be booked. M2 - Outside Headquarters - No Overnight: Only one day flights, car and rail in Canada can be booked. J) M4- International - Overnight Stay: Air, car and hotel can be reserved for any destination. Rail can only be tial ance 2.5 Add Travel Segments. ‘There are four steps to adding each Travel Segment: you can add to an itinerary: 1. Search: Research the information on the travel segment by ) , ) 3 S entering information and searching the available cptions. 2. Select: Based on price, time and other options select the best Flight Hotel_ CarRental_—_Rail_—_option that meets the requirements of your department's travel policy. ‘Feoddh.sha follavdng Teaeel Segmantss 3. Confirm: Confirm the details on the travel segment, and add any idional information + Flight (continue to section 3.0) sonal information for the booking agent ‘* Hotel (continue to section 4.0) 4, Add: After * Car Rental (continue to section 5.0) the itinerary. « Train (continue to section 6.0) ng the information add the travel segment to TAN Al west we alk -ko book ~PRaok (hen, Pr’ Px) a (ssuech when gee are Aah TAN © ake “er £60STS*SyP 25.1 Click the corresponding logo oR 2.5.2 Choose the travel segment from the Travel menu on the left hand side. s e — ug on a Tov aL . Uncle Joke beole ¢ 4 -£ oD AR POI LK gecoer PRG Le = : Q request ee to"f. vsuetGy Lee ww eekT Can 59 Troe “ag ey ogres 4 :: mero per wii A al acl request oe pe be geal! cov wh Ded ince) up herve +e choc AL goerSTS#SVP HG EXO yea sss 3.1. Select the Flight option from the menu or click the icon. The flight search page will oppear. (@ Book fights Pleas prove information fr al boxes marked wth Search by. © Pice © © Avlainy © 32.4 + Leming fom: Going te | 323 ‘ Departure date. 2 — +/- Hours. osos0%4 =] (08:00 [x] [2 [x] ‘Class: 828 | Cle [Economy T=) Economy B @ Advanced options 3.2.8 Eadie gts erly Connection location. 3.2 Search for a flight. 3.2.1 Choose to search by Price or Availability. 324 Same rtum datas | & [ire0 TS) fz] 3.2.6 | Time: ‘s- Hours: 329 7 | IF booking for multiple destinations refer to section 3.2.7. By default the option willbe to search by Price according to your travel policy. 3.2.2 Choose the Journey type.STS#SVP 3.2.3. Enter your departure airport by typing either the airport or city name in the Leaving from text entry box. There will be a drop down menu that appears, click on the airport to select it Dp ‘Searching for airports: Airport: You can search for an airport using any part of the description — airport codes are a quick method and a list of popular tiport codes are available from the portal under the quick inks. For example, John F Kennedy Airport isisted as “New York, John F Kennedy International, United States (JFK)”. Therefore, it could be retrieved by typing “IFK”, "New York” or “John”. ‘Multiple Airports: n the case of cities that contain multiple airports, you do not have to specify which particular ane you wish to travel from orto. For example, you could choose to go from London All Airports to Tokyo All Airports. 3.24 Enter your arrival airport by typing either the airport orcity [wt 324 | name in the Going to text entry box. | There will be a drop down menu that appears, click on the ret cna ne 4 airport to select it. epee | {year moking 2 return ourey bt wish to return from odfeent pace, | jan aa PPD, sti hectare cetacean |= Swe ‘the Return From and Return To boxes. 3.25. Select your Date and 1e for Departure. e325 * Enter the date by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the required date. You can also type the date in the text box. * Select a Departure Time from the drop-down menu. * Indicate the time search criteria by using the +/- Hours menu, For example for o departure time of 9:00, +/-3 hours, times Srom 6:00 to 12:00 would be considered. When entering the departure date, you can click and drag across the calendar dates to complete the Return date at the same time.STS#SVP H ‘Shared Travel Sorioes do Serves voyage parts 3.2.6 Select your Date and Time for Return. = =» Sato fen eee ‘* Enter the date by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting, the required date. You can also type the date inthe text scowny box. ~ * Select a Return Time from the drop-down menu, © Indicate the time search criteria by using the #/- Hours menu, For example, for a departure time of 9:00, +/-3 hours, times {from 6:00 to 12:00 would be considered. 3.2.7 Booka multi destination trip, When booking a trip with multiple destinations you will need to enter information for multiple flight segments, a) Click the Multi-destination radio buttot (refer to section 3.2.2) ee, Eo The search page wil populate with 3 multi location options or segments. [= b) Complete the leaving from and going t. destinations for each segment. (refer te » sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4) ee } ¢) Enter the departure date for each segn: l (refer to section 3.2.5) a @) Click Add Segment if additional segments are required. ‘agent will intervene and an agent intervention p If the trip is more than 3 segments, a travel {fee will apply. 3.2.8 Expand the Advanced Options section and make the relevant selections if required. L When booking domestic flights within Canada, you may wish evans to check the Include Rail Search box, allowing you to compare | ==" the differences in cost and time between a rail and air Ln Journey. The cheopest ral and airfares are displayed at the top of the next stage in the booking process. You can switch ‘between the rail and flight lists by clicking the tabs next to ‘each other. This is not available for Multiple destination trips. 10STS#SVP HeG 3.2.9 Click Search. The View Itinerary page appecrs. a 3.3 Select the Flight Seam 3.3.1 Look through the details == of each flight. ee | 3.3.2 Ifyou wish to filter the results or change your search, see the menus on the left hand side. 3.3.3. Thereturn trip details appear below the departure details. To view more details on the trip click on Details in the right hand side menu. 3.3.4 Select the flight you want by clicking on the price A Confirmation page ‘oppears. 3.4 Confirm Flight Details. 