Basics of Sigma-Delta Modulation
Basics of Sigma-Delta Modulation
Basics of Sigma-Delta Modulation
The principle of sigma-delta modulation, although widely used nowadays, was developed over a time span of more than 25 years. Initially the concept of oversampling and noise shaping was not known and the search for an efficient technique for
transmitting voice signals digitally resulted in the Delta Modulator. Delta modulation was independently invented at the ITT Laboratories by Deloraine et al. [11, 12]
the Philips Research Laboratories by de Jager [10], and at Bell Telephone Labs [8]
by Cutler. In 1954 the concept of oversampling and noise shaping was introduced
and patented by Cutler [9]. His objective was not to reduce the data rate of the signal
to transmit as in earlier published work, but to achieve a higher signal-to-noise ratio
in a limited frequency band. All the elements of modern sigma-delta modulation
are present in his invention, except for the digital decimation filter required for obtaining a Nyquist rate signal. The name Delta-Sigma Modulator (DSM) was finally
introduced in 1962 by Inose et al. [25, 26] in their papers discussing 1-bit converters.
By 1969 the realization of a digital decimation filter was feasible and described in a
publication by Goodman [16]. In 1974 Candy published the first complete multi-bit
Sigma-Delta Modulator (SDM) in [6]. Around the same time the name SDM was
introduced as an alternative for Delta-Sigma Modulator and since then both names
are in use. In this book the oversampled noise-shaping structure will be referred
to as SDM. According to the author SDM is the more appropriate name since the
integration or summing (the sigma) is over the difference (the delta).
In the 70s, because of the initially limited performance of Sigma-Delta Modulators, their main use was in encoding low frequency audio signals (analog-to-digital
conversion) using a 1-bit quantizer and a first or a second order loop filter. The
creation of black and white images for print from a gray scale input was another application where Sigma-Delta noise-shaping techniques were used (digital-to-digital
conversion). Since then a lot of research on improving SDM performance has been
performed and great improvements have been realized. Nowadays top of the line
SDM based analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) use a multi-bit quantizer and a
high-order loop filter and are capable of converting 10s of MHz of bandwidth with
high dynamic range. Because of high power efficiency, Sigma-Delta based analogto-digital converters are used in the radio of mobile telephones. Another example
E. Janssen, A. van Roermund, Look-Ahead Based Sigma-Delta Modulation,
Analog Circuits and Signal Processing,
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1387-1_2, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Fig. 2.1 Oversampling does not affect the signal power or total quantization noise power but
reduces the noise spectral density
an increased efficiency since now the quantization noise can be pushed to frequencies far from the signal band.
All SDM structures realize the shaping of noise with an error minimizing feedback loop in which the input signal x is compared with the quantized output signal
y, as depicted in Fig. 2.3. The difference between these two signals is frequency
weighed with the loop filter. Differences between the input and output that fall in
the signal band are passed to the output without attenuation, out-of-band differences
are suppressed by the filter. The result of the weighing is passed to the quantizer,
which generates the next output value y. The output y is also fed back to the input,
to be used in the next comparison. The result of this strategy is a close match of
input signal and quantized output in the pass-band of the filter, and shaping of the
quantization errors such that those fall outside the signal band.
In Sect. 2.1 the noise-shaping loop in data converters will be examined in detail, revealing that in reality only analog-to-digital (AD) and digital-to-digital (DD)
noise shaping conversion exists. Over the last decennia a great variety of noiseshaping loops have been developed, but all originate from a minimal number of
fundamental approaches. The most commonly used configurations are discussed in
Sect. 2.2. During the design phase of an SDM the noise-shaping transfer function is
typically evaluated using a linear model. In reality, especially for a 1-bit quantizer,
the noise transfer is highly non-linear and large differences between predicted and
actual realized transfer can occur. In Sect. 2.3 the linear modeling of an SDM is examined and it will be shown that simulations instead of calculations are required for
evaluating SDM performance. Several criteria exist for evaluating the performance
of an SDM. The criteria can be differentiated between those that are generic and are
used for characterizing data converters in general, and those that are only applicable
for Sigma-Delta converters. Both types are discussed in Sect. 2.4.
