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Clear and To The Point. Stephen M Kosslyn

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Clear and to the Point

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Clear and to the Point

8 Psychological Principles for Compelling
PowerPoint Presentations

Stephen M. Kosslyn


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Copyright 2007 by Stephen M. Kosslyn

Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kosslyn, Stephen Michael, 1948
Clear and to the point:
8 psychological principles for compelling
powerpoint presentations / Stephen M. Kosslyn.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-19-532069-5 (pbk.)
1. Presentation graphics software.
2. Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file) I. Title.
P93.53.M534K67 2007
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To my wife, Robin

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Chapter 1.

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

Chapter 2.

The Big Picture


Chapter 3.

Legible Text


Chapter 4.

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound


Chapter 5.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs


Chapter 6.

Communicating Qualitative Information:

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart


Chapter 7.

The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible



Psychological Principles and Their Specific Aspects




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The PowerPoint program is like the weather: Everybody likes to

complain about it, but nobody does anything about it. This book is
an attempt to clear the PowerPoint skies. With the PowerPoint program, people complain the most about the presentations it allows
users to produce, which can be irritating, confusing, boring, condescending, and incomprehensible. I doubt that creators of those
presentations intend to come off in any of these ways, but they
simply havent had guidance in how to use this medium to be clear
and to the point. This books mission is to provide that guidance.
The happy confluence of two activities led to this book. First, I
revised my earlier book, Elements of Graph Design, so thoroughly
that it was re-named Graph Design for the Eye and Mind. While
working on that project, I noticed that the same psychological principles extend beyond graph design to all visual communication.
Those principles of perception and cognition are at work no matter
what we humans are doing, be it interpreting graphs, playing golf,
reading tea leaves, or anything else (including giving PowerPoint
presentations). Second, I was a member of many search committees in my department, which involved sitting through innumerable
PowerPoint presentations thatironically (given that Im in a
department of psychology)violated psychological principles.
Unlike other books Ive written on communication graphics, this
one isnt an academic discussion. (That should be obvious by the
time you get to the joke about vampire bats.) Ive given you only
what you can use right now. (If you want to know about the scientific studies that back up my principles and recommendations, look
at the detailed discussions of the relevant empirical literature and
the long list of references in Graph Design for the Eye and Mind.)
I have many people to thank for inspiring and helping me make
this book a reality. Catharine Carlin of the Oxford University Press
came through once again (this is my third book with her). Her time,

trouble, and good sense were extremely valued at every step along
the way. Also at Oxford, Lelia Mander did a superb job in managing
the production of this book, and I again thank her for her clearheaded, good judgment. My agent, Rafe Sagalyn, not only read the
manuscript and made extraordinarily constructive suggestions, but
he also broke the logjam over the title (and came up with the one
that graces the cover). Rafe is everything an agent should be and
much more. I also thank my assistant, Alex Russell, for lending me
her sharp eye, and my student Sam Moulton, PowerPoint maven
supreme, for going over the manuscript in detail and sparing no
words in setting me straight. (Any remaining errors are not his fault,
but rather reflect my own foibles.) Andrew Shultman and Patricia
Leigh Zadnik also helped make the earliest drafts begin to approach
coherence. And Nicholas C. Liu helped put the manuscript together,
with patience and good humor, Jennifer Shephard helped in too
many ways to enumerate, and Stefano Imbert and David Kosslyn
provided invaluable image design ideas and produced some of the
most interesting illustrations in the book. Ronnie Lipton gave the
manuscript an extraordinarily close read, and made invaluable suggestions (as well as uncounted specific edits). Thanks, Ronnie!
Finally, I must thank my family: Robinfor giving me the space to
do this project, in spite of looming deadlines on our jointly authored
textbooksand our children, Justin, David, and Neilall of whom
contributed valuable insights and observations.

Clear and to the Point

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Introduction to Articulate





whether were managers, financial analysts, or university profes-

sors, we are very likely to suffer through frequent

PowerPoint presentations. We see them everywherenot only at meetings but also online. If we
stop to think about it, most of these presentations
are dreadfully put together, and either they
confuse us or attempt to lull us into accepting
weak arguments uncritically. PowerPoint presentations are now parodied, disparaged, and blamed
for failures to communicate clearly.

Clear and to the Point

As a professor of psychology who has written widely about how
humans process information, some years ago I found myself paying
as much attention to the medium as to the message. I began keeping
a log of the problems in PowerPoint presentations I saw, and I realized that virtually all of them occur because the presentations failed
to respect fundamental characteristics of how we humans perceive,
remember, and comprehend information.
I decided to write this book to make the relevant psychological
principles clear to people who didnt study these fundamental characteristics of the human mind, and to show how anyone can use
these principles to make crystal clear, compelling presentations. This
book is fundamentally different from all other books on creating
PowerPoint presentations. My recommendations not only are firmly
rooted in well-known psychological principles, but I also show you,
the reader, how to use these principles to create presentations that
communicate clearly and effectivelythat are clear and to the point.
When I speak of psychological principles, Im not referring to our
understanding of neurotic tendencies or any of the things Freud
might have discussed during his sessions with patients on the couch.
Rather, I am referring to the fruits of the modern science of psychology, which aims in part to discover how perception, memory,
comprehension, cognition, motivation, and emotion operate. With
the advent of cognitive psychology (which seeks to understand such
mental processes by analogy to the operation of computer programs)
in the second half of the 20th century and the more recent emergence
of cognitive neuroscience (which aims to discover how the brain gives
rise to mental processes), we now know more than enough to apply
our knowledge to the design of multimedia presentations.
The recommendations offered in this book will help you to make
and deliver an effective presentation, step by stepbut dont think
Im going to tie you down with rules that will make your presentation
formulaic, dry, or lacking in personal style. Your creativity will have
plenty of leeway. At the same time, if you design your presentation
according to the recommendations I offer here, you will play to
the strengths of those who see and hear it, and will avoid being
defeatedthat is, misunderstood or ignoredbecause of the
inherent weaknesses of human mental processes.
The aims of this book rest on the idea that theres nothing fundamentally wrong with the PowerPoint program as a medium;
rather, I claim that the problem lies in how it is used. This view is
not universally shared, and you might wonder whether I can deliver
on my promises. For example, Edward Tufte, the modern guru of
visual communication, claims that the PowerPoint program is
inherently flawed. He has found the problems with this tool so pervasive and destructive that he challenges the very idea of using it
to communicate.

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

Before accepting Tuftes verdict, however, consider an analogy:
Both an assault rifle and a hammer can be used to kill, but the assault
rifle invites mayhem, whereas this is an incidental application of a
hammer. With regard to its capacity for ruining a presentation, is the
PowerPoint program more like the rifle or the hammer? Unlike Tufte,
I dont see it as akin to the weapon, which invites being used in the
service of destruction. The PowerPoint program is much more like a
hammer. Or, more accurately, its more like a word processing program than an assault rifle. Just as you wouldnt blame Microsoft
Word for every bad article youve read, you shouldnt blame the PowerPoint program for every bad presentation youve seen.
In fact, this medium is a remarkably versatile tool that can be
extraordinarily effective. Rather than the programs being fundamentally flawed, the problem is that some users, like kids in a candy
store, become gluttonous consumers of the options presented by the
PowerPoint programand forget to focus on nutrition. We should use
these presentations not to razzle-dazzle with eye candy but to give
the meat of our ideas. In this book I provide clear instructions that
you can follow to make your ideas crystal clear and immediately comprehensible. But I also go deeper than thatI aim to help you develop
intuitions about how to use this powerful tool effectively.

Three Goals and How to Achieve Them

The advice I offer in this book will help you build and deliver presentations that accomplish three goals that virtually define an effective presentation:
Goal 1: Connect with your audience.
Your message should connect with the goals and interests of your
Goal 2: Direct and hold attention.
You should lead the audience to pay attention to whats important.
Goal 3: Promote understanding and memory.
Your presentation should be easy to follow, digest, and remember.
These obviously are worthy goals. The trick is how to achieve
themand thats what this book is about. You can achieve each of
these goals if you respect the eight psychological principles that I
summarize beneath their applicable goals (and describe in detail in
the Appendix). These principles will in turn lead to very specific recommendations in the chapters that follow.

Clear and to the Point

In this introductory chapter, my aim is to give you an overview
and a general sense of the eight principles that underlie my advice.
We now consider the three goals. When turning to each goal, I introduce the principles that will help to accomplish it.

Goal 1: Connect with Your Audience

Youll communicate effectively only when you focus the audiences
attention and interest on a specific message. When I first began to
speak publicly, I thought that the goal was to convey as much information on a topic as possible and utterly failed to connect with the
audience; I would present many summaries and examples and
swamp the audience, not knowing what was of interest to them. I
was giving talks to myself, not to the members of the audience
(which was doubly unfortunate, since I already knew what I had to
say!). You need to speak to your audience, not speak at them.
Two principles will help you achieve this goal.

Principle 1. The Principle of Relevance

Communication is most effective when neither too much nor too little
information is presented.
Abraham Lincoln was once asked how long a mans legs should
be. His answer: Long enough to reach the ground. A talk is like a
mans legs: It should be as long, but no longer, than necessary to get
the job donein this case, to convey your message. Ive never once
heard somebody complain that a presentation was too short.
This principle has two main aspects:
1. A presentation must be built from the outset around your takehome message; every aspect of the presentation should be relevant to what you want the audience to know and believe when
they walk out the door. We dont want to put ourselves in the
position of Yogi Berra when he declared I didnt really say
everything I said.
2. The audience should be told only what they must know to
get your message: Telling them too little will leave them
puzzledand telling them too much will leave them overwhelmed, disoriented, and irritated (and ultimately bored,
because they will stop trying to track what you are saying).
Telling people too much is like what used to happen when digital watches first appeared on the scene: When asked the time,
people sometimesunhelpfully and annoyinglyreported
it down to the second. This was neither informative nor

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

Example: If you are talking about a general difference between
Japanese and U.S. consumers, dont break the information down
by gender or region.

Principle 2. The Principle of Appropriate Knowledge

Communication requires prior knowledge of pertinent concepts,
jargon, and symbols.
Youve no doubt often heard that you should know your audience, and this advice is rock solid: To communicate effectively, your
presentation must be pitched at the right level for the audience you
wish to reach. The Principle of Relevance is about what to communicate, whereas the Principle of Appropriate Knowledge is about how
to convey that information. Consider these two quotes:
He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to
the dictionary.
William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)
Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?
Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)
Hemingway was right in more ways than he may have realized: If
a reader is sent to the dictionary, she might just as soon put down the
book and walk away. To reach your audience, you need to pitch your
talk at a level that makes contact with what the audience already
knows. This is true in terms of three factors:
1. The language you usenot only the jargon you choose, but
also the sophistication and complexity of both the vocabulary
and syntactic structure.
2. The types of displays you use. For example, a standard bar graph
is familiar to (almost) everyone, but a box-and-whisker chart
(which typically shows the median, the range of values in the
quartile above and below it, and the extreme values) is not universally understood; in fact, youalong with most peoplehave
probably never even heard of it. If you dont recognize the format,
you can empathize with how a member of the audience would
feel if you violated the Principle of Appropriate Knowledge.
3. The specific concepts and information you draw upon. For
example, everyone understands amount, but not everyone
knows what a first or second derivative is.
If you assume that the members of the audience know more than
they actually do and you use unfamiliar language, displays, or concepts, you will not connect with themand actually might intimidate
them. If you assume that they know less than they actually do, youll

Clear and to the Point

bore them. In either case, youll fail to connect; even if out of politeness they do manage to keep their eyes propped open and feign not
falling asleep.
In short, you have three options: Go over the heads of the audience members and be perceived as a high-falutin person who likes
to hear himself or herself talk; talk down to the audience, and be
taken as a patronizing boor; or think about the audience in advance
and pitch your talk appropriately. The choice is clear.
In addition, you need to know your audience because your talk
should address their concerns and interests. Its a curious fact of
memory that the more we reflect on material, the more likely it is
that the material will stick, that we will remember it, whether or not
weve tried to do so. If you can interest your audience and engage
them with the material, they will end up remembering it automatically because they will have thought about it.
Example: If you are talking about the economics of oil production
to your local Kiwanis group, link the abstract ideas to facets of
everyday life, such as the prices of gas, fresh produce, and even
various types of synthetic clothing.

Goal 2: Direct and Hold Attention

In the bad old days, before the PowerPoint program existed,
speakers often would distribute handouts at the beginning of a presentation. The members of the audience then did exactly what you
would expect them to do: They began to read the handout, ignoring
what the speaker was saying. Adding insult to injury, they would also
rustle the pages as they read, which distracted anyone who was
trying to follow the presentation itself.
The modern equivalent of passing out handouts occurs when you
give the viewers options about what to pay attention to on a slide.
Instead of listening to you, the audience will ignore you while busily
examining the slide, reading the text, and looking at the pictures.
Because a presentation marches on over time, it is not like a book or
paper, where the reader can set his or her own pace and go back
when desired. You need to present material in a way that leads the
audience through it step by step, and that does not result in their
getting lost, confused, or overwhelmed.
In order for your PowerPoint presentation to communicate effectively, it must hold your audiences attention effectively. The audience should be like a boat pushed by an outboard motor, with you
supplying the gas! Your talk should not leave the audience like so
many logs drifting in the current. By using the three psychological
principles noted below, in combination with the two just described,

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

the audience will automatically pay attention to you and your messagesimply because thats the path of least resistance.

Principle 3: The Principle of Salience

Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences.
Our brains are difference detectors. We cannot help being drawn
to large differences in perceptible qualitiesbe they the sudden
movement of a rabbit in tall grass, a bright or bold pattern (like this
one) on a dim background, or loud noises in the kitchen. Salient
stimuli are those that are clearly different from the surrounding
stimuli, and salient stimuli hijack the audiences attention.
Example: To make the title of a slide the most salient, make it
larger and bolder than the other text. Similarly, to highlight
the most important bar in a graph, color it brighter than the
The Principle of Salience is important in part because of what it
leads us not to do: Namely, irrelevancies should not be salient.
Example: The PowerPoint program includes many infelicitous
background patterns, which at first glance may be tempting eye
candy. Some have conspicuous background patterns, such as
beach balls and other large, multicolored objects, that grab the
viewers attention. But you dont want the audience to be lost in
admiration of the background of your slides. You also dont want
the audience to struggle to get your message amid gripping irrelevancies. Instead, the most important part of a slide should
command their immediate attention.
This principle also leads us to prioritize different aspects of the
message, highlighting what is most important at any given moment
in time. Imagine that you are guiding a blindfolded person along a
route by giving verbal directions: At the outset, you need to give the
person an overall description of the lay of the land (well be going
half a mile, with about a dozen turns), and then only tell her at the
relevant times what she needs to know to complete each leg of
the journey. Your audience isnt blindfolded, but needs similar
Example: With the PowerPoint program, you can call attention to
text or pictures by sending them in from the side; conversely,
you can remove objects from the viewers attention by making
them only a shade or two different from the background color
a process that I will call graying it out.

Clear and to the Point

Principle 4: The Principle of Discriminability

Two properties must differ by a large enough proportion or they will
not be distinguished.
Salience is crucial for directing and holding attention, but a change
doesnt even have a chance of being paid attention to if its not discriminable. Discriminability occurs when we can tell two things apart,
whereas salience occurs when differences are so large that attention
is involuntarily grabbed by the stand-out object or event. A difference
of two inches in height between two toddlers is easy to notice (and
hence such a difference is salient), but is essentially invisible (and
hence not discriminable) when we compare two pro basketball
players who are more than seven feet tall. Our visual systems register
relative proportions, not absolute amounts, so that if a proportion is
too small, we wont be able to distinguish between two properties. If
a change is not discriminable, it may as well not be there.
Example. Weve all had the experience of squinting from the back
of the room, trying to read a tiny label: The words are too small
for us to distinguish the individual letters. Similarly, consider
again those fancy and elaborate backgrounds that the PowerPoint program so conveniently provides, which range from
cosmic scenes to complex geometric patterns. These backgrounds can make reading text the visual equivalent of sorting
wheat from chaff, and can turn your slide into a puzzle to be
solved. Even if you assume that they will bother, why make your
audience work so hard?

Principle 5: The Principle of Perceptual Organization

People automatically group elements into units, which they then
attend to and remember.
You can direct your audiences attention in part by how you
arrange the material on your slide; viewers will consider together
material that is organized into a single group. We see groups formed
from individual elements all of the time. For instance, we see a flock
of geese heading south for the winter not as individual birds, but
instead as a unit; we see reflectors on the highway not as single
pieces of plastic, but instead as a line. The same principles that lead
us to organize geese or reflectors are also at work when we hear a
presentation and see slides. We automatically group together:

Objects that are near each other: We see XXX XXX as two groups
of 3 Xs, whereas we see XX XX XXthe same number of X
marks, differently arrangedas three groups of 2 Xs.
Objects that appear to be similar: We see XXXOOO as two groups.
Objects that line up on a smooth curve. We see as a
single line, but as two lines (each of which is a group).

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

Objects that move similarly: We see two words flying in from the
left side of the display as grouped together.
Objects that form simple shapes. We see [ _ ] as a single group, but
not _ ] [
Example: Labels should be closer to the object (or, in a graph, to
the wedge, line, or bar) that they label than to anything else.

Goal 3: Promote Understanding and Memory

If you take advantage of how mental processes operate, you can help
the audience easily understand and retain material. Conversely, if
you ignore key facts about these processes and their limitations, you
will easily confuse or overwhelm the processes. The following three
principles will help you promote understanding and retention (when
combined with the five summarized earlier).

Principle 6: The Principle of Compatibility

A message is easiest to understand if its form is compatible with its
Our mental processes tend to make a direct connection between
the properties of what we see and hear, and the content of the message being conveyed. In other words, we infer content from form.
The admonition not to judge a book by its cover is necessary precisely because we have this tendency.
Example. A vivid illustration of this principle was provided by
John Ridley Stroop in 1935. Stroop showed people the names of
colors written in various colors of ink. For example, the word
red was written in red, blue, or green ink; the word blue in
red, blue, or green ink, and so on. When participants were asked
to report the color of the ink (not to read the word), they took more
time and made more errors when the word named a color
different from the color of the ink than when the word named a
color the same as the color of the ink. Similar interference occurs
when people are asked to judge the relative sizes of the words
large and small written in small and large typefaces, respectively.
We are confused when the two messagesfrom the form itself
and from the meaningconflict.
A particularly important aspect of this principle is our unconscious
and automatic tendency to follow the dictum that More is More. This
tendency is very clear in graphs, where an additional amount of a
wedge or a bar is seen to represent an additional quantity, and a continuous rise and fall of a line is naturally taken to reflect a continuous
rise and fall in the entity being measured.


Clear and to the Point

Example. I once saw an egregious violation of the dictum that
More is More: The artist presented a bar graph to convey the
burglary rates of different cities. Each horizontal bar was made
up of little pictures of houses, and longer bars represented
larger numbers of houses. So far, so good. But here is the
problem: Each bar, regardless of length, showed only one
burglarized house (in red)which meant that the longer the
bar, the lower the rate (because the one burglarized house
was a smaller percentage of the whole bar). At first glance,
the reader saw the longer bars as indicating more burglaries
(which was, after all, the subject of the graph) and had to fight the
intuition that more is more to realize that longer bars actually
meant fewer. The graph would have been more effective
if longer bars had simply indicated a greater percentage of

Principle 7: The Principle of Informative Changes

People expect changes in properties to carry information.
This principle has two aspects:
1. When we see or hear a change, we expect it to mean something, so every visible or auditory change should convey information. This idea runs counter to the habits of many
PowerPoint users, who include decorations or interesting (but
essentially random) visual changes, thinking it makes the talk
more attractive. But if words, shapes, or effects dont convey
information, they distract.
Example: Telling a joke in the middle of a presentation can give
the audience time to come up for air (which is a good idea
when the presentation is complex). But the joke must be related
to the topic of the presentation. For instance, lets say I
tell the following joke now (adapted from one found at
www.coolfunnyjokes.com/Funny-Jokes/Animal-Jokes/ Vampirebat.html): A vampire bat, covered in fresh blood, parked himself
on the roof of the cave to get some sleep. Pretty soon all the other
bats smelled the blood and began hassling him about where he
got it. He told them to go away and let him get some sleep, but
they persisted until finally he gave in. OK, follow me he said
and flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him. Down
through the valley they swept, across a river and into a forest full
of trees. Finally he slowed down and all the other bats excitedly
milled around him. Now, do you see that tree over there? he
asked. Yes, Yes, Yes! the bats all screamed in a frenzy. Good,
said the bat, because I sure as hell didnt!

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

Whatever its merits as humor, this joke makes no sense in the current context. If I had presented it in the discussion of discriminability,
it could have helped to make the point (sort of). Or I could have used
it to illustrate a violation of the Principle of Relevance. But here, it
just plain doesnt fit.
This leads to the second aspect of the Principle of Informative
2. Every change in meaning should be conveyed by a change in
appearance. What they see (and hear) is what they get; and
what you want them to get should be signaled by something
you show (or say).
Example: If part of a graph is a projection to the future, it should
look different (perhaps darker or over a colored screen) from the
part that summarizes actual data.

Principle 8: The Principle of Capacity Limitations

People have a limited capacity to retain and to process information,
and so will not understand a message if too much information must
be retained or processed.
We can hold only so much in mind and perform so many mental
operations before we reach our limits. Youve no doubt had the experience of over-taxing your computer, for example, by trying to download
an enormous file. But unlike the tireless, steady machine, we humans
are not so patient, and usually will simply give up trying if we must
work too hard to decode a message or understand a presentation.
This principle has two parts:
1. We like to joke about our memory foibles (e.g., A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory), but the truth is
that people can retain only a limited amount as they try to soak
in new information. In fact, the audience cannot hold in mind
more than four groups of information at oncewhich I call the
Rule of Four. But each group itself can contain four groups.
Example: Showing all 64 boxes in a complex organizational chart
will overwhelm the audience. But the audience can absorb this
information if you build up the slide a portion at a time. For
instance, you can present the top layers (where proximity will
group them first), and then show successive lower layers on the
slide (graying out the upper layers, to direct attention to the new
materialbut keeping the grayed-out portions just barely
discriminable in order to preserve the overall context). Or, you
could use color to define the different perceptual groups, each
of which should contain no more than four entities.



Clear and to the Point

2. Effort is required to search for information or mentally transform
information. Abraham Lincoln was not being complimentary
when he said of an acquaintance, He can compress the most
words into the smallest idea of any man I know. An audience
should not have to search through a visual or conceptual
haystack to find the needle you are talking about.
Example: I once gave a talk in which I argued that its worthwhile
to study a very difficult, perhaps ultimately intractable, scientific
problem (understanding the nature of human motivation). In this
talk, I used a variant of Pascals Wager, which is an argument for
believing in God. Pascal essentially set up a 2 2 table: The two
columns were labeled God Doesnt Exist and God Exists, and
the rows were labeled You Believe in God and You Dont
Believe in God. I described these columns and rows aloud, and
then worked through the four cells, pointing out the crucial cell,
which combines You Dont Believe and God Exists. So, the
argument goes, given the major downside of being in this cell,
and the very small downsides (if any) of the other three cells in
the table, you may as well believe. I would then apply this argument to studying my Hard Problem, saying that if its possible to
understand it, well lose big-time if we dont try.
However, it turned out that the real Hard Problem for the
audience was mentally transforming my words into a visual
mental image of the 2 2 table, keeping the labels straight in
their heads, and then mentally scanning from cell to cell. I often
lost the audience, and failed to convert them to my point of view.
I solved this problem by actually showing a table (with abbreviated labels), and filling in the cells with plus or minus signs, as
appropriate, one by oneending dramatically with that large
minus sign in the last cell (see Figure 1.1). PowerPoint presentations can help people understand by making both memory
and processing easier for them.

Presentations that Are Clear and to the Point

Using the eight principles to accomplish the three essential goals
connecting with the audience, directing and holding attention, and
promoting understanding and memoryis the foundation for a clear
and compelling presentation. Each of these eight principles draws
on facts about our mental processes. And each of these principles
comes into play, singly or in combination, as we create different
aspects of presentations in the following chapters.

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

God Does
Not Exist

God Exists



Figure 1.1. A summary of Pascals Wager, which allows the audience easily to
understand and retain the structure of the argument for believing in God.

In the remainder of the book, I will offer many specific recommendations based on these eight principles, some sweeping and some
that may seem nit-pickingbut all will help you to design and deliver
compelling presentations. The principles apply at every level of scale,
from the presentation as a whole all the way down to individual illustrations on a single slide and the design of a single bullet point.

Making Points in a PowerPoint Presentation: An Example

The hazards of not respecting the limitations of human mental
processes are nicely illustratedironicallyby one of Tuftes favorite
graphics (Figure 1.2). This inventive graphic, created in 1861 by the
French engineer Charles Joseph Minard, illustrates Napoleons bold
march to Moscow in 1812 and his dispirited retreat.
This display has never captivated me for the simple reason that
given human processing limitationsI needed several minutes to figure
it out. I didnt realize initially that five different variables are being shown
simultaneously (which violates the Principle of Capacity Limitations).
For one, the width of the line represents the number of soldiers. And I
didnt realize that time flows in both directions, left-to-right for the march
to Moscow and vice versa for the march back (the lower line). (In our


Figure 1.2. Minards depiction of Napoleons 1812 Russian campaign (from Tufte, 1983). See also color version, in insert.

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

culture, time is usually illustrated left to right, and thus the reverse
violates the Principle of Compatibility.) Moreover, it took me a while to
realize that the line indicating the retreat is indexed by a temperature
scale, and I had trouble reading the small numbers that are at odd angles
(which presumably indicate the numbers of surviving soldiers; both
problems reflect violations of the Principle of Capacity Limitations).
I agree that M. Minard was amazingly clever and managed to cram
a huge amount of information into a single display, but I cant agree
that this is an effective way to communicate; the display doesnt
present the facts so that theyre clear or easily absorbed. If you are in
the mood, you may enjoy taking the time to study the display for the
fun of solving a puzzle, pondering intricate details, or appreciating
the graphic devices employed. But if you want the facts and want
them in a clear, easily understood way, this display is not the solution.
If you use the eight principles to take advantage of the features of the
PowerPoint program, you could create a graphic that would save the
viewer a lot of time and trouble: For example, first you could show just
the line that represents the march to Moscow (and thereby exploit the
Principles of Relevance and Salience). To make obvious the idea of
movement over time, you could use animation to extend the line
(relying on the Principle of Compatibility). Instead of a solid line, you
could use dotsperhaps one for each 1,000 men, arranged into rows
(making use of the Principles of Perceptual Organization), marching
onward. On the next slide, you could gray out this material, so that it
becomes the background for another line, fewer dots wide, moving
back to France (thereby exploiting both the Principles of Salience and
Discriminability). Indeed, this line could move more slowly (using a
sequence of slides to produce variations in the speed of the animation,
perhaps using the custom animation feature of the PowerPoint program for each horizontal segment), if the return march took more
timewhich would provide more information than the original, static
display. In short, the PowerPoint program would let you direct the
viewers attention to one aspect of the display at a time, emphasize
whats important by making the line more distinct than the background,
use motion to capture the viewers attention, and add information
and thus this presentation would be far more effective than the original.

How to Use This Book

Read the chapters in order to open your eyes to a whole new way of
making and delivering PowerPoint presentations. Then read the
appendix for enough information about the principles to apply them
to your every situation.



Clear and to the Point

Whats in this Book

The following overview will help you organize what you read in the
following chapters.

Chapter 2: Presentations that Work

The next chapter presents a sample PowerPoint presentation (that
happens to show how the eight psychological principles can be used
to make good graphs). Youll see how to apply the principles to the
presentation as a whole: how to organize a presentation to connect
with the audience, direct and hold attention, and promote understanding and memory.

Chapter 3: Legible Text

We next turn to the nitty-gritty of how to prepare individual slides.
Here, youll get guidelines for the appropriate sizes and fonts of text,
and the use of bulleted lists. Youll also find out when to use tables and
how to construct them so that they convey information effectively.

Chapter 4: Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

Color, texture, animation (i.e., movement on the screen), and sound
can bring a presentation to life and emphasize or enhance specific
aspects of your message. Used incorrectly, however, they can distract
and can bury specific aspects of your message. Youll see here how to
use color to highlight material, convey information, and organize the
display effectively. Youll also learn which colors tend to work well
together and which dont, and what emotional associations specific
colors convey. Then youll learn how to use texture variations (in figure
and background) and animation. And youll learn the pros and cons
of adding specific types of soundtracks to your presentations.

Chapter 5: Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs

Graphs are pictures that convey information about quantities. Because
well-constructed graphs can communicate a lot of information quickly
and effectively (perhaps even being worth the proverbial 1,000 words),
they often are used in presentations. Youll see when to use graphs
and which sort to use to illustrate a given type of data, to make a specific point, and to connect with a specific audience. Youll also get
guidelines for how to make different sorts of graphs.

Chapter 6: Communicating Qualitative Information: Charts,

Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart
Some types of graphicssuch as organizational charts and process
diagramsdo not convey quantitative information. But the same
principles that apply to quantitative graphs will also help you create

Introduction to Articulate Presentations

effective qualitative graphics. Youll also see how to choose an
appropriate icon or illustration, and when such visual aids will drive a
point home or just drive the viewer to distraction.

Chapter 7: The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible

In this final chapter, I begin by taking a single display that was once
a candidate to be on every food item in the United States and analyze it using the eight principles. This analysis illustrates the power
of the recommendations reviewed in the previous pages. Then well
look at problems with certain features of the PowerPoint program,
including cases when defaults either arent helpful or are downright
destructive. Well finish by coming back to Tuftes attack on the PowerPoint program. I defend the potential of the medium and urge the
reader not to blame the messenger medium for bad messages.

Appendix: Psychological Principles and Their

Specific Aspects
Here youll get a more detailed treatment of the principles, which
provides you with enough information to apply them to all aspects
of presentations.

From the Principles to the Point

At the end of each chapter I summarize the major points by bringing
them back to the principles.This allows me to avoid citing the individual
principles repeatedly in the body of the text and also reinforces the crucial role the principles play in these recommendations.
In this chapter, you saw that an effective presentation accomplishes
three goals: It connects with the audience, directs and holds attention,
and promotes understanding and memory. You also learned that this
book presents a set of specific recommendations for achieving these
goals; these recommendations are grounded in principles about the
operation of the mental processes that underlie perception, memory,
comprehension, cognition, emotion, and motivation. Each subsequent
goal draws on the previous principles as well as any additional ones.
My advice focuses on how to structure your presentation so that
your audience will receive and retain your message. Although there
are no formulae that guarantee that you will convince your audience,



Clear and to the Point

I can tell you this: If you ignore the three goals and the eight principles, you may as well be getting ready to run a foot race with one leg
tied behind your back.
The three goals and principles that address them are as follows;
each goal draws on the previously mentioned principles as well as
the ones added specifically to address that goal.

Goal 1: Connect with your audience

Principle 1: The Principle of Relevance
Communication is most effective when neither too much nor too little
information is presented.

Principle 2: The Principle of Appropriate Knowledge

Communication requires prior knowledge of relevant concepts,
jargon, and symbols.

Goal 2: Direct and hold attention

Principle 3: The Principle of Salience
Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences.

Principle 4: The Principle of Discriminability

Two properties must differ by a large enough proportion or they will
not be distinguished.

Principle 5: The Principle of Perceptual Organization

People automatically group elements into units, which they then
attend to and remember.

Goal 3: Promote understanding and memory

Principle 6: The Principle of Compatibility
A message is easiest to understand if its form is compatible with its

Principle 7: The Principle of Informative Changes

People expect changes in properties to carry information.

