Ethical Hacking in Linux Environment: Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram

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Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.

Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860

Ethical Hacking in Linux Environment

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram
Department of Computer Engineering Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
Matunga, Mumbai

Ethical Hacking which attempts to
pro-actively increase security protection by
identifying and patching known security
vulnerabilities on systems owned by other parties.
Ethical hackers may beta test unreleased
software, stress test released software, and scan
networks of computers for vulnerabilities. Ethical
hacking can be defined as the practice of hacking
without no malicious intention, rather evaluate
target system with a hackers perspectives.[1][7]
Hacking is a process to bypass the security
mechanisms of an information system or
network. In common usage, hacker is a generic
term for a computer criminal. Hacking is an
unprivileged usage of computer and network
resources. The term "hacker" originally meant a
very gifted programmer. In recent years though,
with easier access to multiple systems, it now has
negative implications.
Keywords Ethical standards[2], Penetration,
Exploits, Philosophy of Hacking, Emanations,



This paper aims at putting forward the basic

concept of ethical hacking and difference between a
hacker and cracker, root philosophy of hacking, the
approach that differs in the thought processes of
hackers and programmers and reveals secretes of
hacking under Linux domain. As we all are aware
that data and Computer Communications are hot
subjects and getting hotter every day[5]. We see it
when we turn on our television, cordless or cell
phone, or the computer when we get our email. It
has provided us lightning speed conveniences that
our grandparents could only imagine when they
went to the movies to see Buck Rogers or Dick
Tracy. However, what they could not have imagined
was the "dark side" that comes along with these
technological advances. The rapid growth of the
Internet has brought many constructive and valued
solutions for our lives such as e-commerce,
electronic communication, and new areas for
research and information sharing. However, like
many other technological advancements, there is
also an issue of growing number of criminal hackers.
[4]Businesses are scared of computer experts who
will penetrate into their web server and change their

logo, steal their private emails or credit card

numbers, or put in software that will quietly transmit
their organization's data to somebody in another
Hackers are commonly known as bad or terrible
people in our society. They are also known as
crackers or black hat guys. The reason is that
majority of computer users are somehow victim of
malicious activities by other users who are
outstandingly experts in computers. The important
thing to understand is not all the hackers are bad as
some people are doing penetration of a system in the
limits of ethical standards to understand the
vulnerabilities in their system or their clients system,
also called white hat hackers. Hence the term
Ethical Standards actually refers to the
consideration if the person performing hacking has a
valid intention or not. If he or she just wants to
access the target system with an illegal intention and
misuse the data explored, can be termed as the
cracker whereas the ethical hacker always intends
for test that yields the vulnerabilities of the system
as the output through the process of hacking. In
ethical hacking, for example, a network
administrator might use the encrypted password file
and a "cracking" program to determine who has not
picked a good password. The need is to train our
computer science students with ethical hacking
techniques, so that they can fight against criminal
hackers. Because ethical hackers believe that one
can best protect systems by probing them while
causing no damage and subsequently fixing the
vulnerabilities found.



The new generation of hackers are turning open

source into a powerful force in todays computing
world. They are the heirs to an earlier hacking
culture that thrived in the 1960s and 1970s when
computers were still new part of community that
believed software should be shared and all would
benefit as a result. These experts programmers and
networking wizards trace their lineage back to the
first time-sharing minicomputers and the earliest
ARPAnet experiments. The members of this
community coined the term Hacker. Hackers build
the internet and made the UNIX operating system
what is it today. Hackers run the Usenet and make
the World Wide Web work.

