Ies Ese 2015 Conv Question Paper Electrical Ee I

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m n i ON; 54 "| A~GTD-O-FDAA ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Paper—I (Conventional) Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 202 INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : Candidates should attempt FIVE questions in all. Awestion No. 1 is compulsory. Ou ‘Of the remaining SIX questions attempt any FOUR questions. : The number of marks carried by a part/question is indicated against it. Answers must be written in ENGLISH only. Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard meanings, Assume suitable data, if necessary, and indicate the same clearly. Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required. All parts and sub-parts of a question are to be attempted together in the answer book. Aitempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. 1, (a) Determine the Thevenin Resistance for the ci-cuit shown in Fig. I(a). 10 I tA} a 41 90 18Q © Fig. 1(a) (b) Determine current I through the 10 Q resistances shown in Fig. 1(b) below : 10 102 3A I + 51) 102 10a Fig. 1() (c) A PMMC instrument has ened, what would be c(t) and the associatzd t:me constant ? (iii) In which of the above two czses, the response would be faster ? 10 3 (Contd.: ee (g) R(s) | For the feedback control system shown below, s+] Cis) (a) (@) (b) Fig. 1(g) determine the sensitivity of closed loop transfer function with variation in parameter ‘K’ at w = 1.5 rad/sec. Assume, the normal process parameter value of K is 1. 10 List at least two essential properties of each material that are necessary for construction of medium rating power transformer. 10 Two mutually coupled identical coils are connected in series having self inductance L = 4 mH and mutual inductance M = 2 mH, what is the maximum ratio ‘of two possible values of effective inductances ? Determine the coefficient of coupling between the two coils. 10 The following readings were observed when measuring a voltage. S.No.| 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 | Volts 532 | 548 | 543 | 535 | 546 | 531 | 543 | 536 4 (Contd.) () (a) (b) (c) Calculate : (i) Average deviation (ii) Standard deviation (iii) Probable error of on> reading. 10 Determine the E field using Gauss’s law caused by a spherical cloud of e'ectron with a volume charge density PG 9, )=P.>; O 0) and «= 3 e,< 0), then find the expressions for D, and E, in medium | and D, in medium 2 with known electric field in medium 2 is E, = 101, + 203, 10 ‘A two port network follows the following voltage- current relations : 1, = 2v, -V, 21, =e 2V, + 4V, Determine z-parameters of the network and its T-equivalent circuit. 10 The field of a dc servomotor is separately excited by means of a de amplifier of gain Ky = 90. A voltage proportional to field current is now fedback negatively to the amplifier input as indicated in following figure. Determine the value of K so that field time constant is reduced to 4 millisecond. | L=2H 10 So & kK, KR : s0a=R ge \ -e + (50 ohms) Po Fig. 4(b) 6 (Contd.) (c) Explain the behavior of ferromagnetic materials above and below the Curie temperature. to (a) Show that the voltage V across R shown in Fig. 5(a) is incependent of R. at radian frequency w of voltage source when wL C= WLC, =1 Find also the expression of this voltage. 1¢ L, L, OOO TH R =o, / Fig. 5(a) (b) A unity feedback control system is characterisec by openloop transfer function K(s+13) . s(s+3)(s+7) Using Routh’s criteria, determir the vale of gain “K’ for which system will be limitedly stable ? Also, determine the closed loop poles for this value of ‘K’, 10 G(s) = (c) What is the term o/we called ia the study of EM waves ? Find general expression of attenuation constant o and relate with skin depth 3. Prove that the skin depth 5 is independent of frequency when o/@€ << 1 (poor conductor) and decreeses with frequency when G/we >> 1 (gcod conductor). 10 7 (Contd.) (a) Find all the four canonical forms of the impedance 2(s) = s + 1. State if you observe some specia_ity in these realisations. 10 K(s? +6s +10) s?+2s+10 H(s) = 1. Obtain K = 0, K = » points in root-loci Show that the root-loci are arcs of a circle centred at origin with radius equal to V10. to (b) The system is described by G(s) = (c) How the four quantities E, D, H and B are related to each other in static and time varying fields ? Name the relation as laws. Give the value of divergence and curl of each quantity. 10 (a) Determine overall z-parameters when two identical 2-port networks with 2, = 2) = 2) = 2) = 20 are connected in cascade. 19 (b) The block diagram of the system is shown ia Fig. 7(b) given below : RG) Kea) 10 | Cs) —> (s+ 2) > 4 —— s (s+3) Fig. 7(b) Obtain the phase crossover frequency. 10 (c) What is the difference between the coaxial cable used for power line and the one used in an electronic circuit ? Derive an expression of capacitance for such a cable per unit length. 10 8 ae

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