2.1.2 DD Conversion
In a digital-to-digital Sigma-Delta converter an n-bit digital input is converted to an
m-bit digital output, where n is larger than m. The sampling rate of the signal is
increased during this process in order to generate additional spectral space for the
quantization noise. The main building blocks of a generic DD SDM are shown in
Fig. 2.5. The n-bit signal is first upsampled from Fs to N Fs in the upsampling
filter. The resulting signal is passed to the actual SDM loop. This loop is very similar
to the one in Fig. 2.4, except that now everything is in the digital domain. The ADC
and DAC combination is replaced by a single quantizer which takes the many-bit
loop-filter output and generates a lower-bit word. Since everything is operating in
the digital domain no DAC is required and the m-bit word can directly be used as
feed-back value. The noise-shaped m-bit signal is the final Sigma-Delta output. This
m-bit signal is often passed to a DA converter, resulting in a Sigma-Delta DAC. In
the case of audio encoding for Super Audio CD the 1-bit output is the final goal of
the processing and is directly recorded on disc.
2.1.3 DA Conversion
A Sigma-Delta based DA converter realizes a high SNR with the use of a DAC
with few quantization levels and noise-shaping techniques. In the digital domain
the input signal to the DAC is shaped, such that the quantization noise of the DAC
is moved to high frequencies. In the analog domain a passive low-pass filter removes the quantization noise, resulting in a clean baseband signal. The structure of
a Sigma-Delta DAC is, except for some special PWM systems, a feed-forward solution, i.e. there is no feed-back from the analog output into the noise-shaping filter.
Because the noise-shaping feed-back signal is not crossing the analog-digital boundary, the name Sigma-Delta DAC is confusing and misleading. A Sigma-Delta DAC
is the combination of a DD converter and a high-speed few-bit DAC. In Fig. 2.6
the complete Sigma-Delta DAC structure is shown. The digital n-bit input signal is
passed to a DD converter which upsamples the input to N Fs before an all digital
SDM reduces the word-length. The noise-shaped m-bit signal is passed to the mbit DAC which converts the digital signal to the analog domain. Finally the analog
signal is filtered to remove the out-of-band quantization noise.
Fig. 2.9 SDM with feed-forward loop filter. The subtraction point of signal and feed-back has
been shifted outside the loop filter
and only the shaped noise of the second modulator remains. In this fashion an nth
order noise shaping result can be obtained by using only first order converters. The
disadvantage compared to a single-loop SDM is the inability to produce a 1-bit output.
Closely related to the SDM is the noise shaper structure. In a noise shaper no filter
is present in the signal path and only the quantization error is shaped. This is realized
by inserting a filter in the feed-back path which operates on the difference between
the quantizer input and quantizer output, as depicted in Fig. 2.12. With a proper
choice of the filter the same noise shaping can be realized as with an SDM. Unique
for the noise shaper is that only the error signal is shaped and that the input signal
is not filtered. Because of this special property the noise shaper can also be used
on non-oversampled signals to perform in-band noise shaping. This technique is,
for example, used to perform perceptually shaped word-length reduction for audio
signals, where 20-bit pulse-code modulated (PCM) signals are reduced to 16-bit
signals with a higher SNR in the most critical frequency bands at the cost of an
increase of noise in other frequency regions.
The difference between the quantizer output y(k) and quantizer input w(k) is the
quantization error e(k). For the schematic we can write:
y(k) = w(k) + e(k)
= H (z) x(k) y(k) + e(k)
y(k) 1 + H (z) = H (z) x(k) + e(k)
y(k) =
H (z)
x(k) +
1 + H (z)
1 + H (z)
From Eq. 2.3 it can be seen that the output signal y(k) consists of the sum of a
filtered version of the input x(k) and a filtered version of the quantization error e(k).
If it is assumed that the quantization error is not correlated with the input signal, the quantizer can be modeled as a linear gain g and an additive independent
noise source n(k) which adds quantization noise. The resulting linear SDM model
is depicted in Fig. 2.14.
