Amazing Psychic Perceptor

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Is it true? This Amazing

Wealth, Love and Power
Beyond Belief!
Miraculous "Mental Instrument" offers instantaneous power to make your dreams come true!
Power to see all, hear all, and command all!
Yes. Dr. Joseph Murphy's amazing secret of the Psychic 'Pciccptor is
here at last! After 20 years of mind research this miraculous psychic
discovery is now yours.
Twenty years ago, the purposes and uses of this amazing psychic
wonder were first perceived by Dr. Joseph Murphy of California. The
amazing secret of the psychic Perceptorthe miraculous mental instrument
of the mind that can be made to respond to your will and desires!
3The impossible had been achieved! As experiments progressed, thousands of poor, unhappy, discouraged men and women were having their
lives transformed at last by one of the most magnificent discoveries in
the history of the enure universe!

Now, you too, says Dr. Joseph Murphy, can build up an enormous
treasure of wealth, energy, power over others, and new friends...while
you rid yourself of fear, doubt, and evil psychic forces that may be
blocking your road to fame and fortune.
All by using the one httle secret of the Psychic Pcrceptor, that takes
only minutes to learn-and can start working for you, automatically!
You can forget your age, young or old, when I say that you can give
orders to your Psychic Perceptor, tell it to make your life richer, healthier, and more productive, and actually get what you want.

Proof that this method works is supported by Dr. Murphy's personal
witness and his files filled with thousands of true life case histories ...
A former secretary claims: "If someone had told me a year ago that
1 would be driving a Lincoln; wearing a mink coat, expensive diamonds
and sapphires; living in my own, home and married to a wonderful man,
I would have laughed out loud."
Almost overnight, after using the secret of the Psychic Perceptor,
wealth and happiness flowed to her in avalanches of abundance.
To utilize this miraculous new-found power. >ou need to learn only one
thingjust oneand if you can read a few simply-told, easy-to-follow
instructions, this tremendous power-giving force is yours to command.

You Can Prove It Yourself At Our RiskJust As These People Did!

* CLAIMS PSYCHIC PERCEPTOR BRINGS HIM WINNING TICKET! Dr. Murphy tells about a man who could not pay his bills. The
rent was three months past due and his purse was empty. Dr. Murphy
him the Psychic Perceptor secretand a friend gave him an Irish
weepstakes ticket. One month later, he received a large sum of
money, which solved all his problems!
- PICKS WINNERS IN SIX RACES! Mr. J. J.. of California, had been
ip the habit of losing $10 to SIS weekly at the race track. Accordingly, he began using his Psychic Pcrceptor every night for about 15
minutes to ask for $30.000. On the fifth week, he went to the track
and bet on six races. THEY WERE ALL WINNERS! And he received 550,000 cash!
STRANGER HANDS HER $100,000! Mrs. X.. of Georgia, a widow
who was living alone, could not keep up the payments on her home.
Hearing of Dr. Murphy, she contacted him, and he gave her the
secret of the Psychic Perceptor. After using this one simple secretout of the bluea stranger knocked on her door and she got the
SI00,000 she needed!
-HOW SHE GOT A FREE VACATION! Mrs Louise B. used her
Psychic Perceptor to ask for a wonderful vacation. Shortly afterwards
she received a gift of a European holiday for her entire family!

Perhaps You Are Wondering,

Who Is Dr. Joseph Murphy?
Dr. Murphy i*> one of the leading experts in the psychic field living
on the face of the earth today. He holds four doctorates.


Joseph Murphy, D.D., D.R.S., Ph.D., LL.D.,

ur. Murpny conducts a daily radio program on scii-acvciopment and frequently appears on television. Hundreds of thousands ha\e attended his classes on the power of the subconscious

Dr. Murphy tells of "miraculous" healings, of men and women who

were able to draw their loved onci to themas bees to honeywith this
secret, contact long-lost friends and relatives, strengthen and unite all
family ties!


According to Dr. Murphy, if you arc poor, your Piychic Pcrccptor
can give you the wealth of an emperor, if you are tired or rundown it
can give you boundless strength and energy, if >ou lack friends it can
surround you with an army of devoted men and womenboosters and
supporters who will stand side by side with you against the world, if
need be.
Yes, my friend, you can do it as surely as you can breathe, and almost
as easily.
What looks like sheer magic to others is merely the operation of a
newly discovered natural process WHICH YOU CAN MAKE THE

Why It Must Work For You!

Best of all, your Psychic Perccptor is guaranteed to work for you
automatically and endlessly for one simple reason . . . because it has
worked for thousands of ordinary men and women from all walks of
life, no better, no smarter, no luckier or harder working than youand
is working for them right now!
These people have received
Wealth in avalanches of abundance, and discoveries of hidden treasure*
Psychic healing of maladies thought incurable!
Contact with long-lost friends and relatives!
Power to see and hear beyond walls and over great distances'
Freedom from fear of so-called voodoo or evil eye!
Happier marriages, and more zcstful dail> living!
Prevention of many unnecessary tragedies!
The joyous satisfaction of the answered prayer!
According to Dr. Murphy, it can set you on the high road to happiness, quickly, easily, and automaticallyjust as it has for still thousands
of others he tells you about*

Receives A Million Dollars!

