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© 1 © 16.1 Listen and repeat. Then practise in, pairs. Change the words in red. 1 C Hi, Tm Joe. What's your name? ) (Hi, Joe. I'm Harry. ) ~ SS 2 (Which elass are you in? ) >? —— (Class. ) AL ee 3 (Whose class is this? ) A (it’s Mes Black’. ) ww * (Whe's your favourite actor? ) er (Rupert Grint. ) iS Match the questions 1-6 with the correct answers a-g. > Who's your best friend? f _ 1 Whose shoes are these? 2. What's your phone number? 3 Which desk is Toms? 4 What's your favourite colour? —__ 5 Whose coat is on the floor? __ 6 There's a blue scarf and a yellow one - which is yours? —_ a 579298 b Thisis his, here. ¢ Blue. d They're Ben's. e The blue one. f Jodie. g It's mine. Sorry. wv £3 Circle the correct question word. o > Whose Who is this bag - yours or Nessa's? 1. What / Who is your teacher's name? 2 Which / What is your bag? 3 Who / Whose are these books? ‘4 Which / What is the answer to question 1? 5 Who/ Whose sits next to you in class? 6 Which / What hand do you write with? 7 What / Who is that bou? Write Who, Whose, What or Which. > What's your surname? 1 Chocolate cake or lemon cake? ‘would you like? teaches you maths? do you do on Saturdays? is the Presictent of the USA? home is Buckingham Palace? is the capital of France? ausun Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4. (Answers to questions 5 and 6 are on page 136.) x SS Write questions for the answers. Use the words in brackets and the question wards in the box. who who which what what whose whese > Whose bike is that? it's Sarah's, 1 ir She's my friend, (What's your surname? ) C Clark. \ mee oO (bike) 2 fede) 33 Castle Street. 3 time) It's five o'clock. 4 (desk/yours) The one next to the window. 5 (favourite singer) Madonna. 6 (coat/you wearing) My sister's, unit16 79£2 Circle the correct option. »>Wherey How do you have lunch? 1 When / Where do lessons start? 2. Where / Why do we have homework? 3 How / Whereis the head teacher's office? 4 Where / How does our English teacher come to school? 5 How / When do we have maths? 23 workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions from exercise 2. (Where do you have lunch?) (have lunch in the canteen. Ko Expressions with how $4 Complete the questions with where, when, why or how. >» Why are you wearing two jumpers? Because I'm cold! 1 are the summer holidays? In August. 2 does your mum go to work? She drives. 3 do your grandparents live? In London, 4 are you hurrying? Because I'm late. do you get home from school? At about five. is your brother? He's in his room. is John travelling to France? He's flying. ‘A lot of expressions begin with how. How are you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm very well. How oldare you? I'mthirteen. I'm eleven years old. How do you spell your name? A-N-N-A B-R-O-W-N How about playing a game of cards? Yes, good idea! No, thanks. We use How about to make suggestions. It means the same as What about and Let's. 82 Question words: Where, when, why, how*5 ©1722 Listen and repeat. ( Terfine: ont (Very well. And you? ) See Ges meer) levonre et Ces old are you?) ( Tm (How do you spell your name? ) ft A ~ (A:N-N-A B-R-O-W-N ) = —— (Tesctealaleies) (Good ide wigan aileame? 2 (No, thanks. XX hs) °o 6 Write one word in each gap. » How cld _ are you, Kote? 1 How do you your surname, Harry? 2 How is your brother? 3 How a drink? 4 How going to the cinema? 5 I'm fine, you? 47 ©17.3 Match the questions in exercise 6 with the correct answers a-f, Listen and check.! @ He's six, b Yes, please, CanI have a cup of tea? _ ¢ I'mfine, thanks. f Yes, OK. Let's go. ) a9 Choose the correct answer. > When does school start? @ [Z| Ats.30. b [J InBirmingham. c (1 Yes, itdoes. 