News10 16 2015

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Miss Ritonyas Second Grade Class

Week of October 12-16

Ask Me About

Upcoming Events:

This week in math, we practiced rounding

to the nearest 10 and 100. To teach this
concept, we used the metaphor of a road
trip where there are gas stations every 10 October 19
miles. If you run out of gas in between two
stations, which one would you rather walk
to? Quiz your second grader on this skill! October 22

Animal Rescue!
The theme of our reading curriculum this
week was Animal Rescue. We read about
endangered species such as tigers and bald
eagles. We also read about how humans
can help these animals, as well as whales
and seals.

Plural Nouns!
Our grammar skill this week was to
practice irregular plural nouns! We focused
on plural nouns ending in es (lunches,
boxes,) and plural nouns ending in ies
(cherries, babies, ponies).

How-to Posters!
Our writing project this week has been to
create a How-to Poster. Students selected
an activity they feel good at, then
sequenced the steps to accomplish that task.
They planned, designed, and created
posters showing the steps.
As always, please do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions or
concerns. J
Jess Ritonya
[email protected]

October 23

Picture Retakes
7pm PAC meeting
Battle of Crushed Cans!
Bring soda cans to the circle
drive in the morning!

Snack Sale

Snacks priced 50 - $1

Report Cards go Home

October 30

Class Halloween Party

(volunteers will be contacted)

Battle of the Crushed Cans!

Next Thursday, the Battle begins! Bring

any empty, rinsed out drink cans in a
trash bag to the circle drive before
school. Money from scrapping these
cans will go toward bettering our school.
Prizes will be given to the students and
classes who bring the most cans!
P.E. / Music Schedule
Mon & Tues:


Wed & Thurs:


** Friday, October 23: MUSIC

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