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21st Century
To work, the 21st century skills movement will require
keen attention to curriculum, teacher quality, and assessment.
Andrew J. Rotherham and Daniel Willingham

growing number of business leaders,

politicians, and educators are united
around the idea that students need 21st
century skills to be successful today. Its
exciting to believe that we live in times
that are so revolutionary that they demand new and
different abilities. But in fact, the skills students need
in the 21st century are not new.
Critical thinking and problem solving, for example,
have been components of human progress throughout
history, from the development of early tools, to agricultural advancements, to the invention of vaccines, to
land and sea exploration. Such skills as information
literacy and global awareness are not new, at least not
among the elites in different societies. The need for
mastery of different kinds of knowledge, ranging from
facts to complex analysis? Not new either. In The
Republic, Plato wrote about four distinct levels of intellect. Perhaps at the time, these were considered 3rd
century BCE skills?
Whats actually new is the extent to which changes
in our economy and the world mean that collective
and individual success depends on having such skills.
Many U.S. students are taught these skillsthose who
are fortunate enough to attend highly effective schools
or at least encounter great teachersbut its a matter
of chance rather than the deliberate design of our
school system. Today we cannot afford a system in
which receiving a high-quality education is akin to a
game of bingo. If we are to have a more equitable and
effective public education system, skills that have been
the province of the few must become universal.

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This distinction between skills that are novel and

skills that must be taught more intentionally and
effectively ought to lead policymakers to different
education reforms than those they are now considering. If these skills were indeed new, then perhaps we
would need a radical overhaul of how we think about
content and curriculum. But if the issue is, instead,
that schools must be more deliberate about teaching
critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving to
all students, then the remedies are more obvious,
although still intensely challenging.
What Will It Take?
The history of U.S. education reform should greatly
concern everyone who wants schools to do a better
job of teaching students to think. Many reform efforts,
from reducing class size to improving reading instruction, have devolved into fads or been implemented
with weak fidelity to their core intent. The 21st
century skills movement faces the same risk.
To complicate the challenge, some of the rhetoric
we have heard surrounding this movement suggests
that with so much new knowledge being created,
content no longer matters; that ways of knowing information are now much more important than information itself. Such notions contradict what we know
about teaching and learning and raise concerns that
the 21st century skills movement will end up being a
weak intervention for the very studentslow-income
students and students of colorwho most need
powerful schools as a matter of social equity.
The debate is not about content versus skills. There

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The Challenges Ahead


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Be careful what you give children, for sooner or l

is no responsible constituency arguing
against ensuring that students learn how
to think in school. Rather, the issue is
how to meet the challenges of delivering
content and skills in a rich way that
genuinely improves outcomes for
What will it take to ensure that the
idea of 21st century skillsor more
precisely, the effort to ensure that all
students, rather than just a privileged
few, have access to a rich education that
intentionally helps them learn these
skillsis successful in improving
schools? That effort requires three
primary components. First, educators
and policymakers must ensure that the
instructional program is complete and
that content is not shortchanged for an
ephemeral pursuit of skills. Second,
states, school districts, and schools need
to revamp how they think about human
capital in educationin particular how
teachers are trained. Finally, we need
new assessments that can accurately
measure richer learning and more
complex tasks.
For the 21st century skills effort to be
effective, these three elements must be
implemented in concert. Otherwise, the
reform will be superficial and counterproductive.
Better Curriculum
People on all sides of this debate often
speak of skills and knowledge as separate. They describe skills as akin to a
function on a calculator: If your calculator can compute square roots, it can
do so for any number; similarly, if a
student has developed the ability to
think scientifically, he or she can do so
with any content. In this formulation,
domain knowledge is mainly important
as grist for the millyou need something to think about.
Skills and knowledge are not separate, however, but intertwined. In some
cases, knowledge helps us recognize the

underlying structure of a problem. For

example, even young children understand the logical implications of a rule
like If you finish your vegetables, you
will get a cookie after dinner. They can
draw the logical conclusion that a child
who is denied a cookie after dinner
must not have finished her vegetables.

teacher expertise,
and assessment have
all been weak links
in past education
reform efforts.
Without this familiar context, however,
the same child will probably find it difficult to understand the logical form
modus tollens, of which the cookie rule is
an example. (If P, then Q. Q is false.
Therefore, P is false.) Thus, its inaccurate
to conceive of logical thinking as a separate skill that can be applied across a
variety of situations. Sometimes we fail
to recognize that we have a particular
thinking skill (such as applying modus

