Mine 402: Mine Design Project I: Chapter 7: Concept Plan

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Topics that need to be addressed in the report:

Compare doing a surface versus underground mining method (is there an
obvious choice?) o Narrow down applicable mining methods down to 2
or 3 types (depending on the orebody geometry, geotechnical and
hydrogeological parameters established)
Compare the 2 or 3 mining methods stating the advantages and disadvantages
of each method (then choose one)
For the chosen mining method, describe:
Direction or possible mining sequence sub pits/benches sequences with ore to
waste ratios or development/stope sequence (include image)
Life of mine (minimum of 10 years)
Annual waste and ore volume/tonnage delivery rates (graph)
Closure purpose including landscape plan compared to original topography:
Estimated location and size of waste structures dump and tailings facilities o
Estimated location and size of environmental remediation efforts wetlands,
forestry, agriculture, lakes, etc.
Anticipated infrastructure left behind powerlines, roads, airstrips, port or plant
facilities (are there any future uses for infrastructure left behind)
Statement of community involvement throughout project (specifically during
reclamation, who will be taking environmental custodianship)
Special attention issues identifies on initial plan, with respect:
geotechnical stability, pump/sump locations, ARD concerns, tailings dams o
relocation of communities and farm land
Location of mine infrastructure on plan view in relation to surrounding area settling ponds, plants, shops, offices, access, utilities including
sight/noise/air quality buffer zone to surrounding community (if needed)
What should be done in terms of the project:
Pit shells should be chosen
Annual rates for waste and ore

Questions for Jen:

Strip mine plan how to do it, how to model,
How much detail for equipment selection? Sizes, numbers etc.

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