The Social Responsibility of Business: A Review
The Social Responsibility of Business: A Review
The Social Responsibility of Business: A Review
A Review.
Maz Demosthenous
School of Commerce
The Flinders University of South Australia
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide South Australia 5001
ISSN: 1441-3906
For many, the view that the main goal or purpose of business is to make as much
money as possible is accepted as a matter of fact and is beyond debate. To go
further and say that the social responsibility of a business is also just to make a profit
is open to debate.
responsibility to act in the best interest of the shareholders. The managers are agents
of the shareholders and therefore have a moral obligation to manage the firm in the
interest of the shareholders, which obviously is to make as much money as possible
and maximise shareholder wealth.
organisation and therefore the profits belong to them. However, does that entitle the
directors and managers to act in an unethical manner to benefit the shareholders?
Other Views
Advocates of utilitarianism would consider the actions of management using this
approach as ethical, because with utilitarianism, the consequences of an action are
considered to be ethical if they provide more good(or benefits) than harm(or costs).
Therefore, Utilitarian reasoning assesses actions by reference to the utility they
generate. This is further narrowed by Financial Utilitarianism whereby the actions
which generate greater financial utility (profits) are considered as better actions than
those which generate less financial utility. Cavanagh (1990) states that cost-benefit
analysis is the dominant criterion in ninety percent of all business decisions. If we
follow Friedmans view that the social responsibility of business is to be profitable,
and furthermore, consequences are measured by costs and benefits, it appears logical
from a utilitarian perspective that the best ethical action is that which maximises
profit (Clark & Jonson 1995, p3).
Ethical egoism can also provide a basis for defending capitalist management
decisions. With this framework, if the evaluation of the consequences focuses solely
on the individual (corporation) long run interest, and the decision results in a greater
ratio of good compared with alternatives, the decision would be considered as
ethical. So increasing the profit of the corporation would be in the long run interest
of the corporation and thus would be considered as ethical.
accountability via the financial statements they provide to users. But these financial
reports do not show, for example, what environmental damage has been incurred by
the business or if the decisions of management were ethical.
Gray (1990) argues that by providing this additional environmental data we can
firstly, keep organisational decision-makers informed about their use of economic
resources, and secondly inform the public about the way in which organisations are
using the resources. Accounting, by aiming to expose, enhance and develop social
relationships (Gray, 1992, p413) about the use of the environment by corporations,
can move beyond the 'decision-usefulness framework' to 'ethical frameworks' which
can work to constrain unjust practices at the community level (Lehman, 1995).
A number of authors argue, however, that businesses should not run solely for the
interests of the stockholders. (Donaldson 1982, Miller and Ahren 1988). Rather,
businesses have a social responsibility that requires them to consider the interests of
all parties affected by the actions of the business. Management should not only
consider its stockholders (shareholders) in the decision making process but also
anyone who holds a stake in the outcome. Thus, another way to analyse the social
responsibilities of business is to consider those affected by the business decisions,
and referred to as stakeholders. Freeman (1984), defined the term stakeholders as
any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the
organisations objectives(p46).
Stockholders (owners) have a financial interest in the business and obviously expect
a financial return. The business affects their livelihood because they need money to
live and purchase material things.
Employees have their jobs and again their livelihood to consider. In return for their
skills and labour they provide to the business they expect a salary, benefits, security
(not to be made redundant), to be treated fairly and not to be exposed to a harmful
Suppliers are also considered as stakeholders because the business relies on them to
provide the necessary raw materials which will determine the final products quality
and price. The supplier needs to be treated with respect if they are to respond to the
needs of the business appropriately and accordingly.
The community is another stakeholder because in theory the local community grants
the business the right to exist. They grant the business the right to build facilities to
operate, and they purchase the businesss products. For these and other reasons the
business should consider the community in their decision making process. They
should not pollute the environment because in effect they are exposing the
community to hazards (health hazards).
benefit at the expense of another. The problem that then arises is which group would
be given preferential treatment? Again a cost benefit analysis will have to take place
and one will have to calculate the utility of a proposed action for the stakeholders.
But taking into account of the different stakeholders would that make those
businesses more ethical? Kenneth Goodpaster (1991) made the important point that
merely identifying a group as stakeholders in some activity does not, by itself, point
towards a correct or appropriate ethical analysis of the activity. This theory is one
step forward from Liberalism (capitalism/free markets) to one of reform
However, if corporations are going to take the step to becoming more considerate of
all stakeholders and responsible for their actions, they must break away from the
liberal models (instrumental reasoning) which are in place and move towards a
practical way of reasoning. Lehman (1999) stated Practical reasoning is the type of
reasoning we use in our everyday deliberations to make moral and ethical
Corporations (businesses) must learn to treat their management, workers, suppliers
and customers, as well as their shareholders, as members of a shared community.
This task requires the embodiment of communitarian principles in the working of
every organisation in the economy, both in the private and public sector.
Corporations may have more than just the responsibility to increase profits, and must
consider the environment and community at large. This may require that we move
away from the greedy capitalist liberal society that we are living in, if we as a
community are to become more considerate of others. For the community at large
(including corporations) to be moral, they may require to be educated by institutions,
friends and family around them.
Corporations will need to think further or consider more than just the stockholders in
the decision making process. Stakeholder theory may be one step in the right
direction but communitarians would argue that this is just reform liberalism.
Communitarians critique of liberalism is that both the Friedman and stakeholder
theories are instrumental systems and therefore narrow our thinking and operate
through the notion of a corporation.
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