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tollens) unless it comes in the form of

known content.
At other times, we know that we have
a particular thinking skill, but domain
knowledge is necessary if we are to use
it. For example, a student might have
learned that thinking scientifically
requires understanding the importance
of anomalous results in an experiment.
If youre surprised by the results of an
experiment, that suggests that your
hypothesis was wrong and the data are
telling you something interesting. But to
be surprised, you must make a prediction in the first placeand you can only
generate a prediction if you understand
the domain in which you are working.
Thus, without content knowledge we
often cannot use thinking skills properly
and effectively.
Why would misunderstanding the
relationship of skills and knowledge
lead to trouble? If you believe that skills
and knowledge are separate, you are
likely to draw two incorrect conclusions. First, because content is readily
available in many locations but thinking
skills reside in the learners brain, it
would seem clear that if we must choose
between them, skills are essential,
whereas content is merely desirable.
Second, if skills are independent of
content, we could reasonably conclude
that we can develop these skills through
the use of any content. For example, if
students can learn how to think critically about science in the context of any
scientific material, a teacher should
select content that will engage students
(for instance, the chemistry of candy),
even if that content is not central to the
field. But all content is not equally
important to mathematics, or to science,
or to literature. To think critically,
students need the knowledge that is
central to the domain.
The importance of content in the
development of thinking creates several
challenges for the 21st century skills

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r later you are sure to get it back.

movement. The first is the temptation to
emphasize advanced, conceptual
thinking too early in trainingan
approach that has proven ineffective in
numerous past reforms, such as the
New Math of the 1960s (Loveless,
2002). Learning tends to follow a
predictable path. When students first
encounter new ideas, their knowledge is
shallow and their understanding is
bound to specific examples. They need
exposure to varied examples before their
understanding of a concept becomes
more abstract and they can successfully
apply that understanding to novel
Another curricular challenge is that
we dont yet know how to teach selfdirection, collaboration, creativity, and
innovation the way we know how to
teach long division. The plan of 21st
century skills proponents seems to be to
give students more experiences that will
presumably develop these skillsfor
example, having them work in groups.
But experience is not the same thing as
practice. Experience means only that
you use a skill; practice means that you
try to improve by noticing what you are
doing wrong and formulating strategies
to do better. Practice also requires feedback, usually from someone more
skilled than you are.
Because of these challenges, devising
a 21st century skills curriculum requires
more than paying lip service to content
knowledge. Outlining the skills in detail
and merely urging that content be
taught, too, is a recipe for failure. We
must plan to teach skills in the context
of particular content knowledge and to
treat both as equally important.
In addition, education leaders must
be realistic about which skills are teachable. If we deem that such skills as
collaboration and self-direction are
essential, we should launch a concerted
effort to study how they can be taught
effectively rather than blithely assume

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Barbara Kingsolver

that mandating their teaching will result

in students learning them.
Better Teaching
Greater emphasis on skills also has
important implications for teacher
training. Our resolve to teach these
skills to all students will not be enough.
We must have a plan by which teachers
can succeed where previous generations
have failed.
Advocates of 21st century skills favor
student-centered methodsfor
example, problem-based learning and

Even advocates of student-centered

methods acknowledge that these
methods pose classroom management
problems for teachers. When students
collaborate, one expects a certain
amount of hubbub in the room, which
could devolve into chaos in less-thanexpert hands. These methods also
demand that teachers be knowledgeable
about a broad range of topics and are
prepared to make in-the-moment decisions as the lesson plan progresses.
Anyone who has watched a highly effective teacher lead a class by simultane-

We dont yet know how to teach

self-direction, collaboration, creativity,
and innovation the way we know
how to teach long division.
project-based learningthat allow
students to collaborate, work on
authentic problems, and engage with
the community. These approaches are
widely acclaimed and can be found in
any pedagogical methods textbook;
teachers know about them and believe
theyre effective. And yet, teachers dont
use them. Recent data show that most
instructional time is composed of seatwork and whole-class instruction led by
the teacher (National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development Early
Child Care Research Network, 2005).
Even when class sizes are reduced,
teachers do not change their teaching
strategies or use these student-centered
methods (Shapson, Wright, Eason, &
Fitzgerald, 1980). Again, these are not
new issues. John Goodlad (1984)
reported the same finding in his landmark study published more than 20
years ago.
Why dont teachers use the methods
that they believe are most effective?

ously engaging with content, classroom

management, and the ongoing monitoring of student progress knows how
intense and demanding this work is. Its
a constant juggling act that involves
keeping many balls in the air.
Part of the 21st century skills movements plan is the call for greater collaboration among teachers. Indeed, this is
one of the plans greatest strengths; we
waste a valuable resource when we dont
give teachers time to share their
expertise. But where will schools find
the release time for such collaboration?
Will they hire more teachers or increase
class size? How will they provide the
technology infrastructure that will
enable teachers to collaborate with more
than just the teacher down the hall?
Who will build and maintain and edit
the Web sites, wikis, and so forth? These
challenges raise thorny questions about
whether the design of todays schools is
compatible with the goals of the 21st
century skills movement.

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For change to move beyond administrators offices and penetrate classrooms,

we must understand that professional
development is a massive undertaking.
Most teachers dont need to be
persuaded that project-based learning is
a good ideathey already believe that.
What teachers need is much more
robust training and support than they
receive today, including specific lesson
plans that deal with the high cognitive
demands and potential classroom
management problems of using studentcentered methods.