3.34 rr = 3.4.1. Verify that you are satisfied with the details of your itinerary. 3.4.2 _ if you have the option, you may wish to choose seats for the flight(). 3.43 _ if you wish to make any special requests, expand the Additional Information section and type it into the box. The feature allows you to enter special requests, to be viewed by the agent handling the booking. p You are not able to paste text into these fields. | Additional handling fees will apply to requests made via the special requests box. "34.4 Click the Fare Rules link to see the p ‘terms and conditions of the airline(s). 3.45 you agree with the terms and conditions, select accept the terms and conditions check box. 35 Click Add to Itinerary. The system will show your Itinerary with the option to complete your trip details or add further travel segments onto the itinerary. CXC leek aus 4.1 Click on the Hotel Icon =) from the menu. inebetsearh ier 4.2 Search for a Hotel . ill default tothe destination as per the fight along with the Dp Ifo flight is already on the itinerary, the hotel search function relevant check in and checkout dates. 42.1 You can search by Location or Office. Complete one of the boxes. 4.2.2 Enter an amount into the distance field to filter your results further. For example, a distance of 10 km would bring up hotels within o 10 km radius ofthe location you hove selected. 12SisesvP H2G 4.2.3. Ifthere is. specific hotel that you would like to book, use the Hotel Part Name field, You can enter part of the hotel's name or it's full name. For example, typing "hil" or “hilton” would bring up Hilton hotels in the area that you have specified. 4.2.4 Youcan view the area that you have selected in further detail using the Google Map. Use the plus and minus buttons to zoom in or out. You can also view the area at street level (as if you were standing outside) by clicking and dragging the Google "Pegman" onto the map. 4.2.5 Complete the Check In Date box by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the required date, Alternatively, you may type the date into the box. 4.2.6 Either enter in the number of nights that are needed for the booking in the Nights field or choose your check in and checkout dates at the same time by clicking and dragging on the Check In Date calendar. When entering the check in date, you can click and drag across the calendar dates to complete the check out date at the same time. 4.2.7 Enter amounts into the Min. Rate and Max. Rate boxes, 4.2.8 Expand the Advanced Options section and select any facilities that are required. 4.29 Click Search. The View Itinerary page will appear. 13STS*SVP H2G 4.3 Select your Hotel. Please Note : Accommodation in the Government of ‘Canada (ACRD) is listed as “Company Preference” and is identified with a red heart. You must consult ‘the Government of Canada Accommodation and Car rental Directory (ACRD) to determine whether the Accommodation is within or above the city limit. Click on "Government of Canada Accommodation and Car rental Directory (ACRD)" at the top of the page. 4.3.1 _ Look through the details of each hotel option by clicking on its price to expand all of the available rooms and rates. | You may also wish to email or print | the hotel options. 43.2 To viewaall the available options on ‘a map, click Open Map towards the top right of the page or click on one of the Show On Map links. To view the details of one of the hotels within the map, click on its numbered marker. 4.3.3 Ifyou wish to filter the results or change your search, see the menus on the left hand side. 4.3.4 When you have made a decision, click on the price of the relevant room option. The hotels details page will oppear. [ED erm terete inate te 14STS#SVP Shard Tavel — Sorvows de ‘Senices voyage paronés 4.4 Confirm the Hotel Details, 4.4.1 Verify the Hotel Details and Stay Details sections. 4.4.2 Add the Membership Number (If applicable). Sarena gE eset ka eee eames sen ecieae scan! ee eC ee perience ae oe Soe ee eee 443 Verify the Room Details section. | = aii 4 eee viewed by the agent handling the booking. 4.5 Click Add To Itinerary. The system will show your itinerery with the option to complete your trip. details o add further travel segments onto the itinerary. 15STS#SVP H&G 5.1 Click on the Car Rental Icon &) from the TT cc 5.2. Search for a Car Rental. {fa fights already on the itinerary, the car rental pick up location will default to the departure airport 5.2.1 Choose an Airport or City Depot pick up location. 5.2.2 Type in your airport or city name and select from the list. p 5.23 oe eae eo nee, ir’ comiie 5.2.2 ‘averse 6.2.3 524 sa ‘If you choose an airport pick up location: information entered in the Carrier Cade and Flight No boxes is passed to the car hire vendor once the booking has been completed. Select whether to have the same drop off location using the check box. If you choose a different drop, off location, select the city or airport for drop off. 5.24 Complete the Pick Up Date box by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the required date. You may also type the date into the box, 2 You can choos he lop ond dropoff does athe same tine by licking and dragging on the Pk wp Date lender 5.2.5 Select a Pick up time from the drop-down menu, 5.2.6 Enter/Confirm the drop off dates and times. 5.2.7 Select your car size, transmission, and air conditioning preferences. 5.28 Click Search. The View Itinerary page will appear. 16STS#SVP 5.3 Select the Car Rental Please Note: Employees are required to purchase Collision Damage Waiver (COW) coverage from the car rental company, unless they have a government sponsored Individual Designated Travel Card (IDTC) that covers the CDW for vehicles listed in our Standing Offer only, a personal credit card that provides CDW, or the supplier does not accept the government sponsored IDTC. Please click on ACRD at the top of the page fora list of Car Rental Companies to choose from. = 5.3.1 Look through the details of each - = ‘company by clicking on its price to wens a expand all of the company's other ate options. aa - 5.3.2. You may wish to click the Show link to view the terms, to email or print the car hire options. 