Discussion Rubric
Discussion Rubric
Discussion Rubric
Expert Practitioner Apprentice Novice
4 3 2 1
Offers solid analysis Offers solid analysis Offers some Offers little
without prompting without prompting. analysis, but needs commentary.
Analysis to push deeper prompting;
conversation through contributions center
challenging ideas on the literal.
and comments.
Comments Comments Comments Lack of comments;
demonstrate deep demonstrate a good demonstrate a demonstrates
Depth and knowledge of knowledge of general/literal minimal
text/question; able to text/question; some knowledge of understanding of
Complexity connect ideas and connections are text/question; few text/question’
make made, big ideas are connections. No connections
generalizations. explored.
Remarks often refer Remarks refer to Remarks rely more No support given.
back to specific parts text. upon participant
Text of the text. opinion, and less
text to drive his/ her
Support comments.
Specific peer feedback on my performance: ___________________________________________________
My reflections: What did I discover about the book, characters, world, or myself through discussion?