Principle 8: The Principle of Capacity Limitations

People have a limited capacity to retain and to process information,
and so will not understand a message if too much information must
be retained or processed.

The Big Picture

art of becoming senior in an organization

is the privilege of running meetings.
When I reached this developmental mile-

stone, I soon learned always to prepare a detailed

written agenda before each meeting. That preparation forced me think about both the process and
possible outcomes of the meeting. For example, I
discovered that the order of the agenda items was
crucial: The discussion went much more smoothly
if I put the easy items first so we had clearly
accomplished at least something by the time the
meeting ended.


Clear and to the Point

The more difficult items often could be discussed indefinitely, as
everyone realized, and by putting them at the end I could impose a
deadline, which helped to focus the discussion. Designing the
agendas properly usually allowed me to respect a one-hour rule:
Sixty-one minutes spent in a meeting was often one minute too many.
(Although even here, the Abraham Lincoln length-of-legs rule applied:
If a meeting really required more time, more time it got.)
Designing a visual presentation is in some ways like designing the
agenda for a meeting. You need to organize it so that you can ease
the audience into the flow, and you need to know how to end it
crisply. However, unlike many meetings, a presentation should have
a single overarching theme and grand mission, supported by all its
parts. The themethe Big Pictureshould be explicit from the
outset, and you should use it to organize all that follows.
In this chapter we consider how to prepare a presentation. From the
outset, you need to keep in mind that you are preparing a presentationnot an article, not a written report. Apparently, the United States
military recently has not always made this distinction and actually used
PowerPoint presentations in lieu of formal battle plans! This is an error.
A presentation lacks the detail and precision of a written report, which
makes it inappropriate for this role. But if you want to engage the audience and clearly convey key ideas and a handful of specific points, then
a multimedia PowerPoint presentation can be just what you need.

8 Guidelines for the Overall Structure

of Your Presentation
Eight is an important number, and not just because of the eight psychological principles Ive summarized. The Buddhists speak of the
eight-fold path to enlightenment, there are eight cardinal directions
on the compass, icons on a computer screen traditionally are multiples of eight pixels wide, and so on. In the following section Im
going to suggest another reason why eight is an important number.
Ill offer eight guidelines for building presentations that communicate your message effectively.


Prepare to speak to a particular audience.

To make your message relevant to your audience, tailor your presentation to their knowledge, beliefs, and goals.To do so, you must find out
what information is important to them and which level of presentation
is appropriate for them. I was at a wedding reception recently, and

The Big Picture

while we were anxiously waiting to attack the huge and sumptuous
cake, one of the guests gave a 15-minute toast, detailing how the happy
couple met and what each of them said during their first date, and
even a few embarrassing details of what they thought after the
first date. For most of the other guests, this was TMI (Too Much Information).
How can you get to know your audience before you prepare your


In many cases, this is easy: The audience members belong to a

specific group, which almost by definition has specific knowledge
and interests.
If you cant fathom their interests from knowing the nature of their
group, the first thing to do is simply to ask the events organizer about
the expected attendees. Find out what they do for a living, what sort
of background they have, and what they are likely to want to know.
What do you do if your audience includes people who have a range
of backgrounds and interests? My advice is to aim for the middle
range, but add some information (on a slide, or in a paraphrase)
specifically aimed at the lower and higher ends. Avoid going for
the lowest common denominator, which will only bore most of the

Show and tell.

Theres a reason that your elementary school teachers had you show
and tell. Different parts of the brain deal with language and with vision,
and we humans store the two sorts of memories separately. When
you present information both visually and verbally, you have two
chances to get that material into the memory banks of your audiences
So, combine graphics and text whenever possible to


help the audience remember what you are saying.

engage the audiences attention by providing visual variety. We
notice whats differentand dont notice whats the same. So seeing
a variety of visuals will keep your audiences interest and attention.
Video clips can be even more effective, because of the added
dimensions of movement and sound (see Chapter 3).

Plan in advance how you will direct the audiences

Controlling what the audience looks at and listens to will maximize
the chances that they will follow you. To do so:



Clear and to the Point


Each slide should contain only as much as you can read aloud or
describe in about one minute. If you present too much text or too
many graphics, the audience will be looking at one thing while you
are saying another.
Vary the salience of what you show by making whats important
perceptually distinct. Capture the audiences attention by making
important elements larger, brighter, or louder, so that you control
what the audience members pay attention to.
How you highlight your material should depend on the type of
material you are highlighting: If you want the viewers to understand a complex structure (e.g., an organizational chart), it makes
sense to build up a slide one part at a time, only showing the part
you want to talk about at that moment. If you simply want them to
focus on a specific part, it makes sense to build a pointer into
your slide by including a red arrow that points to the subject of
interest, or put a circle around a portion of a graphic or text that is
your focus.

Dont lose your basic message by providing either too

much or too little information.
Keep your eye on the ball: Remember what message you want to
communicate, and what the audience members should take away
with them when they leave the room. Provide no more and no less
information than is needed to accomplish this goal. The usual temptation is to provide more information than is necessary to make your
point, which is not a good idea for at least two reasons:

By forcing the audience to search for what is important, you prevent

them from devoting their full resources to processing it.
You may tax the audience to the point that they simply tune you

In cutting out irrelevant detail, be careful not to discard crucial

aspects of your material. Cut to the bone, but not into it.


Prepare your slides to function as your notes; dont rely

on your memory.
Giving a presentation is anxiety provokingI speak from experience,
having given many hundreds of presentations and still feeling a bit
anxious before giving one. Being in this anxious state makes it hard
to keep in mind the points you need to make. So:

The Big Picture

Prepare the presentation so that you can use it as a memory aid.

Include a slide that states every point you want to make. Use titles
and graphics to prompt you to discuss specific ideas.
The more familiar you are with the material, the more abbreviated these prompts can be. But dont abbreviate the material
on the slides to the point that it wont make sense to the audience. The slides that prompt you should also underline key
points for the audience to help them easily comprehend and
Yes, the PowerPoint program does provide tools that allow you to
see notes that are not projected to the audience, but I advise that
you avoid using them, for two reasons:
1. You need to be relatively near your computers screen to read
them. And because we humans are incredibly good at spotting
the target of another persons gaze, the audience will see you
looking down at your computer, not at them or at the image
projected on the screen that they see. The audience will tend to
look where you look, so they will be looking at the back of your
computer, rather than at the screen. The audience might also
feel that you are ignoring them.
2. By not sharing the information you are using to give the presentation, you may be saving the best stuff for yourself. Let the
audience use your prompts to help them organize and
remember what you show and tell.


Use the full range of communication options.

Some types of material or topics do not lend themselves well to
bulleted lists or even graphics and videoclips. For example, there is
a famous parody of a PowerPoint presentation in which the
Gettysburg Address is reduced to six slides (see www.norvig.com/
Gettysburg/sld001.htm). This medium is not meant to replace other
forms of communication but rather to add to them. Telling a personal
anecdote that has a crisp bottom line may be far more effective in
some cases than listing the key pointsor even presenting an illustrated version. In these cases, use the PowerPoint tools to

structure your presentation.

allow the audience to see how what you present fits into the
prompt you to present the anecdote by providing a title, such as
An Unlikely Story and a Moral, perhaps with an appropriate
graphic, to cue you to tell your tale.




Clear and to the Point

Build in breaks that allow the audience to come up for

In the South of France, home of foie gras, the farmers put funnels
down the throats of ducks and force-feed them until their livers grow
large and fatty. The ducks probably dont like this treatment, and
audiences definitely dont like being given the equivalent in a presentation. So, give the audience time to digest what youve said. You
can do this in two ways:


Break up the information with a cartoon, joke, or demonstration.

But if you use a joke, be careful: First, as the vampire bats showed
you in Chapter 1, the joke must relate to the topic of your presentation. Second, avoid jokes about politics, race, or religion (your
mother probably told you this, and she was right). Avoid making
fun of your audience. Lawyer jokes are almost always safe
unless, of course, you are speaking to lawyers.
Show an entertaining video clip that illustrates your point by reinforcing information youve already provided.

Prepare for questions.

One of the worst fates a speaker can suffer is when the question
period at the end is met with dead silence; we all know that this does
not show that the audience was bowled over and is now utterly convinced. I gave a presentation this year that was followed by an openended question period; after an hour and 10 minutes, the moderator
cut it off. I considered this vigorous discussion a sign that the presentation was a resounding success: Questions mean that you
engaged the audience enough that they thought about the material
and want feedback regarding connections theyve made or want
more information. If youve given your presentation well, you should
expect questions.

Master the material. Be able to explain exactly what is on every slide.

Anticipate questions that might come up in the question period
and reserve some slides to help answer them. (You no doubt will
have more to say than you can fit into your presentation and thus
can use the question period to slip in additional points.) The hyperlink feature of the PowerPoint program lets you turn any object on
a slide into a button link to any other slide. So, you can define a
button on the final slide in advance, to take you to your reserved
slides whenever the audience is ready for them.

The Big Picture

If nobody immediately steps up to the plate with the first question,

be patient. If you are still standing expectantly with a pleasant
expression on your face after 20 or 30 seconds and there still are
no takers, you might make a little joke such as I hope I wasnt
skating fast on thin ice or Should I be taking this as a testament
to my powers of persuasion? But dont fear: Social pressure alone
will produce the first question, and more will follow.

The previous eight recommendations apply to the presentation as a

whole as well as to each of its sectionsthe introduction, body, and
wrap-up. Now, well turn to guidelines that apply to the individual
sections themselves.

Building the Introduction

An effective presentation has a clear structure, with each parts
having a distinct focus that clearly relates to the other parts. Think of
the overall structure of your presentation as a pair of bookends
flanking a set of books: The first bookend is the introduction; the
books themselves are the body of the presentation; and the final
bookend is the wrap-up. We begin at the beginning, with the introduction. An important fact about human memory is that we
remember best the beginning and end of a sequence, so the beginning and end of your presentation are particularly important.
To illustrate the power of the principles, Ill give examples of key
parts of a presentation Ive prepared on how to construct effective


Start with a bang.

A president of the United States may have a 100-day honeymoon
period after taking office, but as a speaker youll be lucky if you have
even a five-minute grace period after taking the podium, during
which the audience is willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and
listen. If during this period you dont convince the audience that you
have something of value to say, you will be likely to lose them.

Your very first slide should define the topic and set the stage for
your presentation. To do so, it can simply provide a title, your name,
your affiliation, and any other vital information. (For details about
titles, see Chapter 3.)
One way to construct an effective opening has two distinct phases:



Clear and to the Point

1. Prepare a graphic slide that not only defines the topic, but also
sets the emotional stage; this slide can be visible before you
take the podium, greeting attendees when they walk into the
room. For example, if you are talking about dwindling oil
reserves, you could use a picture of oil fields burning in Iraq.
2. Prepare a second slide that is identical to the first, except that
the background is very low contrast and the title of your presentation, your name, and your affiliation are superimposed in
clearly discriminable type. To begin your presentation, you can
fade the first slide into the second (using the fade transition
that is available in the PowerPoint program), which is an effective way to grab the attention of the audience so that they
notice the additional information. Be sure the background of
the second slide is very low contrast, to make the text stand
Example: Figures 2.1 and 2.2 are adapted from a presentation
Ive given on the principles summarized in Chapter 1, as applied
to designing graphs per se. In the first slide, I provided the title
of the presentation and my affiliation; given the topic, I opted not
to begin with a fancy graphica clean and simple look is most
compatible with the subject matter. In the second slide, I
presented an example that both grabs the attention of the audience and provides a very general orientation to the topic (Les
Papillion DAnna, http://kss.free.fr/0kssgallery.htm, email:
[email protected]). I point out that computers now allow people to
make displays very easily, for better or worse. I also point out
that what Ill be talking about are all psychological issuesmany
of which have to do with how we perceive and understand what
we see. I note that if the point were to communicate, there would
be three problems with the slide I present: (1) It is difficult to tell
what is being shown because the contrast is poor; (2) it is hard
to organize the image into coherent shapes because the colors
are not sharply defined; and (3) moreover, without knowing the
context, it is difficult to know why certain features are included
while others are not. What do those birds mean, anyway? And is
that really a giant squid in the background? If nothing else, this
initial exercise intrigues and draws in the audience.


Build on the audiences knowledge and concerns

when you explain why your topic is important.
The next slide or slides should tell the audience why they should pay
attention to what you have to say. These slides should define the
topic of your presentation, and then set you up to explain why your

Graph Design for

the Eye and Mind
Stephen M. Kosslyn

Figure 2.1. A title slide, which conveys the key information about the topic
and presenter. Please note that the illustrations in this book can only approximate how slides will look when projected by a particular projector. So there
is no substitute for actually viewing a presentation as it will appear to the audience before delivering it, and adjusting contrast and color as necessary.

Figure 2.2. An opening slide that engages the audience. Although this is a work
of art, one can ask how it would function to communicate a specific message
and point out some of the problems with using it in this way. (Les Papillons
dAnna, reprinted with permission from Kss. See color version in insert.)


Clear and to the Point

topic is important to your audience. Tap into what your audience
already knows and believes.
Example: In my presentation, I needed to tell my audience the
point (Figure 2.3), and then immediately acknowledge that
people sometimes have the wrong idea of what a psychological
principle is; they think it has something to do with psychotherapy
or Freud. To disabuse them of this idea, I prepared a slide with a
cartoon of a person on a couch during psychoanalysis, with a
large red circle that has a slash through it (Figure 2.4). The slide
following the cartoon prompts me to explain what I mean by the
term psychological principle (Figure 2.5).


Define the topic by providing a concrete example.

Following the initial slides, present graphics or anecdotes that illustrate your topic. If need be, use two or three slides, which can contain any type of graphics (including cartoons), and you can also use
sound as appropriate (for more detail, see Chapter 4).
Example: In my presentation, I begin by showing the table in
Figure 2.6 and ask whether any gender or income-level group

Using Psychological
Principles to Create
Clear and Compelling

Figure 2.3. This slide introduces the topic of the presentation. The black frame
helps to draw the viewers attention to the text.

The Big Picture

Figure 2.4. This slide acknowledges that many people have an overly narrow
view of what psychology is and believe that it pertains only to psychotherapy.
The audience needs to be disabused of this idea early in the presentation. (See
also color version, in insert.)

Psychological Principles :
The nature of mental
processes, such as those
used in :

Figure 2.5. After saying what psychology is not (i.e., entirely focused on
psychotherapy), I need to add some of the things that it is; this slide prompts
me to explain what I mean by the term psychological principle.



Clear and to the Point

Figure 2.6. To begin to illustrate the power of graphics, I present data in a

table and ask whether any group (with group defined by the different combinations of gender and income level) shows different effects of age on triglyceride levels (these are fictional data).

shows different effects of age on triglyceride levels from the

other groups. I let the audience ponder the table for four or five
seconds (and its clear from the looks on their faces that they
cant tell), and then I present the graph in Figure 2.7. It is immediately evident from this graph that age affects females in the
lowest income group in the opposite way from how it affects
those in the other groups.
Question: Why is this conclusion so clear in the graph?
Answer : Because our visual systems are very good at
detecting differences in the orientations of lines (especially
when these differences are greater than 30 degrees of tiltthe
difference between a clocks little hand pointing at 12 and big
hand pointing at 1), and such differences convey the appropriate information here (which plays to the Principle of Perceptual Organizationspecifically, the aspect of Input Channels, as
summarized in the appendix).


Tell the audience what you want them to conclude.

As part of the introduction, include material that explains what conclusions you are going to support. Prepare slides, video, soundor

The Big Picture

Figure 2.7. This graph presents the same information shown in Figure 2.6, but
the atypical group now is obvious at first glance.

just a script for what you will say aloud. That will pique the audiences
interest, that will make them wonder how you will get from here to
Example: In my presentation, I prepared Figure 2.8 to demonstrate that graphs arent better than tables in general. I point out
that Figure 2.8 displays the identical data as Figure 2.7 but plotted
differently; now its not immediately clear which group deviates
from the others. Thenas planned in advanceI ask, Why not?
This rhetorical question lets me tell the audience where I am
going in the presentation. (The answer, by the way, is that our
visual systems are not good at detecting differences in differences of heightand thats how the relevant information is
conveyed in this particular graph. We humans are terrific at
comparing differences in tilt, but not differences in differences
of heights. But for all we know a Martian, with a different brain,
might have the opposite strength and weakness.)
In setting up this sequence of slides, Ive looked ahead to a key
part of what I want the audience to conclude: Namely, that our
ease in understanding the message in Figure 2.7 versus our difficulty with exactly the same information in Figure 2.8 reflects
fundamental facts about how our perceptual systems work, not
attributes of the figures or the data themselves.



Clear and to the Point

Figure 2.8. This graph presents the same information provided in Figures 2.6
and 2.7, but the atypical group is no longer obvious at first glance. The point:
Its not that graphs are always better than tables; graphs are superior only
when they play to our perceptual strengthsand avoid relying on our weaknesses. We are good at noticing differences in tilt (Figure 2.7), but not differences among differences in height (this graph).


Provide a road map.

If the structure of your argument involves making distinct points or
addressing a set of related topics, avoid making your presentation
one long string; organize it into digestible modules. And give the
audience the conceptual structure of the major parts of your
presentation so they can organize what you are going to say. Let
them see the agenda. A brief outline is a good way to provide a
conceptual structure. Organize your outline to reduce the load on
your audience members mental processes as much as possible. As
I noted in Chapter 1, a presentation marches on over time; it is not
like a written article or report that allows the reader to set his or
her own pace and go back when desired. Thus, you need to help
your audience follow along so they do not get lost, confused, or

The outline should make the structure of your presentation


The Big Picture

Respect the Rule of Four. Organize your outline hierarchically into

groups of no more than four pieces of information because thats
about all we humans can hold in mind at the same time. Each of
these groups, however, can in turn include up to four groups (but
I dont recommend pushing to the limitif possible, each group
should contain no more than three pieces of information).
After you present the outline of the major parts of your presentation, briefly explain what is in each part.
Example: In Figure 2.9, I made an outline of the major parts of my
presentation on graphs, which focuses on the three goals that
should be attained by an effective communication. (These are
the same three goals I discussed in Chapter 1, applied to all
aspects of presentations.) I explain that these three goals can be
achieved by using eight major psychological principles.

Preparing the Body of the Presentation

The following 10 recommendations will help you prepare the body
of your presentation.

Three Goals

Connect and Engage

Direct Attention
Promote Understanding
and Memory

Figure 2.9. An outline of the three goals that will be addressed in the presentation; I briefly explain each one.




Clear and to the Point

Tell a story.
The human brain automatically tries to organize and make sense out
of experience. One happy consequence of this tendency may be that
humans like to tell and understand stories. Take advantage of this
proclivity by telling a story in the body of your presentation. In order
to do so:


Create a clear line of argument from the beginning to the end of the
body, along which you build a case for the conclusion or conclusions you want to draw.
Ensure that the transitions between parts are clear.
Organize the parts so that each provides the foundation for the

Make a slide that draws attention to the first entry

in your outline.
Because you have a story structure, its important to have the audience members start at the beginning and then work their way
through your points, seeing how each one follows from the previous
points. Set up your initial slide in the body of the presentation to
draw the audiences attention to the first item in your outline. One
way to do this is to show the outline with all but the top entry grayed
out. Graying out everything but one topic will lead your audience to
focus on just the part that is relevant at the moment. Including the
grayed out headings will let your audience gauge where you are in
the presentation. You can also draw the audiences attention to the
relevant part by making this material a different color or a bigger or
italic font, have an arrowhead point to it, or make the relevant material slide in from the left.
Example: In Figure 2.10 of my presentation, I have grayed out
everything but the topic I want to address in the following portion
of the presentation.


Prepare an outline for each part that has two or more

If each of your points needs to be unpacked, then divide each part of
your presentation into subparts and introduce them in a mini-outline. Give the audience an organizational structure that will help

The Big Picture

Three Goals
Connect and Engage
Direct Attention
Promote Understanding
and Memory

Figure 2.10. The same outline as in Figure 2.9, but with only the top entry
salient. By graying out the other entries, I direct the audience members attention to the relevant heading, which introduces the following section of the

them understand and remember both your entire presentation and

the material you present in each part.

As indicated in Figure 2.11, show that youre diving more deeply

into the outline by reducing the salience of the heading, and by
changing the color and the size of the text in the outline or by using
different bullets, such as for the first level and > for the
second level.
Example: For the main outline, Ive used 44-point white type in a
black-filled text box for the top-level heading (Figure 2.9), and 36point black type for the entries. The heading is thus clearly more
salient than the entries. For the secondary (subpart) outline (Figure
2.11), I used the 36-point type for the heading, now white in a
smaller (and hence less salient) black text box. In general, overall
titles should be more salient than entries or titles for subparts. You
can also vary salience by varying color. For example, in my presentations, I sometimes use a gray background with a very salient
gold for the first-level headings, less-salient white for the next level
down, and washed-out yellow for the third level. In all cases,
however, the words are clearly discernable from the background.



Clear and to the Point

Connect and Engage

Appropriate Knowledge

Figure 2.11. Because the following part is composed of two or more subparts,
I present an outline of the subparts. As shown here, the names of the subparts
should look distinctive and less salient than the name of the part itself.


Prepare a slide to draw attention to the first subpart.

After presenting the outline that shows each subpart, ensure that
your next slide will draw your audiences attention to the first subpart
in the outline.
Example: In my presentation, I used the same technique
to draw attention to parts of the presentation as a whole
(as illustrated in Figure 2.10) as to its subparts, as shown in
Figure 2.12.


Define key terms.

I know it sounds trite and obvious, but you should define your
terms. (Do you remember President Clintons reflections on the
word is, in connection with his unfortunate interactions with Ms.
Lewinsky?) Sometimes a lot hinges on exactly what you mean.

Especially be sure to define technical terms. (If you arent likely to

find it in the front section of The New York Times, its a good candidate for being a technical term.)

The Big Picture

Connect and Engage

Appropriate Knowledge

Figure 2.12. I introduce each subpart by graying out the others, leaving salient
only the name of the subpart about to be discussed.

Put the definitions in writing, to let viewers read them as well as

hear you say them aloud, which gives the viewers two chances to
understand and remember them.
Example: In Figure 2.13 of my presentation, I provide in writing a
definition for the first principle I discuss, the Principle of Relevance.


Provide concrete, specific evidence to support your

As Ive stressed, you must decide what message you want the audience members to take away from the presentation as a wholeand
you must do the same thing for each part. Think of the story and how
it unfolds. Only then can you know how to present clear, specific
evidence to back up your message.
Example: In my presentation, I first present an example of when
relevance may be violated, in Figure 2.14 (found at www.
plotit.com/PLOTIT/PICTURES/GRAPH.GIF), and ask the audience
in what circumstances this overwhelming slide would be



Clear and to the Point

Principle of Relevance:
Communication is most
effective when neither
too much nor too little
information is presented.

Figure 2.13. It is important to define key terms in writing (remember: use the
slides as your notes), and read the definition aloud. This gives the audience
two chances (visual and verbal) to absorb this crucial information.

Figure 2.14. If this slide were used to convey specific data, it would provide
too much information for the audience to absorb. To drive home this point,
you could ask the audience to try to imagine in what situations so much information in such a complex display would be relevant. (Reprinted with permission by Scientific Programming Enterprises.)

The Big Picture


Figure 2.15. This graph illustrates a more common type of display that
contains more information than can be absorbed easily. If it is intended
to make a particular point, not all of this information is likely to be

appropriate (e.g., perhaps for marketing purposes, to illustrate

what this software can dowe cannot dismiss even this display
without knowing the context in which it is used). I then show
them an example that presents too much information to illustrate peak and then-current real estate prices, Figure 2.15, and
follow with an example that shows only the relevant material,
Figure 2.16.


Conclude each part and subpart with a summary.

Even if the audience does not follow every word of every part and
subpart of your presentation, a summary at the end of each part
and subpart will give them the thrust of your presentation.


After each part or subpart, highlight the entry for the

next part or subpart in the outline to signal its beginning.
Prepare a slide that will draw your audiences attention to the next
topic on the outline.



Clear and to the Point


Figure 2.16. This graph presents only the information in Figure 2.15 that is
relevant for the discussion, sparing the viewers from having to search for this

Example: In my presentation, I returned to the outline of the

subparts, shown in Figure 2.11, and then I grayed out the top
entry, leaving only the upcoming topic clearly shown. Similarly,
after finishing that topic, I summarized it and then returned to
the main outline, Figure 2.9. I then grayed out all but the heading
for the following topic. Before continuing on to discuss this material, however, I inserted a transition slide, Figure 2.17, to remind
my audience that the principles build on one another when they
are used in the service of achieving certain goals.
In my actual presentation (not shown here), I then worked
through the relevant subparts, which in turn explained and illustrated the Principles of Salience, Discriminability, and Perceptual
Organization. Next, I returned to the main outline, and then
grayed out all but the third goal. Following this, I presented an
outline of the subparts, shown in Figure 2.18. This outline introduced the three relevant principles, the Principle of Compatibility,
the Principle of Informative Changes, and the Principle of
Capacity Limitations.
Lets pick this up at the end of the third subpart, where I turned
to the Principle of Capacity Limitations, as shown in Figure 2.19.

The Big Picture

Three Goals
Achieving additional
goals is facilitated by
additional principles,
used in combination
with the earlier ones.

Figure 2.17. Before moving to the material in the next major part, I present a
transition slide to remind the audience that principles in the service of the first
goal also help to accomplish the following goals.

Promote Understanding
and Memory
Informative Changes
Capacity Limitations

Figure 2.18. This slide shows the outline of the three subparts for the final
major part of the presentation.



Clear and to the Point

I defined the principle, Figure 2.20, and turned to one aspect of
it, short-term memory limitations, in Figure 2.21.


Prepare demonstrations.
As you saw earlier, people automatically pay attention to things that
are clearly different. And there is nothing more different than being
asked suddenly to shift from being a passive listener to being an
active participant. Plus, as you now know, actively processing information helps people understand and remember.

To keep your audience alert and engaged, prepare a demonstration or even simply ask them to raise their hands if they agree (or
disagree) with a specific point.
Example: In Figures 2.22 to 2.26 I have a demonstration of the
Principle of Capacity Limitations, focusing on short-term memory
limits. Heres how I set it up: When I present Figure 2.22, I read the
slide aloud, telling the audience that Ill read a set of directions,
such as the ones they are about to see. Then I show Figure 2.23,

Promote Understanding
and Memory

Informative Changes
Capacity Limitations

Figure 2.19. After presenting the material for each subpart, I revisited the
outline of the subparts at its end, and then grayed out all but the heading that
introduced the next subpart, working down the entries until the last one,
shown here.

The Big Picture

Principle of Capacity
People have a limited
capacity to retain and to
process information, and will
not understand a message if
too much information must
be retained or processed.
Figure 2.20. I again define the principle in writing and read this aloud.

One aspect of this principle:

Limited short-term memory
capacity: We can hold in
mind only about four units
at the same time.

Figure 2.21. I now define a key aspect of the principle, and again read it aloud.



Clear and to the Point

Capacity Limitations in Action :

A Demo!
You will soon hear a sequence of
spatial directions (such as North,
Northeast, Southeast), and
should visualize a one-inch line
segment for each one, oriented
in the appropriate way, and
connect each line to the previous
one to form a pathway.
Figure 2.22. This slide summarizes the instructions for the demo, which I read

Figure 2.23. This slide illustrates the first step of a demonstration to illustrate
key characteristics of our limited capacity short-term memories. I told the
audience that I would read the directions one at a time, and they should visualize a one-inch line segment pointing in each direction, with each successive
segment attached to the tail end of the previous one to form a pathway.

The Big Picture


Figure 2.24. This slide illustrates the path that the audience should have visualized after receiving the directions in Figure 2.27. I used this and the previous
slide to teach the audience the task and to give them a little practice before
turning to the actual demonstration in the next two slides.


Figure 2.25. The actual test directions I used in this demonstration. The audience members were asked to close their eyes and visualize a line segment
pointed in each direction, with each line in succession connected to the
previous one to form a single pathway.



Clear and to the Point


Figure 2.26. The pathway that the audience members should have visualized
on hearing the directions in Figure 2.25. Only people who noticed the
repeating patterns got this right, which illustrates that we can hold about four
units in short-term memory, and that each of those units in turn can be
composed of about four elements.

and tell them that I want them to visualize a one-inch line

segment for each of these directions oriented in that direction,
and to mentally connect each segment to the end of the previously specified onecreating a path of connected segments.
Figure 2.24 illustrates the path that would have been formed by
following the directions in Figure 2.23. I then ask whether there
are any questions about what Im asking them to do. When the
task is clear, I ask them to close their eyes and visualize the
pathway while I read aloud each direction in Figure 2.25. I use
the PowerPoint program to show me the directions, one every 4
seconds, which is enough time for the audience to visualize the
After reading the last direction, I ask the audience members to
open their eyes and look at Figure 2.26 and to raise their hands if
they were able to visualize it. Thenand this is the crucial part of
the demonstrationI ask them to raise their hands if they noticed
the repeating patterns, the peaked and square forms. Finally, I ask
how many of those who got it right also noticed the patterns.
Without fail, virtually all of the people who got it right also noticed
the patterns. Why? Because the limit on short-term memory is not

The Big Picture

the number of items (the individual line segments, in this case)
its the number of units. If audience members could figure out
how to organize the segments into four or fewer units, they could
store the entire set in short-term memory.
(In the presentation, I follow up this demonstration with a
number of examples of graphs that exceed the limits of shortterm memory, which I wont present here because I respect the
Principle of Relevanceand the overview Ive given is good
enough for present purposes. In the actual presentation, I show
multiple examples, and summarize by returning to the outline in
Figure 2.27.)


Consider marking your progress with a banner or other

If your presentation must contain more than four parts or more than
four subparts in a part (which, as noted earlier, I do not recommend
three is better still, posing no strain), let the audience know where
you are. One way to do so is a banner across the top of each slide.
This banner should give the names of the major part and subpart,
using the same names as the outline, and make salient the name of

Three Goals
Connect and Engage
Direct Attention
Promote Understanding
and Memory

Figure 2.27. At the end of the presentation, I first return to the overall outline
and briefly summarize the bottom line reached in each part.



Clear and to the Point

the current topic. An alternative is to include a small box in the upper
left or right that keeps track of your progress.

Ensure that such a signpost is distinct from (i.e., is not grouped

with) the other material on the slide by using a different font size
or color; you also should make it less salient than the other material on the slide.

I do not include such a banner in my own presentation because many

of my slides are so visually complex that they dont leave space (or
processing capacity in the audience) for a banner.

Preparing the Wrap-up

My late colleague Roger Brown, whose book Social Psychology
defined that field, once told me that a good presentation begins by
explaining to the audience what youre going to tell them, then
telling it to them, and then reminding them what youve just told
them. Because people remember best the beginning and end of a
sequence, the end of the presentation is very important. Here are
three recommendations for the all-important wrap-up of your


Repeat the opening outline.

Make a duplicate of the outline and use it to remind the audience
what the presentation included.
Example: As shown in Figure 2.27, show the audience the outline
of the major parts and briefly summarize verbally what you said
and concluded in each part. In my presentation, I turned back to
the eight principles, as shown in Figure 2.28.


Prepare text and graphics to emphasize your

Ask yourself: If your audience were to give a one- or two- sentence
summary of your presentation to a friend, what would it be? Instead
of trusting that summary to chance, give it directly. And instead of
trusting to memory, prepare slides that make these crucial points.

The Big Picture

Psychological Principles:
The Eight-Fold Way
Appropriate Knowledge
Perceptual Organization
Informative Changes
Capacity Limitations
Figure 2.28. In this presentation, I introduce the eight principles, and as part
of the summary I briefly revisit each of them.