5.3.3 Ifyou wish to filter the results or change your search, see the menus on the left hand side. 5.3.4 When you have made a decision, click on the price of the relevant option. The Cor Hire Detail page will appear. 7STS#SVP ‘StaredTrovel Sores do ‘Severs vovane palants 5.4 Confirm the Car Rental Detai © corrertal dt 5.4.1 Add your Membership Number. 2 Ifa membership number for that car eer a hire company has been saved to your i profile/the profile of the person you are booking for, it will appear in the Membership Number box. Ifa membership number does not appear and you have one, simply type it into the box. 5.4.2 Ifyou wish to make any special requests, expand the Special requests section and type it into the box. The feature allows you to enter special requests, to be viewed by the agent handling the booking, You are not able to paste text into the field. t 2 Additional handling fees will apply to requests made via the special requests box. 5.4.3 Click the Terms and Conditions link and if you agree with the terms and conditions, select | accept the terms and conditions check box. 5.5 Click Add to Itinerary. The system will show your itinerary with the option to complete your trio details or add further travel segments onto the itinerary. 18STSeSyP H2G G EC Eee ued The Rail search page will appear. |@ Book rail | Please prove information fr al boxes marked wth Jourmey type: @Retum © One way 6.2.4 + Departure country: *! ze jee —, Nes | | Departure date 6.2.3 Time: 6.2.4 Return date 6.2.5 Time: cwoszois C3 — ([Deparatly] oal=][00[s] | ovaszom [Depart ate] 7 src | roses Advanced options 6.2.7 Ciditect trains only ony Conecton station © Via © pid arch for Rail Journeys. ‘a)__ Validate the Country information that is displayed. By default it will be Canada. b) To change the Country type in the country name into the text box and select it from the list that appears. ©) Enter the Departure station by typing in the city name and then selecting the station from the list that appears. 19STS#SVP H ‘Shared favel Soros 60 ‘Sovicus —voyane rarianés 6.2.3 Select the Arrival Information. a). Validate the Country information that is displayed. By default it will be Canada 'b) To change the Country type in the country name into the text box and select it from the list that appears Enter the Arrival station by typing in the city name and then selecting the station from the list that appears. 2 itis only possible to book rail for domestic journeys in Canada or Trans-border journeys from Canada into the USA. 2) Q 2) 628 IF you have a location in mind but don’t know what the closest station to that location is, click on the Nearest Station link 6.2.3 Complete the Departure Date box by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the required date. You may also type the date into the box. 6.2.4 Select a Departure time from the drop-down menu. 6.2.5 Complete the Return Date box by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the recuired date. You may also type the date into the box. When entering the return date, you can click and drag across the calendar dates to complete the Return date at the some time. 6.2.6 Select a Return time from the drop-down menu. 6.2.7 Mfrequired, set any Advanced options by ticking Direct trains only or specifying a station to go via or avoid. lick Search. The system will search forthe rail journey and will provide a results list which matches your search criteria. 20STS#SVP ‘Stared Servoes de ‘Senices _voyone paranés 6.3 Select the Rail Journey. 6.3.1 Select the relevant radio button next to the outbound ‘single fare and then the inbound single fare. The details of the journey are displayed in the Journey ‘Summary section on the left hand side. : ass Dimes You can view the det ofeach al opton using ether the Rall => one we Grd or ll st ob Both pages have Earlier and Later buttons, allowing you to easily | ‘adjust the times displayed. You can see a summary of each option by | ==". * ‘licking on a departure time. | 633 The cheapest fare is dsplayed at the top of the page. You com also see information onthe rail ules by clicking on a pice. If you wish to filter the results or change your search, see the menus on the left hand side. 63.2 _Atthe bottom of the page, click the terms and conditions link of the rail organization and check the box to say | accept the Terms and Conditions of Carriage. 63.3 Click Continue. The system will show the Ticketing and Fare Confirmation Page. 6.4 Confirm the ticket and fare. 6.4.1 Verify the details of the rail journey before Pence adding itto your itinerary by checking the . journey details section. 6.4.2 Under Fare details, ticket delivery type will be set as e-Ticket (e-boarding) | 6.4.3 You may be able to select seating. preferences; where possible they will be ‘met but cannot be guaranteed. Seating preferences are automatically retrieved from your profile if they were selected. a - 644 6.4.4 Click Proceed. The system will show a summary of your selected journey. aSTS#SV ShawaTael — Servoes de ‘Sonics voyage parade 6.5 Add the Rail Journey to the Itinerary 6.5.1 _fyouwish to make any special requests, expand the Additional Information section and type it into the box. The feature allows you to enter special requests, to be viewed by the agent handling the booking, You are not able to paste text into the field. Additional handling fees will opply to requests made via the special requests box. 65.2 Once you are satisfied with the rail details, click Add To Itinerary. a The system will show your itinerory with the ‘option to complete your trip details or add further travel segments onto the itinerary 22STS#SV ‘Sheed Travel Servows de 7.1 Click on View Details to view roe Your linear. = Yourcurent Rivero detas wit | Con sedplye. 2 aes || | mae ==, | at eve seater se 7.2 Review and Change your Itinerary. Ifyou change your mind about any segment that you have ¢ the itinerary, its easy to cancel it as the booking has not ye made. Segments of an itinerary are cancelled from the Itine: Details poge. 7.2.1 Change any element of your itinerary by clicking Amend. 