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evaluate what is or is not being accomplished in the classroom. Fortunately, as

Elena Silva (2008) noted in a recent
report for Education Sector, the potential exists today to produce assessments
that measure thinking skills and are also
reliable and comparable between
students and schoolselements integral
to efforts to ensure accountability and
equity. But efforts to assess these skills
are still in their infancy; education faces
enormous challenges in developing the
ability to deliver these assessments at

Devising a 21st century skills

curriculum requires more than paying
lip service to content knowledge.
Unfortunately, there is a widespread
belief that teachers already know how to
do this if only we could unleash them
from todays stifling standards and
accountability metrics. This notion
romanticizes student-centered methods,
underestimates the challenge of implementing such methods, and ignores the
lack of capacity in the field today.
Instead, staff development planners
would do well to engage the best
teachers available in an iterative process
of planning, execution, feedback, and
continued planning. This process, along
with additional teacher training, will
require significant time. And of course
none of this will be successful without
broader reforms in how teachers are
recruited, selected, and deselected in an
effort to address the whole picture of
educations human capital challenge.
Better Tests
There is little point in investing heavily
in curriculum and human capital
without also investing in assessments to

The first challenge is the cost.

Although higher-level skills like critical
thinking and analysis can be assessed
with well-designed multiple-choice
tests, a truly rich assessment system
would go beyond multiple-choice
testing and include measures that
encourage greater creativity, show how
students arrived at answers, and even
allow for collaboration. Such measures,
however, cost more money than policymakers have traditionally been willing
to commit to assessment. And, at a time
when complaining about testing is a
national pastime and cynicism about
assessment, albeit often uninformed, is
on the rise, getting policymakers to
commit substantially more resources to
it is a difficult political challenge.
Producing enough high-quality
assessments to meet the needs of a
system as large and diverse as U.S.
public schools would stretch the
capacity of the assessment industry, and
incentives do not exist today for many
new entrants to become major players

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in that field. We would need a coordinated public, private, and philanthropic

strategyincluding an intensive
research and development effortto
foster genuine change.
Substantial delivery challenges also
remain. Delivering these assessments in
a few settings, as is the case today, is
hardly the same as delivering them at
scale across a stateespecially the larger
states. Because most of these assessments will be technology-based, most
schools information technology systems
will require a substantial upgrade.
None of these assessment challenges
are insurmountable, but addressing
them will require deliberate attention
from policymakers and 21st century
skills proponents, as well as a deviation
from the path that policymaking is on
today. Such an effort is essential. Why
mount a national effort to change
education if you have no way of
knowing whether the change has been
A Better, But Harder, Way
The point of our argument is not to say
that teaching students how to think,
work together better, or use new information more rigorously is not a worthy
and attainable goal. Rather, we seek to
call attention to the magnitude of the
challenge and to sound a note of
caution amidst the sirens calling our
political leaders once again to the rocky
shoals of past education reform failures.
Without better curriculum, better
teaching, and better tests, the emphasis
on 21st century skills will be a superficial one that will sacrifice long-term
gains for the appearance of short-term
Curriculum, teacher expertise, and
assessment have all been weak links in
past education reform effortsa fact
that should sober todays skills proponents as they survey the task of dramatically improving all three. Efforts to

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create more formalized common standards would help address some of the
challenges by focusing efforts in a
common direction. But common standards will not, by themselves, be
The past few decades have seen great
progress in education reform in the
United Statesprogress that has especially benefited less-advantaged
students. Todays reformers can build on
that progress only if they pay keen
attention to the challenges associated
with genuinely improving teaching and
learning. If we ignore these challenges,
the 21st century skills movement risks
becoming another fad that ultimately
changes littleor even worse, sets back
the cause of creating dramatically more

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Skills and knowledge

are not separate,
but intertwined.
powerful schools for U.S. students,
especially those who are underserved
today. EL
Goodlad, J. I. (1984). A place called school.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Loveless, T. (2002). A tale of two math
reforms: The politics of the new math and
NCTM standards. In T. Loveless (Ed.),
The great curriculum debate (pp. 184209).
Washington, DC: Brookings.
National Institute of Child Health and

Human Development Early Child Care

Research Network. (2005). A day in the
third grade: A large-scale study of classroom quality and teacher and student
behavior. Elementary School Journal, 105,
Shapson, S. M., Wright, E. N., Eason, G., &
Fitzgerald, J. (1980). An experimental
study of the effects of class size. American
Educational Research Journal, 17, 141152.
Silva, E. (2008). Measuring skills for the 21st
century. Washington, DC: Education
Sector. Available: www.educationsector
Andrew J. Rotherham is Cofounder and
Publisher of Education Sector and writes
the blog Eduwonk.com; arotherham
@educationsector.org. Daniel Willingham
is Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia and the author of Why
Dont Students Like School? (JosseyBass, 2009); [email protected].


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