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Scientists and Economists’

Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in
Greenhouse Gas Emissions

M a r c h 2 0 1 0
The climate system is sufficiently complex that no The new energy economy is upon us, and the
one can say with certainty what is going to happen. states are already playing a key role in the research,
We can say—with certainty—that without action to development, and deployment process that will
reduce emissions, enormous risks are being run. simultaneously stimulate growth and achieve our
Carl Wunsch climate goals.
Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physical Oceanography, Department of Earth,
D a n i e l K a mm e n
Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor of Energy; Professor, Energy and
Member, National Academy of Sciences
Resources Group, Goldman School of Public Policy and Department of
Nuclear Engineering; Co-Director, Berkeley Institute of the Environment;
Founding Director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory,
Historically, technological innovation has been one University of California, Berkeley

of the primary drivers of economic growth. With the

right policies and incentives in place, a green revolu- Our research indicates that we can’t count on
tion in renewable energy could not only free us from forests alone to absorb much of the carbon dioxide
our dependence on fossil fuels, but also be an engine we are emitting to the atmosphere; we’ve got to
of growth for the next generation. tackle emissions at their source.
Richard Jensen W i l l i a m H . Sc h l e s i n g e r
Professor of Economics and Econometrics, University of Notre Dame, IN President, The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY; Member,
National Academy of Sciences; Past President, Ecological Society of America

I think the world has never faced a problem like

The consequences of global climate change constitute
global warming and the enormous environmental
one of the most serious threats facing humanity.
destruction it can cause. The impacts will be felt
While the poor and the impoverished will suffer the
most severely by poor people around the world,
most, the potential for catastrophic climate change
which in turn will have serious repercussions
that can adversely affect the habitability of the
for all of us.
entire planet is quite real.
Edward L. Miles
Virginia & Prentice Bloedel Professor of Marine & Public Affairs, Institute Jagadish Shukla
for Marine Studies; Senior Fellow, Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere Distinguished University Professor of Earth Sciences and Global Change,
and Oceans, University of Washington; Lead Author, Second Assessment and Chair, Climate Dynamics Program, George Mason University, VA; President,
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Member, Institute of Global Environment and Society; Lead Author, Fourth Assessment
National Academy of Sciences Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Cap and trade is a market-driven mechanism Since petroleum’s discovery in 1859, innovation
long endorsed by economists, even before the first has radically changed the structure and develop-
Clean Air Act was passed. It has removed sulfur ment of the world economy. Today, we must pursue
from our atmosphere at less than one-fifth of innovation in clean energy, which offers similar
original cost projections, and has been instrumental long-term growth prospects. Delaying the necessary
in reducing acid deposition in New Hampshire’s incentives and institutions to foster this transition
forests and water bodies since its inception will only narrow our choices and increase our costs.
with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Edward B. Barbier
John S. Bugas Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and
John Halstead
Finance, University of Wyoming
Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics, University
of New Hampshire
March 2010

U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and

Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

e call on our nation’s leaders to swiftly establish and implement policies to bring about deep
reductions in heat-trapping emissions. The strength of the science on climate change compels us
to warn the nation about the growing risk of irreversible consequences as global average tem-
peratures continue to increase over pre-industrial levels (i.e., prior to 1860).1,2 As temperatures rise further,
the scope and severity of global warming impacts will continue to accelerate.

The 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change2 unequivocally concluded that our
climate is warming, stating with at least 90 percent certainty that the warming of the last several decades is
primarily due to human activities. Global average temperatures have already risen ~ 0.7°C (1.3°F) over the
last 100 years, and impacts are now being observed worldwide.1,2 Human-caused emissions to date have
locked in further changes including sea-level rise that will intensify coastal flooding, and dramatic reductions
in snowpack that will disrupt water supplies in the western United States.1,3 If emissions continue unabated,
our nation and the world will face more sea level rise, heat waves, droughts, wildfires, snowmelt, flood risk,
and public health threats, as well as increased rates of plant and animal species extinctions.1,4

The longer we wait, the harder and more costly it will be to limit climate change and to adapt to those im-
pacts that will not be avoided. Many emissions reduction strategies can be adopted today that would save
consumers and industry money while providing benefits for air quality, energy security, public health,
balance of trade, and employment.5,6

All nations must commit to a goal designed to limit further harm. The United States, the European Union,
and a number of other countries have recognized the need for limiting global warming to no more than 2°C
(3.6°F) above pre-industrial levels.7 Emerging science must be regularly evaluated to assess whether this goal
is sufficient.

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change recognizes that all nations have a responsibility to
curb global warming, consistent with their respective contribution to emissions and capacity to act. Recent
analyses indicate the United States—even with aggressive action by other nations—would need to reduce
its emissions on the order of 80 percent below 2000 levels by 2050 to have a reasonable chance of limiting
warming to 2ºC.8

A strong U.S. commitment to reduce emissions is essential to drive international climate progress.
Voluntary initiatives to date have proven insufficient. We urge U.S. policy makers to put our nation
onto a path today to reduce emissions on the order of 80 percent below 2000 levels by 2050.
The first step on this path should be reductions on the order of 15-20 percent below 2000
levels by 2020, which is achievable and consistent with sound economic policy. 5,6

There is no time to waste. The most risky thing we can do is nothing.

1 Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, and co-authors. 2007. Technical Summary. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts,
Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change. M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden, and C.E. Hanson, eds. Cambridge
University Press, 23-78. For impacts on North America see Field, C.B., L.D. Mortsch, M. Brklacich, D.L. Forbes, P. Kovacs,
J.A. Patz, S.W. Running, and M.J. Scott. 2007. North America. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulner-
ability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden, and C.E. Hanson, eds. Cambridge University Press,
617-652. For additional reasons for concern see section 5.2 of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assess-
ment Report Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report.

2 Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, R.B. Alley, T. Berntsen, N.L. Bindoff, Z. Chen, A. Chidthaisong, J.M. Gregory, G.C. Hegerl,
M. Heimann, B. Hewitson, B.J. Hoskins, F. Joos, J. Jouzel, V. Kattsov, U. Lohmann, T. Matsuno, M. Molina, N. Nicholls, J.
Overpeck, G. Raga, V. Ramaswamy, J. Ren, M. Rusticucci, R. Somerville, T.F. Stocker, P. Whetton, R.A. Wood, and D. Wratt.
2007. Technical Summary. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen,
M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller, eds. Cambridge University Press.

3 Barnett, T.P. D.W. Pierce, H.G. Hidalgo, C. Bonfils, B.D. Santer, T Das, G. Bala, A.W. Wood, T. Nozawa, A.A. Mirin, D.R.
Cayan, M.D. Dettinger. 2008. Human-Induced Changes in the Hydrology of the Western United States, Science, 10.1126/

4 Frumhoff, P.C., J.J. McCarthy, J.M. Melillo, S.C. Moser, and D.J. Wuebbles. 2007. Confronting Climate Change in the U.S.
Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. Synthesis report of the Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA). Cam-
bridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.

5 Barker T., I. Bashmakov, L. Bernstein, J.E. Bogner, P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, O.R. Davidson, B.S. Fisher, S. Gupta, K. Halsnæs,
G.J. Heij, S. Kahn Ribeiro, S. Kobayashi, M.D. Levine, D.L. Martino, O. Masera, B. Metz, L.A. Meyer, G.-J. Nabuurs, A.
Najam, N. Nakicenovic, H.-H. Rogner, J. Roy, J. Sathaye, R. Schock, P. Shukla, R.E.H. Sims, P. Smith, D.A. Tirpak, D.
Urge-Vorsatz, and D. Zhou. 2007. Technical Summary. In: Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working
Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. B. Metz, O.R. Davidson,
P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, L.A. Meyer, eds. Cambridge University Press.

6 Creyts, J., A. Derkach, S. Nyquist, K. Ostrowski, and J Stephenson. 2007. Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
How Much at What Cost? McKinsey & Company. And Stern, N. 2007. The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review.
Cambridge University Press.

7 Declaration of the leaders: The major economies forum on energy and climate. Presented at the G8 Summit, L’Aquila, Italy,
July 9, 2009. Online at

8 Luers, A.L., M.D. Mastrandrea, K. Hayhoe, and P.C. Frumhoff. 2007. How to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change: A Target for
U.S. Emissions Reductions. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists (
emissionstarget.html). This report assesses the U.S. contribution needed to stabilize atmospheric concentrations of green-
house gases at a level <450 CO2 equivalent (CO2eq, the concentration of all greenhouse gases expressed in terms of CO2),
under conservative assumptions. These include developing nations’ average annual emissions peak between 2020 and 2025
—10 to 15 years after those of industrialized nations. Developing nations follow the Energy Information Agency (EIA) “low-
growth” emissions trajectory up to their peak followed by average annual reductions rates that match those of industrialized
nations. Report assumptions also include allowing atmospheric concentrations to briefly go above (i.e. “overshoot”) the
target before returning to it by the end of the century. Stabilizing atmospheric concentrations at 450 ppm CO2eq provides
a roughly 50-50 chance of limiting global average temperatures from rising more than 2°C above pre-industrial tempera-
tures (M. Meinshausen, W.L. Hare, T.M.L. Wigley, D.P. van Vuuren, M.G.J. den Elzen, and R. Swart. 2006. Multi-gas emis-
sion pathways to meet climate targets. Climatic Change 75: 151-194). Literature estimates for global emissions reductions
required to achieve a specific temperature or stabilized atmospheric concentration goal may vary as a result of whether or
not concentrations are allowed to overshoot and return to the stabilization target and to representation of results in terms
of different reference base years (e.g., 1990, 2000, 2005). See footnote 2 above with references therein and the 2007 Bali
Climate Declaration by Scientists (online at; accessed December 2007).
I nstitutional Af f i l i at i o n s o f E n d o r s e r s

The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in
Greenhouse Gas Emissions are based at a wide variety of institutions, including universities
and colleges, government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. The endorsers
have included their institutional affiliation for identification purposes only, and the
listing below should not be construed to imply any institutional endorsement.

ALABAMA California State University, Bakersfield

California State University, Chico
Stanford Law School
Stanford University
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University California State University, Dominguez Hills Susanne Moser Research and Consulting
Auburn University California State University, Fresno The Claremont Colleges
Samford University California State University, Fullerton TIAX LLC
University of Alabama, Huntsville California State University, Hayward U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa California State University, Long Beach Union of Concerned Scientists
University of South Alabama California State University, Los Angeles University of California, Berkeley
California State University, Northridge University of California, Davis
ALASKA California State University, San Bernardino
California State University, Stanislaus
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
Alaska Pacific University
Carnegie Institution for Science University of California, Merced
Audubon Alaska
Carnegie Institution of Washington University of California, Riverside
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Center for Ecosystem Management University of California, San Diego
and Restoration University of California, Santa Barbara
City College of San Francisco University of California, Santa Cruz
ARIZONA Clean Air Now University of Southern California
Arizona State University Cohen Consulting University of the Pacific
Northern Arizona University Conservation Biology Institute University of the West
Northland Pioneer College Dynamic Design Engineering, Inc. Woodbury Institute
University of Arizona Environmental & Public Health Consulting
Environmental Defense Fund
ARKANSAS Fontilica, Inc.
Humboldt State University
Colorado Avalanche Information Center
Colorado College
Arkansas State University, Beebe
Hendrix College Intellergy Corporation Colorado School of Mines
National Audubon Society Jet Propulsion Laboratory Colorado State University
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ConSol Network
University of Arkansas, Hot Springs Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Estes Park Medical Center
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Mills College Fort Lewis College
University of Arkansas, Monticello Monterey Institute of International Studies Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
University of Central Arkansas Mount San Jacinto College Johnson & Wales University
NASA Ames Research Center Mesa State College
National Association of Science Writers National Center for Atmospheric Research
CALIFORNIA Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
A & N Technical Services, Inc. Occidental College
Acterra Ocean Conservancy Administration
American Physical Society Pacific Institute Northwest Research Associates, Inc.
Audubon Canyon Ranch Palomar College Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
ATK Mission Research Pitzer College Stratus Consulting Inc.
Berkeley National Laboratory Reaction Design Sustainable Systems Design, Inc.
Berkeley Institute of the Environment Remote Sensing Systems U.S. Geological Survey
California Academy of Sciences Resource Decisions University of Colorado, Boulder
California Department of Food and Agriculture RMecon University of Denver
California Department of Transportation San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
California Energy Commission
California Environmental Protection Agency San Jose State University CONNECTICUT
California Institute of Technology Santa Clara University Central Connecticut State University
California Institute of Environmental Saybrook Graduate School Fairfield University
Design & Management Scripps Institution of Oceanography St. Joseph College
California Polytechnic State University, Sierra Club University of Connecticut
San Luis Obispo Soka University of America University of Hartford
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Sonoma State University Wesleyan University
Yale University

Listing should not be construed to imply any institutional endorsement

I nstitutional Af f i l i at i o n s o f E n d o r s e r s


Partnership for the Delaware Estuary Hawaii Pacific University Cornell College
University of Delaware Rezachek & Associates Iowa State University
University of Hawaii Mount Mercy College
University of Hawaii, Hilo University of Iowa
DISTRICT OF University of Hawaii, Manoa University of Northern Iowa
American Meteorological Society
American University
Boise State University Ad Astra Institute of Kansas
Argonne National Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory Kansas State University
BirdLife International
University of Idaho University of Kansas
Climate Institute
George Washington University
Howard University
Johns Hopkins University
Argonne National Laboratory Northern Kentucky University
National Audubon Society Audubon-Chicago Region University of Louisville
Ocean Conservancy Augustana College
Resources for the Future Chicago State University
The Heinz Center
Union of Concerned Scientists
College of DuPage LOUISiANA
DePaul University Louisiana State University
World Wildlife Fund Eastern Illinois University Loyola University New Orleans
World Bank Illinois Institute of Technology Southeastern Louisiana University
Illinois Natural History Survey Tulane University
FLORIDA Illinois State Museum
Illinois State University
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
University of New Orleans
Eckerd College
Knox College
Florida Department of Health
Lake Forest College
Florida International University
Florida State University
Landfills +, Inc. MAINE
Loyola University Chicago Bates College
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
National Audubon Society
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Bowdoin College
Northern Illinois University
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity Colby College
Northwestern University
Mote Marine Laboratory Oak Foundation
Southern Illinois University
Rollins College University of Maine
Truman College
St. Petersburg College University of New England
University of Chicago
Syncreta Associates University of Southern Maine
University of Illinois, Chicago
Union of Concerned Scientists
University of Illinois, Springfield
University of Central Florida
University of Florida
University of Miami
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of St. Francis MARYLAND
Western Illinois University Economics for Equity and the Environment
University of South Florida Institute of Global Environment and Society
Johns Hopkins University
GEORGIA INDIANA Loyola College in Maryland
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ball State University
Augusta State University National Institutes of Health
Indiana State University
Conservation Education Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
Indiana University Northwest
Eco-metrics, Inc. United States Army
Indiana University – Purdue University
Emory University University of Maryland
Federal University of Paraná University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Indiana University – Purdue University Fort
Georgia College & State University University of Maryland, College Park
Georgia Institute of Technology University of Maryland Center for Environmental
Indiana University Southeast
Georgia Southern University Science
Indiana University, Bloomington
Georgia Southwestern State University U.S. Department of Agriculture
Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis
Georgia State University World Data Center for Oceanography
Purdue University
Kennesaw State University
University of Notre Dame
Mercer University
University of Southern Indiana
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Valparaiso University
University of Georgia

Listing should not be construed to imply any institutional endorsement

I nstitutional Af f i l i at i o n s o f E n d o r s e r s


Aerodyne Research, Inc. 3M Company Climate Central
Albion Systems Bemidji State University Drew University
Amherst College Carleton College Institute for Advanced Study
Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. Gustavus Adolphus College Kean University
Battelle Memorial Institute Hennepin County Medical Center Montclair State University
Boston College HenryConsulting New Jersey Audubon Society
Boston University Macalester College Princeton University
Brandeis University Science Museum of Minnesota Richard Stockton College
Bridgewater State College St. Cloud State University RF Electronics Consulting
Bristol Community College St. John’s University and College of St. Benedict Rutgers University
Cambridge College St. Olaf College University of Medicine and Dentistry
Center for Ecological Economic and The Weidt Group of New Jersey
Ethical Education University of Minnesota, Crookston
Clark University University of Minnesota, Duluth
College of the Holy Cross University of Minnesota, Morris NEW MEXICO
Emmanuel College University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Eastern New Mexico University
Fitchburg State College University of St. Thomas National Solar Observatory
Harvard University New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Harvard University Medical School New Mexico State University
Industrial Economics MISSISSIPPI University of New Mexico
Joint Research Ventures University of Southern Mississippi
Marine Biological Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology NEW YORK
Monsanto MISSOURI American Museum of Natural History
Mount Holyoke College Missouri State University Bard College
Northeastern University Southeast Missouri State University Barnard College
Northeast States for Coordinated Truman State University Binghamton University
Air Use Management University of Missouri, Columbia Blue Ocean Institute
Ocean River Institute University of Missouri, Kansas City Boyce Thompson Institute
Salem State College University of Missouri, St. Louis Brookhaven National Laboratory
Smith College Washington University, St. Louis Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Webster University City University of New York
Tellus Institute Clarkson University
Colgate University
Tufts University
Union of Concerned Scientists MONTANA Columbia University
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Carroll College Community Environmental Center
University of Massachusetts, Boston Montana State University Cornell University
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Montana Tech of the University of Montana Decision Economics, Inc.
University of Massachusetts, Lowell National Wildlife Federation Environmental Defense Fund
Wellesley College Pacific Rivers Council Hamilton College
Wentworth Institute of Technology U.S. Forest Service Hofstra University
Williams College University of Montana Hunter College, City University of New York
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution IBM
IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Woods Hole Research Center
Worcester State College NEBRASKA Kestrel Haven Avian Migration Observatory
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Long Island University
Marist College
MICHIGAN NEVADA Medaille College
Albion College NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Central Michigan University Desert Research Institute New School for Social Research, The New School
Grand Valley State University Tahoe Regional Planning Agency University
Great Lakes Environmental Center University of Nevada, Reno New York University
Michigan State University Potsdam College
Michigan Technological University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
NEW HAMPSHIRE Queens College, City University of New York
Renovus Energy Inc.
Appalachian Mountain Club Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University of Michigan, Dearborn
Dartmouth College Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Wayne State University
Keene State College Sarah Lawrence College
Western Michigan University
New England College State University of New York, Albany
Plymouth State University State University of New York, Binghamton
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth State University of New York, Buffalo
University of New Hampshire

Listing should not be construed to imply any institutional endorsement

I nstitutional Af f i l i at i o n s o f E n d o r s e r s

State University of New York,

Clinton Community College OKLAHOMA West Chester University
Westminster College
State University of New York, Fredonia Gallaher Consulting Wilkes University
State University of New York, Geneseo Oklahoma State University Wilson College
State University of New York, New Paltz The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
State University of New York, Syracuse University of Oklahoma
State University of New York College of RHODE ISLAND
Environmental Science and Forestry
State University of New York Institute of
OREGON Brown University
University of Rhode Island
Lewis and Clark College
Linfield College
Stony Brook University
Syracuse University
National Center for Conservation Science
and Policy
University at Buffalo Clemson University
NorthWest Research Associates, Inc. Furman University
University of Rochester
Oregon State University University of South Carolina
Utica College
Physicians for Social Responsibility V&R Consulting
Wildlife Conservation Society
Portland State University
Reed College
NORTH CAROLINA Southern Oregon University
University of Oregon
Appalachian State University Augustana College
Brevard College University of Portland U.S. Geological Survey
Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Willamette University
Great Lakes
Duke University TENnESSEE
Austin Peay State University
East Carolina University
Elon University
Allegheny College Oak Ridge, Inc.
North Carolina State University
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Rhodes College
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bryn Mawr College Tennessee State University
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Bucknell University University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Wake Forest University
Cabrini College University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Western Carolina University
Carnegie Mellon University University of Tennessee, Martin
Carnegie Museum of Natural History Vanderbilt University
NORTH DAKOTA Dickinson College
Drexel University
North Dakota State University
University of Mary Eastern University TEXAS
University of North Dakota Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Audubon Texas
Franklin and Marshall College Baylor University
Gettysburg College Concordia University Texas
OHIO Juniata College
La Salle University
Lone Star College, Kingwood
Rice University
Baldwin-Wallace College
Bowling Green State University Lebanon Valley College Texas A&M University
Capital University Lehigh University Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
Case Western Reserve University Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Texas A&M University, Galveston
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Mansfield University Texas Tech University
Cleveland State University Muhlenberg College The International Center for the Solution
Hanover College National Aviary of Environmental Problems
Heidelberg College Pennsylvania Geologic Survey University of Houston
John Carroll University Pennsylvania State University University of Texas, Austin
Kent State University Rock Ethics Institute University of Texas, Dallas
Kenyon College Shippensburg University Victoria College
Marianist Environmental Education Center Slippery Rock University
Swarthmore College
Miami University
Mount Union College Temple University UTAH
Oberlin College The Nature Conservancy Brigham Young University
Ohio Wesleyan University U.S. Department of Agriculture Keller-Bliesner Engineering, LLC
The College of Wooster University of Pennsylvania U.S. Department of the Interior
The Ohio State University University of Pittsburgh University of Utah
University of Akron University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown Utah State University
University of Dayton University of Scranton Utah Valley State College
University of Toledo Ursinus College
Wright State University Villanova University

Listing should not be construed to imply any institutional endorsement

I nstitutional Af f i l i at i o n s o f E n d o r s e r s


Atmospheric Research 3TIER Lawrence University
Dartmouth College Eastern Washington University Marquette University
Green Mountain College Evergreen State College Milwaukee Area Technical College
Marlboro College Gonzaga University U.S. Department of Agriculture
Middlebury College Hydrology Futures, LLC University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Saint Michael’s College University of British Columbia University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
University of Vermont University of Puget Sound University of Wisconsin, Madison
Vermont Center for Ecostudies University of Washington University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
University of Washington, Bothell University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
University of Washington, Tacoma
VIRGINIA Washington Department of Natural Resources
Bridgewater College Washington State University WYOMING
College of William and Mary Wenatchee Valley College EnerCrest
George Mason University Western Washington University University of Wyoming
Hollins University
National Wildlife Federation
Northern Virginia Community College WEST VIRGINIA U.S. TERRITORIES
Old Dominion University Fairmont State University
Roanoke College Marshall University PUERTO RICO
University of Virginia West Virginia University, Morgantown University of Puerto Rico, Humacao
Virginia Institute of Marine Science West Virginia University, Parkersburg University of Puerto Rico, Rió Piedras
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Washington and Lee University
Division of Fish and Wildlife

Listing should not be construed to imply any institutional endorsement

The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A Complete LIst of the 2,026

Scie n t i s t a n d E c o n o m i s t e n d o r s e r s

ALABAMA David R. Klein, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
William T. Bridgeland
Doctoral Candidate
Institute of Arctic Biology School of Forestry
David Campbell, Ph.D.
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Northern Arizona University
Tuscaloosa, AL Fairbanks, AK Flagstaff, AZ
Kyle G. Crider
Craig S. Lingle, Ph.D. Peter Chesson, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate Professor Emeritus Professor
Helena, AL Geophysical Institute Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Biology
Luben Dimov, Ph.D.
Fairbanks, AK University of Arizona
Assistant Professor Tucson, AZ
Department for Natural Resources Michael G. Loso, Ph.D.
and Environmental Sciences Assistant Professor Julia E. Cole, Ph.D. 6
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Department of Environmental Science Associate Professor
University Alaska Pacific University Department of Geosciences
Normal, AL Anchorage, AK University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Malia Fincher, Ph.D.
Roman J. Motyka, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Fairbanks, AK Jonathan Fink, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Director
Samford University Steffen Oppel Global Institute of Sustainability
Birmingham, AL Doctoral Candidate Arizona State University
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Tempe, AZ
Ronald Peter Kiene, Ph.D.
Fairbanks, AK
Professor Ram Gnanadesikan, Ph.D.
Department of Marine Sciences Martha K. Raynolds Tucson, AZ
University of South Alabama Doctoral Candidate
Mobile, AL Institute of Arctic Biology Hoshin V. Gupta, Ph.D.
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Professor
Robert O. Lawton, Ph.D.
Fairbanks, AK Department of Hydrology and Water
Department of Biological Sciences Resources
University of Alabama, Huntsville Carl Schoch, Ph.D. University of Arizona
Huntsville, AL Homer, AK Tucson, AZ
Leslie J. Rissler, Ph.D.
John W. Schoen, Ph.D. Stephen C. Hart, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Senior Scientist Professor
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Audubon Alaska School of Forestry
Tuscaloosa, AL Anchorage, AK Hart Lab of Ecosystem Ecology
Northern Arizona University
Charlotte R. Ward, Ph.D.
David B. Stone, Ph.D. Flafstaff, AZ
Professor Emerita Ester, AK
Department of Physics Kip V. Hodges, Ph.D.
Auburn University Director
Auburn, AL ARIZONA School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
Jeremy A. White R. Scott Anderson, Ph.D. Tempe, AZ
Doctoral Candidate Professor
Opelika, AL Center for Environmental Sciences and David A. King, Ph.D.
Education Tucson, AZ
ALASKA Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ Jonathan T. Overpeck, Ph.D.6
Falk Huettmann, Ph.D. Director
Ernst G. Bauer, Ph.D. Department of Geosciences
Assistant Professor Professor Environmental Studies Laboratory
Ecological Wildlife Habitat Analysis Department of Physics University of Arizona
of the Land and Seascape Lab Arizona State University Tucson, AZ
Institute of Arctic Biology Tempe, AZ
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Joe Shannon, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor
Courtney D. Hatch, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor CALIFORNIA
Program Director Department of Chemistry George A. Akerlof, Ph.D.1,2
Department of Biological Sciences Hendrix College Koshland Professor of Economics
Northern Arizona University Conway, AR Department of Economics
Flagstaff, AZ University of California, Berkeley
Art Hobson, Ph.D.
Berkeley, CA
David K. Smith, Ph.D. Professor
Department of Biology Department of Physics Holly Alpert
Northland Pioneer College University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Doctoral Candidate
Show Low, AZ Fayetteville, AR Santa Cruz, CA
Steven Stewart, Ph.D. John L. Hunt, Ph.D.
Richard F. Ambrose, Ph.D.
Research Scientist Assistant Professor Professor
Department of Hydrology and Water School of Mathematical and Natural Department of Environmental Health
Resources Sciences Sciences
University of Arizona University of Arkansas, Monticello University of California, Los Angeles
Tucson, AZ Monticello, AR Los Angeles, CA
Peter A. Troch, Ph.D. Scott W. Kirkconnell, Ph.D.
Charles G. Anderson, Ph.D.
Professor Russellville, AR Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Hydrology and Water University of the Pacific
Resources Sarah Lewis
Stockton, CA
University of Arizona Doctoral Candidate
Tucson, AZ Center for Agricultural and Rural Kayce L. Anderson
Sustainability Doctoral Candidate
Helene E. Unland University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Section of Evolution and Ecology
Doctoral Candidate Fayetteville, AR University of California, Davis
Tucson, AZ Davis, CA
Stephen D. Manning, Ph.D.
Arnim Wiek, Ph.D. Professor Linda D. Anderson, Ph.D.
School of Sustainability Department of Biology Research Scientist
Arizona State University Arkansas State University, Beebe Institute of Marine Sciences
Tempe, AZ Beebe, AR University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA
Mary V. McDonald, Ph.D.
ARKANSAS Associate Professor Lowell L. Ashbaugh, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
Stella M. Capek, Ph.D. Associate Research Ecologist
University of Central Arkansas
Professor Crocker Nuclear Laboratory
Conway, AR
Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of California, Davis
Hendrix College Davis, CA
Janine Perlman, Ph.D.
Conway, AR Alexander, AR Bevin Ashenmiller, Ph.D.
Malcolm K. Cleaveland, Ph.D. Department of Economics
Andy A. Radomski, Ph.D.
Department of Geosciences Occidental College
Stuttgart, AR
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Los Angeles, CA
Fayetteville, AR Jon C. Ruehle, Ph.D.
Clare E. Aslan
Lawrence A. Coleman, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
Department of Biology
Emeritus Professor Section of Evolution and Ecology
School for Math and Science
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California, Davis
University of Arkansas, Hot Springs
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Davis, CA
Hot Springs, AR
Little Rock, AR
Stephen J. Asztalos, Ph.D.
Daniel M. Scheiman, Ph.D.
Jeffrey S. Gaffney, Ph.D. Oakland, CA
Professor and Chair Audubon Arkansas
Department of Chemistry Maximilian Auffhammer, Ph.D.
National Audubon Society
University of Arkansas, Little Rock Berkeley, CA
Little Rock, AR
Little Rock, AR
Laurie W. Warren, Ph.D.
Conway, AR

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Farooq Azam, Ph.D. Richard J. Behl, Ph.D. Severin Borenstein, Ph.D.

