Vs Monsters
Vs Monsters
Vs Monsters
About the Author......................2
About the Artist........................2
A 24 Hour Game? ....................4
Influences .................................4
Special Mention .......................4
On With The Game ..................4
CHARACTERS ......................5
Character Sheet ........................5
Monster Characters ..................5
The Character Sheet Entries ....6
Assigning Attribute Values.......7
Good Stuff................................8
Bad Stuff ..................................8
Other Details ............................8
Challenges ................................9
Target Values ............................9
Sample Challenges.................10
Opposed Actions ....................10
Combat ...................................10
Initiative .................................10
Attack .....................................11
Determine Damage ................11
Damage Caps of Common
Weapons .................................11
Copyright 2003 Philip Reed. All Rights Reserved. Artwork within this PDF is
public domain work that was created by Edmund Dulac in the early 1900s. The
graphic elements were created from four separate files, each file a Photoshopmodified scan of available junk. Photoshop rules!
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A 24 Hour Game?
Okay, you have probably heard of the 24 hour comic invented by Scott McCloud
(www.scottmccloud.com) but just what the hell is a 24 hour game? Simply put, a 24
hour game is a game that is created in the span of one 24 hour period. At The Forge website (www.indie-rpgs.com) many of us came together and decided to create 24 hour
games. This is my attempt.
Since it seems to be part of the tradition of 24 hour comics, and since I think some
people just might give a damn, Im going to now list some of the things I did, ate, and
listened to during the 24 hour period in which I created this game. If you dont care feel
free to skip ahead to the game.
Music Listened To: Stabbing Westward (Darkest Days), Static-X (Wisconsin Death
Trip), Rob Zombie (The Sinister Urge), Tool (Undertow), Korn (Untouchables),
KMFDM (Attak), and a wide assortment of stuff being played on web-radio as the day
flew by.
Sleep? Yes. Six hours. And something like a twenty minute name while watching Meet
the Press Sunday morning.
Food Eaten and Liquids Drinken: Tasty kabobs left over from the night before. Water
(I drink lots of water). A sandwich. Ice cream. Burritos.
Primary influences for this work are Nantucket Brown Roasters (by Jason Asala,
www.thehouseofusher.com), End Times (by Sam Hiti, www.samhiti.com), the sickening memories of fairy tales, the works of Tim Burton (www.timburton.com), and
Tool (www.toolband.com).
Secondary influences are a bunch of strange, old stories that I read in high school,
and the roleplaying games Chill, Over the Edge, and Dust Devils.
More? Probably everything Ive ever read, watched, or listened to in my life. How
the hell would I know what my subconscious mind is digging up and thrusting to the
foreground while I work on this thing?
Special Mention
These days, when I think of monster hunting I think of Mike Mignolas Hellboy. I had
the good fortune to work on the Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game in 2002 and
the experience is one Ill remember forever. The chance to ask Mignola numerous questions
about Hellboy is an opportunity that isnt likely to ever be repeated.
If youve never read Hellboy visit www.hellboy.com for more information including
links to several of the shorter comics that have been posted on the web.
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Character Sheet
On the next page of this PDF is the character sheet
for the game. The cool thing about PDF games is you
can make all of the character sheets you want by printing them on your home printer. The character sheet for
vs. Monsters is only half of a page so at the end of this
PDF youll find a page with two character sheets side-byside. Print. Cut. Play.
Now we shall study the character sheet and create a
character. This is actually very simple. You can either open
this same PDF in another window to view the character
sheet as you read this PDF or print the previously mentioned last page.
Monster Characters
While this may be very tempting (hell, Im
tempted to include rules for it) I think its best
for us all if we just say no. Over the last decade
or so it has become far too common for player
characters to be the monsters. I think Ill keep
vs. Monsters pure and true to its name.
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This is where well actually dive into something resembling game rules.
Attributes are what youll use when youre attempting something during the
game. The attributes, and what they do, are:
Fighting: You use your fighting attribute whenever you want to attack a
monster (or someone else). Since combat is so important to the game
theres an entire section on it beginning on p. 00. You may as well flip to
the combat rules now (you know you want to).
Defending: When youre attacked youre going to want to defend yourself.
This is the attribute you use for that sort of thing.