1854 | P a g e

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860
1. Hackers sparked the open source revolutionIn 1991, Linus Torvalds sent a posting to an
Internet newsgroup, asking for advice on how to
make a better operating system. His project was a
Hobby, he said, and would never be big and
In 1994, the first working version of Linux was
distributed. Marleen Wynants and Jan Cornelis,
while discussing the economic, social, and cultural
impact of Free and Open Source Software in their
paper How Open Source is the Future? suggest
that Linux was more than just a toy of hackers.
Propelled by Linux, the open source culture surface
from its underground location.
In the spring of 1997, a group of leaders in the
free software community assembled in California.
This group included Eric Raymond, Tim OReilly
and VA Research president Larry Augustin, among
others. Basically HACKING is a loaded term ~
the distinction between hacking and cracking is not
universal. The concept of hacking is yielded from
the dictionary meaning of hack as a verb to chop
or cut roughly, to make rough cuts as in
programming using ad hoc methods based on
experience without necessarily having a formal plan
or methodology for evaluation. In another
perspective and being a little antisocial, hacking is
clever but unstructured programming solution to a
2. What is the difference? - In our pyramid of human
brain, information is stored in terms of chemicals
and genetic substances, as in the same way, two
majorly used operating systems viz. Linux and
Windows have their owned file system like NTFS
and FAT or ext and both of them are considered as
robust based on their users perspectives and
specification. But the fact lies in that, every
operating system can be cracked and hacked. So
what is this difference between the hacks and
cracks? Ethical hackers simulate how an attacker
with no inside knowledge of a system might
penetrate and believe their activities benefit society
by exposing system weaknesses stressing that if
they can break these systems so could terrorists. The
result is not only enhanced local security for the
ethical hacker but also overall operating domain
security. The white paper also tries to elaborate
about the basic tools and techniques that are widely
used by a mass of unexplored group of hackers in
the world their methodology of working.
3. Philosophy The backend thoughts that tempts a
person to be either a hacker or a cracker lies in the
approach he puts his directions. Henceforth what the
hacker digests is this.
Ethical hackers believe one can best protect
systems by probing them while causing no

damage and subsequently fixing the

vulnerabilities found.
Ethical hackers simulate how an attacker with
no inside knowledge of a system might try to
penetrate and believe their activities benefit
society by exposing system weaknesses stressing that if they can break these systems
so could terrorists.
Ethical hackers use their knowledge as risk
management techniques.
Whereas influenced with an invalid intentions
people think
Hacker or cracker are clever but an
unstructured programmer and believe the
same but with invalid intentions.
Crackers break into (crack) systems with
malicious intent. They are out for personal
gain: fame, profit, and even revenge. They
modify, delete, and steal critical information,
often making other people miserable.
Hackers have a destructive R&D approach to
break different software, systems, and
networks policies.
While revealing more and more about the ethical
hacking the journey may stuck up at the point where
human mind is made thinking about how a hacker
and a normal guy differs in approaches when both of
them knows same coding patterns and technologies.
But the truth turns a little lifeway that turns us to
believe how a black or white hat guy breaks the
boundaries of the programming.
A typical developers methodology[12]:
Developers are under pressure to follow
standard solutions, or the path of least resistance to
just making it works. As long as a trick works,
detailed understanding is often considered optional.
Consequently, they might not realize the effects of
deviating from the beaten path.
Developers tend to be implicitly trained
away from exploring underlying APIs because the
extra time investment rarely pays off.
Developers often receive a limited view of
the API, with few or hardly any details about its
Developers are de facto trained to ignore or
avoid infrequent border cases and might not
understand their effects.
directions to ignore specific problems as being in
other developers domains.
Developers often lack tools for examining
the full state of the system, let alone changing it
outside of the limited API.
A Hackers methodology:

1855 | P a g e

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860
Hackers tends to treat special and border
cases of standards as essential and invest significant
time in reading the appropriate documentation
(which is not a good survival skill for most industrial
or curricular tasks).
Hackers insist on understanding the
underlying APIs implementation and exploring it to
confirm the documentations claims.
As a matter of course, hackers secondguess the implementers logic (this is one reason for
preferring developer-addressed RFCs to other forms
of documentation). Hackers reflect on and explore
the effects of deviating from standard tutorials.
Hackers insist on tools that let them
examine the full state of the system across interface
layers and modify this state, bypassing the standard
development API. If such tools do not exist,
developing them becomes a top priority.
4. Understanding the need to hack your own system
To catch a thief, think like a thief. Thats the
basis for ethical hacking. Protecting your systems
from the bad guys and not just the generic
vulnerabilities that everyone knows about is the need
of the hour and is absolutely critical. When you
know hacker tricks, you can understand how
vulnerable your systems are. Hacking preys on weak
security practices and undisclosed vulnerabilities.
An exploit is a piece of malware code that takes
advantage of a newly-announced or otherwise
unpatched vulnerability in a software application ex;
OS, web browsers, plug-ins etc.
When ethical is placed in front of the term
hacking it denotes the moral activity. Unethical
hacking has no permission to intrude the systems.
Ethical hacking includes permissions to intrude such
as contracted consulting services, hacking contests,
and beta testing of information security or any IT
In the last decade the open source movement
has been a vital source of innovation affecting
software development. However, open source
community practices have provoked a
Debate on software qualitynamely, is open source
softwares quality better than that of its closedsource counterpart? Studies have attempted to
correlate metrics with software performance or
validate that metrics can actually predict software
systems fault proneness.
Open Source Software
Where you can define closed-source software as
a product created using traditional software
development methods, the definition of open source
software isnt always straightforward. This is
because a software product can take at least three