By replacing e(k) in Eq. 2.3 with n(k) and moving gain g into filter H (z), the
output y(k) can now be described as
y(k) =
H (z)
x(k) +
1 + H (z)
1 + H (z)
H (z)
x(k) 1 + H (z)
The signal transfer function is specific for the feed-forward structure, indicated by
the subscript FF.
The noise transfer function (NTF) describes how the quantization noise, which
is introduced by the quantization operation, is transferred to the output of the modulator. It is obtained by setting x(k) = 0 in Eq. 2.4:
NTF(z) =
n(k) 1 + H (z)
As a result the loop filter H (z) should be a filter that provides a lot of gain for
low frequencies and little gain for high frequencies, i.e. a low-pass characteristic.
With H (z) low-pass it can be appreciated that the STF will be close to unity for
low-frequencies and that the input signal will be accurately captured. The transfer
characteristic of a typical fifth order loop filter is plotted in Fig. 2.15. In this example the loop filter is designed according to a Butterworth specification for a corner
frequency of 100 kHz when the sampling rate is 2.8 MHz (a 64 times oversampled
44 100 Hz system). Resonators (linear feed-back within the loop filter) at 12 and
20 kHz have been added for increasing the SNR [7, 50].
With H (z) given, the linearized STF and NTF can be plotted using Eq. 2.5 and
Eq. 2.6. The result for the STF for a feed-forward (FF) as well as a feed-back (FB)
modulator is plotted in Fig. 2.16 for an assumed quantizer gain of 1.0. As expected,
the STF equals unity for low frequencies for both types. Around the corner frequency of the feed-forward filter a gain of approximately 7 dB is realized before the
filter starts to attenuate the input signal. At Fs/2 the input is attenuated by about
7 dB. The feed-back filter realizes a gain of approximately 3 dB at the corner frequency and then falls off strongly.
Plotting the NTF accurately is far less trivial. It has to be realized that Eq. 2.6 will
only give a rudimentary approximation of the actual quantization noise spectrum,
i.e. in Eq. 2.6 the quantization noise is treated as an independent signal whereas
in reality the signal is depending on the quantizer input. Only if signal e(k) is uncorrelated with the input signal, Eq. 2.6 will accurately describe the quantization
noise. In the case of a multi-bit quantizer the quantization error is reasonably white
for typical input signals. If desired, it can be made completely white by adding to
the quantizer input a dither signal with triangular probability density (TPDF) that
spans two quantization levels [54]. In the case of a single-bit quantizer the quantization error is strongly correlated with the input signal. Furthermore, since only
two quantization levels exist it is not possible to add a TPDF dither signal of large
enough amplitude to the quantizer input without overloading the modulator. In the
case of a single-bit quantizer a deviation from the predicted NTF is therefore to be
expected. Typical effects caused by the gross non-linearity of the 1-bit quantizer
are signal distortion, idle tones, and signal dependent baseband quantization noise
(noise modulation).
In Fig. 2.17 the linearized NTF resulting from the 100 kHz filter is plotted for an
assumed quantizer gain of 1.0. According to this prediction the quantization noise
will be rising with 100 dB per decade and from 100 kHz onwards the spectrum
will be completely flat. At 12 and 20 kHz a notch in the quantization noise floor
should be present. By means of simulations the accuracy of this prediction will be
verified. For a modulator with 1-bit quantizer the output spectrum for a 1 kHz input
sine wave with an amplitude of 6 dB is plotted in Fig. 2.18 in combination with
the predicted quantization noise spectrum. The FFT length used is 256 000 samples.
The spectrum has been power averaged 16 times in order to obtain a smooth curve
(see Appendix A). In the figure the predicted 100 dB per decade rise of the noise
can be clearly identified. The high frequency part of the spectrum, however, deviates
strongly from the prediction, i.e. a tilted noise floor with strong peaking close to
Fs/2 is identified. In the baseband part of the output odd signal harmonics can be
identified, which are not predicted by the linear models STF. The predicted notches
at 12 and 20 kHz are present. As a second example, for the same modulator the
output spectrum for a DC input of 1/128 is plotted in Fig. 2.19 and compared with
the predicted quantization noise spectrum. The spectrum shows globally the same
noise shaping as in the first example, with superimposed on it a large collection
of discrete tones. These so-called idle tones cannot be understood from the linear
model, but can clearly be an issue as they are not only present at high frequencies
but also in the baseband.
