Edld 8735 Fall 2015 Syllabus

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Georgia Southern University

College of Education

EDLD 8735: Higher Education Practicum
Brenda L. H. Marina, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership/Higher Education
P.O. Box 8131
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, Ga. 30458
Telephone: 912-478-5600
Fax: 912-486-7104
[email protected]
Office Hours: Thursdays, 12:00p 3:30p, Virtual, or by appointment

Fall 2015


DESCRIPTION: Participants complete a supervised field experience under the direction of a
practicing higher education administrator or supervisor.
RATIONALE: The internship provides the student with the opportunity to gain experience
relating to career goals in an office or program within a higher education setting. The integration
of academic coursework and experiential learning helps prepare students through practical
application of theory, research, and concepts. It also aids the student in his or her career
1. Commitment to the Knowledge and Dispositions of the Profession. Candidate uses his/her
knowledge of higher education administration during the practicum experience and to produce a
Portfolio that encompasses the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed by current and future
higher education administrators.
2. Commitment to Diversity. During the practicum experience candidates will reflect upon diversity
issues and the Portfolio must address concepts of diversity, which are addressed during program
(course and practicum) participation. All courses incorporate diversity as a program component.
3. Commitment to Technology. The candidate must present elements of the Practicum and Portfolio
in electronic format and must give evidence that various technologies were used in compiling the
4. Commitment to the Practice of Continuous Reflection and Assessment. Completion of the
Practicum and Portfolio offers the candidate an opportunity to assess and to reflect upon the
experiences of the candidate during program participation.

The complete conceptual framework can be found on the College of Education website at

In addition to the COE standards, it is important that course participants consider the CAS
standards for the benefit of self and those we will teach, serve, or lead. Incorporating CAS
standards into an applied course in higher education ensures that the values of the higher
education profession are conveyed to course participants.

Knowledge acquisition, integration, construction, and application

o Dimensions: understanding knowledge from a range of disciplines; connecting
knowledge to other knowledge, ideas, and experiences; constructing knowledge;
and relating knowledge to daily life

Cognitive complexity
o Dimensions: critical thinking; reflective thinking; effective reasoning; and

Intrapersonal development
o Dimensions: realistic self-appraisal, self-understanding, and self-respect; identity
development; commitment to ethics and integrity; and spiritual awareness

Interpersonal competence
o Dimensions: meaningful relationships; interdependence; collaboration; and
effective leadership

Humanitarianism and civic engagement

o Dimensions: understanding and appreciation of cultural and human differences;
social responsibility; global perspective; and sense of civic responsibility

Practical competence
o Dimensions: pursuing goals; communicating effectively; technical competence;
managing personal affairs; managing career development; demonstrating
professionalism; maintaining health and wellness; and living a purposeful and
satisfying life

For a comprehensive review of general CAS standards click on the following link:

Course content, assignments, and assessments have been designed for candidates to meet the
following objectives. Each objective indicates the manner in which it supports the College of
Education Conceptual Framework & CAS Standards referenced above. In addition, each
objective indicates the manner in which it is assessed through course assignments or activities.
1. Identify and differentiate conceptions about higher education systems: Utilize self-reflection
regarding the internship experience. (CF 1: Knowledge; CF 4: Reflection and Assessment; and
CAS: Cognitive Complexity). Assignment/Evaluation/Assessment: mentor agreement, discussion
posts, and mid-term reflection.
2. Examine and analyze theoretical assumptions underlying higher education enterprises:
Integrate classroom theory with career-related work experience(s)). (CF 1: Knowledge; CF 4:
Reflection and Assessment; and CAS: Cognitive Complexity).
Assignment/Evaluation/Assessment: discussion posts, mid-term reflection, and program
3) Recognize and analyze major issues or topics such as community, poverty, ethnicity, gender,
race, and politics in relation to the higher education community: Reflect on insights and
challenges encountered during the internship experience. (CF 2: Diversity and CF 4; CAS:
Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement & Cognitive Complexity).
Assignment/Evaluation/Assessment: practicum activities, discussion posts, mid-term reflection,
and program reflection/synthesis.
4) Analyze and critique the role of technology in facilitating higher education enterprises (CF 2:
Diversity and CF 3: Technology; and CAS: Knowledge Acquisition, Integration, Construction
and Application). Assignment/Evaluation/Assessment: discussions posts, instructional and
professional practice, and portfolio.
5) Identify, analyze, and facilitate collaborative learning and problem solving
(CF 1: Knowledge; CF 2: Diversity, and CAS: Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement &
Cognitive Complexity). Assignment/Evaluation/Assessment: mentor agreement, discussions,.
6) Develop a program portfolio reflective of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions gained
throughout the Higher Education Administration Program. (CF 4: Assessment and CAS:
Intrapersonal Development & Practical Competence). Assignment/Evaluation/Assessment:
instructional and professional practice, and portfolio.