Professor Professor Professor
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Department of Geological Sciences Haas School of Business
University of California, San Diego California State University, Long Beach University of California Energy Institute
La Jolla, CA Long Beach, CA University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Lawrence Badash, Ph.D. Peter Bellin, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Professor Virginia L. Boucher, Ph.D.
Department of History Department of Environmental and Academic Coordinator
University of California, Santa Barbara Occupational Health John Muir Institute of the Environment
Santa Barbara, CA California State University, Northridge University of California, Davis
Northridge, CA Davis, CA
Paul Baer, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar Peter Berck, Ph.D. Jim R. Bouldin, Ph.D.
Woods Institute for the Environment S.J. Hall Professor Research Ecologist
Stanford University Department of Agriculture and Resource Department of Plant Sciences
Stanford, CA Economics University of California, Davis
University of California, Berkeley Davis, CA
Jodi L. Bailey, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
Environmental Specialist Nicole Christine Bouvier-Brown
Berkeley, CA Betty Bernard, M.D. Doctoral Candidate
Los Angeles, CA Department of Environmental Science,
Oliver S. Baker, Ph.D. Policy, and Management
Science Writer Joseph A. Berry, Ph.D. 6 University of California, Berkeley
Editor Staff Member Berkeley, CA
National Association of Science Writers Department of Global Ecology
Davis, CA Carnegie Institution for Science Peter A. Bowler, Ph.D.
Stanford, CA Senior Lecturer
Govindasamy Bala, Ph.D. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Research Scientist Carolyn M. Bigger, Ph.D. Biology
Department of Atmospheric Science El Cajon, CA University of California, Irvine
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Irvine, CA
Livermore, CA Sebastien C. Biraud, Ph.D.
Department of Climate Science Victor Brajer, Ph.D.
Dennis Baldocchi, Ph.D. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Professor
Professor Berkeley, CA Department of Economics
Department of Environmental Science, California State University, Fullerton
Policy, and Management Ann Blake, Ph.D. Fullerton, CA
University of California, Berkeley Principal
Berkeley, CA Environmental and Public Health Consulting William L. Bretz, Ph.D.
Alameda, CA Manager
R. Keith Bardin, Ph.D. Natural Reserve System
Saratoga, CA Donald R. Blake, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine
Professor and Chair Irvine, CA
Tim P. Barnett, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry
Research Marine Physicist University of California, Irvine Holger Brix, Ph.D.
Climate Research Division Irvine, CA Assistant Researcher
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
La Jolla, CA Jessica Blois Sciences
Doctoral Candidate University of California, Los Angeles
Steven K. Beckendorf, Ph.D. Department of Biology Los Angeles, CA
Professor Emeritus Stanford University
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Stanford, CA Eben N. Broadbent
University of California, Berkeley Doctoral Candidate
Berkeley, CA Robert M. Bly, Ph.D. Department of Biology
Retired Stanford University
Andrew W. Beckwith, Ph.D. Sonora, CA Stanford, CA
American Physical Society
FermiLab Celine Bonfils, Ph.D. 6
Menlo Park, CA Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Amara T. Brook, Ph.D. Dave Checkley, Ph.D. Eugene C. Cordero, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor
Department of Psychology Scripps Institution of Oceanography Department of Meteorology
Santa Clara University La Jolla, CA San Jose State University
Santa Clara, CA San Jose, CA
Thomas W. Chesnutt, Ph.D.
Jennifer W. Burt Chief Executive Officer Peter D. Countway, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate A & N Technical Services, Inc. Los Angeles, CA
Department of Ecology Encinitas, CA
University of California, Davis Paul P. Craig, Ph.D.
Davis, CA Patrick Y. Chuang, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Assistant Professor Department of Applied Science
Christopher B. Busch, Ph.D. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California, Davis
Berkeley, CA University of California, Santa Cruz Davis, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
John A. Cape, Ph.D. Katie L. Cramer
Retired David A. Cleveland, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
San Rafael, CA Professor Marine Biology Research Division
Department of Environmental Studies Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Eli A. Carlisle University of California, Santa Barbara La Jolla, CA
Doctoral Candidate Santa Barbara, CA
Department of Viticulture and Enology Kurt M. Cuffey, Ph.D.
University of California, Davis Robert N. Coats, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Davis, CA Department of Environmental Science and Berkeley, CA
Scott P. Carroll, Ph.D. University of California, Davis Bowman Cutter, Ph.D.
Department of Entomology Davis, CA Department of Environmental Sciences
University of California, Davis University of California, Riverside
Davis, CA Howard J. Cohen, Ph.D. Riverside, CA
Palo Alto, CA
Richard T. Carson, Ph.D. Larry L. Dale, Ph.D.
Professor Philippe S. Cohen, Ph.D. Staff Scientist
Department of Economics Stanford, CA Energy Analysis Program
University of California, San Diego Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
La Jolla, CA Richard L. Cohen, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
Cohen Consulting
Gary A. Carver, Ph.D. Novato, CA Eric Danner, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Ecologist
Department of Geology Daniel T. Colbert, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz
Humboldt State University Santa Barbara, CA Santa Cruz, CA
Arcata, CA
Lisa E. Collins Carla Dantonio, Ph.D.
Dan Cayan, Ph.D. 6 Doctoral Candidate Santa Barbara, CA
Researcher Department of Earth Sciences
Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of Southern California Robert Deacon, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego Los Angeles, CA Department of Economics
La Jolla, CA University of California, Santa Barbara
Amy L. Concilio Santa Barbara, CA
Vashek Cervinka, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
California Department of Food and Department of Environmental Studies Dave Dempsey, Ph.D.
Agriculture University of California, Santa Cruz Professor
Davis, CA Santa Cruz, CA Department of Geosciences
San Francisco State University
Sudip Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. Erin E. Conlisk, Ph.D. San Francisco, CA
Professor Associate Scientist
Department of Economics Energy and Resources Group Robert W. Derlet, M.D.
San Francisco State University University of California, Berkeley Professor
San Francisco, CA Berkeley, CA Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Manish Desai Amir H. Farrahi, Ph.D. Helen A. Fricker, Ph.D.

Doctoral Candidate President Professor
Berkeley, CA Fontilica, Inc. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary
San Jose, CA Physics
Michael Dettinger, Ph.D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Climate, Atmospheric Science and Physical Y. Hossein Farzin, Ph.D. La Jolla, CA
Oceanography Division Professor
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Department of Agriculture and Resource Lee S. Friedman, Ph.D.
La Jolla, CA Economics Professor
University of California, Davis Richard and Rhoda Goldman School
David A. Dows, Ph.D. Davis, CA of Public Policy
Professor University of California, Berkeley
Department of Chemistry Paul Faulstich, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
University of Southern California Professor
Los Angeles, CA Department of Environmental Studies Rafael A. Friedmann, Ph.D.
Pitzer College San Francisco, CA
Jeff Dozier, Ph.D. Claremont, CA
Professor Jed Fuhrman, Ph.D.
Donald Bren School of Environmental Marvin Feldman, Ph.D. McCulloch Crosby Chair of Marine Biology
Science and Management Principal Department of Biological Sciences
University of California, Santa Barbara Resource Decisions University of Southern California
Santa Barbara, CA San Francisco, CA Los Angeles, CA

Hallie C. Eakin, Ph.D. Luis E. Fernandez Terry R. Galloway, Ph.D.

Santa Barbara, CA Doctoral Candidate Chief Technology Officer
Department of Biological Sciences Intellergy Corporation
Anne H. Ehrlich Stanford University Berkeley, CA
Senior Research Scientist Stanford, CA
Stanford University John A. Gamon, Ph.D.
Stanford, CA Maria l. Fernandez-Medina Professor
Doctoral Candidate Department of Biological Sciences
S. W. Ela, Ph.D. Department of Economics California State University, Los Angeles
Paso Robles, CA University of California, Davis Los Angeles, CA
Davis, CA
Deborah L. Elliott-Fisk, Ph.D. Steven J. Gaulin, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair James D. Fine, Ph.D. Professor
Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Economist Department of Anthropology
Conservation Biology Environmental Defense Fund University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Davis Sacramento, CA Santa Barbara, CA
Davis, CA
Doug Fischer, Ph.D. Catherine Gautier, Ph.D.
Sarah Elmendorf, Ph.D. Professor Professor
Davis, CA Department of Geography Department of Geography
California State University, Northridge University of California, Santa Barbara
Hermann Engelhardt, Ph.D. Northridge, CA Santa Barbara, CA
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA Aaron C Fisher, Ph.D. E.B. Gendel
Livermore, CA Doctoral Candidate
Thomas D. English, Ph.D. Woodbury Institute
Professor Anthony C. Fisher, Ph.D. Burbank, CA
Department of Physics and Engineering Professor
Palomar College Department of Agriculture and Resource Paul Gepts, Ph.D.
San Marcos, CA Economics Professor
University of California, Berkeley Department of Plant Sciences
Richard Y. Evans, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA University of California, Davis
Professor Davis, CA
Department of Environmental Horticulture Brian D. Foster, Ph.D.
University of California, Davis Coronado, CA Alexander Gershenson, Ph.D.
Davis, CA Adjunct Professor
Dorian Fougeres, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Studies
Sacramento, CA San Jose State University
San Jose, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Alexander Gershunov, Ph.D. Gary B. Griggs, Ph.D. Jane V. Hall, Ph.D.

Associate Researcher Professor and Director Professor
Climate, Atmospheric Science and Physical Institute of Marine Sciences Department of Economics
Oceanography Division University of California, Santa Cruz California State University, Fullerton
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Santa Cruz, CA Fullerton, CA
La Jolla, CA
Karen Grove, Ph.D. M. Robert Hamersley, Ph.D.
William M. Gilbert, Ph.D. Professor Assistant Professor
Lafayette, CA Department of Geosciences Department of Environmental Studies
San Francisco State University Soka University of America
Sarah T. Gille, Ph.D. San Francisco, CA Aliso Viejo, CA
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Theodore Groves, Ph.D. Healy Hamilton, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego Professor Director
La Jolla, CA Department of Economics Center for Biodiversity Research
University of California, San Diego California Academy of Sciences
Sarah Gilman, Ph.D. La Jolla, CA San Francisco, CA
Visiting Assistant Professor
Joint Science Department John W. Grula, Ph.D. Stephen F. Hamilton, Ph.D.
The Claremont Colleges Astrobiologist Department of Economics
Claremont, CA The Observatories California Polytechnic State University,
Carnegie Institution of Washington San Luis Obispo
Matania Ginosar, Ph.D. Pasadena, CA San Luis Obispo, CA
Carmichael, CA
Anita Guerrini, Ph.D. W. Michael Hanemann, Ph.D.
David W. Ginsburg, Ph.D. Professor Chancellor’s Professor
Los Angeles, CA Department of Environmental Studies Department of Agricultural and Resource
University of California, Santa Barbara Economics
Peter H. Gleick, Ph.D.2,5 Santa Barbara, CA University of California, Berkeley
President Berkeley, CA
Pacific Institute Andrew J. Gunther, Ph.D.
Oakland, CA Executive Director Frederika J. Harmsen, Ph.D.
Center for Ecosystem Management and Associate Dean
Daniel Gluesenkamp, Ph.D. Restoration College of Science and Mathematics
Habitat Protection Oakland, CA California State University, Fresno
Audubon Canyon Ranch Fresno, CA
Glen Ellen, CA Andrew Paul Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Professor Juliette Hart, Ph.D.
Lynda J. Goff, Ph.D. Division of Ecosystem Science Research Assistant Professor
Professor University of California, Berkeley Center for Sustainable Cities
Department of Biological Sciences Berkeley, CA University of Southern California
University of California, Santa Cruz Los Angeles, CA
Santa Cruz, CA Jessica L. Gutknecht, Ph.D.
Santa Cruz, CA John Harte, Ph.D.
Steven E. Greco, Ph.D. Professor
Associate Professor Steven C. Hackett, Ph.D. Energy and Resources Group
Department of Environmental Design Professor University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis Department of Economics Berkeley, CA
Davis, CA Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA Rod Hay, Ph.D.
Gregory F. Grether, Ph.D. Associate Dean and Director
Associate Professor Darwin C. Hall, Ph.D. Center for Urban Environmental Research
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Professor and Co-Director California State University, Dominguez Hills
Biology Department of Economics Carson, CA
University of California, Los Angeles Department of Environmental Science
Los Angeles, CA and Policy Karla B. Heidelberg, Ph.D.
California State University, Long Beach Assistant Professor
Kim Griest, Ph.D. Long Beach, CA Department of Biological Sciences
Professor University of Southern California
Department of Physics Los Angeles, CA
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Gordon L. Hendler, Ph.D. Edward Huang, Ph.D. Jennifer Jeffers

Los Angeles, CA Eco-CEO Doctoral Candidate
California Institute of Environmental Design University of California, Berkeley
Patricia A. Holden, Ph.D. and Management Berkeley, CA
Professor Arcadia, CA
Donald Bren School of Environmental Andreas V. Kadavanich, Ph.D.
Science and Management Daniel M. Ihara, Ph.D. Fremont, CA
University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Economics
Santa Barbara, CA Humboldt State University Brian H. Kahn, Ph.D.
Arcata, CA Pasadena, CA
Karen D. Holl, Ph.D.
Professor Alastair Iles, Ph.D. Linda Kamas, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Studies Assistant Professor Associate Professor
University of California, Santa Cruz Department of Environmental Science, Department of Economics
Santa Cruz, CA Policy, and Management Santa Clara University
University of California, Berkeley Santa Clara, CA
David J. Hollenbach, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
Research Scientist Daniel M. Kammen, Ph.D.
Planetary Systems Branch Joseph E. Illick, Ph.D. Professor and Director
NASA Ames Research Center Professor Emeritus Energy and Resources Group
Moffett Field, CA Department of History Renewable and Appropriate Energy
San Francisco State University Laboratory
Christopher E. Holloway San Francisco, CA University of California, Berkeley
Doctoral Candidate Berkeley, CA
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Michael D. Intriligator, Ph.D.
Sciences Los Angeles, CA Adrienne B. Kandel, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles Energy Commission Specialist II
Los Angeles, CA Laura T. Iraci, Ph.D. Demand Analysis
Mountain View, CA California Energy Commission
Jeff Holmquist, Ph.D. Davis, CA
Bishop, CA Rodolfo H. Iturriaga, Ph.D.
Adjunct Research Professor Carrie V. Kappel, Ph.D.
John W. Holtzclaw, Ph.D. Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies Postdoctoral Fellow
Urban Analyst University of Southern California National Center for Ecological Analysis
Sierra Club Los Angeles, CA and Synthesis
San Francisco, CA University of California, Santa Barbara
Jeremy B. Jackson, Ph.D. Santa Barbara, CA
Marcel Holyoak, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Scripps Institution of Oceanography Larry S. Karp, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Science and University of California, San Diego Department of Agricultural and Resource
Policy La Jolla, CA Economics
University of California, Davis University of California, Berkeley
Davis, CA Kevin L. Jackson, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
Principal Engineer
Alison K. Holzer, Ph.D. Dynamic Design Engineering, Inc. Ralph F. Keeling, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow Davis, CA Professor
Department of Pathology Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Stanford University Louise E. Jackson, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
Stanford, CA Professor San Diego, CA
Atmospheric Sciences Program
Robert A. Horton, Jr., Ph.D. Extension Specialist Nina Kilham
Interim Assistant Vice President Department of Land, Air, and Water Doctoral Candidate
Grants, Research, and Sponsored Programs Resources Department of Geography
California State University, Bakersfield University of California, Davis University of California, Santa Barbara
Bakersfield, CA Davis, CA Santa Barbara, CA

Eric Houk, Ph.D. Myrna E. Jacobson Meyers, Ph.D. Jennifer King, Ph.D.
Department of Economics Department of Biological Sciences Associate Professor
California State University, Stanislaus University of Southern California Department of Geography
Turlock, CA Los Angeles, CA University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Michael Kiparsky Steve LaDochy, Ph.D. Joel W. Martin, Ph.D.

Doctoral Candidate Professor Invertebrate Studies, Crustacea
Energy and Resources Group Department of Geography and Urban Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
University of California, Berkeley Analysis County
Berkeley, CA California State University, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph L. Kirschvink, Ph.D. Wade E. Martin, Ph.D.
Van Wingen Professor Brenda Larison, Ph.D. Professor
Division of Geological and Planetary Los Angeles, CA Department of Economics
Sciences California State University, Long Beach
California Institute of Technology Emil A. Lawton, Ph.D. Long Beach, CA
Pasadena, CA Retired
Sherman Oaks, CA Adam C. Martiny, Ph.D.
David Hampton Klipstein, Ph.D. Professor
Founder, Retired Herbert G. Lebherz, Ph.D. Department of Earth System Science
Reaction Design Professor Emeritus University of California, Irvine
San Diego, CA Department of Chemistry Irvine, CA
San Diego State University
Angela N. Knapp, Ph.D. San Diego, CA Patrick T. Martone, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow Hopkins Marine Station
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Harvey S. Leff, Ph.D. Stanford University
Administration Climate and Global Claremont, CA Pacific Grove, CA
University of Southern California Jonathan Levine, Ph.D. Michael D. Mastrandrea, Ph.D. 6
Los Angeles, CA Associate Professor Research Associate and Lecturer
Department of Ecology, Evolution, Woods Institute for the Environment
Randall D. Knight, Ph.D. and Marine Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in
Professor University of California, Santa Barbara Environment and Resources
Department of Physics Santa Barbara, CA Stanford University
California Polytechnic State University, Stanford, CA
San Luis Obispo Sherman L. Lewis, Ph.D.
San Luis Obispo, CA Professor Emeritus Pamela A. Matson, Ph.D. 2,5,6
Department of Political Science Professor
Gerald Kooyman, Ph.D. California State University, Hayward School of Earth Sciences
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Hayward, CA Stanford University
La Jolla, CA Stanford, CA
Stephen D. Lewis, Ph.D.
Matthew J. Kotchen, Ph.D. Department of Earth and Environmental Guillaume S. Mauger
Assistant Professor Sciences Doctoral Candidate
University of California, Santa Barbara California State University, Fresno Climate Research Division
Santa Barbara, CA Fresno, CA Scripps Institution of Oceanography
San Diego, CA
Nir Krakauer, Ph.D. Jason Brian MacKenzie, Ph.D.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Visiting Scholar Edwin Maurer, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Assistant Professor
Berkeley, CA Department of Integrative Biology Department of Civil Engineering
University of California, Berkeley Santa Clara University
Lara M. Kueppers, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA Santa Clara, CA
Assistant Professor
School of Natural Sciences Mollie K. Manier, Ph.D. Joseph P. McFadden, Ph.D.
University of California, Merced Hopkins Marine Station Assistant Professor
Merced, CA Stanford University Department of Geography
Pacific Grove, CA University of California, Santa Barbara
Ron Kwok, Ph.D. 6 Santa Barbara, CA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Roger Mann, Ph.D.
California Institute of Technology RMecon Daniel T. McGrath, Ph.D.
Pasadena, CA Davis, CA Executive Director
Berkeley Institute of the Environment
Emilio A. Laca, Ph.D. John D. Margerum, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
Department of Plant Sciences Malibu, CA
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Patrick E. McGuire, Ph.D. Steven W. Mitchell, Ph.D. Yarrow M. Nelson, Ph.D.

Director Professor Professor
Genetic Resources Conservation Program Department of Physics and Geology Department of Civil and Environmental
University of California, Davis California State University, Bakersfield Engineering
Davis, CA Bakersfield, CA California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo
Carl A. Mears, Ph.D. 6 Alexis N. Moiseyev, Ph.D. San Luis Obispo, CA
Remote Sensing Systems Hayward, CA
Santa Rosa, CA Wallace J. Nichols, Ph.D.
Mario J. Molina, Ph.D. 1,2 Senior Scientist
Brian Medeiros, Ph.D. Professor Ocean Conservancy
Los Angeles, CA Scripps Institution of Oceanography Davenport, CA
University of California, San Diego
Robert J. Meese, Ph.D. San Diego, CA J. Cully Nordby, Ph.D.
Staff Research Associate Academic Director
Department of Environmental Science and Mark A. Moline, Ph.D. Institute of the Environment
Policy Professor University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Davis Department of Biological Sciences Los Angeles, CA
Davis, CA California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo Richard B. Norgaard, Ph.D.
Surabi Menon, Ph.D. 6 San Luis Obispo, CA Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences Energy and Resources Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Harold A. Mooney, Ph.D. 2 University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA Department of Biology Berkeley, CA
Stanford University
David A. Miller, Ph.D. Stanford, CA Gretchen B. North, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Department of Economics Eldridge M. Moores, Ph.D. Department of Biology
University of California, San Diego Distinguished Professor Emeritus Occidental College
San Diego, CA Department of Geology Los Angeles, CA
University of California, Davis
Gregory P. Miller, Ph.D. Davis, CA Henry W. Offen, Ph.D.
Redwood City, CA Professor Emeritus
Steven G. Morgan, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lou F. Miller, Ph.D. Professor University of California, Santa Barbara
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Department of Environmental Science Santa Barbara, CA
Sonoma State University and Policy
Rohnert Park, CA University of California, Davis Mark D. Ohman, Ph.D.
Davis, CA Professor
Norman L. Miller, Ph.D. Integrative Oceanography Division
Staff Scientist and Adjunct Professor Max A. Moritz, Ph.D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Department of Geography Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist La Jolla, CA
Department of Climate Science in Wildland Fire
University of California, Berkeley Adjunct Assistant Professor James M. Orr, Ph.D. 6
Berkeley National Laboratory Department of Environmental Science, Professor Emeritus
Berkeley, CA Policy, and Management Project Development
University of California, Berkeley California Department of Transportation
Peter M. Miller Berkeley, CA Fresno, CA
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Landscape Architecture Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.6 Nilgun M. Ozer, Ph.D.
and Environmental Planning Director and Principle Researcher San Francisco, CA
University of California, Berkeley Susanne Moser Research and Consulting
Berkeley, CA Boulder, CA Suzanne E. Paulson, Ph.D.
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Evan Mills, Ph.D. 6 Brandon H. Murphy Sciences
Staff Scientist Doctoral Candidate University of California, Los Angeles
Energy Analysis Program Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Santa Monica, CA
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of California, Santa Cruz
Berkeley, CA Santa Cruz, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Kyaw Tha Paw U, Ph.D. Stephen M. Pollaine, Ph.D. Siobhan Reilly, Ph.D.
Professor Livermore, CA Economics Department and Graduate
Department of Atmospheric Sciences – School of Business
Land, Air, and Water Resources Barbara Berntsen Prezelin, Ph.D. Mills College
University of California, Davis Professor Oakland, CA
Davis, CA Department of Ecology, Evolution,
Marine Biology Karl P. Reitz, Ph.D.
Therese E. Peffer University of California, Santa Barbara Orange, CA
Doctoral Candidate Santa Barbara, CA
Department of Architecture Robert Rhew, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley Jeff T. Price, Ph.D. 6 Assistant Professor
Berkeley, CA Assistant Professor Department of Geography
Department of Geological and Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center
Claudio Pellegrini, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences University of California, Berkeley
Professor California State University, Chico Berkeley, CA
Department of Physics and Astronomy Chico, CA
University of California, Los Angeles Bruce A. Richman, Ph.D.
Los Angeles, CA Mary V. Price, Ph.D. Sunnyvale, CA
Riverside, CA
Louise Pellerin, Ph.D. David Roland-Holst, Ph.D.
Berkeley, CA William A. Prothero, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Emeritus Department of Agricultural and Resource
Michael A. Perelman, Ph.D. Department of Earth Science Economics
Department of Economics University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Berkeley
California State University, Chico Santa Barbara, CA Berkeley, CA
Chico, CA
James J. Provenzano, Ph.D. Erik B. Runquist
Jeffrey M. Perloff, Ph.D. President Doctoral Candidate
Professor Clean Air Now Section of Evolution and Ecology
Department of Agricultural and Resource Los Angeles, CA University of California, Davis
Economics Davis, CA
University of California, Berkeley Theodore K. Raab, Ph.D.
Berkeley, CA Senior Scientist Muhammad Sahimi, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Professor
Raymond Pestrong, Ph.D. Stanford University Chemical Engineering
Professor Stanford, CA University of Southern California
Department of Geosciences Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco State University Greg H. Rau, Ph.D.
San Francisco, CA Senior Researcher Benjamin D. Santer, Ph.D. 6
Institute of Marine Sciences Research Scientist
Thomas Phillips, Ph.D. 6 University of California, Santa Cruz Program for Climate Model Diagnosis
Dublin, CA Santa Cruz, CA and Intercomparison
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
David W. Pierce, Ph.D. 6 Gordon Rausser, Ph.D. Livermore, CA
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Robert Gorden Sproul Distinguished
University of California, San Diego Professor Jayant Sathaye, Ph.D. 6
La Jolla, CA Department of Agricultural and Resource Berkeley, CA
Marc Pilisuk, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley Michael A. Saunders, Ph.D.
Professor Berkeley, CA Professor
Human Sciences Program Department of Management Science
Saybrook Graduate School Nick Reeves, Ph.D. and Engineering
San Francisco, CA Assistant Professor Stanford University
Department of Biological Sciences Stanford, CA
John Platt, Ph.D. Mount San Jacinto College
Los Angeles, CA Menifee, CA Jaime M. Sayre
Doctoral Candidate
Richard Plevin Department of Civil and Environmental
Doctoral Candidate Engineering
University of California, Berkeley University of Southern California
Berkeley, CA Los Angeles, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Nathan F. Sayre, Ph.D. Rebecca F. Shipe, Ph.D. Richard C.J. Somerville, Ph.D. 6
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Department of Geography Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Research Professor
University of California, Berkeley Biology Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Berkeley, CA University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego
Los Angeles, CA La Jolla, CA
Mike Scarpulla, Ph.D.
Santa Barbara, CA Brett C. Singer, Ph.D. Y. Tony Song, Ph.D. 6
Environmental Energy Technologies Division Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Stanley Scher, Ph.D. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory California Institute of Technology
Berkeley, CA Berkeley, CA Pasadena, CA

Joshua Schimel, Ph.D. John Skillman, Ph.D. David R. Sonneborn, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair Associate Professor Irvine, CA
Department of Environmental Studies Department of Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara California State University, San Bernardino Roger W. Sparks, Ph.D.
Santa Barbara, CA San Bernardino, CA Professor
Department of Economics
Stephen H. Schneider, Ph.D. 2,5,6 Leonard S. Sklar, Ph.D. Mills College
Professor Department of Geosciences Oakland, CA
Department of Biological Sciences San Francisco State University
Co-Director San Francisco, CA Wayne D. Spencer, Ph.D.
Center for Environmental Science and Policy Senior Conservation Biologist
Stanford University David T. Smernoff, Ph.D. Conservation Biology Institute
Stanford, CA Acterra San Diego, CA
Palo Alto, CA
Kurt Schwabe, Ph.D. Denise L. Stanley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Raymond C. Smith, Ph.D. Fullerton, CA
Department of Environmental Sciences Professor Emeritus
University of California, Riverside Department of Geography Heidi L. Stauffer, M.S.
Riverside, CA Institute for Computational Earth System Doctoral Candidate
Science Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Franklin B. Schwing, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz
Pacific Grove, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Cruz, CA

Jason D. Scorse, Ph.D. Thomas B. Smith, Ph.D. Joshua A. Steele

Assistant Professor Director and Professor Doctoral Candidate
Monterey Institute of International Studies Institute of the Environment Marine Environmental Biology
Monterey, CA University of California, Los Angeles University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA
Kate Scow, Ph.D.
Professor Carolyn P. Snyder Glenn R. Stewart, Ph.D.
Atmospheric Science Program Doctoral Candidate Professor
Department of Land, Air, and Water Interdisciplinary Program in Environment Department of Biological Sciences
Resources and Resources California State Polytechnic University,
University of California, Davis Stanford University Pomona
Davis, CA Stanford, CA Pomona, CA

Philip M. Sheehy, Ph.D. Jennifer Sokolove, Ph.D. Jim Stewart, Ph.D.