One way to give your audience the message directly is to return to

the same graphics that you showed in the introduction, but now add
some text or verbal explanation to help your audience see them in
a new light.
Example: In my presentation, I return to Figure 2.2 (repeated in
Figure 2.29) and use the principles to explain why it is difficult
(assuming that the designer intended it to communicate in the
first place!). In an effort to turn a sows ear into a silk purse, I use
the fact that this is not a communication graphic, but rather a
work of art, to my advantageI point out the difference and
underscore the importance of relevance.


Set up a snappy ending.

You should close crisply, to signal that youve put in place the final
bookend. I cant count the number of times Ive heard presentations
that ended limply with a statement such as, Well, thats it or OK,
thats all I want to say, leaving the audience wondering whether
more should have been said. An effective way to end with a snap is
by using a graphic, or perhaps, even a well-chosen cartoon.



Clear and to the Point

Figure 2.29. To help the audience see in a new light, I return to the graphic
that I used at the outset. I now explain why it would not serve to communicate
well (assuming that it was ever intended to have that role, which is doubtful
in part because of the problems it would have if pressed into service in this

Example: The iconic pizza-pie graph in Figure 2.30 provided the

snappy ending for my presentation when I explained it in terms
of the principles. (I pointed out that removing one slice lets us
distinguish the wedges because it disrupts the good continuation of the boundary, thereby creating another perceptual unit.
Then I said, I was surprised when I first learned that pizza
provides a balanced, nutritious meal. I hope this presentation
provided the balanced, essential ingredients for your presentations, and thank you for your time and attention.
Another, perhaps better, example: At the end of a presentation
on the nature of mental imagery in which I stressed that we can
have mental images from more than one of our senses (seeing
with the minds eye, hearing with the minds ear, and so on), I
showed a Dilbert cartoon. Dilbert was on a date. In the first panel,
his date says, I cannot begin to describe how I feel when Im
with you. Dilbert replies, Try. In the next panel, she says,
Imagine a spring day, with bright flowers, birds singing and a
gentle breeze. Dilbert is smiling. And then comes the last panel,
in which she continues: And now imagine a tractor on your

The Big Picture

Figure 2.30. To end on a light note, and also to underscore the generality of
the principles, I show this picture of a pizza pie, which serves to illustrate how
some of the principles could turn this into a pie graph.

chest. After the audience laughed, I returned to the cartoon and

noted the different modalities of mental imagery, the visual
(flowers), auditory (birds), and tactile (breeze and tractor). I
finished with a comment that the author of the cartoon was not
only a keen observer of human relationships but also a perceptive observer of mental processing, having noticed these important aspects of mental imagery. I then thanked the audience for
their attention.
Ending on a crisp note like that left a moment of silence,
followed by a gratifying amount of applause (probably as much
for my treatment of the cartoon as for the talk itself). (Note: If you
have any doubt about whether it is appropriate to show or even
describe a cartoon, give your lawyer a callbetter safe than
At the very end, repeat your introductory slide (Figure 2.31, in
my case), with the title of the presentation and your name
neatly putting in place the second bookend. If you leave this slide
on the screen during the question period, it has the added benefit
of helping the audience to stay on topic.



Clear and to the Point

Graph Design for

the Eye and Mind
Stephen M. Kosslyn

Figure 2.31. I end by returning to the opening slide, which not only reminds
the audience of the topic and my identity, but also may help them stay on topic
during the question session.

Getting the message across: Delivering the presentation

Because your presentations should be conceived and constructed
from the outset to be delivered to an audience, this chapter would
not be complete without a brief discussion of how to deliver presentations.


Speak tonot atyour audience.

Keep in mind the three following recommendations.
1. Show only key words and phrases; dont show your audience
every word you plan to say. Ive seen presenters who did this,
and they failed to control the attention of their audience
because the audience members were so busy reading that they
didnt listen. And in order to fit every word on the screen, the
presenter forced the audience to squint to see all that small print.

The Big Picture

2. Speak conversationally; dont read your presentation word for
word. Yes, what you have to say may require precise wording,
and, yes, writing it out in advance and reading it is a security
blanket. But these benefits are outweighed by this fact: Unless
youve had acting lessons, youll probably slip into reading in
a droning monotone and may soon hear the gentle sounds of
snoring. People expect perceptible differences when information is being conveyed; if the sounds stay the same (droning
on), the audience members will have trouble staying attentive,
let alone awake.
3. Monitor the audience; dont focus your attention solely on your
notes and slides. Another problem with reading or focusing too
closely on your notes is that you cant easily monitor the audience.
You should look at the audience members so that you can vary
the speed and level of your presentation based on feedback you
pick up. If you catch puzzled looks, slow down and clarify your
points; if the audience seems restless and bored, speed up. As
Yogi Berra put it, You can observe a lot by just watching.


Face the audience.

Your mother probably told you never to turn your back on people.
She was right again; this is good advice and not simply from the
point of view of politeness. People cant hear you as well when you
talk to the wall, and they cant read your expressions or your lips
when they cant see you. And you cant read the audience. So:


Stand to the side of the screen when you read from it, turning to
look out at the audience after reading each point.
Make sure that you arent standing in the dark. Dim the lights to the
point that your slides are easy to see, but leave enough light for the
audience to see your face and gestures (which are another way we
communicate, indicating whats most important and most relevant).
If you expand verbally on material you have presented, move
around the stage as you talk, which will keep the audiences attention on you. But stop moving as soon as you present a new slide,
video, or audio file. Dont make the audience choose between
paying attention to you versus your new material! And never pace,
which is always distracting.

Dont rush it.

Unless you are the leader of an authoritarian regime (in the Fidel
Castro tradition), you probably have a limited amount of time in



Clear and to the Point

which to give your presentation. Thus, you might be tempted to try
to cram in as much as possible by talking as quickly as possible.
Clamp down on this impulse! Talking quickly and reviewing material
quickly can convey the sense of skating fast over thin ice. Your presentation will be compelling only if its clear that you have mastery of
the material, which is not obvious if you rush.


Set a speaking pace that lets audience members understand one

sentence before you begin to say the next. (Otherwise, youll overload their limited processing capacity.)
Give the audience enough time to take in each slide.
Dont talk over the text you show, saying one thing while the
audience tries to read another. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, a presentation is no place for a Stroop Effect.
You dont need to read every slide title aloud if you leave enough time
for the audience to read. But do read the most important material
aloud to give the audience two waysvisual and verbalto store it.

Know what you can skip.

Theres no point in being right on time if you pitched your presentation
at too high a level or compressed it too much for the audience, so that
much of what you had to say whizzed by them.To avoid either situation:

Say at the outset that youll be happy to take questions of clarification

during the presentation, but would prefer that the audience hold other
questions until the end. Such a statement can allow you to stay on
time and avoid being derailed by contentious or complex questions.
This invitation will also allow you to identify and clarify misconceptions at the outset (it is sometimes surprising how ideas that people
bring to a particular topic can lead them to misunderstand what is
being said, so it is useful for you to clear the air as early as possible).
Moreover, asking the audience to defer general questions immediately after youve invited other sorts of questions softens any sense
that you are trying to muzzle them.
Alternatively, you may be comfortable interrupting the flow and
answering all types of questions as they arise, which will make the
audience feel that they are being listened to. However, this
generous impulse must be managed or the structure of your carefully constructed presentation could be ripped to shreds, which is
neither in your nor your audiences interest.
Keep in mind that you cant always anticipate how long your presentation will take. For one thing, youll be monitoring the faces and
nonverbal signs of the audience and adjusting your pace appropriately. For another, being asked to clarify something will slow you

The Big Picture

down. Decide ahead of time what material you can skip through
quickly, in case you find that youre running out of time. If necessary,
you can tell your audience that youll go quickly over a section
because youve determined that its less relevant to their needs.
Then present the slides in that part very briefly, dwelling only on
the concluding slide while explaining what the previous slides led
up to.


Respond to questions.
As noted earlier, you should have prepared for questions. When you
receive them:

Dont feel that you must answer every question on the spot. Sometimes (rarely) a member of the audience hits on a point that you
(the expert) might not have considered. In such cases, if you dont
immediately know how to answer, simply say Thats an excellent
question. Rather than throwing out my first take and giving you a
glib response, let me have a few minutes to think about this.
Everyone likes being acknowledged publicly as smart, and this
response will come off much better than a rambling, nondefinitive
responsewhich could undermine your credibility in general. In
fact, you may even wish to speak to the individual after your presentation and say that youll need to do some research and will send
him or her an e-mail in a day or two to answer. Theres no shame
in not knowing everything there is to know.
Always repeat each question as soon as it is asked, so that
everyone in the entire room can hear it. Many members of the
audience may not hear questions directed at the speaker, particularly if the questioner is near the front of the room. Repeating the
questions not only ensures that everyone knows why youll
address a specific point, but it gives you a moment to gather your
wits and think about what you should say!
Close the question period by thanking the audience for their time
and attention and for giving you the chance to talk to them. And then
say Thanks again or make some other positive comment, with a
smile and a nodallowing you to leave the stage on a positive note.

From the Principles to the Point

The eight psychological principles give us plenty of guidance for
organizing a presentation. In this chapter you saw guidelines for the



Clear and to the Point

overall structure of your presentation as well as guidelines for the
introduction, body of the presentation, and the wrap-up. But in the
face of all of these recommendations, I need to emphasize one
thing, illustrated by this joke (www.nursinghumor.com/ humor/
A lawyer was on his deathbed in his bedroom, and he called to his
wife. She rushed in and said, What is it, honey? He asked her to run
and get the Bible as soon as possible. Being a religious woman, she
thought this was a good idea. She ran and got it, prepared to read
him his favorite verse or something of the sort. He snatched it from
her and began quickly scanning pages, his eyes darting right and left.
The wife was curious, so she asked, What are you doing, honey?
Im looking for loopholes! he shouted.
I remind you that these recommendations are guidelines, not hard-andfast rules. As long as you respect the eight psychological principles,
you can look for loopholes. Heres a review of the recommendations I
made in this chapter, in the context of the principles so that you can
see where they came from. (I list each recommendation only under the
principle that primarily motivated it, although in many cases more than
one principle underlies the recommendation.)
Principle of Relevance: Communication is most effective when neither too much nor too little information is presented. (We understand
and remember a message more easily when the right amount of
detail is used to make the point.)

Start with a bang; your very first slide should define the topic and
set the stage for your presentation.
Decide what message you want the viewers to take away from the
presentation as a wholeand do the same thing for each part and
Provide information only when it is needed.
Dont lose your basic message by providing either too much or too
little information; be sure not to swamp the audience with irrelevant detail.
Include a slide that explicitly states every point you need to make.
In general, the amount of text you present should just be enough
to remind you to present the key points and give the audience a
way to conceptualize what youre saying.
Prepare for questions; hold some slides in reserve, in anticipation
of specific questions.
Dont ignore the audience; monitor them so that you can adjust
your presentation.
Know what you can skip.

The Big Picture

Respond to questions, but dont feel that you must answer every
question on the spot.
Wait 20 or 30 seconds after opening the question session, and if
nobody has spoken up, make a self-deprecating comment or ask a
rhetorical question (such as, Was I skating too fast over thin ice?).

Principle of Appropriate Knowledge: Communication requires prior

knowledge of pertinent concepts, jargon, and symbols. (We understand
and remember a message more easily if it connects to what we already

Prepare to speak to a particular audience.

Build on the audiences knowledge and concerns when you explain
why your topic is important; find out what information is important to
the audience, and which level of presentation is appropriate for them.
Speak tonot atyour audience; for example, aim for the middle
range, with occasional additional information (on a slide, or in a
paraphrase) specifically aimed at the lower or higher end.
Define the topic by providing a concrete example. Explain clearly
and concisely why your topic is important to your audience.
Define key terms, particularly if a term is being used in a technical

Principle of Salience: Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences. (Big relative differences grab attention.)

Plan in advance how you will direct the audiences attention.

Capture the audiences attention by making different elements
larger, brighter, or louder, so that you have absolute control over
what the audience members pay attention to.
Each slide should contain only what you can read aloud in about
one minute.
Make a slide that draws attention to the first entry in your outline.
Prepare a slide to draw attention to the first subpart.
After each part or subpart, highlight the entry for the next part or
subpart in the outline.
To direct attention to specific portions of a slide, build up a slide
one part at a time or build a pointer into your slide.
Prepare demonstrations; people automatically pay attention to
things that are different, and they remember information best
when they process it thoroughly.
Dont print out your whole presentation and read it word for word
(you will probably read in a monotone, which lulls attention).
If you expand verbally on material you present, move around the
stage to keep the audiences attentionbut stop moving as soon as
you present a new slide, video, or audio file. And never pace.



Clear and to the Point

Principle of Discriminability: Two properties must differ by a large
enough proportion or they will not be distinguished. (We need contrast to distinguish shapes, colors, or positions from each other and
from the background.)

Dont show your audience so much text that you will have to make
the font very small.
Face the audience.
Stand to the side of the screen when you read from it, looking out
at the audience after you read each point; they can see the screen
better and hear you better.
Make sure that you arent standing in the dark.
Always repeat each question as soon as it is asked so the entire
room can hear it.

Principle of Perceptual Organization: People automatically group elements into units, which they then attend to and remember. (These
groups are easier to see and remember than the isolated components would be.)

Ensure that each signpost is clearly distinct from (i.e., is not

grouped with) the other material.

Principle of Compatibility: A message is easiest to understand if its

form is compatible with its meaning. (For better or worse, the mind
tends to judge a book by its cover.)

Use the full range of communication options.

If you want the viewers to see how a portion is integrated into a
whole, build it up in a series of slides.
Dont talk over the text you show, saying one thing while the
audience tries to read another.
Dont talk quickly and review material quickly, which can convey
the sense of skating fast over thin ice.

Principle of Informative Changes: People expect changes in properties

to carry information. (And we expect every necessary piece of information to be indicated by a change in a perceptible property.)

Use a consistent and distinctively formatted slide to signal the

beginning of each new part and subpart.
Close with a crisp ending, which clearly signals that youve put in
place the final bookend.

Principle of Capacity Limitations: People have a limited capacity

to retain and to process information and so will not understand a

The Big Picture

message if too much information must be retained or processed.
(From a communicative point of view, less can be more!)

Prepare your slides to function as your notes; the slides that you use
to jog your memory will also help the audience organize in their minds
what you say, so that they can easily comprehend and remember.
Show and tell: Use graphics in combination with text whenever
Tell the audience what you want them to conclude; as part of the
introduction, explain where you are going in your presentation and
what conclusions you are going to support.
Provide a road map: Organize your outline to reduce the load on
your audience members attention, memory, and reasoning as
much as possible.
Your conceptual structure and outline should be organized hierarchically into groups of no more than four elements.
Tell a story that helps the audience to organize the parts.
Provide concrete, specific evidence to support your conclusions.
Prepare an outline for each part that has two or more subparts.
Conclude each part and subpart with a summary.
Consider marking your progress with a banner or other signpost.
Build in breaks that allow the audience to come up for air; give
the audience time to digest what youve said.
Repeat the opening outline at the end, to remind the audience what
the presentation was about.
Prepare text and graphics to emphasize your final conclusions.
Set up a snappy ending.
Dont rush it: Dont talk so fast that the audience members are still
straining to understand one sentence as you are saying the next,
and dont whip through the slides so fast that the audience cant
take them in.
Read the most important material aloud because it will give you
the advantage of providing two waysvisual and verbalfor the
audience to store what you have to say.


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Legible Text

n optometrist supposedly posted the

following sign in her office, If you
dont see what you are looking for,

youve come to the right place. But not being able

to read text easily in a PowerPoint presentation is
no laughing matter; in fact, it might give the audience the opposite sign, that theyve come to the
wrong place.



Clear and to the Point

Virtually all presentations include text, and illegible text is a major
cause of many confusing PowerPoint presentations. In this chapter
youll find recommendations for how to create clear and legible bulleted lists, labels, titles, tables, and keys.
Lets start with the most basic element of all: what font you use
for your text.

Ten Tips on Fonts

To use the immortal words of President George W. Bush, If we
dont succeed, we run the risk of failure. There is no easier way to
fail than to ensure that the audience cannot read the words on your
slides. In this section, I present recommendations to how to avoid
the risk of failure because the audience sees only smudges instead
of words, or has to strain to decode your text. Here we will focus
on fonts. The term font refers here to the general appearance of
letters; fonts vary in terms of their typeface (such as Times or Ariel),
style (such as italics, UPPERCASE, or bold vs. normal weight), size,
and color. Many fonts are available for the PowerPoint program,
and to some degree your choice will be dictated by your personal
taste. However, some fonts are definitely better than others for


Avoid all uppercase, all italics, or all bold.

Fonts in which letters share many features are difficult to read
because it is not easy to separate one letter from the next, so the
viewer must look carefully at each letter.
Example: compare abcdefghijklmnop versus ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP. The forms of the letters in the second font are
more similar than in the first.

Use mixed uppercase and lowercase letters; dont use all uppercase letters, which are much more alike than a mixture of upperand lowercase letters (and also, who wants to be shouted at?).
Use standard font whenever possible; dont use italics for more
than a word or two.
Use normal weight as the default, and dont use bold throughout;
letters in bold are less discriminable than normal weight letters,
and also are too salient.

Legible Text



and dont use all italics


Use a mixture of uppercase and

lowercase instead


Dont underline.
Underlining cuts off the bottoms of letters that have descending lines
(such as p and g), which makes them harder to identify. If you want to
emphasize a word, put it in italics (provided that the letters are still easy
to distinguish in that font), make it bold, or use a more salient color.



Clear and to the Point


Dont underline


Use bold, italics, or a change in

color for emphasis


Use different colors only for emphasis or to specify

different classes of information.
Youre likely to notice the nail that sticks up above the boards
because attention is drawn to large differences. Like that nail,
changes in color draw attention, and we expect changes in color to

Legible Text
signal changes in content. So dont change the color of the font
unless you want to emphasize something or distinguish among different classes of information. (For color versions of the examples
below, see insert, Figures 3.3a and 3.3b.)

When using color to signal a change, use a color for only one term
or phrase. If you make more than one word the same color, know


Dont vary color purely for

decorative purposes


Vary color only for emphasis or

to group words together



Clear and to the Point


that readers will tend to group together words in the same color
even if you are only using the color for emphasis and the words are
not in fact closely related.
Avoid using more than three different colors; too many colors can
easily produce too many perceptual units and overwhelm the
viewers short-term memory capacity.

Use different fonts only for emphasis or to specify

different classes of information.
Vary the font only to emphasize or group material into distinct


Use fonts that are easy to read.

Editorial style manuals often urge us not to use a twenty-five-cent
word when an easier-to-understand nickel one will do. The simpleris-better rule also goes for fonts. At first blush, you might think that
a fancy font will make you look sophisticated. Not so. You may see
the font as fancy, but the audience may see it as an obstruction.
Instead of making you look good, an ornate font will make the


Don't vary font purely for

decorative purposes

Legible Text


Vary font only for emphasis or

to group words together

audience work harder. Letters in such fonts take more time and
energy to read because the viewer must search for the relevant lines
and try to shut out the flourishes. Even worse, such letters may also
clump together visually, making the words difficult to distinguish.


Dont use visually complex fonts



Clear and to the Point


Use visually simple fonts


Ensure that words are large enough to read easily.

Text must be clearly discernible even to the viewers sitting at the very
back of the room. To get a sense of their viewpoint, stand about three
feet from your computer screen. If you can read the text on it without
effort, its probably large enough for your presentation. But the key is
not the actual size of the letters on your computer screenor even
their size measured on the screen during a presentation. Instead, the
key is the visual extent of the letters, as seen from a specific distance:
As you move farther from the screen, the letters occupy an increasingly smaller visual extent (think of taking a photo of the screen from
different distancesthe size of the text in the photo will be increasingly smaller as you move increasingly far from the screen). More
precisely, hold up your thumb at arms length and look at it through
one eye. The optimal size for letters is a bit less than one-quarter of the
visual extent of your thumb as it appears at arms length.


Ensure that viewers can easily discriminate text from

the background.
The PowerPoint program lets you use many dramatic and interesting
background patterns. But before becoming too enamored with those
celestial scenes or dramatic splashes of color, check to make sure
that the background isnt so salient, or (worse) similar to the text,
that its difficult to read the information-conveying words.

Legible Text


Ensure that the font is large enough to be seen from the back of the room


Ensure that the font is large

enough to be seen from the back
of the room

If you want to use such backgrounds, lower their contrast to make

them, well, fade into the background, letting your text assert itself
in the foreground (see Figure 3.7b).
To be on the safe side, use a background with low contrast and an
even color, and a font color that is easily discriminated.



Clear and to the Point

Example: An orange-yellow or gold font on a dark gray background is highly discriminable, as is a white font on any highly
saturated cool color, or a black font on a very unsaturated, pale
color. (See Chapter 4 for more detail.)


Use either a serif or sans serif font, but dont mix and
mingle them arbitrarily.
Typefaces are divided into two general classes, serif and sans serif.
Serif typefaces (such as Times and Palatino) have little feet, brackets
and hooks at the ends of the lines used in the letters; sans serif
typefaces (such as Ariel and Century Gothic) have only straightforward strokes. Use the same font consistentlyotherwise
changes will be taken to convey information, and the text may look
very strange and is harder to read.


The busy background gets

in the way of reading.

Figure 3.7a. If the background is too salient, viewers will have to work to
discriminate text from the background. A display should not be a haystack,
with your message the needle. If you use a patterned background, make sure
that it does not bury the text and that it is not so salient as to distract from your
message. (See color version in insert.)

Legible Text


This is easier to read.

Figure 3.7b. (For color version, see insert.)

If fonts are so small that they are barely legible, then sans serif is
better because in a serif font, the little feet, brackets, and hooks in
different letters become inappropriately grouped together, making
the letters hard to distinguish.
If the contrast or luminance (which our perceptual systems register
as brightness) is so low that viewers can barely see the type, then
serif fonts are better because the aforementioned little feet,
brackets, and hooks provide additional cues regarding the identity
of each letter.

That said, if these variables are important, reconsider your slides!

You should never put the audience in the position of having to read
words that are too small or hard to see! The bottom line: If you
present text at a large enough size and in conditions of sufficient
contrast and illumination, then any standard (such as Ariel or
Times, not ornate or fancy) typeface is acceptable.


Use standard fonts.

Unfortunately, fonts do not always appear the same when you make
your actual presentation as they did on your computer screen. Not all



Clear and to the Point


if the
contrast or luminance is low, so
that fonts that should be visible
can barely be seen, use serif

If fonts are very small, so that they are barely legible, use sans serif font;


If the font is large enough and

visible enough, either serif or
sans serif font is

computers are loaded with the same font set, and some projectors
have low resolution, which can also lead to illegible type. To be safe,
use serif fonts such as Times New Roman (the most common), Garamond, or Century Schoolbook, or sans serif fonts such as Arial, Verdana, or Tahoma. I used to use only Palatino on the Mac, but I
discovered that some computers dont have this font and will substi-

Legible Text
tute Times New Roman, which changes the presentations spacing.
Printers will also substitute for fonts they dont recognize, so dont
count on your printouts looking the same if you use an uncommon
font. To be on the safe side, use True Type fonts, and an XGA (1024
768 resolution) projector. To quote President Bush again, One word
sums up properly the responsibility of any governor, and that one
word is `to be prepared.


Don't use nonstandard fonts


Use standard fonts




Clear and to the Point

Ensure that only the relevant words are distinguishable

from the background.
I recently watched a DVD of a concert by the rock band the Who. Fourteen musicians were on stage, but the spotlights picked out only the
three (then) surviving members of the original band. Without the
spotlights, it would have been easy to be distracted by the new lead
guitar player, or that attractive woman singing backups. You need to
supply the spotlight for your audience, leading them to pay attention to just the part of the slide thats immediately relevant. To ensure
that the audience members attention will not wander, gray out all
parts of the slide but the section you are discussing (see Figure
3.10b). As noted earlier, by gray out, I mean switch the color or density so that the font is just barely distinguishable from the background. When you gray out an irrelevant part of your presentation,
the viewer will be aware that something is there, but not be tempted
to attend to it. Present each new section when it becomes relevant by
changing its contrast to the background.


1. This is what I want you to

pay attention to now
2. This is what I'll want you
to pay attention to later
3. This is what I'll want you
to pay attention to later
4. This is what I'll want you
to pay attention to later
Figure 3.10a. Use graying out to direct the audiences attention to what is relevant at a particular point in the presentation.

Legible Text


1. This is what I want you to

pay attention to now
2. This is what I'll want you
to pay attention to later
3. This is what I'll want you
to pay attention to later
4. This is what I'll want you
to pay attention to later
Figure 3.10b.

Bullets: Guidelines for Straight Shooting

Bullets are a convenient way to present the separate elements of a
list. However, bullets are a bit like saltoften essential to bring out
the best, but distasteful if overdone.


Present a quick overview of a list, then gray out all but

the first entry.
Begin by presenting a complete list of bulleted items, but only long
enough for the viewers to see the length of the list. Ensure that the
audience pays attention only to the first item on your list (which will
be salient) by graying out everything but this item, so that the
remainder of the list can be seen, but not easily read.


Present items individually, highlighting only one

at a time as you go from top to bottom.
Finish reading and discussing each item before you present the next.
Gray out all entries other than the one you are presenting, including



Clear and to the Point

the previous one, which will ensure that you direct the viewers attention to just the material you want them to focus on.


Use bullets only for topic sentences or specific cases.

Bulleted entries on a list should provide only key concepts or examples. Dont present every word in your entire presentation in bulleted
lists: Present no more and no less than you need to help the viewers
organize and understand your message.
Example: Present only enough information in an opening outline
to orient the viewers (the panel shown below, Figure 3.11a,
would be overwhelming, even in the best of circumstances).


Give the audience time to read each bulleted item.

Dont be caught saying one thing while the audience is trying to read


The Three Goals

A. Connect with your audience
B. Direct and hold attention
C. Promote understanding and memory
II. Specific Principles to Help Achieve Goals
A. Connect with your audience
1. Relevance
2. Appropriate knowledge
B. Direct and hold attention
1. Salience
2. Discriminability
3. Perceptual organization
C. Promote understanding and memory
1. Compatibility
2. Informative changes
3. Capacity limitations
III. The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible

Figure 3.11a. An opening outline should provide a general road map for the
presentation. The material above is not only overwhelming, but much of it
wont mean anything to the audience until theyve heard later parts of the

Legible Text


1. The Three Goals

2. Specific Principles to Help
Achieve the Goals
3. The Good, the Bad, and
the Incomprehensible

Figure 3.11b.


Discuss only material closely related to the current

After you read a bulleted item, you can expand on the concept, such
as by paraphrasing it or providing an anecdote that illustrates it. But
stay close to that concept. If you present a new idea, use another
bullet. In general, discuss only material that is closely related to what
is currently being shown on a slide.


Use no more than two lines per bulleted entry.

As a general rule, include no more than two lines per entry in a bulleted list. Two lines are roughly enough space for four concepts,
whichas codified in our Rule of Fouris all that viewers can reflect
on easily at any one time. A concept corresponds to a word or phrase
that expresses an idea. A simple rule of thumb for identifying the
number of concepts is to count the nouns and verbs. For example,
Use two lines per bulleted entry includes three concepts: Use,
lines, and entry. (In fact, concepts usually can be decomposed
into groups of concepts, such as two lines and bulleted entry
but these combinations serve as single groups, which is all that is
important for present purposes.)



Clear and to the Point


This presentation will focus on

the psychological principles that
make a PowerPoint presentation
clear and persuasive and will
explain how to use those
principles to improve your


Principles for making compelling

PowerPoint presentations

Figure 3.12. As a general rule, two lines is about right for each bulleted entry.
Try reading aloud the one on the top; if its a mouthful for you, its an earful for
the audience.

Legible Text


Respect the Rule of Four : Use hierarchical organization,

with no more than four items at each level.
If you have more than four concepts or items to present, organize
them into categories and present each category in a separate slide.
If you do this, first present a slide in which you list the categories in
the order in which they will be presented, which will prepare the
audience for what is to come.
Example: If you want to list 20 types of items commonly found in
convenience stores, figure out how to organize them into four or
fewer categories, then divide each category into four or fewer
categories. As shown in Figure 3.13b, you might make an initial
cut between food items and sundries (with perhaps 12 food items
and 8 sundries); you then could divide the food items into four
categories (such as candy, vegetables, baked goods, and dairy
products) and the sundries into two categories.

Mars bars
Insect repellant
Shoe laces
Hand lotion
Hotdog buns
Chap Stick
Ice cream

Figure 3.13a. If you must present every single item, organize them into categories, each of which should contain no more than four entries. But before
doing this, think again: Does the audience really need to see every one of those
individual items? Would selected examples help you to make your point more



Clear and to the Point

Food Items
Mars bars
Baked goods
Hotdog buns

Shoe laces
Hand lotion
Chap Stick
Insect repellant

Ice cream

Figure 3.13b.

However, this advice is based on the assumption that each item is

in fact important to the point you are making. If the individual items
are not important (for instance, it could have been bagels instead of
donuts), then all you need to do is present the categories and perhaps list selected examples of the items. Present no more and no
less than the audience actually needs to know.


Use the same bullet symbol for each entry in a slide.

The standard bullet is tried and true, and a wide range of viewers
will have no problem understanding what it signifies. So as a general
rule, you will not go wrong using the standard bullet symbol. But
you can use another symbol for a bullet if you are certain that the
audience will understand it, and that the symbol has special relevance to your presentation.
Example: A small dollar sign might be appropriate if you are
listing sources of income.

Dont change the shape of the bullets in your presentation unless you
want to signal a change in category. Viewers will assume that any
visual changereplacing round bullets with arrows, for exampleis
intended to highlight something new about the material you are

Legible Text

However, if you do use different symbols for bullets for different

classes of information (e.g., income, number of workers, amount
of rainfall in different locations), keep in mind that the audience
will need a moment to understand that the different symbols function as bullets.


Vary bullets arbitrarily

same class of items
> Vary bullets arbitrarily
same class of items
~ Vary bullets arbitrarily
same class of items
# Vary bullets arbitrarily
same class of items

for the
for the
for the
for the


Use the same bullet for the

same classes of items
Don't change the shape of
bullets arbitrarily
Use a standard bullet unless
there's a good reason not to
If you use a novel bullet,
ensure that it is appropriate



Clear and to the Point

Always remember that your job is to communicate clearly and compellingly, keeping the audiences attention throughout your presentation; so consider whether its worth including additional features
that will require the audience to work harder. As a general rule, my
advice is to avoid taxing the audiences natural limitations if at all
possible, particularly with formatting.

Labels: Guidelines for Making Words and Objects

Work Together
In many cases you will pair words with graphics or tables, such as
charts, graphs, diagrams, or illustrations (including photographs).
Some labels are easier to grasp than others, and some may be effective only if the viewers are engaged and thinking through the implications of what you say. Consider this (probably apocryphal story):
A member of the Massachusetts Senate, which has sometimes been
a site of high drama and strong words, lost his temper after watching
his colleagues vote for an obvious piece of Pure Pork, and, pounding
on his desk, shouted, Half of this Senate is made up of idiots and
corrupt politicians! The chamber broke into an angry babble, and
the Senators demanded that he retract this slander. Looking up
toward the ceiling, as if beseeching divine guidance, the offending
senator spoke in a softer voice: I retract my previous statement. Half
of this august body is NOT made up of idiots and corrupt politicians! The first statement required no work to grasp its meaning,
and the second one is (moderately) amusing because it is clear only
after you put a tiny bit of work into decoding its implications. (Ive
heard this one in various forms, and adapted this version from
http://jokes.comedycentral.comwhich, in spite of the source, is no
joke.) But if the audience is distracted or otherwise not motivated
to pay attention, they may not draw out even simple implications.
Dont risk it; serve up your offering as transparently and directly as


Use terms that convey the appropriate denotations

and connotations.
Words not only have denotations (direct meanings) but also connotations (indirect meanings), and you need to make sure that both are
appropriate for your particular audience and for the point you want
to make.