The student must take the initiative to create the practicum opportunity by contacting potential
practicum mentors. The Practicum experience may begin on the first day of the term enrolled and
ends no later than the last day of the term enrolled. The Mentor Agreement form must be signed
by the practicum mentor and approved by the practicum supervising instructor. Evaluations of
the practicum must be submitted to the practicum supervising instructor from the practicum
Practicum opportunities may be available in a number of areas such as Residence Life, Greek
Affairs, Student Development, Career Services, the Community and Technical Colleges, to name
only a few. These practicum opportunities listed by no means constitute an exhaustive list. Most
postsecondary institutions offer opportunities for a rich practicum experience. Depending on the
nature of the practicum experience, the student participating in a practicum experience will:
1. Negotiate an approved practicum agreement
2. Assist in administrative supporting duties
3. Develop supporting materials for the unit (internal or external use)
4. Evaluate current administrative unit policies/procedures
5. Provide student support
6. Engage in reflective teaching/training and evaluation
7. Exhibit professional behavior
8. Exhibit ethical behavior
9. Utilize prior knowledge and coursework knowledge to draw logical conclusions
10. Cooperate with others and support colleagues
11. Allocate materials and resources appropriately
12. Think creatively, make decisions, and solve problems independently

Practicum work will proceed throughout the semester based on the requirements of the Practicum
supervisor and location. Students will meet periodically with the Practicum Course Instructor
online through Folio.
Due Dates
Week 1

Review Practicum Materials and Post Questions or concerns (If
no questions or comments, post NQNC): Due by 8/19/15,
Finalize Practicum Site and submit Mentor Agreement.
Due by 8/28/15, 11:59pm
Optional Portfolio Conference Calls 9/1/15 & 9/2/15, 7:00pm

Stay on Task

Discussion Participation Posts: Due by 9/16/15, 11:59pm.

Describe your internship assignment and experience. Post a
comment to one of your peers.
Stay on Task

Stay on Task

Midterm Email Reflection: Due by 10/10/15, 11:59pm

Stay on Task

Stay on Task

Discussion Participation Posts: Due by 10/28/15, 11:59pm.

Describe areas in which you discovered your strength and/or
weakness within your practicum experience. How does this inform
your future praxis? Post a comment to one of your peers
Stay on Task

Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11

Week 12
Week 13
Week 14

Week 15
Exam Week

Portfolios: Due 11/14/15 by 11:59 pm. Email in Folio or to

[email protected], or send web link, wiki link, etc.
Mentor Evaluations: Due by 11/20/15. Mentor supervisors must
email evaluations to [email protected].
Course Evaluations: Due by 11/30/15
Course Feedback

There are no required texts for the practicum but supplemental readings may be provided by the
practicum instructor via Folio. Students are advised to consult with textbooks from previous
coursework as necessary to support their practicum experience and reflection.
The practicum and portfolio are designed to provide the learner with the opportunity to reflect on
insights and challenges encountered during the practicum experience and integrate classroom
theory with career-related work experience(s). To facilitate linkages among theoretical issues and
the learners practicum experience, student will:

Participate in their higher education administration internship experience

Engage in dialogue on questions and topics generated by the instructor and peers
Actively engage in class and online discussions and problem-solving activities
Complete written assignments
Present a synthesis of the practicum experience to the instructor and peers
Integrate the use of technology into learning and research efforts