Scientist Berkeley, CA University of the West
Transportation and Energy Systems Rosemead, CA
TIAX LLC Daniela Soleri, Ph.D.
Cupertino, CA Department of Geography Christopher Still, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Barbara Associate Professor
Dongsoo Shin, Ph.D. Santa Barbara, CA Department of Geography
Associate Professor University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Economics George N. Somero, Ph.D. 2 Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Clara University Professor
Santa Clara, CA Department of Biology
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
Pacific Grove, CA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sharon Strauss, Ph.D. Lars Tomanek, Ph.D. Michael Wasserman

Professor California Polytechnic State University, Doctoral Candidate
Section of Evolution and Ecology San Luis Obispo Department of Environmental Science,
University of California, Davis San Luis Obispo, CA Policy, and Management
Davis, CA University of California, Berkeley
Samuel J. Traina, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA
Joseph H. Street Vice Chancellor and Graduate Dean
Doctoral Candidate Office of Research Benjamin Weil
Department of Geological and University of California, Merced Doctoral Candidate
Environmental Sciences Merced, CA Department of Environmental Studies
Stanford University University of California, Santa Cruz
Stanford, CA Wing Tsao, Ph.D. Santa Cruz, CA
San Francisco, CA
Donald R. Strong, Ph.D. Ray F. Weiss, Ph.D.
Professor John S. Tucker, Ph.D. Professor
Section of Evolution and Ecology San Pablo, CA Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, Davis University of California, San Diego
Davis, CA Mark Urban, Ph.D. La Jolla, CA
Postdoctoral Fellow
John E. Sundberg, Ph.D. National Center for Ecological Analysis Hartwell H. Welsh, Ph.D.
Point Reyes, CA and Synthesis Arcata, CA
University of California, Santa Barbara
William A. Sundstrom, Ph.D. Santa Barbara, CA Inge Werner, Ph.D.
Professor Director
Department of Economics Mathias N.M.N. van Thiel, Ph.D. Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory
Santa Clara University Hayward, CA School of Veterinary Medicine
Santa Clara, CA Department of Anatomy, Physiology,
Richard R. Vance, Ph.D. and Cell Biology
Monica B. Swartz, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus University of California, Davis
La Quinta, CA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Davis, CA
Ira B. Tager, M.D. University of California, Los Angeles Anthony L. Westerling, Ph.D.
Professor Los Angeles, CA Merced, CA
Department of Epidemiology,
School of Public Health Marc P. Vayssieres, Ph.D. Anthony S. Wexler, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley Air Resources Board Professor
Berkeley, CA California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical
Sacramento, CA Engineering
Yuki Takatsuka, Ph.D. University of California, Davis
Department of Economics Richard A. Walker, Ph.D. Davis, CA
California State University, Fullerton Professor
Fullerton, CA Department of Geography Raymond R. White, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley Department of Biology
Theresa S. Talley, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA City College of San Francisco
Department of Environmental Science San Francisco, CA
and Policy Zhi Wang, Ph.D.
University of California, Davis Assistant Professor Josh K. Willis, Ph.D. 6
Davis, CA Department of Earth and Environmental Scientist
Sciences Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Charles E. Taylor, Ph.D. California State University, Fresno Pasadena, CA
Professor Fresno, CA
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Nerida Gaye Wilson, Ph.D.
Biology Michael Wara, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
University of California, Los Angeles Research Fellow La Jolla, CA
Los Angeles, CA Stanford Law School
Stanford, CA Catherine Wolfram, Ph.D.
Matthew C. Thomas, Ph.D. Associate Professor
ATK Mission Research Gerald J. Wasserburg, Ph.D. Haas School of Business
Goleta, CA Professor University of California, Berkeley
Division of Geological and Planetary Berkeley, CA
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Michael T. Wollman, Ph.D. David M. Armstrong, Ph.D. Edward Dlugokencky, Ph.D. 6

Professor Emeritus Professor Earth System Research Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Ecology and Evolutionary National Oceanic and Atmospheric
California Polytechnic State University, Biology Administration
San Luis Obispo University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO
San Luis Obispo, CA Boulder, CO
John Robert Dorgan, Ph.D.
Wallace Woolfenden, Ph.D. Rebecca Titus Barnes, Ph.D. Golden, CO
Retired National Science Foundation Earth Sciences
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Postdoctoral Fellow Cynthia Dott, Ph.D.
Swall Meadows, CA Department of Geological Sciences Associate Professor
University of Colorado, Boulder Department of Biology
James C. Zachos, Ph.D. 6 Boulder, CO Fort Lewis College
Professor Durango, CO
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Albert A. Bartlett, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Cruz Boulder, CO Edward Dunlea, Ph.D.
Santa Cruz, CA Boulder, CO
Rebecca L. Batchelor, Ph.D.
Erika S. Zavaleta, Ph.D. Atmospheric Chemistry Division Mark B. Dyurgerov, Ph.D. 6
Assistant Professor National Center for Atmospheric Research Professor
Department of Environmental Studies Boulder, CO Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
University of California, Santa Cruz University of Colorado, Boulder
Santa Cruz, CA Frank Baylin, Ph.D. Boulder, CO
ConSol Network
Charles Zender, Ph.D. Boulder, CO James J. Ebersole, Ph.D.
Professor Professor
Department of Earth System Science Paul K. Black, Ph.D. Department of Biology
University of California, Irvine Evergreen, CO Colorado College
Irvine, CA Colorado Springs, CO
Florence Bocquet, Ph.D.
Karsten Zengler, Ph.D. Boulder, CO Louisa K. Emmons, Ph.D.
San Diego, CA Atmospheric Chemistry Division
Guy P. Brasseur, Ph.D. 6 National Center for Atmospheric Research
Guang Zhang, Ph.D. Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory Boulder, CO
Research Meteorologist National Center for Atmospheric Research
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Boulder, CO Baylor Fox-Kemper, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego Assistant Professor
La Jolla, CA Jonathan Caine, Ph.D. Cooperative Institute for Research in
Nederland, CO Environmental Sciences
University of Colorado, Boulder
COLORADO Dan D. Chiras, Ph.D. Boulder, CO
Sustainable Systems Design, Inc.
Ron L. Alberty, Ph.D. Evergreen, CO Reinhard Furrer, Ph.D. 6
Retired Department of Mathematical and Computer
Boulder, CO Robert C. Cifelli, Ph.D. Sciences
Senior Research Scientist Colorado School of Mines
Caspar M. Ammann, Ph.D.6 Department of Atmospheric Science Golden, CO
Research Scientist Colorado State University
Climate and Global Dynamics Division Fort Collins, CO Howard S. Geller, Ph.D.
National Center for Atmospheric Research Executive Director
Boulder, CO Darrell E. Coons, Ph.D. Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
Hudson, CO Boulder, CO
Amy L. Angert, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Aiguo Dai, Ph.D. 6 Peter R. Gent, Ph.D. 6
Department of Biology Scientist Senior Scientist
Colorado State University Climate and Global Dynamics Division National Center for Atmospheric Research
Fort Collins, CO National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO
Boulder, CO
Andrew Gettelman, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Brian A. Gregg, Ph.D. Aixue Hu, Ph.D. 6 Jerry D. Mahlman, Ph.D.

Golden, CO Climate and Global Dynamics Division Institute for the Study of Society and
National Center for Atmospheric Research Environment
Robert L. Grossman, Ph.D. Boulder, CO National Center for Atmospheric Research
Colorado Research Associates Boulder, CO
NorthWest Research Associates, Inc. John A. Huffman
Boulder, CO Doctoral Candidate Gordon N. McCurry, Ph.D.
Cooperative Institute for Research in Denver, CO
Alex Guenther, Ph.D. 6 Environmental Sciences
Senior Scientist, Section Head University of Colorado, Boulder James D. McMillan, Ph.D.
Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory Boulder, CO Golden, CO
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO James W. Hurrell, Ph.D. 6 Mark F. Meier, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO Professor Emeritus
Mary H. Hayden, Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder
Post doctoral Fellow Jose-Luis Jimenez, Ph.D. Boulder, CO
Institute for the Study of Society and Associate Professor and Fellow
Environment Department of Chemistry Gifford H. Miller, Ph.D.
National Center for Atmospheric Research Analytical, Environmental, and Atmospheric Professor
Boulder, CO Chemistry Division Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Cooperative Institute for Research in University of Colorado, Boulder
Detlev Helmig, Ph.D. the Environmental Sciences Boulder, CO
Associate Research Professor University of Colorado, Boulder
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research Boulder, CO John B. Miller, Ph.D. 6
Boulder, CO Research Scientist
Thomas Kampe, Ph.D. Cooperative Institute for Research in
Andrew M. Herring, Ph.D. Boulder, CO Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor University of Colorado, Boulder
Department of Chemical Engineering Ken Keefover-Ring Boulder, CO
Colorado School of Mines Doctoral Candidate
Golden, CO Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Kathleen A. Miller, Ph.D. 6
Biology Scientist III
Eric J. Hintsa, Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder Institute for the Study of Society and
Research Scientist Boulder, CO Environment
Cooperative Institute for Research in National Center for Atmospheric Research
the Environmental Sciences SiriJodha S. Khalsa, Ph.D. Boulder, CO
University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO
Boulder, CO Michael J. Mueller, Ph.D.
Marni E. Koopman, Ph.D. Centennial, CO
Elisabeth A. Holland, Ph.D. 6 Fort Collins, CO
Senior Scientist Steve Nerem, Ph.D. 6
Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory Peter H. Lauritzen, Ph.D. Professor
National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO Department of Aerospace Engineering
Boulder, CO Sciences
David M. Lawrence, Ph.D. 6 University of Colorado, Boulder
Greg J. Holland, Ph.D. Climate and Global Dynamics Division Boulder, CO
National Center for Atmospheric Research National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO Boulder, CO Sherry L. Olson, Ph.D.
Atmospheric Chemistry Division
Marjorie O. Holmberg Julia Lee-Taylor, Ph.D. 6 National Center for Atmospheric Research
Doctoral Candidate Atmospheric Chemistry Division Boulder, CO
Department of Geography National Center for Atmospheric Research
University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO John Ortega, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO Boulder, CO
Jian Lu, Ph.D.
Charles W. Howe, Ph.D. 6 Climate and Global Dynamics Division Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Ph.D. 6
Professor Emeritus National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO
Department of Economics Boulder, CO
University of Colorado, Boulder Keith Paustian, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO Professor
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Michael Prochoda, M.D. James A Sedgwick, Ph.D. Kevin E. Trenberth, Ph.D. 6

Department of Ophthalmology Retired National Center for Atmospheric Research
Estes Park Medical Center U.S. Geological Survey Boulder, CO
Estes Park, CO Fort Collins, CO
Harold M. Tyus, Ph.D.
Roger S. Pulwarty, Ph.D.6 Mark C. Serreze, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist
Boulder, CO Senior Research Scientist Cooperative Institute for Research in
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science
Eric Rechel, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences University of Colorado, Boulder
Department of Biology University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO
Mesa State College Boulder, CO
Grand Junction, CO Diana H. Wall, Ph.D.
Joel B. Smith, M.P.P.6 Colorado State University
Charles F. Revier, Ph.D. Vice President Fort Collins, CO
Associate Professor Stratus Consulting Inc.
Department of Economics Boulder, CO Matthew D. Wallenstein, Ph.D.
Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO
Fort Collins, CO Lesley K. Smith, Ph.D.
Research Scientist Warren M. Washington, Ph.D. 3
Patricia Romero-Lankao, Ph.D. 6
Cooperative Institute for Research in Climate Change Research Section
Social Scientist Environmental Sciences National Center for Atmospheric Research
Institute for the Study of Society and University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO
Environment Boulder, CO
National Center for Atmospheric Research James W. White, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO John Snook, Ph.D. Professor
Forecaster Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Lev Ropes, M.S. Colorado Avalanche Information Center University of Colorado, Boulder
Retired Boulder, CO Boulder, CO
Golden, CO
Donald G. Sullivan, Ph.D. Christine Wiedinmyer, Ph.D.
Isabelle Ruin, Ph.D. Associate Professor Boulder, CO
Institute for the Study of Society and Department of Geography
Environment University of Denver Larry Winter, Ph.D.
National Center for Atmospheric Research Denver, CO Deputy Director
Boulder, CO National Center for Atmospheric Research
Paul C. Sutton, Ph.D. Boulder, CO
Patrick A. Ryan, Ph.D. Associate Professor
School of Arts and Sciences Department of Geography
Johnson & Wales University University of Denver CONNECTICUT
Denver, CO Denver, CO
Peter J. Auster, Ph.D.
Simon C. Scherrer, Ph.D. 6 Colm Sweeney, Ph.D. 6 Associate Research Professor
Climate and Global Dynamics Division Cooperative Institute for Research in Department of Marine Sciences
National Center for Atmospheric Research Environmental Sciences University of Connecticut
Boulder, CO University of Colorado, Boulder Groton, CT
Boulder, CO
David Schimel, Ph.D. 6 Meghan L. Avolio
Chief Executive Officer Pieter P. Tans, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. Boulder, CO New Haven, CT
Boulder, CO
Haiyan Teng, Ph.D. 6 Robert S. Capers, Ph.D.
Thomas W. Schlatter, Ph.D. National Center for Atmospheric Research Storrs, CT
Cooperative Institute for Research in Boulder, CO
Environmental Science Cynthia Chang
University of Colorado, Boulder David M. Theobald, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
Boulder, CO Fort Collins, CO Yale University
New Haven, CT
Andrea Sealy, Ph.D. David S. Thomson, Ph.D.
National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, CO Robin L. Chazdon, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO Storrs, CT

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Margaret E. Evans, Ph.D. Kathleen Segerson, Ph.D. Danielle A. Kreeger, Ph.D.

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Professor Science Director
Biology Department of Economics Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Yale University University of Connecticut Wilmington, DE
New Haven, CT Storrs, CT
Wallace H. McCurdy, Ph.D.
Dina Franceschi, Ph.D. Anji Seth, Ph.D. Newark, DE
Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Economics Department of Geography William N. Shafarman, Ph.D.
Fairfield University University of Connecticut Wilmington, DE
Fairfield, CT Storrs, CT
Chad A. Tolman, Ph.D.
Sylvia L. Halkin, Ph.D. Thomas William Sharpless, Ph.D. Wilmington, DE
Professor Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology University of Hartford Susan E. Yost, Ph.D.
Central Connecticut State University West Hartford, CT Dover, DE
New Britain, CT
Steven C. Sherwood, Ph.D. 6
Kent E. Holsinger, Ph.D. Professor DISTRICT OF
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Yale University
Biology New Haven, CT Gary A. Allport, Ph.D. 2
University of Connecticut BirdLife International
Storrs, CT Merrill C. Singer, Ph.D. Washington, DC
Mark D. Johnson, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Peter Ashcroft, Ph.D.
Associate Professor University of Connecticut Washington, DC
Department of Biology Storrs, CT
St. Joseph College G. Thomas Bancroft, Ph.D.
West Hartford, CT Ellen Thomas, Ph.D. Chief Scientist
New Haven, CT Science Division
Kelly Levin National Audubon Society
Doctoral Candidate Adam M. Wilson Washington, DC
School of Forestry and Environmental Doctoral Candidate
Studies Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Scott Barrett, Ph.D.
Yale University Biology Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced
New Haven, CT University of Connecticut International Studies
Storrs, CT Johns Hopkins University
Thomas F. Malone, Ph.D. 2 Washington, DC
Retired Gary Yohe, Ph.D. 6
West Hartford, CT Woodhouse/Sysco Professor Barbara R. Bergmann, Ph.D.
Department of Economics Distinguished Professor Emerita
Lisa H. Newton, Ph.D. Wesleyan University Department of Economics
Director Middletown, CT American University
Program in Applied Ethics Washington, DC
Program in Environmental Studies
Fairfield University DELAWARE Nirmal K Bhagabati, Ph.D.
Fairfield, CT Sustainable Development and Conservation
John Byrne, Ph.D.
Biology Program
Suzanne O’Connell, Ph.D. Director and Distinguished Professor University of Maryland
Associate Professor Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Washington, DC
Department of Earth and Environmental University of Delaware
Sciences Newark, DE Allen Blackman, Ph.D.
Wesleyan University Washington, DC
Middletown, CT Steven Hegedus, Ph.D.
Scientist J. David Bohlin, Ph.D.
John E. Roemer, Ph.D. Institute of Energy Conversion Washington, DC
Department of Political Science University of Delaware
Yale University Newark, DE
New Haven, CT

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Douglas H. Boucher, Ph.D. Robin E. Hahnel, Ph.D. Steven E. Plotkin, M.Eng. 6

Director of the Tropical Forest and Professor Transportation Energy Analyst
Climate Initiative Department of Economics Center for Transportation Research
Climate and Energy Program American University Argonne National Laboratory
Union of Concerned Scientists Washington, DC Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Lara Hansen, Ph.D. 6 Nelsie A. Ramos
Gregory S. Butcher, Ph.D. Chief Climate Change Scientist Doctoral Candidate
Science Division Global Climate Change Programme Program of Atmospheric Sciences
National Audubon Society World Wildlife Fund Howard University
Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC

Bruce B. Collette, Ph.D. Marea Eleni Hatziolos, Ph.D. Judith Shapiro, Ph.D.
Washington,, DC Washington, DC Director
Global Environmental Politics Programs,
Stephen J. DeCanio, Ph.D. 6 Dennis Heinemann, Ph.D. School of International Service
Professor Ocean Conservancy American University
Department of Economics, Washington, DC Washington, DC
Washington Program
University of California, Santa Barbara Paul Higgins, Ph.D. Stuart A. Umpleby, Ph.D.
Washington, DC Senior Policy Fellow Professor
American Meteorological Society Department of Management
Daryl P. Domning, Ph.D. Washington, DC George Washington University
Professor Washington, DC
Department of Anatomy Sandra A. Hoffmann, Ph.D.
Howard University Fellow Stephen Wiel, Ph.D.
Washington, DC Resources for the Future Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez, Ph.D. Gina M. Wimp, Ph.D.
Washington, DC John T. Lill, Ph.D. Washington, DC
Assistant Professor
Brenda Ekwurzel, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences
Climate Scientist George Washington University FLORIDA
Climate and Energy Program Washington, DC
Union of Concerned Scientists Richard H. Baker, Ph.D.
Washington, DC Thomas E. Lovejoy, Ph.D. Florida Medical Entomology Lab
President University of Florida
Nathan Fiala The Heinz Center Sebastian, FL
Doctoral Candidate Washington, DC
Department of Economics Lisa M. Beal, Ph.D.
World Bank Michael C. MacCracken, Ph.D. 6 Assistant Professor
Washington, DC Chief Scientist Rosenstiel School of Marine and
Climate Change Programs Atmospheric Science
Helen Fox, Ph.D. Climate Institute Department of Meteorology and Physical
Conservation Science Washington, DC Oceanography
World Wildlife Fund University of Miami
Washington, DC Jeremy I. Martin, Ph.D. Miami, FL
Senior Analyst
Peter Fox-Penner, Ph.D. Clean Vehicles John C. Beier, Ph.D.
Washington, DC Union of Concerned Scientists Professor
Washington, DC Department of Epidemiology and
Arthur H. Grube, Ph.D. Public Health
Washington, DC Manuel Metz, Ph.D. University of Miami
Washington, DC Miami, FL
Noel P. Gurwick, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist David Michaels, Ph.D. David H. Benzing, Ph.D.
Food and Environment Professor Professor
Union of Concerned Scientists Department of Environmental and Research
Washington, DC Occupational Health Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
School of Public Health Sarasota, FL
George Washington University
Washington, DC

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Samuel William Berkheiser, M.S. Kevin Frenzel David G. Jenkins, Ph.D.

Assistant Director (Retired) Doctoral Candidate Associate Professor
Department of Conservation and Natural Department of Mathematics and Statistics Department of Biology
Resources University of South Florida University of Central Florida
Pennsylvania Geologic Survey Tampa, FL Orlando, FL
Apalachicola, FL
David J. Friedman William E. Johns, Ph.D.
Karl Wolfgang Boer, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate Professor
Professor Research Director Department of Meteorology and Physical
University of Delaware Clean Vehicles Oceanography
Naples, FL Union of Concerned Scientists University of Miami
Oviedo, FL Miami, FL
Kenneth Broad, Ph.D.
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Andres Garcia, Ph.D. Gary J. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D.
Atmospheric Science Coral Gables, FL Senior Scientist
University of Miami Phytoplankton Ecology Program
Miami, FL Doria R. Gordon, Ph.D. Mote Marine Laboratory
Courtesy Professor Sarasota, FL
Paula Coble, Ph.D. Department of Botany
Associate Professor University of Florida Suzanne Koptur, Ph.D.
College of Marine Science Gainesville, FL Professor
University of South Florida Department of Biological Sciences
St. Petersburg, FL Gina C. Gould, Ph.D. Florida International University
President Miami, FL
Walter R. Courtenay, Jr., Ph.D. Syncreta Associates
Gainesville, FL Keystone Heights, FL Leon P. Lounibos, Ph.D.
Bruce C. Cowell, Ph.D. Steven Green, Ph.D. Florida Medical Entomology Lab
Retired Professor University of Florida
Department of Biology Department of Biology Vero Beach, FL
University of South Florida University of Miami
Tampa, FL Coral Gables, FL Ellen E. Martin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Kendra L. Daly, Ph.D. Dennis A. Hansell, Ph.D. Department of Geological Sciences
College of Marine Science Professor University of Florida
University of South Florida Department of Marine and Atmospheric Gainesville, FL
St. Petersburg, FL Chemistry
University of Miami Ross McCluney, Ph.D.
David J. Die, Ph.D. Miami, FL Cocoa, FL
Associate Professor
Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries Donald V. Hansen, Ph.D. Kathryn E. McCollister, Ph.D.
University of Miami Retired Assistant Professor
Miami, FL Fort Pierce, FL Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
University of Miami
Samir M. Elmir, Ph.D. Paul Hargraves, Ph.D. Miami, FL
Environmental Administrator Senior Research Scientist
Miami-Dade County Health Department Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Gary K. Meffe, Ph.D.
Florida Department of Health Fort Pierce, FL Editor, Conservation Biology
Miami, FL Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
David W. Hastings, Ph.D. University of Florida
Mark J. Flickinger, Ph.D. Associate Professor Gainesville, FL
St. Petersburg, FL Department of Marine Science
Eckerd College Stephen S. Mulkey, Ph.D.
Anne L. Frances St. Petersburg, FL Associate Professor
Doctoral Candidate Department of Botany
Department of Environmental Horticulture Douglas E. Horton, Ph.D. University of Florida
University of Florida Sarasota, FL Gainesville, FL
Gainesville, FL
Peter J. Jacques, Ph.D. Reed F. Noss, Ph.D.
Orlando, FL Professor
Department of Biology
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Steven F. Oberbauer, Ph.D. Charles Patrick Rock, Ph.D. John C. Van Leer, Ph.D.
Professor Professor Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences Department of Economics Rosenstiel School of Marine and
Florida International University Rollins College Atmospheric Science
Miami, FL Winter Park, FL Department of Meteorology and
Physical Oceanography
Eric A. Oches, Ph.D. Michael S. Ross, Ph.D. University of Miami
Associate Professor Associate Professor Miami, FL
Department of Geology Department of Environmental Studies
University of South Florida Florida International University Gabriel A. Vargo, Ph.D.
Tampa, FL Miami, FL Associate Professor Emeritus
College of Marine Science
William H. Outlaw, Ph.D. Robert S. Ross, Ph.D. University of South Florida
Homann Professor Research Associate St. Petersburg, FL
Department of Biological Science Meteorology Department
Florida State University Florida State University Betsy Von Holle, Ph.D.
Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
John H. Parker, Ph.D. Manojit Roy, Ph.D. University of Central Florida
Professor Department of Zoology Orlando, FL
Department of Environmental Studies University of Florida
Florida International University Gainesville, FL Eric J. von Wettberg, Ph.D.
Miami, FL Department of Biological Sciences
Stephen R. Schultz, Ph.D. Florida International University
Gustav Paulay, Ph.D. Professor Miami, FL
Professor and Curator Department of Natural Science
Florida Museum of Natural History St. Petersburg College Patrick J. Walsh, Ph.D.
University of Florida Seminole, FL Professor
Gainesville, FL Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries
Joseph V. Siry, Ph.D. University of Miami
J. Akers Pence, Ph.D. Associate Professor Miami, FL
State Coordinator Department of Environmental Studies
Florida Butterfly Monitoring Network Rollins College Linda J. Walters, Ph.D.
Entomology and Nematology Winter Park, FL Associate Professor
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera Department of Biology
and Biodiversity Nancy F. Smith, Ph.D. University of Central Florida
Gainesville, FL Associate Professor Orlando, FL
Department of Marine Science
Francis E. Putz, Ph.D. Eckerd College John F. Weishampel, Ph.D.
Professor St. Petersburg, FL Professor
Department of Botany Department of Biology
University of Florida Jose Szapocznik, Ph.D. University of Central Florida
Gainesville, FL Professor and Chair Orlando, FL
Department of Epidemiology and Public
Pedro F. Quintana-Ascencio, Ph.D. Health David Wilson, Ph.D.
Biology University of Miami Professor
University of Central Florida Miami, FL Department of Biology
Orlando, FL University of Miami
Kathy A. Tedesco, Ph.D. Coral Gables, FL
Xinrong Ren, Ph.D. St. Petersburg, FL
University of Miami
Miami, FL Zafer Top, Ph.D. GEORGIA
Research Professor
Jennifer Richards, Ph.D. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Charles J. Amlaner, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Atmospheric Science Vice President for Research
Florida International University Department of Marine and Atmospheric Dean of the Graduate College
Miami, FL Chemistry Kennesaw State University
University of Miami Kennesaw, GA
Carol Rizkalla Miami, FL
Doctoral Candidate Sarah M. Bexell, Ph.D.
Orlando, FL Director
Conservation Education
Atlanta, GA
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

John Howard Brown, Ph.D. Daniel J. McGarvey, Ph.D. Durrell D. Kapan, Ph.D.
Statesboro, GA Ecosystems Research Division Assistant Research Professor
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Biomedical Research Center
Marilyn A. Brown, Ph.D. 6 Athens, GA University of Hawaii, Manoa
Atlanta, GA Honolulu, HI
M.B. Neace, Ph.D.
Robert E. Dickinson, Ph.D. 2,3,6 Professor Emeritus Arielle Levine, Ph.D.
Atlanta, GA School of Business and Economics Honolulu, HI
Mercer University
Paul J. Ferraro, Ph.D. Lizella, GA Creighton M. Litton, Ph.D.
Department of Economics Assistant Professor
Georgia State University Doug R. Oetter, Ph.D. Department of Natural Resources
Atlanta, GA Associate Professor and Environmental Management
Department of History, Geography, and University of Hawaii
James M. Gaudin, Ph.D. Philosophy Honolulu, HI
School of Social Work Georgia College and State University
University of Georgia Milledgeville, GA Mark A. Nokes, Ph.D.
Athens, GA Retired
Geoffrey C. Poole, Ph.D. Honolulu, HI
Judith E. Gordon, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist
Professor Emerita Eco-metrics, Inc. Ilan Noy, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Tucker, GA Department of Economics
Augusta State University University of Hawaii
Augusta, GA James J. Roper, Ph.D. Honolulu, HI
Department of Zoology
Bob E. Herrington, Ph.D. Federal University of Paraná Michael Parke, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Appling, GA Research Biologist
Department of Biology University of Hawaii
Georgia Southwestern State University Emilson C. Silva, Ph.D. Honolulu, HI
Americus, GA Professor
School of Economics David Rezachek, Ph.D.
Donald Imm, Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology Owner, Principal Consultant
Athens, GA Atlanta, GA Rezachek & Associates
Honolulu, HI
Ronald T. Kneib, Ph.D. Liming Zhou, Ph.D. 6
Sapelo Island, GA Senior Research Scientist Nori Tarui, Ph.D.
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Assistant Professor
John S. Kominoski, Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology Department of Economics
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Atlanta, GA University of Hawaii
Odum School of Ecology Honolulu, HI
University of Georgia
Athens, GA HAWAII Andrew D. Taylor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
David I. Kreller, Ph.D. Jim Beets, Ph.D. Department of Zoology
Assistant Professor Professor University of Hawaii
Department of Chemistry Department of Marine Science Honolulu, HI
Georgia Southern University University of Hawaii, Hilo
Statesboro, GA Hilo, HI Kevin C. Weng, Ph.D.
School of Ocean and Earth Science
Krisztian Magori, Ph.D. John J. Gutrich, Ph.D. and Technology Young Investigator
Postdoctoral Researcher Associate Professor Department of Oceanography
Odum School of Ecology Department of Environmental Science University of Hawaii
University of Georgia Hawaii Pacific University Honolulu, HI
Athens, GA Kaneohe, HI

Donald B. McCormick, Ph.D. Peter Hacker, Ph.D. IDAHO

Professor Emeritus Senior Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry School of Ocean and Earth Science and Christopher C. Caudill, Ph.D.
Emory University Technology Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Atlanta, GA Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and University of Idaho
Planetology Moscow, ID
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Craig Cooper, Ph.D. May R. Berenbaum, Ph.D. 2 Steve M. Cohn, Ph.D.