Thinking: This attribute is used whenever youre trying to remember some
bit of trivia or perhaps solve a puzzle. The gamemaster should encourage
the player to use his own knowledge and intelligence as much as possible
but should feel free to assist players if their Thinking attribute is higher
than their real-life intelligence level. Does that sound as mean as I think it
Running: And jumping and climbing are all covered with this attribute.
Anything that involves movement or speed should rely on this attribute.
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Fighting: 4
Defending: 6
Thinking: 3
Running: 3
Fighting: 3
Defending: 4
Thinking: 3
Running: 6
And finally its time to select your characters stuff.
Theres good stuff and bad stuff. For every one good stuff you
select for your character you have to select one bad stuff. A
character may not have more than four good stuffs (and, thus,
no more than four bad stuffs). It is recommended that you not
assign more than two good and two bad stuffs to your character.
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Good Stuff
The following is the list of good stuff that you may choose from.
Gamemasters and players should feel free to expand this list.
Courageous: When wounded you do not follow the usual rules for reduced
Health (as described on p. 00). Instead, you suffer a -1 to all attributes
when you have 2 Health points remaining and a -2 when down to 1 Health
Cunning: Increase your Thinking attribute by one point.
Good in a Fight: On your turn you may make two attacks but only against the
same opponent.
Lucky: Once during a game session you can choose to redraw cards for any
one action.
Nimble: Increase your Defending attribute by one point.
Scrappy: Increase your Fighting attribute by one point.
Sense Monsters: A rotten trick some gamemasters will try is to surprise the
characters with a monster or two. Theres no telling where the monster(s)
come from but the GM will have a rational explanation for the assault and
gain a free attack on the characters before they can respond. But not a
character that has Sense Monsters!
Speedy: Increase your Running attribute by one point.
Tough: You have 12 Health points instead of the usual 10.
Veteran: Youve played this game a long time and have some experience
killing monsters. You know just where to hit a monster to deal the most
damage. The damage caps of any weapon youre using is increased by
one when you successfully attack a monster.
One Arm: Your character only has one arm (your choice). The gamemaster will use this
against you every chance he gets.
Sickly: Your character is always ill and, when wounded, requires two nights of rest to
recover a single point of Health. See p. 00.
Slow: Reduce your Running attribute by one point.
Slowerer: Reduce your Thinking attribute by one point.
Other Details
Weve dealt with everything youll need to complete your character sheet but if youre
really into roleplaying games you probably already have ideas for crap like personality and
background. Thats all well and good and you should feel proud if you fill a notebook
describing the history of your character but dont get too excited about it. This is a simple
free roleplaying game that was created in twenty-four hours so youll probably never play
it more than once (if even once). Instead of wasting time with that stuff maybe you should
watch a movie. I recommend Office Space since it doesnt take much brainpower to watch.
But there are other things you can work out with your gamemaster if youre really
excited about the game. Like how much money does your character have? Does he own
any weapons? How long has he been with the other player characters? The gamemaster has
some notes later in this PDF that help him with a few of the more important questions.
Bad Stuff
And now the list of bad stuff. Just like the good stuff, gamemasters and
players should feel free to expand this list.
Coward: Reduce your Fighting and Defending attributes by one point
Inexperienced: Youve never fought monsters before or even been in a fight
with another human. On your turn draw one card and show it to the other
players. If the result is a heart or diamond you may not take an action this
Needs Glasses: Your character must wear glasses to do anything. If your character is ever without his glasses all of his attributes (except Thinking) are
reduced by one.
Old: Your character is in his sixties. Reduce his Fighting, Defending, and
Running attributes by one each but add three to his Thinking.
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Why Cards?
In 1993 (10 years? Damn.) I
thought it would be fun to create my
own roleplaying game. Titled
Prophecies & Verse, I wrote about
20,000 words on the game but never
really accomplished anything. The files
are long gone (which is for the better)
but the desire to create a roleplaying
game still burns within.
Prophecies & Verse used a poorly
conceived set of mechanics built around
a deck of cards. When I started work on
vs. Monsters I decided that I wanted to
see if I could solve the problems I was
having with that system. After six hours
I decided that No, that system was a
horrible idea and that I needed something new. Since my brain was already
thinking of playing cards, I went with
the flow.
vs. Monsters uses a simple game mechanic. The easiest way to describe this mechanic is:
Target Values
When a character attempts an action he is facing a challenge. A challenge requires a test (as
described above) to determine success or failure of
the action. Only important actions should be tested since it would be a waste of time and energy on
the part of everyone involved to constantly draw
cards for such activities as eating a sandwich, taking a nap, or getting dressed. The gamemaster
should use his own judgement when determining
what actions are challenges but the players are
encouraged to beat the GM if he requires too many
Value is . . .