1 Why are they running? a [1] Because they're late for school. b [11 Yes, they are, ¢ [1 They‘ going home. 2. How about some music? a [J Idon't tke it b [-] Yes, goodides. € C1 Tike pop music 3 How are you? a [1] Yes,1am, b [1] How do you do? ¢ [1 Fine, thanks. 4 When's your birthday? 2 1 Tomorrow! b CO No, 5 How do you go to school? a (1 Every doy, b (] Iwatk. ¢ [1] Intondon. 6 How is your brother? @ (1) He's twelve, b [1] Tavfine, thanks. c () He'sfine. DDD complete the que: ‘and answer in poirs. » How are you? 1 do you spell your surname? old are you? do you live? your birthday? ‘do you go to school? (Bowareyec? ) (Taifine thank wareyeu?) ( Unit17 83. 2 3 4 5$10 Read the answers, and write the questions. 11 ©1744 Listen and check your answers to Start each question with how, when, why or exercise 10. where. Wiesdowas ash ? 12344 (17.5 Read and tte then sinat DY T get up at seven. Why, why, why is the sky up above blue? How, how, how high are the clouds? Where, where, where do the birds fly away to? Questions for me and for you. Who, who, who 2 > Knows all the answers? el I don’t know — do you? Who, who, who knows all the answers? I don’t know — do you? Why, why, why is the grass in the fields green? 3 How, how, how deep is the sea? ‘Where, where, where ? Anna? She's 15. do we go when we're sleeping? — (Questions for you and for me. Who, who, who knows all the answers? _——___ oS Idon’t know — do you? The shops close at 530. Who, who, who knows all the answers? I don't know — do you? 5 uw,_- 2 ——————— (Zo my homework in my bedroom. > Tim hungry because I didn’t have any breakfast: 4 Self-evaluation Rate your progress. ———e—eee eet a ; ——- wee z Good idea. Which DVD 3 do you want to watch? 5s ¥ 6 * 8 9 10 aa 12 84 Question words: Where, when, why, how#3 = Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the prices of the things below. . milk £1.50 chocolate apple juice aes £1.35 £1.00 lemonade 7 bananas ¢ sweets} £2.00 6p each 20p each ie much are the crisps?) (0p. How much is the lemonade?) ees et {4 Complete the dialogues with much or many. 6 > (How much money have you got? © ( How —_are the pens? 2 Groeten?) Not much, Sorry. (They're £3.50. ———8 — ag " How —__eheese is there in the fridge?) 7 (How sugar have we got? ) 2 (How people were at the concert?) ® ( How girls are in your class? ) =z ee 2 ( How is this book? - £5.50. 4 — photos did you take? 100 How apples are there? Ten. ~ None. SS —S 5 ( How books are in your ba: SS wy £5 GBB 101 usten and check your answers to exercise 4, Practise the dialogues in pairs. 86 Question words: How much, how manyi) ‘5, Come on, Vietor! «are going to be late! 6. Amma sits next to Lily in 1898. talks to Lily all the time, 77. The eat is under the table. 0...» is hungry. EJrence nvr ith crt ht ann 1. My favourite singer is Madonna. I really ike her... aa ae eas ate yar and Tons Pps el a ay gl Ne ay ene tines week 2 Pesce toon nde Hoey a8 ot Sonne lbp ter? B Hey ete A gs 1 ene Teeter S Myo aver ee shone Se wa os son the NEWS. inderline the correct pronoun. Tits my mum's birthday tomorrow. He / Us need to buy a present for she / er. 2, Would you like to come to the theatre with we /us this evening? +3, The bus is late again, He /Itis never on time these days. 44. A: Be Us are going on holiday tomorrow. B: OK, Don’t forget to call we /us before you leave. 5, A: Why was David so happy yesterday? BB: He did well on the final test and his parents bought te / im a guitar. 6. Mary and 1/me like sweets very much, Please, give a doughnut to she / er and some mint chocolates to 1/ me. 7. My father works alot so us /we don’ see he /him much during the week Ycompete the Aalogues with the correct subject or objet Pronouns: A.A: Hello! How are 1, YOU... B: Hil 2. uf... am fine, thanks, And 3. ..