Oclusion, Guia Canina Revision Bibliografica, 2007
Oclusion, Guia Canina Revision Bibliografica, 2007
Oclusion, Guia Canina Revision Bibliografica, 2007
relevant to science and evidence-based decision making. We provide a provocative and insightful perspective on what constitutes the optimal functional occlusion type for orthodontic treatment. Our goal was to
call orthodontists to reconsider their views on functional occlusionparticularly CPOin light of current
knowledge and evidence. Many peripheral topics, issues, and controversies about functional occlusion,
such as centric relation,17 articulators in orthodontics,18
and the general topic of occlusion, TMD, and orthodontics19-23 was addressed in previous studies.
Classic studies by Angle24,25 and a later study by
Andrews26 established criteria for the optimal (ideal)
morphologic relationship of the human dentition (although there is little evidence of a biological relationship associated with these criteria). However, the optimal functional occlusion type has not been so easily
identified and has essentially eluded the dental profession. Ash and Ramjford27 wrote: Orthodontic classifications are related more to anatomic and esthetic
standards than to neuromuscular harmony and functional stability. It has not been possible to develop a
consensus on a numerical index or system of values that
applies both to form and function of the masticatory
system. Based primarily on laterotrusive movements
from centric occlusion, several functional occlusion
types were recognized or advocated: balanced occlusion,28,29 CPO,1,30-36 group function occlusion,37-41
mixed canine-protected and group function,42 flat plane
(attrition) teeth occlusion,43,44 and biologic (multivaried, physiologic) occlusion.45
No single type of functional occlusion has been found
to predominate in nature. For example, DAmico,1 Ismail
and Guevara,46 and Scaife and Holt2 all found that CPO
predominated, whereas Beyron41 and MacMillan37
found predominance of group function occlusion. In
addition, the natural occurrence of balanced occlusion
(ie, with nonworking contacts) was found in populations studied by Weinberg,47 Yuodelis and Mann,48
Ingervall,49 Gazit and Lieberman,50 Sadowsky and
BeGole,51 Sadowsky and Polson,52 Rinchuse and Sassouni,53 Shefter and McFall,54 deLaat and van Steenberghe,55 Ahlgren and Posselt,56 Egermark-Eriksson
Well over a century ago, Bonwill and Gysi recommended balanced occlusion (bilateral balanced and
3-point contact) for denture construction.27 The thinking was that, to prevent dislodgement, the denture must
have at least 3 points of contact during all possible
mandibular movements: Bilateral balanced and threepoint contact has been sponsored chiefly by prosthetists
in order to secure a supposed mechanical advantage in
stabilization of dentures.37 In the 1930s, McLean59
contended that this concept also applied to the natural
dentition. He based his conjecture on his examinations
of animals and humans. He further believed that periodontal bone resorption would result from excessive
occlusal forces if teeth were not bilaterally balanced.
About the same time, MacMillan37 took a different
view and recommended a shift from balanced occlusion
(ie, bilateral balanced) to unilateral balanced occlusion
for both natural and prosthetically restored dentitions.
He believed that bilateral balanced occlusion never
existed in nature, either in animals or man. His evidence was based on the evaluation of various types of
masticatory excursions of lower animals. Arguing in
favor of unilateral balanced occlusion over bilateral
balanced occlusion, MacMillan37 stated: Unilateral
balance in molar mastication is beautifully illustrated in
comparative anatomy. He also contended that the
analysis of the masticatory process in humans via
cinematography demonstrated that the nonworkingside teeth do not come in contact during mastication:
The buccal cusp of the mandibular molar of the idle
side never comes in contact with the lingual cusp of the
maxillary molar.