As is clear from the two examples, large differences can exist between the prediction based on the linear model and actual modulator output in the case of a 1-bit
quantizer. Since no accurate mathematical models for predicting a modulators response exist, the only reliable solution for obtaining performance figures of a 1-bit
SDM is to perform time-domain simulations and analyze these results. Unfortunately, at the start of a design no realization exists yet and the linearized STF and
NTF formulas have to be used for designing the initial loop filter. As a next step,
computer simulations will have to be used to verify the response. Depending on the
simulation outcome parameters will be iteratively adjusted until the desired result
is obtained. In order to obtain reproducible and comparable results, in this book the
iterative approach for designing loop filters is not taken. Filters are designed using the linear model of a traditional SDM, according to a predetermined criterion,
and used as-is. The predetermined criterion will typically be a transfer characteristic
according to a Butterworth prototype filter with a specified corner frequency. The
actual resulting transfer might be varying as a function of the input signal and the
noise-shaping structure used, and can therefore only be compared by keeping the
same filter which is designed using one and the same standard approach.
In practice however, an SNR measurement will typically only ignore the harmonically related signal components. Non-harmonically related components, i.e. combinations of the input signal frequency and the clock frequency, are often treated as
noise. The SNR figure is typically slightly higher than the SINAD value because of
the absence of the harmonic components. Only in the case of no distortion the two
numbers are equal.
In case of a Nyquist converter the noise integration is typically performed over
the complete frequency band from 0 to Fs/2. In the case of an oversampled converter, e.g. an SDM, the integration is performed over the band of interest only. In
this book the band of interest is the baseband part of the output, i.e. the frequency
span of 0 to 20 kHz.
Since only part of the output spectrum is used for the SINAD calculations, the
SINAD will typically show a strong input frequency dependency. Typical distortion
of an SDM consists of odd harmonic components, i.e. components at (2n + 1) fin .
As an example, if the input frequency is chosen as 5 kHz, there will be harmonic
components at 15 kHz, 25 kHz, 35 kHz, etc. Since only the baseband (020 kHz
in most examples) is considered for SINAD calculations, only the component at
15 kHz will be taken into account. The SINAD value for this input frequency will
therefore be most likely higher than for a slightly lower input frequency which has
multiple harmonics in the baseband. In order to get a single representative SINAD
number, i.e. one which takes most harmonic distortion components into account, in
most experiments an input frequency of 1 kHz is used. For this frequency the first
19 harmonics fall within the signal band.
In Fig. 2.20 an example SDM output spectrum is shown. The input signal which
has an amplitude of 0.5 (6.02 dB) is visible at approximately 1 kHz (992 Hz),
and harmonics at 3 kHz and 5 kHz are also clearly visible. In this example the
SNR equals 113.2 dB and the SINAD equals 111.5 dB. The difference of 1.7 dB is
primarily caused by the power in the third harmonic (HD3) and the fifth harmonic
(HD5). Note that it is in general not possible to accurately read the SNR or SINAD
value directly from a spectral plot integration over all frequency bins is required
and the spectral density per bin is a function of the number of points of the FFT. If
a large distortion component is present in the output a rough estimate of the SINAD
can be made by subtracting the power of this component from the power of the
fundamental. SFDR
The SFDR is the difference in power between the test signal and the largest nonsignal peak in the spectrum. The non-signal peak can be harmonically related but
this is not required. In oversampled systems not the complete spectrum is taken
into account, only the band of interest is considered. In the case of a digital SDM
no artifacts other than those generated by the modulator itself are expected to be
present, therefore typically the biggest peak is a harmonic component or the inband rising noise-floor. In the example spectrum of Fig. 2.20 the third harmonic is
the biggest non-signal component with a power of 123.4 dB, resulting in an SFDR
of 6.0 dB (123.4 dB) = 117.2 dB. THD
The THD is the ratio between the power in all the harmonic components and the signal power. In oversampled systems only the harmonic power in the band of interest
is included in the calculation. The THD value relates to the linearity of a converter,
i.e. a lower THD value means less signal dependent distortion. The THD is often a
function of the input level. In analog converters large inputs typically cause circuits
to saturate or clip and therefore generate distortion. In a digital SDM saturation and
clipping can be avoided by using large enough word widths, but a 1-bit SDM will
still generate harmonics, especially for large input signals. Determining the THD accurately can be difficult when the harmonic distortion components are of the same
order of magnitude as the random noise components. In order to still get accurate results the technique of coherent averaging can be applied. The result of this process is
that random frequency components are suppressed while coherent (signal) components are not. Every doubling of the number of averages reduces the random signals
by 3 dB, e.g. performing 32 averages reduces the noise floor by 15 dB. Please refer
to Appendix A for more details.
