This graph shows the relationship between temperature and distance for parallel fluid flow. The temperature decreases as the distance increases, with the temperature starting at 70 degrees at a distance of 0 and dropping to 20 degrees at a distance of 1.5 units. The graph indicates that temperature drops more sharply at shorter distances and levels off at greater distances as the fluid flows parallel to the direction of flow.
This graph shows the relationship between temperature and distance for parallel fluid flow. The temperature decreases as the distance increases, with the temperature starting at 70 degrees at a distance of 0 and dropping to 20 degrees at a distance of 1.5 units. The graph indicates that temperature drops more sharply at shorter distances and levels off at greater distances as the fluid flows parallel to the direction of flow.
This graph shows the relationship between temperature and distance for parallel fluid flow. The temperature decreases as the distance increases, with the temperature starting at 70 degrees at a distance of 0 and dropping to 20 degrees at a distance of 1.5 units. The graph indicates that temperature drops more sharply at shorter distances and levels off at greater distances as the fluid flows parallel to the direction of flow.
This graph shows the relationship between temperature and distance for parallel fluid flow. The temperature decreases as the distance increases, with the temperature starting at 70 degrees at a distance of 0 and dropping to 20 degrees at a distance of 1.5 units. The graph indicates that temperature drops more sharply at shorter distances and levels off at greater distances as the fluid flows parallel to the direction of flow.