Legible Text
Example: You could describe a new idea as innovative (which
has a positive connotation) or new-fangled (which has a negative connotation). If you are promoting the idea, the connotation
of the second term would get in your way.


Label every graphic, table, and their information-bearing

partsunless the identity is self-evident.
No matter how fascinating you and your material may be, some
members of the audience may allow their attention to wander from
time to time. In fact, if your presentation is unusually stimulating, you
may be rewarded by sparking the audience to consider implications
and applicationswhich will inadvertently result in their missing
snatches of what you have to say. As a general rule, label everything
important, so that viewers can read what they failed to hear.
Example: If you have a photo of a historical personage, provide
the name; if you have a map of Beijing, label it.


Dont label symbols or material that are extremely familiar to the

audience, such as a picture of the current president or a very
famous landmark. If information is not needed, dont supply it (if
you do, the audience might think that you are talking down to

Group labels with the appropriate elements of the

To ensure that each label is clearly associated with the element it
identifies, keep in mind the various aspects of the Principle of Perceptual Organization, and beware of the following:

Viewers will group labels that are placed near a graphic with that
graphic; so place labels only near graphics to which they apply.
Viewers will see labels that seem to flow from the end of a line
as part of that line, and hence assume that the labels apply to
that line. Avoid this arrangement unless the label does in fact
Viewers will group labels that are the same color as an element
with that element (e.g., green labels with green wedges, blue labels
with blue wedges, and so forth). Such grouping is confusing when
the labels dont in fact apply to the elements with the same color,
so avoid doing this.




Clear and to the Point

Label content elements directly.

Place labels immediately next to or within the corresponding content
elements, such as objects, bars, lines, or wedges of a pie chart. If it is
not possible to place a label near what it identifies, or if placing such a
label creates clutter, use a key. But use a key only as a last resort
because a key will force the audience to memorize and search, and both
tasks require effort that the audience may not be willing to expend.


Make words in the same label close together and

typographically similar.
Take advantage of the Principle of Perceptual Organization by
ensuring that words in the same label do cohere as a unit and dont
group individually with other parts of the display.

Place the letters, numbers, and words in a label relatively close to

one another.
Make the letters, numbers, and words in a label the same size,
color, and brightness.
Be certain that labels are not so close to one another that they
group together improperly.
Example: These words group properly . . . These words . . .
do . . . NOT.


Use more salient labels to identify more important

parts of the display.
As we know from the Principle of Salience, our visual systems reflexively attend to extreme values and large differences in line length
and width, shading, color, motion, and other visual properties. As a
result, we notice heavier lines before thinner ones, lines that contrast with the color of their backgrounds before lines that blend with
their backgrounds, brighter colors before dimmer ones, thicker bars
before thinner ones, and moving objects before stationary ones. In
accordance with the Principle of Salience, we should

make the labels for the most important parts of the display more
salient (for example, by having them be relatively large, bold, a
striking color, or moving in from the side).
make the labels for increasingly smaller details, or more finegrained components, decreasingly less salient.

Legible Text


Use hierarchical labeling.

Take a look at the two panels, labeled Dont and Do in the illustration below. Did Hillsborough or Pinellas have greater sales of
single-family homes in 1991? This is relatively easy to determine
from Do, but much harder from Dont. When the label refers to two
or more dimensions, use a hierarchical labeling system. A hierarchical labeling system is one in which some labels apply to groups
of other labels; the higher in the hierarchy the label is, the larger
it should be. As illustrated in Figure 3.15b, Do, using a hierarchical
labeling system achieves three goals. This scheme

eliminates the need for a key, which taxes the processing capacities of the audience members because it requires them to search
for the corresponding parts of the display;
specifies each of the relevant dimensions separately, which helps
the audience to make specific comparisons;
removes redundant labels, which clutter a display, thereby making
it more difficult to pick out the other elements.


Figure 3.15a.



Clear and to the Point


Figure 3.15b. Not only is the display less cluttered when direct labels are used,
but also the bars are easier to compare along specific dimensions (dwelling
type, county, year) when the labels specify the dimensions separately.


Use the same size and font for labels that identify the
same types of components.
When we see a difference, we expect it to mean something and are
confused if it doesnt. Labels for each of the same type of component (wedges, bars, etc.) should use the same font and be the same
size. Entities of equal importance should be labeled with the
same font and be the same size.
Example: If you have two pictures of former CEOs and the sizes
of their names or their photos are different, the audience will
draw the obvious conclusion about your level of regard for each.


Use the same terminology in labels, as well as in the

surrounding text and spoken words.
Using different terms in a display, in text, and in what you say aloud
may lead the audience to wonder if you mean different things.
Attempting to distinguish these differences will definitely tax the
cognitive capacities of your audience.

Legible Text
Example: Dont label birds birds on a slide while referring to
fowl in text or in your spoken remarks.

Titles: 4 Simple Guidelines

The psychological principles will also help you to create titles for
your slides.


Title a slide to focus attention on the most important

I recently ran across the following quote, attributed to the late Jerry
Garcia (of the Grateful Dead rock band): I read somewhere that 77
percent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, Im more
intrigued by the 23 percent who are apparently doing quite well for
themselves. He was right! To convey a different message, someone
could have said, Twenty-three percent of the mentally ill do well
financially. Until I read Mr. Garcias remark, I hadnt ever looked at
it that way. In general, the same information can be presented in
many different ways; different aspects can be highlighted over other
aspects. You need to decide whats the conceptual foreground and
whats the conceptual background. The title of a slide tells the reader
what is the foreground (and, if relevant, what is the background).

When formulating a title, ask yourself: What material do you want

to stress? Does it apply in particular to a specific time (year, month)
and place (country, region of a state)?
Include only the most relevant information in the title. Define the
foreground, and only mention the background if it is immediately
Mention whats most important first.
Example: Effects of mental illness on earnings of men versus
women puts mental illness in the foreground and gender in
the background, whereas Effects of gender on earnings in the
mentally ill puts gender in the foreground and mental illness in
the background.


Make the title typographically distinct.

The title should be the most salient element of the display. Use the
most salient font for the title, to catch the eye immediately.




Clear and to the Point

Present the title of a complex slide before the content

elements are clearly visible.
Leading with the title will force your audience to pay attention to it,
which will give them a framework for understanding the rest of your
material more easily. So, if you have a very elaborate slide, present
the title first, with everything else grayed out (i.e., in a very lowcontrast font).


Center the title at the top of the slide.

Audiences are used to seeing titles at the tops of documents, so that
is where they expect the title to be on your slides. If it is off center,
the audience may group it with one part of the slide, rather than with
the whole slide.
If you place the title anywhere but the center of the topfor
example, in the left marginyou must follow this convention through
your entire presentation, creating a distinctive but consistent design.
Viewers will grow familiar with this design and will quickly come to
group the title properly. However, an unconventional style will initially make viewers work harder than a conventional one will.

Tables: 8 Legs to Stand On

Tables include lists of numbers or words organized into rows and
columns. Here are eight recommendations that will help you make
your tables more useful.


Use a table of numbers only when specific values are

Use a table of numbers only if it is important to convey specific
values, as opposed to differences among values. You will be better off
using a graph if your goal is simply to show that one entity is greater
than another.


Dont use a table if trends or interactions are important.

If your goal is to present a specific trend (such as increased revenues
over time) or a difference between trends (such as increased rev-

Legible Text
enues over time in one part of the world with no such increases in
another), use a line graph. Using a table would force viewers to compute and compare differences among differences of numbers, which
requires work. As always, dont make viewers struggle to grasp your


Show complex tables to emphasize that the data are

complex or to show a data point in context.
Just as Abe Lincoln would never have been silly enough to try to use
a PowerPoint presentation to deliver the Gettysburg address, you
should not even think of using such a presentation as a substitute for
a research article. PowerPoint presentations and research articles just
arent the same things; they have different purposes. In an article, you
need to report all the details (and thus a complex table is appropriate).
In a presentation, you need to show how material leads to a certain
conclusion and shouldnt ask viewers to spend even 5 minutes sitting silently in their seats, pondering the various differences among
numbers in a table you project.
The only time to present a very complex table is when you want
to make the point that

there are a lot of data arranged in orderly ways, or

to highlight a single value (e.g., by putting it in red) and show it in
relation to the table as a whole. In this case, consider including a
follow-on slide in which you zoom in on the critical value and its
immediate surrounds.

If you have so many entries that they must be very small in order to
fit on a slide, this is a painfully clear signal that your table is not
going to be very useful for other purposes. You will probably be
better off splitting the table into two or more slides. If this wont
work, consider using a bar graph to present averages (with some
measure of variation, such as the standard error of the mean, around
each average value) rather than a table.


Present only the information needed to make your

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail about the following incident (Im
not sure whether this was supposed to be accurate or a joke, but
either way it makes my point): A high school chemistry teacher was
annoyed at her class for not mastering the Periodic Table; the students didnt seem to understand why the table is important and
hadnt put much effort into memorizing it by rote. In a mild pique,



Clear and to the Point

the teacher told her students that when she was their age, she knew
all the elements in the table backward and forward. One soft voice
from the back of the room muttered in reply, Sure, but in those days
there were only a few to learn. She couldnt help but smile, but if
you show a very complex table without providing a very good reason
for it, your audience probably wont. Present no more information
than you need to make your point (and no less). Keep in mind that
unnecessary distinctions can confuse the audience just as quickly as
unnecessary data.
Example: If you are not interested in monthly fluctuations, dont
present values broken down by month.


Organize a table to emphasize more important

Use formatting to emphasize the most important aspects of the presented information.
Example: If you are presenting data from men and women in two
countries, and the gender difference is more important for your
point, you would organize the table as on the left of Table 3.1. If,
on the other hand, country is more important, then you would
organize the data as on the right. Note again the use of hierarchical labeling.
Table 3.1

Measure 1
Measure 2
Measure 3
Measure 4









Measure 1
Measure 2
Measure 3
Measure 4






Men Women


In complex tables, include summary statistics and make

them salient.
If you need to present more than two columns and two rows of
numbers, include summary statistics (e.g., means or sums, as appropriate for your message) at the bottoms of the columns and righthand sides of the rows. (In the trade, these summary statistics are
known as marginal values.)

Legible Text


Summary statistics should be heavier, larger, or more salient in

some other way (e.g., having a brighter color) than the entries in
the table.

In complex tables, include grid lines.

If you need to present more than two columns and two rows, use
grid lines. Grid lines will not only help viewers to organize the table
but will also guide their eyes from the labels of rows and columns to
the specific entries.


If the entries are labeled with pictures or icons, ensure

that they evoke the appropriate concept.
People are more likely to name objects consistently if a picture illustrates a prototypical example (i.e., an average member) of the category. If you want to use graphics to label entries in a table, ensure
that the audience will easily associate the graphics with the appropriate entities.
Example: If you want to illustrate different kinds of animals that
are kept as pets, an average-looking mutt is more likely to be
labeled dog than a St. Bernard would be.

The Key: Factors That Make It Work

A key has two components: (1) patches of a graphic or table that
correspond to individual components; and (2) labels that identify
these patches. These patches typically consist of squares that contain
different colors, texture patterns, or segments of dashed versus solid


Use a key when direct labels cannot be used.

A key requires the viewer to memorize an association between labels
and portions of the graphic or table, and then to find those portions
in order to identify them. So you should avoid using a key unless
absolutely necessary. There are two exceptions to this recommendation, both of which are illustrated in Figure 3.16, Do:



Clear and to the Point

Use a key when there are so many wedges, objects, or segments

in a small space that is impossible to label them directly because
the labels would not group properly or they would have to be so
small as to be illegible.
Use a key when the same entities appear in more than two parts of
a graphic or table, so a key will reduce clutter and the difficulty of
searching for labels.

That said, if you need a key, consider whether you want to show the
graphic or table in your presentation; the display may simply be too
complicated to be grasped easily in this context. If you do need it:

consider building up the display a part at a time, so that the key

becomes a way to keep track of the separate parts you have shown.
be sure to point out explicitly the relation between parts of the key
and the corresponding parts of the display.



Figure 3.16. A key is sometimes appropriate, particularly when it reduces

clutter and allows the structure of the display itself to be more prominent.


Place a key at the top right of a single panel or centered

over multiple panels.
In a single-panel display, the key is by convention positioned at the
top right; in a multipanel display, which contains more than one

Legible Text
variant of the same graphic (such as graphs or diagrams), it is centered at the top, directly beneath the title. Viewers familiar with
graphics will expect to find the key in one of these locations. If aesthetic or other considerations lead you to put the key in an unconventional location (such as in the example you just saw), realize that
the viewers may have to search for it, which will tax their limited processing capacity. However, if you consistently place the key in the
same location in a number of displays, the viewers will soon learn
where to find it.


Ensure that labels and patches are easy to tell apart.

Ensure that each label and patch in the key is discriminable from the
back of the room and when the lights are turned on. To ensure that
they are discriminable, you may need to make patches larger
than they would be if you were publishing the display in an article.
Furthermore, if you use different textures in the patches and in the
corresponding portions of the display, keep in mind that a PowerPoint slide does not have the resolution of a published figure (and
thus relatively coarse patterns are appropriate for PowerPoint).
In addition, if you want the audience to make specific comparisons, its a good idea to point out explicitly the correspondence
between the relevant patches in the key and the portion or portions
of the display they label.


Ensure that corresponding labels and patches form

perceptual groups.
Associate the label and the patch by making sure that they are closer
to each other than to any other part of the key; the proximity will then
group the elements properly.


Use the same order for patches and their corresponding

content elements.
The patches in the key should be presented in the same order as the
corresponding content elements (bars, icons, etc.) in the display itself.
Example: If the labeled patches in the key refer to elements in a
row, as in Do, the top element should refer to the leftmost
content element in the display, the second from the top element
should refer to the content element second from the left, and so
forth. These guidelines are followed in Do of Figure 3.17.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 3.17. Viewers will have to search for corresponding bars if the order of
the key does not match the order of the content elements.

From the Principles to the Point

These recommendations are based on the same psychological principles discussed earlier. Lets revisit them and note which ones contributed the most to each of the major recommendations I offer.
Principle of Relevance: Communication is most effective when neither too much nor too little information is presented. (We understand
and remember a message more easily when the right amount of
detail is used to make the point.)

Present a quick overview of a list, then gray out all but the first entry.
Ensure that only the relevant words are easily distinguishable from
the background.
Present items individually, highlighting only one at a time as you
go from top to bottom.
Use bullets only for topic sentences or specific cases.
Title a slide to focus attention on the most important information.
Use a table of numbers only when specific values are important.
Present only the information needed to make your point.

Legible Text
Principle of Appropriate Knowledge: Communication requires prior
knowledge of pertinent concepts, jargon, and symbols. (We understand and remember a message more easily if it connects to what we
already know.)

Use standard fonts.

Use terms that convey the appropriate denotations and connotations for your audience and the point you want to make.
Center the title at the top of the slide.
Place a key at the top right of a single panel or centered over
multiple panels.

Principle of Salience: Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences. (Big relative differences grab attention.)

Use more salient labels to label more important components of the

display, and use less salient labels for details or smaller components.
Make the title typographically distinct.

Principle of Discriminability: Two properties must differ by a large

enough proportion or they will not be distinguished. (We need contrast to distinguish shapes, colors, or positions from each other and
from the background.)

Avoid all uppercase, all italic, or all bold typefaces.

Dont underline (use bold, color, or italics for emphasis).
Use fonts that are easy to read.
Use visually simple fonts.
Ensure that words are large enough to be read easily.
Ensure that viewers can easily discriminate text from the background.
Use either a serif or a sans serif font, but do not mix and mingle
them arbitrarily.
If entries in a table are too small to be read, show the table in two
or more slides.
Ensure that labels and patches are easy to tell apart.

Principle of Perceptual Organization: People automatically group elements into units, which they then attend to and remember. (These
groups are easier to see and remember than the isolated components would be.)

Group labels with the appropriate elements of the display.

Label content elements directly whenever space permits.
Make words in the same label close together and typographically
In complex tables, include grid lines.



Clear and to the Point

Organize a table to emphasize more important distinctions.

Ensure that corresponding labels and patches form perceptual

Principle of Compatibility: A message is easiest to understand if its

form is compatible with its meaning. (For better or worse, the mind
tends to judge a book by its cover.)

If entries are labeled with pictures or icons, ensure that they evoke
the appropriate concept.
Discuss only material that is closely related to what is currently
being shown on a slide.
Dont use a table if trends or interactions are important (usually,
use a line graph).

Principle of Informative Changes: People expect changes in properties to carry information. (And we expect every necessary piece of
information to be indicated by a change in a perceptible property.)

Use different colors only for emphasis or to specify different

classes of information.
Use different fonts only for emphasis or to specify different classes
of information.
Use the same bullet symbol for each entry in a list of similar items;
change bullet symbols only to indicate a change in the nature of the
Label every graphic, table, and their information-bearing parts
unless the identity is self-evident.
Use the same size and font for labels that identify the same types
of components.
Use the same terminology in labels as well as in the surrounding
text and spoken words.
Use the same order for patches in a key and their corresponding
content elements in a graphic or table.

Principle of Capacity Limitations: People have a limited capacity to

retain and to process information, and so will not understand a message if too much information must be retained or processed. (From
a communicative point of view, less can be more!)

Present parts of complex displays individually, growing the whole

from the parts.
Give the audience time to read each bulleted item.
Use no more than two lines per bulleted entry.
Show no more than four bulleted items in a single list.

Legible Text

Respect the Rule of Four : Use hierarchical organization, with no

more than four items at each level.
Use hierarchical labeling.
Present the title of a complex slide before the easily visible content
Show complex tables to emphasize that the data are complex or to
show a data point in context.
In complex tables, include summary statistics and make them
Use a key when direct labels cannot be used.

If you master the principles, you wont need to memorize every one
of the recommendations any more than you need to memorize every
sentence you might say today. Just as you can generate sentences
on the basis of your (unconscious) knowledge of grammar and
words, with practice you can learn to generate good PowerPoint presentations on the basis of your knowledge of human mental


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Color, Texture, Animation,

and Sound

ur ability to sense color has adaptive

value. For example, it helps us know
when fruit is ripe. Its a fact that

people who have lost the ability to see color

(following brain damage) report that their perception of food has changed dramatically (for
example, one such person described a tomato as
black and repulsive).



Clear and to the Point

In general, color helps us notice whats different and whats the
same; we easily see clusters of ripe red apples against the green of
the trees leaves, or a red sign mounted on a black wall. These functions of color perception in everyday life dont go away when we see
PowerPoint presentations; vision operates the same wayfor better
or worseregardless of whether we are viewing apple trees or
PowerPoint slides.
In addition to color, almost all information graphics software uses
textures as filling (both in the foreground and the background), and
many PowerPoint presentations use animation (i.e., movements on
the screen) and soundboth within a slide and in transitions
between slides. Again, the cognitive mechanisms that pick up and
process such information during everyday life dont go away when
we attend a PowerPoint presentation; they operate the same way,
which can either help or hurt the presentation. In this chapter I summarize recommendations for using color, texture, animation, and

Color: The 12 Essentials

Color not only adds visual interest to a display but also can help you
to communicate effectively. If used improperly, however, variations
in color can obscure your message. To help you understand how to
use color to make your presentations eye-catching and compelling,
I first need to explain some essential facts about color. If you understand why I make my recommendations, you wont need to memorize them.
Color is composed of three distinct aspects:
1. Light can be thought of as a series of waves, similar to regularly spaced waves on the surface of the ocean. The longer the
time between the arrival of each peak of the waves, the greater
the wavelength. And different wavelengths of light are perceived as having a different hue (what we usually mean by
color, its qualitative aspectred, green, etc.). We see very long
wavelengths as red and very short ones as violet, with all other
hues in between.
Heres a particularly important fact: We dont see decreases
in wavelength as a smooth shift in hue. Rather than being
arranged along a single scale (for example, as is loudness,
where increasingly greater amplitude produces increasingly
louder sound), hue is psychologically arranged around a
circlethe famous color wheel. Some colors are nearby,

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

others are opposite each other. Thus, its not simple or straightforward to use variations in hue to represent different quantities; changes in wavelength dont psychologically correspond
to the impression of greater or smaller quantities.
2. The peaks of the light waves can be relatively high or low,
which corresponds to the amount of light. That is called the
lightness when the light is reflected (if the display is projected
onto a screen) or brightness when the light is emitted (if the
display is shown on a monitor). In either case, the amount of
light can be varied by the amount of gray that is added. Hereafter, I will use the term lightness to refer to the amount of
light in the display, on the assumption that most presentations will be projected, but the recommendations apply
equally well to cases when presentations are shown on a
3. The purity of the color is its saturation, seen as the deepness of
the color, which can be varied by the amount of white that is
added. Adding white has the effect of washing out the hue,
making it increasingly more subtle (such as in pastel colors).
Saturation can be varied separately from lightness (as you can
see on a monitor, when you turn up the intensity). And, unlike
hue, both the lightness and saturation of a color can be varied
quantitatively, producing the psychological impression that
more is more.
Color perception is complex in part because the perception
of hue depends to some extent on the surrounding colors, and
so the display must be looked at as a whole. Furthermore,
people vary greatly in their perception of color. A sizable percentage of the population (about 8 percent of American males
and .5 percent of American females) is color-blindthat is, they
have trouble distinguishing certain colors, typically red versus
green. In addition, people vary greatly in their assessments of
how intense two colors must be to have equal lightness.
The following recommendations will help you to ensure
that the colors you use will be discriminable by everyone, that
they dont irritate the viewer, and that they convey information


Use colors that are well separated in the spectrum.

To increase discriminability, colors that are included in your display
should be separated by at least one other noticeably distinct color in
the spectrum, depicted in the color wheel. The six colors that we perceive as being most separated are reddish-purple, blue, yellowishgray, yellowish-green, red, and bluish-gray. The 11 colors that are



Clear and to the Point

never confused are white, gray, black, red, green, yellow, blue, pink,
brown, orange, and purple.
But my strong advice is never to use all 11 in a single display: To
do so would make the word garish seem inappropriately limp.
Aesthetics aside, even when short-term memory limitations are not
an issue (because the colors all are physically present), because in
general people can easily keep in mind the differences among only
nine colors.


Avoid using red and blue or red and green in adjacent

In spite of the requirement that colors be well separated, and hence
easily discriminable, you should not use hues that arise from very
different wavelengths to define boundaries. The lens of the eye,
unlike lenses in good cameras, cannot properly bring into focus two
very different wavelengths at the same time. This is why red (a long
wavelength) and blue (a relatively short wavelength) will seem to
shimmer if juxtaposed. For most purposes, this effect will distract
the viewer and should be avoided.









Figure 4.1. The eye cannot properly focus on red and blue at the same time, so
a boundary should not be defined by juxtaposing red and blue regions. R is for
red, B for blue, and Y for yellow. (See this figure in the color insert.)

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

In addition, it is usually a good idea to avoid using red and green
to define a boundary, because a sizable percentage of the population has trouble distinguishing these colors (as noted earlier, this is
the most common form of color-blindness).


Make adjacent colors have different lightnesses.

Our visual systems have difficulty registering a boundary that is
defined by two colors that have the same lightness. I discovered this
the hard way while driving one winter dusk. A stop sign had been
posted on a green steel girder that was holding up an overpass. The
light was just right (i.e., wrong), and I didnt distinguish the red from
the greenand was promptly pulled over and ticketed by a waiting
patrolman. I decided that it really wasnt my fault; it was my all-toohuman visual systems fault. So I went in to a preliminary hearing, to
explain this to the magistrate. But seeing the look on his face after
my mini-lecture, I gave up and paid the fineand decided to be extra
vigilant during dusk.
Unfortunately, you cant predict exactly how great the differences in
lightness must be to discriminate boundaries between different hues
easily. But, all else being equal, this may help: When colors reflect the
same objective amount of light, we see blue as the lightest (or
brightest) color, followed by red, green, yellow, and white. To be on
the safe side, I recommend adjusting lightness subjectively, ensuring
that it is obviously different in adjacent colors, for two reasons:
1. People vary considerably in their perception of how light a
color is, and this can vary for different colors.
2. Different sorts of room lighting affect different colors in
different ways.


Ensure that the foreground and background are

The 19th-century British genius Charles Babbage is credited with
inventing the first calculating machine. Less well known is the fact
that Babbage took extraordinary care before he published his table
of logarithms in 1826, to the extent of testing the ease of reading 10
different colors of ink on 50 different colors of paper. The winner?
The blackest ink on a light buff paper. In fact, the most discriminable
colors are black and white. If you want to use these colors (perhaps
because you are speaking in a huge room and want to ensure that
even those at the very back can read your slides), consider how the
room will be lit.



Clear and to the Point

If the room will be well lit, you are better off using black figures on
a white background.
If the room will be almost dark, a white background will appear
very bright, perhaps even irritating (even if a light is shining on
you, which I recommend). So, in this situation you generally are
better off using white figures on a black background.

However, black and white are not the most exciting colors, and
you wont lose much by using different hues for figure and background as long as they are clearly discriminable. To ensure that they
are easily discriminable, be sure that the colors differ obviously in
terms of all three qualities: hue, lightness, and saturation.


Make the most important content element the most

Larger color differences will be noticed first, so ensure that the most
important object or segment stands out the most.


If no particular element is most important, make all elements

equally salient.
To make elements equally salient, after you adjust the hues and
lightnesses so that the colors will be easily distinguished, adjust
the saturations for the different hues you are using until none

Use one color for titles and another, less salient one
for text.
To help the viewer organize your text, use one color (e.g., yelloworange on a dark gray background) for titles and another color (e.g.,
white) for text entries beneath the title. But, as noted in Chapter 3,
ensure that the title is a more salient color than the text, thereby
appropriately directing the viewers attention.


Use warm colors to define a foreground.

This recommendation is based on nonintuitive discoveries about
visual perception. The brain senses depth in part by exploiting the
slightly different images that are registered by each eye (because they
are located in different places on the head). By analogy to a similar
process in hearing, this is called stereo vision. Stereo vision works

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound


This is the most important

This is the subheading


This is the most important

This is the subheading

Figure 4.3. The salience of colors should reflect the importance of the
headings. (See the insert for the color versions of these figures.)



Clear and to the Point

well to specify distance (up to about 10 feet away from the viewer),
but it can be tricked to produce an interesting illusion. The illusion
occurs because light waves usually contain a mixture of different
wavelengths, which we see as different hues. You can separate out
the different hues in ordinary light by holding a prism in front of a
window and observing the rainbow that is projected on the wall. The
lens of the eye acts like a prism because the eye is aimed slightly
toward the center when we look at objects in front of us, and so the
lens is angled. Light of different wavelengths is projected to slightly
different locations on the back of the eye just as it is projected to
slightly different locations on the wall when we hold up a prism. And
this effect differs slightly for the two eyes, which produces a false
stereo effect. The result: A warm color, such as red, yellow or
orange, will appear to be in front of a cooler one, such as green,
blue, or violet.
This odd fact about visual perception leads me to recommend that
text should be a warmer color than the background, so that the background doesnt seem to fight to move in front of the text. Moreover,
when two lines cross (as in Figure 4.4), the warmer one should pass
over the cooler one; if it does not, the back line will seem to be struggling to come forward, trying to snake around the one in front. As
entertaining as such effects may be, a good presentation is no place
for a visual wrestling match!



Figure 4.4. A red line that appears to be struggling to move to the foreground
produces an effect that is neither esthetically nor functionally desirable (see
this figure in the color insert).

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound


Dont use deep, heavily saturated blue for text

or graphics.
Avoid rendering text or graphics in a deep, heavily saturated blue;
the eye cannot focus the image properly, and so deep blues will
appear blurred around the edges.


Similarly, avoid cobalt blue, which is in fact a mixture of blue and

red; for people with normal vision, this color can never be fully in
focus because the eye cannot accommodate to both wavelengths
at the same time. The halo you have probably noticed around blue
street lights at night is not fog; your eyes are failing to focus the
image properly.

Use color to group elements.

Regions of the same color will be seen as a group. Use the same
color for all titles and another color for all text entries, which will
clearly group the material into these two categories. And use color
to pair corresponding elements, as in Figure 4.5.



Figure 4.5. If used properly, color can be a very effective grouping device. In
this example, color in the right panel groups the appropriate scale with the
corresponding line (see this figure in the color insert).



Clear and to the Point

Example: Grouping by similarity is very useful if you want the
viewers to compare two or more elements in different places.
For instance, if two pie graphs are used, using the same color for
corresponding wedges will group them effectively.


Increase saturation and lightness for hues that indicate

greater amounts.
Dont vary hue by itself to represent differences in amounts. Using
hue to represent amounts requires the viewer to memorize a key
because hue itself does not vary along a continuum of less-to-more.
For example, shifting from red to violet does not convey the impression that an amount has been added the way that shifting from a
short bar to a tall bar does. Although the wavelengths of the hues
order them into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet,
hues are not a psychological continuum.
In some situations you may need to use hue to convey quantitative information, such as occurs in pictures of the brain that indicate
the amount of activation when a person performs some task, or pictures of a model airplane in a wind tunnel that indicate the relative
friction along different surfaces. In such cases, color is used to
specify quantities associated with each portion of an object.


For such graphics, use deeper saturations (more color) and greater
lightnesses (more light) for hues that indicate greater amounts. We
see increases in both of these visual dimensions as increases in
amount, and so these increases can signal increasing quantities
If you must use hue to convey variations in quantity (e.g., to show
variations in temperature across a complex surface), use psychologically equal changes in color to convey equal increments in the
amountand youll need to experiment to get this approximately
right. If the psychological increments dont seem about equal,
viewers will assume that more similar quantities are conveyed by
more similar colors.

Dont use hue, lightness, and saturation to specify

different measurements.
The recommendation to co-vary the three aspects of color to indicate greater amounts will also lead you to avoid using hue (the qualitative aspect of color), lightness (the amount of light), and saturation
(the deepness) to convey different types of information.

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound



Figure 4.6. Because differences in hue are not immediately perceived as differences in amount, the viewer is required to memorize a key if hue alone is used
to represent quantities (as in the version on the left). However, if the saturation and lightness vary along with hue, as in the version on the right, the
viewer can easily see differences in represented amounts (see this figure in the
color insert).


Dont be tempted to specify three different types of measurements

in a single graphic. The viewer will have a very difficult time sorting
them out because hue and lightness, and hue and saturation, are
so-called integral perceptual dimensions (they group together
perceptually; see the discussion of the Principle of Perceptual
Organization in the appendix). A viewer looking at a colored region
cannot help but pay attention to its depth and lightness as well as
its hue.

Respect compatibility and conventions of color.

A friend of mine was teaching a seminar on the cultural revolution
in China. I asked him what color he was using for the background in
his PowerPoint slides, and he said, Red. When I asked him to
describe the color in more detail, he said that it in fact was more like
a burgundy. This was a wise choice, for two reasons:
1. Fire-engine red is a warm color and will be seen as closer than
cooler colorsnot a good idea for a background.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 4.7. The display on the left uses size to indicate consumption by region,
hue to indicate income, and saturation to indicate temperature; it is a puzzle
to be solved. The display on the right uses only size and saturation to convey
amounts, and viewers can clearly sense the orderings here (see this figure in
the color insert).