paths to become open source. For example, a

collaborating open source community developed the
Linux kernel; an individual created PGP (Pretty
Good Privacy) and the Mozilla browser were
originally developed as proprietary software. One
implication of this is that any conclusions about
Linux might not hold true for all open source
products. But being an initiative taker, open source
communities make society Linux strong system
software. A hacker always needs to figure out the
vulnerabilities in the victim system.
A) Local Access Control in Linux Environment
From a Physical Security (PHYSSEC) perspective,
problems do not really begin until attackers have
their hands on a machine. Having suitable access
controls to prevent direct access and policies in place
to prevent social engineering will help ensure that
attackers are kept at a safe distance. Linux is a
robust OS, but it is still vulnerable to hardware
dangers that may lead to damage on its physical
drives or power losses that may cause data
corruption. Therefore, in addition to access controls,
server rooms should include the following items to
ensure integrity and availability and provide
protections from power outages, power anomalies,
floods, and so on[7].
Console Access
Stealing data using a Bootable Linux CD:
1. Reboot the system and configure it to boot
from the CD-ROM.
2. Boot into the bootable Linux distro.
3. Open a root command shell.
4. Create a mount point by typing mkdir
mountpoint, which will create a directory
called mount point.
5. This is where the file system will be
6. Determine the type of hard disks (SCSI or
IDE) on the system. [sda, sdb, sdc, and so
on for SCSI, & hda, hdb, hdc, and so on for
IDE] To determine the disk type, type fdisk
l or look through the output of the dmesg
7. Determine the partition on the disk to be
mounted. Partitions on the disk are
represented as sda1, sda2, sda2, and so on.
8. Identifying the correct partition that
contains the /etc/shadow fi le (always the
root / partition). It is usually one of the
first three partitions.
9. Type mount /dev/sda# mountpoint, where
/dev/sda# is your root partition (sda1, sda2,
sda3,), and mountpoint is the directory
you created.
10. Change to the /etc directory on your root
partition by typing cd mountpoint/ etc

1856 | P a g e

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860
11. Use your favorite text editor (such as vi) to
open the etc/shadow file for editing.
12. Scroll down to the line containing the roots
information, which looks something like:
13. Delete everything between the first and
second colons, so the line, resembles this
one: root::13659:0:99999:7:::
14. Save the file and exit you editor.
15. Type cd to return to the home directory.
16. Type umount mountpoint to unmount the
target file system.
17. Type reboot to reboot the system and
remove the bootable Linux distribution CD
from the drive.
18. Now the system can be accessed as root
with no password (or the known password).
B) Chrooting Directory
The amount of work that goes into securing a system
can be partially mitigated by taking advantage of the
chrooting abilities built into certain applications or
by using the chroot feature that is included or can be
compiled into Linux. Chroot is a combination of two
words: change and root. It creates a sandboxed,
virtual directory that is used to provide a user or an
application access to only a limited subset of
resources. Certain daemons, such as FTP and SSH,
have the built-in or add-in ability to sandbox users in
a carefully crafted chrooted environment.
Identifying Dependencies: The process of
identifying and copying application dependencies
and configuration files can be painstakingly
performed using various Linux tools, such as the
Strace: A utility designed to trace all syscalls and
executable makes. It will enumerate all files
(configuration files, library dependencies, open files,
output files) for a given executable. It shows
voluminous output as it systematically steps through
a binary as it executes.
Privilege Escalations
File Permission and Attributes
Chrooting in system directories
Hacking Local Passwords
Disabling Bootable CDs and Bios Password
C) Privilege Escalation
We have described ways that attackers can
compromise a system due to lack of physical access
controls on or surrounding a system. Instead of
aiming only to prevent
physical access to the machine or direct access to its
drives, you must also consider how to safely allow
semitrusted users some level of access to a machine,
but not give them greater permissions than
necessary. You must try to prevent users from

