Rewarding: The Desired Behavior Is Reinforced Every Single Time It Occurs. Time

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Reinforcement - any event that strengthens or increases the behavior it

A) Positive reinforcement - This occurs when a behavior is followed by
a stimulus that is appetitive or rewarding, increasing the frequency of
that behavior.
B) Negative reinforcement - This occurs when a behavior is followed by
the removal of an aversive stimulus, thereby increasing that behavior's

Punishment Opposite of reinforcement since it is designed to weaken or

eliminate a response rather than increase it.
A) Positive punishment Involves the presentation of an unfavorable
event or outcome in order to weaken the response it follows
B) Negative punishment Involves the removal of a favorable event or
outcome in order to weaken the response it follows.

Scheduled reinforcements - basically a rule stating which instances of a

behavior will be reinforced. In some case, a behavior might be reinforced
every time it occurs.
A) Continuous reinforcement - the desired behavior is
reinforced every single time it occurs.
B) Partial reinforcement - the response is reinforced only part of the
1) Fixed- ratio schedules - a response is reinforced only after a
specified number of responses.
2) Variable- ratio schedules - a response is reinforced after an
unpredictable number of responses.
3) Fixed- interval schedules - the first response is rewarded only
after a specified amount of time has elapsed.
4) Variable- interval schedules - a response is rewarded after an
unpredictable amount of time has passed.

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