Thin End o F The Wedge: The Penguin Guide To Plain English

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The Penguin Guide to Plain English

To speak of pushing through a measure on the back o f some forceful

but not necessarily wholly relevant argum ent is an effective way of
making the point desired. But the effect is destroyed, indeed swamped
in hum our, by the readers need to picture first the striking of a sensitive
chord. The struggle to conceive of something pushed through on the
back o f this chord dissolves in farce.
thin end o f the wedge
It is not a good idea to mutilate colourful idiomatic expressions. A
w edge is something solid shaped like a letter V, w hich can easily be
inserted into a narrow space at the thin end. W e speak o f the thin end
o f the w edge to define something seemingly slight which, if pushed
further, will turn into something unw anted or threatening. It is one o f
those expressions w hich perfectly fits the case w here the only alternative
w ould be a clumsy circumlocution. Such expressions are valuable, and
should not be lightly exploited.
This is the end of the wedge for our town and the problem needs to be
stamped on.
Unless the wedge is introduced from the thin end, we may point out,
the threat that it represents w ould decrease rather than increase. We cant
have the idiomatic wedge divested of its thin end. Moreover, though
subversive movements perhaps need to be stamped o n , problems do
not call for that treatment.
watch like a hawk
One danger is that such established images as this one may float from the
m outh so automatically that the demands o f grammar, and even of
com m on sense, are ignored. We readily say that some close observer
watches like a hawk, but on BBC Radio 4 an em inent public figure
Prescribing practice should be watched like a hawk.
To speak o f being watched like a hawk seems to put the leg into the
w rong boot.
the winning hand
Here is another expression w hich is best kept for reference to hum an
beings. To speak o f someone having the w inning hand in some testing

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