Electronic communications between the instructor and students serve as one of the primary
means of communication outside of the classroom setting and particularly in terms of any
concerns related to the practicum experience, mentor/supervising instructor ongoing
communications, submission of assignments, and coordination of the class sessions.
The instructor may communicate directly with the mentor during the semester as necessitated.
The mentor will complete an evaluation form that will be submitted directly to the practicum
supervising instructor and shared on an individual basis with the practicum participant.
Each practicum participant must complete the appropriate practicum Mentor Agreement. You
will work with a supervisor for a minimum of 100 hours during the semester. Practicum
participants are expected to participate in online discussions if scheduled, and submit related
requested materials as reflected in this syllabus. The following will be used to determine the
awarding of credit for the practicum experience and portfolio:
Week 1 Syllabus/Course/Questions Post Review the syllabus, practicum materials, portfolio
information and post any questions or concerns. If there are no questions or concerns, respond
accordingly, with NQNC. This post also serves as your attendance verification. Due on or
before August 19th, 2015 by 11:59pm. 5 points
Mentor Agreement Submit a detailed agreement describing the objectives you hope to
accomplish, the activities you will complete to enhance your professional growth, and the
products or outcomes from the practicum experience (What will you produce? What evidence
will be left when you are gone?). Due on or before August 28th, 2015 by 11:59pm 10 points

Discussion Participation Posts Because we do not have a face-to-face weekly course meeting,
you are expected to visit the discussion board and engage in discussion as assigned. You are
expected to offer a posting that is reflective, thought-provoking, or provides a significant piece of
information that benefits your peers regarding your practicum experience. A minimum of one
response to a peers post is required. Due on or before September 16, 2015 and October 28, 2015
respectively, by 11:59pm. 10 points each Total = 20 points
Scoring Rubric for Discussion Postings

Content of
Addressing the
questions and


All sections of the
questions are
addressed. Student
provides clear and
coherent linkages
from class material,
theory and readings
to the aspects of the

Discussion within
All sections are
sections is
not included.
Knowledge is uneven
or lacks clear
linkages to course

Student demonstrates
an exceptional level
of reflectivity posing
several explanations
and offering sound
explanation for

Student offers a view

on the reading or
assignment at hand
utilizing predictable
theory and
explanation for ideas.

Student leaves out

sections of thinking
and does not offer

Midterm Email Reflection (50 points) - You are to email your midterm reflection through Folio
(send to your Practicum Professor only) on or before October 10, 2015, by 11:59pm, reflecting
on your experience thus far. All information contained within will not be disclosed by the
instructor. Reflect upon the followingeach bulleted item is worth 10 points:

A) Describe your practicum environment. Identify your mentor, other employees, clients
served, and the organization itself. Identify some ways you initially tried to orient
yourself to and gain acceptance within the organization. B) Rank your practicum
experience thus far on a scale of 0-5 with 0= poor and 5= outstanding. Explain your
response - two paragraph minimum for A and one paragraph minimum for B.
Discuss/reflect upon at least one of the CAS standards and discuss its application to your
practicum experience and/or a work experience to date - one paragraph each minimum.
What has been the biggest eye-opener from your experience thus far? Explain your
response two paragraph minimum.
How is your and your mentors administrative philosophy the same? How is it different?
Explain your responses one paragraph minimum for each part.

Identify areas in which you wish you had more content knowledge or skills to better
perform within your practicum experience. Explain the areas and the reasons one
paragraph minimum.

*Program Portfolio (150 points) FOR M.Ed STUDENTS Each Master of Education student
in the Higher Education Administration program is exempted from a written comprehensive
examination at the end/completion of his/her program. Each student is alternatively required to
submit a portfolio of work from the Higher Education Administration program. You are to
design, develop, and submit an electronic portfolio WORD DOCUMENTS OR PDF FILES
are not acceptable. The portfolio is due by November 14th, 2015 by 11:59 pm. Your portfolio
will include the followingremember your portfolio is to be a professional collection of your
entire Higher Education program experience:
A table of contents (detailed) 10 points
An introduction to the portfolio that discusses how the courses have been useful to your
professional development as a higher education administrator 25 points
Samples of work produced for each course organized chronologically, from the first
course taken in the program to the last course. 55 points
A reflection/synthesis of program related to each of the program standards (see below)
40 points
What advice or words of encouragement do you have for future student interested in the
program? 20 points
Mentor Evaluation Provide the mentor evaluation to your practicum mentor/supervisor at the
beginning of the semester for familiarity and again at the end of the semester for completion.
This document must be completed by the mentor/supervisor and sent via email (or fax) by the
mentor/supervisor. It is my hope that you will discuss the evaluation to further your professional
growth. Due on or before November 20th by 11:59pm. 5 points


*Ed.S or Specialization students will complete an assignment constructed with the course

Field Experience Survey Response Requirement

State and national accreditation agencies require field experiences for all College of Education
academic programs, including graduate programs. Since this course has an assignment or
project that is identified as a field experience, you will be sent a field experience survey after
spring break. You are required to complete and submit the field experience survey by the
deadline provided on the survey. Failure to do so will result in a hold on your academic record.


