Topic 6
Topic 6
Topic 6
Online Classrooms
I love the idea of online learning. I like that it allows students to progress
through material at their own pace and allows for students to graduate early
if they like. I have several friends whose children do online learning because
they are involved in serious athletic activities. Their virtual classrooms allow
them to train all day and complete their school work in the evenings.
However, while the motivated students do well at online learning, I have also
seen the complete opposite where parents pay for their children to take an
Blended Learning
While digital learning might not be the future for all education, I can see how
blended learning might work better. Giving students the ability to work from
home or come in for help from the teacher might make more sense. I could
imagine a classroom where students have lecture times during the week
(which could be student led or teacher led) and then work time that could be
completed at home or in the classroom. Based on students' levels of
motivation and cognitive ability, some students may spend the whole week
in school where others might only show up for the lecture parts. This would
allow classroom community to be created and give the weaker students
more one-on-one time with their teachers. This would also allow stronger
students to complete their work at home and use their extra time to work or
participate in extra-curricular activities. Here is an article about the benefits
of using blended learning ( I took a graduate level class that was a blended learning class using
the online classroom software Blackboard. It was an excellent experience and
getting to know the other students during the face-to-face time helped us
better engage with each other online. Here is an article that talks about the
software Blackboard (
Final Thought
I believe that technology is the key to revolutionizing classrooms. However,
as mentioned above, the revolutionized classrooms cannot be based on the
old system. Imagine how great it would be for multi-aged students to be
learning at their own pace in a blended classroom. Sounds like educational
heaven to me.