2. However, using a shade of red is compatible with the topic, red

being the color of the Chinese revolution.
Objects and events sometimes have characteristic colors, different
cultures have specific conventional color symbols, and colors may
also have political connotations, for example, in the United States,
red states are conservative, and blue states are liberal. Although
the colors probably were not intended to convey specific connotations, we nevertheless can ask what red and blue signify in the
United States. The best survey I know of on this topic was conducted
by Joe Hallock (http://joehallock.com/edu/COM498/credits. html).
Here are some of his survey results, indicating the percentage of
people who associated the colors with the concepts (for example, he
asked them to indicate which color best represents trust). Ive
focused here just on blue and red:

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

High quality:
Favorite color:
Least favorite:





In short, for Americans, blue is generally a more desirable color.

But even this depends on the specific message you want to present;
if you want to convey speed, fear, or fun, red would be more effective.

Texture: 2 Points Regarding Hatching

Individual bars in bar graphs, wedges of pie graphs, regions of maps,
or portions of diagrams are often filled with a textured pattern. The following two recommendations will help you make helpful hatchings.


Ensure that textures are discriminable.

As discussed, if neighboring regions are too close in color, the brain
will not easily establish a border between them. (Thats why a polar
bear lying on the snow is hard to see. Camouflage is advantageous
to a polar bear, not to a display.) By the same token, if two regions
differ only by their texture, the brain will not easily establish a border
between them if the textures are too similar. Heres how to ensure
that textured regions are easily discriminable:

Vary orientation by at least 30 degrees of tilt. When you read an

analog clock (one with hands, not just numbers), some positions of
the hands require closer attention than others. In accordance with
the Principle of Perceptual Organization (specifically, the aspect of
Input Channels; see the appendix for details), if differently oriented
hatchings are used to distinguish regions, their tilts should differ by
at least 30 degrees (the angle formed by the hands of a clock when
they point to adjacent numbers, as at 12:05; see Figure 4.8).
Vary the spacing of texture patterns with similar orientations by at
least a ratio of 2 to 1. If cross-hatching, stripes, dots, dashes, or
other regular patterns have similar orientations (that is, within 30



Clear and to the Point



Figure 4.8. Line orientations must be immediately discriminable to delineate

regions clearly.



Figure 4.9. Line spacings that differ by at least a 2:1 ratio are immediately
discriminable; if regions are not immediately discriminable, the viewer has to
work harder than necessary to compare corresponding elements.

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

Figure 4.10. An annoying shimmer occurs when your visual system is struggling to detect a poorly defined edge.

degrees of each other), the densities of the pattern should differ by

at least 2-to-1 (Figure 4.9). If a region has 8 hatch lines to the inch,
to be immediately discriminable adjacent regions should have
either 4 or fewer lines to the inch, or 16 or more lines to the inch.


Avoid visual beats.

Similarly oriented patterns of stripes or texture elements may appear
to shimmer, a distracting and irritating effect (Figure 4.10). This effect
is less likely to happen if the stripes of texture elements in different
regions are easily discriminable, as specified in the previous recommendation.

Filling: 3 Points about Background Patterns

In many PowerPoint displays, the background contains a pattern,
which is included primarily to make the display more attractive or
interesting. If you choose to use a pattern for your background, such
as those provided in the PowerPoint templates, be careful to ensure
that it does not obscure the message.




Clear and to the Point

Ensure that the background pattern is not salient.

Every once in a while I see a movie with an actor so talented that a
minor character steals the show (think of Bill Nighys role as Billy
Mack in Love Actually). Dont let this happen to your presentation,
where the background is so interesting that it steals the show. The
background should not distract from the information-bearing lines and
regions, nor should its salience lure the eye away from these elements.
A background should be lighter and in less saturated colors than those
used in the rest of the display, have few details, and have soft edges.



Figure 4.11. If salience leads readers to see the house before the data, they will
have to work to sort out the content.


Dont allow parts of background patterns to group with

parts of the foreground.
Use contrasting hue, saturation, and brightness to ensure that background figures dont group with parts of the display itself, producing
confusion between background figures and content (Figure 4.12).


Use a background pattern to reinforce the main point

of the presentation.
An effective background can underline (as opposed to undermine) the
overarching message of the presentation, providing a kind of pictorial

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound



Figure 4.12. If background elements group with content, the display is likely
to be misinterpreted.



Figure 4.13. The editorial content of a background can allow you to underline your message effectively, or it can create confusion; the background
pattern should not conflict with the message of the display.



Clear and to the Point

label (Figure 4.13). In order to be effective, the background design
must be compatible with the content of the presentation. To get a quick
sense of whether you are on track, show a couple of friends the background image that you are considering using and ask them to describe
it; this description should be appropriate for the topic and should have
connotations that are compatible with your message.

Every element of a display should convey information (such as the

fact that amounts are specified in U.S. dollars in Figure 4.12).
Tacked-on elementssuch as pictures of the planets or swirls of
different colorswill only distract the viewers.

Animation and Transitions: 10 Recommendations

Recently, I experienced one of the most disheartening things that can
happen during a presentation: One of the audience members seated
near the front of the room stood up and left during the middle of my
presentation. Her standing up and then walking the length of the
aisle to the exit was not only an apparent comment on my presentation (she was voting with her feet), but it also caught the attention of the rest of the audience. I had to speak a bit more loudly, and
be a bit more animated for a moment, or I would have lost even more
of the audience as their attention was distracted. But it wasnt their
fault; the human brain is wired so that changeincluding change
in positionautomatically catches our attention. This makes animation (i.e., movement of a pattern on a screen) a two-edged sword: It
can be used to direct the viewers attention to what you want to say,
or it can distract them from your message. My recommendations
focus on ways to ensure that animation does in fact work for you,
not against you.


Use animation to direct attention.

If you are discussing a sequence of events that youve represented
graphically, use animation to guide the viewers sequentially through
the graphic.
Example: If you present a flowchart, have the arrows appear only
when the transition from one phase to another becomes relevant, and have the arrows literally grow from the process (box in
the chart) just being discussed to the next one.

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound


Even if you are not discussing a sequence of events, you can use
motion to guide attention: In general, presenting a label first and
then having an arrow extend from the label until it touches the
labeled part is an effective way to direct the viewers attention.

Use novel transitions to catch attention.

The PowerPoint program provides many options for transitions
between slides, such as by having a slide enter from the left or by
having it built up from fragments that come together. The first time
you use a transition, the novelty will grab the viewers attention.
Change of any sort should carry informationand such change does:
The information being Wake up and pay attention! This is especially
important! But after that, the audience will adapt and come to
expect that transitionand a new type of transition would be necessary to grab their attention later, to emphasize yet something else
thats important. I would not recommend making such changes more
than once or twice during your presentation, however; people adapt
quickly, and what changes can soon become whats staying the
same. As the French put it, plus a change, plus cest la mme
chosethe more things change, the more they stay the same.


Dont randomly use different transitions for different

Use the same transitions throughout the presentation, unless you
want to emphasize a particular slide (as noted above). Dont change
the type of transition randomly.


In general, dont use slow fade-in or fade-out.

The PowerPoint program allows you to make a slide fade in or fade
out. If this is rapid (less than 1 second), it is simply another form of
transition. But if a slide slowly becomes visible (taking more than
1 second to appear fully), the viewers first will see parts that are not
immediately discriminable, which will require either that they work
to read the slide or that they wait until it is clear. Neither situation is
ideal, and you risk allowing the viewers attention to wander.
Some presenters use a slow fade to give viewers a moment or
two to absorb complex information. However, in this situation I recommend simply leaving the slide visible until you think they have
understood the material.




Clear and to the Point

Dont move portions of the same text line or graphic

Move portions of the same piece of information (text or graphic) in
the same way, so that they group together.
Example: If each bulleted item in a list enters from the left, ensure
that all words in an entry come in together. Having them arrive
one at a time, or from different locations, only makes the viewer
have to work in order to organize them into an interpretable unit.


Dont move more than four separate perceptual groups

To avoid overloading our ability to track and hold in mind information, dont have more than four groups (defined by the Principle of
Perceptual Organization) moving at the same time.


Dont require viewers to read moving words.

Ask anyone who has ever stood in Times Square in New York City
and tried to read the news on the ticker-tape display: Moving words
are hard to track and interpret. Any gain in visual interest is more
than canceled by the added processing difficulty.


Build up complex displays a part at a time.

If you are showing a complex display, you can help the viewers by
using animation to build it up, a part at a time (while keeping the
portions of each part together, as already noted). Having a part enter
from the top ensures that the viewers will focus on just that new part,
and then see how it is integrated into the whole.
Example: If you were showing a map of the southern states and
wanted to indicate average weekly coffee consumption per
capita, you might use icons of stacks of coffee cups to indicate
the amount (each cup would signify a certain amount of
consumption, ideally one cup). Each stack would be built up as
coffee cups dropped down from the top, one at a time onto a
specific state, with the final height indicating the average amount
of coffee consumed. If the precise amount were important, you
could have the numerical value appear at the top of the stack

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

after the cups had slid down to their proper resting places. Using
animation in this way will direct the viewers attention to just the
material you want to discuss at any one point.


Make animations compatible with the represented

object or event.
Many objects and events have characteristic movements, which
should be preserved in the way you have them move on the screen.
Example: If you show a picture of an automobile, dont have it
rise up from the bottom of the screen or seem to drop down from
the sky. Have it enter from the left if it faces to the right, or from
the right if it faces to the left. Similarly, if you want to use the
height of a flower to indicate the amount of rainfall, have the
flower grow vertically.


Use videoclips to illustrate a relevant event.

When integrated into a PowerPoint presentation, video clips can
illustrate an event that unfolds over time better than a description or
set of still slides. All of the recommendations regarding Clipart in the
following chapter also apply to video clips. In addition, a word to the
wise: Be sure that your video will in fact operate on the computer
you are usingvideoclips are memory-intensive and will not run on
all machines.

Sound: 10 Ways to Avoid Making Noise

The PowerPoint program allows you to present sounds, either from
a built-in menu of choices (which includes sounds such as a dog
barking or a man laughing) or custom-defined. The following 10 recommendations apply to the use of sounds.


Use sounds to grab the audiences attention.

An unexpected or distinctive sound typically has the same effect as
a sudden motion: It grabs the audience members attention. However, unlike motion, sounds dont inherently direct the audience to a
specific item on a slide. Rather, sounds alert the audience to another



Clear and to the Point

event, such as a change in text or graphics. If a slide has been visible
for a few minutes, and only a portion of the slide is then changed, an
appropriate sound will help to draw the viewers attention to the
Example: If you want to show how lightning can spark a forest
fire, you may first need to show the audience a picture of a forest
and describe the relevant conditions. If this takes you a few
minutes, you might then want to present an audible crack
when you show the lightning bolt.


Use sounds sparingly as alerts.

If you use sound to grab attention, do so sparingly. The first time you
do this, it will wake up the audience and alert them to the upcoming
event. By the third time you do this, the audience may become
annoyedand may even begin to filter out the sound.


Use sounds to define the context.

Sounds can set the stage for your entire presentation, a portion of
your presentation, or a specific point. These sounds should be very
transitory, however, functioning as a kind of auditory title.
Example: If you are talking about pollution in the seas, you can
start with the sound of surf. Or if you are talking about the
growing barter economy, you can play the sound of an open-air
market. Both National Public Radio (NPR) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) radio news make very effective use of
such sounds to set the stage for their feature stories.


Use sounds that are appropriate for the topic and point
being made.
If you use a sound to introduce a slide, ensure that it is compatible
with the point.
Example: If you want to introduce a presentation or section on
the effects of a hurricane, the sounds of a ferocious wind might
be appropriate, especially if accompanied by a video clip of the
wind ripping through a town. The sounds of gentle rain on the
roof would not be appropriate.

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound


If you use an inappropriate sound, it will seem funnywhich is not

always a bad thing, but you should intend this effect, not fall victim
to it.
My advice: Never, ever use rude or crude sounds (you know what
they are).

Use sounds to allow the audience to come up for air.

Sounds can serve as a kind of punctuation in a complex presentation
(again, NPR and BBC radio are very good at doing this); giving the
audience a chance to come up for air allows them to process
the information youve just presented.
Example: If youve been presenting data on emerging stock
markets in the former Soviet Union, you might have a few seconds
of the sound of the floor of one of the exchanges, accompanying
an appropriate title on a slide, such as Russian Stock Exchanges.


However, you should use sound in this way only very sparingly,
and your timing must be just right. Otherwise you will not seem
serious, and the audience will discount your message.

Use sounds to provide evidence.

In spite of the ample evidence to the contrary (served up daily by
creative artists armed with computer graphics programs), for most
people seeing is believing. The same goes for many sorts of sounds.
Sounds, especially recorded dialogues, can serve the same roles as
photographs when used as evidence.
Example: If you want to illustrate typical interactions between
physicians and patients, brief sound clips that provide samples
of such interactions might be appropriate.


Coordinate sounds, text, and graphics.

Although you can show a blank background slide when you present
sounds, doing so misses a valuable opportunity to provide the
audience with dual means of learning the material, via sight and
sound. Its best to present sounds with appropriate visuals. If you are
presenting sounds as evidence, the ultimate example of coordinating
sounds with graphics is a video clip, where the audience sees the
sources of the sounds.



Clear and to the Point


If the sounds are discrete, such as the sounds different animals make,
show a photo of each object, and click on the graphic to present the
corresponding sound (assuming that this is relevant to your message).

Dont arbitrarily vary tonal quality or volume.

If you use sounds, ensure that they all have the same tonal quality
and are presented at the same volumeunless changing the quality
or volume is part of your message. Any perceptible change will be
taken to signal information, and thus arbitrary changes will be confusing and distracting.


Ensure that sounds can be heard clearly throughout

the room.
As usual, the material must be discriminable, and the sounds must
be loud enough to be heard by all.


In addition, dont make the sounds too loud, which will not only cause
the audience members to cringe, but may lead them to anticipate
further assaults and thus not pay close attention to your message.

Ensure that sounds are high fidelity.

A common problem with presenting sounds is that most computers
have poor speakers, so that the sounds can be muddy and difficult
to understand. Avoid this problem by ensuring that you have good
external speakers, which should have independent amplifiers.

From the Principles to the Point

The key to these recommendations is the psychological principles. In
what follows I revisit the principles and note which ones contributed
primarily to each of the major recommendations I offer.
Principle of Relevance: Communication is most effective when
neither too much nor too little information is presented. (We understand and remember a message more easily when the right amount
of detail is used to make the point.)

Color, Texture, Animation, and Sound

Use sounds to provide evidence.

Principle of Appropriate Knowledge: Communication requires prior

knowledge of pertinent concepts, jargon, and symbols. (We understand and remember a message more easily if it connects to what we
already know.)

Use video clips to illustrate a relevant event.

Use sounds that are appropriate for the topic and point being made.
Use sounds to define the context.

Principle of Salience: Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences. (Big relative differences grab attention.)

Make the most important content element the most salient.

Use one color for titles and another, less salient one for text.
Use warm colors to define a foreground.
Ensure that the background pattern is not salient.
Use animation to direct attention.
Use novel transitions to catch attention.
Use sounds to grab the audiences attention.
In general, dont use transitions in which slides slowly appear or
fade out.

Principle of Discriminability: Two properties must differ by a large

enough proportion or they will not be distinguished. (We need contrast to distinguish shapes, colors, or positions from each other and
from the background.)

Use colors that are well separated in the spectrum.

Avoid using red and blue in adjacent regions.
Make adjacent colors have different lightnesses.
Ensure that the foreground and background are discriminable.
Dont use deep, heavily saturated blue for text or graphics.
Ensure that textures are discriminable.
Avoid visual beats.
Ensure that sounds can be heard clearly throughout the room.
Ensure that sounds are high fidelity.

Principle of Perceptual Organization: People automatically group elements into units, which they then attend to and remember. (These
groups are easier to see and remember than the isolated components would be.)

Use color to group elements.



Clear and to the Point

Dont use hue, lightness, and saturation to specify different measurements.

Dont allow parts of background patterns to group with parts of the
Vary the orientation of similar texture elements in different regions
by at least 30 degrees of tilt.
Vary the spacing of texture elements with similar orientations in
different regions by a ratio of at least two to one.
Dont move portions of the same text line or graphic separately.

Principle of Compatibility: A message is easiest to understand if its

form is compatible with its meaning. (For better or worse, the mind
tends to judge a book by its cover.)

Avoid using hue to represent quantitative information.

Increase saturation and lightness for hues that indicate greater
Respect compatibility and conventions of color.
Make animations compatible with the represented object or event.
Use sounds that are appropriate for the topic and point being
Use a background pattern to reinforce the main point of the presentation.
Coordinate sounds, text, and graphics.

Principle of Informative Changes: People expect changes in properties to carry information. (And we expect every necessary piece of
information to be indicated by a change in a perceptible property.)

Dont randomly use different transitions for different slides.

Use sounds sparingly as alerts.
Dont arbitrarily vary tonal quality or volume.

Principle of Capacity Limitations: People have a limited capacity to

retain and to process information and so will not understand a message if too much information must be retained or processed. (From
a communicative point of view, less can be more!)

Build up complex displays a part at a time.

Dont move more than four separate perceptual groups simultaneously.
Use sounds to allow the audience to come up for air.
Dont require viewers to read moving words.

Communicating Quantitative
Information: Graphs

n 1978 I was contacted by a small company

called Consulting Statisticians, Inc. They had
received a request for proposals issued by the

National Institute of Education. Someone in the

government had apparently noticed that many
people could not read charts and graphs very well
and wanted to spark more research on the topic. I
was intrigued. Then-graduate student Steven
Pinker and I wrote a proposal, and it was funded.
So began my work on graphs. That work ultimately led to the eight principles that guide the
recommendations in this book, and graphs serve
as a prototype for how to apply those principles.



Clear and to the Point

Graphs are pictures intended to convey information about numbers and relationships among numbers. Graphs can convey the
information in a large set of numbers more effectively than just
listing the numbersor can fail miserably. In this chapter I help you
avoid making graphs that confuse rather than illuminate, and instead
will guide you to make graphs that could be worth many numbers
becoming pictures that are truly worth 1,000 words.

To Graph or Not to Graph? The 3 Big Questions

The following considerations will help you to decide whether you
should use a graph or would be better off with a table or text.


Do you want to illustrate relative amounts?

If so, then a graph is appropriate. Graphs can also specify specific
amounts (in labels at specific points), but what they do best is to
exploit the more-is-more rule: We automatically see larger wedges,
longer bars, or higher points along a line as signifying greater quantities, and its easy for us to see relative differences along these visual


Do you have data needed for a specific purpose?

If your data address a specific issue, then a graph can be illuminating. Decide what questions audience members should be able to
answer from the display, and organize the data accordingly. As usual,
dont include any more or less information than is needed to answer
the relevant questions.
Example: If you want the audience members to know whether
sales are increasing at the same rates in different parts of the
country, plotting the data separately for each of your product
lines would only be an obstacle; audience members would
mentally have to average over lots of lines or bars to obtain the
information they needed. On the other hand, if you want the
audience to know about differences in sales of commercial and
personal equipment, it would be an error not to include separate
bars or lines for each type. There is no way of mentally breaking
down a single point or bar into its constituent parts.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs


Can you use concepts and display formats that are

familiar to the audience?
If not, then a graph will not serve you well. I was shocked when I discovered that a substantial number of undergraduates at Harvard
University dont really know how to read line graphs. The more-ismore rule has been a revelation for some of these students. Dont
assume that even an intelligent and presumably well-educated audience will necessarily understand information graphics. If you decide
to use a graph:

Pick a display format thats familiar to a particular audience. When

in doubt, explain how the graphic works.
Use concepts familiar to that audience.
In general, stick to the tried-and-true, traditional graphs that
I discuss in this chapter.

In the remaining sections of this chapter, we will consider pie graphs,

visual tables, line graphs, bar graphs, step graphs, scatterplots, and
multi-panel displays.

Pie Graphs: 6 Tips

The pie graph is the most common format that shows how a whole
is divided into parts. The relative area of each component, the wedge,
represents the proportion of the whole taken by the component.


Use a pie to convey approximate relative amounts.

Yogi Berra once commented that Baseball is 90 percent mental. The
other half is physical. He would never have made this blooper if he
had tried to use a pie graph to express this idea. And youll never
make similar gaffes if you display such data in a pie graph, which
illustrates proportions of a whole. The main drawback to pie graphs
is that its often difficult to obtain relatively precise amounts from
them, such as the percentage of one part. However, this is not a
problem if the amount is 25 percent, 50 percent or 75 percent, which
are easy to discern at a glance. If other amounts are illustrated, the
precise amounts will not be easy to obtain because it is difficult visually for us to measure the angle, chord (i.e., straight line that
connects the two sides of the wedge at the point where those lines



Clear and to the Point

meet the surrounding circlemaking the wedge into a triangle), or
area of each wedge precisely.
Example: It is easy to use the Do graph in Figure 5.1 to get a
general sense of the relative proportions, but difficult to use the
Dont graph to determine that there were 13 percent more car
and mobile home loans than bank and finance loans.



Figure 5.1. Do not use a scale with pie graphs; the viewer will have to struggle
to count the number of ticks. In this graph, credit cards and revolving credit are
the topic of interest, and hence this information is most salient.


Label wedges if precise values are important.

A good way to convey precise amounts while still depicting relative
proportions with pie graphs is simply to label the wedges, either by
putting the numbers in them (if space permits) or next to them. This
converts the pie into a hybrid display, part pie and part table.


Use an exploded pie to emphasize a small proportion

of parts.
Construct an exploded pie display by displacing the important slice or
slices, as if a wedge of pizza had been pulled out from the pie. If the
audience is supposed to make only approximate visual comparisons,

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs

the pie format provides a particularly good way to draw attention to
a small percentage of the total number of components.
Example: Look at the Do graph in Figure 5.2; it is immediately
obvious that credit cards and revolving credit are the most
important aspects of the display. In contrast, in the Dont
version it is not clear what the audience should focus on.



Figure 5.2. Use an exploded pie only when a distinct contour can be disrupted
by exploding the wedges; the two intact pieces of the pie on the right define
a contour, which makes the exploded wedge stand out.


Explode a maximum of 25 percent of the wedges.

If you decide to use an exploded pie, you must decide which part or
parts to emphasize. If too many wedges are exploded, as they are in
Dont, of Figure 5.3, the viewers wont know where to look. I once
saw a cat freeze in confusion when it knocked over a trash can and
some half-dozen mice scattered in different directions; it just didnt
seem to know which one to pounce on. Dont make your viewers like
that cat. I offer 25 percent as a rough guideline; there is no hard-andfast percentage. The critical consideration is that enough wedges
remain in the pie to make the exploded wedges appear to disrupt
the contour of the whole.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.3. If too many wedges are exploded, none stands out.


Arrange wedges in a simple progression.

Unless there are reasons to order the wedges in a specific way, it will
be easiest to compare the wedges if they are arranged in order of
size (see Figure 5.4).


In general, order from smaller to larger, with size increasing clockwise. Because values on a clock face increase in a clockwise direction, we expect greater quantities to be indicated by greater arcs in
a clockwise direction.
However, if you wish to emphasize the larger components, put the
largest at the top or in the 1:00 position (the first that the viewer
will focus upon when scanning in a clockwise order), and arrange
the other wedges in decreasing size from this anchor point.

If proportions vary greatly, dont use multiple pies to

compare corresponding parts.
Compare the two pies in the Dont version of Figure 5.5. How did
Peugeot and Renault do in the European Community (EC) in general

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.4. In Western culture, readers expect quantities to increase clockwise

around a circle.

(left) compared with Italy in particular (right)? (These data were cited
in 1991, prior to the formation of the European Union.) This is difficult to fathom, in part because the relevant wedges are in different
locations in the two piesa shift that cannot be avoided when the
proportions vary widely.
Now compare the two Do pie graphs; it is clear that there is a
rough correspondence between the revenues per region (left) and
employees per region (right). It is easy to compare multiple pies
when the wedges are in roughly the same positions in each. But, as
illustrated in Dont, when the corresponding parts are in different
locations, the audience is forced to search for them one at a time
which requires effort. Our brains have limited processing capacity,
and if forced to strain, many audience members may simply give up.
(Also note that because Western Europe was of greatest interest to
the designers, the largest wedge is put at the beginning of the clockwise progression.)

If the proportions are very different across levels, and the audience
is supposed to compare specific components, a bar graph is the
preferable format.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.5. Corresponding wedges are hard to compare if, as in Car Markets,
they are not in corresponding positions.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs

Visual Tables: 8 More Legs to Stand On

We now turn to visual tables, which are pared-down graphs; objects
are drawn so that their sizes or numbers vary in accordance with the
amount being represented. Some visual tables use pictures of actual
objects, and some use abstract content such as bars (without axes or


Use a visual table to convey impressions of relative

If you want the audience to gain only a general sense of the ordering
of measurements, a visual table is appropriate.
Example: Stacks of small water bottles, varying in number, may
be enough to illustrate the increase in consumption over time.


Dont use the area of elements to convey precise

Because visual tables dont have scales, and because the visual
system tends to distort our impression of the sizes of areas, dont
use visual tables to depict precise amounts.


Provide labels to specify relevant precise amounts.

If precise values are important, label each content element with its
amount (in the same way that you can label the sizes of individual pie
Example: If the numbers of balloons (presumably filled with hot
air) indicate the number of speeches delivered by each of several
politicians, you could draw a bunch of balloons for each pol, with
a tag on the bottom that indicates the name of the politician and
the actual number of speeches.
But be careful: This practice can easily result in a cluttered display,
relegating the content elements to the role of mere decorations. If
you want to convey precise numbers, consider simply using a tabular
format instead.



Clear and to the Point

Use sets of icons to provide labels or to compare

relative amounts.
A special case of a visual table is the isotype, in which bars are
created by repeating small pictures, each of which corresponds to a
specific amount of the measured substance. These displays have two
particular uses:
1. Pictures can provide a direct label of whats been measured,
which reduces processing required to search for verbal labels.
2. Different pictures can indicate component parts of the measured entity.
Example: You could specify the number of male and female
employees in the different divisions of a company (see Figure
5.6) by showing a column that contains copies of a male icon
versus a column that contains copies of a female icon (perhaps
of the sort that often grace the corresponding restroom doors)
above a label for each division; each picture would stand for an
increment of, say, five employees, with more pictures (forming a


Number of Employees









Figure 5.6. This bar graph could easily be turned into a visual table because
the icons neatly label the bars, making the labels on the X-axis superfluous if
the context in which the display is presented is clear enough. In this graph,
each icon represents five employees, but the unit size is determined both by
the ease of identifying the icons (if they are too small, they will not be discriminable) and the precision of the data.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs

higher stack) indicating more of that type of employee in that
division. You can present precise amounts by showing a portion
of an icon at the top of a stack, but be sensitive to how you truncate: A headless man at the top might lead audiences to draw the
wrong conclusions about the quality of the staff! (In this case,
make the top icon appropriately shorter by removing parts of
the torso and legsor just round off and only show intact icons,
noting that youve done this in an explanatory note at the bottom
or under the title.)


Make the appearance of the pattern compatible with

what it symbolizes.
Dont fight human nature: Make the cover fit the book. If the properties of a pattern are not compatible with its meaning, the audience
will have to work to understand the display. The visual impression of
an amount or a difference should correspond to the actual amount
or difference between the represented substances (Figure 5.7).



Figure 5.7. The icons should reflect the subject matter, which they do in both
panelsbut the appearance of the pattern is incompatible with the message
in another way: More is seen as moreso longer bars or greater numbers
of icons should specify larger amounts of the relevant substance or more
frequent occurrences of the relevant event. In Dont,greater numbers of
icons actually indicate a lower crime rate! Do not convey less by more.




Clear and to the Point

Ensure that pictures used to illustrate measured entities

depict those entities.
Pictures used to convey quantities either should depict the entities
being represented, as in Do of Figure 5.8, or should have conventional symbolic interpretations that label those entities (such using
an icon of an envelope for a post office or a donkey for the Democratic party).


Compare extents at the same orientation.

The Dont version of Figure 5.9 immediately demonstrates why
this recommendation is a good idea: It is much harder to derive
a relationship of quantities among the three elements when there
is no common baseline and we must assess the absolute value of
each in isolation, remember it, and compare it with the others. And,
to make matters worse, our visual systems fall prey to an illusion
that makes the same extent seem longer when its vertical than
when its horizontal.



Figure 5.8. Pictures in a visual table should provide another kind of label and
should not interfere with the interpretation of the display.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.9. It is much easier to compare extents at the same orientation than
at different orientations.


Dont vary height and width to specify separate

A designer might use rectangular objects to present seasonal totals
for new accounts opened at a bank. The height of each rectangle
would indicate the number of accounts that were opened during that
particular season; the width, the average amount deposited in such
accounts; and the third variable, the area, would indicate the total
revenue for each season. This scheme is shown in Dont of Figure
5.10. The problem: the audience members will see a rectanglenot
height, width, and area as distinct elements.

Line Graphs: 11 Guidelines for Going in the Right

Line graphs and bar graphs are the most common ways to illustrate
quantitative information. This section describes when line graphs are
more appropriate and summarizes recommendations for making
effective line graphs.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.10. The line graph clearly indicates the number of new accounts, the
average deposit, and the total deposits per season, as well as the relations
among these measures. The same information is embedded in the four panels
above, but considerable effort is required to decode it. We perceive height and
width as specifying an area, not as separate variables.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs


Use a line graph if the X axis specifies a continuous

The continuous rise and fall of a line is psychologically compatible
with a scale that specifies the amounts along a continuous measurement scale. The yearly pattern of a young mans fancy is more
clearly perceived from Do than from Dont in Figure 5.11.



Figure 5.11. The continuous variation of a line is compatible with the continuous variation of time; if you want the viewer to note precise point values,
put dots or symbols along the line.


Use a line graph to display trends.

The rise and fall of a line creates a shape, which we easily interpret
as a trendup, down, or a period of growth mixed with periods of


In general, use a line graph to display interactions.

One of the reasons it is so difficult to predict real-world events is
that multiple variables interact, in a statistical sense: By interact
I dont mean that two (or more) things have a personal relationship
or that one necessarily changes another directly. Rather, I mean that



Clear and to the Point

the effects of one variable can be understood only in the context of
at least one other. When describing an interaction, you would say
that the effects of X depend on the value of Y. For instance, the
difference between the average temperature in June and January
depends on whether you are in New York or Sydney. This interaction, between month and hemisphere, reflects the dependence of
the value of one variable on the value of the other.

If there is little chance that audience members will improperly infer

a continuous scale along the X axis, then a line graph is a good
way to convey interactions even if the X axis specifies rankings
(not actual intervals) or even names, not amounts at all. But if a
line graph would incorrectly imply a continuous scale on the X axis,
use a bar graph.
Except when a line graph would be misleading, avoid using a bar
graph to illustrate interactions. In order to see bars as unified
patterns that convey interactions, the viewer must mentally
connect the ends of the bars, expending time and effort.
Example: Most experienced graph readers can immediately
recognize that crossing lines indicate an interaction whereas
parallel lines do not.



Figure 5.12. Experienced graph readers can interpret typical patterns of lines
at a glance. Hence, it is goodespecially in a presentation when viewers may
not have much time to decode a displayto make use of familiar patterns to
convey interactions.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs


Dont use a line graph to show point values.

If you use a line graph to show specific values, the audience members must locate and perceptually isolate a point along a line and
note its height along the Y axis (Figure 5.13). This process violates
the Principle of Limited Capacity; it requires the audience to work to
understand you. According to one aphorism, Work isnt a task, its
torture (L. Bracken, http://deoxy.org/aaw.htm). Why make your audience work any harder than they have to?



Figure 5.13. The heights of bars define specific points, whereas lines specify
continuous variations. It is more difficult perceptually to break up a line into
points than to detect the tops of bars.