Georgia Southern University

Higher Education Administration Program
Assessment #1
Rubric: Portfolio

End of Program

Student Name:___________________
Evaluator: Dr. Brenda Marina
Program Learning Outcome
1. Candidate is able to
demonstrate the ability to
reflect on program participation
by compiling an introduction.

2. Candidate is able to
document participation in
program assessment by
inclusion of key assessments in
the Portfolio.

Eagle ID:______________________
Date: Fall 2015_

Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidate provides fragmented
or incomplete reflection on
program participation.

Meets Expectations
Candidate provides proficient
analysis of program

Candidate provides fragmented

or incomplete report of
participation in program

Candidate can clearly and

succinctly incorporate program
participation within the context
of overall program activities
and requirements.

Candidate fails to include the

three key assessments (Selfreflection, Professional
Development Plan, and
Historical Monograph) in the

Candidate provides a welldeveloped reflection on

program participation
Candidate presents the three
key assessments in the
Key assessments are clearly and
logically presented within the
context of the Portfolio.

Exceeds Expectations
All aspects of Meets
Expectations proficiency in this
Learning Outcome are
demonstrated, plus the

Points Earned

Interconnections between
program participation and
program activities are clearly

All aspects of Meets

Expectations proficiency in the
Learning Outcome are
demonstrated, plus the
Candidate demonstrates the
interconnections between the
key assessments and other
elements of the program.



3. Candidate is able to identify,

develop and articulate a plan to
correct any reported or
perceived deficiencies and to
improve any incomplete or
underdeveloped skills
demonstrated in the Portfolio.

4. Candidate is able to
demonstrate program
completion by developing and
writing a summary.

Candidate fails to identify any

reported deficiencies.
Candidate fails to identify any
incomplete or underdeveloped

Candidate clearly identifies

reported professional
Candidate identifies incomplete
or underdeveloped skills.

Candidate fails to articulate a

plan for improvement.

Candidate presents a logical

plan for improvement of skills
that were identified during
program participation.

Candidate fails to present

sufficient examples of program

Candidate presents a Portfolio

that contains numerous
examples of work completed
during program matriculation.

Summary is fragmented or
Summary does not contain all
the specified elements.
Summary is not clearly written
or needs editing

Candidate presents a Portfolio

that contains examples of multimedia presentation.
Candidate includes all specified
elements of the summary.

All aspects of Meet

Expectations proficiency in this
Learning Outcome are
demonstrated, plus the
Candidate us able to
demonstrate the
interconnectedness of the plan
for improvement and
candidates participation in the
key assessments.
All aspects of Meets
Expectations proficiency in this
Learning Outcome are
demonstrated, plus the
Candidate is able to
demonstrate an understanding
of the program activities and
the candidates assessment of
the benefits of program

Summary is clearly written and

demonstrates candidates
writing ability.
Rating Scale:
Does not Meet Expectations
Does not Meet Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations


Overall Rubric Score out of 3





Georgia Southern University

Higher Education Administration Program
Assessment #4: Internship
Rubric: Professional Practice Reflection

EDLD 8735

Student Name:
Dr. Brenda Marina

Eagle ID: ________

Date: Fall 2015

Program Learning Outcome

1. Organization/Culture:
The candidate is able to define,
articulate and interpret personal
and professional perspectives of
the culture of a higher education
organization through practicum
work and self reflection.