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Its all well and good for me to ramble about challenges and target values
but just what the hell do I really mean to
say? The following samples should give
you an excellent idea of how to judge the
target value of different actions.
You are . . .
Looking for a
burning house on
the horizon
Whats the capital
of Florida?
Beating down a
locked door
Challenge is . . .
Opposed Actions
So you say youre going up against
another character or monster. Lets pretend that youre racing to be the first to
reach a door. This is an opposed action
so the gamemaster cant really just say
that the challenge is easy.
What you do when two characters (or
a character and a monster) attempt
actions that conflict (but arent combat)
is each draws a number of cards equal to
the appropriate attribute. Highest draw
wins and in the event of a tie, highest
attribute wins. If still tied, draw again.
Thats about all I want to do with challenges and target values. In a game called vs. Monsters fighting and
killing monsters should be the single most important
activity your character can attempt and, as is the timehonored tradition in roleplaying games, Im ready to
give you some detailed information on killing.
The following information is all that you will need
to attack and kill a monster. If youre unlucky, youll also
need this information when a monster attempts to attack
and kill you.
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When its your turn during combat if youre not
otherwise occupied youre going to want to attack a
monster (or maybe the character of a player who has
pissed you off but theres no way Im getting into
that mess). To attack, youll need either a weapon or
your fists and a monster close enough to hit (or
shoot if you have a gun). Attacks are split into melee
and ranged.
Melee Attacks: I only call this melee attacks
because Ive been roleplaying far too long and I
write the occasional D20 System product. A melee
attack is, in the simplest terms, attacking with fists,
a sword, a stick, or anything else that can reach a
monster thats standing right next to you. The target
value of a melee attack is equal to the Close-Range
value of the monster youre attacking. The appropriate attribute is Fighting. In short:
Range is . . .
Value is . . .
Really Close (6)
Close (12)
Close Enough (18)
Not Close Enough (24)
Too Far (25 and more)
Damage Caps of
Common Weapons
The following is a listing of common
weapons that characters can use in the
game and the damage caps for each
Determine Damage
Once an attack succeeds, you have damaged the
monster (unless the attack was against your character in which case you have suffered damage). The
amount of damage inflicted in an attack is:
Weapon is . . .
Hunting Rifle
Military Rifle
Damage Cap is . . .
Bonus Damage
Some weapons are just so powerful
that they inflict lots of damage, even if the
damage cap of the weapon is exceeded.
The following weapons each inflict at least
one point of Health damage on a successful hit, even if the damage cap is exceeded.
Weapon is . . .
Hunting Rifle
Military Rifle
Bonus Damage is . . .
1 point
1 point
2 points
2 points
6 points
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Reduce Health
Now that you know how much damage youve inflicted,
youre ready to reduce the Health of the monster (or, as Ive
been hinting at, your own characters Health if you were on
the receiving end of an attack).
All monsters have a Health rating thats somewhere
between two and ten. Subtract the amount of damage inflicted from the Health rating. The lower the Health rating is, the
more screwed things are as you can witness for yourself in
the next table:
Health is . . .
Zero or less
One point
Half Starting Value
Starting Value
Effect is . . .
-2 to all Attributes
-1 to all Attributes
No effect
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Getting Better
As Ive already said, characters can
be healed. A night of rest (10 hours or
more of undisturbed sleep) increases a
wounded characters Heath by one point.
If the character is being carefully
watched by a doctor allow the character
to draw a card after a night of rest. If the
card is a heart his Heath is increased by
an additional point.
Characters may never be healed
beyond their starting Health.
Since this is a roleplaying game and I have some space on this page, here are some optional rules you can
use in combat situations. These add a little complexity to the game but not so much that youll be rendered retarded by reading them. I mean, if youve read this far and havent gone stupid these rules arent likely to hurt you
The gamemaster should feel free to increase or
decrease the Defending or Fighting attribute of a character or monster if he can think of a good reason. A
few good reasons could be:
Reason is . . .