7.2.2 Delete any element of your itinerary by clicking Cancel. 7.3 Click Complete Trip Details. The system will redirect you to the APIS and TSA details page. H&G 23STS#SVP H&G EXON CU) Sea ‘APIS stands for Advanced Passenger Information System and TSA for Transportation Security Administration. Ifyou are travelling to or from certain countries, to be able to fly, you are required to provide certain traveler and passport details before check-in. Dp This information is only required when the itinerary contains a fight: 8.1 Review your information and make changes if required. If you change your traveler detoils and click Save Traveler Details To My Profile, your profile will be updated. 8.2 Once you have made your selections, if any, click Next to proceed. You willbe directed to the Accounting and payment page. QPPISE TSA deals | isass——- ee 24STS#SVP Pome ee eerie ce endear ere een 9.1 Confirm the itinerary and Payment information. 9.1.1 Verify the Travel Segments and their costs in the se Itinerary. To make any modifications to the segments refer to section 7.0. ac a * 92 Selita i 9.1.2 Verify the Payment method being used for each segment. You can make changes to the information on the trip ‘by licking on the Personal Credit Card link. 1 wil cllow ‘you to modify the Information for this trip only. (On the Account and Payment 7 information page at the bottom Company accounting details, 9.24 of the page (scroll down if ysl he tone satings na ben sect om your pte required) to see the Company ‘Te! ice Mose (Wi aaa Re mai ° ‘accounting details. fe THCEE Top Caley THEE Gt Expanation (035 Ay 9.2 Completing the apie eter rin TH ‘Company accounting details Fite Yur | using online approval. | eRe ent ea y | | rates TS] Ifyou are ing an Offline TAN to complete your booking, proceed to step 15. if you are using a Blanket Travel Authority (BTA), proceed to step 16.0 25STS#SVP Sheree Pavel Sovoos do ‘Senices voyare paras 9.2.1 _Fillin the Company accounting details: a) The Travel Directive Module is linked to your company policy and cannot be amended at this point. b) Choose an option from the THCEE Trip Category drop-down-menu. Enter the Fiscal Year. ¢)_ Leave the offline TAN field empty. Travel request details Proace select your Blanket Trae{ ‘Authorization (appicable) 9.22 Fillin the Travel request det a) Leave the Blanket ‘4 Depart date: 2erenr2014 Travel Authority blank. Feta 2 922 my + Finish date: 27014] b) The Depart Date ‘Auto book upon appro F] and Finish Date boxes should already contain the start and end dates of your trip (picked up from your itinerary), ‘2 ‘you need to change your dates, edt the Depart Date box by clicking onthe calendar icon and selecting the date that the trp begins. Alternatively, you may aso type the date into the box 9 '* Auto Book: Is automatically selected, if you would like to book automatically upon approval Manual Booking: If you would prefer to later go back your itinerary and manually click to book once approval is received for the trip, clear the Auto-book upon approval check box. PD, ornate note cet. ak eck sk he automatically be booked for you once approval has been granted. 26STS#SVP ‘Shared Tavel — Sorvovs do ‘Sevices voyage paranss 9.2.3 Enter the EEvEnEEEEEEEEEennee —— information inthe Save Save inerary oe Itinerary section. Hold nip | [Create travel request | [ Cancel 92.3b a) Inthe Trip Name box, give the trip a name following the format, where, why and when Example: Halifax Training Conf Sep 2014. ‘After you have given the trip a name and submitted the travel request, you will be able to go back toi, if required, by clicking Itinerary and then Search Itineraries, in the main Travel Menu. ) Click Create Travel Request and you will automatically be redirected to the Expense management Too! {EMT) to add additional expenses to your Travel Request before submitting it for approval. You can click Cancel to be taken back to the Itinerary Details page where you can moke changes to the trip or cancel it altogether (by clicking Cancel itinerary) Hold Trip will appear when there are fights on your itinerary. When using Online approval, the option to Hold Trip will not be selectoble. Bo aSTS*SV3 He Submitting your Travel Request using the EMT. KOM cossoh Cae me Cs 10.4 Access the Expense Management tool (EMT) te | [[eeseneten Cancel 10.1.1 Access the system by clicking Create Travel 10.4.4 Request from the OBT. (See section 9.2.3 b) Request, click Manage Expenses from the main menu. 10.1.2 Ifyou are accessing a previously created Travel HeG STS#SVP 10.2 Access your Travel Request. Hfyou are accessing the EMT through the BT request proceed to Step wt. Welcome Charles Jones | 0 40.2.4 10.2.1 Select Travel Request from the left hand menu. ‘The Account Statement ‘page will oppear. 10.2.2 Select the appropriate travel request by selecting the nppatpbed as, The Trovel Request Det page mete ee ee =I ™ — 1022 28STS#SVP PEROMEC CEG Ch Curses URLoEN mit teas 111 Clickon the green Ton ep nhc check mark“ next to the “se ‘name of the request. Trandate Sumy pense ReponAnoutet The Travel Request: Details | ses ran van[op s+ ‘poge appears on the “Rati tray e081 Expenses Tab. “othe nat tort ‘rave Request sponses 112 are ae noe DoS treet 9 Seco meee Click on the appropriate hyperlinked expense that you wish to add an | sac face estimate for from the Spend Wizard options page. The appropriate expense type page appears. ‘Spend Wizard: Options page. Hover over the expense type ‘name fora description. a : enSTS+SVP H2G 11.3 Enter the estimate Amount and Sub Type details 114 Click Save. The details required for e0ch expense type may vary Expense type details page. ata slightly 115 For some expense types you will need to complete the Comments section. 