Ensure that the X and Y axes are clearly identifiable

and appropriately labeled.
The viewer should immediately be oriented to the X axis (which typically has values of what is varied or selected to be assessed) and
the Y axis (which typically has values of what is measured). I was
impressed by the following joke, not because its funnybut because
Ive literally seen this happen! The experimentalist comes running
excitedly into the theorists office, waving a graph taken off his latest
experiment. `Hmmm, says the theorist, `Thats exactly where
youd expect to see that peak. Heres the reason (long logical explanation follows). In the middle of it, the experimentalist says `Wait a



Clear and to the Point

minute, studies the chart for a second, and says, `Oops, this is upside
down. He fixes it. `Hmmm, says the theorist, `youd expect to see a
dip in exactly that position. Heres the reason . . . (www.physlink.
com/Fun/Jokes.cfm) Avoid such embarrassing moments by labeling
the graph appropriately!


Vary the salience of lines to indicate relative importance.

Viewers will notice the most salient line first and interpret it as the
most important. If you are looking at all three networks morning
shows and comparing their ratings, the graph on the left of Figure
5.14 is the style you want. But if your subject is NBCs Today and
you want to emphasize that shows ratings against the other two
shows in the field, the one on the right better illustrates your focus.



Figure 5.14. If the focus is on NBC, the graph on the right is preferable; the
increased salience of the line for NBC immediately draws the viewers attention.


Ensure that crossing or nearby lines are discriminable.

When lines are nearby or cross often, special care must be taken to
ensure that they are discriminable. You can increase discriminability by

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs


using different colors;

using dashed lines (and varying the dashes);
in either case, making sure that the salience of the lines does not
vary arbitrarily.

Ensure that dashes in lines differ by at least 2 to 1.

To be immediately discriminable from one another, dashed lines
should differ in elements per inch in a ratio of at least 2 to 1 (this recommendation follows from the Principle of Perceptual Organization,
specifically the aspect of Input Channels, explained in the Appendix).
For example, if one line has 4 dashes to the inch, another line at least
should have no more than 2 or 8 dashes to the inch.


If lines connect discrete points, make the points at least

twice as thick as the line.
Some line graphs include dots or symbols that mark specific values
on the X axis. In order to be easily discriminated from the line, the
dots or symbols should be at least twice as thick as the line (Figure



Figure 5.15. The points on the lines are especially important and should be
emphasized by discriminable dots.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.16. Studies have shown that the four lines and symbols on the right
are highly discriminable.


Use discriminable symbols for points connected by

different lines.
When lines are nearby or cross often, you can enhance discriminability
by using visually distinct symbols for important pointseither in conjunction with different dashed or colored lines or with solid lines.
Example: Plus signs, Xs, open circles, and filled triangles remain
distinct even when reduced to relatively small sizes (Figure 5.16).
However, ensure that the difference between filled and unfilled
versions of the same element are easy to discern even when the
graph is projected onto a screen.


Use an inner grid when precise values are important.

For all variants of line and bar graphs, include an inner grid if you
want the audience to be able to extract one or more specific values,
which can be read off the Y axis more easily if one can trace along
grid lines. Especially with line graphs, insert heavier grid lines at regular intervals, which will help the viewer track from a point on the
line to the axes (Figure 5.17).

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.17. The staggered heavier grid lines help viewers to locate specific
values on the axes for specific data points.

Figure 5.18. Without an inner grid, it is almost impossible to tell that the lines
have the same difference in value on the Y axis over the 2 and 5 values on the
X axis.



Clear and to the Point

Example: The line graph in Figure 5.18 illustrates a special case
in which grid lines are particularly helpful. Look at the vertical
difference between the lines over 5 and those over 2; which
difference looks larger? In fact, they are the same distance apart,
as you will see if you use the grid lines to compare the two differences. Our visual system tends to see the minimal distance
between the lines, not their difference in height. Grid lines help
the eye to focus on the vertical extent itself.

Bar Graphs: 10 Pillars to Build On

In this section we consider when to use bar graphs and crucial factors to keep in mind when presenting them.


Use a bar graph to illustrate differences between

specific point values.
The ends of the bars in bar graphs specify particular values. If you
want to contrast the measurements of a set of entities, use a bar


Dont use a bar graph to illustrate trends.

To see a trend in a bar graph, viewers must mentally connect the
tops of the bars. Why make them expend the effort? If showing
trends is your goal, show them a line graph.


Use a bar graph if more than two values are on an X axis

that does not show a continuous scale.
Look at the Dont version of Figure 5.19, in which the line makes
it appear as if the income for consulting partners is accelerating
rapidly. This visual impression is less striking in Do. If the intervals
of space along the X axis dont specify a continuously varying
scale, a line will give a misleading impression of a trend. However,
as noted earlier, if you want to show an interaction, consider using
a line graph even in this situation. Your audience can quickly see
that lines cross or diverge, but will need to work harder to see relations among sets of bars.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.19. A line graph for these data inappropriately suggests a rapid rise
along a continuous variation.


Use a horizontal bar graph if the labels are too long

to fit under a vertical bar graph.
If a vertical bar graph requires novel abbreviations, audience members may receive less information than they need in order to decipher the material effortlessly.
As noted for line graphs, always be sure that the axes are clearly
identifiable and clearly labeled. This is especially important for horizontal bar graphs, which are less common than vertical ones. The
viewer should know immediately where to find the independent variable (things that are varied or selected to be assessed) and the
dependent variable (the measurement values).


Dont use mixed bar/line displays to show interactions.

As is evident in Dont of Figure 5.20, it is more difficult to see interactions if a mixed display is used because bars and lines dont group
to form simple patterns; to help the audience grasp interactions, use
multiple lines.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.20. The trend toward decreasing numbers of defects with increasing
production, especially for the industrial widget, is not immediately evident
from the mixed line/bar display; the visual system more easily groups different
lines into a pattern than it groups lines and bars.


Mark corresponding bars in the same way.

Mark the corresponding bars in each cluster the same way so that
they are grouped appropriately (exploiting the grouping law of similarity), as in Do. Try to compare the performance of the two brands
of Coca-Cola in 1989 from the Dontgraph in Figure 5.21. This is not
as easy as it should be because, in a misplaced attempt at variety in
the way the bars are shaded, the designer used different shadings for
corresponding elements.


Arrange corresponding bars in the same way.

Say you want to graph numbers of young and old men and women
voters for each of two counties. The demographic groups for each
county would be on the X axis, and 4 bars, one for each of the groups
(young men, old men, young women, old women) would be presented.
The demographic groups could be indicated by different shading. The
order of the bars for voter groups should be the same for each county,
as in Do in Figure 5.22. If it isnt, the audience members will waste
time trying to make comparisons and wondering why the order differs.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.21. Inconsistent marking groups bars improperly in Dont, making it

harder to compare corresponding elements.



Figure 5.22. A gratuitous change of order makes it difficult to compare corresponding bars.




Clear and to the Point

Dont vary the salience of individual bars arbitrarily.

Unless the emphasis is intentional, no bar should stand out from the
others as happens in Do in Figure 5.23; if it does, the difference in
salience will lead the audience to notice it first, and assume that it is
more important than the other bars in the display.



Figure 5.23. Making one element very salient will put it at the center of attention. If you want to emphasize that element, this is appropriate; but if you
are simply trying to provide visual variety, as here, it is likely to confuse the


Leave space between bar clusters.

Notice in Figure 5.24 how much easier it is to compare the market
shares in 1985 for the three brands in Dont versus Do. Group bar
clusters over each appropriate location on the X axis and leave extra
space between the clusters. As a rule of thumb, the space between
clusters should be about as wide as two bars (this advice follows
from the Principle of Perceptual Organization, specifically the aspect
of Input Channels; see the Appendix).


Avoid extending bars beyond the end of the scale.

Dont make bars extend over the top of the Y axis, as in Dont in
Figure 5.25 (or to the right of the X axis, in a horizontal bar graph) if

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.24. Six perceptual units are too many to apprehend immediately;
proper grouping not only makes the display easier to take in but also helps to
group the bars with their labels.



Figure 5.25. If the Y axis is too short (Dont, at left), the viewer cannot immediately estimate the price of tea in 2010.



Clear and to the Point

the viewers are supposed to be able to extract specific point values;
mentally continuing the axis and its scale requires effort. However,
if the point of the display is not to show specific values but only to
indicate that, say, housing prices have shot through the roof, then
you would just be adding extraneous details by including tick marks,
labels on the Y axis, and so on. Some of the most effective graphs in
Time magazine have tall bars that extend into the text, driving home
the point that some trend has exploded beyond its usual boundaries.

Step Graphs: 4 Ways to Step Up

A step graph is a step-like line that can be thought of as formed by
the tops of bars that have been pushed together.


Use a step graph to illustrate a trend among more than

two entities that vary along a noncontinuous scale.
A step graph is useful if the audience members are supposed to
notice relative changes over three or more values on the X axis but
these values dont vary continuously and using lines would suggest
inappropriate trends. Pushing the bars together creates a pattern that
may allow the viewer to take in a trend at a glance.


One drawback to these displays is that a bit more effort is required

to isolate individual point values, and so a bar graph (where spaces
between the bars isolate the individual bars, which convey point
values) is more appropriate if this emphasis is your goal.
Another drawback is thatdepending on the data being plotted
patterns sometimes can be difficult to see. If this occurs, consider
using a line graph (and in your presentation, explicitly point out
the ways in which this graph may be misleading, but explain why
it is good for showing the relevant interaction).

If the lines cross, dont include two or more lines in a

step graph.
From the Dont graph in Figure 5.26 it is almost impossible to tell
the percentage of automobile sales for the different countries. In
these situations, present the data in separate panels, as shown in
Do. Such displays can illustrate different trends effectively, but do
not illustrate interactions well.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.26. A combined step graph is difficult to read and easily mistaken
as illustrating a cumulative total.


Make the steps of equal width.

In which version of the graph in Figure 5.27 does U.S. investment in
Germany look more important? The reader will mistakenly perceive
a wider step as representing a greater amount, even if that step is the
same height as another, narrower step. Make sure the steps are of
equal width, not drawn as in Dont.


Fill the area under the line with a single pattern or color.
The primary virtue of step graphs is that they produce patterns that
indicate specific trends. As is evident in Do, if the area under the
line is filled with a color or texture that is different from the background, the grouping law of similarity (as summarized in the
Appendix) will lead the viewer to see that area as a single
shape, facilitating recognition of a trend. But only a single color or
texture should be used; otherwise, the impression of a single region
will be disrupted.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.27. Making one step wider than the others gives it unequal



Figure 5.28. The shape of a series of rising and falling steps is meaningful
and should not be disrupted.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs

Scatterplots: Ways to Avoid Scattershot

A scatterplot can look like random holes in a barn door or an army
of ants marching in the same direction. This format uses the same
sort of axes used in line and bar graphs, but now individual points
are plotted rather than lines or bars.


Use a scatterplot to convey an overall impression of the

relation between two variables.
Scatterplots are appropriate if you want audience members to obtain
only an overall impression of the relation between two variables and
you want the audience to have a sense of the variability of the relation between the variables.
Example: If the heights and weights of 100 people are plotted,
viewers will see a cloud drifting up toward the right, indicating
that the two variables are positively correlated. Moreover,
viewers also can see that this correlation is not perfect; some
very tall people are skinny, and some short ones rotund.
Dont include a grid, as in Dont in Figure 5.29; the point is
to convey an overall trend, not individual values. Scatterplots
often include far more points than can be grouped and seen as
individuals; therefore, they are not a good idea if audience
members are supposed to discern specific point values (use a
table instead but present only the truly important values; otherwise you will overwhelm the viewers).


Avoid illustrating pairs of measurements for more than

one category in a scatterplot.
Dont plot the pairs of measurements (such as the heights and
weights) of different categories, such as Northerners and Southerners or Americans and Europeans, with different symbols for the
points in the same scatterplot; the points will be intermixed and very
difficult to discriminate. The only exceptions to this recommendation
occur if you want to show that:

data from two categories are intimately related (and so the fact that
the points cannot be distinguished is itself compatible with the
message being conveyed);
data from two categories are clearly distinct (as evident when the
clouds formed by different sets of points can be easily distinguished because they are in different parts of the display).



Clear and to the Point



Figure 5.29. Scatterplots convey an impression of trends in the data; they

generally are not well suited for conveying values of individual data points,
and an inner grid is usually a distraction.



Figure 5.30. Measurements of different entities can be easily detected in a

scatterplot only if their symbols occupy different parts of the display.

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.31. A best-fitting line serves as a summary of a trend and helps

viewers to see the strength of the correlation between two variables.


Fit a line through a scatterplot to show how closely two

variables are related.
In many cases, scatterplots are used to illustrate a trend, which can
be summarized effectively by a line. Unlike the line in a line graph,
this fitted line does not connect up sets of points. Rather, it falls
through the centerthe most densely populated areaof the
cloud of points. The most popular way to fit such a line requires
finding the location that minimizes the average distance of the
points to the line (which is known as the method of least

Multiple Panels
When should you divide the data up and display it in separate




Clear and to the Point

Avoid presenting more than four perceptual units in one

Our friend the Rule of Four applies here again: If at all possible,
present no more than four bars or clusters of bars in a single panel.
If there are more than four bars over each point on the X axis, or
more than four groups of lines, find a way to divide the data into
subsets and graph each subset in a separate panel (Figure 5.32).



Figure 5.32. A display containing more than four perceptual units cannot be
apprehended in a glance. Break such displays into separate panels.


Use multiple panels to highlight specific comparisons.

It is easier to compare material within a panel than across panels, so
ensure that the data are organized to help the audience make the
most important comparisons (Figure 5.33).


Graph different types of data in a single display only if

they are strongly related and must be compared.
As a rule, dont graph different types of data in the same display; in
most cases, graph the different data in separate panels of a multipanel

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs



Figure 5.33. The intended comparisonshere, between two countries that

have been industrialized for a long time and two emerging nationsare facilitated by appropriate grouping.



Figure 5.34. Plotting two related variables together can reveal useful information, such as the impact of equipment failure on the amount of oil that was



Clear and to the Point

display. Graphing two types of measurements in the same display
forces the audience to keep track of which bars or lines go with which
scales, taxing their limited processing capacity.
The only exception to this recommendation occurs when the
measured variables are intimately related and their interrelations
are critical to the message being conveyed; in this situation, plotting
the data in the same display allows the laws of perceptual grouping
to organize them into a single pattern.
Example:The volume of oil pumped and the failure rate of a piece
of pumping equipment are probably connected, and it makes
sense to graph these two sets of measurements in one display,
as in Do in Figure 5.34. On the other hand, oil volume and the
CEOs frequent-flier mileage (Dont) are not as immediately
related, and the graph is not particularly helpful.

From the Principles to the Point

All of these recommendations stem from the eight psychological
principles. If you understand the principles and how to apply them,
graph design will become simple and natural. I again summarize
each principle and note which ones contributed primarily to each of
the major recommendations offered earlier in the chapter.
Principle of Relevance: Communication is most effective when neither too much nor too little information is presented. (We understand
and remember a message more easily when the right amount of
detail is used to make the point.)

Present data needed for a specific purpose.

Graph different types of data in a single display only if they are
highly related and must be compared.

Principle of Appropriate Knowledge: Communication requires prior

knowledge of pertinent concepts, jargon, and symbols. (We understand and remember a message more easily if it connects to what we
already know.)

Use concepts and display formats that are familiar to the audience.

Principle of Salience: Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences. (Big relative differences grab attention.)

Communicating Quantitative Information: Graphs

Use an exploded pie to emphasize a small proportion of parts.

Explode a maximum of 25 percent of the wedges.
Vary the salience of lines to indicate relative importance.
Dont vary the salience of individual bars arbitrarily.

Principle of Discriminability: Two properties must differ by a large

enough proportion or they will not be distinguished. (We need contrast to distinguish shapes, colors, or positions from each other and
from the background.)

Ensure that crossing or nearby lines are discriminable.

Use discriminable symbols for points connected by different lines.
Avoid illustrating pairs of measurements with different types of
points for more than one category in a scatterplot.

Principle of Perceptual Organization: People automatically group elements into units, which they then attend to and remember. (These
groups are easier to see and remember than the isolated components would be.)

Compare extents at the same orientation.

Dont vary height and width to specify separate variables.
Ensure that dashes in lines differ by at least 2 to 1.
If lines connect discrete points, make the points at least twice as
thick as the line.
Dont use mixed bar/line displays to show interactions.
Leave space between bar clusters.
Avoid extending bars beyond the end of the scale.
Use an inner grid when precise values are important.
Fill the area under the line in a step graph with a single pattern or

Principle of Compatibility: A message is easiest to understand if its

form is compatible with its meaning. (For better or worse, the mind
tends to judge a book by its cover.)

Use a graph to illustrate relative amounts.

Use a pie to convey approximate relative proportions.
Use a visual table to convey impressions of relative amounts.
Dont use the area of elements to convey precise quantities.
Use sets of icons to provide labels or to compare relative amounts.
Make the appearance of the pattern compatible with what it
Ensure that pictures used to illustrate measured entities depict
those entities.



Clear and to the Point

Use a line graph if the X axis specifies a continuous scale.

Use a line graph to display trends.
Use a line graph to display interactions over two entities on the X
Use a bar graph to illustrate differences between specific point
Use a bar graph if more than two values are on an X axis that does
not specify a continuous scale.
Use a step graph to illustrate a trend among more than two entities that vary along a noncontinuous scale.
Use a scatterplot to convey an overall impression of the relationship between two variables.

Principle of Informative Changes: People expect changes in properties to carry information. (And we expect every necessary piece of
information to be indicated by a change in a perceptible property.)

Label wedges of pie graphs if precise values are important.

Ensure that the X and Y axes are clearly identifiable and appropriately labeled.
Provide labels to specify relevant precise amounts.
Use a horizontal bar graph if the labels are too long to fit under a
vertical display.
Mark corresponding bars in the same way.
Arrange corresponding bars in the same way.
Make steps in step graphs equal width.
Fit a line through a scatterplot to show how closely two variables
are related.

Principle of Capacity Limitations: People have a limited capacity to

retain and to process information, and so will not understand a message if too much information must be retained or processed. (From
a communicative point of view, less can be more!)

Arrange wedges of pie graphs in a simple progression.

Dont use a line graph to show point values.
Dont use a bar graph to illustrate trends.
If proportions vary greatly, dont use multiple pies to compare
corresponding parts.
Avoid presenting more than four perceptual units in one panel.
Use multiple panels to highlight specific comparisons.

Communicating Qualitative
Information: Charts, Diagrams,
Maps, Photographs, and Clipart

PowerPoint Jedi use their skills with PowerPoint to make difficult

concepts clear. Me, Im a PowerPoint Sith. I use my PowerPoint
skills to confuse and obfuscate. If my boss doesnt have a glazed
look of bewilderment, then the brief isnt complete. Embrace the
dark side.
Mike Aitken (www.nbc-links.com/powerpoint.html)

f a perverse impulse leads you to want to

confuse and obfuscate, its easy to succeed. Ive
already mentioned a common technique, which

is to pack immense amounts of text on every slide

(using a tiny, barely discriminable font), from which
you read random samples in a soft monotone. Even
insomniacs will be overcome by such treatment.



Clear and to the Point

Another sure-fire way to mow down an audience is to keep the
material extremely abstract, so that it sounds good but the audience
wont really know what you are talking about. Yet another approach
that will sow bewilderment and confusion is to make claims that
simply dont reflect realityand assert them with great confidence.
And you can use graphics that are meaningless or that have little
bearing on your message; they might look very attractive, and distract the audience from your lack of clarity.
On the other hand, if your goal is to be clear and to the point, and
to present a compelling case for your point of view, then you should
present concrete evidence for your claims, which are presented in a
logical sequence. To keep the audiences interest and attention, you
need variety. Present graphics and sound to illustrate what you say
show and tell. This will not only make your presentation more interesting but will also make the material more comprehensible and will
root what you say in reality.
The eight psychological principles apply to all communication
graphics, including ones that convey qualitative information:

Charts specify qualitative relationships among entities; family trees

and flowcharts are charts.
Diagrams are schematic pictures of objects or events that rely on
conventionally defined symbols (such as arrows to indicate forces);
exploded diagrams that show how parts of an object fit together
and illustrations of football plays are diagrams.
Maps present both qualitative and quantitative information; they
not only portray geographical features, but also implicitly specify
distances among locations, a quantitative variable.
Photographs and Clipart, where the latter includes cartoons and
drawings that illustrate people, ideas, or situations. These illustrations can be found online and easily pasted onto a slide (provided
that they are in the public domain or proper copyright permissions
are obtained; When in doubt, consult your lawyer!).

I begin with general recommendations, then turn to specific recommendations for each type of display.

General Recommendations for Charts, Diagrams, Maps,

Photographs, and Clipart
The following recommendations apply to all of the types of graphics
discussed in this chapter.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart


Include only graphics that help you make your point.

Decorations are distracting and may undermine your credibility if
they seem cute or frivolous. Remember: A PowerPoint presentation
should have a point!


Include only the parts of graphics that help you make

your point.
Even when the graphic is appropriate, parts of it may not be. Include
only material that is directly relevant to the specific point you are
making at any given time. A diagram meant to show the drivers controls in an automobile may not be helpful to the viewer if many other
automotive systems also are shown, as in Dont in Figure 6.1.



Figure 6.1. A diagram intended to show the drivers position relative to key
controls is easier to read if the irrelevant components are eliminated and the
relevant ones are highlighted.


Use symbols, concepts, and jargon that are familiar to the

audience members.
Certain disciplineselectronics, genetics, and linguistics, to name a
fewuse specific specialized symbols, which should be used when



Clear and to the Point

appropriate. Depending on context, however, the same symbol may
have different meanings. For instance, an arrow may indicate parts
to be matched, direction of force, or movement.

If you even suspect that your audience may be in doubt about the
meanings of the symbols you are using, state those meanings
Example: When describing a flowchart, indicate whether different
shapessuch as squares and diamondshave different meanings
(such as an operation versus a decision/branching point).

Also be sure that the audience is comfortable with the concepts

and jargon you use. If you have any doubt, define the terms.
Example: Instead of simply saying a branching point when
describing a flowchart, say A branching point, where a decision
is made about the next sequence of steps to take.


Ensure that all aspects of the graphic are clearly

discriminable from the background.
The graphic must have enough contrast with the background to be
visible throughout the room and must be large enough to be legible
even from the back row.


Change visual or auditory characteristics only to signal

a change in information.
The Principle of Informative Changes applies to all types of graphics.
Example: Clipart or a photograph alerts the audience to pay
attention to a new idea or claim; if nothing is new, dont introduce a new piece of Clipart or a photo.


Organize the components of complex displays.

A graphic can effectively convey a complex set of qualitative relations if the complexity doesnt visually overwhelm the relations
To avoid producing a tangled web or overwhelming pastiche,
divide different aspects of the display into separate perceptual units
(see Figure 6.2). These units can be defined by:

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart

Similar shapes
Similar colors
Similar shadings
Similar sizes
Similar line weights
A line or arrow that links objects
Nearby locations, which are clearly distinct from other clusters

Finally, you can also produce groups simply by presenting a

subset of the material at a time, and build up the whole display over
the course of a series of slides.
In Do in Figure 6.2, the phases of the data collection and evaluation process are distinguished from the decision processes. Similarly, many flowcharts use diamond shapes when a decision is made,
squares when a process occurs, and circles when input or output



Figure 6.2. A complex chart can be sorted out relatively easily if it is visually
organized into components.


Respect the Rule of Four : Dont expect viewers to

attend to more than four perceptual units on a slide.
If you want viewers to pay attention to more than four objects in
your graphic, devise a way to present them as groups (using
the variables noted in the previous recommendation), so that there



Clear and to the Point

are no more than four groups. The crucial limiting factor is the
number of perceptual units (i.e., groups), not the actual number
of objects.
How can you tell how many perceptual units are present? Fortunately, studies have shown that people are remarkably accurate and
consistent at drawing lines around the parts of a displayed object or
scene, which correspond well to the perceptual units. Thus, you
need only consider where you would draw lines between parts or
groups of objects, and youll have a good sense of how many units
there are.


Use animation and vary salience to guide the audience

through the display.
If the point of the graphic requires the audience to grasp a sequence
of events, use animation to illustrate that sequence. If you need to
vary the speed of animation, use the custom animation feature
(under the Slide Show menu item, at least in my current version of
the program), and put a set of objects on a single slide, defining the
animation values for each. Alternatively, make a series of slides, like
frames in a film, and use the slide transition feature to specify how
long each one is visible (but in this case you will need to experiment
with the number of frames and exposures in order to produce
acceptable motion). If the display does not lend itself to movement,
vary salienceby changing the display over timeto guide the
viewers attention.
Example: By systematically changing the colors of specific states
of the United States in a series of slides, you could illustrate the
course of the western expansion during the 18th and 19th


Use multiple panels to highlight specific comparisons.

If your initial display is too complicated, and you cannot easily group
the elements into 4 or fewer perceptual units (as noted above), break
the display into separate panels.

Decide which units are most closely interacting (e.g., in a flowchart)

or are most closely related (e.g., adjacent territories in a map), and
present them together.
To provide the overall context, gray out the rest of the display.
If the display is so large or complex that individual components
cannot be clearly seen, zoom in on one part at a time. Provide a

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart

thumbnail sketch at the upper right, showing (e.g., with a red
square) the relative location of the current material within the context
of the whole. In such cases work through the display systematically,
to help viewers integrate each portion into the whole.

Charts: 6 Pointers
Charts can make complex sets of information clear at a glance, or
can make complex information seem even more complex. For
instance, consider one chart that was created in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This hurricane was no laughing matter, nor was the
feeble response of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA). Nevertheless, Jon Stewart, the host of the Daily Show
(broadcast on Comedy Central), couldnt help commenting on a chart
released by FEMA (during the week of 26 September 2005), Figure
6.3. He said: What should FEMA have done? Perhaps the answer
can be found on their website. . . . This chart [shown below], clearly
depicting the agencys responsibilities in the event of a disaster. . . .
It begins with a response to a disaster, leads to recovery, mitigation,
risk reduction, prevention, preparedness . . . (dramatic pause) and

Figure 6.3. The actual chart from the FEMA website. Can you understand what
it means?



Clear and to the Point

ends up BACK IN DISASTER! . . . In truth, FEMA did exactly what they
said they were going to do (http://presentationzen.blogs.com/
Charts are visual displays that arrange information into categories
or structures. Usually, lines connect the elements of a chart to indicate
structure; but the arrangement of the elements (such as boxes or even
just words) on the screen may be enough to show the relationship
clearly. The FEMA Chart? The bad news is that it inadvertently shows
how disasters beget disasters. Moreover, according to their website,
their cycle actually begins with (not ends with, as shown here), Preparedness and ends with Response, but this still doesnt fit with
the use of arrowswhich might suggest that the Response leads to
the disaster! The good news is that its almost impossible to read this
chart (notice how hard it is to read all upper case, especially when the
words are at odd angles and even upside down).


Use a chart to convey overall organizational structure.

Using a chart to illustrate the structure of an object, organization, or
event takes advantage of the Principle of Compatibility. Relationships
such as is a member of, follows, works for, and is descended
from can be illustrated clearly by the spatial relations of the entities
in the display.


Use a chart to illustrate sequences of steps over time.

The PowerPoint program lets you show even complex sequences of
events by building up a chart, a part at a time.


Use a list to convey one relation among several entities.

The alternative to a chart is a list, which is preferable if only a single
relation and four or fewer entities need be considered.
Example: A simple list can effectively convey a simple organization:

Company Divisions


People can read such a list faster than they can decipher a chart, and
a short list will tax short-term memory less than would a multielement display. However, if you want the viewers to compare
numerous different combinations of entities (such as the relations

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart

between various managers and their superiors in the company), a
chart is better than a list. In the wise words of Albert Einstein, Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.


Show more inclusive categories higher in the display.

Say that the problem is to show how the Mega Corporation breaks
down into separate divisions. Place the larger entities higher in a
chart with the entities that are contained within the larger entities
depicted beneath them.
Example: Mega Corp. has automotive, consumer electronics, and
ranching divisions. These would be symbolized in a chart by boxes
(or pictures of representative objects) in a row directly beneath the
box (or picture) representing the company. Beneath each of these
three entities would be boxes or pictures for their components.


Use a layout compatible with the subject matter.

A chart detailing the command structure of an organization (Figure 6.4b)
should start at the top and work down, as in Do; it should not go from
left to right.


Figure 6.4a. Category inclusion and command structure both correspond to

vertical spatial relations because some categories or positions are over others;
the unfolding of events over time is shown better in a horizontal layout.



Clear and to the Point


Figure 6.4b.



Figure 6.5. Every important piece of information, whether entity or relationship, should be identified in the display.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart


All else being equal, respect the convention in Western culture and
make a sequence over time proceed from left to right.
However, respect the specific conventions of your audience. For
example, computer programmers have developed a specialized
subculture, where flowcharts are often presented from the top down.

Identify relationships.
Identify every important piece of information in a display, as in the
Do version of this family tree. (Figure 6.5).

Diagrams: 8 Recommendations
Diagrams are pictures of objects or events that use both pictorial elements and symbols (such as arrows to show movement) to convey
informationto show the wiring in your kitchen, the way the Eiffel
Tower sways in a strong wind, or the assembly of your new barbeque. Unlike charts, parts of diagrams must resemble the things
they represent.


Use a diagram to illustrate the structure of an object or

event for a specific purpose.
When designing a diagram to illustrate the structure of an object or
event, keep the purpose of the diagram in mind from the outset. If you
dont, you may end up including too much or too little material
leaving the viewers frustrated or annoyed.


Explode a diagram to emphasize the shapes or spatial

relations of individual parts.
If the parts are partially concealed and you want to make their shapes
or spatial relations very clear, move parts away from the wholebut
be sure to use an arrow or other visual means to indicate clearly
where each part belongs.


Dont explode an object too widely for easy recognition.

If the parts are exploded in order to show how they fit together, dont
expect the viewer to extrapolate or remember precise spatial relations



Clear and to the Point

among parts of a display; the brain processes shape and spatial relations in separate systems and does not easily combine the two very
accurately. In an exploded diagram, show parts near their actual locations on or in the object depicted, as in Do in Figure 6.6.



Figure 6.6. If spatial relations are distorted to show components, the distortion should be easy to reintegrate; otherwise, readers will have to expend
effort to see the components in place.


Ensure that different components of the diagram are

organized into separate perceptual units.
Exploding is not the only way to specify the shapes of parts; different
colors or shading can also be used to individuate parts. If distinct
parts are to be shown, ensure that they are easily identifiable as distinct parts.


Use compatible movement when presenting a diagram

of a dynamic event.
You can simulate the process of assembling or modifying an object
or tracking a process (such as the effects of a strong wind hitting the
side of a skyscraper) by using animation to add, remove, or modify
parts of a diagram over time.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart


Ensure that the order and way in which parts are added, removed,
or modified (e.g., shown to bend) mimics the actual order or way
in which they would be added, removed, or modified. This technique allows you to discuss each relevant part before turning to
the next, and the use of animation will draw the viewers attention
to the next topic of discussion.

Choose a point of view in which all critical aspects of

the material are visible.
Information that is hidden may as well not exist.


Show all parts of static diagrams from the same

The cubists shocked and befuddled their contemporaries by painting
objects as if they were seen from multiple points of view simultaneously. At the time, this was a good way to get the attention of the
critics and the public, and to lead viewers to consider reality in new
ways. But what works well in art (at least for some people) does not
necessarily work well in communication graphics. In fact, most
people will be confused and have to struggle to understand what
you are showing them if you show it from more than a single point
of view: The brain assumes that an object is seen from only a single
vantage point, and effort will be required to reorganize the display
mentally if it is not.


Similarly, never have one part of the display drawn in two dimensions with a three-dimensional part tacked on to it.

Use animation to illustrate three-dimensional structure.