Initiative Lead, Carbon Systems Analysis Professor Department of Economics
Energy Resources Recovery and Department of Entomology Knox College
Management University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Galesburg, IL
Idaho National Laboratory Urbana, IL
Idaho Falls, ID James Dalling, Ph.D.
Jonathan H. Berg, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Levan Elbakidze, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Department of Plant Biology
Assistant Professor Department of Geology and Environmental University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain
Department of Agricultural Economics Geosciences Urbana, IL
and Rural Sociology Northern Illinois University
University of Idaho DeKalb, IL Peter G. Debrunner, Ph.D.
Moscow, ID Professor Emeritus
Jean Bogner, Ph.D. 6 Department of Physics
Grainger Hunt, Ph.D. Landfills +, Inc. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Boise, ID University of Illinois, Chicago Urbana, IL
Wheaton, IL
Sian Mooney, Ph.D. George Deltas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Eric K. Bollinger, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Economics Professor Department of Economics
Boise State University Department of Biological Sciences Urbana, IL
Boise, ID Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL Salim M. Diab, Ph.D.
Mark D. Morehead, Ph.D. Professor
Boise, ID Victoria A. Borowicz, Ph.D. Department of Natural Sciences
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor University of St. Francis
Helen Neville, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences Joliet, IL
Boise, ID Illinois State University
Normal, IL Leslie A. Duram, Ph.D.
Alan R. Poplawsky, Ph.D. Professor and Chair
Research Associate Charles K. Boyce, Ph.D. Southern Illinois University
Department of Plant, Soil, and Assistant Professor Carbondale, IL
Entomological Sciences University of Chicago
University of Idaho Chicago, IL Nader Enayati, Ph.D.
Moscow, ID Chicago, IL
John B. Braden, Ph.D.
Eric T. Stuen, Ph.D. Urbana, IL Don Fullerton, Ph.D.
Moscow, ID Professor
Beth A Braun, Ph.D. Department of Finance
Adjunct Professor University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ILLINIOS Department of Biology Champaign, IL
Truman College
Elizabeth Ann Albright, Ph.D. Chicago, IL Karen F. Gaines, Ph.D.
Instructor Department of Biology
Urban Affairs and Public Policy Program William R. Bromer, Ph.D. Eastern Illinois University
Loyola University Chicago Professor Charleston, IL
Chicago, IL Department of Natural Sciences
University of St. Francis Matthew Gilmore, Ph.D.
Stuart K. Allison, Ph.D. Joliet, IL Research Scientist
Associate Professor Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Biology Everett D. Cashatt, Ph.D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Knox College Chair and Curator Champaign, IL
Galesburg, IL Department of Zoology
Illinois State Museum Karen Glennemeier, Ph.D.
David W. Archer, Ph.D.6 Springfield, IL Science Director
Professor Audubon-Chicago Region
Department of Geophysical Sciences Shibi Chandy, Ph.D. Skokie, IL
University of Chicago Department of Plant Biology
Chicago, IL Center for Ecology Stephen B. Hager, Ph.D.
Southern Illinois University Co-Chair and Associate Professor
Carbondale, IL Department of Biology
Augustana College
Rock Island, IL
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Kayri Havens, Ph.D. Jay E. Mittenthal, Ph.D. James Sallee, Ph.D.

Glencoe, IL Associate Professor Emeritus Assistant Professor
Department of Cell and Developmental The Harris School
Liam Heneghan, Ph.D. Biology University of Chicago
Professor University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Chicago, IL
Department of Environmental Science Urbana, IL
DePaul University Shamili A. Sandiford, Ph.D.
Chicago, IL John C. Molburg, Ph.D. Professor
Energy and Environmental Policy Scientist Natural and Applied Sciences Division
Caroline L. Herzenberg, Ph.D. Argonne National Laboratory College of DuPage
Chicago, IL Minooka, IL Glen Ellyn, IL

Wesley M. Jarrell, Ph.D. Raymond W. Nackoney, Ph.D. Michael W. Sears, Ph.D.

Environmental Change Institute Associate Professor Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Department of Natural Science Department Zoology
Urbana, IL Loyola University Chicago Southern Illinois University
Chicago, IL Carbondale, IL
Madhu Khanna, Ph.D.
Professor Daniel K. Niven, Ph.D. Sabina L. Shaikh, Ph.D.
Agricultural and Consumer Economics Senior Scientist Chicago, IL
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Bird Conservation, Science Division
Urbana, IL National Audubon Society James A. Shapiro, Ph.D.
Champaign, IL Professor
Sajal Lahiri, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and
Vandeveer Professor of Economics Christopher G. Peterson, Ph.D. Molecular Biology
Department of Economics Department of Natural Science University of Chicago
University of Southern Illinois Loyola University Chicago Chicago, IL
Carbondale, IL Chicago, IL
Matthew Shapiro, Ph.D.
Leon M. Lederman, Ph.D. 1,2,4 Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, Ph.D. 6 Assistant Professor
Professor Louis Block Professor Social Sciences Department
Department of Biological, Chemical, Department of the Geophysical Sciences Illinois Institute of Technology
and Physical Sciences University of Chicago Chicago, IL
Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL Murugesu Sivapalan, Ph.D.
Nicholas Pinter, Ph.D. Urbana, IL
Barbara-Ann G. Lewis, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Emeritus Department of Geology Leellen Felton Solter, Ph.D.
Department of Civil and Environmental Department of Environmental Resources Insect Pathologist and Adjunct Professor
Engineering & Policy Illinois Natural History Survey
Northwestern University Southern Illinois University University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain
Evanston, IL Carbondale, IL Urbana, IL

Paul W. Loubere, Ph.D. Ross D. Powell, Ph.D. Michael A. Stewart, Ph.D.

DeKalb, IL Professor Lecturer
Department of Geology and Environmental Department of Geology
Susan T. Meiers, Ph.D. Geosciences University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Biological Sciences Northern Illinois University Urbana, IL
Western Illinois University DeKalb, IL
Macomb, IL William C. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Robert A. Rosenstein, Ph.D. Director
Peter L. Meserve, Ph.D. Scientific Consultant Environmental Council
Distinguished Research Professor Chicago, IL University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Biological Sciences Urbana, IL
Northern Illinois University Thomas R. Sadler, Ph.D.
DeKalb, IL Department of Economics Jeffrey O. Sundberg, Ph.D.
Western Illinois University Professor
Zewei Miao, Ph.D. Macomb, IL Department of Economics
Research Associate Lake Forest College
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Lake Forest, IL
Urbana, IL

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Richard S. Treptow, Ph.D. Andrew Bacher, Ph.D. Timothy Neal Cason, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus Professor
Department of Chemistry and Physics Department of Physics Department of Economics
Chicago State University Indiana University, Bloomington Purdue University
Chicago, IL Bloomington, IN West Lafayette, IN

Michelle M. Wander, Ph.D. George S. Bakken, Ph.D. Keith A. Cherkauer, Ph.D.

Department of Natural Resources and Professor Assistant Professor
Environmental Sciences Department of Ecology and Organismal Department of Agricultural and Biological
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Biology Engineering
Urbana, IL Indiana State University Purdue University
Terre Haute, IN West Lafayette, IN
Leroy S. Wehrle, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Robert D. Bent, Ph.D. Keith Clay, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Studies Professor Professor
University of Illinois, Springfield Department of Physics Department of Biology
Springfield, IL Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana University, Bloomington
Bloomington, IN Bloomington, IN
Donald J. Wuebbles, Ph.D.6
Harry E. Preble Endowed Professor James Bever, Ph.D. Daniel H. Cole, J.D.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences Bloomington, IN R. Bruce Townsend Professor of Law
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Indiana University School of Law –
Urbana, IL John W. Bickham, Ph.D. Indianapolis
Professor and Director Indianapolis, IN
Anthony C. Yannarell, Ph.D. Department of Forestry and Natural
Urbana, IL Resources William R. DeMott, Ph.D.
Purdue University Professor
Edmond R. Zaborski, Ph.D. West Lafayette, IN Department of Biology
Associate Research Scientist Indiana University – Purdue University
Division of Biodiversity and Ecological Robert E. Bieder, Ph.D. Fort Wayne
Entomology Professor Emeritus Fort Wayne, IN
Illinois Natural History Survey Department of History
Champaign, IL School of Public and Environmental Affairs Richard A. Dilley, Ph.D.
Indiana University, Bloomington Professor
Arthur R. Zangerl, Ph.D. Bloomington, IN Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Entomology Purdue University
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Marc Bilodeau, Ph.D. West Lafayette, IN
Urbana, IL Associate Professor
Department of Economics Paul Kenneth Doss, Ph.D.
Indiana University – Purdue University Professor
INDIANA Indianapolis Department of Geology and Physics
Indianapolis, IN University of Southern Indiana
Michael Angilletta, Ph.D. Evansville, IN
Associate Professor Bennet Bristol Brabson, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Professor Jeffrey S. Dukes, Ph.D.
Indiana State University Department of Physics Assistant Professor
Terre Haute, IN Indiana University, Bloomington Department of Forestry and Natural
Bloomington, IN Resources
Erin P. Argyilan, Ph.D. Purdue University
Assistant Professor Paul G. Burkett, Ph.D. West Lafayette, IN
Department of Geosciences Professor
Indiana University Northwest Department of Economics Gabriel M. Filippelli, Ph.D.
Gary, IN Indiana State University Professor and Chair
Terre Haute, IN Department of Earth Sciences
Novem Auyeung Indiana University – Purdue University
Doctoral Candidate Peter Stephen Cashel-Cordo, Ph.D. Indianapolis
Department of Forestry and Natural Professor Indianapolis, IN
Resources Department of Economics and Finance
Purdue University University of Southern Indiana Elizabeth F.R. Gingerich, J.D.
West Lafayette, IN Evansville, IN Valparaiso, IN

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Kevin R. Gurney, Ph.D. 6 Mai Kuha, Ph.D. Paul B. Shepson, Ph.D.

Professor Assistant Professor Professor
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Ball State University Department of Chemistry
Sciences Muncie, IN Purdue University
Purdue University West Lafayette, IN
West Lafayette, IN Jennifer C. Latimer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Bruce Solomon, Ph.D.
Michael W. Hamburger, Ph.D. Department of Geography, Geology, Associate Professor
Professor and Anthropology Department of Mathematics
Department of Geological Sciences Indiana State University Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana University, Bloomington Terre Haute, IN Bloomington, IN
Bloomington, IN
Kathy Licht, Ph.D. Dale W. Sparks, Ph.D.
Jessica Hellmann, Ph.D. Associate Professor Research Scientist
Assistant Professor Department of Earth Sciences Center for North American Bat Research
Department of Biological Sciences Indiana University – Purdue University and Conservation
University of Notre Dame Indianapolis Indiana State University
Notre Dame, IN Indianapolis, IN Terre Haute, IN

James D. Hengeveld, Ph.D. Edna T. Loehman, Ph.D. James H. Speer, Ph.D.

Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor
Department of Biology Department of Agricultural Economics Department of Earth and Environmental
Indiana University, Bloomington Purdue University Systems
Unionville, IN West Lafayette, IN Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN
Debra Kim Israel, Ph.D. Elinor Ostrom, Ph.D.1,2
Department of Economics Professor David W. Taylor, Ph.D.
Indiana State University Workshop in Political Theory & Professor
Terre Haute, IN Policy Analysis Department of Biology
Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana University Southeast
Pierre-Andre Jacinthe, Ph.D. Bloomington, IN New Albany, IN
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth Sciences Julie R. Peller, Ph.D. John O. Whitaker, Jr., Ph.D.
Indiana University – Purdue University Department of Chemistry Terre Haute, IN
Indianapolis Indiana University Northwest
Indianapolis, IN Gary, IN Donald R. Whitehead, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Stephen I. Jay, M.D. Flynn W. Picardal, Ph.D. Department of Biology
Indianapolis, IN Bloomington, IN Indiana University, Bloomington
Bloomington, IN
Richard Jensen, Ph.D. James C. Randolph, Ph.D.
Professor Professor and Director Bassam Y. Yousif, Ph.D.
Department of Economics and Econometrics School of Public & Environmental Affairs Assistant Professor
University of Notre Dame Indiana University, Bloomington Department of Economics
Notre Dame, IN Bloomington, IN Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN
Daniel Patrick Johnson, Ph.D. Rafael Reuveny, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Professor
Department of Geography School of Public & Environmental Affairs IOWA
Indiana University – Purdue University Indiana University, Bloomington
Indianapolis Bloomington, IN Neil P. Bernstein, Ph.D.
Indianapolis, IN Department of Biology
Daniel E. Saros, Ph.D. Mount Mercy College
Stanley Keil, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Cedar Rapids, IA
Associate Professor Department of Economics
Department of Economics Valparaiso University Don Cell, Ph.D.
Ball State University Valparaiso, IN Professor
Muncie, IN Department of Economics
Arndt Schimmelmann, Ph.D. Cornell College
Victor A. Kelson, Ph.D. Senior Scientist Mount Vernon, IA
Bloomington, IN Department of Geological Sciences
Indiana University, Bloomington
Bloomington, IN
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Rhawn F. Denniston, Ph.D. Eugene S. Takle, Ph.D. John J. Metz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor
Department of Geology Department of Geological and Atmospheric Department of History and Geography
Cornell College Sciences Department
Mount Vernon, IA Iowa State University Northern Kentucky University
Ames, IA Highland Heights, KY
Jeffrey A. Dorale, Ph.D.
Department of Geoscience Peter B. Meyer, Ph.D.
University of Iowa KANSAS Professor Emeritus of Urban Policy and
Iowa City, IA Economics
Nathaniel A. Brunsell, Ph.D. Center for Environmental Policy and
Mary A. Harris, Ph.D. Department of Geography Management
Ames, IA University of Kansas University of Louisville
Lawrence, KS Louisville, KY
Jo Anna Hebberger, Ph.D.
Des Moines, IA David Burress, Ph.D.
President LOUiSIANA
Neal R. Iverson, Ph.D. Ad Astra Institute of Kansas
Professor Lawrence, KS Kurt R. Birdwhistell, Ph.D.
Iowa State University Professor
Ames, IA Edward E. Carey, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry
Professor Loyola University, New Orleans
Laura L. Jackson, Ph.D. Department of Horticulture, Forestry New Orleans, LA
Professor and Recreation Resources
Department of Biology Kansas State University Griff Blakewood, Ph.D.
University of Northern Iowa Manhattan, KS Assistant Professor
Cedar Falls, IA Department of Renewable Resources
Johannes J. Feddema, Ph.D. 6 University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Erwin E. Klaas, Ph.D. Professor Lafayette, LA
Ames, IA Department of Geography
University of Kansas John W. Day, Jr., Ph.D.
Maureen McCue, Ph.D. Lawrence, KS Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Professor Department of Oceanography and
College of Public Health Victoria Lytle, Ph.D. Coastal Sciences
University of Iowa Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets Louisiana State University
Iowa City, IA University of Kansas Baton Rouge, LA
Lawrence, KS
Kirk A. Moloney, Ph.D. Darryl L. Felder, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Charles D. Michener, Ph.D. 2 Professor and Head
Department of Ecology, Evolution, Professor Emeritus Department of Biology
and Organismal Biology Department of Ecology and Evolutionary University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Iowa State University Biology Lafayette, LA
Ames, IA University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS James G. Gosselink, Ph.D.
John W. Rachow, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Assistant Professor Val H. Smith, Ph.D. Department of Oceanography and
Department of Internal Medicine Professor Coastal Sciences
University of Iowa University of Kansas Louisiana State University
Iowa City, IA Lawrence, KS Baton Rouge, LA

James M. Grady, Ph.D.

Jerald L. Schnoor, Ph.D. 3
Iowa City, IA KENTUCKY Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
William W. Simpkins, Ph.D. Richard L. Boyce, Ph.D. University of New Orleans
Professor Associate Professor New Orleans, LA
Department of Geological & Atmospheric Northern Kentucky University
Sciences Highland Heights, KY Paul L. Klerks, Ph.D.
Iowa State University Associate Professor
Ames, IA Jeri W. Higginbotham, Ph.D. Department of Biology
Frankfort, KY University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Lafayette, LA
Deborah B. Hill, Ph.D.
Lexington, KY

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

William J. Platt, Ph.D. Susan H. Brawley, Ph.D. Robert W. Kates, Ph.D. 2,4,5,6
Department of Biological Sciences Professor Independent Scholar
Louisiana State University School of Marine Sciences Trenton, ME
Baton Rouge, LA University of Maine
Orono, ME Joseph T. Kelley, Ph.D.
Thomas W. Sherry, Ph.D. Orono, ME
Professor Martha Dickinson, Ph.D.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Ellsworth, ME John Lemons, Ph.D.
Biology Professor
Tulane University Holly Ewing, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Studies
New Orleans, LA Assistant Professor University of New England
Department of Environmental Studies Biddeford, ME
John Stewart-Savage, Ph.D. Bates College
Professor Lewiston, ME Lynne Y. Lewis, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Department of Economics
University of New Orleans Susan Feiner, Ph.D. Bates College
New Orleans, LA Professor Lewiston, ME
Department of Economics
Torbjorn E. Tornqvist, Ph.D. University of Southern Maine John Lichter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Portland, ME Associate Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Department of Biology
Sciences Ivan J. Fernandez, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Studies
Tulane University Professor Bowdoin College
New Orleans, LA Department of Plant, Soil and Brunswick, ME
Environmental Sciences
Robert R. Twilley, Ph.D. University of Maine Pamela Morgan, Ph.D.
Professor Orono, ME Department of Environmental Studies
Department of Oceanography and Coastal University of New England
Sciences John Fitzgerald, Ph.D. Biddeford, ME
Louisiana State University Professor
Baton Rouge, LA Department of Economics Gordon K. A. Oswald, Ph.D.
Bowdoin College Research Professor
Roldan A. Valverde, Ph.D. Brunswick, ME Climate Change Institute
Assistant Professor University of Maine
Department of Biological Sciences Gordon S. Hamilton, Ph.D. Orono, ME
Southeastern Louisiana University Associate Research Professor
Hammond, LA Climate Change Institute Richard Peterson, Ph.D.
University of Maine Biddeford, ME
James L. Wee, Ph.D. Orono, ME
Department of Biological Sciences Jonathan Rubin, Ph.D.
Loyola University, New Orleans Anne S. Henshaw, Ph.D. 6 Professor
New Orleans, LA Program Officer School of Economics
Environmental Program University of Maine
Julie L. Whitbeck, Ph.D. Oak Foundation Orono, ME
Assistant Research Professor Portland, ME
Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Robert S. Steneck, Ph.D.
Sciences Guillermo E. Herrera, Ph.D. Professor
University of New Orleans Associate Professor School of Marine Sciences
New Orleans, LA Department of Economics University of Maine
Bowdoin College Orono, ME
Brunswick, ME
MAINE Ramunas Stepanauskas, Ph.D.
Lewis S. Incze, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist
Mark O. Battle, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Science Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Professor University of Southern Maine West Boothbay Harbor, ME
Department of Physics and Astronomy Portland, ME
Bowdoin College Tom Tietenberg, Ph.D.
Brunswick, ME Peter A. Jumars, Ph.D. Mitchell Family Professor of Economics
Professor Department of Economics
School of Marine Sciences Colby College
University of Maine Waterville, ME
Orono, ME

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

John D. Tjepkema, Ph.D. Elizabeth E. Dahl, Ph.D. Nathan E. Hultman, Ph.D.

Professor Department of Chemistry Assistant Professor
School of Biology and Ecology Loyola College in Maryland School of Public Policy
University of Maine Baltimore, MD University of Maryland, College Park
Orono, ME College Park, MD
Herman Daly, Ph.D.
David J. Vail, Ph.D. Professor Kelly Halimeda Kilbourne, Ph.D.
Professor School of Public Policy Research Assistant Professor
Department of Economics University of Maryland Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Bowdoin College College Park, MD University of Maryland Center for
Brunswick, ME Environmental Science
Ruth DeFries, Ph.D. 2,5 Solomons, MD
Richard A. Wahle, Ph.D. Distinguished University Professor
Research Associate Professor Department of Geography Michael D. King, Ph.D. 3
University of Maine University of Maryland, College Park Earth Observing System Senior Project Scientist
Walpole, ME College Park, MD Earth Sciences Division
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Nathaniel T. Wheelwright, Ph.D. Paul A. Dirmeyer, Ph.D. Greenbelt, MD
Department of Biology Research Scientist
Bowdoin College Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies John A. Kloetzel, Ph.D.
Brunswick, ME Institute of Global Environment and Society Associate Professor
Calverton, MD Department of Biological Sciences
Frederick F. Wright, Ph.D. University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Retired Geoffrey L. Doyle, Ph.D. Baltimore, MD
Southwest Harbor, ME Abingdon, MD
Elli Leontsini, M.D.
C. Mark Eakin, Ph.D. Associate
MARYLAND Silver Spring, MD Department of International Health
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Stephen E. Baldwin, Ph.D. Peter R. Eriksson, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
Bethesda, MD National Institute of Child Health Baltimore, MD
and Human Development
William P. Blair, Ph.D. National Institute of Health Sydney Levitus, M.S. 6
Research Professor Rockville, MD World Data Center for Oceanography
Department of Physics and Astronomy Silver Spring, MD
Johns Hopkins University Delvin S. Fanning, Ph.D.
Baltimore, MD Professor Emeritus Thomas C. Malone, Ph.D.
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Director
Donald F. Boesch, Ph.D. Architecture Center for Environmental Science,
Professor and President University of Maryland, College Park Horn Point Laboratory
Center for Environmental Science College Park, MD University of Maryland
University of Maryland Cambridge, MD
Cambridge, MD Michael J. Fennessy, M.S.
Research Scientist Craig A. McFarland, Ph.D.
Eric C. Brown de Colstoun, Ph.D. Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies Environmental Toxicologist
Senior Scientist Institute of Global Environment and Society Center for Health Promotion and
Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Calverton, MD Preventative Medicine
Greenbelt, MD United States Army
Melvin D. Ferrier, Ph.D. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
Robert P. Burchard, Ph.D. Frederick, MD
Professor Emeritus Richard H. Moss, Ph.D. 6
Department of Biological Sciences Joy Guillemot Earth Systems Science Interdisciplinary
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Doctoral Candidate Center
Baltimore, MD Department of Environmental Health University of Maryland
Sciences Bethesda, MD
Gary Chirlin, Ph.D. Bloomberg School of Public Health
Rockville, MD Johns Hopkins University Britta Mullany, Ph.D.
Baltimore, MD Assistant Scientist
Victoria J. Coles, Ph.D. Department of International Health
Center for Environmental and Estuarine Johns Hopkins University
Studies Baltimore, MD
Horn Point Laboratory
University of Maryland
Cambridge, MD
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Roni Neff, Ph.D.

Research Associate MASSACHUSETTS Chris J. Bergweiler, Ph.D.
Environmental Science Program
Department of Environmental Health Sciences University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Clark C. Abt, Ph.D.
Bloomberg School of Public Health Amherst, MA
Distinguished Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Management
Baltimore, MD Howard B. Bernstein, Ph.D.
Cambridge College Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA
Catherine S. Norman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Bethany A. Bradley, Ph.D.6
Frank Ackerman, Ph.D.
Department of Geography and Assistant Professor
Global Development and Environment
Environmental Engineering Natural Resources Conservation
Johns Hopkins University University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Tufts University
Baltimore, MD Amherst, MA
Medford, MA
Doug Parker, Ph.D. Raymond S. Bradley, Ph.D. 6
E. Eric Adams, Ph.D.
Department of Agricultural and Resource Distinguished Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental
Economics Department of Geosciences
University of Maryland, College Park Director
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
College Park, MD Climate System Research Center
Cambridge, MA University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ana I. Prados, Ph.D. Amherst, MA
Steven M. Adler-Golden, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor Burlington, MA
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Rafael L. Bras, Ph.D. 3
Greenbelt, MD Professor
David P. Ahlfeld, Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
William Ridgway, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA
Department of Civil and Environmental
Centreville, MD Engineering Julie Brigham-Grette, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Armin Rosencranz, Ph.D. Professor
Amherst, MA
Professor Department of Geosciences
School of Public Policy University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Bruce T. Anderson, Ph.D.
University of Maryland, College Park Amherst, MA
Department of Geography and the
College Park, MD Environment Ru Chen
Boston University
Matthias Ruth, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
Boston, MA
Professor and Director Cambridge, MA
Center for Integrative Environmental Erin D. Baker, Ph.D.
Research Sallie W. Chisholm, Ph.D. 2
Assistant Professor
University of Maryland Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial
College Park, MD of Environmental Studies
Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Erica Schoenberger, Ph.D. Engineering
Amherst, MA
Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Geography and Cambridge, MA
Tobias I. Baskin, Ph.D.
Environmental Engineering Department of Biology
Johns Hopkins University Jens Christiansen, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Baltimore, MD Professor
Amherst, MA Department of Economics
Kristen A. Sheeran, Ph.D. Mount Holyoke College
Sarah-Marie Belcastro, Ph.D.
Executive Director South Hadley, MA
Visiting Assistant Professor
Economics for Equity and the Environment Department of Mathematics and Statistics
St. Mary’s City, MD William C. Clark, Ph.D. 2,5
Smith College Professor
Northampton, MA
Jeffrey N. Stibick, Ph.D. John F. Kennedy School of Government
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Harvard University
Patricia A. Benjamin, Ph.D.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Cambridge, MA
Associate Professor and Chair
Riverdale, MD Physical & Earth Sciences Department Rachel Cleetus, Ph.D.
Worcester State College
Darryn W. Waugh, Ph.D. Economist
Worcester, MA
Professor Climate and Energy Program
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Union of Concerned Scientists
Johns Hopkins University Cambridge, MA
Baltimore, MD
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
In Their Own Words:
Personal quotes from selected endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’

Physicists tend to be supercritical of strong conclu- The message from Cali-

sions, but the data on global warming now indicate fornia to federal policy
the conclusions are not nearly strong enough. makers is encouraging—
Leon M. Lederman we know that a combina-
Director Emeritus, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL; Nobel
Prize Winner in Physics; National Medal of Science Recipient; Member, National
tion of political will and
Academy of Sciences smart policies that promote
energy conservation and
Global warming is one of the most pressing problems technological innovation
of our time. If we fail to address it, the costs to adapt can cost-effectively reduce
our infrastructure and agricultural systems will be global warming emissions.
overwhelming. Dealing effectively with the problem Michael Hanemann
Chancellor’s Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics Department,
of climate change could help keep us fully employed Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley; Director,
California Climate Change Center
for a generation.
James K. Galbraith
Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations, University
of Texas, Austin
The climate system is telling us a consistent story of
human influence. We can read that story in records
of temperature, rainfall, ice, snow, sea level, and
Over the last 30 years I’ve watched many glaciers
even in the behavior of extreme events. The message
shrink in South America. It’s also happening in
in this story: natural causes alone simply cannot
Europe, North America, China, and the Himalayas.
explain all these changes.
More than 90 percent of the world’s glaciers are
Benjamin Santer
receding—they have no Research Scientist, Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; MacArthur Fellow; Second and
political agenda. Science Fourth Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
is about what is, not about
what any of us believe.
Preventing dangerous climate change is a great
Lonnie G. Thompson
Distinguished University Professor, School investment. It will cost between one and two percent
of Earth Sciences; Research scientist and
glaciologist, Byrd Polar Research Center,
of GDP, and the benefits will be between 10 and 20
The Ohio State University; National Medal percent. That’s a return of 10 to 1—attractive even
of Science Recipient; Member, National
Academy of Sciences; Tyler Prize for to a venture capitalist.
Environmental Achievement
Geoffrey Heal
Paul Garret Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility, Columbia
Business School, New York, NY; Co-organizer, U.S. Scientists and Economists’
Sea ice is rapidly receding; permafrost is thawing; Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

and areas of formerly treeless, windswept tundra

are being taken over by shrubs. The Arctic is on
the fast track of climate change.
Mark C. Serreze
Research Professor of Geography, Senior Research Scientist, National Snow
and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO; Fellow, Cooperative Institute for Research
in Environmental Studies
Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Only a very few years remain in which drastic One plausible climate change scenario projects
reductions in global emissions must begin if warm- that Washington County, ME, may have a late cen-
ing is to be limited to 2ºC or any other reasonable tury temperature range similar to Washington, DC,
level. The world is squandering valuable time, today—with a likely loss of our spruce-fir forest. That
and time is running out. is why Maine and our folks in Washington need to
Richard C.J. Somerville lead the way in major emissions cuts.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Research Professor, Scripps Institution
R o b e r t W. K at e s
of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego; Fourth Assessment
Independent Scholar; Presidential Professor of Sustainability Science, University
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
of Maine; Recipient, National Medal of Science; Member, National Academy
of Sciences; MacArthur Fellow; Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change
Adaptation for both human and natural ecosystems
will likely be more difficult and costly for a faster
Evidence is mounting
rate of warming than for slower rates. Delaying
from many different
action is an extremely risky path to continue on.
scientific disciplines
S t e p h e n H . Sc h n e i d e r
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, CA; Co-Director, that Earth’s natural
Center for Environmental Science and Policy; Co-director, Interdisciplinary Program
in Environmental Resources; Member, National Academy of Sciences; MacArthur
systems are already
Fellow; Lead Author, Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel undergoing rapid
on Climate Change (IPCC); Coordinating Lead Author of the Third and Fourth
Assessment Reports of the IPCC; Co-organizer, U.S. Scientists and Economists’ change. We need
Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions to act now to reduce
heat-trapping gas
The future of our society depends on effectively emissions, for the sake of our children and the other
managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. species with whom we share this planet.
Public and private research and development sup- Pa m e l a A . M at s o n
Dean, School of Earth Sciences and Goldman Professor of Environmental
port for these efforts will allow Studies, Stanford University, CA; Member, National Academy of Sciences;
us to transition to a carbon- MacArthur Fellow; Past President, Ecological Society of America

neutral energy system that

improves both environmental Recent research at The Ohio State University—
quality and economic growth. including detailed biomass, wind, and solar data
Gordon Rausser and full cost assessments of coal-based options
Robert Gordon Sproul Distinguished Professor,
Agricultural and Resource Economics Depart- of electric power generation—demonstrates that
ment, University of California, Berkeley; Co- Ohio can utilize more renewable energy, emit
founder and former Director, LECG, a global
expert services company; Former chief econo- fewer greenhouse gases, and reduce the impacts
mist of the U.S. Agency for International
of coal mining with only modest increases in
electric utility rates.
Fred Hitzhusen
Professor of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics,
The Ohio State University
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Ethan D. Clotfelter, Ph.D. Lynne Elkins Melanie Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.