In the example of Fig. 2.20 the THD equals 116.3 dB, i.e. the combined power
of all the harmonic components is 116.3 dB less than the power in the 1 kHz signal
cost related to the industrial testing of the manufactured device. Next to these cost
factors which are occurring only once, there is a reoccurring cost factor, i.e. the
cost associated with the use of the converter. This cost manifests itself as the power
consumption of the converter.
Both the silicon area and required design time depend on the type and the specifications of the converter, as well as on the experience of the designer. In general
it holds that if the performance specification is more difficult to reach, the required
design time will be longer and often the circuit will be bigger. The power consumption of the circuit typically also scales with the area and the performance level. For
example, in AD converters often thermal noise is limiting the SNR. In order to increase the SNR, i.e. reduce the thermal noise, typically a larger current is required,
which in turn requires larger active devices. A data converter that uses little power is
preferred over a converter that requires a lot of power. A smaller silicon area results
in less direct manufacturing cost. However, the industrial testing that is required can
add significant cost. A converter that requires little testing is therefore preferred over
a converter that requires a lot of tests. Figure-of-Merit
Comparison of the power efficiency of two AD converters that achieve identical signal conversion specifications, i.e. have the same sampling rate and realize the same
SNR for every input signal, is an easy task; the one with the lowest power consumption is the best. However, if the signal conversion specifications are not 100%
identical, the comparison becomes difficult. To overcome this problem and make the
comparison of different data converters possible, typically a Figure-of-Merit (FoM)
is calculated. In the FoM a single value is used to represent the performance specifications of the converter, typically the power consumption and the signal conversion
bandwidth and resolution.
Unfortunately, no universally agreed standard exists for calculation of the FoM.
An often used FoM equation for the characterization of AD converters equals
FoM =
2ENOB min(Fs, 2 ERBW)
In this equation P equals power, ENOB equals the number of effective bits measured for a DC input signal, Fs equals the sampling rate, and ERBW is the effective
resolution bandwidth. The ENOB is calculated as
SINAD 1.76
where the SINAD is measured for a (near) DC input. The effective resolution bandwidth is equal to the frequency that results in a 3 dB SINAD reduction compared to
the SINAD at DC. The unit of the FoM of Eq. 2.7 is Joules per conversion step. As
a result, a lower value is better. Sometimes the inverse of Eq. 2.7 is used such that a
higher FoM number represents a better result.
Although the FoM of Eq. 2.7 is widely used, it cannot be used to make fair
comparisons between low resolution and high resolution AD converters. When the
resolution of an ADC is increased, a point is reached where thermal noise is limiting
the SNR. In order to reduce the impact of the noise by 3 dB, capacitances need
to be doubled. To increase the number of effective bits by one, a 6 dB reduction
of the noise is required, which means a factor four increase in capacitance. Since
power scales linearly with the amount of capacitance to charge, the power will also
increase with a factor four. Thus, the FoM will become at least a factor 2 worse when
the ENOB is increased by one. To enable the comparison of different resolution AD
converters, an alternative version of the FoM is therefore sometimes used:
FoM =
22ENOB min(Fs, 2 ERBW)
The equation is identical to Eq. 2.7, except that the denominator becomes four
times larger instead of two times when the ENOB is increased by one.