"I had the most amazing telephone call from the husband of a woman
we shall call Mrs. H.," says Dr. Murphy. "My wife just inherited a
million dollars. You told her what to do!" She simply told her Psychic
Pcrccptor she wanted SI millionand at the end of about a month, she
was advised by a stranger that she had inherited over a million dollars.
It was, as her husband said, "completely out of the blue!"

Receives A Wonderful Healing!

of the Psjchic Perceptor can bring miracles such as theseaccording to

Dr. Murphy;
PROOF A girl who was slowly dying due to a belief that someone
m Tahiti had put the "fix" (a name curie J on herreceived a wonderful healing and is now. bubbling over with the joy of life!
PROOF Another reports she was immediately able to sec her longlost father, in a hotel roomthousands of miles awayand make him
come back*
PROOF A young lady, whose doctor had given her 4 months to live,
told her Ps>chic Perceptor to heal her. Six months later, her doctor
said, "A miracle has happened." Two years have passed and she says
she is completely cured!
PROOF A young lady from Wichita, Kansas, states that the Psychic
Perceptor method enabled her to reduce and control her weight Her
goal was 118 pounds, and-true to the law-she reduced 40 pounds!
PROOF Another woman saw the man of her dreams, with her Psychic Perceptor. and he was automatically attracted to her*
PROOF A girl was able to protect herself completely from being
hj pnotizcd by an expert, who wanted her to disrobe in front of
twelve men and women!
PROOF Another user reports using her Psychic Perceptor to free
her at long last from an evil spirit who was constant)} annoying
her, pouring out vulgarisms, obscenities, commanding her to violate
her sex code, as well as e*en scratching her at night. The spirit disappeared not daring 10 return'
And tjest of all, this can work for you right now. according to
Dr. Murphy. You need no special abilities or training. On the contrary,
he says, it's the simplest thing in the world!

Dr. Murphy reports how a medical doctor who had hurt his back,
was sick in bedand couldn't work or walkwas healed with his Psychic
Perceptor! "Something happened to me." he said. "A strange feeling
came over me; I felt a healing force flowing through me."


At Our ExpenseFor 30 Days!

Reveals A Small Fortune In Dollar Bills!

If the PSYCHIC PERCEPTOR can do all this for olhcrs. what

amazing results can it also
bring to you? You have nothing to lose! A
whole new uorld to gam 1 If you don't agree this book transforms >our
life, return it and your purchase price will be immediately, fully and
cheerfully refunded. Why not send in the No-Rjsk CouponTODAY:

A woman in New York City says she asked her Psychic Perceptor to
tell her the location of a box containing money. Soon she clearly saw
a small black box hidden in the wall behind a picture of Lincoln. She
saw a secret button, which could not be seen with the naked eye. When
she pressed the button, an opening appeared containing the black box,
which contained $50,000 in cash."

How a Widow Of 72 Banished Loneliness!

Mrs. L, a widow, wanted desperately to re-marry. She complained
that although she had written for prayers to all the New Thought
Churches to pray for the right husband for her, all the effort had come
to naught. She said that her children were grown up, married, and living
as far as 3,000 miles away and that while she met many widowers, no
one had proposed to her. On Dr. Murphy's instructions, she used her
Psychic Perceptor. Shortly afterward, she met a wonderful retired
physicianwho proposed marriage, which she accepted!

"Let Wonders Happen In Your Life

Beginning Now!"
Yes now, says Dr. Joseph Murphy, YOU can have the power of a
mighty PSYCHIC PERCEPTOR-to see all, hear all, and command 1
Mighty Extrasensory Power, power bc>ond the range of normal sight
and sound, power that knows no bound in time and spacePower to command that which you wish to occur, as if b> magic,
easily, automatically, by unobserved means' And as the mighty PSYCHIC PERCEPTOR secret works for >ou, >ou will see this power emerging m your daily life!
For just as a magician's wand was said to cause miracles, the secret


What iii the World!



Cool and formal with Dad
Teddy Kennedy not a favorite son?
"Joseph Kennedy's sons naturally responded to their father's teachings and
example in the order of their ages. There
was a permanent distance between Teddy
and Joe, dictated not so much by personal
choice as by the chasm of the years, and by
the fact that the old man, guided by the
practical demands of the family seniority
system, saved most of his enthusiasm and
advice and succor for the elder sons, who
were already deeply imbedded in politics.
By the time Teddy was first elected to office,
his father was a crippled huskhe had suffered a stroke the year before and could not
speak. The two were tied with the velvet
cord of Mandarin affection, cool and formal
and distant. .Even his mother, Rose, once
said. '\Ve tried to keep everything more or
less equal. But you wonder if the mothei
and father aren't quite tired when the ninth
one comes along. There are 17 years between my oldest and > oungest child, and I
have been telling bedtime stories for 20
years.' Teddy was their ninth and last
child." From "The Last Kennedy." b\
Robert Shprrill (Dial. S8.95).