One way to illustrate the structure of a three-dimensional object is
to use animation to rotate it in depth. The rotation will be most
effective if:

It is as slow as possible while still revealing the overall structure.

Four or fewer perceptual units are highlighted (e.g., with a distinctive color).
Example: Ive seen many rotating images of the human brain,
with colors highlighting specific partssuch as the regions
involved in vision. Sometimes the colors come on in sequence,



Clear and to the Point

illustrating how the specific brain areas interact. Such information is much easier to grasp when the object appears three
dimensional, which it does when rotating.

Maps: 12 Key Considerations

The following is reputed to be an actual transcript of a radio
conversation between a Canadian communications officer and a U.S.
naval vessel, recorded off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995:
Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the north to
avoid a collision.
Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the
south to avoid a collision.
Americans:This is the Captain of a U.S. Navy ship. I say again, divert
your course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert your course.
Americans:This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest
ship in the United States Atlantic fleet! We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers, and numerous
support vessels. I demand that you change your course 15
degrees north, thats one-five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this
Canadians: We are a lighthouse. Your call.
If we are to accept this report as gospel (which may be dubious,
given that it is posted on the Web both as a joke and as an actual
transcript, as was characterized by the then-president of Duke University, Nannerl O. Keohane, in a speech to the Canadian Club
of Ottawa on 28 October 1999, http://canada.usembassy.gov/content/
textonly.asp?section=can_usa&document=keohane&subsection1=moreinfo), you could easily fault the participants for their attitudes or communication skills. But in my view the major culprit
would probably have been something else: the navigation maps.
These maps should have made the location of the lighthouse crystal
clear, and should have made it easy to establish where the ships
were in relation to the lighthouse.
Maps are drawings that function as pictures of a physical layout. As
stylized pictures of a territory, maps provide information about locations and relations among them (usually in terms of relative distances
and routes between them). By using conventional markings, they
can also provide quantitative information about various locations, such
as average temperature, voting patterns, and population distribution.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart


Use a map to show distances of segments or angles

between segments of a route.
Use a map if the relative distances between landmarks or angles of
turns are important.


Use a map if more than one route is possible.

One alternative to a map is a verbal description of a route or territory.
However, if you can reach the destination from a number of different
starting places or by more than one route between two locations, a
map is distinctly more helpful.


Use a map to label complex sets of information about

a territory.
Maps are also a convenient way to provide various sorts of information about sets of localities; a map allows the viewer to see the
relations among different values in many locations.
Example: If population is presented (perhaps by bars standing
on particular locations), the viewer can not only see the relation
of population to specific landmarks, such as rivers or the sea, but
also gain an impression of the pattern of population variations as
a whole.


Provide neither more nor less detail than required for

the point to be made.
If you want to illustrate how to get to the nearest fire station from
Harvard Square, it would not be helpful to include every road in the
region, as in Dont in Figure 6.7. Instead, illustrate the roads that
are efficient routes between the two locations, providing enough
landmarks that the traveler wont get lost.

Moreover, if distance per se is not crucial but the sequence of turns

is, there is no reason to draw the map to scale. However, if you
dont draw the map to scale, indicate when distance has been
compressedsuch as by using the same sort of truncation marks
used to indicate that a Y axis in a graph as been altered (which has
the advantage of probably being a familiar symbol to most
viewers). However, because some viewers may not be familiar with



Clear and to the Point



Figure 6.7. A map that includes too much extraneous detail for its purpose is
not helpful; to specify the location of the firehouse, only the efficient routes are

the conventions for indicating truncation, be sure to explain what

such symbols mean.


Dont vary sizes of regions to convey precise

quantitative information.
Some years ago it became fashionable to design maps of the United
States in which the sizes of the states were varied, as in Dont in
Figure 6.8, to show relative rates or quantitiesper capita beer consumption, number of murders, and so forth; the more per the state,
the larger the area. At best, such maps convey only a rough impression of rank ordering, and fall short if actual amounts or even precise
ordering is to be conveyed. We humans simply are not very good at
estimating area and have trouble comparing relative areas of differently shaped regions.

A better way to convey amount is to draw a bar, stacked set of

icons, or similar symbols at each location, varying length or height
to convey quantity; our visual system can compare relative lengths

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart



Figure 6.8. It is almost impossible to extract relative amounts from differently

shaped areas, even if they are familiar and not distorted. Vary extent along a
line or bar instead (the framework around each bar and the short horizontal
lines are designed to help viewers compare the black bars).


Ensure that shapes of meaningful regions are easily

Another problem with varying the size of a region to convey information is that the shape may become unrecognizable. If Maine is
made larger, its shape may have to be modified to fit it against its
neighbors, as happened in the Dont example in Figure 6.8.


Dont vary height and width of location markers to

specify different types of information.
The map in Dont in figure 6.9 uses the height of the markers to
indicate the population and the width of the markers to indicate the
mean temperature of each location. But our brains register the area
of the markers, not each dimension separately. Dont vary a shapes
height and width (oras discussed in Chapter 4a colors hue, lightness, and saturation) to specify values of distinct dimensions.



Clear and to the Point



Figure 6.9. If both the width and height of the triangles are varied, we see
neither variable very well; it is far better to use two different displays, one for
each variable.


Avoid visual illusions that distort distance and direction.

Visual illusions affect our perception of distances. Vertical lines
appear longer than horizontal ones, and straight lines that are interrupted, as in Dont in Figure 6.10, appear to be displaced; the diagonal road passing under the highway is actually straight, but it
appears to jog under the overpass. This is not a problem in Do.


If distance is important, use grid markings.

Some maps are intended to indicate the relative locations of regions,
to show the locations of specific routes, or to provide other kinds of
qualitative information. Other maps, however, specify the actual distances between locations. In these cases, inner grids are useful if

grid lines are relatively thin and light (this recommendation is

violated in Dont in Figure 6.11).
more tightly spaced grid lines occur when greater precision is
heavier grid lines are inserted at equal intervals, to help viewers
inner grid lines pass behind the lines, bars, or other symbols.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart



Figure 6.10. Beware of visual illusions (including exaggerated distances of

vertical lines) when producing maps. In the map on the left, Route 1 seems to
jog as it passes under the Interstate, but in fact it does not.



Figure 6.11. If precise distance is not important, there is no reason to include

grid lines; if grid lines are included, they should not obscure the features of the




Clear and to the Point

Make the scale equal one or more grid units.

The scale of a map is a kind of key, pairing a line length with a unit
of distance, which the viewer uses to estimate the distances between
the locations represented on the map. To be effective, the scale
should correspond to one or more of the units used to produce the
grid lines; if it does not, the viewer will have to reorganize the unit
line length, mentally dividing it into the corresponding lengths on
the gridand this operation is neither efficient nor accurate.

If the grid lines are spaced every half inch on the map, the scale
should indicate the distance in terms of this unit length or in terms
of a familiar multiple of this increment, say, 1 inch. Its often most
useful if the scale indicates a unit that corresponds to the distance
between heavy grid lines as in Do in Figure 6.12.



Figure 6.12. If the scale does not line up with the increments of the grids,
mental division is necessary to use it; spare the viewer this effort by aligning
the scale and grid increments.


Make more important routes more salient.

Use the most important routes as the backbone of the map, as in
Do, in Figure 6.13, allowing other routes to be organized by them.
This can be accomplished simply by making the more important
routes more visually distinctive, using color or line weight.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart



Figure 6.13. Making the major roads correspond to more salient lines will
help viewers to organize the map as well as to find the most efficient routes.


Label important distances directly.

If you want the audience to know the distances between specific
pairs of locations, draw lines between them and label the distances
directly (the lines should indicate routes).

Photographs and Clipart: 10 Recommendations

Photographs and Clipart are perhaps the most insidious types of
illustrations, which practically invite abuse. Many of us cant help
but succumb to the temptation to include that cute photo, cartoon,
or drawingand we end up distracting the audience and undermining our message. Nevertheless, photos and clipart do have their


Use photos and Clipart to define the context.

Clipart can set the stage for your entire presentation or a portion of
your presentation, or it can help you make a specific point.



Clear and to the Point

Example: A drawing or cartoon of historical figures, such as
Benjamin Franklin, can set the stage for a contemporary treatment of a relevant topicsuch as contemporary methods of
making bifocal lenses.


Use photos and clipart to introduce an abstract idea.

Sometimes very abstract ideas have become associated with concrete icons. Such illustrations can put the audience in a frame of
mind to organize what you have to say in terms they already know
which is always a good idea.
Example: Albert Einsteins visage has become a symbol for
genius, and the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of
freedom for immigrants.


Use photos and Clipart to evoke a specific emotion.

In some situations, you may want your audience to feel a specific
emotion. This can be part and parcel of an argument you are making.
Research in cognitive neuroscience has shown that many decisions
are driven by emotional associations, and thus an important part of
any argument is to create the appropriate emotional reactions to
points being made.
Example: If you want to argue that additional funds should be
allocated for helping the homeless, you might show a series of
photos of dispirited and dejected homeless men, women, and
children living on the streets of various cities.


Use photos to present evidence.

Even in these days of computer graphics, many people still react as
if seeing is believing. Thus, use photos to present evidence for your
case. Moreover, presenting both text and a graphic will greatly help
your audience retain the information.
Example: If you claim that more people drink tea than coffee
worldwide, present a montage of photos of people from different
parts of the world drinking tea.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart


Use photos and Clipart to give the audience time to

come up for air.
Photos and Clipart can also be useful as a break in the steady flow of
information, allowing the audience a moment to reflect and digest.
This is especially the case if the photo or Clipart is humorous.


If you punctuate your presentation with such graphics, be sure that

they are relevant to the ongoing thread of your discussion.
If they are not, they will derail the viewers and disrupt the line of
your argument.

Use photos and Clipart to direct the audiences attention.

Because attention is drawn to novel stimuli, if youve been presenting mostly text and then present an illustration, the audience
will automatically look at the illustration.


You can use this to your advantage to introduce a new module of

the presentation, or to give the audience time to come up for air.
But keep in mind that when their attention is drawn to the illustration,
the audience wont read text or listen fully to what you sayso, give
them a moment or two to absorb the illustration before going on.

Choose photos and Clipart that are representative of

your point.
If you use photos or Clipart to illustrate a specific situation, select an
illustration of an average, typical example of the type of object or
Example: If you want to discuss the proportion of different sorts
of animals that live among humans in urban areas, use an illustration of a pigeon-like bird to illustrate bird, not a crow or


Ensure that the style of photos or Clipart is compatible

with your message.
People not only grasp the meaning of photos and Clipart but also
register the visual qualities of the illustrations themselves. Ensure
that the medium meshes with the message.



Clear and to the Point

Example: Dont use a cute cartoon to illustrate a serious point,
and dont use a black-and-white photo to illustrate hightechnology.


Ensure that illustrations face the center of the slide.

Objects in illustrations typically have a direction; a face looks to the
right or left, a car points in one direction or the other, and so on. The
orientation of the object will direct the viewers attention. If you have
a face on the right side of the slide looking off to the right, the
viewers will have a tendency to do the sameand thus be looking
off-screen, rather than where you want them to be focusing when
the next slide appears.


Ensure that photos and Clipart do not become too

grainy when inserted into the slide.
Clipart is often drawn from other sources, such as websites (but,
again, keep copyright issues in mind when you obtain such downloads). The resolution of the art can vary dramatically, and you should
be sure that it does not become grainy if you need to expand the art
to make it visible from the rear of the room. Not only does grainy art
look bad (and make you look bad by extension), but it also can
require effort to understandnever a good idea.

From the Principles to the Point

As usual, these recommendations are based directly the eight psychological principles. I again revisit the principles and note which
ones contributed primarily to each of the major recommendations
I offer.
Principle of Relevance: Communication is most effective when neither too much nor too little information is presented. (We understand
and remember a message more easily when the right amount of
detail is used to make the point.)

Include only graphics that help you make your point.

Include only the parts of graphics that help you make your point.
Use a list to convey one relation among several entities.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart

Choose a point of view in which all critical aspects of the material

are visible.
Provide neither more nor less detail than required to make the point.

Principle of Appropriate Knowledge: Communication requires prior

knowledge of relevant concepts, jargon, and symbols. (We understand
and remember a message more easily if it connects to what we
already know.)

Use symbols, concepts, and jargon that are familiar to the audience members.

Principle of Salience: Attention is drawn to large perceptible differences. (Big relative differences grab attention.)

Use animation and vary salience to guide the audience through

the display.
Explode a diagram to emphasize the shapes or spatial relations of
individual parts.
Make more important routes more salient.
Use photos and Clipart to direct the audiences attention.

Principle of Discriminability: Two properties must differ by a large

enough proportion or they will not be distinguished. (We need contrast to distinguish shapes, colors, or positions from each other and
from the background.)

Ensure that all aspects of the graphic are clearly discriminable from
the background.
Ensure that shapes of meaningful regions are easily identifiable.
Ensure that photos and clipart do not become too grainy when
inserted into the slide.

Principle of Perceptual Organization: People automatically group elements into units, which they then attend to and remember. (These
groups are easier to see and remember than the isolated components would be.)

Organize the components of complex displays.

Ensure that different components of a diagram are organized into
separate perceptual units.
Use animation to illustrate three-dimensional structure.
Dont vary height and width of location markers to specify different
types of information.
Dont vary the sizes of regions to convey precise quantitative information.



Clear and to the Point

Principle of Compatibility: A message is easiest to understand if its
form is compatible with its meaning. (For better or worse, the mind
tends to judge a book by its cover.)

Use a chart to convey overall organizational structure.

Use a chart to illustrate sequences of steps over time.
Show more inclusive categories higher in the display.
Use a layout compatible with the subject matter.
Use a diagram to illustrate the structure of an object or event for a
specific purpose.
Use compatible movement when presenting a diagram of a
dynamic event.
Use a map to show distances of segments or angles between
segments of a route.
Use a map if more than one route is possible.
Avoid visual illusions that distort distance and direction.
Use photos and Clipart to define the context.
Use photos and Clipart to introduce an abstract idea.
Use photos and Clipart to evoke a specific emotion.
Choose photos and Clipart that are representative of your point.
Ensure that the style of photos or Clipart is compatible with your
Ensure that illustrations face the center of the slide.

Principle of Informative Changes: People expect changes in

properties to carry information. (And we expect every necessary
piece of information to be indicated by a change in a perceptible

Change visual or auditory characteristics only to signal a change in

Identify relationships.
Show all parts of static diagrams from the same viewpoint.
Label important distances directly.
Use a map to label complex sets of information about a territory.

Principle of Capacity Limitations: People have a limited capacity to

retain and to process information, and so will not understand a message if too much information must be retained or processed. (From
a communicative point of view, less can be more!)

Respect the Rule of Four: Dont expect viewers to attend to more

than four perceptual units on a slide.
Use multiple panels to highlight specific comparisons.
Dont explode an object too widely for recognition.

Charts, Diagrams, Maps, Photographs, and Clipart

If distance is important, use grid markings.

Make the scale equal to one or more grid units.
Use photos to present evidence.
Use photos and Clipart to give the audience time to come up for


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The Good, the Bad,

and the Incomprehensible

n this brief chapter we will see the principles

in action and then review a daunting set of
problems with the PowerPoint program

and these are representative examples. Although

all of these problems can be circumvented by
someone who is aware of them and knows how
to set up slides manually, they nevertheless can
lead some presenters astray.



Clear and to the Point

Why am I presenting this material? When teaching, Ive discovered
that sometimes the best way to explain how to do something correctly is to demonstrate the consequences of doing it badlyin fact,
thats why Ive often shown Dont examples in the preceding
pages. Ill begin this final chapter by taking this tack and discussing
a single horrendous display in detail. In addition, although I have
written this book to be more than instructions on which commands
to use and when to use them, I need now to review some potential
problems with the PowerPoint program itself so that you can avoid
falling prey to them. I identify the problems by consideringyou
guessed itthe psychological principles. Finally, I will close with a
very brief reflection on this medium itself.

The Principles in (In)action

Take a look at Figure 7.1. At one point, federal regulators considered
putting such a display on all food packaging in the United States. Try
to read this display. Some people are never able to understand it,
even if they keep at it; most give up after a first glance. Give yourself
a few minutes to try to decipher it before reading the following.

Figure 7.1. A complex display intended to indicate the nutritive content of

food. Try to decipher it.

The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible

Lets put this dreadful example of information graphics to good
use, taking advantage of it to see what happens when the psychological principles are not respected.
The problems are many. In fact, every one of the principles has
been violated in this one display!
First, each row of circles in the left panel is meant to indicate the
amount of a daily requirement of a vitamin, mineral, or protein. However, the viewer is likely to interpret the small circles as pie graphs
(the shape taps into our knowledge of such displays). Pie graphs divide
a single whole into its proportions, but each of these circles does not
correspond to a single whole. Rather, the total of four circles in each
row is supposed to depict a whole. Thus, unless the viewer is familiar
with such displays, this device violates the Principle of Appropriate
Furthermore, this arrangement is particularly unfortunate because
the circles are positioned closer to the ones above them than to the
ones to the sides, and so the grouping law of proximity leads the
viewer to see them as organized into columns; in fact, they should be
seen as organized into rows. The Principle of Perceptual Organization has been ignored, with the result that the viewers must try to
override what they see automatically.
Moreover, the same length row is used in all cases, which violates
the Principle of Compatibility; we tend to see more as more, and
notice the length of rows before we notice the amount of material in
the assembled circles.
Now look at the center panel, which is supposed to convey two
different sorts of information: the overall proportion of Nutritional
cont. (actually, vitamins and minerals in the black wedge) and the
number of calories (the white wedge) per serving. The Principle of
Informative Changes has been violated here; the label is insufficient.
Moreover, the Principle of Appropriate Knowledge is again violated
because this part of the display uses the technically correctbut less
familiarterm kilocalorie to mean calorie.
It is also unfortunate that the wedges line up to form a single
shape; the Principle of Perceptual Organization will lead the viewers
to think that the two wedges are related, and they are not. In addition,
theres a problem in that the panel looks like the familiar pie graph,
possibly misleading the viewer into thinking that the two wedges are
different proportions of the same whole. And the absence of labels
on the arrows forces the viewer to work to figure out that they correspond to different things, composed of and produces for the
left and right arrows, respectively. This is not only a violation of the
Principle of Informative Changes but also of the Principle of Capacity
Limitations. If the viewer must work to figure out the meaning, the
communication is in danger of failing.



Clear and to the Point

But an even more severe violation of the Principle of Capacity
Limits is evident: To determine the actual amounts, the viewer must
count 40 tick marks around the circle (mentally supplying the missing
ones)a tedious and time-consuming exercise. Also, the tick marks
would have been more discriminable if, for example, every 10th mark
was bold. Thus, even the Principle of Discriminability has been violated here.
The confusion continues. Notice that protein (prot.) appears in
the leftmost portion of the display and also in the table at the far
right; how are these entries related? What is the relation between
170 kilocalorie and the table at the right about servings? The Principle of Informative Changes has been violated; we need additional
marks to help us understand.
And the scattered organization of the table itself makes it hard to
read. Moreover, is all of this even relevant to the average consumer?
Even without knowing in detail what the average consumer really
needs to know, we are led to suspect that the Principle of Relevance
has been violated.
Finally, which part of the display is most important? Where should
viewers start to read, and how should they proceed through the display? Without using the Principle of Salience appropriately, the
viewer is left at sea. And if this display is so daunting in print, think
of how much worse it would be on a slidewhere the audience has
only a limited amount of time to try solve this puzzle.
The problems with displays like this underscore the most fundamental message of this book: To ensure that a display will be
clear and to the point, consider the psychological principles summarized in the appendix, both when you design your presentation
and then afterward, when you review what youve made. Often it
is simply impossible to keep all of the relevant factors in mind
while designing a display, and only after you produce a slide can
you then check to ensure that you have not accidentally violated
the principles.

Examples of Problems with the PowerPoint Program

The PowerPoint program is a useful and versatile tool. But like any
other tool, it can be misused. Moreover, some of its features invite
misuse. In this section, I review some of the problems. However,
keep in mind that depending on your purpose, some of these potential problems may actually work to your advantage. For example, if
your goal is to illustrate that an idea is too complicated and unworkable, then a complex graphic may be just the thing. With that in mind,

The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible

the following aremore often than not, I would hazardfeatures
that invite problems in a presentation.

Design Templates (aka Themes)

Too many of the design templates offered in the PowerPoint program
violate the principles, specifically the Principles of
Salience, by including eye-catching graphics;
Discriminability, by making it difficult to discern text and content,
and easy to include too-similar colors for different levels of text;
Perceptual Organization, by including objects that can be grouped
too easily with your content;
Informative Changes, by misleading the viewer into thinking theres
content where theres only meaningless decoration.
Although the templates are different in various versions of the
PowerPoint program, for illustrative purposes its useful to consider
the first three offenders that show up on my version (for the Macintosh)Alchemy, Bar Code, and Beach.
Alchemy has a bright splash at the upper left, which draws the
viewers attention to that part of the slide; this is not helpful if text or
graphics extend across the full range of the slide. Not only this, but
the swirling arcs are distracting and could easily create discriminability problems if content-bearing text or graphics happened to
be located over them.
Barcode has an elegant horizontal red slash, which could nicely
underline a title. But the red slash stays just where it is, regardless
of where the text box is placed. Hence, it can cut right through text.
And the bar code pattern beneath it will only obscure text or graphics
placed over it.
Beach includes a realistic beach ball and pail, on sand, which are
entirely too distracting. Not only are these background elements
much too salient, and hence draw attention, but they also would
interfere with any other text or graphics. User beware!
On learning that the PowerPoint program for the PC was being
revamped for 2007, I was optimistic that practice would make perfectand that problems like those just noted would be a only a bad
memory. But this was not to be. For example:
Apex includes bright rays emanating from the upper left, which
not only are too salient, but also make it difficult to discriminate font
that is not highly saturated;
Aspect shifts the title from the top to the bottom depending on the
layout of the material on the slide, which is distracting at best;
Technic deserves special mention, speaking of odd placement of
text, because it puts the subtitle above the title!



Clear and to the Point

The 2007 version also includes specfic design templates, such
as Blue String Strands, where a bright line is not only far too
salient, but can easily cut through text on the title slide and disrupt
the ease of reading. But the Blue Flywheel Design in the Business section is particularly worthy of note: Not only does it picture a large, salient, and meaningless flywheel (at least, I think
thats what that thing is), and have rectangular boxes that would
cut through many titles or lists, but also the predefined color of
the subtitle font is almost indistingusihable from the color of the
background! Many of the new templates are actually worse than in
the previous version.

Content Templates
Content templates not only provide formats, color schemes, and
graphics but also actually provide suggested text for specific subjects (I quote from PowerPoint Help). For example, there are templates that supposedly help you in a brainstorming session, to
communicate bad news, and so on. Want to seem insincere?
Thoughtless? You run the risk of getting such reactions by using
these canned thoughts and ideas.
In addition to including uninspired and uninspiring pointers, some
of these templates include bad formatting. For example, in
Employee Orientation bullet points fly in one-by-one, which can
draw attention but also prove a distraction. And in Selling a
Product (for the Mac), the background pulses, which is interesting
but very distracting (this feature was fixed in the Presentation on
Product or Service template in Office 2007). Furthermore, many
templates have default color schemes that reuse the same colors (or
very similar colors) to mark different content elements (thereby
producing a violation of the Principle of Discriminability).
Other templates (such as Selling a Product) contain exotic conceptual diagrams, and the user is expected to fill them in (violating
the Principles of Appropriate Knowledge, Compatibility, and
oftenInformative Changes).

Slide Show Options

Slide show options provide more temptations that should be
avoided. For example, the preset text animations include sounds,
such as laser and typewriter, which are more likely to distract
than orient or inform, and the animation feature flash once makes
content elements appear and disappear; it isnt clear what purpose
this feature could serve in a typical presentation. It usually would
violate the Principle of Discriminability.

The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible

Chart (and Graph) Options

The following are major problems with the chart options in the
PowerPoint program. Their term chart also includes graphs.

Pie Charts
The PowerPoint program prevents you from modifying pie charts
(i.e., pie graphs) in several ways that would improve them. For
example, in the Mac version you cannot explode one, and only one,
wedge. Its either all or nothing, which violates both the Principles of
Informative Changes and Discriminability. It also does not place
wedge labels inside the pie, which violates the Principle of Perceptual
Organization. (Both of these problems have thankfully been fixed in
Office 2007 for the PC.)
In addition, the program has options and default settings that get
in the way of making effective pie graphs. For example, when making
black-and-white pie graphs, dot spacing is used to distinguish the
parts rather than hatching or different gray-scale values; this practice violates the Principle of Discriminability. Office 2007 does use
different gray scales, but they are not necessarily discriminable.
The PowerPoint program also allows the unwary user to create a
donut where the center of a pie is removedthis violates the Principle of Appropriate Knowledge and could confuse more than illuminate. The Program also can create a pie of pie and a bar of pie
in which some of the values are extracted from the original pie and
put into a new pie or bar connected by lines to the old one. Because
the whole is split across two displays, this can easily be misleading
and confusing. What audience could immediately grasp such

Line Charts
Next, consider Line Charts (i.e., line graphs) and scatterplots. The
default in the PowerPoint program does not label lines directly (but
instead uses a key), which forces you to do so by hand or to use the
key (which would thereby force the viewer to memorize the key and
then search for the corresponding lines). The program also does not
by default indicate a discontinuity in a scale via slash marks or a
zigzag, which may thereby violate the Principle of Compatibility
(because more may not look like more). And it also doesnt indicate
when points overlap in a scatterplot; one is simply hidden by the
other, which is a violation of both the Principles of Informative
Changes and Compatibility. In addition, many of the default settings
in the PowerPoint program are not optimal. For example, axis category labels are made bold but the axis value labels are not, which
violates the Principle of Informative Changes, and the weight of the
line illustrating the content line is 2 point, whereas the weight of the



Clear and to the Point

lines for the axes is less than 1 point. This makes the axes less salient
than they should be.
The PowerPoint program also has the reverse problem: When it
does provide options, some of them invite the user to make lessthan-optimal displays. For example, the program can display the
written coordinates next to every data point, which creates clutter
and taxes our limited processing capacity. It also can display a table
below a graph, which introduces unnecessary redundancyand can
confuse the viewers if they expect every visual change to reflect new
information (Principle of Informative Changes). In addition, in the
2007 version for the PC, you can present only the lines from a line
graphwith no axes, no gridlines, and no labels of any kind. It is difficult to imagine a circumstance in which the audience would find
such an uninformative display informative.
Moreover, the PowerPoint program can also connect the points in
a scatterplot with lines, creating an almost menacing, confusing
spider web (without conveying any useful information in the

Bar Charts
Bar Charts (i.e., bar graphs) not only have the same problems with
axes and labeling that exist for line graphs but have additional ones
as well. For example, they can display one variable as bars and the
other variable as area, such that the amount of shaded area is relevant to one variable but not the other. This violates not only the Principle of Appropriate Knowledge but also the Principle of Capacity
Limitations (forcing people to work hard to compare the two types of
variables). In addition, it can substitute cones for bars (included
cones with colors to indicate different layers within them), which
makes it difficult to tell what values are being depicted.
The PowerPoint program also can show more than one row of
three-dimensional bars on the same graph such that one row hides
the otherthereby not signaling information with visible changes.
You can avoid this option, but the fact that presenters can easily
stumble into using it is unfortunate.

Three-Dimensional Displays
The addition of the third dimension to a graph is a mixed blessing.
For many purposes, it does no harm and makes the presentation
more interesting (see the literature review in my book, Graph Design
for the Eye and Mind). However, for other purposes it disrupts communication by obscuring the precise amounts displayed (such as
occurs when the tops of bars are not clearly aligned with values on
a wall that serves as the Y axis). With such concerns in mind, it is
worth approaching with caution the following characteristics of the
programs three-dimensional displays:

The Good, the Bad, and the Incomprehensible

They can change the elevation of ones vantage point from the 15degree default to less than 90 degrees (a view from below) to more
than 90 degrees (a view from above). A view from above will not
show relative heights, and thereby obscures differences in
amounts being shown.
The program allows you to rotate the graph in any direction, which
can completely obscure differences between bars and lines.
Because of the angle at which the axes meet, the ratio of the X axis
to the Y axis can produce misleading patterns.

Organizational Chart Options

Finally, lets consider another type of display, the organizational chart
(included in the Smart Art Graphics in Office 2007). The PowerPoint
program can designate one of six (or seven, depending on the version of the program) styles to represent groups of coworkers, which
potentially violates the Principle of Appropriate Knowledge. Styles
that attempt to balance the number of coworkers placed on each side
of a vertical line have inherently confusing hierarchical relations.
Moreover, levels in a hierarchy, which can be selected individually,
dont necessarily correspond to tiers of the chart (thereby violating
the Principle of Compatibility). In an apparent step backward, Office
2007 for the PC allows hierarchical relations to be presented using 3D
graphics, which invites the problems noted above.

Dont Shoot the Messenger

Do these problems imply that giving PowerPoint presentations is a
bad idea, that we should abandon it and return to the older methods
of communicating? Tufte, in his essay The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint, answers this question with a resounding Yes. Tufte decries
what is lost when the PowerPoint program leads people to create
bulleted lists and low-resolution graphics. He looks back fondly to
an era when slides could be held in the hand and physically inserted
into a projector, when slides had very high resolution so people
could present huge data tables, when making slides was sufficiently
difficult that people often substituted the spoken word for the visible
listand thereby, he implies, audiences were treated to more eloquent and cogent discourse than is typically found in todays lecture
When I was reading Tuftes essay, a vision came unbidden to my
mind: I visualized two orators in ancient Mesopotamia, one rushing
to tell the other about the invention of this new system called
writing. He said, with a note of anxiety in his voice, Zuqiqpum,



Clear and to the Point

you wont believe this. They make wedges in clay and use them to
freeze words. They squeeze the emotion out of our living language.
They remove the creativity, the warmth, the very humanity from the
words! What a desecration!! I imagined that in the years that followed, every time these two gentlemen read a bad poem or story,
they blamed not the author but rather the existence of writing itself.
But, of course, the existence of writing is not itself responsible for
bad poems and bad stories any more than it is responsible for good
poems and good stories. The medium does not determine the message; ultimately, the responsibility for a bad poem, story, or essay
(or presentation) rests not on the medium but on the person using it.
Moreover, nobody was telling the orators to stop doing what they
did best, which was to enrapture audiences with their performances.
Rather, the technology of writing had opened new doors, inviting
new ways to keep precise records and allowing many more people
to enjoy aspects of culture that previously had been limited to the
privileged few.
Each new communication technology does not replace previous
technologies. The computer has not replaced calligraphy any more
than the mass publication of sheet music replaced the live performance of string quartets. Each new technology adds options to what
was there beforeand these options can be put to good use or to
bad use. This book provides advice about how best to use the newest
link in this long, long chain.
For many purposes, PowerPoint presentations are a superior
medium of communication, which is why they have become standard
in so many fields. This medium affords a world of possibilities and is
an extraordinarily powerful tool. I hope that the recommendations
in this book can help you to exploit the strengths of the PowerPoint
program without being tripped up by its weaknesses. If Ive been
successful, you should now not only be familiar with a slew of recommendations, but you should also have developed intuitions about
how presentations can be designed to mesh well with the nature of
human mental processes. The recommendations and intuitions will
help you make your presentations clear and to the pointand will
lead you on the path to becoming a true PowerPoint Jedi, not a
PowerPoint Sith. Embrace the future, avoid the dark side, and harness the power of your creativity!

Appendix: Psychological
Principles and Their
Specific Aspects

n this appendix I summarize the 8 principles in

more detail, providing enough information for
you to use them as guidance in situations not

discussed in the previous pages.