Whereas comparison of AD converters by means of a single FoM is common
practice, for DA converters it is not a standard approach. One of the main reasons
why for DACs the single FoM approach is problematic is the time continuous output signal. When the DAC output signal is switching, i.e. making a transition between two levels, it can follow any trajectory before the signal settles to the correct
value. Deviations from the ideal switching trajectory will add noise and distortion
to the output. Depending on the type of application, these glitches could be problematic but not necessarily. In some applications only the DC transfer is important
whereas in other applications the signal quality over a large bandwidth is important.
Sometimes a signal overshoot at a transition is allowed, sometimes a smooth settling curve without overshoot is required. However, avoiding time domain glitches
will typically cost power, and therefore the power efficiency of a converter can vary
greatly depending on the time domain behavior.
Another reason why the single FoM approach is difficult to apply to DACs, is
that part of the power consumption of a DAC is useful, and not overhead as in the
case of an ADC. The output signal of a DAC is not only an information signal,
but at the same time a power signal. Typically the DAC output drives a 50 or
75 load. If a larger output swing is required from the DAC, more power will
have to be spent in the generation of this signal. A higher power consumption is
thus not necessary equal to less performance, but could also indicate more performance.
In conclusion, for comparing DAC performance sometimes the FoM of Eq. 2.7
is used, but no actual de facto standard exists. However, since part of the power
consumption is, by definition, required to drive the load, straightforward application
of Eq. 2.7 can lead to incorrect conclusions. Other FoM measures used for DAC
characterization include the SFDR, THD, and SNR, but also the static differential
non-linearity (DNL) and the integrated non-linearity (INL), as well as time domain
glitch energy measures.
22 Stability
Higher order Sigma-Delta Modulators are conditionally stable. As a result, only
signals below a certain maximum input level can be converted without causing the
modulator to become unstable. This level for which the modulator becomes unstable
is a function of the loop-filter order and loop-filter cutoff frequency [49]. If the
loop filter is fixed, the maximum input amplitude can be determined by means of
The procedure consists of repeatedly applying a signal with a constant amplitude
to the converter. The converter is run until instability is detected or until a maximum
amount of time has passed. If no instability is detected within the predetermined
amount of time, it is concluded that the converter is stable for the applied signal
level and the signal amplitude can be increased. If instability was detected the maximum level that can be applied has been found. Instead of trying to detect instability
while the converter is running, it is also possible to always run the converter for the
maximum amount of time, and afterwards determine if the converter is still stable.
With the second approach it is easier to quantify the result and this is therefore
the approach taken in this work. Instability can be detected by testing the output
bitstream for long sequences of 1s or 0s (hundreds of equal bits), or by testing if the
modulators internal integrator values are above a certain, empirically determined,
threshold. The easiest procedure is to test the output bitstream. Alternatively, the
SNR and the frequency of the output signal can be measured and (near) instability
can be detected by testing if the obtained values differ strongly from the expected
values. This is the approach taken in this work.
Instead of measuring the maximum input signal that can be handled by the modulator, it is possible to measure how aggressive the loop filter can be made before
instability occurs for a given input signal. A practical test signal is a sine wave with
the maximum desired amplitude. The same procedure for detecting instability as explained above can be used, i.e. the modulator is ran for a fixed amount of time and
afterwards it is determined if instability was reached. Aggressiveness of a loop filter
can be increased by increasing the order of the filter or by increasing the corner frequency of the filter. Changing the filter order has a very large impact on the stability
of the modulator and is therefore not practical. The loop-filter corner frequency on
the other hand can be adjusted in very fine steps and is therefore more appropriate
for determining stability.
In the case of a traditional SDM the stability can be determined for a given configuration, but cannot be changed or influenced in any way. For the look-ahead modulator structures in this book the situation is slightly different, and as a function of
the available computational resources the stability will vary. It is considered beneficial to have a stable modulator to enable a large input range and high SNR.
1.0, independent of the input signal power. Since the output signal power equals the
input signal power, a varying amount of the output power is available for quantization noise, and it is clear that noise modulation is required to have a functional
system. Therefore noise modulation in its basic form is not an issue according to
the author. The problem however is located in the fact that the amount of baseband
quantization noise may vary with the input signal power.
In the case where the converter is used in an audio application, and the background noise (the quantization noise) grows stronger and weaker with changes in
the music level, the effect has proven to be audible in critical listening situations.
