Fa3 3 Evidence 1 - Lesson Plan
Fa3 3 Evidence 1 - Lesson Plan
Fa3 3 Evidence 1 - Lesson Plan
Unit Co-ord./Lecturer
Greg Ashman
Tutor:(if applicable)
Greg Ashman
Student ID
Student Name
Yang LIU
Unit Code
Unit Name
Assessment Task
Word Count
I declare that all material in this assessment task is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference
to the work of others and I have complied and agreed to the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on
the University website at www.utas.edu.au/plagiarism *
Assessors feedback:
Assessment Task:
Assessors Signature (optional):
Assessment 2
Part A:
Year Level: 7 (beginners)
Lesson Period:
40 minutes (9:00-9:40)
Contextual information:
This is a class of 20 students following the second language learner pathway at Year 7 entry level.
Characters are always taught with pinyin and tone syllables and learning is focused on speaking,
listening and reading. Students have learned greetings and introducing names of themselves and
others. They know simple Chinese sentence structure, verb be, adverbs yes, no, not and
personal pronouns.
Links to the Australian Curriculum (AC):
Communication: socialising
sharing personal information about oneself and family with peers (ACLCHC001)
participating in posting on a shared blog and exchanging personal information with
students from sister schools (ACLCHC082)
Locate and share with known audiences factual information about people, places and
events from a range of oral texts (ACLCHC083)
Reflect on personal experiences and observations of using and learning Chinese language
in familiar contexts, and use these reflections to improve communication (ACLCHC089)
Understanding: systems of language
Recognise the tone-syllable nature of the spoken language, discriminate use of tones,
rhythm, and sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support learning the spoken
language. (ACLCHU090)
Identify and use the characteristics of Chinese word order and explain the use of Chinesespecific grammatical features (ACLCHU092)
Discuss how language choices reflect cultural practices, including clarifying roles and
relationships between participants in interactions (ACLCHU096)
Strategies: use of flashcards, questions and answers, brainstorming, Presentation-PracticeProduction (PPP) model, group work
Lesson 1
Learning Outcomes:
understand and use Chinese numbers in social contexts;
consolidate sentences structures, personal pronouns, the adverb not and verb
Link to AC: ACLCHC001, ACLCHU090, ACLCHU092
Provide language
Greet each student at the door, give each a flashcard with
input in social
a Chinese number character and Arabic number from one
to five, and say You are No. ____ in Chinese
Explicit Teaching/Direct Instruction
Cater for different
Write characters with corresponding Arabic numbers from learning needs and
one to five on the whiteboard.
learning styles
Practise pronunciation with hand gestures. (Chinese
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Assessment 2
Learning Outcomes:
review numbers and ask about others date of birth
consolidate sentences structures, personal pronouns, and use of be.
Links to AC: ACLCHC001, ACLCHC083, ACLCHC089, ACLCHU090,
Repeat the greeting and number allocation process with
five numbers chosen from 1 to 20.
Direct Instruction
Introduce and explain (birthday) and
(when); (year), (month), (day).
Practise pronunciation.
Heuristic Teaching
Build on old
Review Chinese sentence structure and personal pronouns knowledge and
Students figure out how to say When is your/his/her
construct new
birthday? and My/His/Her birthday is ____. (e.g.10
October, 2002) in groups.
(Chinese years are numbers pronounced separately, e.g.
2002 is 2-0-0-2. There are no new characters involved
such as hundred and thousand.)
Confirm and practise pronunciation.
Group Work: class birthday table
An activity similar to the class age table
Assessment Task: brainstorming
Foster reflection and
Brainstorm on an A3 paper in groups about what they metacognition
have learned.
Lesson 6
Learning Outcomes:
review numbers and age-related expressions
consolidate sentences structures, personal pronouns and the use of simple verbs;
use ICT to introduce themselves online.
Links to AC: ACLCHC001, ACLCHC082, ACLCHC083, ACLCHC089,
Repeat the greeting and number allocation process with
five numbers chosen from 1 to 20.
Whole-class Work: Detective Game
Assess listening and
Every member interviews the other four groups in Chinese speaking
to learn about their ages, birthdays and zodiac signs.
One member per group lies only once to one member per
Compare notes in their home group (English is ok) and
find out the liar.