Does Not Meet Expectations

The candidate provides
fragmented or incomplete
personal perspectives associated
with of the culture of a higher
education organization.
The candidate provides
fragmented or incomplete
professional perspectives
associated with of the culture of
a higher education organization

Meets Expectations
The candidate demonstrates a
thorough understanding of the
demands and challenges within a
higher education organization
Candidate is able to articulate
professional perspectives on the
demands and challenges related to
the culture of a higher education

Exceeds Expectations
All aspects of Meets Expectations
proficiency in this Learning
Outcome are demonstrated, plus
the following:
Candidate is able to demonstrate
the interconnectivity between the
candidate's personal perspectives
on of the culture of a higher
education organization and how
these impact or influence the
candidate's professional
perspectives as a higher education

2. Experience:
The candidate is able to
articulate and interpret personal
and professional perspectives of
his/her higher education
administration experience
through practicum work and self

The candidate provides

fragmented or incomplete
personal perspectives of his/her
higher education administration
experience through practicum
work and self reflection.
The candidate provides
fragmented or incomplete
professional perspectives of
his/her higher education
administration experience
through practicum work and self

The candidate demonstrates a

thorough understanding of the
demands and challenges within a
higher education organization
through his/her higher education
administration experience in the
practicum work and self reflection.
Candidate is able to articulate
professional perspectives on the
demands and challenges within a
higher education organization
through his/her higher education
administration experience in the
practicum work and self reflection.

All aspects of Meets Expectations

proficiency in this Learning
Outcome are demonstrated, plus
the following:
Candidate is able to demonstrate
the interconnectivity between the
candidate's personal perspectives
on his/her higher education
administration experience and
.how these impact or influence the
candidate's professional
perspectives of his/her higher
education administration

Points Earned


3. Philosophy:
The candidate is able to
articulate and interpret the
personal and professional higher
education philosophies of his/her
higher education administration
supervisor/mentor within the

The candidate provides

fragmented or incomplete
information about personal
higher education philosophies of
his/her higher education
supervisor/mentor within the
The candidate provides
fragmented or incomplete
information about professional
higher education philosophies of
his/her higher education
supervisor/mentor within the

The candidate demonstrates a

thorough understanding of the
demands and challenges related to
adhering to personal higher
education philosophies within the

4. Knowledge & Skills:

The candidate is able to
articulate and interpret the
knowledge & skills necessary
for a higher education
administrator within the
practicum environment.

The candidate provides

fragmented or incomplete
information about the
knowledge necessary for a
higher education administrator
within the practicum
The candidate provides
fragmented or incomplete
information about the skills
necessary for a higher education
administrator within the
practicum environment.

The candidate demonstrates a

thorough understanding of the
knowledge necessary for a higher
education administrator within the
practicum environment.

Rating Scale:
Does not Meet Expectations
Does not Meet Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations


Candidate is able to articulate

professional perspectives on the
demands and challenges related to
adhering to professional higher
education philosophies within the

Candidate is able to articulate

thorough understanding of the
skills necessary for a higher
education administrator within the
practicum environment.

All aspects of Meets Expectations

proficiency in this Learning
Outcome are demonstrated, plus
the following:
Candidate is able to demonstrate
the interconnectivity between the
supervisors/mentors personal
philosophies on higher education
administration and .how these
impact or influence the
supervisors/mentors professional
philosophies on higher education

All aspects of Meets Expectations

proficiency in this Learning
Outcome are demonstrated, plus
the following:
Candidate is able to demonstrate
the interconnectivity between the
knowledge necessary for a higher
education administrator and .how
this impacts or influences the
skills and abilities necessary for a
higher education administrator.


Dispositions Rubric for College of Education Graduate Programs

Candidates Name: ____________________________________

Course/Semester/Year: Fall 2015

Evaluator: Self and Dr. Brenda Marina

Program: Med. Higher Education Administration

Evaluation Interval: #1 ____


Other: End of Program

This instrument is used to rate each element relative to expectation levels of students within their current program. These expectations may
differ among programs due to different contexts and graduate levels.
Score using whole numbers 1, 2, or 3.
Unacceptable: Score of 1

Acceptable: Score of 2

Target: Score of 3

Candidate demonstrates the behavior below

70% of the time. When given feedback, the
candidate continues the behavior below 70%
of the time.

Candidate demonstrates the behavior

between 70% and 89% of the time due to
self-initiative and/or feedback.

Candidate demonstrates behavior 90% or more

of the time due to self-initiative and/or feedback.

Descriptor: rarely

Descriptor: regularly

Descriptor: consistently

1. Commitment to Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions of the Profession

Unacceptable (1)

Acceptable (2)

Target (3)


Candidate rarely uses and applies current

educational research and theory related to inform
discipline specific educational practice.

