The Penguin Guide To Plain English: Papers

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The Penguin Guide to Plain English

It is less than exact to convey that the need for satisfactory insurance for
a variety o f activities or possessions can be sum m ed up as a need for
flexibility. But then seemingly to define flexibility as a category o f
beings ranging from family ponies to com petition horses makes matters
worse. W hat should be offered is: cover for whatever you need it for,
from family ponies to com petition horses.
W here a m etaphor is involved it is all too easy to attach the w rong
w ord to it. An image w hich has lately become popular is that of a raft.
A raft is a platform w hich floats and can usefully carry a load o f items
carefully arranged together. Hence we hear that the governm ent is
producing a raft o f proposals on this matter or that. That is a useful
expression, if handled properly.
The government has unveiled a raft of proposals.
Here it is mishandled. The w riter has opted for the w rong initial verb,
and the imagery breaks down. It m ight be appropriate to launch a raft,
but the picture o f someone unveiling a raft will not do.
There are words w hich can be used in different senses in different
contexts. Exploiting double meanings can be a source of hum our or, in
poetry, o f profundity. One m ight flippantly say The baby was delivered
at eight o clock in the m orning, at the same time as the newspaper in
fact. There is always a risk for the w riter in using any w ord w hich has
the sort o f double usages that are exploited there in the verb deliver.
For it is possible to call up the w rong meaning unintentionally.
A glass of wine and an introductory lecture will precede a special guided
tour of the exhibition by gallery staff.
The verb precede means to take place before in time. It also means
to go before in movement. The glass o f w ine and the lecture precede
the guided tour in time. But the concept o f people walking through
the gallery on a guided tour is apt to bring the other meaning of pre
cede to mind, so that one pictures a procession headed by a glass o f
Even the shortest w ords can be used to exploit this kind of ambiguity.
The w ord in is made to do double duty in Dickenss celebrated account
of the agitated Miss Bolo in Pickwick Papers, w ho w ent straight hom e, in a
flood of tears and a Sedan chair.
The w riter has to take care not to allow an unintended am biguity to
intrude through lack o f watchfulness.

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