Lesson Plan Numeracy Tangrams
Lesson Plan Numeracy Tangrams
Lesson Plan Numeracy Tangrams
Topic and Focus
Learning Focus:
VELS Strands
School of Education
Professional Practice (Primary)
Geometric Reasoning
Discipline Based
Duration of lesson
Year Level
60 mins
Class Size
Assessment Strategies: How will you identify what they have learnt and how will you record or note this?
I will look at their worksheet they have done and will also observe the work they are doing
Students Background Knowledge:
Resources and Materials: What materials and resources will you need to have prepared?
Tangram shapes.
Teacher Focus: What will you concentrate on yourself eg; classroom management, lesson flow, voice, positioning, engagement etc?
Classroom management and lesson flow
Objectives: What do you plan on achieving this lesson?
Students will have improved their geometric reasoning.
Students will have developed strategies to make the tan gram shapes.
Stage of lesson
Differentiated Learning
What changes to learning,
instruction or teacher focus may be
needed to cater for individual
Teacher Action
What will you do during this time? What
prompting questions may you need to
prepare? How will you monitor student
progress and needs?
Stage 1
How will you
engage and
stimulate the
interest of the
Stage 2 Body of
Describe each
distinct task in the
order to be
Stage 3:
How will you draw
the findings of the
lesson together so
that the students
can evaluate what
they have learnt?
Whilst sitting at their seat read out the
story of Grandfather Tang. Ask students
to make the shapes with the puzzles
from the tans. Ask students about how
they made the shapes and what kind of
strategies they are using during making
of the different shapes
Extension: If time get students to make
and draw their own tan puzzles/pictures
in their maths book.
Teacher will discuss with students what
they found hard about that activity. Talk
to students about the strategies they
used to figure out the puzzles. Ask
students why they believe tangrams are
better than puzzles?
Students may share their picture if time
for extension.
Stage 5: Closure
Do you need to
prepare the
students for the
next task?
Reflection on Student Learning: What did you observe about student learning? What did you do to make each student feed good about
themselves as a valued learner?
Students learnt how to visualize objects in their mind. Some students were naturally good at this concept and found the lesson enjoyable. I made
sure students who struggled with the concept were supported and encouraged when they felt frustrated. I also chose to pair students who were
struggling with abled students to scaffold their understanding and make sure they do not feel discouraged. Students were engaged throughout the
class as the lesson was hands on and interactive.
Comments on Future Lesson Directions: Are there areas you need to go over or move beyond?
I think the students who struggled may need future practice in this concept, furthermore students need to be given strategies in which will support
their understanding. In future lessons I would need to teach these strategies.
Reflection on Lesson: How was the timing or the flow of the lesson? What other observations did you make? What were the positive points of
your lesson?
I felt this lesson was engaging and the students enjoyed the learning. I do however believe I should have come up with a stronger purpose for the
lesson and concentrated and directed learning towards the concept of visualizing. I should have also thought further about teaching student
strategies for visualization to scaffold their understandings. The timing of the lesson and flow of the lesson went to plan, however I would like to
have improved my observation skills as I did not concentrate enough on observational assessment. I would have like to further identified students
who need further scaffolding of their learning. Overall I think it was a successful lesson.
Follow-up: Were there other areas you feel you could concentrate on in the future for your own learning? Are there any issues (content, questions
etc) you need to follow up with students?
Other Notes