Epidemiology Tuberculosis HO
Epidemiology Tuberculosis HO
Epidemiology Tuberculosis HO
Pengendalian Tunberculosis
Dr. E. Garianto, M.Kes
Global Tuberculosis
WHO has assessed the status of the TB epidemic and
progress in control of the disease every year since 1997.
assessed of TB incidence, prevalence and mortality (from
1990 onwards); analysis of case notifications (from 1995) and
treatment outcomes (from 1994) in around 200 (of 212)
countries and territories
WHO estimates that 9.27 million new cases of TB occurred in
2007 (139 per 100 000 population), compared with 9.24
million new cases (140 per 100 000 population) in 2006
India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria and Shout Africa rank first to
fifth in terms of the total number of incident cases.
About TB
What is it?
One of the oldest diseases known.
Usually a respiratory disease due to
infection by Mycobacterium
MTB is airborne route transmitted
The origins of TB
Started centuries before discovery of TB bacillus
as course of tuberculosis.
Proof of infection found in 4000 year old
Egyptian mummies.
The origins of TB
This era, no treatment available,
Patients were known to have consumption and
Were stigmatised and isolated in sanatoria.
Second Era
Robert Koch
The discovery of the TB germ
in 1882
Proof of airborne spread
Special staining methods
BCG-vaccine injection
PPD test
Anti-TB drugs developed
Third Era
HIV: Increased new TB infection and disease.
1997: 2.2 billion TB-infected:
At least one third of these are co-infected with HIV
Poorly managed TB Control Programmes chronic
Poor prescribing habits
Poor treatment adherence by patients
Risk factors
Who are most at risk?
Malnourished, elderly, poor.
Migrants, refugees, travelers.
Smokers, chronic alcoholics.
Those with co-morbidity: diabetes, HIV/AIDS, silicosis.
Sources of TB information
1. Notification of cases
2. Surveillance
3. Mortality statistics
4. Service activities data
Changing TB mortality
In the West, decline in TB mortality due to:
elimination of poverty
improved nutrition
medical care (streptomycin reduced
deaths in UK by 51% 1948-1971).
Interpreting trends 2:
apparent trends
1. Changed social attitudes towards TB
2. Improved diagnostic techniques,
recognition and awareness;
3. Improved notification procedures
4. Availability of health statistics.
TB rates increasing
TB infection rates are projected to increase, due to:
aging populations,
increasing travel and migration,
increasing drug-resistance,
increasing HIV prevalence.
1994: Of 14 million people HIV +ve, 40%
also had TB.
TB leading cause of death if HIV +ve
weakened immunity increases risk of TB
infection progressing to disease.
greater risk of misdiagnosis of TB in HIV and
subsequent inadequate treatment.
Tuberculosis di Indonesia
Tuberculosis di Indonesia
Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) tahun 1995, TB
sebagai penyebab kematian ketiga terbesar setelah
penyakit kardiovaskuler dan penyakit saluran
pernafasan, dan merupakan nomor satu terbesar
dalam kelompok penyakit infeksi.
2006, jumlah kasus baru sekitar 539.000 dan jumlah
kematian sekitar 101.000 pertahun.
perlu peran aktif dari semua pihak yang terkait,
sehingga penanggulangan TB dapat lebih ditingkatkan
melalui gerakan terpadu yang besifat nasional
(Gerdunas -TB)
Sumber penularan adalah pasien TB dgn BTA +
Lewat droplet nuclei (percikan dahak), sekitar 3000
percikan dahak tiap batuk.
Dalam ruang dgn ventilasi kurang
Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di
Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di
sudah berlangsung sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda
namun terbatas pada kelompok tertentu
Setelah perang kemerdekaan, TB ditanggulangi
melalui Balai Pengobatan Penyakit Paru - Paru (BP-4)
Sejak tahun 1969 penanggulangan dilakukan secara
nasional melalui Puskesmas
Pada tahun 1995, program nasional penanggulangan
TB mulai menerapkan strategi DOTS (Directly
Observed Treatment Shortcourse) yg merupakan
rekomendasi WHO dan dilaksanakan di Puskesmas
secara bertahap
Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di
Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di
Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di
c. Kegiatan penunjang:
d. Kolaborasi TB/HIV di Indonesia, meliputi:
Membentuk mekanisme kolaborasi,
Menurunkan beban TB pada ODHA dan
Menurunkan beban HIV pada pasien TB.
Indikator Program TB
Untuk menilai kemajuan atau keberhasilan
penanggulangan TB digunakan beberapa
indikator. Indikator penanggulangan TB secara
Nasional ada 2 yaitu:
Angka Penemuan Pasien baru TB BTA positif
(Case Detection Rate = CDR) dan
Angka Keberhasilan Pengobatan (Success Rate =