Once balanced occlusion was considered obsolete,
with general agreement that nonworking-side contacts
(balancing) were to be precluded (this is debated
today), the next issue that needed to be addressed was
what type of working-side lateral functional occlusion
is preferred. Two working-side schemes took precedenceCPO and group function occlusion (unilateral
balanced). The requisites for CPO are that only the
canines contact (an alternate scheme includes the first
premolars) on the working side during eccentric lateral
Nine studies published from 1972 to 1991 that included a total of 959 subjects reported the occurrence of
balancing contacts ranging from 34% to 89%.20,49,51-55,57
Ingervall49 found that approximately 85% of 100 subjects with normal static occlusions had balanced occlusions. Rinchuse and Sassouni53 found that 85% of 27
normal static occlusion subjects had balanced occlusions. Sadowsky and BeGole51 reported that 89% of 75
subjects with various types of Angle malocclusions had
balancing contacts. Furthermore, de Laat and van
Steenberghe55 found that 61% of 121 Belgian dental
students with various Angle malocclusions had balancing contacts. Shefter and McFall54 reported that 56% of
66 subjects with Angle malocclusions had balancing
contacts. Also, Sadowsky and Polson52 found that 45%
of 111 subjects with Angle malocclusions had balancing contacts. Egermark-Eriksson et al57 reported that
34.5% of 238 subjects with Angle malocclusions had
balancing contacts. In addition, Ahlgren and Posselt56
found that 34% of l20 subjects with Angle malocclusions had balancing contacts. Finally, Tipton and Rinchuse20 found that 75% of 101 subjects (52 of 101, or
51.1%, with normal static occlusions) had balanced
In the 1970s, orthodontic gnathologists argued that
orthodontic patients functional occlusions should be
finished to CPO.3-5 They then alleged that, when
orthodontists ignore patients functional occlusions and
rely on hand-held models rather than articulators, patients would predictably finish with balancing contacts
and eventual TMD. These orthodontic gnathologists
were partially accurate in their assessment of nongnathologically treated postorthodontic patients; they did
have balanced occlusions. However, comparison
groups consisting of subjects with ideal static occlusions and Angle malocclusions also had balanced
occlusions and to an equivalent extent.12,13,18-21,42,51,52
In addition, there was no difference in the TMD signs and
symptoms between orthodontically treated and untreated
subjects.12,13,18-21,51,52,63 Also, TMD increases with age
irrespective of orthodontic treatment.57,64
Several points need to be clarified regarding nonworking-side functional tooth contacts. Two terms are
often used synonymously when describing when and
where teeth touch, ie, tooth contacts vs tooth interferences. Although both terms indicate that the teeth
touch, there is a semantic difference between an occlusal contact and an occlusal interference. Occlusal
contacts are considered benign compared with occlusal
interferences. Ash and Ramjford27 wrote: A balancing
side contact is not a balancing side interference if
it does not interfere with function nor cause
dysfunction . . . or . . . injury to any of the components
of the masticatory system. Furthermore, Ash and
Ramjford27 argued against the claim that all lateral
forces and stresses on the teeth from balancing contacts
are problematic and undesirable: Lateral stress on the
teeth is desirable within physiologic limits; it stimulates
the development of a strong fibrous periodontal attach-
Few studies have examined the possible relationship between static occlusion and functional occlusion.
Scaife and Holt2 studied the dentitions of 1200 US
military trainees and found that 940 had Angle Class I
occlusions. CPO was found to be associated with Angle
Class II and then with Angle Class I occlusions and was
the least associated with Angle Class III malocclusions.
That study was limited in that it did not differentiate
between Class I malocclusions and normal (ideal)
occlusions and did not identify or describe other functional occlusion types besides CPO. Sadowsky and
BeGole51 examined 75 subjects with various types of
Angle malocclusions and found that 91% had balanced
occlusions. Tipton and Rinchuse20 found a trend for
101 subjects to have balanced occlusions more often
associated with normal (ideal) static occlusion (or Class
I occlusions). It appears that balanced occlusion exists
to a far greater extent than gnathologists maintain and
that balanced occlusion appears to be more predominant in subjects with normal (ideal) static occlusions (or
Class I occlusions) vs Angle malocclusions.
Clarification of balancing contacts
which the apple was chewed). Masserman157 explained: While in conversation, the patient is asked to
chew a section of an apple on the side opposite the wax
only. This is done very casually and as the patient
chews reflexly, he produces a functional recording of
tooth contact in the wax. He believed that this method
was far superior to using an articulator: In the diagnosis or treatment, an occlusion should be proved on a
functional level. . . . [R]egardless of the instrument
employed or the technique used, every occlusion must
be functionally validated in the mouth. He further
argued that humans can never exactly duplicate on a
conscious level functions that are naturally performed
on a preconscious level. He stated:157
[M]astication is a preconscious act. When patients
are asked to record jaw movements on articulation
paper, typewriter ribbon, wax, etc., the patient becomes confused in conflict between cortex (conscious) and brain stem (preconscious) function. . . .
Stop a man walking, and ask him to show you how he
walks. The resulting demonstration will be an
awkward imitation of his natural gait. Accordingly,
mandibular movements are at best a pantomime or
mimicry of true functional movements. The recording is erroneous and results only in fallacious
and Ramjford27 regarding what constitutes normal occlusion should be considered: Normal occlusion . . . should
imply more than a range of anatomically acceptable
values; it should also indicate physiologic adaptability
and the absence of recognizable pathologic manifestations . . . and the capability of the masticatory system to
adapt to or compensate for some deviations within the
range of tolerance of the system.
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