"Kate stood up to all the madness; Ava was

destroyed by the system," says their biographer.
The madness that was Hollywood
wrote screenplays in the 40's. Toda>,
Author Charles Higham talking: "While
she's all alone and embittered. But coming
many movie-goers bemoan the end of the
from poverty as she did. and then becomytar system, few of
ing an overnight star, she couldn't ever
today's actors would
go home again. She had to keep up the
wish for its revival.
fagade, even though being a star was deAva Gardner is a classtroying her personal life. Katharine Hepsic example of how
burn is really the only actress who was
harmful that period
not broken by the systembecause she
was to the actors and
refused to be standardized. While her
actresses who were
peers painted their faces and came up
part of it. Hollywood
with bizarre hairstyles and costumes.
took that untalented
Hepburn chose to be herself. She has rebut very beautiful Charles Higham
mained a symbol of sanity and intelligence
young girl from Smithfield, X.C.. and
because she correctly saw that Hollywood
molded her into u star. She was u poor,
was ephemeral. . . . Her independence has
barefoot girl from the tobacco fields when
been her salvation and her trademark."
she was discovered, and I think she would
Charles Higham is a literary and film critic
have been better off if she had stayed
and the author of numerous movie biogthere. Success brought her numerous
raphies ("Kate" and "Ava" among them).
disastrous marriages and pathetic attempts
The most recent is "Charles Laughton: An
at mingling with the intellectuals who
Intimate .Biography" (Doubleday. SS.95).
open. Jock whimpered and barked for hours
after he was retrieved. He learned two lessonshe's a lot bigger than he thought, and
he's not cut out to be a hunter."



13490 N.W. 45th Ave., Opa Locka, Florida 33059
Gentlemen: Pleaw rush me a copy of PSYCHIC PERCEPTION: THE MAGIC OF EXTRASENSORY POWER. .80045.
by Joseph Murphy. D.D., D.R.S., Ph.D., LL D.! I enclose $8.98
in full payment. In addition, I understand that I may examine
this book for a full 30 dajs entirely at >our risk. If at the end
of that time. I am not satisfied. I will simply return the book to
>ou for every cent of my money back.
Enclosed is check or M.O. for S

Inter Bank

_(Find above your name)

Expiration date of my card.

"Wig? . . . What wig? . . . I haven't

seen Mom's wig, have you, Spike?"



Jock was in a jam
For 26 hours, firemen and mechanical
diggers worked to free a Jack Russell terrier
named Jock who was stuck inside a 12-inch
round drainpipe that went 30 feet underground. "We were out for a walk," explained Jock's 13-year-old owner, Jane
Kent, "when suddenly he shot off after a
Mnall rodent. Jock followed the animal into
a drainpipe nnd then couldn't get out. It
took the workers more than a day to locate
the other end of the pipe and then break it

BIRTHDAYS (all Leo): Sunday-Yves St.

Laurent 40; Arthur Hill 54. MondayJames Baldwin 52; Peter O'Toole 43:
Myrna Loy 71; Carroll O'Connor 52. TuesdayTony Bennett 50; Leon Uris 52.
WednesdayQueen Elizabeth the Queen
Mother 77. ThursdayNeil Armstrong 46:
Roman Gabriel 36; John Huston 70. Friday
-Lucille Ball 65; Robert Mitchum 59.
SaturdayLana Cantrell 32; Anjanette
Coiner 34.

Myrna Loy and Robert Mitchum

Quips ^
& Quotes
By Richard Armour

The skateboard is a strange
I really don't know its intention.
Half board, half skate, it's both
and neither,
And I, for one, would like a
From having neighbor kids go^
Along our sidewalk. Have I
I hear one coming, I hear two;
They're gaining speed, they're
coming through.
I leave the sidewalk, take my
To where it's safeout in the

I must admit, though, as I run,

The skateboard looks like loU
of fun.
As election day draws near.
politicians have begun to s,ay
what they thinkand if they
don't think, they say it anyway.
Lane Olinghon&c
Two secretaries were discussing their problems over a cup ol
coffc-e. One of them said. "All I
asked the boss was, 'Do you want
the carbon copy double-spaced,
too?' "
Anne Dirkman


Kids see life differently. Send
original contributions to "Child,"
Family Weekly, 641 Lexington
Ave., N.Y., N.V. 10022. S10 if
usednone returned

When my brother-in-law
became the first male teacher
at the elementary school, his
third-grade class had mixed
feelings about it. After the
first week, the mother of one
of his students asked her sr^t
how he liked the new teacher.
"I don't know, Mom," he said.
"She keeps sending her husband."
K. L. .Ve/son
Athens, Ca.




FAMILY WEEKLY. August 1 1976

IMPROVEMENT BOOKS CO., Dept. 12623,13490 N.W. 45th Ave., Opa Locka, Florida 33059


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