Lesson Plan Outline
Lesson Plan Outline
Lesson Plan Outline
The student will identify The students will be
one sight word during
asked before the story
the read aloud
to put their finger on
their nose when they
see a sight word. The
teacher should make
sure all of the students
have put their finger on
their nose at least once
during the city
The students will work
After the story is read
together as a class to
aloud, the class will be
put the story pages in
partnered up and each
order from beginning,
partner will be given a
to middle to end.
page. They will be
instructed to line up
with their pages in the
correct order. Some
adult questioning is
allowed to help the
students get in order.
After they have lined
up, I will flip back
As the children enter the room for recess instruct them to get a
drink of water, use the restroom, etc. and find a seat on the
carpet for the read aloud.
Today we are going to read a book that I was read when I was in
kindergarten, just like you!
Wow! You all did a fantastic job! Have a seat on your squares
and get ready for the next activity! I will collect all of the pages
and the book and put them aside.
The kids could have a hard time remembering the way that the
book went. Before they get frustrated, I would step in and help
the students with the activity.
The copies could turn out bad and the students couldnt see what
was going on in the pictures, I would write a short description on
the back and explain what they were as I handed out the pages.