Department of Biology Doctoral Candidate Climate Scientist
Amherst College Department of Geology and Geophysics Climate and Energy Program
Amherst, MA Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Union of Concerned Scientists
Woods Hole, MA Cambridge, MA
Mea S. Cook, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Aaron M. Ellison, Ph.D. Deborah X. Flores-Cervantes
Department of Geosciences Senior Research Fellow Doctoral Candidate
Williams College Harvard Forest Department of Civil and Environmental
Williamstown, MA Harvard University Engineering
Petersham, MA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James M. Corven, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA
Professor Paul R. Epstein, M.D., M.P.H.
Bristol Community College Center for Health and the Global Chris E. Forest, Ph.D.
Sandwich, MA Environment Center for Global Change Science
Harvard University Medical School Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sam Crawford Boston, MA Cambridge, MA
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Materials Science & Gidon Eshel, Ph.D. David R. Foster, Ph.D.
Engineering Bard Center Fellow Director
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Science, Mathematics, Harvard Forest
Cambridge, MA and Computing Harvard University
Bard College Petersham, MA
William C. Dale, Ph.D. Great Barrington, MA
Technology Travis Franck, Ph.D.
Monsanto John W. Farrington, Ph.D. Medford, MA
East Longmeadow, MA Scientist Emeritus
Department of Marine Chemistry and Kimberley A. Frederick, Ph.D.
Eric A. Davidson, Ph.D. Geochemistry Associate Professor
Senior Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Chemistry
Woods Hole Research Center Woods Hole, MA College of the Holy Cross
Falmouth, MA Worcester, MA
James A. Fay, Ph.D. 3
Lisa J. Delissio, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Peter C. Frumhoff, Ph.D. 6
Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Director of Science and Policy
Department of Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Climate Campaign
Salem State College Cambridge, MA Chief Scientist
Salem, MA Union of Concerned Scientists
Gordon Fellman, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA
S. Lawrence Dingman, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Emeritus Department of Sociology Robert R. Gamache, Ph.D.
Department of Earth Sciences Brandeis University Professor
University of New Hampshire Waltham, MA Department of Environmental, Earth,
Eastham, MA and Atmospheric Sciences
Adrien C. Finzi, Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Ellen Douglas, Ph.D. Associate Professor Lowell, MA
Assistant Professor Department of Biology
Department of Environmental, Earth, Boston University David T. Gibson, Ph.D.
and Ocean Sciences Boston, MA Concord, MA
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Boston, MA Jenny A. Fisher Scott J. Goetz, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate Senior Scientist
Allison L. Dunn, Ph.D. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Department of Geography
Assistant Professor Harvard University Woods Hole Research Center
Department of Physical and Earth Sciences Cambridge, MA Falmouth, MA
Worcester State College
Worcester, MA Matt Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. Michael Golay, Ph.D. 6
Petersham, MA Professor
Department of Nuclear Science
and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Susan Goldhor, Ph.D. Joseph M. Hunt, Ph.D. Kathryn D. Kavanagh, Ph.D.

Cambridge, MA Department of Global Health and Department of Genetics
Population Harvard Medical School
Neva Goodwin, Ph.D. Harvard School of Public Health Harvard University
Co-Director Harvard University Boston, MA
Global Development and Environment Boston, MA
Institute Paul Kirshen, Ph.D.
Tufts University Martin Hunter, Ph.D. Research Leader
Cambridge, MA Lab Coordinator Battelle Memorial Institute
Department of Biomedical Engineering Lexington, MA
Elizabeth S. Gordon, Ph.D. Tufts University
Fitchburg, MA Medford, MA Gary Kleiman, Ph.D.
Program Manager
Peter M. Haas, Ph.D. Peter H. Israelsson Science and Technology Team
Amherst, MA Doctoral Candidate Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use
Department of Civil and Environmental Management
Jonathan M. Harris, Ph.D. Engineering Boston, MA
Global Development and Environment Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Institute Cambridge, MA Mark Klein, Ph.D.
Tufts University Principal Research Scientist
Medford, MA John C. Jahoda, Ph.D. Sloan School of Management
Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alan Harwood, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences Cambridge, MA
Professor Emeritus Bridgewater State College
Department of Anthropology Bridgewater, MA Jessie M. Kneeland
University of Massachusetts, Boston Doctoral Candidate
Boston, MA Frederic B. Jennings, Ph.D. Department of Marine Chemistry
Center for Ecological Economic and and Geochemistry
Timothy F. Havel, Ph.D. Ethical Education Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cambridge, MA Ipswich, MA Woods Hole, MA

Ann Helwege, Ph.D. Harold F. Jensen III Charles E. Kolb, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Doctoral Candidate President
Department of Economics Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Aerodyne Research, Inc.
Emmanuel College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Billerica, MA
Boston, MA Cambridge, MA
John Kwoka, Ph.D.
John P. Holdren, Ph.D. 2,3,5 Scott Jiusto, Ph.D. Finnegan Professor
Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Worcester, MA Department of Economics
Environmental Policy Northeastern University
Director, The Woods Hole Research Center Terrence M. Joyce, Ph.D. 6 Boston, MA
John F. Kennedy School of Government Senior Scientist
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Department of Physical Oceanography Justin Lancaster, Ph.D.
Woods Hole Research Center Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Chief Science Officer
Cambridge, MA Woods Hole, MA Joint Research Ventures
Lexington, MA
Richard A. Houghton, Ph.D. Shulamit Kahn, Ph.D.
Falmouth, MA Associate Professor Kevin Lang, Ph.D.
School of Management Professor
Peter Houlihan, Ph.D. Department of Finance and Economics Department of Economics
Department of Biology Boston University Boston University
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Boston, MA Boston, MA
Amherst, MA
Les Kaufman, Ph.D. Susannah B. Lerman
Wei Huang Professor Doctoral Candidate
Doctoral Candidate Boston University Marine Program Department of Organismic and Evolutionary
Department of Environmental, Earth Boston University Biology
and Ocean Science Boston, MA University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Massachusetts, Boston Amherst, MA
Boston, MA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Susan Leschine, Ph.D. Paul R. Moosman, Ph.D. Annie Paradis

Professor Department of Biology and Chemistry Doctoral Candidate
Department of Microbiology Fitchburg State College Department of Organismic and Evolutionary
University of Massachusetts, Amherst Fitchburg, MA Biology
Amherst, MA Department of Entomology
Philip I. Moss, Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Alan E. Lipton, Ph.D. Professor Amherst, MA
Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. Department of Regional Economic and
Lexington, MA Social Development Richard Parker, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts, Lowell John F. Kennedy School of Government
Thomas S. Litwin, Ph.D. Lowell, MA Harvard University
Director Cambridge, MA
Clark Science Center Amy V. Mueller
Smith College Doctoral Candidate Anthony G. Patt, Ph.D. 6
Northampton, MA Department of Civil and Environmental Professor
Engineering Department of Geography and Environment
Philip A. Marrone, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston University
Medford, MA Cambridge, MA Boston, MA

Petrus C. Martens, Ph.D. Adil Najam, Ph.D. 6 Gail R. Patt, Ph.D.

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Professor Professor
Cambridge, MA Department of Geography and Environment Department of Biology
Boston University Boston University
James J. McCarthy, Ph.D. Boston, MA Boston, MA
Alexander Agassiz Professor
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Ray Nassar, Ph.D. Richard Payne, Ph.D.
Biology Postdoctoral Fellow Oceanographer Emeritus
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Department of Physical Oceanography
Harvard University Harvard University Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cambridge, MA Cambridge, MA Woods Hole, MA

Andrew M. McDonnell Julie A. Nelson, Ph.D. Gerald A. Peterson, Ph.D.

Doctoral Candidate Senior Research Associate Professor Emeritus
Department of Marine Chemistry Global Development and Environment Department of Physics
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Institute University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tufts University Amherst, MA
Woods Hole, MA Medford, MA
Chris M. Picone, Ph.D.
Joan K. Meyer, Ph.D. Stephen C. Nodvin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Principal Professor and Department Head Department of Biology
Industrial Economics Department of Applied Math and Sciences Fitchburg State College
Cambridge, MA Wentworth Institute of Technology Fitchburg, MA
Boston, MA
David S. Miller, Ph.D. Martin F. Polz, Ph.D.
Brookline, MA Enoch H. Page, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Associate Professor Department of Civil and Environmental
Rob Moir, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Engineering
Executive Director University of Massachusetts, Amherst Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ocean River Institute Amherst, MA Cambridge, MA
Cambridge, MA
Kristin C. Pangallo Rui M. Ponte, Ph.D.
William R. Moomaw, Ph.D. 6 Doctoral Candidate Principal Scientist
Professor Woods Hole, MA Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.
Center for International Environment Lexington, MA
and Resource Policy Andreas Papandreou, Ph.D.
Tufts University Department of Philosophy Katherine Ellison Potter
Medford, MA Harvard University Doctoral Candidate
Boston, MA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marianne V. Moore, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sarah Preheim Mak A. Saito, Ph.D. Richard S. Stein, Ph.D. 2,3

Doctoral Candidate Associate Scientist Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil and Environmental Department of Marine Chemistry Department of Chemistry
Engineering and Geochemistry University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Amherst, MA
Cambridge, MA Woods Hole, MA
Jennie C. Stephens, Ph.D.
Ronald G. Prinn, Ph.D. 6 Peter W. Samal, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Professor and Director Montague, MA Department of International Development,
Center for Global Change Science Community and Environment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Juliet B. Schor, Ph.D. Clark University
Cambridge, MA Professor Worcester, MA
Department of Sociology
Paul D. Raskin, Ph.D. 6 Boston College Roman Stocker, Ph.D.
President Chestnut Hill, MA Assistant Professor
Tellus Institute Department of Civil and Environmental
Boston, MA Daniel P. Schrag, Ph.D. 5 Engineering
Professor and Director Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dorothy L. Read, Ph.D. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Cambridge, MA
Professor Emerita Harvard University Center for the
Department of Biology Environment Fiammetta Straneo, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Harvard University Associate Scientist
Dartmouth, MA Cambridge, MA Department of Physical Oceanography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Virginia Rich Katharine R.E. Sims, Ph.D. Woods Hole, MA
Doctoral Candidate Assistant Professor
Joint Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Department of Economics David G. Terkla, Ph.D.
Institute Amherst College Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Amherst, MA Department of Economics
Cambridge, MA University of Massachusetts, Boston
Leslie D. Smith, Ph.D. Boston, MA
Christine Richardson, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences
Marlborough, MA Smith College Roger G. Tobin, Ph.D.
Northampton, MA Professor
Brian Roach, Ph.D. Department of Physics and Astronomy
Research Associate Mitchell L. Sogin, Ph.D. Tufts University
Global Development and Environment Professor Medford, MA
Institute Bay Paul Center
Tufts University Marine Biological Laboratory Kjetil Våge
Medford, MA Woods Hole, MA Doctoral Candidate
Woods Hole, MA
Dianne E. Rocheleau, Ph.D. Robert M. Solow, Ph.D. 1,2
Associate Professor Professor Emeritus Charuleka Varadharajan
Department of Geography Department of Economics Doctoral Candidate
Clark University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental
Worcester, MA Cambridge, MA Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nicholas L. Rodenhouse, Ph.D. Lisa G. Sorenson, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA
Sherborn, MA Department of Biology
Boston University Prassede Vella
Juliette N. Rooney-Varga, Ph.D. Boston, MA Doctoral Candidate
Associate Professor Boston, MA
Department of Biological Sciences Peter Spiegler, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts, Lowell Assistant Professor Nicholas R. White, Ph.D.
Lowell, MA Department of Economics Albion Systems
University of Massachusetts, Boston Manchester, MA
Kurt W. Roth, Ph.D. Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA Frank Wilczek, Ph.D. 1,2,5
Laurel J. Standley, Ph.D. Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics
Newton, MA Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Leah R. Williams, Ph.D. Stephen C. Brown, Ph.D. Harold Glasser, Ph.D.

Center for Cloud and Aerosol Chemistry Plymouth, MI Kalamazoo, MI
Aerodyne Research, Inc.
Billerica, MA Robyn J. Burnham, Ph.D. Sarah A. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Professor and Chair
Jeremy Winick, Ph.D. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Department of Chemistry
Hanscom Airforce Base, MA Biology Michigan Technological University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Houghton, MI
Jonathan M. Winter Ann Arbor, MI
Doctoral Candidate Eldon D. Greij, Ph.D.
Department of Civil and Environmental Amy B. Canevello, Ph.D. Holland, MI
Engineering Research Investigator
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute for Social Research Katherine L. Gross, Ph.D.
Cambridge, MA University of Michigan, Ann Arbor W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
Ann Arbor, MI Michigan State University
Ezra C. Wood, Ph.D. Hickory Corners, MI
Department of Chemistry Charles P. Cubbage, Ph.D.
Aerodyne Research, Inc. Paw Paw, MI Jay R. Harman, Ph.D.
Billerica, MA Department of Geography
Mick DeGraeve, Ph.D. Michigan State University
Carl Wunsch, Ph.D. 2 Director East Lansing, MI
Professor Great Lakes Environmental Center
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Traverse City, MI Gloria E. Helfand, Ph.D.
Planetary Sciences Associate Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Andrew S. Flies School of Natural Resources and
Cambridge, MA Doctoral Candidate Environment
Department of Zoology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Michigan State University Ann Arbor, MI
MICHIGAN East Lansing, MI
David R. Hickey, Ph.D.
Norman A. Andresen, Ph.D. Johannes Foufopoulos, Ph.D. Retired
Ypsilanti, MI Assistant Professor Lansing, MI
School of Natural Resources and
Catherine Badgley, Ph.D. Environment Geoffrey P. Horst
Research Scientist University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Doctoral Candidate
Museum of Paleontology Ann Arbor, MI Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan State University
Ann Arbor, MI Valerie J. Fuchs, M.S. East Lansing, MI
Doctoral Candidate
Suzanne Bergeron, Ph.D. Department of Civil and Environmental David N. Karowe, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Engineering Professor
Department of Women’s and Gender Studies Michigan Technological University Department of Biological Sciences
University of Michigan, Dearborn Houghton, MI Western Michigan University
Dearborn, MI Kalamazoo, MI
Margaret R. Gale, Ph.D.
Steve Bertman, Ph.D. Professor and Dean George W. Kling, Ph.D.
Western Michigan University School of Forest Resources & Environment Professor
Kalamazoo, MI Science Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Michigan Technological University Biology
Goran E. Blomberg, Ph.D. Houghton, MI University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Lansing, MI Ann Arbor, MI
Gerald T. Gardner, Ph.D.
Catherine E. Bolten Professor Emeritus Jasper F. Kok
Doctoral Candidate Department of Behavioral Sciences Doctoral Candidate
Ann Arbor, MI University of Michigan, Dearborn Applied Physics Program
Dearborn, MI University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Donald J. Brown, Ph.D. Ann Arbor, MI
Professor Emeritus Thomas M. Gehring, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry Associate Professor
Western Michigan University Department of Biology
Kalamazoo, MI Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Stephen B. Malcolm, Ph.D. Robert B. Richardson, Ph.D. Alan D. Steinman, Ph.D.

Department of Biological Sciences Assistant Professor Annis Water Resources Institute
Western Michigan University Department of Community, Agriculture Grand Valley State University
Kalamazoo, MI Recreation and Resource Studies Muskegon, MI
School of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Philip P. Micklin, Ph.D. Michigan State University R. Jan Stevenson, Ph.D.
Department of Geography East Lansing, MI Professor and Co-Director
Western Michigan University Center for Water Sciences
Kalamazoo, MI Catherine Riseng, Ph.D. Michigan State University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor East Lansing, MI
Michael R. Moore, Ph.D. Ann Arbor, MI
Professor Chris S. Vogel, Ph.D.
School of Natural Resources and Karel L. Rogers, Ph.D. Research Scientist
Environment Retired Biological Station
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Department of Biology University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI Grand Valley State University Pellston, MI
West Olive, MI
Knute J. Nadelhoffer, Ph.D. Maarten J. Vonhof, Ph.D.
Professor Alvin M. Saperstein, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Professor Department of Biological Sciences
Biology Wayne State University Western Michigan University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Detroit, MI Kalamazoo, MI
Ann Arbor, MI
Donald Scavia, Ph.D. Douglas W. White, Ph.D.
Gayl D. Ness, Ph.D. Director Department of Biology
Professor Emeritus Graham Environmental Sustainability Albion College
Department of Sociology Institute Albion, MI
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI Anne E. Wiley
Doctoral Candidate
Thomas L. Noland, Ph.D. Elke Schoffers, Ph.D. Department of Zoology
Adjunct Professor Professor Michigan State University
Department of Biological Sciences Department of Chemistry East Lansing, MI
Michigan Technological University Western Michigan University
Houghton, MI Kalamazoo, MI Mark L. Wilson, Ph.D.
Erik E. Nordman, Ph.D. Shanna Shaked Department of Epidemiology
Assistant Professor Doctoral Candidate University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Biology Applied Physics Program Ann Arbor, MI
Grand Valley State University University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Allendale, MI Ann Arbor, MI Heather Elizabeth Wright
Doctoral Candidate
Stella Papasavva, Ph.D. Jacob Silver, Ph.D. Houghton, MI
Warren, MI Negaunee, MI
Donald R. Zak, Ph.D.
Edward A. Parson, Ph.D.6 Gerald Ray Smith, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Professor Emeritus School of Natural Resources and
Law School Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Environment
School of Natural Resources and Biology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Environment University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Arbor, MI Jinhua Zhao, Ph.D.
Barry D. Solomon, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Henry N. Pollack, Ph.D. 6 Professor Department of Economics
Professor Department of Geography and Michigan State University
Department of Geological Sciences Environmental Policy East Lansing, MI
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan Technological University
Ann Arbor, MI Houghton, MI Xie Zhu, Ph.D.
Rochester, MI

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

MINNESOTA Jay Coggins, Ph.D.

Jon E. Grinnell, Ph.D.
FM Uhler Chair in Biology
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Department of Biology
Ira R. Adelman, Ph.D.
St Paul, MN Gustavus Adolphus College
Professor St. Peter, MN
Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Christopher T. Cole, Ph.D.
Conservation Biology Professor Nathan Eric Hampton, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Department Biology Professor
St. Paul, MN University of Minnesota, Morris St. Cloud State University
Morris, MN St. Cloud, MN
James E. Almendinger, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist Matthew J. Commers, Ph.D. Evan B. Hazard, Ph.D.
St. Croix Watershed Research Station Public Policy Program Manager Professor Emeritus
Science Museum of Minnesota Planning Department of Biology
Marine on St. Croix, MN Hennepin County Medical Center Bemidji State University
Minneapolis, MN Bemidji, MN
Elise L. Amel, Ph.D.
Professor and Director James B. Cotner, Ph.D. Blair C. Henry, J.D.
Department of Environmental Studies Professor HenryConsulting
Department of Psychology Department of Ecology, Evolution, Minneapolis, MN
University of St. Thomas and Behavior
St. Paul, MN University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Thomas A Hickson, Ph.D.
St. Paul, MN Associate Professor
Paul M. Anderson, Ph.D.
Department of Geology
Duluth, MN Mark K. Debe, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Science
Senior Staff Scientist University of St. Thomas
Dragoljub Bilanovic, Ph.D.
Fuel Cell Components Program St. Paul, MN
Professor 3M Company
Department of Environmental, Earth St. Paul, MN Sarah Hobbie, Ph.D.
and Space Studies Associate Professor
Bemidji State University Ernest R. Diedrich, Ph.D. Department of Ecology, Evolution,
Bemidji, MN Professor and Behavior
Department of Economics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Rebecca Bilek, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Studies Saint Paul, MN
Minneapolis, MN St. John’s University and College of
St. Benedict Daniel J. Hornbach, Ph.D.
Cyrus Bina, Ph.D.
Saint Joseph, MN DeWitt Wallace Professor
Distinguished Research Professor of Department of Biology
Economics James H. Dontje, Ph.D. Macalester College
University of Minnesota, Morris Director St. Paul, MN
Morris, MN Johnson Center for Environmental
Innovation Amihan S. Huesmann, Ph.D.
Mark D. Bjelland, Ph.D.
Gustavus Adolphus College Department of Physics
Associate Professor St. Peter, MN Gustavus Adolphus College
Department of Geography St. Peter, MN
Gustavus Adolphus College Lee E. Frelich, Ph.D.
St. Peter, MN Director Warren E. Ibele, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Resources Professor Emeritus
Jeffrey P. Broadbent, Ph.D.
Center for Hardwood Ecology Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Sociology St.Paul, MN Minneapolis, MN
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN Christina D. Gallup, Ph.D. Robert W. Jacobel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Grace A.Whittier Professor of Physics
Jeannine M. Cavender Bares, Ph.D.
Department of Geological Sciences Department of Physics
Assistant Professor University of Minnesota, Duluth St. Olof College
Department of Ecology, Evolution, Duluth, MN Northfield, MN
and Behavior
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Lara Greden, Ph.D. Jeff D. Jeremiason, Ph.D.
Saint Paul, MN The Weidt Group Associate Professor
Minneapolis, MN Department of Chemistry
Gustavus Adolphus College
St. Peter, MN
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Lucinda B. Johnson, Ph.D. Katsumi Matsumoto, Ph.D. 6 Stephen J. Smela, Ph.D.

Duluth, MN Professor Minneapolis, MN
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Rebecca P. Judge, Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Michael C. Swift, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Minneapolis, MN Northfield, MN
Department of Economics
St. Olaf College Herbert Dick Mohring, Ph.D. Norman J. Vig, Ph.D.
Nothfield, MN Professor Emeritus Retired
Department of Economics Department of Political Science
Kenneth H. Keller, Ph.D. 3 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Carleton College
Professor Minneapolis, MN Northfield, MN
Department of Chemical Engineering
and Materials Science Richard W. Ojakangas, Ph.D. Sarah West, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Professor Emeritus Associate Professor
Minneapolis, MN Department of Geological Sciences Department of Economics
University of Minnesota, Duluth Macalester College
Arne Kildegaard, Ph.D. Duluth, MN Saint Paul, MN
Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Management Laura S. Olabisi, Ph.D. Sue Mary Wick, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, Morris Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Professor and Director
Morris, MN Initiative Department of Plant Biology
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Katherine Klink, Ph.D. Saint Paul, MN St. Paul, MN
Department of Geography
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities John Joseph Pastor, Ph.D. Elizabeth J. Wilson, Ph.D.
Minneapolis, MN Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Biology Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public
Joe P. Kuczynski, Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Duluth Affairs
Rochester, MN Duluth, MN University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN
William Lamberts, Ph.D. Lesley A. Perg, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Assistant Professor Herbert E. Wright, Ph.D. 2
Department of Biology Department of Geology and Geophysics Professor Emeritus
St. John’s University and College of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Department of Geology and Geophysics
St. Benedict Minneapolis, MN University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Collegeville, MN Minneapolis, MN
Stephen Polasky, Ph.D.
Clarence L. Lehman, Ph.D. Professor
Adjunct Professor Applied Economics & Ecology, Evolution MISSISSIPPI
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
and Behavior University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Patrick Biber, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities St. Paul, MN University of Southern Mississippi
St. Paul, MN Ocean Springs, MS
Jennifer F. Schultz, Ph.D.
Anne Lightbody, Ph.D. Associate Professor Thomas D. Bolden, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Department of Economics Alcorn State, MS
Minneapolis, MN University of Minnesota, Duluth
Duluth, MN Marianne T. Hill, Ph.D.
John P. Loegering, Ph.D. Jackson, MS
Associate Professor Ruth G. Shaw, Ph.D.
Department of Natural Resources Professor Mark Klinedinst, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, Crookston University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Southern Mississippi
Crookston, MN Roseville, MN Hattiesburg, MS

Christie Manning, Ph.D. Richard H. Skaggs, Ph.D. Donald G. Redalje, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor Professor Emeritus Professor
Department of Environmental Studies Department of Geography Department of Marine Science
Macalester College University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Southern Mississippi
St. Paul, MN Minneapolis, MN Stennis Space Center, MS

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

MISSOURI William W. Eidson, Ph.D.