11.6 Click Save. Fad = 15 The Coding tab appears. —— | wens | ssiepeaew 112 5 Expense Type Comments page JD, cone en rt nit If your Travel Request must be reviewed by a recommended prior to approval, add the Recommender Approval Dp ction from the Spend Wizard page.gueqey? HeG jew Financial Coding Blocks (FCB) Review the breakdown of the financial coding blocks (FCBs) for each expense category. | tats ome 1228 | = — a if you are changing the FCB proceed to Step 12.2.1, if you are not changing the FCB proceed to Step 12.2.8 12.2 Change the FCB as required. im = a 4224 1221. Chek the down arow next tothe FEB you wantto Fa]: change. I Bb 12.22 ‘drop down Ist appears. L Is If there is no down arrow next to the FCB code, you cannot change this code. 12.2.2 Click Search. The Cost Center Search page appears. 3STS#SVP Shared Tavet ‘Senices use. 12.2.3. Enter the Code Value or Description of the FCB you want to Sonvoes de voyane paras Ifyou are unsure ofeither value, lick Search foraistof a Fas. 12.2.4 Click the Up arrow # to select the appropriate FCB. B Uf this isa code used often but is not your default, you can add this as @ Favourite for future use. Once you locate the code, lick the Right arrow ~ next to the FCB code which will now display as a Favourite. These will display on step 42.2.1, and you can have up to 15 FCBs saved as @ Favourite. To change your default FCBs, do this through your profile ‘on the Portal. 12.2.5 Repeat steps 12.2.1-12.2.4 for other FCBs you wish to change. 12.2.6 Use the Comments text box to communicate additional information to your Approver. The maximum character limit for this field 1s $00 characters. Wo Cot Cntr Favere +l Company Code - Search Pease starch fot he coe you req. Noe ma oe st 60 Bragg opto cleaned Code Value Description Valid Codes Only Yes @ Alle | ] 00001 westis astanaeastis west > 7 > | | 0130 susnce cane ray | ] 1000 StS UAT Depanment ap | 1271 cREDT_ APPR 2p ‘24 age wien | 92STS#SVP Shad Travel Senveas do ‘Senices voyage parianés 12.2.7 Click the Paperclip if you wish to add documentation relating to your trip. fa fn reser an attachment. | Cones 12.2.8 Click Save. The Travel Request: Details - Approval tob appears. FERMI Sc en Re eae sec The approval tab displays the name of the approver assigned to this travel request. If the Recommender Review ‘option wes added to the request, the recommenders name would also be displayed on this page. The Approver and Recommender can be modified from this page. [TravelReqest Denis col =| ane S32 Approval jl | = sopovee 0 {passer € senna ere ta44 | | = | | |STS#SVP 13.1 Selecting an Alternate Approver. 13.1.1. Click on Set Alternative Approver. saz geo A Set Alternative Approver pop up will display. 13.1.2 Click the $82 Approver drop down menu and select the alternative approver from the list. Jf the Approvers name you are searching for does not appear in the drop-down list it means this approver has not been assigned to the cost centre you have identified for this trip. p This will update approvers if you have multiple coding lines, but can be changed by repeating Step 13.1.2, 13.1.3 Click Save. The Set Alternative Approver pop up will disappear and you are taken back to the Travel Request: Details - Approval tab. 13.1.4 Click Next. You are taken to the Approval Tolerance Settings tab.STSeSVP HG ‘Seviose voyage prtaass Travel Request: Detais erm . ‘Aoproial Tolerance Seingt ‘en ; Sas e ° a > ae Tm price variation from the estimate obtained by the OBT during the research process. This amount should not be modified, except by an Approver. If they need to be changed please request this in the Traveller comments (step 13.1), B45 Dp Approval tolerances will be set by your department. The tolerance feature allows for a percentoge Ga 13.15 Click Save. A pop up appears returning you to the Account Statement - Travel Request poge.STS*syP HG for Approval Travel Request (Charles Jones - Surmary Statement ‘Travel Request Detats CAD ‘ranate summary exmzze pst “Tete eto ama ose on 3022085 144 Travel Request. Breaktown eked tems catego Mocated Cat Out etPockat Expenses Saree Vic Renta est econ O81) Amount 2181 6 14.1. Click the Submit for Approval icon. 14.2 Appop up will appear. Click Ok. This temas now been Submited The Submit for Approval icon will change toa grey dash Bp: To remove your travel request Stet heat iT Dp {from the approval process, click TranDate Summary Expense Report Amount Inc viiaitondresanityar | Semi eH oa soe cai ran center |) EO eee eeaee re eres weeSTS#SVP Shed Tavs! — Senions de ‘Sovices vovaqe parands H&G BEM Paso OLS Ae SACO en HTRLLANND The below process is for users with an offline TAN, 15.1 Confirm the itinerary and Payment information. 15.1.1 Verify the Travel Segments and ‘their costs in the Itinerary. To ‘make any modifications to the segments refer to section 7.0. Pamecirtemaicn ] ee Cont Parmesan Foeoe | Bim tr 154.2" 1542 Sia ome = 15.1.2 Verify the Payment method being used for each segment. You can make changes to the information p cn the trp by clicking an the Personal Credit Card lin. It will allow you to modify the information for this trip only. (On the Account and Payment information Je at the bottom of the page (scroll Gonn reqaedoseetie company Comverse | agg ‘accounting details. : 1 Wt Heads Ws og ° 42 casei he bine steer en anon accounting details using an offline B ‘atc ZT] antes] 7STS*SyP H2G 15.2.1 Fillin the Company accounting details: a) The Travel Directive Module is linked to your company policy and cannot be amended at this point. ) Choose an option from the THCEE Trip Category drop-down-menu. ). Enter the Fiscal Year. d)_ Enter your offline TAN into the Offline TAN field @) Inthe Rationale for not using virtual presence select the option that describes why an alternative to making a journey/booking accommodation is not viable. sey The system will auto validate your TAN number. If the TAN number entered is invalid on error message will display Vand you will be unable to continue with the booking process. 