Clear and to the Point

The Principle of Relevance: Communication is most effective when
neither too much nor too little information is presented.
People unconsciously try to organize information into concepts
or narratives. Its almost as if we have an urge to understand or an
urge to explain. If you dont provide enough information to make
your case, the audience will be left with fragments of the story and
will flail about, trying to fill in the missing pieces (assuming that
they are motivated; if not, they will probably give up and tune you
out). Less obvious, because we try to fit related material into a single
concept or narrative, you can also confuse by presenting too much
information. Again, the audience will try to fit all of the pieces
together, and additional details will require additional effort. The
audience needs to know whats the foreground and whats the backgroundwhats important and whats context. If you present too
much, the audience may have trouble making this distinction. So,
before beginning to prepare your presentation, you need to decide
what message you want to convey; only after you have made this
decision can you determine what information to include.

Appropriate Knowledge
The Principle of Appropriate Knowledge: Communication requires
prior knowledge of pertinent concepts, jargon, and symbols.
After you have decided what to say, you need to determine how to
say it. You will communicate effectively only if you make use of what
the audience members already know. Ideally, rely only on concepts,
jargon, and symbols that are familiar to your audience; if novel concepts, jargon, or symbols must be used, define them. But more than
that, respect the fact that we humans understand new information by
relating it to information previously stored in memory. To understand
these words, for instance, you need to have stored their meanings
previously. As a general rule, the audience will understand a new idea
most easily if it is presented as growing out of a familiar one. For
instance, if you are presenting a plan to market air conditioners in
rural China to an audience that is very familiar with marketing products in international markets, you might draw an analogy to how a
previous market was opened (perhaps rural Australia)or how a similar product (perhaps electric heaters) broke into the same market.


The Principle of Salience: Attention is drawn to large perceptible
We are led to focus first on the most prominent features of a display, those that are brighter, darker, larger, in motion, or in some
other way clearly different from their surroundings. This ability is
very important, both for our current survival and that of our ancestors. Thus, its no surprise that an ancient part of the brain, the superior colliculus (for vision), produces a kind of attentional reflex. This
part of the brain is functional almost immediately after birth, whereas
the parts of the brain required to shift attention voluntarily become
functional only a month or two after birth. As a consequence of the
relative ages when the two sorts of mechanisms come online,
young babies are subject to attentional capture: A flashing light
might grab their attention, and then they are stuck looking at that
glittering object until something else grabs their attention. The same
is true for sound: We reflexively pay attention to louder or differentpitched sounds.
The key to salience is not the absolute properties of a sight or
sound, but its properties in comparison to those of the background
or other elements. When you read THIS the word this is salient;

The Principle of Discriminability: Two properties must differ by a
large enough proportion or they will not be distinguished.
This principle derives from basic characteristics of how neurons
(i.e., brain cells) interact. Consider neurons that detect spots of light
in the first portions of the cerebral cortex to receive input from the
eyes. Nearby neurons tend to inhibit each other: If one is strongly
activated, it tries to turn off its neighbors. This arrangement
apparently plays a role in specifying the locations of edges, say,
between a piece of white paper and the unpainted wooden table
top on which it rests. The inhibition allows the system to sharpen up
the boundary between the two regions (paper and table top),
because the neurons that are stimulated more by the light bouncing
off the paper will inhibit those on the other side of the edge. However, if the paper were on a white table top, it would be much more
difficult to see it, its edges would not be so well defined. Similar



Clear and to the Point

effects occur for all sensory inputs; we register differences more
easily when there are larger disparities in values. In general, a constant proportion of the smaller propertys value must be added in
order for a larger value to be distinguishable (this is known as
Webers law).
This principle applies to size, lightness, thickness, density of dots,
cross-hatching, and types of dashes. A special case of discriminability occurs when marks must be large enough or different
enough in color or weight to be discriminated from the background,
and hence be noticedand if they arent noticed, they may as well
not exist.

Perceptual Organization
The Principle of Perceptual Organization: People automatically group
elements into units, which they then attend to and remember.
The world is not like the diagram of a cow on a butchers wall:
There are no dotted lines that specify how to organize it. Rather,
our brains must produce this organization. So important is this task
that numerous different mechanisms have evolved to accomplish it.
In the text, I focused on just the grouping laws but sometimes had
to refer to other aspects of the principles that underlie the way we
organize visual input. I here summarize all of the relevant

Grouping Laws
The visual system automatically groups perceptible elements into
perceptual units. Because a unit is a psychologicalnot a physical
entity, we cannot determine whether a slide has too much information simply by counting marks on the screen. Rather, we must
understand how perceptual organization works.

People group together nearby marks. For example, you see xxx
xxx as two groups, whereas you will see the same number of elements presented as xx xx xx as three groups. Thus, for instance,
putting labels in tables closer to the rows and columns that they label
than to anything else will automatically group them with the proper
column. Similarly, pausing in the middle of a sentence separates
words in time, which leads listeners to organize them into separate


People group similar marks. For example, you see - - - -IIII as two
groups, and --II--II as four groups (or, as two groups with two
groups within each). This method of grouping plays an especially
important role when different colors are used in a display; by
matching the colors of items and their labels, the two will automatically be grouped together.

Good continuation
People see segments that line up on a smooth curve as a single unit.
For example, you see - - - - - - - - as one unit, not eight separate
dashes. In contrast, you see - - - - - - - - as two units, because the
dashes now line up as two smooth functions.

Common fate
People group together marks that are moving similarly. For instance,
if you have material glide in from one side of a slide, viewers will
group parts of the same word or figure that move at the same rate
and at the same time.

Good form
People group marks that form simple shapes, such as [ _ ], which we
see as one shape; in contrast when the same marks are arranged so
that they do not form a simple shape, ] [ _ , we see them individually.

Input channels
What we see comes to us from a number of input channels, which
you can think of as analogous to different lenses on a camera (they
focus on smaller or larger regions, with higher or lower resolution,
respectively). These channels differ partly in regard to the size of the
region they register, which also affects the amount of detail they pick
up. Less detail is detected when larger regions are monitored. For
instance, when seen from 10 feet away, one channel might register
objects as large as a car, but not much detail; another might register objects as large as a motorcycle, but with more detail; another,
objects as large as a TV set, with even more detail; and finally,
another might register objects as large as a cell phone, in great
detail. Which channel is best? That depends on the task at hand.
For walking around a car, output from a channel that picks up large
shapes would be most helpful; for threading a needle, output from
a channel that registers fine detail would be most helpful.
The acuity (level of detail) of a channel is described by its spatial
frequency, which is the number of regular light/dark changes (for
example, light and dark stripes of equal width) that fit into a specific
amount of your visual field. Each channel responds to a range of



Clear and to the Point

light-dark alternations (such as dashes in a line, or stripes in a pattern) of roughly 2 to 1. Thus, when we look at an area of evenly
spaced hatch lines, dots, or patches, we will also mentally take in,
like it or not, areas of other similarly oriented lines, dots, or patches
whose light-dark cycles range from half as frequent to twice as frequent. The closer the spacing is to the spacing in the area we are supposed to pay attention to, the harder it is to ignore.
Therefore, viewers will immediately see that two evenly spaced
hatch lines, dots, or patches are separate if they differ by more than
a ratio of 2 to 1 (e.g., if one line has 4 dashes to the inch, viewers will
immediately see as different any other line that does not fall in the
range between 2 and 8 dashes to the inch).
The visual system also has channels that are sensitive to different
orientations. Studies of discrimination of lines at different orientations have shown that when lines differ by at least 30 degrees (the
angle formed by the hands of a clock when they point to adjacent
numbers, as at 12:05), we can distinguish among them without
having to pay close attention. Viewers will immediately see that differently oriented hatch marks (e.g., parallel lines used to distinguish
regions) are distinct if the lines are rotated at least 30 degrees apart.

Integrated versus separated dimensions

We perceive combinations of visual properties in two distinct ways.
On the one hand, properties along separable dimensions can be registered individually; a viewer can pay attention to one variable and
ignore the other. For instance, the color and length of a line are separable, as are the length and orientation of a line. On the other hand,
an elements integral dimensions can be seen individually only with
difficulty; these properties are automatically combined by the visual
system. In particular, we cannot pay attention to the height of a shape
without also registering the width and the resulting area, and cannot
pay attention to hue without also registering saturation and lightness.
This is why different information should not be conveyed by the
height and width of a shape or by hue and saturation or lightness.

Spatial imprecision
Different neural pathways register shapes and spatial relations, and
the outputs from these pathways are not always combined properly
or precisely. We register precise spatial relations (e.g., between parts
of an exploded diagram) only with effort. External aids, such as grid
lines in a graph, can help the viewer apprehend spatial relations
among shapes precisely.
The various aspects of the Principle of Perceptual Organization are
summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Aspects of the Principle of Perceptual Organization

Specific Cases



Grouping Laws


Nearby marks
are grouped
Similar marks
are grouped
Marks along
a smooth function
are grouped
Marks moving the
same way are
grouped together
Marks that define a
simple figure are
grouped together




Common fate

Good form

Input Channels



-------- vs.

vs. . .
( ) vs. ( __

Marks that vary in

frequency by less
than a 2- 1 ratio will
be seen together
Lines that vary in
orientation by less
than 30 degrees will
be seen together

- - - - - -___
The hour hand
of a clock at 1:00
versus at 1:30


Dimensions that are

seen independently


Dimensions that
are not seen

The size of a
circle and the
orientation of a
radius within it
The height
and width of a




We do not always
precisely organize
objects in terms of
their spatial

The relation
between a line in
a graph and a
point on the
Y axis is not easy
to see precisely

The Principle of Compatibility: A message is easiest to understand
if its form is compatible with its meaning.
This principle also has several distinct aspects, as follows.



Clear and to the Point

Appearance-Meaning Correspondence
What you see should be what you get. The Stroop phenomenon (discussed in Chapter 1, where people have difficulty naming the color
of ink used to print words that name colors when the ink color is different from the color name) is an extreme example of what goes
wrong when this principle is violated.

More Is More
Greater amounts along a visual dimension are interpreted as representing larger amounts of a measured substance or quality. For
instance, larger wedges in a pie are seen as representing greater
amounts, as are higher bars or higher points on a line.

Cultural Conventions
All cultures produce common associations between some visual
characteristics and concepts. For example, in Western culture,
increases commonly are indicated from left to right or in a direction
clockwise around a circle. But these associations are not shared
worldwide, and the conventions of your audience should not be contravened (e.g., during the height of the Cultural Revolution in China,
some firebrands wanted to reverse the meaning of red and green in
stoplights, making red mean go).

Perceptual Distortion
The eye and mind are sometimes prone to distort the actual physical
form we perceive and may distort in systematic ways. Thus, compatibility must be considered not simply in terms of the physical
characteristics of an object or event, but instead in terms of how
those characteristics are perceived. Some visual dimensions are systematically distorted, most important:

We progressively underestimate area as the amount of area increases.

Although we register line length relatively accurately, vertical lines
appear longer than horizontal ones of the same length. Hence, it is
difficult to compare vertical with horizontal or vice versa.
Another source of distortion arises from our tendency to see patterns
as reflecting three-dimensional objects. People have difficulty
comparing the sizes of, or spatial relations among, objects that are
pictured at different distances.

The aspects of the Principle of Compatibility are summarized in
Table 2.

Table 2. Aspects of the Principle of Compatibility





The interpretation of a
pattern should not
conflict with its meaning

A penguin should
not be used to represent
birds in general

More Is More

Greater quantities should

be represented by greater
perceptible properties

Higher or longer bars

should represent greater


The interpretation of a
pattern should be
consistent with its
cultural interpretation

Figures on the left

should not represent
conservatives in the
U.S., nor should figures
on the right represent


We dont always
accurately register what
we see or hear

Area is underestimated;
vertical lines appear
longer than horizontal

Informative Changes
The Principle of Informative Changes: People expect changes in
properties to carry information.
When things stay the same, there is no new information; when
something changes, there is or should be new information. If a
noticeable change in the appearance or the sound of your presentation doesnt mean something, the change is simply a distraction. In
addition, every piece of necessary information should be signaled
by a perceptible change visible marks or audible sounds. Suitable
links and labels should be shown, as should signs indicating that a
different sort of information (e.g., projections of future trends, or different types of measurements) is being presented.
Finally, when the same word or illustration conveys more than
one meaning it is, by definition, ambiguous. The audience should
not have to struggle to resolve ambiguity, in either words or
graphics, but rather should be provided the information as directly
and transparently as possible. You can specify the appropriate
meaning of an ambiguous word either by paraphrasing it or
providing the appropriate context (e.g., the word port is not
ambiguous in the context of boats or wines). Ambiguity in graphics



Clear and to the Point

can be eliminated either by presenting concrete, specific examples
or by providing clear labels (which may be a phrase if an individual
word would be ambiguous).

Capacity Limitations
The Principle of Capacity Limitations: People have a limited capacity
to retain and to process information, and so will not understand a
message if too much information must be retained or processed.
This principle has two parts, Memory Limitations and Processing

Memory Limitations
To follow a presentation, the audience must not only keep in mind
what they are seeing and hearing at each moment but also must
recall earlier material in order to integrate each new piece into the
emerging overall picture. These requirements present a challenge to
the speaker because both our ability to hold information in mind and
to store information in our memories is limited. However, you can
work surprisingly well within these limitations if you organize and
present your material properly.

Short-term Memory Limitations

To hold information in mind, we rely on short-term memory. We
humans can hold in mind (i.e., retain in short-term memory) only
about four groups of information at the same time. These groups are
technically known as chunks, and the process of forming these
groups is known as chunking. I refer to this as the Rule of Four.

Hierarchical Organization
More fundamentally, heres a crucial point about short-term memory
that can be exploited generally: Although we can only hold about
four units in mind at once, each of those units itself can include four
units. Thus, organizing material hierarchically can vastly improve the
ability to hold information in mind.

Privileges of the First and Last

Another aspect of memory that is important for presentations is that
we tend to remember best material at the beginning and ending of
a sequence. For instance, if I asked you to remember a list of countries where a specific business opportunity is likely to arise in the

near future, such as Japan, France, Pakistan, Norway, Italy, China,
Egypt, Mexico, Peru, and Singapore, you would tend to remember
the countries at the beginning of the list (such as Japan and France)
and those at end of the list (such as Egypt, Peru, and Singapore). We
hold the last four or so items in short-term memory, but must store
the first few items in long-term memory, the relatively permanent
store where information is retained even when we are not consciously aware of knowing it. Because short-term memory is too limited to hold all the items at once, we need to store the initial items in
long-term memory. And because we have more time to think about
(process) the items we get earlier in the sequence, they are more
likely to have been stored than the items in the middle of the
sequence. Thus, the middle items are especially vulnerable to being
forgotten; they are not in short-term memory and the person hasnt
processed them enough to store them in long-term memory.
The bottom line: Put the most important material at the beginning
or end of a section (which is one reason I recommend summarizing
at the ends of sections).

Hanging it on Memorys Hooks

Part of the reason we recall the first and last best is that we are limited in how well we store information in long-term memory. A good
presentation can maximize the probability that information will be
retained. One way to improve the audiences memory is to show how
new material relates to information the audience members have
already stored. We recall variations on a theme better than entirely
new information, as I noted earlier.

Thinking Is Learning
An extraordinarily effective way to help your audience learn your
material is to lead them to think about it. The more people think
through facts or ideas, the more likely they are later to remember
this material. For example, in one study, people were asked to visualize scenes described by sentences and simply to rate how vivid
each mental image waswith no warning that they would be asked
to recall the sentences. When these people later received a surprise
memory test, they did just as well as another group who were told
from the outset that they should try to memorize the sentences. The
more someone is led to work through an idea, the more likely he
or she is to store it in long-term memoryand hence to be able to
remember it much later.

Multiple Memories
Finally, there is more than one type of long-term memory, and retention is vastly improved if people are led to store information in more
than one type of memory. In particular, people store words and the



Clear and to the Point

appearance of objects in separate memory stores. As Ive noted earlier, this means that if you show your audience a picture of an object
and name that picture, they will have at least two shots at remembering itvia a memory of how you named it and via a memory of
how it actually looked. Showing and telling are better than either
showing or telling alone.

Processing Limitations
Humans have only a limited ability to process information.

Effortful Search
Searching a display requires effort, and if too much effort is required
the viewer will give up. So vary salience in order to guide the viewer
through a display.

Tiring Transformations
Asking the audience to add, subtract, or average values is a sure way
to lose them. People do not like to expend effort, especially if they are
not sure what the payoff will be.
The various aspects of the Principle of Capacity Limitations are
summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Aspects of the Principle of Capacity Limitations


Specific Cases


Short-term memory We can hold only 4 groups
Limitations limitations
of information in mind
at the same time
Individual items can be
organized into units, each
of which can contain up
to 4 units and still be held
in short-term memory
Privileges of the
The first and last entries
First and Last
in a sequence are
remembered better than
entries in the middle
Hanging It on
Memorys Hooks

Information is learned
more easily if it is a
variation of familiar

We can keep in mind
4 entries in a list

The beginning and end

of a presentation are
remembered better
than the body of the
Use analogies as such
hooks in memory
to explain a new idea



Table 3. Continued

Specific Cases



Thinking Is Learning

The more people think

through material, the
more likely they are to
remember it
Multiple copies of
memories can be created
in different modalities
(such as verbal vs. visual)

Asking the audience

to answer a question
will force them
to think about it
Using words and
pictures increases
memory compared to
using either one alone

Searching for sought

information requires
Adding, subtracting, or
otherwise transforming
information requires

Searching for
corresponding labels
in multiple panels
Asking viewers to find
mean values from
entries in a table

Multiple Memories


Effortful Search


This page intentionally left blank


Aitken, Mike, 163

Alchemy, 195
Animation, 99100, 11619
attention directing with,
compatibility of, 119
of diagrams, 17576
salience and, 168
Apex, 195
correspondence, 208
Appropriate Knowledge, 56, 18,
5657, 95, 123, 160, 187, 193,
198, 202
Aspect, 195
Attention, directing, 69, 18,
with animation, 11617
first subpart, 36
photographs and clipart and,

slides and, 34
with sound, 11920
titles, 87
with transitions, 11617
breaks for, 24
conclusions of, 3032
connecting with, 46, 18
directing attention of, 2122
facing, 53
graphs and, 127
knowledge, 2628
monitoring, 5253
photographs and Clipart and,
sounds and, 121
speaking to, 5253
specific, 2021
thanking, 55
time given to, 76
visualizing, 44f, 45f



Babbage, Charles, 103

editorial content of, 115f
foreground and, 1034, 114
interference with content and,
main point reinforcement with,
patterns, 114
salience of, 70f, 114f
text and, 6870
Banners, 4748
Bar graphs, 14652, 198
arranging corresponding bars in,
148, 149f
bar clusters in, 150
horizontal, 147
line graphs and, 147, 148f
marking corresponding bars in, 148,
perceptual units in, 151f
point values in, 146
salience in, 150
scale in, 15052
trends displayed by, 146
X axis in, 146
Y axis in, 151f
Barcode, 195
Beach, 195
Berra, Yogi, 4, 53, 127
Blue, 107, 11011
focusing on, 102f
red and, 1023
Blue Flywheel Design, 196
Blue String Strands, 196
Body of presentation, 3348
Bold, 62
Breaks, 24
Brightness, 101
lines per entry, 77, 78f
material related to, 77
symbols for, 8082
tips for, 7582
for topic sentences, 76
Bush, George W., 62, 73

Capacity Limitations, 1112, 18, 40,

5859, 9697, 12425, 162, 188,
19394, 198, 21013
aspects of, 212t213t
memory, 21012
processing, 212
Centering, titles, 88
Charts, 16469, 16972
appropriate layouts for, 171
identifying relationships in, 173
inclusive categories in, 171
organizational structures conveyed
by, 170
relations conveyed by, 170
sequences of steps illustrated by, 170
China, 109
Clarity, 1213
Clipart, 16469, 18386
abstract ideas introduced by, 184
attention-drawing, 185
audience and, 185
compatible with message, 185
defining context with, 18384
emotions evoked by, 184
facing of, 186
graininess of, 186
representative, 185
Cognitive Style of PowerPoint (Tufte),
Colors, 6466, 99100
in adjacent regions, 1023
aspects of, 100101
associations with, 111
compatibility of, 10911
confusion of, 1012
grouping elements with, 1078, 107f
lightness of, 101, 103
perception of, 101
salience of, 105f
saturation of, 1012
separation of, 1012
for text, 1046
tips for, 100110
for titles, 1046
warm, 1046
wheel, 100

Coming up for air, 24, 121
photographs and Clipart and, 185
Common fate, 205
Communication options, 2324
Compatibility, 910, 15, 18, 45, 58, 96,
119, 124, 16162, 18788, 193,
aspects of, 209t
of colors, 10911
Complex displays, 11819, 192f, 193
components of, 16667
Concepts, 5
of audience, 3032
effective, 4950
graphical emphasis of, 4849
of subparts, 39
supporting, 3739
Connecting, with audience, 46, 18
Connotations, 8283
Content templates, 196
Continuous scale, 140
Conversational speaking, 52
Cultural conventions, 208
Dashed lines, in line graphs, 143
graphing, 126
in multiple panels, 15860
Delivery, 5155
Demonstrations, preparing, 4247
Denotations, 8283
Design templates, 19596
Diagrams, 16469, 17376
animating, 175
compatible movement, 174
components of, 17374
exploding, 173
parts of, 175
static three-dimensional, 175
structures illustrated by, 173
Dictionary, 5
Dimensions, integrated v. separate, 206
Discrete points, in line graphs, 14344
Discriminability, 8, 18, 40, 57, 95, 123,
161, 187, 194, 197, 2034

of design templates, 195

of graphics, 166
in line graphs, 14243, 144, 145f
of textures, 11113
Displays, 5
Effortful search, 212
Einstein, Albert, 170
Endings, 4950
Evidence, supplying, 3739
Fade-ins, 11718
Fade-outs, 11718
Familiarity, 16566
Faulkner, William, 5
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), 170
Filling, 11415
Fonts. See alsoText
changing, 66
complex, 67f
for emphasis, 66f
for labels, 86
legible, 6667
sans serif, 7071
serif, 7071
simple, 68f
standard, 7173
tips on, 6274
background and, 1034, 114
defining, 1046
Gettysburg Address, 23
God, 12
Good continuation, 205
Good form, 205
Graph Design for the Eye and Mind
Graphics. See also Pictures
conclusion emphasis and, 4849
discriminability of, 166
inclusion of, 165
labels and, 83
moving, 118
power of, 30f




Graphics (Cont.)
returning to, 50f
saturation for, 1089
Graphs, 31f, 32f, 12627
absorbing information on, 39f
audience-friendly, 127
effective, 40f
line, 13746, 19798
pie, 12732, 197
for relative amounts, 126
for specific data, 126
step, 15254
tables v., 31
Graying it out, 7, 74, 75
Green, red and, 1023
Grid lines, 9091
Grid markings, in maps, 180
Grouping laws, 2045
Hallock, Joe, 110
of location markers in maps, 179, 180f
in visual tables, 137
Hemingway, Ernest, 5
Hierarchical organization, 7980, 210
labeling, 8586
Hue, 100
measurement specifications and,
Icons, in visual tables, 13435
Informative Changes, 1011, 15, 18, 58,
96, 124, 162, 166, 188, 193, 197, 198,
of design templates, 195
Inner grid, in line graphs, 14446, 145f
Input channels, 2056
Integrated dimensions, 206
line graph portrayal of, 13940
tables and, 89
Introduction, 2533
Italics, 62
Jargon, 16566
Jokes, 1011, 25, 50, 82

Keohane, Nannerl O., 176

Key characteristics, illustrating, 44f, 45f
Key phrases, 52
Key terms, 52
defining, 3637
highlighting, 74
appropriate, 92f
direct labels v., 9192
placement of, 93
tips for, 9194
Labels, 8287
component grouping of, 86
content elements, 84
graphics, 83
grouping, 83
hierarchical organization of, 8586
keys v., 9192
in maps, 183
necessity of, 83
patches and, 93
in pie graphs, 128
salience of, 84
tables, 83
terminology in, 8687
typographic similarity and, 84
in visual tables, 133
Language, 5
Learning, thinking and, 211
Light waves, 100101
Lightness, 101, 103
increasing, 1089
measurement specifications and,
Lincoln, Abraham, 4, 20, 89
orientations, 112f
per bulleted entry, 77, 78f
spacings, 112f
Line graphs, 13746, 19798
bar graphs and, 147, 148f
dashed lines in, 143
discrete points in, 14344
discriminability in, 14243, 144, 145f
displaying trends in, 139

information in, 138f
inner grid in, 14446, 145f
interactions displayed by, 13940
interpreting, 140f
point values and, 141
salience in, 142
X axis of, 139, 141
Y axis of, 141
Logarithms, 103
Maps, 16469, 17682
for complex sets of information, 177
detail in, 177
distances portrayed by, 177
distorting distances in, 179
grid markings in, 180
height and width of location markers
in, 179
labeling, 183
for multiple routes, 177
region identifiability in, 179
region-size variation in, 178
salience in, 182, 183f
scale of, 182
Marking progress, 4748
Media, 199200
Memory, 912
hooks, 211
limitations, 21012
multiple, 21112
short-term, 210
Minard, Charles Joseph, 13, 14f, 15
More is More, 910, 101, 135f, 208
Multiple panels, 15760
data in, 15860
highlighting comparisons with, 158,
intended comparisons in, 159
perceptual units in, 158
related variables in, 159f
Napoleon, 13, 14f
Notes, slides as, 2223
Objects, words and, 8287
Organizational charts, 199

Outlines, 3233
main, 35
preparing, 3435
repeating, 48
revisiting, 43f
Pascals Wager, 12, 13f
labels and, 93
order for, 9394
Pathways, visualizing, 46f
Perceptual distortion, 2089
Perceptual Organization, 89, 15, 18,
40, 58, 9596, 118, 12324, 161,
187, 193, 2047
aspects of, 207t
of design templates, 195
grouping laws, 2045
input channels, 2056
Photographs, 18386
abstract ideas introduced by,
attention-drawing, 185
audience and, 185
compatible with message, 185
defining context with, 18384
emotions evoked by, 184
evidence presented by, 184
facing of, 186
graininess of, 186
representative, 185
Pictographs, 16469
Pictures. See also Graphics
in visual tables, 136
Pie graphs, 12732, 197
arranging wedges in, 130
comparing wedges in, 132f
exploded, 12829
labeling wedges, 128
multiple, 13031
relative amounts and, 12728
scale in, 128f
Pinker, Steven, 125
Point values
in bar graphs, 146
line graphs and, 141




body of, 3348
delivery of, 5155
spacing, 7273
structure of, 2025
in action, 19294
of Appropriate Knowledge, 56, 18,
5657, 95, 123, 160, 187, 193, 198, 202
of Capacity Limitations, 1112, 18, 40,
5859, 9697, 12425, 162, 188,
19394, 198, 21013
of Capacity limitations, 43f
of Compatibility, 910, 15, 18, 45, 58,
96, 124, 16162, 18788, 193, 2079
of Discriminability, 8, 18, 40, 57, 95,
123, 161, 187, 194, 195, 197, 2034
of Informative Changes, 1011, 15, 18,
46, 58, 96, 124, 162, 166, 188, 193,
195, 197, 198
of Perceptual Organization, 89, 15,
18, 40, 58, 9596, 118, 12324, 161,
187, 193, 195, 2047
of Relevance, 45, 15, 18, 4647, 56,
9495, 123, 160, 18687, 194, 202
of Salience, 7, 15, 18, 35f, 40, 57, 123,
16061, 187, 194, 195, 203
Prioritizing, 7
Privileges of first and last, 21011
Processing limitations, 212
Projectors, 7173
Psychological principles, 17, 29f
PowerPoint and, 2
of clarification, 54
preparing for, 2425
repeating, 55
responding to, 5455
Red, 10911
blue and, 1023
focusing on, 102f
green and, 1023
Relative amounts
graphing, 126

in pie graphs, 12728

in visual tables, 133, 13435
Relevance, 45, 15, 18, 4647, 56, 9495,
123, 160, 18687, 194, 202
Road maps, 3233
Rule of Four, 11, 33, 77, 7980, 158,
Salience, 7, 15, 18, 35f, 40, 57, 123,
16061, 187, 194, 195, 203
animation and, 168
of backgrounds, 70f, 114f
in bar graphs, 150
of colors, 105f
of design templates, 195
of important content, 104, 105f
of labels, 84
in line graphs, 142
in maps, 182, 183f
Sans serif, 7071
Saturation, 101
for graphics, 108
increasing, 108
measurement specifications and,
in bar graphs, 15052
in maps, 182
Scatterplots, 15557
fitting lines through, 157
pairs of measurements in, 155, 156f
trends displayed by, 156f
variable relations in, 155
Separate dimensions, 206
Serif, 7071
Shimmer, 112f
Show and tell, 21
Signposts, 4748
Similarity, 205
Skipping, 54
attention-drawing, 34
audience visualization, 44f, 45f
first, 2526, 27f
illustrating key characteristics with,
44f, 45f

as notes, 2223
overwhelming, 38f
repeating, 51, 52f
second, 26
shows, 19697
subparts and, 36, 41f
title, 27f
topic introduction, 28f
transition, 41f
Sounds, 99100, 11922
appropriate, 12021
attention directing with, 11920
audience and, 121
clarity of, 122
coordination of, 12122
defining context with, 120
fidelity of, 122
providing evidence with, 121
sparing use of, 120
varying, 122
Spatial imprecision, 206
to audience, 5253
conversational, 52
pacing, 5354
Step graphs, 15254
combined, 153f
crossing lines in, 152
filling in, 153
step width in, 153, 154f
trends displayed by, 152
Stewart, Jon, 169
Storytelling, 34
Stroop effect, 54, 208
Stroop, John Ridley, 9
Subparts, 41f
concluding, 39
drawing attention to, 36
highlighting entries following, 3940
introducing, 37
slides and, 36, 44f
summaries of, 39
Summaries, 47f, 49f
statistics, 91
of subparts, 39
Symbols, 16566

complex, 89
graphs v., 31
grid lines in, 9091
information needed in, 8990
labels and, 83
organizing, 90
for specific values, 8889
summary statistics in, 91
tips for, 8891
for trends or interactions, 89
visual, 13337
Technic, 195
Test directions, 46f
Text. See also Fonts
background and, 6870
colors for, 104
moving lines of, 118
size of, 68, 69f
Textures, 99100, 11113
discriminability of, 11112
Thinking, learning and, 211
Three-dimensional displays,
Tiring transformations, 212
attention-focusing, 87
centering, 88
colors for, 104
guidelines for, 8788
presentation of, 88
slides, 27f
typographically distinct, 88
TMI (Too Much Information), 21,
defining, 2830
sentences, 76
slides, 28f
Transitions, 11619
attention directing with, 11617
changing, 117
bar graph portrayal of, 146
line graph portrayal of, 139
scatterplot portrayal of, 156f




Trends (Cont.)
step graph portrayal of, 152
tables and, 89
Tufte, Edward, 2, 13, 199
Type size, 35
Underlining, 63, 64f
Understanding, 912
United States, 11011
Uppercase, 62, 63f
Videoclips, 119
Visual beats, 113
patterns in, 135
Visual tables, 13337
comparing extents with, 136
height and width in, 137
icons and, 13435
labels in, 133
pictures in, 136f
relative amounts in, 133, 13435

Visualizing, 46
audience, 44f, 45f
pathways, 46f
of location markers in maps, 179,
in step graphs, 153, 154f
in visual tables, 137
Words, objects and, 8287
Wrap-up, 4851
Writing, 199200
Written agendas, 1920
X axis
in bar graphs, 146
in line graphs, 139, 141
Y axis
in bar graphs, 151f
in line graphs, 141

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