¥2! BLA: Hello, 1, sso am not at home right now. Please, leave a message. Bo Hi, iS 2. sosooney Alan. 3. _ really need to talk to 4. Call §. when 6. nen et home, CA: Look at my new trainers! BB: Ob, Bess HIKE 2s nnn Very much. Who gave 3. tod. ‘A: My mum bought 8. 1... for my birthday. Dv A: Tommy; my sister and 1, ne fe going othe cinema, D0 2, -urmav WARE 10 COME With 3. course? Be YE, 4, sesvosene €O, But 5, -ouenne have to ask my dad fist. 6+ will call 7 omonenn in half an hour, A: OK, call 8, ge &8 Soon as possible. 9. “have to buy the tickets in advance. ———<5S | and me (subject and object pronouns) 1 Look at this: Note that we can use she (subject pronoun) instead of Mary, and them (object pronoun) instead of Peter and Paul. 2 Here are the subject and object pronouns: ‘We must always have a subject in English: They are coming. (Nor Are-consing) 3 Look at the subject and object pronouns (1-16) in this conversation: ‘A: (1) saw Sheila yesterday, but she (4) didn’t see me (9) Bs Are you (2) going to see her (12) tomorrow? A: No, I'm meeting Steve. We (6) replaying golf Be You (7) ‘re both beginners! I (5) isn’t an easy game. I played it (13) last year and] ‘was terrible! ‘A: Why don’t you come with us (14)? We can help you (10) Be J would like to play with you (15) both tomorrow, but my brother is leaving in the afternoon. He (3) is catching the two lock train, and we're taking him (11) to the station. He's spending « month ‘with our aunt and uncle. They (8) live in Scotland, I stayed with them (16) last year, 4. We use it for things and for the weather, time, days, dates, distances, and for animals: T'm studying economics, I's a difficult subject It's hot today. Its four o'clock. Its Tuesday. It’s the third of April. It’s 200 miles to York. Look at that bind! IPs eating the bread. | Practice A. Write these sentences using subject and object pronouns instead of the underlined words. > John and. saw Peter yesterday. He bought John and me a cup of coffee. We eaw Fever veoterday. He bought ue 2, cup.of coffer, 1 David and Mike are arriving today. I'm meeting David and Mike at the station. 2. 'mlooking for Mary. Have you seen Mary? Mary isn't at home. 3. John and | saw a film called The Tiger yesterday, Have you seen The Tiger? 4 Come to the swimming pool with Joanna and me. Joanna and | are leaving now. 5 George and Jane are meeting Paul today. Paul is having lunch with George and Jane. 6 There's Jack! Jack's got a heavy suitcase. Shall we help Jack? PAGE 120 * ARTICLES, NOUNS, PRONOUNS, ETC.Look at the pictures and put pronouns in the gaps. > saw him... but he.,... didn't see .m¢... 1 AW nes BU ce did 808 2 ‘but didnt see 3 fee DUE sos OIE SE os re 4 .» but, . didn't see .. 5 .» but ., .. didn't see m 1 5 SC but J didnt see | 7 veut” giant see } I her Ga peas ‘Bi oS James is talking about himself and his family. Put subject pronouns (|, you, etc.) in the gaps. Hil ).! ‘am James and (1) live in Australia, Brsensesen VE GOt WO Brothers. (3).......:uneu ‘fe called Pete and Mike. My mother works at the hospital. (4).. is a doctor. My father works in a sports shop. (5) works very hard. The shop makes a lot of money, and (6)........:..0'8 always full of people. Now put object pronouns (me, you, ete.) in the gaps. On Saturdays | work for my father. I help (7)... in the shop, and he gives (8). . some money. On Sundays we go to the beach. We have two dogs, and we take (9)............... with us. We also take a ball and they play with (10) on the beach while we swim in the sea. Now put object or subject pronouns in the gaps. ‘At the moment I'm at university. I'm studying business. (11)... an interesting subject. Two of my schoolfriends are at university with | (12) Our teachers are good but (13). give (14) a lot of work to do. Next week (15) are all taking our first exams. | want to get good marks in (16). ARTICLES, NOUNS, PRONOUNS, ETC. + PAGE 121
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