Lap 3 WH 2015
Lap 3 WH 2015
Lap 3 WH 2015
Ms. Rothweiler
Lap 3
The Roman Empire is one of the greatest achievements accomplished by any ancient civilization;
one can even say it was a civilization that was beyond its own time in government structure,
art/architecture, entertainment, and military sophistication just to name a few facets of its power.
It began around 500BCE as the Roman Republic and would survive for about 2,000 years. The
Empire went through various phases and peaked during the second century. It controlled over 2.5
million square miles of land and about 100 million people or half of the world's population. Rome
ceased to be an Empire in 476 CE when the Western Roman Empire fell to Germanic invaders.
But much of the influence of Roman culture would remain for another 1,000 years in the form of
the Byzantine Empire.
Historians believe that Rome emerged as an hut or mud village in the mid-8th century BC.
Numerous tribes settled along the Tiber River; the Etruscans emerged as the dominating
influence. They were ousted in 509 by the Latins, who established the Roman Republic. They
conquered most of the rest of Italy, then turned its attention overseas, and by the 1st century
BC, ruled Spain, North Africa and Greece. Eventually, the Republic of Rome would expand into
the Roman Empire, which was ruled by numerous dictators.
The aristocracy known as the Patricians dominated the early republic. They held the highest
positions in the government- the two consuls and the Senate composed of patricians elected by
the consuls. IN the early Republic, lower-class citizens, or plebeians, were without influence.
However, due to their economic importance, the plebeians elected their own representatives,
called tribunes, who gained the power to veto measures passed by the senate. Gradually, the
plebeians obtained even more power and eventually could hold the position of consul. Despite
these changes, though, the patricians were still able to use their wealth to buy control and
influence over elected leaders.
The Romans preserved Greek culture. Unlike the Greeks, the Roman made very few
contributions to scientific knowledge but they were skillful in applying the knowledge they
acquired from the Greeks in the construction of excellent roads, bridges, aqueducts, stadiums,
colosseums and massive public buildings. Literature produced during Roman Golden Age was
among the finest in the world, such as Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Livy, all of whom produced
literary and poetic masterpieces. The 200 years of the Pax Romana saw many advances and
The Roman Empire, many will argue, has inspired many of the institutions that we have today,
thus students should have a fundamental understanding of its achievements and lasting legacy,
specifically in governmental and social institutions. This Unit of study will therefore seek to
examine and understand these issues, so students are able to
understand just how the Romans have influenced them and developed into a unique society.
Is Rome unique
Is Rome more influential in the development of western civilization than Greece
Did Christianity destroy the Roman Empire?
What was the importance of the Senate and other assembles to the Roman Republic?
In what ways did the Greeks influence the Romans?
How did Julius Caesar gain control of the Roman Government?
What led to the collapse of the Roman Empire?
LAP Information
LAP 3/Classical Civilizations: The Great Roman Empire
Materials needed for LAP:
Use of Internet if you have a device bring to class
Materials for selected project
Online resources
LAP Objectives: Upon Completion of this LAP students will be able to:
No project
1. Test in testing center
17-Nov 20
Due Date
A Day India
B Day Africa and China
C Day India
D day Africa and China
H Day Oct 28
J Day Oct 29 Africa and
Eleventh Class
Prepare for test - bring study guide with you