Richard D. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biological Sciences Department of Physics and Astronomy
BriAnne A. Addison
Webster University University of Missouri, St. Louis
Doctoral Candidate St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO
Department of Biology
University of Missouri, St. Louis Terrel A. Gallaway, Ph.D. Michael S. Taylor, Ph.D.
St. Louis, MO Associate Professor Department of Biology
Department of Economics Southeast Missouri State University
Jimmy O. Adegoke, Ph.D.
Missouri State University Cape Girardeau, MO
Associate Professor Ozark, MO
Department of Geosciences Alexander Wait, Ph.D.
University of Missouri, Kansas City Syed E. Hasan, Ph.D. Professor
Kansas City, MO Professor and Chair Department of Biology
Department of Geosciences Missouri State University
James O. Allen, Ph.D.
University of Missouri, Kansas City Springfield, MO
Research Assistant Professor Kansas City, MO
Department of Biological Sciences Charles J. Wurrey, Ph.D.
University of Missouri, Columbia Alan R. P. Journet, Ph.D. Kansas City, MO
Columbia, MO Department of Biology
Southeast Missouri State University
John E. Bauman, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Cape Girardeau, MO MONTANA
Department of Chemistry Celine Boisvenue, Ph.D.
Lea-Rachel Kosnik, Ph.D.
University of Missouri, Columbia Department of Ecosystem and Conservation
Assistant Professor
Columbia, MO Sciences
Department of Economics
University of Missouri, St. Louis University of Montana
Richard R. Bryant, Ph.D. Missoula, MT
St. Louis, MO
Department of Economics
Missouri University of Science and James K. Brown, Ph.D.
Robert E. Morley, Ph.D.
Technology Retired
Associate Professor
Rolla, MO U.S. Forest Service
Washington University, St. Louis
St. Louis, MO Missoula, MT
Gordon D. Christensen, Ph.D.
Columbia, MO Scott Creel, Ph.D.
Stephen E. Mudrick, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Emeritus Professor
Deborah A. Clark, Ph.D. 6
Department of Ecology
Department of Soil Environmental &
Research Professor Montana State University
Atmospheric Science
University of Missouri, St. Louis Bozeman, MT
University of Missouri, Columbia
St. Louis, MO Columbia, MO
Christopher A. Frissell, Ph.D.
Ellen I. Damschen, Ph.D. Director
Reed Neil Olsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Science and Conservation Programs
Department of Biology Pacific Rivers Council
Department of Economics
Washington University, St. Louis Polson, MT
Missouri State University
St. Louis, MO Springfield, MO
Philip Higuera, Ph.D.
Caroline P. Davies, Ph.D. Graduate Research Fellow
Stephen R. Overmann, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Department of Earth Sciences
Department of Geosciences Montana State University
Environmental Science Program
University of Missouri, Kansas City Bozeman, MT
Department of Biology
Kansas City, MO Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO Jodi A. Hilty, Ph.D.
Jeffrey C. Depew, Ph.D. Bozeman, MT
Professor Francis J. Schmidt, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Curtis A. Link, Ph.D.
Webster University Professor
Department of Biochemistry
St. Louis, MO Department of Geophysical Engineering
University of Missouri, Columbia
Columbia, MO Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Taner Edis, Ph.D. Butte, MT
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sterling D. Miller, Ph.D. Clinton M. Rowe, Ph.D. Brian Von Herzen, Ph.D.
National Wildlife Federation Associate Professor Executive Director
Missoula, MT Department of Geosciences Carson City, NV
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Thomas M. Power, Ph.D. Lincoln, NE Stephen Frederick Zitzer, Ph.D.
Professor Research Professor
Department of Economics Hendrik Van den Berg, Ph.D. Division of Earth and Ecosystems
University of Montana Associate Professor Desert Research Institute
Missoula, MT Department of Economics Las Vegas, NV
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Steven W. Running, Ph.D. 6 Lincoln, NE
Regents Professor NEW HAMPSHIRE
Department of Ecosystem and Conservation
Sciences NEVADA Mark E. Borsuk, Ph.D.
University of Montana Thayer School of Engineering
Missoula, MT Peter F. Brussard, Ph.D. at Dartmouth College
Professor Emeritus Hanover, NH
Larry N. Smith, Ph.D. Department of Biology
Associate Professor and Geologist University of Nevada, Reno Jeb E. Byers, Ph.D.
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Reno, NV Department of Zoology
Montana Tech of the University of Montana University of New Hampshire
Butte, MT Eileen Carey, Ph.D. Durham, NH
Planning and Evaluation
Kyle S. Strode, Ph.D. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Chris C. Chabot, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Stateline, NV Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Natural Sciences Plymouth State University
Carroll College Lisa H. Crampton, Ph.D. Plymouth, NH
Helena, MT Reno, NV
Patrick M. Eggleston, Ph.D.
Anthony M. Szpilka, Ph.D. George W. Harvey, Ph.D. Professor
Department of Natural Sciences Reno, NV Department of Biology
Carroll College Keene State College
Helena, MT David L. Mitchell, Ph.D. Keene, NH
Associate Research Professor
Desert Research Institute Arthur Greenberg, Ph.D.
NEBRASKA Reno, NV Professor
Department of Chemistry
Ken F. Dewey, Ph.D. Dennis D. Murphy, Ph.D. University of New Hampshire
School of Natural Resources Professor Durham, NH
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Department of Biology
Lincoln, NE University of Nevada, Reno John M. Halstead, Ph.D.
Reno, NV Professor
Mary Anne Holmes, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Resource
Professor Mike G. Robinson, Ph.D. Economics
Department of Geosciences Professor University of New Hampshire
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Department of Curriculum, Teaching, Durham, NH
Lincoln, NE and Learning
University of Nevada, Reno Richard B. Howarth, Ph.D.
Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Ph.D. Reno, NV Pat and John Rosenwald Professor
Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Studies
Department of Geosciences Hillary Robison Dartmouth College
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Doctoral Candidate Hanover, NH
Lincoln, NE University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV Anne R. Kapuscinski, Ph.D.
Ann Mari May, Ph.D. Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor
Associate Professor David A. Starrett, Ph.D. in Sustainability Science
Department of Economics Ely, NV Department of Environmental Studies
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Dartmouth College
Lincoln, NE John C. Tull, Ph.D. Dartmouth, NH
Reno, NV

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Kenneth D. Kimball, Ph.D. Barrett N. Rock, Ph.D. Lyndon Estes, Ph.D.

Director Professor Program in Science, Technology, and
Research Department Complex Systems Research Center Environmental Policy
Appalachian Mountain Club University of New Hampshire Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
Gorham, NH Durham, NH International Affairs
Princeton University
David M. Lemal, Ph.D. Robert M. Roseen, Ph.D. Princeton, NJ
Albert W. Smith Professor Emeritus Director
Department of Chemistry Stormwater Center Sarah E. Fawcett
Dartmouth College Department of Civil Engineering Doctoral Candidate
Hanover, NH University of New Hampshire Department of Geosciences
Durham, NH Princeton University
Marian Litvaitis, Ph.D. Princeton, NJ
Department of Zoology Charles R. Sullivan, Ph.D.
University of New Hampshire Associate Professor Adam M. Finkel, Ph.D. 6
Durham, NH Engineering Sciences Professor
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth Pennsylvania Program on Regulation
William W. Mautz, Ph.D. College University of Pennsylvania Law School
Professor Hanover, NH School of Public Health
University of New Hampshire University of Medicine and Dentistry
Durham, NH Cameron P. Wake, Ph.D. of New Jersey
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, Piscataway, NJ
John A. Nevin, Ph.D. and Space
Professor Emeritus University of New Hampshire Jennifer A. Francis, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology Durham, NH Associate Research Professor
University of New Hampshire Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Durham, NH Rutgers University
NEW JERSEY New Brunswick, NJ
James Newcomb, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Jonathan Allen, Ph.D. Lion F. Gardiner, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Physicist Associate Professor
New England College RF Electronics Consulting Department of Biological Sciences
Henniker, NH Titusville, NJ Rutgers University
Newark, NJ
David Ross Peart, Ph.D. Ahmet Baytas, Ph.D.
Professor Department of Economics and Finance Marian Glenn, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Montclair State University South Orange, NJ
Darmouth College Upper Montclair, NJ
Hanover, NH David M. Hughes, Ph.D.
Silvia Bulow Associate Professor
Chris M. Polashenski Doctoral Candidate Department of Human Ecology
Doctoral Candidate Department of Geosciences Rutgers University
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth Princeton University New Brunswick, NJ
College Princeton, NJ
Hanover, NH Michael J. Kennish, Ph.D.
Mark J. Chopping, Ph.D. Associate Research Professor
David A. Publicover, D.F. Department of Earth and Environmental Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Research Department Studies Rutgers University
Appalachian Mountain Club Montclair State University New Brunswick, NJ
Gorham, NH Montclair, NJ
Monika Kopacz, Ph.D.
Leonard R. Reitsma, Ph.D. Fred Curtis, Ph.D. Princeton, NJ
Chair Professor
Department of Biology Department of Economics Robert E. Kopp, Ph.D.
Plymouth State University Drew University Postdoctoral Fellow
Plymouth, NH Madison, NJ Science, Technology, and Environmental
Policy Program
Nur P. Ritter, Ph.D. Department of Geosciences
Franklin, NH Princeton University
Princeton, NJ

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

David A. La Puma Ellen Mutari, Ph.D. Nicholas J. Smith-Sebasto, Ph.D.

Doctoral Candidate School of Behavioral and Social Science Co-Executive Director
Department of Ecology, Evolution, Department of Economics School of Environmental and Life Sciences
and Natural Resources Richard Stockton College Kean University
Rutgers University Pomona, NJ Union, NJ
Somerset, NJ
Lauren C. Neitzke Menahem Spiegel, Ph.D.
Inga P. La Puma Doctoral Candidate Department of Finance and Economics
Doctoral Candidate Department of Geological Sciences Rutgers University
Department of Ecology, Evolution, Rutgers University Newark, NJ
and Natural Resources Piscataway, NJ
Rutgers University Lena Struwe, Ph.D.
Somerset, NJ Michael Oppenheimer, Ph.D. 6 Associate Professor
Albert G. Milbank Professor Department of Ecology, Evolution,
Brian I. Magi, Ph.D. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program Woodrow Wilson School Rutgers University
Princeton University Princeton University New Brunswick, NJ
Princeton, NJ Princeton, NJ
Claudia Tebaldi, Ph.D. 6
Eric Maskin, Ph.D. 1,2
Kimberly A. Peters, Ph.D. Research Scientist
Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Director Climate Central
Sciences Research and Monitoring Princeton, NJ
Institute for Advanced Study New Jersey Audubon Society
Princeton, NJ Cape May Court House, NJ Alexander Todorov, Ph.D. 6
Assistant Professor
Bonnie J. McCay Merritt, Ph.D. Pascale M. Poussart, Ph.D. Woodrow Wilson School of Public
Professor Assistant Director and International Affairs
Department of Human Ecology Department of Energy Initiatives Princeton University
Rutgers University Princeton Environmental Institute Princeton, NJ
New Brunswick, NJ Princeton University
Princeton, NJ Bess B. Ward, Ph.D.
Duncan L. Menge Professor
Doctoral Candidate Robert Prezant, Ph.D. Department of Geosciences
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Dean Princeton University
Biology Department of Biology and Molecular Princeton, NJ
Princeton University Biology
Princeton, NJ Montclair State University Judith S. Weis, Ph.D.
Montclair, NJ Professor
James R. Miller, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences
Professor Alan Robock, Ph.D. Rutgers University
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences Professor II Newark, NJ
Rutgers University Department of Environmental Sciences
New Brunswick, NJ Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ NEW MEXICO
Bruce Mizrach, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Oscar M. Schofield, Ph.D. Mercedes M. Agogino, Ph.D.
Department of Economics Professor Professor Emeritus
Rutgers University Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences Department of Physics
New Brunswick, NJ Rutgers University Eastern New Mexico University
New Brunswick, NJ Portales, NM
David S. Mizrahi, Ph.D.
Cape May Court House, NJ Alison Seigel Andrea Ambrosini, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate Albuquerque, NM
Peter J. Morin, Ph.D. Department of Ecology and Evolution
Professor II Rutgers University Meb Bolin, Ph.D.
Department of Ecology, Evolution, New Brunswick, NJ Professor Emeritus
and Natural Resources Department of Economics
Rutgers University Justin Sheffield, Ph.D. Eastern New Mexico University
New Brunswick, NJ Department of Civil and Environmental Portales, NM
Princeton University Robert H. Doster, Ph.D.
Princeton, NJ Albuquerque, NM

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Michael S. Gold, Ph.D. Peter B. Stacey, Ph.D. David N. Borton, Ph.D.

Professor Research Professor Troy, NY
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of New Mexico
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM Arthur A. Bright, Ph.D.
Albuquerque, NM Research Staff Member
Rebecca M. Summer, Ph.D. Research
Will J. Gossett, Ph.D. Silver City, NM IBM
Environmental Research Yorktown Heights, NY
New Mexico Institute of Mining Heather L. Throop, Ph.D.
and Technology Assistant Professor Bryant W. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Socorro, NM Department of Biology Associate Professor
New Mexico State University Department of Biology
William A. Gross, Ph.D. 3 Las Cruces, NM Utica College
Albuquerque, NM Utica, NY

Vincent P. Gutschick, Ph.D. NEW YORK Russell Burke, Ph.D.

Professor Associate Professor
Department of Biology S. Elizabeth Alter, Ph.D. Department of Biology
New Mexico State University Center for Conservation Genetics Hofstra University
Las Cruces, NM American Museum of Natural History Hempstead, NY
New York, NY
Matthew W. Hecht, Ph.D. Harold L. Burstyn, J.D., Ph.D.
Santa Fe, NM Christopher N. Annala, Ph.D. Department of Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor and Computer Science
Kate Krause, Ph.D. Jones School of Business Syracuse University
Associate Professor State University of New York, Geneseo Syracuse, NY
Department of Economics Geneseo, NY
Albuquerque, NM Daniel M. Cadzow
Lopamudra Banerjee, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
James F. Kwak, Ph.D. Department of Economics Department of Anthropology
Retired New School for Social Research State University of New York, Buffalo
Albuquerque, NM The New School University Kenmore, NY
New York, NY
Grant A. Meyer, Ph.D. Monika Calef, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Daniel G. Bates, Ph.D. Department of Geography and Planning
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Professor Emeritus State University of New York, Albany
University of New Mexico Department of Anthropology Albany, NY
Albuquerque, NM Hunter College, City University of New York
New York City, NY Mark A. Cane, Ph.D.
Donald Neidig, Ph.D. G. Unger Vetlesen Professor and Chair
Astronomer Emeritus Antonio M. Bento, Ph.D. Department of Earth and Environmental
National Solar Observatory Department of Applied Economics and Sciences
Las Cruces, NM Management Columbia University
Cornell University Palisades, NY
William T. Pockman, Ph.D. Ithaca, NY
Associate Professor Gheorghe C. Cascaval, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Carol Berman, Ph.D. IBM TJ Watson Research Center
University of New Mexico Professor Yorktown Heights, NY
Albuquerque, NM Department of Anthropology
State University of New York, Buffalo Robert D. Cess, Ph.D.
Deborah U. Potter, Ph.D. Buffalo, NY Distinguished Professor
Department of Biology School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Mary A. Bisson, Ph.D. Stony Brook University
University of New Mexico Professor Stony Brook, NY
Albuquerque, NM Department of Biological Sciences
University at Buffalo Mark A. Chandler, Ph.D. 6
Thomas H. Robey, Ph.D. Buffalo, NY Director
Santa Fe, NM The Educational Global Climate Modeling
Paul J. Block, Ph.D. Project
Janet M. Ruth, Ph.D. Palisades, NY Center for Climate Systems Research
Corrales, NM Columbia University
New York, NY

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Edmund Chang, Ph.D. 6 Janis L. Dickinson, Ph.D. Gerhart Friedlander, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Ithaca, NY Department of Chemistry
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Brookhaven National Laboratory
Stony Brook University Steven R. Dickman, Ph.D. Upton, NY
Stony Brook, NY Professor
Department of Geological Sciences David K. Geiger, Ph.D.
Sally Chapman, Ph.D. Binghamton University Professor
Professor Binghamton, NY Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry State University of New York, Geneseo
Barnard College Nathan Diegelman, Ph.D. Geneseo, NY
New York, NY State University of New York, Buffalo
Buffalo, NY Marvin A. Geller, Ph.D. 6
Melissa Checker, Ph.D. Professor
Assistant Professor David Downie, Ph.D. School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Urban Studies The Earth Institute Stony Brook University
Queens College, City University of New York Columbia University Stony Brook, NY
New York, NY New York, NY
Tom Gilovich, Ph.D.
Raymond D. Clarke, Ph.D. Alfred W. Eipper, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Ithaca, NY Department of Psychology
Department of Biology Cornell University
Sarah Lawrence College Theodore A. Endreny, Ph.D. Ithaca, NY
Bronxville, NY Professor
Department of Environmental Resources Christine L. Goodale, Ph.D.
Jonathan J. Cole, Ph.D. and Forest Engineering Assistant Professor
Senior Scientist State University of New York, Syracuse Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Syracuse, NY Biology
Millbrook, NY Cornell University
Donald T. Farley, Ph.D. Ithaca, NY
Stephen Colucci, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Eban Goodstein, Ph.D.
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Engineering Director
Sciences Cornell University Bard Center for Environmental Policy
Cornell University Ithaca, NY The National Teach-In
Ithaca, NY Bard College
E. Christa Farmer, Ph.D. Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
David O. Conover, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Professor and Dean Department of Geology Kurt Gottfried, Ph.D.
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Hofstra University Professor Emeritus
Stony Brook University Hempstead, NY Department of Physics
Stony Brook, NY Cornell University
Richard Samuel Feldman, Ph.D. Ithaca, NY
Caren B. Cooper, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Ithaca, NY Department of Environmental Science John M. Gowdy, Ph.D.
& Policy Professor
Beata M. Csatho, Ph.D. Marist College Department of Economics
Buffalo, NY Poughkeepsie, NY Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY
Art DeGaetano, Ph.D. Ted R. Feldpausch, Ph.D.
Cornell University Ithaca, NY Ulla Grapard, Ph.D.
Ithaca, NY Professor
Stuart Findlay, Ph.D. Women’s Studies Program
Anthony D. Del Genio, Ph.D. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Colgate University
New York, NY Millbrook, NY Hamilton, NY

John Dennehy, Ph.D. Allan Frei, Ph.D. 6 Charles H. Greene, Ph.D.

Professor Associate Professor Professor
Department of Biology Department of Geography Department of Earth and Atmospheric
Queens College, City University of New York Hunter College, City University of New York Sciences
Flushing, NY New York, NY Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Tracy P. Gregg, Ph.D. David M. Holland, Ph.D. Peter L. Knuepfer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Professor Director
Department of Geology Department of Mathematics Environmental Studies Program
State University of New York, Buffalo New York University Department of Geological Sciences
Buffalo, NY New York, NY and Environmental Studies
Binghamton University
John A. Gregoire, Ph.D. Robert W. Howarth, Ph.D. Binghamton, NY
Chief Ornithologist Professor
Kestrel Haven Avian Migration Observatory Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Benjamin J. Laabs, Ph.D.
Burdett, NY Biology Geneseo, NY
Cornell University
Michael J. Gregory, Ph.D. Ithaca, NY Tom A. Langen, Ph.D.
Professor Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Science Joel A. Huberman, Ph.D. Department of Biology
State University of New York, Clinton Professor Clarkson University
Community College Department of Cancer Biology Potsdam, NY
Plattsburgh, NY Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, NY Sidney Leibovich, Ph.D. 3
Andrew M. Greller, Ph.D. Samuel B. Eckert Professor
Professor Emeritus Klaus H. Jacob, Ph.D. Sibley School of Mechanical and
Department of Biology Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Aerospace Engineering
Queens College, City University of New York Columbia University Cornell University
Flushing, NY Palisades, NY Ithaca, NY

Kristina M. Hannam, Ph.D. Stan Jacobs Richard W. Leigh, Ph.D.

Department of Biology Senior Research Scientist Engineering Services
State University of New York, Geneseo Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Community Environmental Center
Geneseo, NY Columbia University Long Island City, NY
Palisades, NY
Marah J. Hardt, Ph.D. Carl A. Leopold, Ph.D.
Blue Ocean Institute Robert H. Johnson, Ph.D. W C Crocker Scientist Emeritus
East Norwich, NY Associate Professor Boyce Thompson Institute
Department of Mathematics and Science Ithaca, NY
Peter Harriott, Ph.D. Medaille College
Professor Buffalo, NY Larry B. Liddle, Ph.D.
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Professor Emeritus
Engineering Miriam Jones Marine and Environmental Programs
Cornell University Doctoral Candidate Long Island University
Ithaca, NY New York, NY Southampton, NY

Lee Harrison, Ph.D. David Jordan, Ph.D. Beate G. Liepert, Ph.D. 6

Senior Researcher Retired Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center Department of Chemistry Columbia University
State University of New York, Albany Potsdam College Palisades, NY
Albany, NY Potsdam, NY
Tim K. Lowenstein, Ph.D.
Geoffrey M. Heal, Ph.D. Miriam E. Katz, Ph.D. Professor
Professor Department of Earth and Environmental Department of Geological Sciences
Columbia Business School Sciences and Environmental Studies
Columbia University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute State University of New York, Binghamton
New York, NY Troy, NY Binghamton, NY

Eric Helms, Ph.D. Patrick L. Kinney, Ph.D. Valerie A. Luzadis, Ph.D.

Geneseo, NY Associate Professor Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Health Department of Forest and Natural
George R. Hendrey, Ph.D. Sciences Resources Management
Distinguished Professor Columbia University College of Environmental Science and
School of Earth and Environmental Science New York, NY Forestry
Queens College, City University of New York State University of New York, Syracuse
Flushing, NY Syracuse, NY

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Dale M. Madison, Ph.D. Marilyn Power, Ph.D. Edwin Scholes, Ph.D.

Binghamton, NY Professor Curator, Research Scientist
Department of Economics Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Natalie M. Mahowald, Ph.D. Sarah Lawrence College Cornell University
Professor Bronxville, NY Ithaca, NY
Department of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences Frank Price, Ph.D. Michael L. Scott, Ph.D. 6
Cornell University Biology Department Professor
Ithaca, NY Utica College Department of Computer Science
Utica, NY University of Rochester
Ken Mazlen, Ph.D. Rochester, NY
Associate Professor Howard Reisman, Ph.D.
Sociology Department Professor Emeritus Christine Sheppard, Ph.D.
State University of New York Institute Department of Biology Bronx Zoo, Ornithology
of Technology Long Island University Wildlife Conservation Society
Utica, NY Brookville, NY Pelham, NY

Michael L. McCormick, Ph.D. Paul H. Reitan, Ph.D. Drew T. Shindell, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Professor Emeritus NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Department of Biology Department of Geology New York, NY
Hamilton College State University of New York, Buffalo
Clinton, NY Buffalo, NY Allen Sinai, Ph.D.
Chief Global Economist
Carl N. McDaniel, Ph.D. George R. Robinson, Ph.D. Decision Economics, Inc.
Troy, NY Professor New York, NY
Department of Biological Sciences
Joan P. Mencher, Ph.D. State University of New York, Albany Joseph E. Stiglitz, Ph.D. 1,2,6
City University of New York Albany, NY Professor
New York, NY Department of Economics
Joy Romanski Columbia University
Andrew Nelson, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate New York, NY
Oswego, NY Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences Sheldon Stone, Ph.D.
Christopher Noto Columbia University Professor
Doctoral Candidate Brooklyn, NY Department of Physics
Department of Ecology and Evolution Syracuse University
Stony Brook University C. S. Russell, Ph.D. Syracuse, NY
Stony Brook, NY Professor Emerita
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Guenther Stotzky, Ph.D.
Richard S. Ostfeld, Ph.D. Queens College, City University of New York Professor
Millbrook, NY New York, NY Department of Biology
New York University
Alicia Perez-Fuentetaja, Ph.D. Gary L. Russell, Ph.D. 6 New York, NY
Associate Professor Mathematician
Department of Biology NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Timothy R. Strakosh, Ph.D.
Great Lakes Center New York, NY Assistant Professor
State University of New York, Buffalo Department of Biology
Buffalo, NY Carl Safina, Ph.D. 5 State University of New York, Fredonia
Blue Ocean Institute Fredonia, NY
William A. Pfitsch, Ph.D. East Norwich, NY
Associate Professor David B. Straus, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Carlton E. Salvagin, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Hamilton College Oswego, NY Chemistry Department
Clinton, NY State University of New York, Newpaltz
William H. Schlesinger, Ph.D. 2 New Paltz, NY
Chris Pottle, Ph.D. President
Professor Emeritus Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies N. Sukumar, Ph.D.
School of Electrical and Computer Millbrook, NY Associate Research Professor
Engineering Department of Chemistry and Chemical
Cornell University Biology
Ithaca, NY Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Stephen T. Tettelbach, Ph.D. Ernest H. Williams, Ph.D. Mark M. Brinson, Ph.D.