Its dark
Its foggy
Shooting into a crowd
Modifier is . . .
Weapon Ammo
Weapons with ammunition (guns and even bows)
can be either always loaded (my preference) or the
gamemaster can make players keep track of their
ammo (boring). Its assumed that players always have
time to reload before its their turn.
Some games give a damn about in game time.
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Now for the section of the game where you learn how to become a
gamemaster. But since Im running out of time and, as I said at the beginning, this shouldnt be your first roleplaying game this section is going to
primarily cover some ideas for adventures and a collection of monsters.
Assorted other information that the gamemaster needs will be scattered
here and there but, for the most part, adventures and monsters dominate
this section.
Each monster consists of:
Name: The name of the monster.
Description: Some blah, blah about the monster to give you something to read and me something to fill space with.
Special Ability: Every monster has at least one special ability. This
is where you learn what it is and what it can do in game terms.
Attributes: Monsters have the exact same attributes that player
characters do. Heres where youll find how the monsters stack
up against the player characters.
Health: The number of points of Health the monster has.
If youve got the urge to make some of your own monsters go
read a good book, watch a good movie, flip through a comic, or start
the brain muscles. Then see p. 00.
The monsters are presented in the order that I create them. I
could alphabetize them or something but that would take time.
An animated scarecrow is a common beast in the cornfields of America. Standing
as tall as a man and armed with a scythe, scarecrows are solitary monsters. During the
day a scarecrow stands still, never betraying that it is an evil creature.
Special Ability: Fear (5). Scarecrows can cause fear in humans. In place of an
attack a scarecrow can choose to cause fear. This is an opposed action (the Scarecrows
Special Ability vs. a single targets Thinking). If the action succeeds the target loses two
Fighting: 4 (Damage cap five)
Defending: 5
Thinking: 2
Running: 3
Health: 6
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The walking dead. Zombies shamble around through horror films
all of the time. You know what a zombie is.
Special Ability: Hard to Kill. To destroy a zombie its head must be
shot or separated from its body. If an Ace is drawn during an attack on
a zombie the creature is instantly destroyed. There is no reason to ever
draw for damage on a zombie since only an Ace attack result can kill
Fighting: 4 (Damage cap four)
Defending: 5
Thinking: 2
Running: 3
Health: Special. See above.
Pointy hat. Long nose (complete with wart). Broom. You know, a
witch. And yes, witches can fly on their brooms.
Special Ability: Magic (6). Witches use magic and, in place of an
attack, can attempt to cast a spell on an opponent. This is an opposed
action (the witchs Special Ability vs. a single targets Thinking). If the
action succeeds the witch draws another card and checks the following
Card is . . .
Two or Three
Four to Six
Seven to Ten
Effect is . . .
Targets attributes are reduced by 1 for his
next turn.
Target is charmed and may not attack the
witch until his next turn.
Target is covered in warts for the remainder
of his life and loses 1 point of Health.
Target is unable to take any actions for two
Target loses 2 points of Health.
Target loses 3 points of Health.
Target loses 4 points of Health and becomes
a toad for six hours.
Defending: 8
Running: 3
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A little green monster (about two or three feet tall) with an axe
and an insane look on its face. Gremlins are usually seen alone but
something there are up to six of them working together. Theyre not
exactly evil but they are trouble.
Special Ability: Break Machines (3). If a gremlin gets into any
mechanical equipment the GM should draw three cards against a target value of ten. On a success the gremlin has rendered the machine
Fighting: 2 (Damage cap four)
Defending: 3
Thinking: 4
Running: 5
Health: 3
Cthulhoid Terror
If you think about it, a mummy is like a zombie wrapped in bandages. They both shuffle
around and moan a bit and they both stink.
Special Ability: Mummys Curse (6). If a mummy successfully attacks it can choose to
inflict a curse on the target rather than deal damage. This is an opposed action (the mummys
Special Ability vs. a single targets Thinking). If the action succeeds the gamemaster is free to
make up a curse and apply it to the target. Gamemasters are encouraged to get nasty with this.
Fighting: 8 (Damage cap eight)
Defending: 6
Thinking: 4
Running: 3
Health: 10
What do you think it is? Its an animated skeleton with a weapon (probably a sword).
Special Ability: None.
Fighting: 4 (Damage cap three)
Defending: 5
Thinking: 2
Running: 3
Health: 2
Evil Cultist
A cthulhoid terror wouldnt be complete without cultists.