Assessment Task: a class video blog
Integrate knowledge
Post a self-introduction video with information about their and assess ICT skills
name, age, birthday, Chinese zodiac sign, pictures, etc. on
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Part B:
The choice of learning outcomes is based on Year 7 and Year 8 achievement standards for
second language learners. The basic aim of this lesson sequence is for students to interact in
familiar contexts to exchange personal information and seek clarification about age with new
words and phrases while reviewing and consolidating prior knowledge about personal pronouns,
positive and negative adverbs (yes and no), and the verb of identification and existence (be) at the
same time. Moreover, they will consolidate their knowledge about the word order of Chinese
sentences by making new sentences with reference to previously-learned sentence structures and
their differences from English sentences. They will become more familiar with Pinyin, tone
syllables and character features without the pressure of putting them in writing. Furthermore, they
will deepen their intercultural understanding by learning about number preferences, calendars and
zodiac signs and becoming aware of cultural differences and their influence on people and
communication. In general, students will be able to progress in language learning through a
pattern of words, phrases, sentences to intercultural understanding, and consolidate their new
knowledge by constantly building connections with prior knowledge and construct meanings for
themselves in relevant contexts.
Student diversity is considered in terms of design, pedagogy and assessment. The
principle of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with assistive technologies is adopted to allow
multiple ways of representation (flashcards, hand signs and video watching), engagement (Hachi
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Pachi, jigsaw puzzles and detective games) and expression (oral quiz, group reflection and video
blog) to cater for students different learning needs and styles (Alnahdi, 2014; Ashman, 2015;
Hall, Strangman & Meyer, 2003; Reid, 1987). Besides, teaching is informed by language
acquisition theory and sociocultural theory (Krashen, 1982; Mitchell, Myles, & Marsden, 2013).
Pedagogy like direct instruction, explicit teaching, heuristic teaching, PPP model and group work
is used to provide adequate input and opportunities for students to support each other in learning
(Harmer, 2009; Killen, 2013). Total Physical Response and communicative approaches are
commonly used (Al Harrasi, 2014; Jabeen, 2014). Moreover, diverse assessment activities
are employed to cater for different learning styles, evaluate students performance and create
opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different forms. Since it is the
beginning of Chinese language learning for second language learners, their Chinese entry levels
are similar, but with the progress of learning, diverse strategies will be used to assess their
language levels.
Language learning in this sequence is closely related to the general capabilities in the
Australian Curriculum: Chinese (ACARA, 2015). First, resources, classroom routines and
activities are conducive to enhance students literacy including multiple literacy, classroom oracy
and critical literacy, which will in turn benefit students English literacy and critical thinking
abilities (Campbell & Green, 2006). Besides, number games are simple, but are conducive to
inspiring students interest and increasing their numeracy by reinforcing concepts such as number
and time (ACARA, 2015). Moreover, the task of creating and posting videos on the online class
blog encourages creativity and hones students skills in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). In addition, activities that inform students about different cultural practices
such as number preferences, lunar calendar and zodiac signs will increase students awareness of
Chinese culture and promote intercultural understanding, which are beneficial to the cohesion of
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Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL
implementation. Retrieved 10 April, 2015 from
Harmer, J. (2009). How to Teach English (5th ed.). Harlow: Longman.
Mitchell, R., Myles, F., & Marsden, E. (2013). Second language learning theories (3rd ed.).
London: Routledge.
Orton, J. (2010). The current state of Chinese language education in Australian schools. Carlton:
Education Services Australia.
Orton, J., Tee, J., Gong, J., McCulloch, J., Zhao, Y., and McRae, D. (2012).
Profiles of Chinese language programs in Victorian schools. Melbourne:
The University of Melbourne. Retrieved 6 April, 2015 from
Phillips, J., Ray, K., & Barnes, H. (2007). Social cohesion in diverse communities. York: Joseph
Rowntree Foundation.
Reid, J. M. (1987). The learning style preferences of ESL students. TESOL quarterly, 21(1), 87111.
Rosenholtz, S. J. (1991). Teachers' workplace: The social organization of schools. New York:
Teachers College Press.
ahin, Y. (2011). The importance of the foreign language learning contributing to world peace.
Online Submission, 8(5), 580-588.
Swearingen, R. (2002). A Primer: Diagnostic, Formative, & Summative Assessment.
Washington: Heritage University. Retrieved October 18, 2014 from
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Assignment 2
A strongly articulated,
sequenced and developed
link to other curriculum
areas resulting in an
integrated approach
Evaluations have
seamlessly integrated into
comprehensive links to
teaching and learning
tasks that have been well
resourced, sequenced and
delivered. An extremely
sound professional
understanding of
requirements for teaching
Ample authoritative
literature used throughout
to support discussion.
References integrated
thoroughly into work.
Knowledge and
implementation of
academic conventionsspelling, punctuation
grammar, sentence
structure at a high level
Very few, if any, errors in
spelling, grammar & APA
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