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Shelley Bowen, OCT

530 Moxley Road RR#2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2

Home: 905-627-2728 Cell: 905-929-2728
Email: [email protected] E-folio:
To obtain a position on the Elementary OT Roster with the Hamilton-Wentworth District
School Board.

2009 2014
Honors B.A. Contemporary Studies & English, Wilfrid Laurier
University, Brantford
ON, Deans Honor Roll 2009 2010
2009 2014
Brantford ON

Bachelor of Education Primary/Junior Division, Nipissing University,

Additional Qualifications
July 2015

Music Instrumental, Part 1 Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario

May 2015
Bay ON

Mathematics, Primary and Junior, Part 1 Nipissing University, North

May 2015

Reading, Part 1 Nipissing University, North Bay ON

August 2014

Special Education, Part 1 Nipissing University, North Bay ON

August 2014

Intermediate ABQ: English Nipissing University, North Bay ON

October 2011

Tribes Learning Community Certificate Nipissing University, Brantford

Teaching Experience
March 2014 April 2014 Year 5 Practicum, Student Teacher: Grade 6/Learning
Resource, Ryerson
Elementary School, Hamilton ON
Taught both a Learning Resource and Grade 6 core program
Planned units in Mathematics, Language Arts and Drama
Worked closely with autistic students
Planned a variety of modeled, guided and shared interactive
Smartboard lessons
Helped to develop IEPs for a wide variety of students
Participated in IPRC, EQAO and staff meetings
Feb. 2014 March 2014

Year 5 Practicum, Student Teacher: Grade 3/4, Lawfield

School, Hamilton ON
Taught in a Grade 3/4 classroom
Planned lessons and units in Mathematics, Language Arts
Created engaging and interactive Smartboard lessons

Differentiated lessons to accommodate a wide variety of IEPs

Attended EQAO accountable talk in-services and meetings

Sept. 2012 June 2013

Year 4 Practicum, After School Tutor: Achieve Learning
Center, Dundas
Worked one-on-one with each student to provide support and
homework help
Tutored students from Grades 3-9 in a variety of subjects
Implemented a reading and writing program specific to
students needs
Created lessons and unit plans specific to the needs and
learning styles of students
Oct. 2011 April 2012
Resource/Library, Green

Year 3 Practicum, Student Teacher: Learning

Oct. 2012 April 2011

Dr. John

Acres Elementary School, Stoney Creek ON

Responsible for resource and library duties
Helped support and create strategies for students with ADD,
ESL, ADHD, Autism and Gifted Students
Worked one-on-one with students to develop better
pathways to learning
Helped to develop IEPs, TLCPs and Running Records
Assisted with Gifted Assessments
Worked with small groups of students to implement the
Empower Reading Program

Year 2 Practicum, Student Teacher: Music/Gym: Grades K-8,

Seaton Elementary School, Sheffield ON
Taught in a music classroom
Worked alongside associate to implement the TLCP program
Attended band practices every Wednesday night and Friday
Conducted a selection of songs

Jan. 2010 April 2010

Central Elementary

Year 1 Practicum, Student Teacher: Grade 2, Dundas

School, Dundas ON
Taught a variety of lessons in different subjects, including
Math and Language Arts
Used teaching aids including Smartboard, Projector and

Work Experience
2015 Present
2010 Present

Occasional Teacher, Hamilton-Wentworth District School

Manager, Tiny Shop Bakery, Dundas ON

Managed bakery in the absence of the owner

April 2013 June 2013

Ensured that all issues were resolved and a positive work

environment was maintained
Kept a record of bakery supplies to ensure they were well
stocked at all times
Ensured all baked goods were stocked well in advance of
selling out

After School Tutor, Achieve Learning Center, Dundas ON

Worked one-on-one with students to provide support and
homework help
Implemented lessons and unit plans for each student that
were specific to their needs and learning styles
Assisted in the office with administrative work

Related Experience
Sept. 2014 Present
Elementary School,

Volunteer: Grade 5/6 Classroom, Adelaide Hoodless

Hamilton ON
Presently volunteering once a week in the classroom to
assist the classroom teacher and work one-on-one with
students who require extra assistance.

Sept. 2014 Present

Elementary School,

Sept. 2014 June 2015

Volunteer: Grade 5 Classroom, Dr. Edgar Davey

Hamilton ON
I am presently volunteering once a week in the classroom
to assist the classroom teacher and work one-on-one with
students who require extra assistance.
Volunteer: Grade 5 Classroom, Dr. Edgar Davey Public School,
Hamilton ON
Volunteered twice a week in the classroom to work one-onone with students who required extra assistance
Responsible for troubleshooting/developing lessons which
incorporate the use of student iPads.

March 2013
Brantford ON

Sept. 2012 March 2013

Fundraiser Organizing Committee, Art After School Kids,

Raised money for an after school program for at risk

Tutor, Achieve Learning Center, Dundas ON
Worked one-on-one with students to provide support and
homework help

May 2012
Creek ON

Scribe, Grade 6 EQAO, Green Acres Elementary School, Stoney


Lesson Planner, David Suzukis Nature Challenge at School

Guide Resource
Planned a variety of lesson plans and activities for the
junior division of the Canadian teacher resource.


Lesson Planner, David Suzukis Connecting Kids with Nature

Teaching Guide Resource
Planned a variety of lesson plans and activities for the
kindergarten division of the Canadian teacher resource.


2010 2012


Teacher and Event Planner, Gifted Outreach Conference

Participated in planning the annual program for gifted
students ages 8-10

Sunday School Teacher, St. Georges Anglican Church (ANiC),


Judy Santi-Derubeis
Nipissing University
Faculty Advisor
Phone: (905)-388-0110
[email protected]
Lynda Pollock
Teacher, HWDSB
Ryerson Elementary School
Work: (905)-528-7975
Email: [email protected]

Susan Pancoe
Gord Carey
Teacher, HWDSB
Vice Principal, HWDSB
Lawfield Elementary School Adelaide Hoodless Elementary
Work: (905)-387-0062
Email: [email protected]: (905)-549-1339
Email: [email protected]
Nicole Sword
Teacher, HWDSB
Dr. Edgar Davey Elementary
Work: (905)-667-2612
Email: [email protected]

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