escalating their privileges themselves and gaining

access to unintended resources. Having said that,
Linux systems often require a user be able to elevate
his or her own privileges from time to time, when
executing certain commands. Sudo is a utility that
grant granular access to commands that users can
run with elevated permissions. When using or
administering a Linux box, you frequently need to
switch back and forth between performing
administrative-type tasks requiring enhanced
permissions and
regular-type tasks only needing basic user
permissions. It would be ineffective to operate using
a basic user account all of the time and unwise to do
everything as root. Due to the
restrictions placed on standard user accounts and the
number of steps involved in switching back and
forth between accounts, not to mention the irritation
caused by the path changing every time, the
tendency is to just log in to the system as the
superuser and perform all the tasks from start to
finish. This is very problematic.
D) Restrict System Calls with Systrace
Interactive Policies
One of the most powerful system access
controls is the Systrace utility that allows
enforcement of interactive policies. Proper
utilization of this utility can replace other access
controls, or be added to them, as part of a defensein-depth architecture. It essentially creates a virtual
chrooted environment where access to system
resources can be specifically permitted or denied for
a particular application. The Systrace utility has
three primary functions:
Intrusion detection
Non-interactive policy enforcement
Privilege elevation
Intrusion Detection The Systrace utility enables
administrative personnel to monitor daemons
(especially useful if done on remote machines) and
generate warnings for
system calls that identify operations not defined by
an existing policy. This allows administrators to
create profiles for normal daemon operations on a
particular system and generate alerts for any
abnormal activity.
Noninteractive Policy Enforcement (aka IPS)
Beyond the ability for Systrace to generate alerts for
system calls not included in a particular policy, you
can also use it to prevent
them. Systrace can be configured to deny any
activity not explicitly defined in an active policy.
Privilege Elevation Instead of configuring
SetUID/SUID/SGID bits, which can essentially
create built-in vulnerabilities, Systrace can be used

1857 | P a g e

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860
to execute an application without persistent
permissions, as it only escalates permissions to the
desired level when necessary. Furthermore, Systrace
only elevates privileges in a precise, fine-grained
manner, specifically for the particular operations that
require them.
Proposed System
The proposed system explains about how to hack a
encrypted wireless computer network (WLAN) The
system elaborates about the detailed procedure for
hacking and gaining access to any encrypted
Wireless Network(WAN) in three steps preparing
Device for attack, crack WEP encryption, crack
WPA encryption
Existing Work
The work that lies in the background of this
Wireless Network hacking through Linux flavored
OS has not yet been proposed successfully because
of the unavailable result statistics. Only the strong
probabilities have been drawn out based on some
previously proposed mathematical tools and
theorems. Along with this many of the tools that
come up in build in the Linux like BACKTRACK[7]
have been suggested to perform.
Drawbacks in this system
1. Hacking process is totally practical and less
theory prerequisites oriented.
2. Every technique of hacking born through the
use security of less principled counterparts ,
here no such case history to consider
3. Hacking cannot be tested over some kind of
matrix measures or on any other criteria that are
generally considered valid for other kind of
security related researches.
4. No analytical statistics are generated to prove
the complexity and risk factors involved in this
5. The suggested tools have not been verified ever
via actual implementation
6. Hence, overall risk factor is exponential.
Proposed System Architecture

The proposed system explains about the procedure

for hacking and gaining access to any encrypted
Wireless Network(WAN).
1. Hacking Encrypted Wireless Network
2. Backtrack 5.0 installed hardware machine
3. System assembled with an Wi-Fi device or
4. A Wi-Fi station
Algorithm for proposed system
This algorithm contains 3 basic steps1. Prepare a Wi-Fi device for an attack
2. Cracking WEP Encryption
3. Cracking WPA Encryption
Step I) Prepare the Wi-Fi device for an attack



Start with a new terminal

Get access of the system in privileged mode
Check the status of the Wi-Fi device
If (Wi-Fi device = installed) Then
a. Turn off the Monitor Mode of
W-Fi device
b. Change the mac address of the
c. Enable Monitor Mode of W-Fi
device again
d. Prepare Wi-Fi device for an attack
If ( Wi-Fi device != installed) Then
a. Configure a new Wi-Fi device
b. Repeat Step # 3
Halt with exiting the terminal

Step II) Crack WEP (Wireless Encryption

Protocol) Encryption


Log in a root user.