Special Ability: None.
Fighting: 4 (Damage cap five)
Defending: 5
Thinking: 2
Running: 3
Health: 4
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Elements of Horror
When running a horror game there are a variety of things
that you can do to make the feeling of the game fit the expectations of the players when you tell them Were playing a horror
game tonight! Here are just a few of the various elements of
Scary Places
All horror games should take place in an appropriate location. Graveyards, haunted houses, and ghost towns are just a few
of the more appropriate locations in which to stage a horror
game. If you describe the abandoned house on the hillside to
your players theyll start to get into the fun of horror roleplaying.
It just wouldnt be a horror adventure if it wasnt storming.
Storms help build the tension since thunder and lightning flashes can hide any number of crawling creatures. The traveler seeking shelter from the storm might very well be an evil cultist.
The Dark
Just like with weather, its just not a horror adventure if its
taking place during the day. Just how scary will a horde of zombies be when you can see them miles in the distance? Why do
you think the best of the Romero zombie flicks is Night of the
Living Dead? I promise you it isnt the set design.
These are just a few of the elements of horror. If youre not
very familiar with horror I recommend tracking down some
books on horror writing and Ken Hites Nightmares of Mine
before you begin crafting your horror adventures. If youre a
horror master than youre no doubt already laughing at this
pathetic attempt at describing some of the necessary elements of
A shapeshifter, werewolves only come out during a full moon.
These beasts are without reason and hunger for the meat of animal or
human. They hunt during the full moon and frequently assault small villages when they can find them.
Special Ability: Hard to Kill. Only a silver bullet can kill a werewolf. Any other attack will wound a werewolf but a werewolf at 0
Health does not die (it keeps fighting). A werewolf shot with a silver
bullet dies instantly (no need to check damage).
Fighting: 8 (Damage cap seven)
Defending: 4
Thinking: 3
Running: 6
Health: 7
These vampires can change into wolves, bats, or old men that suck
your blood. They live off of fresh blood and only come out at night.
Special Ability: Hard to Kill. You can kill a vampire with a stake
through the heart, by chopping off the head and filling the neck with
garlic, or just about any number of other goofy ways that your
gamemaster will approve. There are some many conflicting vampire
lores that youll probably just have to keep trying things until you kill
the one youre currently fighting.
Fighting: 6 (Damage cap six)
Defending: 8
Thinking: 4
Running: 3
Health: 10
Giant Vermin
Oversized rats, bats, and spiders can be quite frightening. These
monsters are usually commanded by a witch, vampire, or mummy but
they can be encountered alone.
Special Ability: Giant vermin dont follow the usual rules for monsters and are presented at a much lower power level than the other monsters found in this PDF.
Fighting: 2 (Damage cap three)
Defending: 2
Thinking: 1
Running: 2
Health: 1
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Now that you have a few monsters to work with lets
take some time to give you some ideas for adventures.
What you wont find on the following pages is a complete
adventure (Ive got three hours left to finish this so there is
no way youre getting a complete adventure from me).
So after beating my head against this page for
over an hour I still dont have any ideas for adventures. Just too much crammed into too little time I
guess. I usually dont have any problems at all coming up with adventure ideas (the Haunted House
and Underground Lab floor plan sets I worked on
for Steve Jackson Games had adventure seeds and
those poured right out of me).
It looks like this is where Ill be ending the
experiment. Ive got about an hour and a half left
before I need to have the PDF uploaded so this will
give me time to spellcheck and make a last pass
through the text. I suspect there are lots of tiny errors
here and there in the text but, as of this moment, Im
proud of this almost completed roleplaying game.
Counting the cover and character sheets this is a 20 page
PDF. Im four pages short of my goal which, while unfortunate,
is better than I had expected I would do. I enjoyed parts of this exercise and hated others and am unsure if I will attempt this again. Its something Im definitely glad that I attempted and I recommend that anyone with
an interest in writing a roleplaying game try a 24 hour game before getting
too heavily involved in the creation of a larger game. If you can complete
one of these youll find a larger project to be just a little bit easier on you.
Once the technical work is done Im going to bed. I need to head to the
office tomorrow but I plan on spending tomorrow night reading the other 24
hour games. As of this time there are 8 others already done.
Philip Reed, April 13th, 2003
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