15.2.2 Fillin the Travel request details: a) Leave the Blanket Travel Travel request details Authority blank. Please select your Blanket Travel’ ¥] Authorization (if applicable): b) The Depart Date and Finish Date + Depat date: figmumota boxes should already contain the Apet6-14 start and end dates of your trip | (picked up from your itinerary). Finish date: Figroarzo1s Ta) PD srt tence it rrr tory cig ot rt ot ‘that the trip begins. Alternatively, you may also type the date into the box. ‘Save itinerary 15.2.3 Enter the information in the Save Itinerary section. : Hoidp | (Booknow | [Canes Bus a) Inthe Trip name box, give the trip a name following the format, where, why and when. Example: Halifax Training Conf Sep 2014. After you have given the trip a name and submitted the travel request, you will be able to go back to It, frequired, by clicking Itinerary and then Search itineraries, in the main Travel Menu.STS#SVP Share ravet— Sendoos de Sevices voyane paranss b) Click Book now. You will be directed to the itineraries page and the status of your booking will be displayed. Hold trip willbe available when flights are on the itinerary. (xs eswaicn wal ovba You will be advised by the OBT how long the reservation will | chsnz= Yow zeta UZ be held for. Hop Cael * Manage Expenses © p To view your Travel Request inthe Expense management tool, click Expense Management System from the Manage Expenses tab. If you are adding additional estimates to your Travel request, proceed to Section 11.0 If you are not adding additional estimates to your Travel request, proceed to Section 14.0] 30STS*SyP HG ‘voyage pananse BUCO duced ters Max te eS The below process is for users with a Blanket Payment feraton ] Take Auto, eoeeetettertc te temainnnceomamninnnins | scone woey ots on my a 16.1 Confirm the itinerary and Payment ican ea mim ace calala| inform Ean 161. =" 164.2 16.1.1 Verify the Travel Segments and Saeet = their costs in the itinerary. To aaeeiieend segments refer to section 7.0. ‘Dicnas ae ngars Whee mace ope test nas ts wey ona cade Sage | | ‘make any modifications to the | | 16.1.2 Verify the Payment method being used for each segment. ‘on the trip by clicking on the Personal Credit Card tink. ¢ will ollow you to modify the You can make changes to the information Information for this trip only. (On the Account and Payment information ‘page at the bottom of the page (scroll ‘Company accounting datas 1824 down if required) to see the Company yan omg tings ha ee sect a ae ‘accounting details. Taw (iW ae CRE ep Ce a 16.2 Completing the Company RES Or Seen 8a) accounting details ple ty ates TH etter cA etesisesyp Hc a) b) °) dq) e) 16.2.1 ill in the Company accounting details: ‘The Travel Directive Module is linked to your company policy and cannot be amended at this point. Choose an option from the THCEE Trip Category drop-down-menu. Enter the Fiscal Year. Leave the offline TAN field blank In the Rationale for not using virtual presence select the option that describes why an alternative to making a journey/booking accommodation is not viable. 16.2.2 Fillin the Travel request details: a) Choose the Blanket Travel ‘Authority from the drop down box ‘you wish to use. The system will auto validate the selected BTA to ensure its valid for the travel itinerary. b) The Depart Date and Finish Date boxes should already contain the start and end dates of your trip (picked up from your itinerary). asTS+ HRG voyage partagés RD. pretest yr tent ear tot tin ener an nde ect thet Sgn tray, 01 ma ah pe th tei eb. €)_ Select your booking option: ‘© Auto Book: Is automatically selected. Manual Booking: if you would prefer to later go back your itinerary and manually click to book once approval is received for the trip, leave the Auto- book upon approval box unchecked, Your reservation is not guaranteed until booked. Ifyou check the auto book box, the trip will automatically be booked {for you once opprovol has been granted. 16.2.3 Enter the information in the Save | Save itinerary Itinerary section. Tip name: [—— Gieaie ual equest | [Cancel a ai hing sa ae a) Inthe Trip name box, give the trip a name following the format, where, why and when. Example: Halifax Training Conf Sep 2014. ‘After you hove given the trp a name and submitted the travel request, you willbe able to go back tit if required, by licking itinerary and then Seorch itineraries, n the main Travel Menu. b) Click Create travel request. You will be directed to the EMT. I you are adding addtional estimates to your Travel request, proceed to Section 11.0 If you are not adding addtional estimates to your Travel request, proceed to Section 14.0 42FEM Stephan Qrovlk stephane . proulx@Afo onpo-¥ Caralyn Cam phel( Carclyn - campbell @ dto-mgo.¢ Ca Teunel= oar gree ae mp Ge. a Creating an Expense Report lon now Bh § ROO expnree LR en aD Se pene Rete’ as ype hens arene i. O° Thich unit doles Degman noe oe cores Cr leek to a fyowed reece wor hk WALD SF cOsch ow Athen wor oct an, Saagerke Cn ee SRR H2eG a Cot oyiine GINS Gom eb.STS#SV. Shared Travel Sovvees 60 ‘Sonices voyage parianés H&G The Expense Report is created within the Expense ‘Management Tool (EMT) and is used to reconcile your budgeted estimates created from your Travel Request, and request reimbursement for expenses incurred during travel. Contents of the Guide 10 20 3.0 40 5.0 60 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Review and Submit Expense Report for Approval. 11.0 Manage an Expense Report. ‘Access the STS Portal... Locate your Travel Request in the EMT.... Review and Add Credit Card Transactions... Assign Expense Categories to Credit Card Transaction: Adding Out of Pocket Expenses. Review Financial Coding Blocks (FCB) Finalize an Expense Report. Upload Receipt Images, Attach Receipt Images to Expenses.SISesyp H2G 0 12 Launch your internet browser. i e @ @ The STS Portal internet based and some departments may require your Internet password. ‘The browsers that support the portal are: Firefox, Chrome (the last two versions) and internet Explorer E+. 1.2 Enter httos:// in the address bar. [DD bem atiesennsieetionens ome dpe bso 1.3 Select your language preference. You will be redirected to the Logon page. p Hat the ok 0 ear yor iver Welcome/ Bienvenue Shared Travel Services Services de voyage partagésSTS#SV. Shared avd — Sones de ‘Seniccs voyepe rarianés 1.4 Enter your Username (TIN). 1L5 Enter your Password. 166 Click on Log on to continue. You will be redirected to the STS Portal. | STS+#SVP 5 —STS#SVP ‘StardTiavl — Sonioos do Sevees vovene pars (een er eer 2.1 Click Manage Expenses. The EMT opens. 