Discover a target network to attack upon
with airodump-ng.
Terminate the discovery once enough
nereby n/w are traced
Capture the packets and ARPs on wireless
network with airodump-ng
If (speed of capture is SLOW)
Use airoplay-ng -3 b c
If (Error = Waiting for becon frame)
Repeat from step # 4 and step # 5
Save the captured in a target folder
Decrypt the data using aircrack

Step III) Cracking WPA (Wi-Fi Protected

Access) Encryption

1858 | P a g e

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860



Log in a root user.

Open a new terminal to check the
Capture the handshakes using airoplay
Disconnect all the clients in the network by
Generate a wordlists/wpa.txt
Brute force the password from
a. Required KEY is achieved
b. Close the terminal
Repeat from step # 2 to step # 7

Procedure for hacking Encrypted WAN

1. Preparing the Wi-Fi device for an attack

Here X is the network number enlisted in the output

of the previous command. This will now capture all
the data pakets.
Now open an new terminal and log in through root.
Use command
airplay-g -3 b <wirless bssid> -h
<myFakeMacAddress> <device name>
It is recommende to capture at least of 2000 packets.

Open the terminal and log in through the root user.

Check status of your Wi-Fi device by typing
iwconfig command. We get list of all the Wi-Fi
devices installed.
airmon-ng stop wlan0
This command disables the monitor mode of Wi-Fi
We must not use our real physical address, hence
macchanger mac <proxy mac address>
Now use monitor enabling to have full control over
device you want to configure by using
airmon-ng start wlan0
2. Cracking WEP Encryption
First of all we need to select the target network to
attack. Use airodump-ng start wlan0
This will show all the active station nereby. It also
shows their mac addresses, total users, traffics etc
etc. Now hit Ctrl+C to stop the discovery. Now,
its the time to capture some packets. Use following
airodump-ng X c w <address where
captured packets should be saved>
bssid <networkaddress> <devicename>

Cracking WEP Encryption

Lets try to decrypt the captured date to find out the

wireless network password. In the other terminal
press ls to enlist the data folders. Use
wepcaptured 01.cap.
aircrack-ng bssid <address of
target> <path where captured data
has been stored> wepcaptured 01.cap.
The computer now try to decrypt the data and if
successful will show the password. Now we have
network.Furthermore we can manipulate as we wish.
For example I want to disconnect all the clients
connected, I use:
airplay-ng -0 15 a <your network
device ID> <device name>

1859 | P a g e

Aniruddha P Tekade, Pravin Gurjar, Pankaj R. Ingle, Dr.B.B.Meshram /International Journal

of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1854-1860
We come to know how actual handshaking is done
on the other terminal and all the clients are being




The method of testing the system reliability

by trying to damage is not new. Whether an
automobile company is testing cars by crashing the
cars in a controlled environment, or an individual is
testing his skills at an army training camp by
sparring with another people, is generally accepted
as reasonable. Identification of vulnerabilities is
useless without regular auditing, persistent intrusion
detection, high-quality system administration
practice, and computer security knowledge. A
simple breakdown can expose an organization to
cyber-attacks, loss of income or mind share, or even
something worse. Every new technology has its
advantages and its risks. Ethical hackers can only
assist their clients in better understanding and
identifying of their security needs, it is the
responsibility of the clients who decide whether to
address them or not. Students also enjoyed the new
vocabulary that has developed in the Google hacking
Using the results of penetration testing
requires proper interpretation. Neither testers nor
sponsors should assert that the penetration test has
found all possible flaws, or that the failure to find
flaws means that the system is secure. All types of
testing can show only the presence of flaws and
never the absence of them. The best that testers can
say is that the specific flaws they looked for and
failed to find arent present; this can give some idea
of the overall security of the systems design and
implementation. Penetration testing is effective
because it lets us consider a system as its actually
used, rather than as its expected to be used. Its
something to which all computer security students
should be exposed.








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Be Protected and Feel Secure Ethical
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What Hackers Learn that the Rest of Us
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1860 | P a g e

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