According to [13, 36, 52] the variation in background quantization noise should be
less than 1 dB in order to be inaudible. For high quality audio applications the objective is to have a constant background noise which results in predictable signal
quality. Therefore noise modulation should be minimized or avoided if possible.
In the special case where the converter is used in a test or measurement setup
and the only concern is to maximize the SNR for every input (AD) or output level
(DD for DA), noise modulation can be used to an advantage. Since the total output
power for a 1-bit converter is constant, the noise power increases when the signal
power reduces. If the increase in noise power would be evenly distributed over all
frequencies, the SNR in the baseband would decrease relatively more when the input
power is reduced. In practice however, the amount of baseband quantization noise
reduces when the input signal becomes smaller, and therefore the SNR will be higher
than expected. This SNR behavior as a function of the input amplitude is depicted
in Fig. 2.22. The SDM used in this experiment was a fifth order with two resonators.
The measured, ideal and expected SNR curves are aligned to read the same value
for a 25 dB input signal. The difference between the ideal and expected curve is
approximately 0.7 dB for a 5 dB input, and negligible for inputs below 10 dB.
The explanation of this phenomenon can be found by studying the high frequency
noise spectrum. When low amplitude inputs are applied, the SDM will start to generate high frequency idle tones, which take most of the noise power. When the input
amplitude is increased, the idle tones cannot exist anymore and the low frequency
noise-floor will increase [48]. In Fig. 2.23 the output spectrum for a 100 dB input
is shown in combination with the output spectrum for a 20 dB input. The baseband
noise-floor of the 100 dB signal is significantly lower. Around Fs/4 strong tones
are visible for the 100 dB input, whereas the 20 dB input has a small number of
tones around Fs/2.
Testing for noise modulation is typically done by applying several DC levels as
input signal, and for each DC level low-pass filtering the output and calculating the
second order moment M2 of the error. The advantage of this method is that it will
measure exactly how much noise is generated for each input level. As an alternative
it is possible to sweep the input level of a sine wave and to calculate the SINAD
for each level. This method results in less precise results, since the sine wave passes
through a range of intermediate levels, causing an average noise level. Although the
amount of information obtained by performing a DC sweep is larger, the result from
the AC sweep is more representative for specifying audio encoding quality. Both
methods are used in this book.
Next to the already mentioned complexity of the loop filter, the quantizer, and
possibly the feed-back DAC, another source of complexity exists for the SigmaDelta Modulators discussed in this book, namely the complexity resulting from the
addition of look-ahead. Without going into the details of the look-ahead concept
(see Chap. 5 and further), the complexity can be summarized as follows. In order to
realize a look-ahead modulator, a multitude of loop filters is required. For each loop
filter an alternative quantizer is present. Finally, there is a control structure that takes
care of the selection of the output symbol. Because of the multiple loop filters and
quantizers, the power consumption of a look-ahead modulator will be a multiple of
that of a normal modulator. On top of the increased hardware complexity, there is
also an increased algorithmic complexity associated with the look-ahead concept.
In this equation BW equals the bandwidth that is used in the SNR calculation. In this
equation the conversion bandwidth is thus limited to the smallest of the ERBW and
the signal conversion bandwidth. Besides this change, the FoM equation is identical
to the generic one and no SDM specific features are included.
For an SDM based DAC the calculation of an FoM is even more dubious than
for a generic DAC. Without the digital-to-digital converter that drives the DA stage,
the DAC cannot work. Therefore, only by including the power of the digital SDM
a sensible FoM can be calculated. The problem of selecting an appropriate FoM is
now similar to the situation of a generic DAC, and Eq. 2.10 is typically used.
In the case of a stand-alone DD converter, FoM calculations like the one of
Eq. 2.10 are typically not used. Most stand-alone converters are software based
instead of dedicated hardware solutions, and therefore the power measure is not
practical. A convenient metric in this case is the amount of operations per second
required for the implementation to run real-time. Alternatively, the absolute amount
of time can be measured that is required to process a fixed amount of signal. If the
same test conditions are used repeatedly, i.e. same test signal and same computer
platform, results can be compared and a valid FoM measure can be derived.