2.2 Select Travel Request from the left navigation menu, A list of your Travel Requests is displayed. 2.3 Click on the name of the approved Travel Request you are referencing to create the Expense Report. The Travel Requests & Expenses page is displayed. | | STS#SVP | ShaedTinal Senco do ‘Sevece voyage rtagt D:: —‘Shared Tel STS#SVP Services do ‘Sevens voyage patants QWGintenc et cker nei miei 3.1 Click the Paper Clip * icon. The Transaction Linking & Allocation pop up will pear. 3.2 Click the Account down arrow to select your credit card account. The account drop down is updated with the card account you have selected, The credit card feed contains dota from the ‘departmental DTEC card (Air and Rail bookings) and DTC cards registered in the users’ profil. 3.3 Click the Period down arrow to select the card statement period your transactions are located in, The period drop down is updated with the statement period you have selected. 3. Click Ok. AA list of credit card transactions from your selected card ‘account and statement period will appear. Peto mo 34 | arena sate | | pcr | PetesSTS#¢SVP Shared Travel Sanicas do ‘Sevces voyage paranés 3.5. Click the right arrow to link the credit card transaction to your Travel Request. Your selected transaction is linked to your travel request. _meons the transaction Is linked to another expense report. If there is no right arrow next to the transaction, this Click the left arrow * to remove the credit card transaction from the list. Transaction feeds do not need to be added to your Travel Request. 3.6 Repeat steps 3.3 -3.5 until you have linked all your, credit card transactions. Click Select Alto link al displayed credit card transactions 3.7 Click Save. ‘his wingoralons ou ssarchanainttamaacons ms | You will be retuned to the Account Statement Travel | weeiesincrontancramases orate | Requests & Expenses pose. ‘Shsiw andar ste Sosa aone ‘The credit card transactions you have selected now appear a Linked Items to your Travel Request. The next step is to ‘assign an expense type to each of the credit card expenses,STS#SVP 4.1 Click the red cross ® icon from the linked credit card |“=*= transaction, eae itn The Transaction Details pop up will appear. 42 Click the relevant expense type from the Spend Wizard menu p The Spend Wizard menu disploys this ist of available expense — types. Hover over the expense type fora meio FE description Sai | | I 4.3. Enter Amount and Sub Type details. Certain expenses require a comment. For these ‘expenses, the system will force you to enter a comment ‘on the Comments tab prior to saving. 44 Click Save. You are returned to the Transaction: Details, Coding tab. 45. If ouare changing your Financial Code Blocks (FCB), Proceed to Step 7.2. If you are not changing your FCB, lick Close. Clicking Close will return you to the Account Statement, Travel Requests & Expenses screen. Less 4.6 Repeat Steps 4.1 to 4.5 until all credit card transactions 5 s] have assigned expense types.5.1 From the top right hand ‘Account Stemert menu, click Out of Pocket ‘echner Expense: Create New Item. | Fr ‘An Out of Pocket Expenses: | totewet ac Create New Item pop up will ag See: tm emer erty! Amare 5.2 Enter your information on the Out of Pocket Expenses: Create New Item pop up. 5.2.1 Enter the expense type details in the | nen Outof Pocket Expenses: Create New item Description field, | ithe Name = ques ae | eee ae | The default description is the Travel Request | ae Sanaa SpneeenNS Fae p nome its recommended add descpion |S area 7 Of the expense ype oftr the Tove Request : name. Example: Toronto Conference — TAXI. Vi si 5.2.2 Enter the date the expense was | source Provncsisute © = | Frenange Rate incurred in the Date field fing Cureory _@ Caan Oaiar 2 The defo dates todo’ dot. oo es 5.23 Select Source Country. The default source country s Canada ond should be changed if your expense incurred elsewhere. 5.2.4 Select Province / State. Even though this field is optional, itis highly recommended to enter the applicable Province/State os the information used here determines the tax rate for the expense. 5.25 Select Billing Currency. The default billing currency is Canadian Dollar. This is also the currency in which your expenses wil be reimbursed.STsesyp HG oye arias 5.2.6 Ifapplicable, enter Exchange Rate. 527 Click Save. Dp The Out of Pocket Expenses: Detlls page wll oppear dsploying the Expenses tb. 5.2.8 Click on the appropriate expense type from the Spend Wizard menu. The appropriate expense type page appears. DB Hover over the expense type fora description. 5.2.9 Enter the receipted Amount and Sub Type details Certain expenses require «comment. For p there expenses the sytem wil force you (enter « comment on the Comments tab prior to saving, 5.2.10 Click Save. The Transaction: Details, Coding tab is displayed. eee) On the Coding tab, you will see your FCB codes already populated. These codes have been taken from your Expense Details in the Portal, or from codes configured associated with the expense type selected. If you are changing your FCB, proceed to Step 7.1. If you are not changing your FCB, proceed to Step 8.0 6.1 Click the down arrow | next to the applicable FCB. A drop down list appears. 6.2 Click Search. ———— The at ener Sach pape pes ee] FD Yoeesrsomaronrenwuersenys | B=: cannot change this code. ae 62 10STS#SVP Shaea Tavs — Savese do ‘Seviess voyage paranés 6.3 Select the Code Value or Description of the FCB you wish to use. If you are unsure of either value, click Search for a list of all FCBs. 6.4 Click on the Up arrow “I to select the appropriate Fee. This action will close the Search window. If this so code used often but is not your default, you can add this as a Favourite for future use. To do this, click the Right arrow “* next tothe ‘appropriate FCB code. This FCB will now display under Favourites. You can have up to 15 FCBs saved as a Favourite To permanently change your default FCBs, do this through your profile on the Porta 6.5 Repeat Steps 7.1-7.5 for other FCBs you wish to change. 6.6 Use the Comments text box to communicate additional information to the approver. The maximum character limit for this field is S00 charocters. 