Candidate regularly uses and applies current educational

research and theory to inform discipline specific
educational practice.

Candidate consistently uses and applies current

educational research and theory to inform
discipline specific educational practice.


Candidate rarely demonstrates professionalism in

decision making, rarely uses input from others, and
rarely is decisive when needed.

Candidate regularly demonstrates professionalism in

decision making, regularly uses input from others, and
regularly is decisive when needed.

Candidate consistently demonstrates

professionalism in decision making, consistently
uses input from others, and is consistently
decisive when needed.




2. Commitment to Diversity
Unacceptable (1)

Acceptable (2)

Target (3)


Candidate rarely plans educational practices that

demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, and expression
of fairness related to the commitment that all
students can learn regardless of differences (e.g.
ethnicity, gender, race, socioeconomic status,
exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual
orientation, and geographic area.)

Candidate regularly plans educational practices that

demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, and expression of
fairness related to the commitment that all students can
learn regardless of differences (e.g. ethnicity, gender,
race, socioeconomic status, exceptionalities, language,
religion, sexual orientation, and geographic area.)

Candidate consistently plans educational

practices that demonstrate awareness, sensitivity,
and expression of fairness related to the
commitment that all students can learn regardless
of differences (e.g. ethnicity, gender, race,
socioeconomic status, exceptionalities, language,
religion, sexual orientation, and geographic


Candidate rarely implements educational practices

that demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, and
expression of fairness related to the commitment
that all students can learn regardless of differences.

Candidate regularly implements educational practices

that demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, and expression
of fairness related to the commitment that all students
can learn regardless of differences.

Candidate consistently implements educational

practices that demonstrate awareness, sensitivity,
and expression of fairness related to the
commitment that all students can learn regardless
of differences.




Commitment to Technology
Unacceptable (1)


Candidate rarely integrates technologies as

appropriate to maximize learning opportunities for
all students.


Acceptable (2)
Candidate regularly integrates technologies as
appropriate to maximize learning opportunities for all

Target (3)
Candidate consistently integrates technologies as
appropriate to maximize learning opportunities for
all students.



4. Commitment to the Practice of Continuous Reflection and Assessment

Unacceptable (1)

Acceptable (2)

Target (3)


Candidate rarely engages in systematic selfassessment and reflection.

Candidate regularly engages in systematic selfassessment and reflection..

Candidate consistently engages in systematic selfassessment and reflection..


Candidate rarely accepts and responds to feedback

in a professional manner.

Candidate regularly accepts and responds to feedback in

a professional manner.

Candidate consistently accepts and responds to

feedback in a professional manner.

Acceptable (2)

Target (3)



5. Commitment to Professional Conduct

Unacceptable (1)

Candidate rarely honors academic and professional

commitment (e.g., class meetings & assignments,
advisement meetings, scheduled chats & discussion
boards, field and/or clinical experiences).

Candidate regularly honors academic and professional

commitment (e.g., class meetings & assignments,
advisement meetings, scheduled chats & discussion
boards, field and/or clinical experiences).

Candidate consistently honors academic and

professional commitment (e.g., class meetings &
assignments, advisement meetings, scheduled
chats & discussion boards, field and/or clinical


Candidate rarely takes responsibility for his or her


Candidate regularly takes responsibility for his or her


Candidate consistently takes responsibility for his

or her actions.


Candidate rarely acts professionally appropriate in

all settings (e.g. in person, email, phone calls,
online). This includes communication, appearances,
the sharing of personal information, and
relationships within the professional environment.

Candidate regularly acts professionally appropriate in all

settings (e.g. in person, email, phone calls, online). This
includes communication, appearances, the sharing of
personal information, and relationships within the
professional environment.

Candidate consistently acts professionally

appropriate in all settings. (e.g. in person, email,
phone calls, online). This includes
communication, appearances, the sharing of
personal information, and relationships within the
professional environment.


Candidate rarely presents information that relates to

the profession and individual actions in an honest
and forthcoming manner.

Candidate regularly presents information that relates to

the profession and individual actions in an honest and
forthcoming manner.

Candidate consistently presents information that

relates to the profession and individual actions in
an honest and forthcoming manner.




Overall Total: ______ / 33

Unacceptable (1): 22 or below

Acceptable (2): 23 29

Target (3): 30 33

Overall Score: ______

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