Professor Professor Department of Biology
Department of Biology Department of Biology East Carolina University
Long Island University Hamilton College Greenville, NC
Brookville, NY Clinton, NY
James W. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Christina Tonitto, Ph.D. Maiken Winter, Ph.D. Retired
Research Associate Visiting Fellow Department of Chemistry
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Cornell Lab of Ornithology Appalachian State University
Biology Cornell University Boone, NC
Cornell University Ithaca, NY
Ithaca, NY JoAnn M. Burkholder, Ph.D.
David W. Wolfe, Ph.D. Professor
George Tselioudis, Ph.D. 6 Professor Department of Plant Biology
Research Scientist Department of Horticulture North Carolina State University
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Cornell University Raleigh, NC
Columbia University Ithaca, NY
New York, NY Lawrence B. Cahoon, Ph.D.
Robert C. Worrest, Ph.D. Professor
Francesco N. Tubiello, Ph.D. 6 Senior Research Scientist Department of Biology and Marine Biology
Research Scientist Center for International Earth Sciences University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Center for Climate Systems Research Information Network Wilmington, NC
Columbia University Columbia University
New York, NY Palisades, NY Kefyn M. Catley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Robert Turner, Ph.D. Ruth D. Yanai, Ph.D. Department of Biology
Professor Department of Forestry and Natural Western Carolina University
Departments of Economics and Resources Management Cullowhee, NC
Environmental Studies State University of New York College of
Colgate University Environmental Science and Forestry Neil A. Chartier
Hamilton, NY Syracuse, NY Doctoral Candidate
Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Program
Rachel Vallender, Ph.D. North Carolina State University
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh, NC
Cornell University John W. Allis, Ph.D. Rosanne W. Fortner, Ph.D.
Ithaca, NY Durham, NC Professor Emeritus
School of Environment and Natural
Fredric V. Vencl, Ph.D. Meredith Ann Barrett Resources
Research Associate Professor Doctoral Candidate Centers for Ocean Sciences Education
Department of Ecology and Evolution University Program in Ecology Excellence, Great Lakes
Stony Brook University Duke University Oak Island, NC
Stony Brook, NY Durham, NC
Daniel N. Graham, Ph.D.
Gernot Wagner, Ph.D. Richard E. Bilsborrow, Ph.D. Raleigh, NC
Environmental Defense Fund Professor
New York, NY Carolina Population Center Richard O. Gray, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Department of Physics and Astronomy
James S. Wang, Ph.D. Chapel Hill, NC Appalachian State University
Scientist Boone, NC
Climate and Air Program Stanley W. Black, Ph.D.
Environmental Defense Fund Professor Henry S. Greenside, Ph.D.
New York, NY Department of Economics Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Department of Physics
Arthur J. Weaver, M.D., Ph.D. Chapel Hill, NC Duke University
President Durham, NC
Renovus Energy Inc. Jo Ellen Brandmeyer, Ph.D.
Ithaca, NY Durham, NC Hermann Gucinski, Ph.D.
Asheville, NC
John T. Bray, Ph.D.
Greenville, NC

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Chris Heaney J. Dan Pittillo, Ph.D. Eileen Thorsos

Doctoral Candidate Retired Doctoral Candidate
Carrboro, NC Department of Biology University Program in Ecology
Western Carolina University Duke University
Paul R. Hindsley Cullowhee, NC Durham, NC
Doctoral Candidate
Coastal Resources Management Program Joshua M. Rapp Dean Urban, Ph.D.
East Carolina University Doctoral Candidate Professor
Greenville, NC Department of Biology Nicholas School of the Environment
Wake Forest University and Earth Sciences
Clinton N. Jenkins, Ph.D. Winston Sslem, NC Duke University
Research Associate Durham, NC
Nicholas School of the Environment Douglas B. Redington, Ph.D.
and Earth Sciences Department of Economics Rebecca L. Vidra, Ph.D.
Duke University Elon University Mellon Fellow
Durham, NC Elon, NC Duke University
Durham, NC
Thomas A Lehman, Ph.D. Seth R. Reice, Ph.D.
Chapel Hill, NC Associate Professor Jeffrey Vincent, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Professor
Kevin A. Leiner, Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Nicholas School of the Environment
Durham, NC Chapel Hill, NC Duke University
Durham, NC
Megan Leigh Mobley James H. Reynolds, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate Associate Professor Richard Webber, Ph.D.
Duke University Department of Geology Professor Emeritus
Durham, NC Brevard College Department of Biomedical Engineering
Brevard, NC Wake Forest University
Aaron Moody, Ph.D. Troutman, NC
Professor Jose A. Rial, Ph.D.
Department of Geography Department of Geological Sciences
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NORTH DAKOTA
Chapel Hill, NC Chapel Hill, NC
Krystyna Gorzelska, Ph.D.
Jeffrey E. Moore, Ph.D. Carol Ann Seagle, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Scientist Professor University of Mary
Center for Marine Conservation Kenan-Flagler Business School Bismarck, ND
Duke University University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Beaufort, NC Chapel Hill, NC William D. Gosnold, Ph.D.
Brian C. Murray, Ph.D. Fredrick Semazzi, Ph.D. 6 Department of Geology and Geological
Director Raleigh, NC Engineering
Economic Analysis University of North Dakota
Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Maria Servedio, Ph.D. Grand Forks, ND
Solutions Chapel Hill, NC
Duke University Robert R. Hearne, Ph.D.
Durham, NC Thomas T. Struhsaker, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Biological Anthropology Department of Agribusiness and Applied
Rachel T. Noble, Ph.D. and Anatomy Economics
Associate Professor Duke University North Dakota State University
Institute of Marine Sciences Durham, NC Fargo, ND
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Morehead City, NC Brett F. Taubman, Ph.D. Andrei Kirilenko, Ph.D. 6
Appalachian State University Department of Earth System Science
Stuart Pimm, Ph.D. Boone, NC and Policy
Doris Duke Chair of Conservation Ecology University of North Dakota
Nicholas School of the Environment John W. Terborgh, Ph.D. 2,5 Grand Forks, ND
Duke University Professor
Durham, NC Nicholas School of the Environment
and Earth Sciences
Duke University
Durham, NC

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Ronald K. Matheney, Ph.D. Richard A. Bradley, Ph.D. 6 Donald Raymond Geiger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Ecological Restorationist
Department of Geology and Geological Organismal Biology Department of Biology
Engineering The Ohio State University University of Dayton
University of North Dakota Marion, OH Dayton, OH
Grand Forks, ND
Robert J. Brecha, Ph.D. Daniel K. Gladish, Ph.D.
David Carlos Roberts, Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Department of Physics Department of Botany
Graduate Program in Agribusiness University of Dayton Miami University
and Applied Economics Dayton, OH Hamilton, OH
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND Dennis L. Claussen, Ph.D. Enrique Gomezdelcampo, Ph.D.
Professor School of Earth, Environment and Society
George A. Seielstad, Ph.D. Department of Zoology Bowling Green State University
Associate Dean Miami University Bowling Green, OH
Northern Great Plains Center For People Oxford, OH
and the Environment Paula Gonzalez, Ph.D.
University of North Dakota Alvin D. Compaan, Ph.D. Cincinnati, OH
Grand Forks, ND Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics and Astronomy David L. Gorchov, Ph.D.
Jeffrey C. Suttle, Ph.D. University of Toledo Professor
Fargo, ND Toledo, OH Department of Botany
Miami University
Jay R. Corrigan, Ph.D. Oxford, OH
OHIO Associate Professor
Department of Economics David Gurarie, Ph.D.
John Arnfield, Ph.D. Kenyon College Professor
Professor Emeritus Gambier, OH Department of Mathematics
Department of Geography, Atmospheric Case Western Reserve University
Sciences Program Jon P. Costanzo, Ph.D. Cleveland, OH
The Ohio State University Adjunct Professor
Columbus, OH Senior Research Associate Robert T. Heath, Ph.D.
Department of Zoology Professor
Gordon J. Aubrecht, Ph.D. Miami University Department of Biological Sciences
Professor Oxford, OH Kent State University
Department of Physics Kent, OH
The Ohio State University Quentin M. Duroy, Ph.D.
Marion, OH Granville, OH Earl R. Heithaus, Ph.D.
Jordan Professor of Environmental Science
Mary Ellen Benedict, Ph.D. Kevin Joseph Egan, Ph.D. & Biology
Bowling Green, OH Director Department of Biology
University of Toledo Kenyon College
David J. Berg, Ph.D. Toledo, OH Gambier, OH
Department of Zoology Joan M. Friedland, Ph.D. Fred J. Hitzhusen, Ph.D.
Miami University Cincinnati, OH Professor Emeritus
Oxford, OH Department of Agricultural, Environmental
John Gatz, Ph.D. and Development Economics
Muriel L. Blaisdell, Ph.D. Professor The Ohio State University
Interdisciplinary Studies Department of Zoology Columbus, OH
Miami University Ohio Wesleyan University
Oxford, OH Delaware, OH Leanne M. Jablonski, Ph.D.
Jason E. Box, Ph.D. 6 Sylvestre Gaudin, Ph.D. Marianist Environmental Education Center
Byrd Polar Research Center Research Associate Dayton, OH
The Ohio State University Department of Economics
Columbus, OH Oberlin College Andy Keeler, Ph.D.
Oberlin, OH Associate Professor
John Glenn School of Public Affairs
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Robert A. Krebs, Ph.D. Lynne C. Rustad, Ph.D. Gregory C. Wiles, Ph.D. 6

Department of Biological, Geological, Cleveland, OH Associate Professor
and Environmental Sciences Department of Geology
Cleveland State University Richard A. Seidel The College of Wooster
Cleveland, OH Doctoral Candidate Wooster, OH
Department of Zoology
Richard Lee, Ph.D. Miami University
Department of Zoology Oxford, OH OKLAHOMA
Miami University
Oxford, OH Gerald V. Sgro, Ph.D. Tracy S. Feldman, Ph.D.
Adjunct Research Faculty Postdoctoral Associate
Orie L. Loucks, Ph.D. Department of Biology Department of Plant Biology
Professor Emeritus John Carroll University The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
Department of Zoology Cleveland, OH Ardmore, OK
Miami University
Osford, OH Nasrin Shahinpoor, Ph.D. Ken Gallaher, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Research and Development
William Lynch, Ph.D. Department of Economics Gallaher Consulting
Rootstown, OH Hanover College Bartlesville, OK
Hanover, OH
Timothy O. Ma, Ph.D. Pascal Irmscher
Curator Michelle J. Solensky, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
Vertebrate Zoology Assistant Professor Norman, OK
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Department of Biology
Cleveland, OH The College of Wooster Michael W. Palmer, Ph.D.
Wooster, OH Professor
Charles A. McClaugherty, Ph.D. Department of Botany
Professor Alan C. Stam, Ph.D. Oklahoma State University
Department of Biology Associate Professor Stillwater, OK
Mount Union College Department of Biology, Environmental
Alliance, OH Science, and Geology Kay Scheets, Ph.D.
Capital University Adjunct Assistant Professor
Douglas Meikle, Ph.D. Columbus, OH Department of Botany
Professor and Chair Oklahoma State University
Department of Zoology Hank Stevens, Ph.D. Stillwater, OK
Miami University Department of Botany
Oxford, OH Miami University Ingo Schlupp, Ph.D.
Oxford, OH Assistant Professor
Michael N. Melampy, Ph.D. Department of Zoology
Department of Biology and Geology Jordan F. Suter, Ph.D. University of Oklahoma
Baldwin-Wallace College Assistant Professor Norman, OK
Berea, OH Department of Economics
Department of Environmental Studies Rebecca A. Sherry, Ph.D.
Randy J. Mitchell, Ph.D. Oberlin College Research Assistant Professor
Department of Biology Oberlin, OH Department of Botany Microbiology
University of Akron University of Oklahoma
Akron, OH Lonnie Gene Thompson, Ph.D. 2,4,6 Norman, OK
School of Earth Sciences
David Modarelli, Ph.D. The Ohio State University Richard F. Sigal, Ph.D.
Professor Columbus, OH Professor
Akron, OH Mewbourne School of Petroleum and
Geri E. Unger, M.S. Geological Engineering
R. Peter Richards, Ph.D. Cleveland, OH University of Oklahoma
Senior Research Scientist Norman, OK
National Center for Water Quality Research Michael Vanni, Ph.D.
Heidelberg College Oxford, OH Sheila A Strawn, Ph.D.
Tiffin, OH Edmond, OK
Thomas A. Waite, Ph.D.
Thomas Rooney, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Department of Evolution, Ecology and
Department of Biological Sciences Organismal Biology
Wright State University The Ohio State University
Dayton, OH Columbus, OH
Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

OREGON Frederick Scott Colwell, Ph.D.

Gregory V. Jones, Ph.D. 6
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Department of Environmental Studies
Dominique M. Bachelet, Ph.D.
Sciences Southern Oregon University
Department of Biological and Ecological Oregon State University Ashland, OR
Engineering Corvallis, OR
Oregon State University Charles B. Kimmel, Ph.D.
Corvallis, OR James J. Diamond, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Professor Department of Biology
Peter Bayley, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry University of Oregon
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Linfield College Eugene, OR
Oregon State University McMinnville, OR
Corvallis, OR Birgit G. Koehler, Ph.D.
Edward J. Fremouw, Ph.D. Portland, OR
Frank Benford, Ph.D.
Consultant and Director
Salem, OR NorthWest Research Associates, Inc. Steven A. Kolmes, Ph.D.
Ashland, OR Reverend John Molter, C.S.C., Chair in Science
Kenneth H. Bergman, Ph.D.
Environmental Studies Program
Portland, OR David C. Garen, M.S. University of Portland
Hydrologist Portland, OR
Scott Bridgham, Ph.D.
National Water and Climate Center
Associate Professor U.S. Department of Agriculture Olga Krankina, Ph.D. 6
Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Natural Resources Conservation Service Department of Forest Science
University of Oregon Portland, OR Oregon State University
Eugene, OR Corvallis, OR
Jennifer Gervais, Ph.D.
Trudy Ann Cameron, Ph.D.
Corvallis, OR Ed J. Kushner, Ph.D.
Professor Portland, OR
Department of Economics Brian Gilbert, Ph.D.
University of Oregon Associate Professor Grant Law, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR Department of Chemistry Beaverton, OR
Linfield College
Josh Caplan, Ph.D.
McMinnville, OR Hiram W. Li, Ph.D.
Portland State University Corvallis, OR
Department of Ecology Eldon Haines, Ph.D.
Portland, OR Eugene, OR Marianne M. McClure
Doctoral Candidate
Dudley B. Chelton, Ph.D.
Mark Hixon, Ph.D. Portland, OR
Distinguished Professor Professor
College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Science Department of Zoology Joyce V. Millen, Ph.D.
Oregon State University Oregon State University Assistant Professor
Corvallis, OR Corvallis, OR Department of Anthropology
Willamette University
Peter U. Clark, Ph.D.
Lynne D. Houck, Ph.D. Salem, OR
Professor Corvallis, OR
Department of Geosciences Anne Mertl Millhollen, Ph.D.
Oregon State University Robert M. Hughes, Ph.D. Eugene, OR
Corvallis, OR Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Oregon State University Gary L. Millhollen, Ph.D.
Kenneth Clifton, Ph.D.
Corvallis, OR Eugene, OR
Associate Professor
Department of Biology Carl L. Johannessen, Ph.D. Ronald B. Mitchell, Ph.D.
Lewis and Clark College Professor Emeritus Professor
Portland, OR Department of Geography Department of Political Science
University of Oregon University of Oregon
Richard L. Clinton, Ph.D.
Eugene, OR Eugene, OR
Professor Emeritus
Department of Political Science Sherri L. Johnson, Ph.D. Alan C Mix, Ph.D.
Oregon State University Corvallis, OR Corvallis, OR
Corvallis, OR

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Rachael D. Mueller R. M. Samelson, Ph.D. E. Wood-Charlson, Ph.D.

Doctoral Candidate Professor Corvallis, OR
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric College of Oceanic and Atmospheric
Sciences Sciences
Oregon State University Oregon State University PENNSYLVANIA
Corvallis, OR Corvallis, OR
Thomas P. Andrews, Ph.D.
Joelle L. Murray, Ph.D. Andreas Schmittner, Ph.D. 6 Associate Professor
Associate Professor College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Department of Economics
Department of Physics Sciences West Chester University
Linfield College Oregon State University West Chester, PA
McMinnville, OR Corvallis, OR
Seth D. Baum
Donald H. Negri, Ph.D. John S. Selker, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
Professor Professor Department of Geography
Department of Economics Department of Biological and Ecological Pennsylvania State University
Willamette University Engineering University Park, PA
Salem, OR Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR Scott L. Bearer, Ph.D.
Ronald P. Neilson, Ph.D. 6 Forest Ecologist
Corvallis, OR Jeffrey Shaman, Ph.D. Forest Conservation Program
Assistant Professor The Nature Conservancy
Noelwah R. Netusil, Ph.D. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Science Harrisburg, PA
Professor Oregon State University
Department of Economics Corvallis, OR Terrence G. Bensel, Ph.D.
Reed College Professor and Chair
Portland, OR Karen M. Shell, Ph.D. Departments of Environmental Science
Assistant Professor and Political Science
Laurence Padman, Ph.D. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Allegheny College
Corvallis, OR Sciences Meadville, PA
Oregon State University
William G. Pearcy, Ph.D. Corvallis, OR Bengt E. Bjarngard, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Evelyn B. Sherr, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Sciences College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Philadelphia, PA
Oregon State University Sciences
Corvallis, OR Oregon State University Richard D. Bowden, Ph.D.
Corvallis, OR Departments of Environmental Science
Julie C. Pett-Ridge, Ph.D. and Political Science
Assistant Professor Trygve Steen, Ph.D., M.P.H Allegheny College
Oregon State University Professor Meadville, PA
Corvallis, OR Department of Environmental Science
and Management Elizabeth W. Boyer, Ph.D.
Christian Reilly, Ph.D. Portland State University Associate Professor
Lake Oswego, OR Portland, OR School of Forest Resources
Pennsylvania State University
Daniel Rosenberg, Ph.D. Catherine L. Thomasson, M.D. University Park, PA
Associate Professor Physicians for Social Responsibility
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Portland, OR Patricia T. Bradt, Ph.D.
Oregon State University Associate Professor Emerita
Corvallis, OR Douglas Ray Toomey, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Science
Professor Muhlenberg College
David J. Sailor, Ph.D. 6 Department of Geological Sciences Allentown, PA
Associate Professor University of Oregon
Department of Mechanical and Materials Eugene, OR Donald A. Brown, Ph.D.
Engineering Associate Professor
Portland State University Vicki M. Tripoli, Ph.D. Department of Science, Technology,
Portland, OR Environmental Scientist and Society
National Center for Conservation Science Pennsylvania State University
and Policy State College, PA
Ashland, OR

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Robert J. Brulle, Ph.D. David W. Dwight, Ph.D. Michael K. Heiman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Department of Chemistry Professor
Department of Culture and Communications Pennsylvania State University Department of Environmental Studies
Drexel University State College, PA Dickinson College
Philadelphia, PA Carlisle, PA
Benjamin S. Felzer, Ph.D.
Michael C. Cann, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gillian J. Hewitson, Ph.D.
Chemistry Department Department of Earth and Environmental Lancaster, PA
University of Scranton Sciences
Scranton, PA Lehigh University Sara M. Hiebert Burch, Ph.D.
Bethlehem, PA Department of Biology
Robert F. Carline, Ph.D. Swarthmore College
Retired Ned Fetcher, Ph.D. Swarthmore, PA
School of Forest Resources Project Coordinator
Pennsylvania State University Institute for Environmental Science Ronald Paul Hill, Ph.D.
Port Matilda, PA Wilkes University Senior Associate Dean
Wilkes-Barre, PA School of Business
Carl R. Carnein, Ph.D. Villanova University
Associate Professor Emeritus Sean Flaherty, Ph.D. Villanova, PA
Department of Geology and Physics Professor
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Department of Economics John G. Hintz, Ph.D.
Lock Haven, PA Franklin and Marshall College Department of Geography and Geosciences
Lancaster, PA Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Charles A. Cole, Ph.D. Bloomsburg, PA
Assistant Professor Chris E. Forest, Ph.D.
Department of Landscape Architecture Associate Professor James F. Kasting, Ph.D.
Pennsylvania State University Department of Meteorology Distinguished Professor
University Park, PA Pennsylvania State University Geosciences Department
State College, PA Pennsylvania State University
John N. Cooper, Ph.D. University Park, PA
Lewisburg, PA David George, Ph.D.
Professor Klaus Keller, Ph.D. 6
David B. Culp, Ph.D. Department of Economics Assistant Professor
Professor and Chair La Salle University Department of Geosciences
School of Business Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania State University
Slippery Rock University University Park, PA
Slippery Rock, PA Douglas Stewart Glazier, Ph.D.
Professor Paul L. Kronick, Ph.D.
David O. Cushman, Ph.D. Biology Department Retired
Professor Juniata College Division of Agricultural Research Service
Department of Economics and Business Huntington, PA U.S. Department of Agriculture
Westminster College Haverford, PA
New Wilmington, PA Bernard D. Goldstein, M.D.
Graduate School of Public Health Steven C. Latta, Ph.D.
Sarah S. Dawson, Ph.D. Department of Environmental and Conservation and Field Research
Wohlsen Center for Sustainable Occupational Health National Aviary
Environment University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA
Franklin & Marshall College Pittsburgh, PA
Lancaster, PA Neil Leary, Ph.D. 6
Donald Goldstein, Ph.D. Director
Will Delavan, Ph.D. Professor Center for Environmental and Sustainability
Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Economics Education
Department of Economics Allegheny College Dickinson College
Bucknell University Meadville, PA Carlisle, PA
Lewisburg, PA
Elizabeth Guldan, Ph.D. Theo Light, Ph.D.
Russell L. Dodson, Ph.D. Erie, PA Assistant Professor
Professor Department of Biology
Department of Geography and Geology Shippensburg University
Mansfield University Shippensburg, PA
Mansfield, PA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

William A. Lochstet, Ph.D. Gayle Morris, Ph.D. Steven Ropski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Emeritus Professor Erie, PA
Department of Physics Department of Business and Economics
University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown Edinboro University of Pennsylvania David Ross, Ph.D.
Johnstown, PA Edinboro, PA Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Eric Malm, Ph.D. John F. Nagle, Ph.D. Bryn Mawr College
Assistant Professor Professor Bryn Mawr, PA
Business Department Department of Physics
Cabrini College Carnegie Mellon University Daniel Safer, Ph.D.
Radnor, PA Pittsburgh, PA Research Investigator
Department of Physiology
Michael F. Maniates, Ph.D. Raymond Gabriel Najjar, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Professor Associate Professor Philadelphia, PA
Department of Environmental Science Department of Meteorology
Department of Political Science Pennsylvania State University Dork Sahagian, Ph.D. 6
Allegheny College University Park, PA Director and Professor
Meadville, PA Environmental Initiative
Rachel O’Brien, Ph.D. Department of Earth and Environmental
Michael E. Mann, Ph.D. 6 Meadville, PA Sciences
Associate Professor Lehigh University
Department of Meteorology Timothy A. Pearce, Ph.D. Bethlehem, PA
Pennsylvania State University Pittsburgh, PA
University Park, PA Erich W. Schienke, Ph.D.
Neil Perry, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Stephanie Martin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Science, Technology, and Society Program
Assistant Professor Department of Business and Economics Pennsylvania State University
Department of Economics Lebanon Valley College University Park, PA
Allegheny College Annville, PA
Meadville, PA John Sorrentino, Ph.D.
Carl S. Pike, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Robert J. Mason, Ph.D. Professor Department of Economics
Director Department of Biology Temple University
Department of Environmental Studies Franklin and Marshall College Ambler, PA
Temple University Lancaster, PA
Philadelphia, PA Jeffrey A. Stratford, Ph.D.
Patrick M. Reed, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
John D. Mathews, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Biology and Health Sciences Department
Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Wilkes University
Communications and Space Sciences Engineering Wilkes-Barre, PA
Laboratory Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA James F. Thorne, Ph.D.
University Park, PA Media, PA
Ann F. Rhoads, Ph.D.
Dennis M. McNair, Ph.D. Senior Botanist Marleen A. Troy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair Morris Arboretum Wilkes-Barre, PA
Department of Biology University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown Philadelphia, PA Conrad N. Trumbore, Ph.D.
Johnstown, PA Emeritus
Steven T. Rier, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Marvin W. Meyer, Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Delaware
Department of Biology Department of Biology and Allied Health Kennett Square, PA
Eastern University Sciences
St. Davids, PA Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Nancy Tuana, Ph.D.
Bloomsburg, PA Director
Owen Moe, Ph.D. Department of Philosophy
Department of Chemistry Michael Rock, Ph.D. Rock Ethics Institute
Lebanon Valley College Sam and Etta Wexler Professor University Park, PA
Annville, PA Department of Economics
Bryn Mawr College
Wayne A. Morra, Ph.D. Bryn Mawr, PA
Philadelphia, PA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Susan Verhoek, Ph.D. Carrie J. Byron Matthew K. Lambert

Professor Emerita Doctoral Candidate Doctoral Candidate
Department of Biology Coastal Institute, Fisheries and Aquaculture Graduate School of Oceanography
Lebanon Valley College Program University of Rhode Island
Annville, PA University of Rhode Island Narragansett, RI
Kingston, RI
Thorsten Wagener, Ph.D. Rainer Lohmann, Ph.D.
Department of Civil and Environmental John H. Costello, Ph.D. Graduate School of Oceanography
Engineering Providence, RI University of Rhode Island
Pennsylvania State University Narragansett, RI
University Park, PA David M. Farmer, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Oceanography Yiyong Luo, Ph.D.
Richard L. Wallace, Ph.D. University of Rhode Island Marine Scientist
Chair Narragansett, RI Graduate School of Oceanography
Department of Environmental Studies University of Rhode Island
Ursinus College Dian J. Gifford, Ph.D. Narragansett, RI
Collegeville, PA Retired
Graduate School of Oceanography Colin Meiklejohn, Ph.D.
Charles Louis Weise, Ph.D. University of Rhode Island Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Associate Professor Narragansett, RI Biology
Department of Economics Brown University
Gettysburg College Kifle W. Hagos Providence, RI
Gettysburg, PA Doctoral Candidate
Coastal Institute Integrative Graduate Colleen B. Mouw
Edward R. Wells, Ph.D. Education and Research Traineeship Doctoral Candidate
Chambersburg, PA Project Graduate School of Oceanography
Department of Fisheries, Animal, and University of Rhode Island
Tim S. White, Ph.D. Veterinary Science Narragansett, RI
Earth and Environmental Systems Institute University of Rhode Island
Pennsylvania State University Narragansett, RI Junsheng Nie
University Park, PA Doctoral Candidate
Steven P. Hamburg, Ph.D. Narragansett, RI
R. Kelman Wieder, Ph.D. Center for Environmental Studies
Professor and Associate Dean for Science Brown University Peter Nightingale, Ph.D.
Department of Biology Providence, RI Professor
Villanova University Department of Physics
Villanova, PA Marilyn M. Harlin, Ph.D. University of Rhode Island
Professor Kingston, RI
Marianna D. Wood, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences
Associate Professor University of Rhode Island Candace Oviatt, Ph.D.
Department of Biological and Allied Health Kingston, RI Graduate School of Oceanography
Sciences University of Rhode Island
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Perry H. Jeffries, Ph.D. Narragansett, RI
Bloomsburg, PA Professor Emeritus
Graduate School of Oceanography Peter W. Paton, Ph.D.
Brent Yarnal, Ph.D. University of Rhode Island Professor and Chair
Professor Narragansett, RI Department of Natural Resources Science
Department of Geography University of Rhode Island
Pennsylvania State University Kenneth M. Johnson, Ph.D. Kingston, RI
University Park, PA Retired
Wyoming, RI Johanna Schmitt, Ph.D.
Stephen T. Olney Professor of Natural
RHODE ISLAND Dorothy Q. Kellogg, Ph.D. History
Research Associate Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Peter V. August, Ph.D. Department of Natural Resources Science Biology
Director University of Rhode Island Brown University
Coastal Institute Kingston, RI Providence, RI
University of Rhode Island
Narragansett, RI

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Brad A. Seibel, Ph.D. Steven A. Kuhl, Ph.D. Mary Evans, Ph.D.

Professor Scientific Consultant Department of Economics
Department of Biological Sciences V&R Consulting University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Rhode Island Greenwood, SC Knoxville, TN
Kingston, RI
Jennifer E. Price, Ph.D. Timothy J. Gaudin, Ph.D.
Barbara K. Sullivan-Watts, Ph.D. Hopkins, SC Department of Biological and Environmental
Senior Marine Research Scientist, Emerita Sciences
Graduate School of Oceanography Lisa Rapaport, Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
University of Rhode Island Department of Biological Sciences Chattanooga, TN
Narragansett, RI Clemson University
Clemson, SC Steven W. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Emi Uchida, Ph.D. Director
Assistant Professor Research Scott R. Templeton, Ph.D. The Center for Field Biology
Department of Environmental and Natural Associate Professor Austin Peay State University
Resource Economics Department of Applied Economics Clarksville, TN
University of Rhode Island & Statistics
Kingston, RI Clemson University Carol Harden, Ph.D.
Clemson, SC Professor
Mark Wimbush, Ph.D. Department of Geography
Graduate School of Oceanography Jerry A. Waldvogel, Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Rhode Island Clemson, SC Knoxville, TN
Narragansett, RI
F. Owen Hoffman, Ph.D.
SOUTH CAROLINA Specialists in Energy, Nuclear, and
Andrew J. Long, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences
Dennis M. Allen, Ph.D. Research Hydrologist Oak Ridge, Inc.
Research Professor U.S. Geological Survey Oak Ridge, TN
Baruch Marine Field Laboratory Rapid City, SD
University of South Carolina Karen W. Hughes, Ph.D.
Georgetown, SC Steven L. Matzner, Ph.D. Professor
Associate Professor Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Brannon Andersen, Ph.D. Department of Biology Biology
Professor and Chair Augustana College University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Furman University Sioux Falls, SD Knoxville, TN
Greenville, SC
Reynold F. Nesiba, Ph.D. Edward Jepson, Ph.D.
Claudia R. Benitez-Nelson, Ph.D. Sioux Falls, SD Department of Political Science
Department of Geological Sciences University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Department of Marine Science Karen L. Updeggraff, Ph.D. Knoxville, TN
University of South Carolina Rapid City, SD
Columbia, SC David H. Kesler, Ph.D.
Ronald Benner, Ph.D. TENNESSEE Department of Biology
Columbia, SC Rhodes College
Mary Ann Asson-Batres, Ph.D. Memphis, TN
Brian S. Helmuth, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Associate Professor Department of Biological Sciences Elizabeth A. McClellan, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Tennessee State University Department of Geology, Geography,
University of South Carolina Nashville, TN and Physics
Columbia, SC University of Tennessee, Martin
Robert M. Augé, Ph.D. Martin, TN
John J. Hutchens, Jr., Ph.D. Knoxville, TN
Conway, SC Ken Monar, Ph.D.
Alison Buchan, Ph.D. Maryville, TN
Karl Kaiser Department of Microbiology
Doctoral Candidate University of Tennessee, Knoxville Patrick J. Mulholland, Ph.D.
Marine Science Program Knoxville, TN Oak Ridge, TN
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC Brian H. Davison, Ph.D.
Knoxville, TN

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Wolf Naegeli, Ph.D. Amy E. Dunham, Ph.D. Thomas M. Iliffe, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist Emeritus Faculty Fellow Professor
Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Department of Marine Biology
Environment Biology Texas A&M University
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Rice University Galveston, TX
Knoxville, TN Houston, TX
Andrew C. Kasner, Ph.D.
Kenneth H. Orvis, Ph.D. Norma Fowler, Ph.D. Director
Department of Geography Professor Bird Conservation
University of Tennessee, Knoxville School of Biological Sciences Audubon Texas
Knoxville, TN Section of Integrative Biology Pleasanton, TX
University of Texas, Austin
Joseph R. Schiller, Ph.D. Austin, TX Robert G. Landolt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Fort Worth, TX
Department of Biology James K. Galbraith, Ph.D.
Austin Peay State University Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair Mathew A. Leibold, Ph.D.
Clarksville, TN Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Professor
University of Texas, Austin Section of Integrative Biology
Liem Tran, Ph.D. Austin, TX University of Texas, Austin
Assistant Professor Austin, TX
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Elisabetta Gentile
Knoxville, TN Doctoral Candidate Bruce A. McCarl, Ph.D. 6
Department of Economics College Station, TX
Beth A. Weinman Houston, TX
Doctoral Candidate Joseph H. McGowen, Ph.D.
Department of Earth and Environmental Joseph L. Goldman, Ph.D. Jonesboro, TX
Sciences Technical Director
Vanderbilt University The International Center for the Solution Michael A. Moyer, Ph.D.
Nashville, TN of Environmental Problems Dean
Alpine, TX College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Robley Williams, Ph.D. Department of Biology
Professor Emeritus Ronald C. Griffin, Ph.D. Concordia University Texas
Department of Biological Sciences College Station, TX Austin, TX
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN Katharine Hayhoe, M.S. Michael Nelson, Ph.D.
Professor College Station, TX
Department of Geosciences
TEXAS Texas Tech University David Newburn, Ph.D.
Lubbock, TX Assistant Professor
Robert S. Agatston, Ph.D. Department of Agricultural Economics
Retired Thomas W. Hill, Ph.D. Texas A&M University, Galveston
Dallas, TX Professor College Station, TX
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Eric Hugo Borneman Research John W. Nielsen-Gammon, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate Rice University Professor
Houston, TX Houston, TX Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Texas A&M University, Galveston
Ginny A. Catania, Ph.D. William D. Hillis, M.D. College Station, TX
Research Scientist Distinguished Professor
Institute for Geophysics Department of Biology Thomas D. Olszewski, Ph.D.
University of Texas, Austin Baylor University Assistant Professor
Austin, TX Waco, TX Department of Geology and Geophysics
Texas A&M University, Galveston
Lloyd J. Dumas, Ph.D. Gerald E. Hite, Ph.D. College Station, TX
Professor Professor
School of Economic, Political and Policy Marine Science Department Camille Parmesan, Ph.D. 6
Sciences Texas A&M University, Galveston Associate Professor
University of Texas, Dallas Galveston, TX University of Texas, Austin
Richardson, TX Austin, TX
Sara Hsu, Ph.D.
San Antonio, TX

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Volker H.W. Rudolf, Ph.D. Lorin L. Vant-Hull, Ph.D. William D. Newmark, Ph.D.
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Professor Emeritus Research Curator
Biology Department of Physics Utah Museum of Natural History
Rice University University of Houston University of Utah
Houston, TX Houston, TX Salt Lake City, UT

Rodney S. Ruoff, Ph.D. Edward B. White, Ph.D. Steven L. Peck, Ph.D.