6.7 Click Save. ‘An Expense Report Linking Required pop up will appear. This is only a warning message that indicates this expense Js not yet associated with an expense report. This step will be completed once all expenses have been accounted for, ‘and you create the expense report. 6.8 Click Close. You will be returned to the Account Statement page. "1 2 omSTS*SyP HG ‘Senices voyage paianés 6.9 Repeat Steps 5.1 - 7.8 until you have recorded all your Out of Pocket expenses for your trip. The list of Out of Pocket expenses and credit card transactions you have linked to your Travel Request will be displayed. They will show with a red cross * , but will change to. green tick ~ once the expense report is Jinalized. | Account Statement Travel Requests & Expenses ‘erty Jones ~ Summary Statement Travel Request stats | | tan bate summary Expense Report Amount net | seman wap ans oye Lunectams | zeovante Amacom weep | eovzin4 — odtrPecsetewenses vk Waerough 082 Feed amen | O70 Out PecetEopnses VK Wallvous 0602 Tas ame | uae | | 7.1 Click Expense Report: Create New Item, An Expense Report: Create New Item pop up will appear. 7.2 Enter the expense report name in the Description field. recommended naming convention is Travel Request Name + Expense Report. Example: Ottawa Dental Conference - Expense Report 1 The default description isthe Travel Request name. The 7.3. Select Billing Currency. 2STS#SVP ‘Shiced Travel Sevens de ‘Sonices voyage partaots ‘The default billing currency is Canadian Dollar. This is ip etc So 8 br cote wa sinaad 7A Select Transaction Dat. The deat dnte bs the crpenss A cecton dot. The Expiration Date should not be modified as its the date the expense report s considered closed and will be removed _from their Expense Report Summary. 7.5 _ If you will not be creating another Expense Report against this Travel Request, select the Final Expense Report checkbox. 7.8 Check the Recommender Review Required box if you ‘would like to have your Expense Report reviewed by a recommender prior to final approval. Section 10.0 Review and Submit Expense Report for Approval describes how to verify who your recommender is. 7.7 Enter additional comments in the Comments field. 7.8 Click Save. The Account Statement - Expense Report screen appears displaying the details of your Expense Report, your linked Out of Pocket expenses and creditcard transactions. The coding status of your linked transactions is naw @ Green Check mark * . jp 61 Expense Report Create New lem ] FstoceeRened ee Eee ‘This process outlines the various methods available in the EMT to upload receipt images to your Image Library. You do not need to wait until a credit card transaction or out of pocket expense has been loaded into the system - this process can be done at any time. Ifyou are emi ‘your receipt images from your Smartphone or email application to the EMT, proceed to section 8.1 Emailing Receipts Images. If you are faxing your receipt images to the EMT, proceed to section 8.2 Faxing Receipt Images. 13STS#SVP ‘Sared Travel Sardoes do ‘Soviess —_voyano prtaée H&G if you are uploading your receipt images through File Explorer, proceed to section 8.3 Upload Receipts using File Explorer. 8.1 Emailing Receipts Images. 8.1.1.Click Manage Receipt Images. The Manage Receipt Images pop up will ‘appear. 8.1.2.Click Upload via Email. The Upload via Email pop up will appear displaying your unique upload email adress. Save this email address to your contacts list or ‘address book to avold manually entering this address each time. 8.1.3.£mail your image receipts as email attachments from your Smart phone or email application to this email address. Dp You do nat need to add a message, or subject to your email. Images are sent and automaticaly Toaded into your Image Library. 8.1.4.Click Close. 8.1.5.To attach your emailed receipts to ‘expenses, proceed to section 9.0 Attach Receipts to Expenses 14 [I Upload via Email Tvplos caps oor acount ama, passer recat emalaguese alow ‘a rcammand eaung ie el stacey coactet o ‘ess boot lo alc hang ear eel aes5 eeeesi? HeG 8.2 Faxing Receipt Images 8.2.1.Click Manage Receipt Images. The Manage Receipt Images pop up will ‘appear. Ensure your computer is connected to a printer in "a . ‘order to print out the Fox Template for step 8.2.3 8.2.2.Click Upload via Fax. The Fax Template will appear. 8.2.3.Click Print, This will send the Fax Template to your connected printer for printing. 8.2.4, Attach as many receipts as you wish to the Fax Template, ensuring your receipts fit within the border of the fax template. Repeat step 8.2.3 if you have more receipts to attach. 8.2.5.Fax all pages to 1 855 823 8576. ‘Once the fax has been sent, images are loaded {9s a pdffile to your Image Library 8.2.6.To attach your faxed receipts to expenses, weep cocvigts foe at Vast 5 peesSTS+SVP HeG proceed to section 10.0 Attach Receipts to Expenses. 8.3 Upload Receipts using File Explorer 8.3.1.Click Manage Receipt Images. oral The Manage Receipt Images pop up will lecrine Srey et ‘appear. 8.3.2.Click Upload. The File Upload pop up will appear. 8.3.3.Browse to the file location where your receipts are stored and click the file to select. The File Name field will populate with the nome of the selected file. png, tif, ls, xlsx, .doc, docx and pdf with a p The following files can be uploaded: jpg, .joea, gif, ‘maximum single fle size of 5MB. 16STS#SVP ‘Shard Tal Sovoes do Sevees voyeneparagis 8.3.4.Click Open. ad ‘An Upload New Image pop up will eppear | disploying the upload progress of the fle. | . success The os) were successtuy uploaded: ‘A Success message will appear once the upload ate came 's completed. eo a 8.3.5.Click Cancel to close Manage Receipt Links. You are returned to the Manage Receipt Images page. 8.3.6 Repeat steps 8.3.2 to 8.3.5 to upload additional receipt images. 8.3.7.Proceed to step 9.1 once all your receipt images have been uploaded. Use Filters to locate and scroll images you have loaded. Selecting the Linked Images radio button
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