Professor College Station, TX Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biology
University of Texas, Austin Brigham Young University
Austin, TX UTAH Provo, UT

Ray S. Sager, Ph.D. Phyllis Coley, Ph.D. Sam Roberts Rushforth, Ph.D.
Chemistry Professor Department of Biology Dean
Department of Chemistry University of Utah School of Science and Health
Victoria College Salt Lake City, UT Utah Valley State College
Victoria, TX Orem, UT
Byron L. Davis, Ph.D.
Martha R. Scott, Ph.D. Staff Scientist Steve Scheiner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Center for High Performance Computing Professor
Department of Oceanography University of Utah Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Texas A&M University Salt Lake City, UT Utah State University
College Station, TX Logan, UT
William S. Dinklage, Ph.D.
Piers J. Sellers, Ph.D. 6 Associate Professor Jack W. Sites, Jr., Ph.D.
Houston, TX Department of Earth Science Professor
Utah Valley State College Department of Biology
Thomas C. Shirley, Ph.D. Orem, UT Brigham Young University
Professor Provo, UT
Harte Research Institute William E Evenson, Ph.D.
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Provo, UT Daniel A. Stephen, Ph.D.
Corpus Christi, TX Department of Earth Science
James A. Fouts, Ph.D. Utah Valley State College
Brian Robert Shmaefsky, Ph.D. Geologist Orem, UT
Professor and Service Learning Coordinator Utah State Office
Departments of Biology and Environmental Bureau of Land Management John M. Veranth, Ph.D.
Sciences U.S. Department of the Interior Research Associate Professor
Lone Star College, Kingwood Salt Lake City, UT Department of Pharmacology and
Kingwood, TX Toxicology
Andrew A. Keller, Ph.D. University of Utah
Peter Strasser, Ph.D. Keller-Bliesner Engineering, LLC Salt Lake City, UT
Professor Logan, UT
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Jesse Walker
Engineering Thomas A. Kursar, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate
University of Houston Associate Professor Department of Biology
Houston, TX Department of Biology Utah State University
University of Utah Logan, UT
Diana Strassmann, Ph.D. Sat Lake City, UT
Professor of the Practice
Center for the Study of Women, Gender, Gregory E. Maurer VERMONT
and Sexuality Doctoral Candidate
Rice University Department of Biology Ted E. Auch
Houston, TX University of Utah Doctoral Candidate
Salt Lake City, UT Department of Plant and Soil Science
Joan E. Strassmann, Ph.D. University of Vermont
Wiess Professor and Chair C. Riley Nelson, Ph.D. Burlington, VT
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Department of Biology
Biology Brigham Young University Kenneth J. Bagstad
Rice University Provo, UT Doctoral Candidate
Houston, TX Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Alan K. Betts, Ph.D. Kenneth P. Mulder, Ph.D. Kevin J. Boyle, Ph.D.

Atmospheric Research Department of Environmental Studies Blacksburg, VA
Pittsford, VT Green Mountain College
Poultney, VT Rebecca D. Bray, Ph.D.
Charles L. Braun, Ph.D. Adjunct Associate Professor
Professor Emeritus Jeffrey S. Munroe, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Chemistry Department of Geology Old Dominion University
Dartmouth College Middlebury College Norfolk, VA
Hanover, VT Middlebury, VT
James A. Bryan, Ph.D.
Marta Ceroni, Ph.D. Thomas Neumann, Ph.D. Charlottesville, VA
University of Vermont Burlington, VT
Burlington, VT James F. Casey, Ph.D.
Joe Roman, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Robert Costanza, Ph.D. Visiting Fellow Department of Economics
Professor Gund Institute for Ecological Economics Washington and Lee University
Gund Institute for Ecological Economics University of Vermont Lexington, VA
University of Vermont Burlington, VT
Burlington, VT Lin H. Chambers, Ph.D.
Donald S. Ross, Ph.D. Hampton, VA
Jonathan Isham, Jr., Ph.D. Research Associate Professor
Luce Professor of International Economics Department of Plant and Soil Science Susan A. Crate, Ph.D.
Department of Economics University of Vermont Associate Professor
Middlebury College Burlington, VT Department of Environmental Science
Middlebury, VT and Policy
David G. Schowalter, Ph.D. George Mason University
Matthew Landis, Ph.D. Post Mills, VT Fairfax, VA
Associate Professor
Department of Biology Michael Sheridan, Ph.D. Desiree Di Mauro, Ph.D.
Middlebury College Assistant Professor Vienna, VA
Middlebury, VT Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Middlebury College Anna B. Estes
Marc F. Lapin, Ph.D. Middlebury, VT Doctoral Candidate
Consulting Ecologist Department of Environmental Sciences
Program in Environmental Studies Stephen C. Trombulak, Ph.D. University of Virginia
Middlebury College Middlebury, VT Charlottesville, VA
Middlebury, VT
William E. Williams, Ph.D. George W. Gilchrist, Ph.D.
John W. MacArthur, Ph.D. Professor and Visiting Scholar Associate Professor
Professor Department of Biology Department of Biology
Department of Environmental Science University of Vermont College of William and Mary
Marlboro College Burlington, VT Williamsburg, VA
Marlboro, VT
Richard Wolfson, Ph.D. Art H. Goldsmith, Ph.D.
Declan J. McCabe, Ph.D. Benjamin F. Wissler Professor Professor
Assistant Professor Department of Physics Department of Economics
Department of Biology Middlebury College Washington and Lee University
Saint Michael’s College Middlebury, VT Lexington, VA
Colchester, VT
Joseph Guse, Ph.D.
Elaine McCrate, Ph.D. VIRGINIA Assistant Professor
Burlington, VT Department of Economics
Ilse Ackerman, Ph.D. Washington and Lee University
Kent P. McFarland, M.S. Harrisonburg, VA Lexington, VA
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
White River Junction, VT Robert Rayford Alexander, Ph.D. Jackson D. Harper, Ph.D.
Professor Clifton, VA
Jane Molofsky, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Studies
Associate Professor Sweet Briar College
Department of Plant Biology Sweet Briar, VA
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Joy E. Hecht, Ph.D. Rowan Lockwood, Ph.D. Jagadish Shukla, Ph.D. 6

Consultant on International Environment Associate Professor Professor
and Economics Department of Geology Department of Climate Dynamics
Arlington, VA College of William and Mary George Mason University
Williamsburg, VA Fairfax, VA
Pablo Hernandez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Allison M. Macfarlane, Ph.D. Benjamin Sovacool, Ph.D.
Hollins University Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
Roanoke, VA Department of Environmental Science Government and International Affairs
and Policy Program
Kim Hjort, Ph.D. George Mason University Virginia Polytechnic Institute
International Economic Consultant Fairfax, VA and State University
McLean, VA Blacksburg, VA
Edward Maibach, Ph.D.
Lisa Horth, Ph.D. Professor Amanda Staudt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Department of Communications Climate Scientist
Department of Biology Director Conservation Programs
Old Dominion University Center for Excellence in Climate Change National Wildlife Federation
Norfolk, VA Communication Research Reston, VA
George Mason University
Deborah A. Hutchinson, Ph.D. Fairfax, VA Cynthia Suchman, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidate Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Department of Biological Sciences Randolph A. McBride, Ph.D. Gloucester Point, VA
Old Dominion University Associate Professor
Norfolk, VA Department of Environmental Science Amy A. Thompson, Ph.D.
and Policy Department of Chemistry
Douglas B. Inkley, Ph.D. George Mason University Bridgewater College
Senior Scientist Fairfax, VA Bridgewater, VA
Conservation Programs
National Wildlife Federation Srobona Mitra, Ph.D. Andrew A. Wilson, Ph.D.
Reston, VA Arlington, VA Adjunct Faculty
Bachelors of Interdisciplinary Studies
Cynthia M. Jones, Ph.D. Francis E. Munley, Ph.D. University of Virginia
Professor Associate Professor Emeritus Charlottesville, VA
Department of Ocean, Earth, and Department of Mathematics, Computer
Atmospheric Sciences Science, and Physics Michael S. Wolosin, Ph.D.
Old Dominion University Roanoke College Arlington, VA
Norfolk, VA Salem, VA
Victor P. Zabielski, Ph.D.
James Randall Kahn, Ph.D. Frank Munley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Professor Associate Professor Department of Geology
Departments of Economics and Department of Physics Northern Virginia Community College
Environmental Studies Roanoke College Alexandria, VA
Washington and Lee University Salem, VA
Lexington, VA
Robert L. Nadeau, Ph.D. WASHINGTON
Barry A. Klinger, Ph.D. Professor
Associate Professor Department of Environmental Science Knut Aagaard, Ph.D.
Department of Climate Dynamics and Public Policy Polar Science Center
George Mason University George Mason University Applied Physics Laboratory
Fairfax, VA Fairfax, VA University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Judith C. Lang, Ph.D. Jennifer R. Olson, Ph.D.
Ophelia, VA Williamsburg, VA Becky Alexander, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Deborah Lawrence, Ph.D. Chris M. Parsons, Ph.D. Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Charlottesville, VA Professor University of Washington
Department of Environmental Science and Seattle, WA
George Mason University Simone Alin, Ph.D.
Fairfax, VA Seattle, WA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Theodore L. Anderson, Ph.D. Maria Damon, Ph.D. Bob L. Gillespie, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington Department of Agriculture and Natural
University of Washington Seattle, WA Resources
Seattle, WA Wenatchee Valley College
K. Sian Davies-Vollum, Ph.D. Wenatchee, WA
Marcia B. Baker, Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program
Professor in Environmental Science James B. Girton, Ph.D.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington, Tacoma Oceanographer
University of Washington Tacoma, WA Department of Ocean Physics, Applied
Seattle, WA Physics Laboratory
Sarah J. Doherty, Ph.D. University of Washington
Yoram Bauman, Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Fellow Seattle, WA
Lecturer Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Program on the Environment University of Washington Caleb Gostnell, M.S.
University of Washington Seattle, WA Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA
Peter Dorman, Ph.D. Martha Groom, Ph.D.
Cecilia M. Bitz, Ph.D. 6 Evergreen State College Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Olympia, WA Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington, Bothell
University of Washington Ola M. Edwards, Ph.D. Bothell, WA
Seattle, WA Retired
Department of Biology James Harsh, Ph.D.
David L. Boose, Ph.D. University of Washington Professor
Associate Professor Seattle, WA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Department of Biology Washington State University
Gonzaga University John T.A. Ely, Ph.D. Pullman, WA
Spokane, WA Research Associate Professor Emeritus
University of Washington Peter J. Hodum, Ph.D.
Christopher S. Bretherton, Ph.D. Seattle, WA Department of Biology
Professor University of Puget Sound
Department of Atmospheric Sciences Steven R. Emerson, Ph.D. 6 Tacoma, WA
University of Washington Professor
Seattle, WA Department of Oceanography Lyatt Jaegle, Ph.D.
University of Washington Associate Professor
Gardner M. Brown, Ph.D. Seattle, WA Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Professor Emeritus University of Washington
Department of Economics William F. Ettinger, Ph.D. Seattle, WA
University of Washington Professor
Seattle, WA Department of Biology Dan Jaffe, Ph.D.
Gonzaga University Professor
Robert A. Brown, Ph.D. Spokane, WA Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Professor University of Washington
Department of Atmospheric Sciences Robert G. Fleagle, Ph.D. Seattle, WA
University of Washington Professor Emeritus
Seattle, WA Department of Atmospheric Sciences Jeffrey C. Johnston, Ph.D.
University of Washington Assistant Director
Howard B. Conway, Ph.D. Seattle, WA Center for Teaching
Professor Vanderbilt University
Department of Earth and Space Sciences Qiang Fu, Ph.D. Lacey, WA
University of Washington Professor
Seattle, WA Department of Atmospheric Sciences James R. Karr, Ph.D.
University of Washington Professor Emeritus
Mariza C. Costa-Cabral, Ph.D. Seattle, WA Department of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Hydrology Futures, LLC University of Washington
Seattle, WA Richard H. Gammon, Ph.D. Seattle, WA
David L. Daggett School of Oceanography
Doctoral Candidate University of Washington
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Deborah S. Kelley, Ph.D. Susan E. Morgan, Ph.D. Thomas G. Spiro, Ph.D.

Professor Maple Falls, WA Professor
School of Oceanography Department of Chemistry
University of Washington Jan A. Newton, Ph.D. University of Washington
Seattle, WA Department of Environmental and Seattle, WA
Information Systems, Applied Physics
Eugene Kiver, Ph.D. Laboratory Richard R. Strathmann, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus University of Washington Professor
Department of Geology Seattle, WA Department of Biology
Eastern Washington University University of Washington
Cheney, WA Mark W. Oswood, Ph.D. Friday Harbor, WA
Wenatchee, WA
Michele Koppes, Ph.D. Scott Tennican
Department of Geography Charles F. Raymond, Ph.D. 6 Doctoral Candidate
University of British Columbia Professor Emeritus Department of Economics
Vancouver, WA Department of Earth and Space Sciences University of Washington
University of Washington Seattle, WA
Max F. Kummerow Seattle, WA
Doctoral Candidate LuAnne Thompson, Ph.D.
Seattle, WA Sonya M. Remington Associate Professor
Doctoral Candidate School of Oceanography
Deirdre Lockwood School of Oceanography University of Washington
Doctoral Candidate University of Washington Seattle, WA
School of Oceanography Seattle, WA
University of Washington Erik V. Thuesen, Ph.D.
Seattle, WA Fred M. Rhoades, Ph.D. Member of the Faculty
Instructor and Research Associate Department of Environmental Studies
Nathan J. Mantua, Ph.D. Department of Biology Evergreen State College
Associate Research Professor Western Washington University Olympia, WA
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Bellingham, WA
University of Washington Michael Town, Ph.D.
Seattle, WA Klaus O. Richter, Ph.D. Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Senior Ecologist University of Washington
John Marzluff, Ph.D. Department of Natural Resources and Parks Seattle, WA
Department of Forest Resources King County, Washington
University of Washington Seattle, WA Patricia A. Townsend
Seattle, WA Doctoral Candidate
Ignatius G. Rigor, Ph.D. 6 Department of Biology
Jack D. McMillen, Ph.D. Polar Science Center University of Washington
Asset Management and Protection Applied Physics Laboratory Seattle, WA
Washington Department of Natural University of Washington
Resources Seattle, WA Marjolein Van Der Veen, Ph.D.
Olympia, WA Bellevue, WA
Sievert Rohwer, Ph.D.
Miles G. McPhee, Ph.D. Professor and Curator Robert W. Vocke, Ph.D.
Naches, WA Department of Biology Retired
University of Washington Los Alamos National Laboratory
Edward L. Miles, Ph.D.2,6 Seattle, WA Husum, WA
Virginia and Prentice Bloedel Professor
School of Marine Affairs Eugene A. Rosa, Ph.D. John M. Wallace, Ph.D. 2
University of Washington Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professor Professor
Seattle, WA Department of Sociology Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Washington State University University of Washington
Claudia E. Mills, Ph.D. Pullman, WA Seattle, WA
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Friday Harbor Laboratories Elizabeth R. Schermer, Ph.D. Stephen G. Warren, Ph.D. 6
Department of Biology Department of Geology Professor
University of Washington Western Washington University Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Friday Harbor, WA Bellingham, WA University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Hendrik Wolff, Ph.D. Phil Yeager, Ph.D. Matthew H. Hitchman, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Department of Biology, Chemistry and Professor
Department of Economics Geoscience Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
University of Washington Fairmont State University Sciences
Seattle, WA Fairmont, WV University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI
Andrew W. Wood, Ph.D.
3TIER WISCONSIN Heather H. Kohls, Ph.D.
Seattle, WA Department of Economics
Margarita V. Alario, Ph.D. Marquette University
Robert Wood, Ph.D. Department of Sociology Milwaukee, WI
Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Studies
Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Doug La Follette, Ph.D.
University of Washington Whitewater, WI Madison, WI
Seattle, WA
Barbara J. Benson, Ph.D. Richard L. Lindroth, Ph.D.
Madison, WI Professor
WEST VIRGINIA Department of Entomology
Marcia G. Bjornerud, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison
Willard Douglas, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Madison, WI
Associate Professor Geology Department
Department of Chemistry Lawrence University John J. Magnuson, Ph.D. 6
West Virginia University, Parkersburg Appleton, WI Professor Emeritus
Parkersburg, WV Center for Limnology
James E. Boulter, Ph.D. Department of Zoology
Amy E. Hessl, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Geology and Geography University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Madison, WI
West Virginia University, Morgantown Eau Claire, WI
Morgantown, WV Katherine D. McMahon, Ph.D.
William A. Brock, Ph.D. 2 Assistant Professor
James B. Kotcon, Ph.D. Vilas Research Professor Department of Civil and Environmental
Associate Professor Department of Economics Engineering
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Madison
West Virginia University, Morgantown Madison, WI Madison, WI
Morgantown, WV
Sean B. Cash, Ph.D. Curt Meine, Ph.D.
Jeffrey D. May, Ph.D. Department of Consumer Science Prairie du Sac, WI
Professor University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Biological Sciences Madison, WI Lisa Naughton, Ph.D.
Marshall University Madison, WI
Huntington, WV Thomas Detwyler, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus William R. Niedzwiedz, Ph.D.
Martin A. Piehl, Ph.D. Department of Geography and Geology Green Bay, WI
Burlington, WV University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Stevens Point, WI Susan M. Nossal, Ph.D.
G. Paul Richter, Ph.D. Associate Scientist
Buckhannon, WV Chris H. Floyd, Ph.D. Department of Physics
Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin, Madison
Charles C. Somerville, Ph.D. Department of Biology Madison, WI
Professor and Head University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Department of Biological Sciences Eau Claire, WI Crispin Pierce, Ph.D.
Marshall University Assistant Professor and Program Director
Huntington, WV Christopher W. Habeck Department of Public Health Professions
Doctoral Candidate University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
David A. Whaley, Ph.D. Department of Zoology Eau Claire, WI
Retired University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Industrial and Management Madison, WI Warren P. Porter, Ph.D.
Systems Engineering Professor
West Virginia University, Morgantown Department of Zoology
Morgantown, WV University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
The endorsers of the U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Ronald P. Raunikar, Ph.D. Lance S. Weinhardt, Ph.D. Christopher A. North

Research Associate Milwaukee, WI Doctoral Candidate
Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology Department of Zoology and Physiology
University of Wisconsin, Madison John Williams, Ph.D. University of Wyoming
Madison, WI University of Wisconsin, Madison Laramie, WY
Madison, WI
Brian E. Robinson Jason Shogren, Ph.D. 6
Doctoral Candidate Thomas M. Yuill, Ph.D. Stroock Professor
Madison, WI Professor and Director Emeritus University of Wyoming
Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Laramie, WY
James Rusak, Ph.D. Studies
Assistant Scientist Department of Pathobiological Sciences John T. Tschirhart, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Madison Professor
Madison, WI Madison, WI Department of Economics and Finance
University of Wyoming
Nicanor Zeta Saliendra, Ph.D. Laramie, WY
Research Plant Physiologist WYOMING
U.S. Forest Service Gabor Vali, Ph.D.6
U.S. Department of Agriculture Edward B. Barbier, Ph.D. Professor
Rhinelander, WI John S. Bugas Professor Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Economics and Finance University of Wyoming
Ken Skog, Ph.D. University of Wyoming Laramie, WY
Madison, WI Laramie, WY

George T. Stone, Ph.D. Bart Geerts, Ph.D. U.S. TERRITORIES

Instructor Associate Professor
Department of Physical Science Department of Atmospheric Science Denny S. Fernandez del Viso, Ph.D.
Milwaukee Area Technical College University of Wyoming Associate Professor
Milwaukee, WI Laramie, WY Department of Biology
University of Puerto Rico at Humacao
David Toland Jay Gulledge, Ph.D. Humacao, PR
Doctoral Candidate Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Geography Department of Zoology and Physiology Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wyoming Professor
Madison, WI Laramie, WY Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies
University of Puerto Rico, Rió Piedras
Robin W. Tyser, Ph.D. Stephen T. Jackson, Ph.D. San Juan, PR
Professor Professor
Department of Biology Department of Botany Renata J. Platenberg, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse University of Wyoming Wildlife Biologist
La Crosse, WI Laramie, WY Division of Fish and Wildlife
Saint Thomas, VI
Christopher S. Vaughan, Ph.D. Chris J. Kennedy
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Ecology Doctoral Candidate
University of Wisconsin, Madison Laramie, WY
Madison, WI
Elizabeth M. King, Ph.D.
Donald M. Waller, Ph.D. Director
Professor Corporate Sustainability
Department of Botany EnerCrest
University of Wisconsin, Madison Jackson, WY
Madison, WI

Awards Key  1 = Nobel  2 = NAS  3 = NAE  4 = NMS  5 = MacArthur  6 = IPCC

I n stituti o n a l A f f i l i a ti o n f o r I de n ti f ic a ti o n P u r p o ses O n l y
U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and
Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Endorser Criteria: Ph.D. or doctoral candidate professionals with expertise

relevant to our understanding of the scientific and economic dimensions
of climate change, its impacts, and solutions.

Key to Awards and Honors

1 Nobel Laureate: Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Economics, or Physics

2 NAS: Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences

of the National Academies

3 NAE: Member of the United States National Academy of Engineering

of the National Academies

4 NMS: Recipient of the United States National Medal of Science

5 MacArthur: Recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship Award

6 IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Lead author,

contributing author, or review editor on an assessment or special
report. The IPCC shares the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
Since the release of the third IPCC climate assess- The market has proven to be an effective mecha-
ment report, I have become more pessimistic about nism for mitigating fossil fuel emissions. Successful
the observed and potential adverse impacts of cli- cap and trade programs have been implemented
mate change. These impacts are being observed in both the United States and Europe. Reducing
more quickly, and in some cases more severely, greenhouse gas emissions requires carbon to
than my colleagues and I thought when we were be priced, and cap and trade is a proven market
writing the 2001 report. mechanism for achieving that.
J o e l Sm i t h Bruce Mizrach
Stratus Consulting, Inc., Boulder, CO; Coordinating Lead Author, Third Associate Professor of Economics, Rutgers University, NJ
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Immediate action is necessary to avoid

Investing now in energy efficiency and low-carbon
the worst consequences of global warming on
technologies not only will create new business
Michigan’s economy and environment, including
opportunities, but is also likely to be less expensive
the Great Lakes. While slowing the damaging
than a crash program to implement these solutions
effects of climate change is an enormous challenge,
at a future date, when it will be more difficult to
it also presents Michigan with real opportunities
limit climate impacts.
to reinvigorate our economy and improve our
Anthony C. Fisher
Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Agricultural and
quality of life.
Resource Economics Department, University of California, Berkeley D o n a l d Sc a v i a
Graham Family Professor of Environmental Sustainability, Professor
of Natural Resources and Environment, and Professor of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan; Director, Graham
Ample scientific evidence shows that global warm- Environmental Sustainability Institute; Special Counsel to the University
ing threatens public health—longer heat waves harm of Michigan President for Sustainability

the sick, poor, and elderly; extreme weather leads to

deaths and injuries; increases in ground-level ozone Leadership from Pennsylvania colleges and uni-
are linked to respiratory illnesses like asthma. versities demonstrate that significant greenhouse
Reducing carbon emissions now is an investment gas (GHG) reductions can be made cost-effectively.
in a healthy future for our families. At least 35 member schools of the Pennsylvania
Bernard D. Goldstein Environmental Resource Consortium have conducted
Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and
Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh GHG inventories, established significant reduction
targets, and developed strategies to achieve these
reductions; many have shared their expertise
The costs and risks of inaction are overwhelmingly
with local governments.
worse than the moderate and manageable costs of
Donald A. Brown
an immediate effort to reduce carbon emissions. Associate Professor, Environmental Ethics, Science, and Law, Pennsylvania
State University; Director, Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium
F r a n k Ack e r m a n
Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University

Printed on 100% post-consumer, process chlorine-free

paper with soy-based inks.

Front Cover Photos: Sea ice (NASA), Wind (Wind Capital Group),
Scientist (Dan Grossman), Stock Exchange (Jupiter Images)

Back Cover Photos: Rotunda (Jupiter Images), White House

The United States worked with other In the economic emergency we are
nations to take on the ozone threat; so, experiencing, some people think that we
too, must we lead the international effort cannot afford to address the problem of
to reduce heat-trapping emissions that climate change. It’s the other way around:
cause climate change. If we don’t act now we will run into even
Mario J. Molina greater economic problems in the future.
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Center for Atmospheric
Elinor Ostrom
Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of Califor-
Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington; Nobel Prize Winner
nia, San Diego; Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry; Member, National
in Economics; Member, National Academy of Sciences
Academy of Sciences; Co-organizer, U.S. Scientists and Economists’
Call for Swift and Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The economic and social costs of global Economists now join climate scientists
warming could be huge. We need to act in a unified call for action to address the
now to limit them. causes of climate change. Failure to act
Eric Maskin now is the most risky and most expensive
Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science, Institute for thing we could do.
Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics;
Member, National Academy of Sciences; Kempe Award in James J. McCarthy
Environmental Economics Alexander Agassiz Professor of Biological Oceanography, Depart-
ment of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Department
of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, MA; Co-chair,
Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change; Lead Author, Arctic Climate Impact Assessment; Past
President, American Association for the Advancement of Science;
Co-organizer, U.S. Scientists and Economists’ Call for Swift and
Deep Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists on behalf of the statement endorsers.

To view and download signers in your state, visit

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